QSize UIMachineViewScale::calculateMaxGuestSize() const
    /* 1) The calculation below is not reliable on some (X11) platforms until we
     *    have been visible for a fraction of a second, so so the best we can
     *    otherwise.
     * 2) We also get called early before "machineWindow" has been fully
     *    initialised, at which time we can't perform the calculation. */
    if (!isVisible())
        return workingArea().size() * 0.95;
    /* The area taken up by the machine window on the desktop, including window
     * frame, title, menu bar and status bar. */
    QSize windowSize = machineWindow()->frameGeometry().size();
    /* The window shouldn't be allowed to expand beyond the working area
     * unless it already does.  In that case the guest shouldn't expand it
     * any further though. */
    QSize maximumSize = workingArea().size().expandedTo(windowSize);
    /* The current size of the machine display. */
    QSize centralWidgetSize = machineWindow()->centralWidget()->size();
    /* To work out how big the guest display can get without the window going
     * over the maximum size we calculated above, we work out how much space
     * the other parts of the window (frame, menu bar, status bar and so on)
     * take up and subtract that space from the maximum window size. The
     * central widget shouldn't be bigger than the window, but we bound it for
     * sanity (or insanity) reasons. */
    return maximumSize - (windowSize - centralWidgetSize.boundedTo(windowSize));
void UIMachineViewSeamless::normalizeGeometry(bool /* fAdjustPosition */)
    /* Check if we should adjust guest to new size: */
    if ((int)frameBuffer()->width() != workingArea().size().width() ||
        (int)frameBuffer()->height() != workingArea().size().height())
        if (uisession()->isGuestSupportsGraphics())
void UIMachineViewFullscreen::sltAdditionsStateChanged()
    /* Check if we should restrict minimum size: */

    /* Check if we should resize guest to fullscreen */
    if ((int)frameBuffer()->width() != workingArea().size().width() ||
            (int)frameBuffer()->height() != workingArea().size().height())
        if (m_bIsGuestAutoresizeEnabled && uisession()->isGuestSupportsGraphics())
void UIMachineViewFullscreen::sltAdditionsStateChanged()
    /* Check if we should restrict minimum size: */

    /* Check if we should resize guest to fullscreen, all the
     * required features will be tested in sltPerformGuestResize(...): */
    if ((int)frameBuffer()->width() != workingArea().size().width() ||
        (int)frameBuffer()->height() != workingArea().size().height())
bool UIMachineViewSeamless::eventFilter(QObject *pWatched, QEvent *pEvent)
    if (pWatched != 0 && pWatched == machineWindow())
        switch (pEvent->type())
            case QEvent::Resize:
                /* Send guest-resize hint only if top window resizing to required dimension: */
                QResizeEvent *pResizeEvent = static_cast<QResizeEvent*>(pEvent);
                if (pResizeEvent->size() != workingArea().size())

                /* Recalculate max guest size: */
                /* And resize guest to that size: */
                if (uisession()->isGuestSupportsGraphics())
                    QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(sltPerformGuestResize()));

    return UIMachineView::eventFilter(pWatched, pEvent);
bool UIMachineViewFullscreen::eventFilter(QObject *pWatched, QEvent *pEvent)
    /* Who are we watching? */
    QMainWindow *pMainDialog = machineWindowWrapper() && machineWindowWrapper()->machineWindow() ?
                               qobject_cast<QMainWindow*>(machineWindowWrapper()->machineWindow()) : 0;

    if (pWatched != 0 && pWatched == pMainDialog)
        switch (pEvent->type())
            case QEvent::Resize:
                /* Send guest-resize hint only if top window resizing to required dimension: */
                QResizeEvent *pResizeEvent = static_cast<QResizeEvent*>(pEvent);
                if (pResizeEvent->size() != workingArea().size())

                /* Set the "guest needs to resize" hint.
                 * This hint is acted upon when (and only when) the autoresize property is "true": */
                m_fShouldWeDoResize = uisession()->isGuestSupportsGraphics();
                if (m_bIsGuestAutoresizeEnabled && m_fShouldWeDoResize)
                    QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(sltPerformGuestResize()));

    return UIMachineView::eventFilter(pWatched, pEvent);
void UIMachineViewFullscreen::calculateDesktopGeometry()
    /* This method should not get called until we have initially set up the desktop geometry type: */
    Assert((desktopGeometryType() != DesktopGeo_Invalid));
    /* If we are not doing automatic geometry calculation then there is nothing to do: */
    if (desktopGeometryType() == DesktopGeo_Automatic)
        m_desktopGeometry = workingArea().size();
void UIMachineViewSeamless::adjustGuestScreenSize()
    /* Acquire working-area size: */
    const QSize workingAreaSize = workingArea().size();
    /* Acquire frame-buffer size: */
    QSize frameBufferSize(frameBuffer()->width(), frameBuffer()->height());
    /* Take the scale-factor(s) into account: */
    frameBufferSize = scaledForward(frameBufferSize);
    /* Check if we should adjust guest-screen to new size: */
    if (frameBuffer()->isAutoEnabled() ||
        frameBufferSize != workingAreaSize)
        if (uisession()->isGuestSupportsGraphics() &&
void UIMachineViewScale::calculateDesktopGeometry()
    /* This method should not get called until we have initially set up the desktop geometry type: */
    Assert((desktopGeometryType() != DesktopGeo_Invalid));
    /* If we are not doing automatic geometry calculation then there is nothing to do: */
    if (desktopGeometryType() == DesktopGeo_Automatic)
        /* The area taken up by the machine window on the desktop,
         * including window frame, title, menu bar and status bar: */
        QRect windowGeo = machineWindowWrapper()->machineWindow()->frameGeometry();
        /* The area taken up by the machine central widget, so excluding all decorations: */
        QRect centralWidgetGeo = static_cast<QMainWindow*>(machineWindowWrapper()->machineWindow())->centralWidget()->geometry();
        /* To work out how big we can make the console window while still fitting on the desktop,
         * we calculate workingArea() - (windowGeo - centralWidgetGeo).
         * This works because the difference between machine window and machine central widget
         * (or at least its width and height) is a constant. */
        m_desktopGeometry = QSize(workingArea().width() - (windowGeo.width() - centralWidgetGeo.width()),
                                  workingArea().height() - (windowGeo.height() - centralWidgetGeo.height()));
QSize UIMachineViewNormal::calculateMaxGuestSize() const
    /* The area taken up by the machine window on the desktop, including window
     * frame, title, menu bar and status bar. */
    QSize windowSize = machineWindow()->frameGeometry().size();
    /* The window shouldn't be allowed to expand beyond the working area
     * unless it already does.  In that case the guest shouldn't expand it
     * any further though. */
    QSize maximumSize = workingArea().size().expandedTo(windowSize);
    /* The current size of the machine display. */
    QSize centralWidgetSize = machineWindow()->centralWidget()->size();
    /* To work out how big the guest display can get without the window going
     * over the maximum size we calculated above, we work out how much space
     * the other parts of the window (frame, menu bar, status bar and so on)
     * take up and subtract that space from the maximum window size. The 
     * central widget shouldn't be bigger than the window, but we bound it for
     * sanity (or insanity) reasons. */
    return maximumSize - (windowSize - centralWidgetSize.boundedTo(windowSize));
bool UIMachineViewFullscreen::eventFilter(QObject *pWatched, QEvent *pEvent)
    if (pWatched != 0 && pWatched == machineWindow())
        switch (pEvent->type())
        case QEvent::Resize:
            /* Send guest-resize hint only if top window resizing to required dimension: */
            QResizeEvent *pResizeEvent = static_cast<QResizeEvent*>(pEvent);
            if (pResizeEvent->size() != workingArea().size())

            if (m_bIsGuestAutoresizeEnabled && uisession()->isGuestSupportsGraphics())
                QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(sltPerformGuestResize()));

    return UIMachineView::eventFilter(pWatched, pEvent);
QSize UIMachineViewFullscreen::calculateMaxGuestSize() const
    return workingArea().size();
void UIMachineViewFullscreen::normalizeGeometry(bool /* fAdjustPosition */)
QSize UIMachineViewSeamless::calculateMaxGuestSize() const
    return workingArea().size();
void UIMachineViewFullscreen::adjustGuestScreenSize()
    /* Should we adjust guest-screen size? Logging paranoia is required here to reveal the truth. */
    LogRel(("GUI: UIMachineViewFullscreen::adjustGuestScreenSize: Adjust guest-screen size if necessary.\n"));
    bool fAdjust = false;

    /* Step 1: Was the guest-screen enabled automatically? */
    if (!fAdjust)
        if (frameBuffer()->isAutoEnabled())
            LogRel2(("GUI: UIMachineViewFullscreen::adjustGuestScreenSize: Guest-screen was enabled automatically, adjustment is required.\n"));
            fAdjust = true;
    /* Step 2: Is the guest-screen of another size than necessary? */
    if (!fAdjust)
        /* Acquire frame-buffer size: */
        QSize frameBufferSize(frameBuffer()->width(), frameBuffer()->height());
        /* Take the scale-factor(s) into account: */
        frameBufferSize = scaledForward(frameBufferSize);

        /* Acquire working-area size: */
        const QSize workingAreaSize = workingArea().size();

        if (frameBufferSize != workingAreaSize)
            LogRel2(("GUI: UIMachineViewFullscreen::adjustGuestScreenSize: Guest-screen is of another size than necessary, adjustment is required.\n"));
            fAdjust = true;

    /* Step 3: Is guest-additions supports graphics? */
    if (fAdjust)
        if (!uisession()->isGuestSupportsGraphics())
            LogRel2(("GUI: UIMachineViewFullscreen::adjustGuestScreenSize: Guest-additions are not supporting graphics, adjustment is omitted.\n"));
            fAdjust = false;
    /* Step 4: Is guest-screen visible? */
    if (fAdjust)
        if (!uisession()->isScreenVisible(screenId()))
            LogRel2(("GUI: UIMachineViewFullscreen::adjustGuestScreenSize: Guest-screen is not visible, adjustment is omitted.\n"));
            fAdjust = false;
    /* Step 5: Is guest-screen auto-resize enabled? */
    if (fAdjust)
        if (!m_bIsGuestAutoresizeEnabled)
            LogRel2(("GUI: UIMachineViewFullscreen::adjustGuestScreenSize: Guest-screen auto-resize is disabled, adjustment is omitted.\n"));
            fAdjust = false;

    /* Final step: Adjust if requested/allowed. */
    if (fAdjust)
        /* And remember the size to know what we are resizing out of when we exit: */
        uisession()->setLastFullScreenSize(screenId(), scaledForward(scaledBackward(workingArea().size())));