straightenMeshUpdateEdgesOnBoundaryIsolated( ElementSpaceType & straightener, mpl::int_<3> /**/ )
    typedef typename ElementSpaceType::functionspace_type space_type;
    typedef typename space_type::mesh_type mesh_type;
    typedef typename space_type::dof_type::fe_type fe_type;

    auto const ncdof = space_type::dof_type::nComponents;
    auto const dofshift = fe_type::nDofPerVertex*mesh_type::element_type::numVertices;

    auto mesh = straightener.mesh();
    auto const myrank = mesh->worldComm().localRank();

    std::set<size_type> edgeIdFoundToUpdate;

    // search if there are some edges on boundary which are the interface of two ghost boundary faces
    // in this case this edges must not be straigthen
    auto itedge = mesh->beginEdgeOnBoundary();
    auto const enedge = mesh->endEdgeOnBoundary();
    for ( ; itedge!=enedge ; ++itedge )
        if ( itedge->numberOfProcGhost()==0 ) continue;

        auto const theedgeid = itedge->id();
        std::set<size_type> ghostFaceIdFoundOnBoundary;

        auto itprocghost=itedge->elementsGhost().begin();
        auto const enprocghost=itedge->elementsGhost().end();
        for ( ; itprocghost!=enprocghost ; ++itprocghost)
            auto iteltghost = itprocghost->second.begin();
            auto const eneltghost = itprocghost->second.end();
            for ( ; iteltghost!=eneltghost ; ++iteltghost )
                auto const& eltGhost = mesh->element(*iteltghost,itprocghost->first);
                for ( uint16_type f = 0 ; f < mesh_type::element_type::numTopologicalFaces ; ++f )
                    auto const& theface = eltGhost.face(f);
                    if ( theface.isOnBoundary() )
                        bool findEdge=false;
                        for ( uint16_type e = 0; e < mesh_type::face_type::numEdges && !findEdge ; ++e )
                            if ( theface.edge(e).id() == theedgeid) { findEdge=true; ghostFaceIdFoundOnBoundary.insert(theface.id());}
        } // for ( ; itprocghost!=enprocghost ; ++itprocghost)

        // if 2 faces are find then the edge must not be straigten
        if (ghostFaceIdFoundOnBoundary.size()==2) edgeIdFoundToUpdate.insert(theedgeid);

    } // for ( ; itedge!=enedge ; ++itedge )

    // apply a null displacement on egdes founded (not straighten)
    if (edgeIdFoundToUpdate.size() > 0)
        auto range = elements(mesh,EntityProcessType::ALL);
        auto iteltactif = range.template get<1>();
        auto const eneltactif = range.template get<2>();
        for ( ; iteltactif!=eneltactif ; ++iteltactif )
            auto const& curElt = boost::unwrap_ref(*iteltactif);
            if ( !curElt.isOnBoundary() ) continue;

            for ( uint16_type e = 0; e < mesh_type::element_type::numEdges ; ++e )
                if ( edgeIdFoundToUpdate.find(curElt.edge(e).id()) != edgeIdFoundToUpdate.end())
                    // find edge
                    auto const idEltFind = curElt.id();
                    for ( uint16_type locdof = 0 ; locdof<fe_type::nDofPerEdge ; ++locdof )
                        auto const local_id = dofshift + e*fe_type::nDofPerEdge + locdof;
                        for ( uint16_type comp = 0; comp < ncdof; ++comp )
                            const size_type globdof = straightener.functionSpace()->dof()->localToGlobal( idEltFind, local_id, comp ).template get<0>();
                            straightener( globdof ) = 0;
        } // for ( ; iteltactif!=eneltactif ; ++iteltactif )
    } // if (edgeIdFoundToUpdate.size() > 0)

} // straightenMeshUpdateEdgesOnBoundaryIsolated
typename CRBTrilinear<TruthModelType>::convergence_type

    int proc_number = this->worldComm().globalRank();

    bool rebuild_database = boption(_name="crb.rebuild-database") ;
    bool orthonormalize_primal = boption(_name="crb.orthonormalize-primal") ;

    boost::timer ti;
    if( this->worldComm().isMasterRank() )
        std::cout << "Offline CRBTrilinear starts, this may take a while until Database is computed..."<<std::endl;
    LOG(INFO) << "[CRBTrilinear::offline] Starting offline for output " << this->M_output_index << "\n";
    LOG(INFO) << "[CRBTrilinear::offline] initialize underlying finite element model\n";
    LOG( INFO )<< " -- model init done in " << ti.elapsed() << "s";

    parameter_type mu( this->M_Dmu );

    double delta_pr;
    double delta_du;
    size_type index;
    //if M_N == 0 then there is not an already existing database
    if ( rebuild_database || this->M_N == 0)


        LOG(INFO) << "[CRBTrilinear::offline] compute random sampling\n";

        int total_proc = this->worldComm().globalSize();
        std::string sampling_mode = soption("crb.sampling-mode");
        bool all_proc_same_sampling=boption("crb.all-procs-have-same-sampling");
        int sampling_size = ioption("crb.sampling-size");
        std::string file_name = ( boost::format("M_Xi_%1%_"+sampling_mode+"-proc%2%on%3%") % sampling_size %proc_number %total_proc ).str();
        if( all_proc_same_sampling )

        std::ifstream file ( file_name );

        if( ! file )

            // random sampling
            std::string supersamplingname =(boost::format("Dmu-%1%-generated-by-master-proc") %sampling_size ).str();

            if( sampling_mode == "log-random" )
                this->M_Xi->randomize( sampling_size , all_proc_same_sampling , supersamplingname );
            else if( sampling_mode == "log-equidistribute" )
                this->M_Xi->logEquidistribute( sampling_size , all_proc_same_sampling , supersamplingname );
            else if( sampling_mode == "equidistribute" )
                this->M_Xi->equidistribute( sampling_size , all_proc_same_sampling , supersamplingname );
                throw std::logic_error( "[CRBTrilinear::offline] ERROR invalid option crb.sampling-mode, please select between log-random, log-equidistribute or equidistribute" );
            //M_Xi->equidistribute( this->vm()["crb.sampling-size"].template as<int>() );



        this->M_WNmu->setSuperSampling( this->M_Xi );

        LOG( INFO )<<"[CRBTrilinear offline] M_error_type = "<<this->M_error_type<<std::endl;

        LOG(INFO) << " -- sampling init done in " << ti.elapsed() << "s";

        // empty sets
        if( this->M_error_type == CRB_NO_RESIDUAL )
            mu = this->M_Dmu->element();
            // start with M_C = { arg min mu, mu \in Xi }
            boost::tie( mu, index ) = this->M_Xi->min();

        int size = mu.size();
        //std::cout << " -- WN size :  " << M_WNmu->size() << "\n";

        // dimension of reduced basis space
        this->M_N = 0;

        this->M_maxerror = 1e10;
        delta_pr = 0;
        delta_du = 0;
        //boost::tie( M_maxerror, mu, index ) = maxErrorBounds( N );

        LOG(INFO) << "[CRBTrilinear::offline] allocate reduced basis data structures\n";

        this->M_Aqm_pr.resize( this->M_model->Qa() );
        for(int q=0; q<this->M_model->Qa(); q++)
            this->M_Aqm_pr[q].resize( 1 );

        M_Aqm_tril_pr.resize( this->M_model->QaTri() );

        //for(int q=0; q<this->M_model->QaTri(); q++)
        this->M_Fqm_pr.resize( this->M_model->Ql( 0 ) );

        for(int q=0; q<this->M_model->Ql( 0 ); q++)
            this->M_Fqm_pr[q].resize( 1 );

        this->M_Lqm_pr.resize( this->M_model->Ql( this->M_output_index ) );
        for(int q=0; q<this->M_model->Ql( this->M_output_index ); q++)
            this->M_Lqm_pr[q].resize( 1 );

    }//end of if( rebuild_database )
#if 1
        mu = this->M_current_mu;
        if( proc_number == 0 )
            std::cout<<"we are going to enrich the reduced basis"<<std::endl;
            std::cout<<"there are "<<this->M_N<<" elements in the database"<<std::endl;
        LOG(INFO) <<"we are going to enrich the reduced basis"<<std::endl;
        LOG(INFO) <<"there are "<<this->M_N<<" elements in the database"<<std::endl;
    }//end of else associated to if ( rebuild_databse )

    LOG(INFO) << "[CRBTrilinear::offline] compute affine decomposition\n";

    std::vector< std::vector<sparse_matrix_ptrtype> > Aqm;
    std::vector< std::vector<sparse_matrix_ptrtype> > Aqm_tril;
    std::vector< std::vector<std::vector<vector_ptrtype> > > Fqm;

    boost::tie( boost::tuples::ignore, Aqm, Fqm ) = this->M_model->computeAffineDecomposition();

    element_ptrtype u( new element_type( this->M_model->functionSpace() ) );

    LOG(INFO) << "[CRBTrilinear::offline] starting offline adaptive loop\n";

    bool reuse_prec = this->vm()["crb.reuse-prec"].template as<bool>() ;

    bool use_predefined_WNmu = this->vm()["crb.use-predefined-WNmu"].template as<bool>() ;
    int N_log_equi = this->vm()["crb.use-logEquidistributed-WNmu"].template as<int>() ;
    int N_equi = this->vm()["crb.use-equidistributed-WNmu"].template as<int>() ;
    int N_random = ioption( "crb.use-random-WNmu" );

    /*    if( N_log_equi > 0 || N_equi > 0 )
     use_predefined_WNmu = true;*/

    // file where the sampling is savec
    std::string file_name = ( boost::format("SamplingWNmu") ).str();
    std::ifstream file ( file_name );


    if ( use_predefined_WNmu ) // In this case we want to read the sampling
        if( ! file ) // The user forgot to give the sampling file
            throw std::logic_error( "[CRB::offline] ERROR the file SamplingWNmu doesn't exist so it's impossible to known which parameters you want to use to build the database" );
            int sampling_size = this->M_WNmu->readFromFile(file_name);
            if( Environment::isMasterRank() )
                std::cout<<"[CRB::offline] Read WNmu ( sampling size : "
                         << sampling_size <<" )"<<std::endl;
            LOG( INFO )<<"[CRB::offline] Read WNmu ( sampling size : "
                       << sampling_size <<" )";
    else // We generate the sampling with choosen strategy
        if ( N_log_equi>0 )
            this->M_WNmu->logEquidistribute( N_log_equi , true );
            if( Environment::isMasterRank() )
                std::cout<<"[CRB::offline] Log-Equidistribute WNmu ( sampling size : "
                         <<N_log_equi<<" )"<<std::endl;
            LOG( INFO )<<"[CRB::offline] Log-Equidistribute WNmu ( sampling size : "
                       <<N_log_equi<<" )";
        else if ( N_equi>0 )
            this->M_WNmu->equidistribute( N_equi , true );
            if( Environment::isMasterRank() )
                std::cout<<"[CRB::offline] Equidistribute WNmu ( sampling size : "
                         <<N_equi<<" )"<<std::endl;
            LOG( INFO )<<"[CRB::offline] Equidistribute WNmu ( sampling size : "
                       <<N_equi<<" )";
        else if ( N_random>0 )
            this->M_WNmu->randomize( N_random , true );
            if( Environment::isMasterRank() )
                std::cout<<"[CRB::offline] Randomize WNmu ( sampling size : "
                         <<N_random<<" )"<<std::endl;
            LOG( INFO )<<"[CRB::offline] Randomize WNmu ( sampling size : "
                       <<N_random<<" )";
        else // In this case we don't know what sampling to use
            throw std::logic_error( "[CRB::offline] ERROR : You have to choose an appropriate strategy for the offline sampling : random, equi, logequi or predefined" );


        /*        if( ! file )
            std::vector< parameter_type > V;
            parameter_type __mu;
            __mu = this->M_Dmu->element();
            __mu(0)= 1      ; __mu(1)= 1  ; V.push_back( __mu );
            __mu(0)= 111112 ; __mu(1)= 1  ; V.push_back( __mu );
            __mu(0)= 222223 ; __mu(1)= 1  ; V.push_back( __mu );
            __mu(0)= 333334 ; __mu(1)= 1  ; V.push_back( __mu );
            __mu(0)= 444445 , __mu(1)= 1  ; V.push_back( __mu );
            __mu(0)= 555556 ; __mu(1)= 1  ; V.push_back( __mu );
            __mu(0)= 666667 ; __mu(1)= 1  ; V.push_back( __mu );
            __mu(0)= 777778 ; __mu(1)= 1  ; V.push_back( __mu );
            __mu(0)= 888889 ; __mu(1)= 1  ; V.push_back( __mu );
            __mu(0)= 1e+06  ; __mu(1)= 1  ; V.push_back( __mu );
            __mu(0)= 8123   ; __mu(1)= 1  ; V.push_back( __mu );
            __mu(0)= 9123   ; __mu(1)= 1  ; V.push_back( __mu );
            __mu(0)=1.123e4 ; __mu(1)= 1  ; V.push_back( __mu );
            __mu(0)=2.123e4 ; __mu(1)= 1  ; V.push_back( __mu );
            __mu(0)=4.123e4 ; __mu(1)= 1  ; V.push_back( __mu );
            __mu(0)=912     ; __mu(1)= 1  ; V.push_back( __mu );
            __mu(0)=1.123e3 ; __mu(1)= 1  ; V.push_back( __mu );
            __mu(0)=4.123e3 ; __mu(1)= 1  ; V.push_back( __mu );
         __mu(0)=7.123e4 ; __mu(1)= 1  ; V.push_back( __mu );
            __mu(0)=2123    ; __mu(1)= 1  ; V.push_back( __mu );
            __mu(0)=6.123e3 ; __mu(1)= 1  ; V.push_back( __mu );
            __mu(0)=3.123e3 ; __mu(1)= 1  ; V.push_back( __mu );
            __mu(0)=3.123e4 ; __mu(1)= 1  ; V.push_back( __mu );
            __mu(0)=5.123e4 ; __mu(1)= 1  ; V.push_back( __mu );
            __mu(0)=9.123e4 ; __mu(1)= 1  ; V.push_back( __mu );
            __mu(0)=812     ; __mu(1)= 1  ; V.push_back( __mu );
            __mu(0)=5.111e3 ; __mu(1)= 1  ; V.push_back( __mu );
            __mu(0)=5.124e2 ; __mu(1)= 1  ; V.push_back( __mu );
            this->M_WNmu->setElements( V );
            this->M_iter_max = this->M_WNmu->size();
    } //build sampling

    this->M_iter_max = this->M_WNmu->size();
    mu = this->M_WNmu->at( this->M_N ); // first element

    if( this->M_error_type == CRB_NO_RESIDUAL || use_predefined_WNmu )
        //in this case it makes no sens to check the estimated error
        this->M_maxerror = 1e10;

    LOG(INFO) << "[CRBTrilinear::offline] strategy "<< this->M_error_type <<"\n";

    while ( this->M_maxerror > this->M_tolerance && this->M_N < this->M_iter_max )

        boost::timer timer, timer2;
        LOG(INFO) <<"========================================"<<"\n";
        if( proc_number == this->worldComm().masterRank() )
            std::cout<<"construction of "<<this->M_N<<"/"<<this->M_iter_max<<" basis "<<std::endl;
        LOG(INFO) << "N=" << this->M_N << "/"  << this->M_iter_max << "( nb proc : "<<worldComm().globalSize()<<")";

        // for a given parameter \p mu assemble the left and right hand side
        u->setName( ( boost::format( "fem-primal-N%1%-proc%2%" ) % (this->M_N)  % proc_number ).str() );



        LOG(INFO) << "[CRB::offline] solving primal" << "\n";
        *u = this->M_model->solve( mu );

        //if( proc_number == this->worldComm().masterRank() ) std::cout << "  -- primal problem solved in " << timer2.elapsed() << "s\n";

        if( ! use_predefined_WNmu )
            this->M_WNmu->push_back( mu, index );

        this->M_WNmu_complement = this->M_WNmu->complement();

        this->M_model->rBFunctionSpace()->addPrimalBasisElement( *u );
        //WARNING : the dual element is not the real dual solution !
        //no dual problem was solved
        this->M_model->rBFunctionSpace()->addDualBasisElement( *u );

        int number_of_added_elements=1;

        if ( orthonormalize_primal )
            this->orthonormalize( this->M_N, this->M_model->rBFunctionSpace()->primalRB() , number_of_added_elements );
            this->orthonormalize( this->M_N, this->M_model->rBFunctionSpace()->primalRB() , number_of_added_elements );
            this->orthonormalize( this->M_N, this->M_model->rBFunctionSpace()->primalRB() , number_of_added_elements );

        LOG(INFO) << "[CRB::offline] compute Aq_pr, Aq_du, Aq_pr_du" << "\n";
        for  (size_type q = 0; q < this->M_model->Qa(); ++q )
            this->M_Aqm_pr[q][0].conservativeResize( this->M_N, this->M_N );

            // only compute the last line and last column of reduced matrices
            for ( size_type i = this->M_N-number_of_added_elements; i < this->M_N; i++ )
                for ( size_type j = 0; j < this->M_N; ++j )
                    this->M_Aqm_pr[q][0]( i, j ) = Aqm[q][0]->energy( this->M_model->rBFunctionSpace()->primalBasisElement(i) , this->M_model->rBFunctionSpace()->primalBasisElement(j) );

            for ( size_type j=this->M_N-number_of_added_elements; j < this->M_N; j++ )
                for ( size_type i = 0; i < this->M_N; ++i )
                    this->M_Aqm_pr[q][0]( i, j ) = Aqm[q][0]->energy( this->M_model->rBFunctionSpace()->primalBasisElement(i), this->M_model->rBFunctionSpace()->primalBasisElement(j) );
        }//loop over q

        LOG(INFO) << "[CRBTrilinear::offline] compute Fq_pr" << "\n";

        for ( size_type q = 0; q < this->M_model->Ql( 0 ); ++q )
            this->M_Fqm_pr[q][0].conservativeResize( this->M_N );

            for ( size_type l = 1; l <= number_of_added_elements; ++l )
                int index = this->M_N-l;
                this->M_Fqm_pr[q][0]( index ) = this->M_model->Fqm( 0, q, 0, this->M_model->rBFunctionSpace()->primalBasisElement(index) );
        }//loop over q

        LOG(INFO) << "[CRB::offline] compute Lq_pr" << "\n";

        for ( size_type q = 0; q < this->M_model->Ql( this->M_output_index ); ++q )
            this->M_Lqm_pr[q][0].conservativeResize( this->M_N );

            for ( size_type l = 1; l <= number_of_added_elements; ++l )
                int index = this->M_N-l;
                this->M_Lqm_pr[q][0]( index ) = this->M_model->Fqm( this->M_output_index, q, 0, this->M_model->rBFunctionSpace()->primalBasisElement(index) );
        }//loop over q

        sparse_matrix_ptrtype trilinear_form;
        for  (size_type q = 0; q < this->M_model->QaTri(); ++q )
            M_Aqm_tril_pr[q].resize( this->M_N );
            for (int k=0 ; k<this->M_N; k++)
                //bring back the matrix associated to the trilinear form for a given basis function
                //we do this here to use only one matrix
                trilinear_form  = this->M_model->computeTrilinearForm( this->M_model->rBFunctionSpace()->primalBasisElement(k) );

                M_Aqm_tril_pr[q][k].conservativeResize( this->M_N, this->M_N );
                for ( int i = 0; i < this->M_N; ++i )
                    for ( int j = 0; j < this->M_N; ++j )
                        M_Aqm_tril_pr[q][k]( i, j ) = trilinear_form->energy( this->M_model->rBFunctionSpace()->primalBasisElement(j), this->M_model->rBFunctionSpace()->primalBasisElement(i) );
        }// q


        if ( ! use_predefined_WNmu )
            bool already_exist;
                //pick randomly an element
                mu = this->M_Dmu->element();
                //make sure that the new mu is not already is M_WNmu
                BOOST_FOREACH( auto _mu, *this->M_WNmu )
                    if( mu == _mu )
            while( already_exist );
            this->M_current_mu = mu;
            //remmber that in this case M_iter_max = sampling size
            if( this->M_N < this->M_iter_max )