 *  Writes entire VTR but the data.
void VTKRectilinearGrid::writeMetaData( ){

    std::fstream str;

    str.open( fh.getPath( ), std::ios::out ) ;

    //Writing XML header
    str << "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" << std::endl;

    //Writing Piece Information
    str << "<VTKFile type=\"RectilinearGrid\" version=\"0.1\" byte_order=\"LittleEndian\"  header_type=\"" << HeaderType << "\">" << std::endl; 
    str << "  <RectilinearGrid WholeExtent= \"" 
        << global_index[0][0] << " " << global_index[0][1]<< " "
        << global_index[1][0] << " " << global_index[1][1]<< " "
        << global_index[2][0] << " " << global_index[2][1]<< " "
        << "\" >" << std::endl;

    str << "    <Piece Extent= \" " 
        << local_index[0][0] << " " << local_index[0][1]<< " "
        << local_index[1][0] << " " << local_index[1][1]<< " "
        << local_index[2][0] << " " << local_index[2][1]<< " "
        << "\" >" << std::endl;

    //Header for Data
    writeDataHeader( str, false ) ;

    //Wring Geometry Information   
    str << "       <Coordinates>" << std::endl;
    writeDataArray( str, *geometry[0] ) ;
    writeDataArray( str, *geometry[1] ) ;
    writeDataArray( str, *geometry[2] ) ;
    str << "       </Coordinates>" << std::endl;

    //Closing Piece
    str << "    </Piece>" << std::endl;
    str << "  </RectilinearGrid>" << std::endl;

    //Write Appended Section
    str << "  <AppendedData encoding=\"raw\">" << std::endl;
    str << "_" ;
    str << std::endl ;

    //Closing XML
    str << "</VTKFile>" << std::endl;

    str.close() ;

    return ;
 *  Writes entire VTU but the data.
void VTKUnstructuredGrid::writeMetaData( ){

    std::fstream str ;
    std::string line ; 
    str.open( fh.getName( ), std::ios::out ) ;
    //Writing XML header
    str << "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" << std::endl;
    //Writing Piece Information
    str << "<VTKFile type=\"UnstructuredGrid\" version=\"1.0\" byte_order=\"LittleEndian\" header_type=\"" << HeaderType << "\">" << std::endl;
    str << "  <UnstructuredGrid>"  << std::endl;;
    str << "    <Piece  NumberOfPoints=\"" << nr_points << "\" NumberOfCells=\"" << nr_cells << "\">" << std::endl;
    //Header for Data
    writeDataHeader( str, false );
    //Wring Geometry Information
    str << "      <Points>" << std::endl ;;
    writeDataArray( str, geometry[0] ) ;
    str << "      </Points>" << std::endl;
    str << "      <Cells>" << std::endl ;;
    writeDataArray( str, geometry[1] ) ;
    writeDataArray( str, geometry[2] ) ;
    writeDataArray( str, geometry[3] ) ;
    str << "      </Cells>" << std::endl;
    //Closing Piece
    str << "    </Piece>" << std::endl;
    str << "  </UnstructuredGrid>"  << std::endl;
    //Appended Section
    str << "  <AppendedData encoding=\"raw\">" << std::endl;
    str << "_" ;
    str << std::endl ;
    str << "</VTKFile>" << std::endl;
    str.close() ;
    return ;
文件: VTK.cpp 项目: flbernard/bitpit
 * Writes data headers in strean
 * @param[in]   str     output stream
 * @param[in]   parallel     flag for parallel data headers for collection files [true/false]
void VTK::writeDataHeader( std::fstream &str, bool parallel ){

    std::string           line ;
    VTKLocation           location ;
    std::stringstream     scalars, vectors ;

    for( int j=0; j<2; j++){

        if( j==0 ) location = VTKLocation::POINT ;
        if( j==1 ) location = VTKLocation::CELL ;

        //    scalars.clear();
        //    vectors.clear();


        //Creating Scalar and Vector Lists
        scalars << "\"" ;
        vectors << "\"" ;

        for( auto &field : data ){
            if( field->getLocation() == location){
                if(      field->getFieldType() == VTKFieldType::SCALAR ) scalars <<  field->getName() << " " ;
                else if( field->getFieldType() == VTKFieldType::VECTOR ) vectors <<  field->getName() << " " ;


        scalars << "\"" ;
        vectors << "\"" ;

        if(      location == VTKLocation::POINT) {
            str << "      <" ;
            if( parallel )  str << "P" ;
            str << "PointData " ;

        else if( location == VTKLocation::CELL )  {
            str << "      <" ;
            if( parallel )  str << "P" ;
            str << "CellData " ;

        str << " Scalars=" << scalars.str()
            << " Vectors=" << vectors.str()
            << ">" << std::endl;

        //Writing DataArray
        for( auto &field : data ){
            if( field->getLocation() == location && !parallel) writeDataArray( str, *field ) ;
            if( field->getLocation() == location &&  parallel) writePDataArray( str, *field ); 

        str << "      </" ;
        if( parallel )  str << "P" ;

        if( location == VTKLocation::POINT) str << "PointData> " << std::endl;
        if( location == VTKLocation::CELL)  str << "CellData> "  << std::endl;


    return ;

void VTKExporter::writeVTKXML()
    std::string filename = vtkFilename.getFullPath();

    std::ostringstream oss;
    oss << nbFiles;

    if ( filename.size() > 3 && filename.substr(filename.size()-4)==".vtu")
        if (!overwrite.getValue())
            filename = filename.substr(0,filename.size()-4) + oss.str() + ".vtu";
        if (!overwrite.getValue())
            filename += oss.str();
        filename += ".vtu";

    outfile = new std::ofstream(filename.c_str());
    if( !outfile->is_open() )
        msg_error() << "Error creating file "<<filename;
        delete outfile;
        outfile = NULL;
    const helper::vector<std::string>& pointsData = dPointsDataFields.getValue();
    const helper::vector<std::string>& cellsData = dCellsDataFields.getValue();

    helper::ReadAccessor<Data<defaulttype::Vec3Types::VecCoord> > pointsPos = position;

    const int nbp = (!pointsPos.empty()) ? pointsPos.size() : topology->getNbPoints();

    unsigned int numberOfCells;
    numberOfCells = ( (writeEdges.getValue()) ? topology->getNbEdges() : 0 )
            +( (writeTriangles.getValue()) ? topology->getNbTriangles() : 0 )
            +( (writeQuads.getValue()) ? topology->getNbQuads() : 0 )
            +( (writeTetras.getValue()) ? topology->getNbTetras() : 0 )
            +( (writeHexas.getValue()) ? topology->getNbHexas() : 0 );

    msg_info() << "### VTKExporter[" << this->getName() << "] ###" << msgendl
               << "Nb points: " << nbp << msgendl
               << "Nb edges: " << ( (writeEdges.getValue()) ? topology->getNbEdges() : 0 ) << msgendl
               << "Nb triangles: " << ( (writeTriangles.getValue()) ? topology->getNbTriangles() : 0 ) << msgendl
               << "Nb quads: " << ( (writeQuads.getValue()) ? topology->getNbQuads() : 0 ) << msgendl
               << "Nb tetras: " << ( (writeTetras.getValue()) ? topology->getNbTetras() : 0 ) << msgendl
               << "Nb hexas: " << ( (writeHexas.getValue()) ? topology->getNbHexas() : 0 ) << msgendl
               << "### ###" << msgendl
               << "Total nb cells: " << numberOfCells << msgendl;

    //write header
    *outfile << "<VTKFile type=\"UnstructuredGrid\" version=\"0.1\" byte_order=\"BigEndian\">" << std::endl;
    *outfile << "  <UnstructuredGrid>" << std::endl;

    //write piece
    *outfile << "    <Piece NumberOfPoints=\"" << nbp << "\" NumberOfCells=\""<< numberOfCells << "\">" << std::endl;

    //write point data
    if (!pointsData.empty())
        *outfile << "      <PointData>" << std::endl;
        writeDataArray(pointsDataObject, pointsDataField, pointsDataName);
        *outfile << "      </PointData>" << std::endl;
    //write cell data
    if (!cellsData.empty())
        *outfile << "      <CellData>" << std::endl;
        writeDataArray(cellsDataObject, cellsDataField, cellsDataName);
        *outfile << "      </CellData>" << std::endl;

    //write points
    *outfile << "      <Points>" << std::endl;
    *outfile << "        <DataArray type=\"Float32\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\" format=\"ascii\">" << std::endl;
    if (!pointsPos.empty())
        for (int i = 0 ; i < nbp; i++)
            *outfile << "\t" << pointsPos[i] << std::endl;
    else if (mstate && mstate->getSize() == (size_t)nbp)
        for (size_t i = 0; i < mstate->getSize(); i++)
            *outfile << "          " << mstate->getPX(i) << " " << mstate->getPY(i) << " " << mstate->getPZ(i) << std::endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < nbp; i++)
            *outfile << "          " << topology->getPX(i) << " " << topology->getPY(i) << " " << topology->getPZ(i) << std::endl;
    *outfile << "        </DataArray>" << std::endl;
    *outfile << "      </Points>" << std::endl;

    //write cells
    *outfile << "      <Cells>" << std::endl;
    //write connectivity
    *outfile << "        <DataArray type=\"Int32\" Name=\"connectivity\" format=\"ascii\">" << std::endl;
    if (writeEdges.getValue())
        for (int i=0 ; i<topology->getNbEdges() ; i++)
            *outfile << "          " << topology->getEdge(i) << std::endl;

    if (writeTriangles.getValue())
        for (int i=0 ; i<topology->getNbTriangles() ; i++)
            *outfile << "          " <<  topology->getTriangle(i) << std::endl;
    if (writeQuads.getValue())
        for (int i=0 ; i<topology->getNbQuads() ; i++)
            *outfile << "          " << topology->getQuad(i) << std::endl;
    if (writeTetras.getValue())
        for (int i=0 ; i<topology->getNbTetras() ; i++)
            *outfile << "          " <<  topology->getTetra(i) << std::endl;
    if (writeHexas.getValue())
        for (int i=0 ; i<topology->getNbHexas() ; i++)
            *outfile << "          " <<  topology->getHexa(i) << std::endl;
    *outfile << "        </DataArray>" << std::endl;
    //write offsets
    int num = 0;
    *outfile << "        <DataArray type=\"Int32\" Name=\"offsets\" format=\"ascii\">" << std::endl;
    *outfile << "          ";
    if (writeEdges.getValue())
        for (int i=0 ; i<topology->getNbEdges() ; i++)
            num += 2;
            *outfile << num << " ";
    if (writeTriangles.getValue())
        for (int i=0 ; i<topology->getNbTriangles() ; i++)
            num += 3;
            *outfile << num << " ";
    if (writeQuads.getValue())
        for (int i=0 ; i<topology->getNbQuads() ; i++)
            num += 4;
            *outfile << num << " ";
    if (writeTetras.getValue())
        for (int i=0 ; i<topology->getNbTetras() ; i++)
            num += 4;
            *outfile << num << " ";
    if (writeHexas.getValue())
        for (int i=0 ; i<topology->getNbHexas() ; i++)
            num += 8;
            *outfile << num << " ";
    *outfile << std::endl;
    *outfile << "        </DataArray>" << std::endl;
    //write types
    *outfile << "        <DataArray type=\"UInt8\" Name=\"types\" format=\"ascii\">" << std::endl;
    *outfile << "          ";
    if (writeEdges.getValue())
        for (int i=0 ; i<topology->getNbEdges() ; i++)
            *outfile << 3 << " ";
    if (writeTriangles.getValue())
        for (int i=0 ; i<topology->getNbTriangles() ; i++)
            *outfile << 5 << " ";
    if (writeQuads.getValue())
        for (int i=0 ; i<topology->getNbQuads() ; i++)
            *outfile << 9 << " ";
    if (writeTetras.getValue())
        for (int i=0 ; i<topology->getNbTetras() ; i++)
            *outfile << 10 << " ";
    if (writeHexas.getValue())
        for (int i=0 ; i<topology->getNbHexas() ; i++)
            *outfile << 12 << " ";
    *outfile << std::endl;
    *outfile << "        </DataArray>" << std::endl;
    *outfile << "      </Cells>" << std::endl;

    //write end
    *outfile << "    </Piece>" << std::endl;
    *outfile << "  </UnstructuredGrid>" << std::endl;
    *outfile << "</VTKFile>" << std::endl;

    msg_info() << "Export VTK XML in file " << filename << "  done.";