int main(int argc, char **argv)
  int res;
  inout_chan *chan;

  printf("libIVC initialized\n");
  chan = connect_two_way("c_rot13");
  while(1) {
    char *input_line = NULL, *output_line = NULL;
    int len;

    len = read_unknown_chan(chan, (void**)&input_line);
    if(!len) {
      printf("Error reading from input channel!\n");
    input_line = haskell_to_c_string(input_line, len);
    printf("input: %s\n", input_line);
    input_line = rot13string(input_line);
    printf("rot13: %s\n", input_line);
    output_line = c_to_haskell_string(input_line);
    res = write_chan(chan, output_line, strlen(output_line));
    printf("res: %d\n", res);
    free(input_line); free(output_line);
short main (short argc, char *argv[])
    unsigned short status=0;            /* TX and RX status                 */
    unsigned short tries;               /* Attempts to send a file          */
    unsigned short cmp_size;            /* Size after compression           */
    unsigned short data_written;        /* Data written to the file         */
    unsigned short data_read;           /* Data read from the file          */
    char *file_name;                    /* filename                         */
    char *function;                     /* Receive, Transmit                */
    char *com_port;                     /* Communications adapter port      */

    file_name = get_inp (argc, argv);   /* Get file name                    */
    if (file_name == NULL )
        disp();                         /* Display usage message            */
        return JM_FNF;
    function  = get_fun (argc, argv);   /* Get function 'R' or 'S'          */
    if (function == NULL)
        disp();                         /* Display usage message            */
        return JM_CMD;
    com_port  = get_prt (argc, argv);   /* Get port '1 to 4 '               */
    if (com_port == NULL)
        disp();                         /* Display usage message            */
        return JM_CMD;
    port = get_port(*com_port);         /* Convert port to an offset        */
/*                          Allocate buffers                                */
    in_buffer = allocate_memory(DAT_LEN);  /* Get some memory for input     */
    if (in_buffer == NULL)
        return JM_MEM;                     /* No memory available           */
    out_buffer = allocate_memory(DAT_LEN); /* Get some memory for output    */
    if (out_buffer == NULL)
        return JM_MEM;                     /* No memory available           */
    comp_buffer=allocate_memory(DAT_LEN);  /* Get memory for compression    */
    if (comp_buffer == NULL)
        return JM_MEM;                     /* No memory available           */
    file_buffer=allocate_memory(DAT_LEN);  /* Get memory for file buffer    */
    if (file_buffer == NULL)
        return JM_MEM;                     /* No memory available           */
    int_buffer =allocate_memory(DAT_LEN);  /* Memory for interrupt buffer   */
    if (int_buffer == NULL)
        return JM_MEM;                     /* No memory available           */

    screen (SCR_SGN,NULL,NULL);            /* Write signon screen           */
    syst.s_len = BLK_SIZ;
    syst.s_byt = 0;
    syst.s_blk = 0;
    syst.s_sta = okay;
    switch(*function)                     /* Functions are TX and RX       */
/*                          Receive JMODEM file                             */
    case 'R':
            if (!file_io(CREATE, &handle, &file_name, NULL) )
                buff = (JBUF *) in_buffer;            /* Assign type JBUF   */
                open_chan(port);                      /* Open com channel   */
                screen (SCR_STA,NULL,NULL);           /* Write status block */
                status = rx_sync();                   /* Synchronize        */
                if (!status)
                    screen (SCR_SYR,NULL,NULL);
                data_written = 0xFFFF;
                tries = 10;			    /* Attempts to receive */
                while (    (data_written)             /* Write file okay   */
                        && (!user_abort )             /* No break key      */
                        && (!status     )             /* Recev block okay  */
                        && (tries--)    )             /* 10 retries        */
                    time(&start);                     /* Get starting time */
		    screen (SCR_SYS,&syst,NULL);      /* Show status block */
                    status = recv_blk (               /* Receive data-block*/
                             &syst.s_len,             /* Block length      */
                             in_buffer);              /* Input buffer      */
                    if (status)                       /* If bad            */
                        break;                        /* Abort the WHILE   */
                    if( (!(calc_crc(GET_CRC,          /* Calculate CRC     */
                          syst.s_len,                 /* Amount to check   */
                          in_buffer) ))               /* Receiver buffer   */
		      && ( buff->blk_num ==           /* Check block also  */
                         (unsigned char)
                         (syst.s_blk +1)))            /* Block number      */
                        syst.s_sta = okay;            /* Text pointer      */
                        tries=10;                     /* Reset count       */
                        syst.s_len -= OVRHD;          /* Subtract overhead */
                        *out_buffer = ACK;            /* Good              */
                        write_chan(1,out_buffer);     /* Send the ACK      */

                        /* If data was compressed                          */
			if ( (buff->blk_typ & COMP) == COMP)
                             syst.s_len = decode (    /* Decode the data   */
                                      syst.s_len,     /* Data-block length */
				     &buff->blk_dat,  /* Where to start    */
                                     file_buffer);    /* Where to put data */
                        /* Data was normal (not compressed, just copy )    */
                            memcpy (file_buffer,&buff->blk_dat,syst.s_len);
                        /* Write to the file                                */
                        data_written = file_io( WRITE ,  /* Function        */
                                         &handle,        /* File handle     */
                                         &file_buffer ,  /* Where data is   */
                                         syst.s_len );   /* Amount to write */
                        syst.s_byt += data_written;      /* Total bytes     */
                        syst.s_blk++;                    /* Block number    */
                        time(&finish);                   /* Get end time    */
                        if (finish - start)              /* Check div/0     */
                            syst.s_cps = (short)         /* Calc Block CPS  */
                            (data_written / (finish - start) );

                            /* Check for end-of-file                        */
                        if ( (buff->blk_typ & EOF_) == EOF_)
                        {                       /* This was the end of file */
                            file_io(CLOSE,               /* Function        */
                                   &handle,              /* Open handle     */
                                   &file_name,           /* Name not used   */
                                   NULL);                /* Buffer not used */
                            close_chan(port);            /* Close the port  */
                            status = JM_NRM;             /* Set status      */
                            goto cleanup;                /* exit routine    */
                        *out_buffer = NAK;              /* Bad block        */
                        syst.s_sta = retry;             /* Char pointer     */
                        write_chan(1,out_buffer);       /* Send the NAK     */
                close_chan(port);                        /* Aborted         */
                file_io(DELETE,                          /* Function        */
                        &handle,                         /* File handle     */
                        &file_name,                      /* Name            */
                        NULL);                           /* Buffer not used */
                status = JM_ABT;
		break;                                   /* Exit if() {}    */
            else                                       /* Can't create file */
                status = JM_CRE;
                break;                                   /* Exit while() {} */
        break;                                           /* Exit case 'R'   */
/*                          Send JMODEM file                                */
    case 'S':   /* Send JMODEM file */
            if (!file_io(OPEN_READ, &handle, &file_name, NULL) )
                buff = (JBUF *)out_buffer;            /* Assign type JBUF   */
                syst.s_byt = 0;                       /* Restore byte count */
                open_chan(port);                      /* Open COM port      */
                data_read = 0xFFFF;                   /* Initialize         */
                screen (SCR_STA,NULL,NULL);           /* Write status block */
                status = tx_sync();                   /* Synchronize        */
                if (!status)
                    screen (SCR_SYT,NULL,NULL);
                while  (  (!user_abort)               /* Ctrl - break       */
                       && (!status) )                 /* sent okay          */
                    time(&start);                     /* Get starting time  */
                    data_read = file_io( READ       , /* Read a record      */
                                       &handle      , /* File pointer       */
                                       &file_buffer , /* Where to put       */
                                      syst.s_len );   /* Amount to read     */
                    if (!data_read)                   /* Past end of file   */
                    syst.s_byt += (long) data_read;   /* Running count      */
		    screen (SCR_SYS,&syst,NULL);      /* Show status block  */
                    buff->blk_num = (unsigned char)
                                     ++syst.s_blk;    /* Block number       */
                    if (data_read != syst.s_len)      /* Byte request       */
                        buff->blk_typ = EOF_;         /* Into control-byte  */
                        buff->blk_typ = NORM;         /* Normal block       */
                    cmp_size = encode (data_read,     /* Encode size        */
                                      file_buffer,    /* Source             */
                                      comp_buffer);   /* Destination        */

                    if ( cmp_size  < data_read  )     /* If compressed      */
			buff->len = (cmp_size+OVRHD); /* Length of block    */
                        buff->blk_typ |= COMP;        /* Show compressed    */
                        memcpy (&buff->blk_dat,       /* Start of data      */
                                   comp_buffer,       /* Copy from here     */
                                   cmp_size);         /* This much          */
                    else                              /* Not compressed     */
			buff->len = (data_read+OVRHD);/* Length of block    */
                        memcpy (&buff->blk_dat,       /* Copy to            */
                                   file_buffer,       /* Copy from          */
                                   data_read);        /* This amount        */
                    calc_crc(SET_CRC,                 /* Calculate CRC      */
                            buff->len ,               /* Length of block    */
                            out_buffer);              /* Where data is      */
                    status = send_blk(                /* Send the block     */
                             buff->len,               /* Block length       */
                             &syst,                   /* Read block ptr.    */
                             out_buffer);             /* Buffer pointer     */

                    time(&finish);                    /* Get end time       */
                    if (finish - start)               /* Guard div/zero     */
                        syst.s_cps = (short)          /* Calc Block CPS     */
                        (data_read / (finish - start) );
                    if ( buff->blk_typ == EOF_)       /* Last record        */
                close_chan(port);                     /* Close the port     */
                if (status)
                    syst.s_sta = abrt;                /* A text pointer     */
                    syst.s_sta = done;                /* A text pointer     */

                file_io(CLOSE, &handle,
                        &file_name, NULL);            /* Close the file     */
                screen (SCR_SYS,&syst,NULL);          /* Show status block  */
            else                                      /* File not found     */
                status = JM_FNF;
        break;  /* End of CASE 'S' */
    free (in_buffer);                                  /* Free  buffers     */
    free (out_buffer);
    free (comp_buffer);
    free (file_buffer);
    /* Five-second timer to display error messages */
    if (status != JM_NRM)
        start = 0;
        finish += 5;
        while ( finish > start )
    screen (SCR_END,NULL,NULL);                         /* Clear the screen */
    return status;                                      /* Normal exit      */