文件: pak.c 项目: Oppen/WolfExtractor
 * \brief Add directory to zip file.
 * \param[in] path Directory path that will be added to zip file.
 * \param[in,out] f File stream to write compressed files to.
 * \return On success true, otherwise false.
PRIVATE wtBoolean Pak_addDirectoryToZipFile( const char *path, FILE *f )
	char temp[ 256 ];
	char *ptr;
	zipHead_t *newZipNode = NULL;

	wt_strlcpy( temp, path, sizeof( temp ) );

	if( strstr( temp, "*" ) == NULL )
		wt_strlcat( temp, "/*", sizeof( temp ) );

	// Look for files
	ptr = FS_FindFirst( temp );

	do {
		wt_snprintf( temp, sizeof( temp ), "%s/%s", path, ptr );

		if ( temp[strlen(temp)-1] == '.' )

		if( ! FS_CompareFileAttributes( temp, 0, FA_DIR ) )

		newZipNode = Pak_WriteLocalFileChunk( temp, f );
		if( newZipNode == NULL )

		// add new zipHead_t to chain
		zipChainLast = linkList_addList( zipChainLast, newZipNode );
	} while( (ptr = FS_FindNext()) != NULL );


	return true;
 * \brief Redux the Page file data.
 * \param[in] vsfname data file name.
 * \param[in] wallPath Path to save wall data.
 * \param[in] spritePath Path to save sprite data.
 * \param[in] soundPath Path to save sound data.
 * \param[in] palette Palette array.
 * \return On success true, otherwise false.
 * \note Caller is responsible for freeing allocated data by calling MM_FREE.
PUBLIC wtBoolean PageFile_ReduxDecodePageData( const char *vsfname, const char *wallPath, const char *spritePath, const char *soundPath, W8 *palette )
	void *data;
	void *decdata;
	W32 length;
	char tempFileName[ 1024 ];
	W32 i;
	W32 SpriteStart, NumBlocks, SoundStart;
	W32 soundBufferSize;
	W8 *soundBuffer;
	W32 totallength;

	printf( "Decoding Page Data..." );

	if( ! PageFile_Setup( vsfname, &NumBlocks, &SpriteStart, &SoundStart ) )

		return false;

    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // Decode Walls

	for( i = 0 ; i < SpriteStart ; ++i )
		data = PageFile_getPage( i, &length );
		if( data == NULL )

		decdata = PageFile_decodeWall_RGB32( (PW8)data, palette );
		if( decdata == NULL )
			fprintf( stderr, "[PageFile_ReduxDecodePageData]: Unable to decode wall (%d).\n", i );

			MM_FREE( data );


		if( _filterScale > 0 )
			void *scaledImgBuf;

			scaledImgBuf = (void *) MM_MALLOC( 128 * 128 * 4 );
			if( NULL == scaledImgBuf )
				MM_FREE( data );
				MM_FREE( decdata );

			// Scale2x
		        if( _filterScale == 1 )
		                scale( 2, (void *)scaledImgBuf, 128 * 4, decdata, 64 * 4, 4, 64, 64 );
				RGB32toRGB24( (const PW8)scaledImgBuf, (PW8)scaledImgBuf, 128 * 128 * 4 );
			} else {
		                // hq2x
		                RGB32toRGB24( (const PW8)decdata, (PW8)decdata, 64 * 64 * 4 );
		                RGB24toBGR565( decdata, decdata, 64 * 64 * 3 );
				hq2x_32( (PW8)decdata, (PW8)scaledImgBuf, 64, 64, 64 * 2 * 4  );
        		        RGB32toRGB24( (const PW8)scaledImgBuf, (PW8)scaledImgBuf, 128 * 128 * 4 );


    		        wt_snprintf( tempFileName, sizeof( tempFileName ), "%s%c%.3d.tga", wallPath, PATH_SEP, GetWallMappedIndex( i ) );
			TGA_write( tempFileName, 24, 128, 128, scaledImgBuf, 0, 1 );

			MM_FREE( scaledImgBuf );

		} else {
		        wt_snprintf( tempFileName, sizeof( tempFileName ), "%s%c%.3d.tga", wallPath, PATH_SEP, GetWallMappedIndex( i ) );

		        RGB32toRGB24( (const PW8)decdata, (PW8)decdata, 64 * 64 * 4 );
			TGA_write( tempFileName, 24, 64, 64, decdata, 0, 1 );

		MM_FREE( data );
		MM_FREE( decdata );

    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // Decode Sprites

	for( i = SpriteStart ; i < SoundStart ; ++i )
		data = PageFile_getPage( i, &length );
		if( data == NULL )

		decdata = PageFile_decodeSprite_RGB32( (PW8)data, palette );
		if( decdata == NULL )
			MM_FREE( data );


		if( _filterScale_Sprites > 0 )
			W8 *scaledImgBuf;

			scaledImgBuf = (PW8) MM_MALLOC( 128 * 128 * 4 );
			if( NULL == scaledImgBuf ) {
				MM_FREE( data );
				MM_FREE( decdata );
			if( _filterScale_Sprites == 1 ) {
				scale( 2, (void *)scaledImgBuf, 128 * 4, decdata, 64 * 4, 4, 64, 64 );
			} else {
			// hq2x
				RGB32toRGB24( (const PW8)decdata, (PW8)decdata, 64 * 64 * 4 );
				RGB24toBGR565( decdata, decdata, 64 * 64 * 3 );
				hq2x_32( (PW8)decdata, (PW8)scaledImgBuf, 64, 64, 64 * 2 * 4  );
				ReduxAlphaChannel_hq2x( scaledImgBuf, 128, 128 );

			wt_snprintf( tempFileName, sizeof( tempFileName ), "%s%c%.3d.tga", spritePath, PATH_SEP, GetSpriteMappedIndex( i - SpriteStart ) );
			TGA_write( tempFileName, 32, 128, 128, scaledImgBuf, 0, 1 );
			MM_FREE( scaledImgBuf );
		} else {
			wt_snprintf( tempFileName, sizeof( tempFileName ), "%s%c%.3d.tga", spritePath, PATH_SEP, GetSpriteMappedIndex( i - SpriteStart )  );
			TGA_write( tempFileName, 32, 64, 64, decdata, 0, 1 );
		MM_FREE( data );
		MM_FREE( decdata );

    // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // Decode SFX

	soundBufferSize = 20 * 4096;
	soundBuffer = (PW8) MM_MALLOC( soundBufferSize );
	if( soundBuffer == NULL )

		return false;

	totallength = 0;
	for( i = SoundStart ; i < NumBlocks ; ++i )
		data = PageFile_getPage( i, &length );
		if( data == NULL )

		if( (totallength + length) > soundBufferSize )
			fprintf( stderr, "[PageFile_ReduxDecodePageData]: Buffer not large enough to hold sound data!\n" );

			MM_FREE( data );
			MM_FREE( soundBuffer );

			return false;

	  	MM_MEMCPY( soundBuffer + totallength, data, length );

		totallength += length;

		if( length < 4096 )

			wt_snprintf( tempFileName, sizeof( tempFileName ), "%s%c%.3d.wav", soundPath, PATH_SEP, i - SoundStart );
			wav_write( tempFileName, soundBuffer, totallength, 1, SAMPLERATE, 1 );

			totallength = 0;


		MM_FREE( data );

	MM_FREE( soundBuffer );

	MM_FREE( data );

	printf( "Done\n" );

	return true;
 * \brief Convert map to Redux file format.
 * \param[in] fmaphead Map header file name.
 * \param[in] fmap Map file name.
 * \param[in] path Path to save redux map to.
 * \param[in] palette Pointer to palette array.
 * \param[in] ceilingColour Array of ceiling colours.
 * \param[in] musicFileName Array of music titles.
 * \param[in] parTimes Struct with the parTimes.
 * \return On success true, otherwise false.
 * \note Caller must free allocated data.
PUBLIC wtBoolean MapFile_ReduxDecodeMapData( const char *fmaphead, const char *fmap, const char *path,
                                             W8 *palette, const W32 *ceilingColour, char *musicFileName[], parTimes_t *parTimes, char *format )
	W16 Rtag;
	W32 totalMaps;
	W32 i;
	FILE *fout;
	char filename[ 256 ];
	W32 offset[ 3 ];
	W32 offsetin[ 3 ];
	W16 length[ 3 ];
	W8 sig[ 5 ];
	W16 w, h;
	char name[ 32 ];
	char musicName[ 64 ];
	SW32 jmp;
	W32 ceiling;
	W32 floor;
	W32 palOffset;
    W32 temp;
	float ftime;
	char *stime;
	W8 *data;
	printf( "Decoding Map Data..." );

	if( ! MapFile_Setup( fmaphead, fmap, &Rtag, &totalMaps ) )
		return false;
	for( i = 0 ; i < totalMaps ; ++i )
        if( fseek( map_file_handle, headerOffsets[ i ], SEEK_SET ) != 0 )

		wt_snprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), format, path, i );

		fout = fopen( filename, "wb");
        if( NULL == fout )
        // Get ceiling colour
        palOffset = (ceilingColour[ i ] & 0xff) * 3;
		ceiling = (palette[ palOffset ] << 16) | (palette[ palOffset + 1 ] << 8) | palette[ palOffset + 2 ];
        // Get floor colour
		palOffset = 0x19 * 3;
		floor = (palette[ palOffset ] << 16 ) | (palette[ palOffset + 1 ] << 8) | palette[ palOffset + 2 ];
        wt_snprintf( musicName, sizeof( musicName ), "%s/%s.ogg", DIR_MUSIC, musicFileName[ i ] );
        ftime = parTimes[ i ].time;
		stime = parTimes[ i ].timestr;
        // Read in map data
        fread( &offsetin, sizeof( W32 ), 3, map_file_handle );
        offsetin[ 0 ] = LittleLong( offsetin[ 0 ] );
        offsetin[ 1 ] = LittleLong( offsetin[ 1 ] );
        offsetin[ 2 ] = LittleLong( offsetin[ 2 ] );
        fread( &length, sizeof( W16 ), 3, map_file_handle );
        length[ 0 ] = LittleShort( length[ 0 ] );
        length[ 1 ] = LittleShort( length[ 1 ] );
        length[ 2 ] = LittleShort( length[ 2 ] );
        fread( &w, sizeof( W16 ), 1, map_file_handle );
        w = LittleShort( w );
        fread( &h, sizeof( W16 ), 1, map_file_handle );
        h = LittleShort( h );
        fread( name, sizeof( W8 ), 16, map_file_handle );        	
        fread( sig, sizeof( W8 ), 4, map_file_handle );
        // Output header
        // Map file header signature
        fwrite( sig, sizeof( W8 ), 4, fout );	

        // RLE Word tag
        Rtag = LittleShort( Rtag );
        fwrite( &Rtag, sizeof( W16 ), 1, fout );	
        // Max Width
        w = LittleShort( w );
        fwrite( &w, sizeof( W16 ), 1, fout );
        // Max Height
        h = LittleShort( h );
        fwrite( &h, sizeof( W16 ), 1, fout );	
        // Ceiling Colour
        ceiling = LittleLong( ceiling );
        fwrite( &ceiling, sizeof( W32 ), 1, fout );		
        // Floor Colour
        floor = LittleLong( floor );
        fwrite( &floor, sizeof( W32 ), 1, fout );
        // Length of layers
        temp = LittleShort( length[ 0 ] );
        fwrite( &temp, sizeof( W16 ), 1, fout );	// Length One
        temp = LittleShort( length[ 1 ] );
        fwrite( &temp, sizeof( W16 ), 1, fout );	// Length Two	
        temp = LittleShort( length[ 2 ] );
        fwrite( &temp, sizeof( W16 ), 1, fout );	// Length Three
        jmp = ftell( fout );
        temp = 0;
        fwrite( &temp, sizeof( W32 ), 1, fout );	// Offset One
        fwrite( &temp, sizeof( W32 ), 1, fout );	// Offset Two	
        fwrite( &temp, sizeof( W32 ), 1, fout );	// Offset Three
        // Map name length	
        temp = strlen( name );
        fwrite( &temp, sizeof( W16 ), 1, fout );
        // Music name length	
        temp = strlen( musicName );
        fwrite( &temp, sizeof( W16 ), 1, fout );		
        // Par time Float
        ftime = LittleFloat( ftime );
        fwrite( &ftime, sizeof( float ), 1, fout );	
        // Par time string
        fwrite( stime, sizeof( W8 ), 5 , fout );	
        // Map name
        fwrite( name, sizeof( W8 ), strlen( name ), fout );	
        // Music file name
        fwrite( musicName, sizeof( W8 ), strlen( musicName ), fout );	
        data = (PW8) MM_MALLOC( length[ 0 ] );
        if( data == NULL )
        offset[ 0 ] = ftell( fout );
        fseek( map_file_handle, offsetin[ 0 ], SEEK_SET );
        fread( data, 1, length[ 0 ], map_file_handle );    
        fwrite( data, 1, length[ 0 ], fout );
        MM_FREE( data );
        data = (PW8) MM_MALLOC( length[ 1 ] );
        if( data == NULL )

            return 0;
        offset[ 1 ] = ftell( fout );
        fseek( map_file_handle, offsetin[ 1 ], SEEK_SET );
        fread( data, 1, length[ 1 ], map_file_handle );    
        fwrite( data, 1, length[ 1 ], fout );
        MM_FREE( data );
        data = (PW8) MM_MALLOC( length[ 2 ] );
        if( data == NULL )

            return 0;
        offset[ 2 ] = ftell( fout );
        fseek( map_file_handle, offsetin[ 2 ], SEEK_SET );
        fread( data, 1, length[ 2 ], map_file_handle );
        fwrite( data, 1, length[ 2 ], fout );	
        MM_FREE( data );
        fseek( fout, jmp, SEEK_SET );
        temp = LittleLong( offset[ 0 ] );
        fwrite( &temp, sizeof( W32 ), 1, fout );	// Offset One
        temp = LittleLong( offset[ 1 ] );
        fwrite( &temp, sizeof( W32 ), 1, fout );	// Offset Two	
        temp = LittleLong( offset[ 2 ] );
        fwrite( &temp, sizeof( W32 ), 1, fout );	// Offset Three
        fclose( fout );	



    printf( "Done\n" );

	return true;
 * \brief Decode music chunks
 * \param[in] start Start of music chunks. 
 * \param[in] end End of music chunks.
 * \param[in] songNames Song titles.
 * \return On success true, otherwise false.
PUBLIC wtBoolean AudioFile_ReduxDecodeMusic( const W32 start, const W32 end, const char *path, char *songNames[] )
	SW8 *buffChunk;
	void *buffWav;
	W32 i;
	W32 length;
	char filename[ 1024 ];
	W32 uncompr_length;

	printf( "Decoding Music (This could take a while)..." );

	if( ! ADLIB_Init( 44100 ) )
		return false;

	for( i = start ; i < end ; ++i )
		buffChunk = (PSW8) AudioFile_CacheAudioChunk( i );
		if( buffChunk == NULL )

		uncompr_length = ADLIB_getLength( buffChunk );
		if( uncompr_length <= 1 )
			MM_FREE( buffChunk );


		ADLIB_LoadMusic( buffChunk );

		buffWav = MM_MALLOC( uncompr_length * 64 * 2 );
		if( buffWav == NULL )
			MM_FREE( buffChunk );


		length = ADLIB_UpdateMusic( uncompr_length, buffWav );

		AudioFile_dataByteSwap( buffWav, length );

        // Save audio buffer
        if( _saveMusicAsWav )

            if( songNames )
			    wt_snprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "%s%c%s.wav", path, PATH_SEP, songNames[ i - start ] );
			    wt_snprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "%s%c%d.wav", path, PATH_SEP, i - start );

            wav_write( filename, buffWav, length, 1, 44100, 2 );

            if( songNames )
			    wt_snprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "%s%c%s.ogg", path, PATH_SEP, songNames[ i - start ] );
			    wt_snprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "%s%c%d.ogg", path, PATH_SEP, i - start );

		    vorbis_encode( filename, buffWav, length, 1, 16, 44100, 0, 0, 0 );

		MM_FREE( buffWav );
		MM_FREE( buffChunk );

    printf( "Done\n" );

	return true;
 * \brief Decode sound fx.
 * \param[in] start Start of sound fx chunks. 
 * \param[in] end End of sound fx chunks.
 * \param[in] path Directory path to save file to.
 * \return On success true, otherwise false.
PUBLIC wtBoolean AudioFile_ReduxDecodeSound( const W32 start, const W32 end, const char *path )
	SW8 *buffChunk;
	void *buffWav;
	W32 i;
	W32 length;
	char filename[ 1024 ];

	printf( "Decoding Sound FX..." );

	if( ! ADLIB_Init( 22050 ) )
		return false;

	for( i = start ; i < end ; ++i )
		buffChunk = (PSW8) AudioFile_CacheAudioChunk( i );
		if( buffChunk == NULL )

		buffWav = ADLIB_DecodeSound( (AdLibSound *)buffChunk, &length );
		if( buffWav == NULL )
			MM_FREE( buffChunk );


		AudioFile_dataByteSwap( buffWav, length );


        if( _saveAudioAsWav )
		    wt_snprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "%s%c%.3d.wav", path, PATH_SEP, GetSoundMappedIndex( i - start ) );
		    wav_write( filename, buffWav, length, 1, 22050, 2 );
            wt_snprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "%s%c%.3d.ogg", path, PATH_SEP, GetSoundMappedIndex( i - start ) );
            vorbis_encode( filename, buffWav, length, 1, 16, 22050, 0, 0, 0 );
		MM_FREE( buffWav );
		MM_FREE( buffChunk );



    printf( "Done\n" );

	return true;
 * \brief Decodes Blake Stone Aliens of Gold Full Version data. 
 * \return Nothing. 
PUBLIC void blakestoneAGfull_decoder( void )
	W32 width, height;
	void *data;
	char fname[ 1024 ];

	W8 *tempPalette;

	printf( "\n\nBlake Stone: Aliens of Gold Decoding\n" );

	if( ! buildCacheDirectories() )
        printf( "Unable to create cache directories\n" );

	if( GFXFile_Setup( "VGADICT.BS6", "VGAHEAD.BS6", "VGAGRAPH.BS6" ) )
		GFXFile_decodeFont( 1, 256, 128, DIR_PICS );
		GFXFile_decodeFont( 2, 256, 128, DIR_PICS );
		GFXFile_decodeFont( 3, 256, 128, DIR_PICS );
		GFXFile_decodeFont( 4, 256, 128, DIR_PICS );
		GFXFile_decodeFont( 5, 256, 128, DIR_PICS );

		GFXFile_decodeScript( 181, 223, DIR_GSCRIPTS );

		GFXFile_decodeGFX( 6, 164, blakestone_gamepal, DIR_PICS );

		GFXFile_cacheChunk( 168 );
		tempPalette = (PW8)GFXFile_getChunk( 168 );

		data = GFXFile_decodeChunk_RGB24( 29, &width, &height, tempPalette );
		if( data )
			wt_snprintf( fname, sizeof( fname ), "%s%c%.3d.tga", DIR_PICS, PATH_SEP, 29 );
			RGB24_adjustBrightness( data, width * height * 3 );
			TGA_write( fname, 24, width, height, data, 0, 1 );
			MM_FREE( data );

		GFXFile_cacheChunk( 167 );
		tempPalette = (PW8)GFXFile_getChunk( 167 );

		data = GFXFile_decodeChunk_RGB24( 30, &width, &height, tempPalette );
		if( data )
            wt_snprintf( fname, sizeof( fname ), "%s%c%.3d.tga", DIR_PICS, PATH_SEP, 30 );
			RGB24_adjustBrightness( data, width * height * 3 );
			TGA_write( fname, 24, width, height, data, 0, 1 );
			MM_FREE( data );



	PageFile_ReduxDecodePageData( "VSWAP.BS6", DIR_WALLS, DIR_SPRITES, DIR_DSOUND, blakestone_gamepal );

	if( AudioFile_Setup( "AUDIOHED.BS6", "AUDIOT.BS6" ) )
		AudioFile_ReduxDecodeSound( 0, 200, DIR_SOUNDFX );

		AudioFile_ReduxDecodeMusic( 200, 210, DIR_MUSIC, NULL );
 * \brief Decodes Blake Stone Planet Strike data. 
 * \return Nothing. 
PUBLIC void blakestonePS_decoder( void )
	W32 width, height;
	void *data;
	char fname[ 256 ];

	W8 *tempPalette;

	printf( "Blake Stone: Planet Strike Decoding\n\n" );

	if( ! buildCacheDirectories() )
        fprintf( stderr, "Unable to create cache directories\n" );

		GFXFile_decodeFont( 1, 256, 128, DIR_PICS );
		GFXFile_decodeFont( 2, 256, 128, DIR_PICS );
		GFXFile_decodeFont( 3, 256, 128, DIR_PICS );
		GFXFile_decodeFont( 4, 256, 128, DIR_PICS );
		GFXFile_decodeFont( 5, 256, 128, DIR_PICS );

        GFXFile_decodeScript( 216, 248, DIR_GSCRIPTS );

		GFXFile_decodeGFX( 6, 197, blakestone_gamepal, DIR_PICS );
		GFXFile_cacheChunk( 201 );
		tempPalette = (PW8)GFXFile_getChunk( 201 );

		data = GFXFile_decodeChunk_RGB24( 53, &width, &height, tempPalette );
		if( data )
            wt_snprintf( fname, sizeof( fname ), "%s%c%.3d.tga", DIR_PICS, PATH_SEP, 53 );
			RGB24_adjustBrightness( data, width * height * 3 );
			TGA_write( fname, 24, width, height, data, 0, 1 );
			MM_FREE( data );

		GFXFile_cacheChunk( 203 );
		tempPalette = (PW8)GFXFile_getChunk( 203 );

		data = GFXFile_decodeChunk_RGB24( 143, &width, &height, tempPalette );
		if( data )
            wt_snprintf( fname, sizeof( fname ), "%s%c%.3d.tga", DIR_PICS, PATH_SEP, 143 );
			RGB24_adjustBrightness( data, width * height * 3 );
			TGA_write( fname, 24, width, height, data, 0, 1 );
			MM_FREE( data );

		data = GFXFile_decodeChunk_RGB24( 144, &width, &height, tempPalette );
		if( data )
            wt_snprintf( fname, sizeof( fname ), "%s%c%.3d.tga", DIR_PICS, PATH_SEP, 144 );
			RGB24_adjustBrightness( data, width * height * 3 );
			TGA_write( fname, 24, width, height, data, 0, 1 );
			MM_FREE( data );


	PageFile_ReduxDecodePageData( "VSWAP.VSI", DIR_WALLS, DIR_SPRITES, DIR_DSOUND, blakestone_gamepal );

	if( AudioFile_Setup( "AUDIOHED.VSI", "AUDIOT.VSI" ) )
		AudioFile_ReduxDecodeSound( 0, 0, DIR_SOUNDFX );

		AudioFile_ReduxDecodeMusic( 0, 0, DIR_MUSIC, NULL );
 * \brief Converts Wolf3D graphic data.
 * \param[in] dict Name of dictionary file to load.
 * \param[in] head Name of header file to load. 
 * \param[in] graph Name of graphics file to load. 
 * \param[in] start Offset to start of sprite data
 * \param[in] end Offset to end of sprite data
 * \param[in] picNum Pointer to picNum_t structure to 
 * \param[in] GetReduxGFXFileName Call back function to get file names for graphics data.
 * \return On success true, otherwise false.
PRIVATE wtBoolean wolf3d_gfx( char *dict, char *head, char *graph, W32 start, W32 end, picNum_t *picNum,
							 char *(*GetReduxGFXFileName)( W32 ) )
	wtBoolean bRetVal;
	W32 width, height;
	void *data;
	W32 i;
	char tempFileName[ 1024 ];

    printf( "\nDecoding GFX..." );
	bRetVal = GFXFile_Setup( dict, head, graph );
    if( ! bRetVal )
        printf( "Failed\n" );
        return false;

	for( i = 1; i < start; ++i )
		GFXFile_decodeFont( i, 256, 128, DIR_PICS );

    // Create directory for help scripts   "gscripts/wolfhelp%.3d.txt"
	GFXFile_decodeScript( picNum->PN_HelpScript, picNum->PN_HelpScript+1, DIR_GSCRIPTS );
	GFXFile_decodeScript( picNum->PN_ScriptStart, picNum->PN_ScriptEnd, DIR_GSCRIPTS );

	for( i = start ; i < end ; ++i )
		GFXFile_cacheChunk( i );
        data = GFXFile_decodeChunk_RGB32( i, &width, &height, wolf_gamepal );
		if( NULL == data )

        if( _doRedux )
        	W32 id;
        	void *updata;
        	id = 0;
            updata = wolfcore_ReduxGFX( i, data, &width, &height, &id, wolf_gamepal, picNum );
            if( updata == NULL )
            	MM_FREE( data );
            wt_snprintf( tempFileName, sizeof( tempFileName ), "%s%c%s.tga", DIR_PICS, PATH_SEP, GetReduxGFXFileName( i ) );
            RGB32toRGB24( updata, updata, width * height * 4 );
			TGA_write( tempFileName, 24, width, height, updata, 0, 1 );
			 // updata and data could point to the same memory block.
            if( updata == data)
	            MM_FREE( data );
                MM_FREE( data );
                MM_FREE( updata );
			i += id;                        
            wt_snprintf( tempFileName, sizeof( tempFileName ), "%s%c%.3d.tga", DIR_PICS, PATH_SEP, i );
            RGB32toRGB24( data, data, width * height * 4 ); 
			TGA_write( tempFileName, 24, width, height, data, 0, 1 );
			MM_FREE( data );


    printf( "Done\n" );
	return bRetVal;
 * \brief Decodes Wolfenstein 3-D Shareware versions 1.0 to 1.4
 * \return Nothing.
void wolfshare_decoder( void )
	picNum_t picNum;
	W32 retCheck = 0;
    W32 pic_end = 147;
    char pakName[64];

    // Following values are for share V14
    W32 soundChunkStart = 87;
    W32 soundChunkEnd = 174;
    W32 musicChunkStart = 261;
    W32 musicChunkEnd = 261+27;

    W32 __WL1_L_NUM0PIC = WL1_L_NUM0PIC;
    W32 __WL1_L_NUM9PIC = WL1_L_NUM9PIC;
    W32 __WL1_L_APIC = WL1_L_APIC;
    W32 __WL1_L_ZPIC = WL1_L_ZPIC;
    W32 __WL1_N_0PIC = WL1_N_0PIC;
    W32 __WL1_N_1PIC = WL1_N_1PIC;
    W32 __WL1_N_9PIC = WL1_N_9PIC;

	printf( "Wolfenstein 3-D Shareware" );
    if( wolf_version == WL1_V10 )
        printf( " V1.0" );

        wt_snprintf( pakName, sizeof(pakName), "%s", "wolf_shareV10.pak" );
        pic_end = 139;

        soundChunkStart = 87;
        soundChunkEnd = 146;
        musicChunkStart = 219;
        musicChunkEnd = 219+27;

         __WL1_L_COLONPIC = 49;
         __WL1_L_NUM0PIC = 50;
         __WL1_L_NUM9PIC = 59;
         __WL1_L_PERCENTPIC = 60;
         __WL1_L_APIC = 61;
         __WL1_L_ZPIC = 86;
         __WL1_L_EXPOINTPIC = 87;
         __WL1_L_APOSTROPHEPIC = 87; // none

         __WL1_STATUSBARPIC = 90;
		 __WL1_NOKEYPIC = 99;
         __WL1_N_BLANKPIC = 102;

         __WL1_N_0PIC = 103;
         __WL1_N_1PIC = 104;
         __WL1_N_9PIC = 112;

         __WL1_H_BOTTOMINFOPIC = 20;
    if( wolf_version == WL1_V11 )
        printf( " V1.1" );

        wt_snprintf( pakName, sizeof(pakName), "%s", "wolf_shareV11.pak" );

        pic_end = 141;

         __WL1_L_COLONPIC = 53;
         __WL1_L_NUM0PIC = 54;
         __WL1_L_NUM9PIC = 63;
         __WL1_L_PERCENTPIC = 64;
         __WL1_L_APIC = 65;
         __WL1_L_ZPIC = 90;
         __WL1_L_EXPOINTPIC = 91;
         __WL1_L_APOSTROPHEPIC = 92; 

         __WL1_STATUSBARPIC = 95;
		 __WL1_NOKEYPIC = 104;
         __WL1_N_BLANKPIC = 107;

         __WL1_N_0PIC = 108;
         __WL1_N_1PIC = 109;
         __WL1_N_9PIC = 117;

         __WL1_H_BOTTOMINFOPIC = 20;
    if( wolf_version == WL1_V14 )
        printf( " V1.4" );

        wt_snprintf( pakName, sizeof(pakName), "%s", "wolf_shareV14.pak" );
    printf( " Decoding\n\n" );

	if( ! buildCacheDirectories() )
        fprintf( stderr, "Unable to create cache directories\n" );


	picNum.PN_StatusBar = __WL1_STATUSBARPIC;
    picNum.PN_NoKey = __WL1_NOKEYPIC;
    picNum.PN_Blank = __WL1_N_BLANKPIC;
    picNum.PN_Title1 = 999;
    picNum.PN_Title2 = 999;
    picNum.PN_TitlePalette = 999;
    picNum.PN_0 = __WL1_N_0PIC;
    picNum.PN_1 = __WL1_N_1PIC;
    picNum.PN_9 = __WL1_N_9PIC;
    picNum.PN_Colon = __WL1_L_COLONPIC;
    picNum.PN_Num0 = __WL1_L_NUM0PIC;
    picNum.PN_Num9 = __WL1_L_NUM9PIC;
    picNum.PN_Percent = __WL1_L_PERCENTPIC;
    picNum.PN_A = __WL1_L_APIC;
    picNum.PN_Z = __WL1_L_ZPIC;
    picNum.PN_Expoint = __WL1_L_EXPOINTPIC;
    picNum.PN_Apostrophe = __WL1_L_APOSTROPHEPIC;
    picNum.PN_IDGuys1 = 999;
    picNum.PN_IDGuys2 = 999;
    picNum.PN_EndScreen1 = 999;
    picNum.PN_EndScreen9 = 999;
	picNum.PN_HelpScript = 0;
	picNum.PN_ScriptStart = 0;
    picNum.PN_ScriptEnd = 0;
    picNum.PN_bottomInfoPic = __WL1_H_BOTTOMINFOPIC;
	retCheck += wolf3d_gfx( "VGADICT.WL1", "VGAHEAD.WL1", "VGAGRAPH.WL1", 3, pic_end, &picNum, WL1_GetReduxGFXFileName );	

	retCheck += PageFile_ReduxDecodePageData( "VSWAP.WL1", DIR_WALLS, DIR_SPRITES, DIR_DSOUND, wolf_gamepal );
    if( _doRedux )
    	retCheck += MapFile_ReduxDecodeMapData( "MAPHEAD.WL1",  wolf_version == WL1_V10 ? "MAPTEMP.WL1" : "GAMEMAPS.WL1", DIR_MAPS, wolf_gamepal, CeilingColourWL6, WL6_songs, parTimesWL6, "%s/w%.2d.map" );  

	if( AudioFile_Setup( "AUDIOHED.WL1", "AUDIOT.WL1" ) )
		retCheck += AudioFile_ReduxDecodeSound( soundChunkStart, soundChunkEnd, DIR_SOUNDFX );
		retCheck += AudioFile_ReduxDecodeMusic( musicChunkStart, musicChunkEnd, DIR_MUSIC, songTitles );

    if( retCheck == 5 && ! _outputInDirectory )
    	PAK_builder( pakName, 0, true );
