LinAlg::Matrix<float> SistemasLineares::GaussJacobi(LinAlg::Matrix<float> MatrizUni, unsigned MaxIterations) { //Matriz Resposta LinAlg::Matrix<float> MatrizRes(MaxIterations, MatrizUni.getNumberOfColumns()); LinAlg::Matrix<float> C (MatrizUni.getNumberOfRows(), MatrizUni.getNumberOfColumns() - 1); LinAlg::Matrix<float> g (MatrizUni.getNumberOfRows(), 1); LinAlg::Matrix<float> x0(C.getNumberOfColumns(), 1); // //Deixa o vetor de chute inicial padronizado como vetor linha if(this->X0.getNumberOfColumns() < this->X0.getNumberOfRows()) ~this->X0; // //Insere o chute inicial na Matriz resposta for(unsigned i = 1; i < MatrizRes.getNumberOfColumns() - 1; ++i) x0(1,i) = this->X0(1,i); //Laço para contar as linhas da MatrizUni e Matriz C. for(unsigned i = 1; i <= MatrizUni.getNumberOfRows(); ++i) { //Laço para contar as colunas da MAtrizUni e Matriz C. for(unsigned j = 1; j < MatrizUni.getNumberOfColumns(); ++j) { if(i != j) C(i,j) = - MatrizUni(i,j)/MatrizUni(i,i);//Matriz com a diagonal zerada. } g(i,1) = MatrizUni(i,MatrizUni.getNumberOfColumns()) / MatrizUni(i,i);//Matriz dos termos independentes. } MatrizRes = ~x0; for(unsigned k = 1; k < MaxIterations; ++k) { x0 = (C * x0) + g; MatrizRes = MatrizRes || ~x0; } return MatrizRes; }
void CVMath::setupMatrixM1() { Line r1 = Points::getInstance().getR1(); Line r2 = Points::getInstance().getR2(); Line r3 = Points::getInstance().getR3(); Line r4 = Points::getInstance().getR4(); l0 << r1.x, r1.y, r1.z; l1 << r2.x, r2.y, r2.z; l2 << r3.x, r3.y, r3.z; l3 << r4.x, r4.y, r4.z; x0 = l0.cross(l1); x0 << x0(0)/x0(2), x0(1)/x0(2), 1; x1 = l2.cross(l3); x1 << x1(0)/x1(2), x1(1)/x1(2), 1; l = x0.cross(x1); Hp = MatrixXd(3, 3); Hp << 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, l(0), l(1), l(2); std::cout << Hp << std::endl; Vector3d l0; Vector3d l1; Hp_INV = MatrixXd(3, 3); Hp_INV = Hp.inverse().eval(); std::cout << Hp_INV << std::endl; }
Vector Initialize() { Vector x0(3, 0.0); x0(0) = 10000; return x0; }
void MyWidget::process() { ui->plainTextEdit->clear(); variant = ui->comboBox->currentIndex(); print(QString("Variant %1").arg(variant)); print(QString("[%1; %2]").arg(x0(), 0, 'g', 5).arg(xFinish(), 0, 'g', 3)); //calc qreal x = x0(), y = y0(), z = z0(); for (int i = 1; x < xFinish() || qFuzzyCompare(x, xFinish()); ++i) { qreal k1 = h() * f(x, y, z); qreal q1 = h() * g(x, y, z); qreal k2 = h() * f(x + h() / 2.0, y + k1 / 2.0, z + q1 / 2.0); qreal q2 = h() * g(x + h() / 2.0, y + k1 / 2.0, z + q1 / 2.0); qreal k3 = h() * f(x + h() / 2.0, y + k2 / 2.0, z + q2 / 2.0); qreal q3 = h() * g(x + h() / 2.0, y + k2 / 2.0, z + q2 / 2.0); qreal k4 = h() * f(x + h(), y + k3, z + q3); qreal q4 = h() * g(x + h(), y + k3, z + q3); print(QString("#%1").arg(i)); print(QString("y(%1) = %2").arg(x, 0, 'g', 5).arg(y, 0, 'g', 5)); print(QString("y_ex(%1) = %2").arg(x, 0, 'g',5).arg(yt(x), 0, 'g', 5)); print(QString("error(%1) = %2").arg(x, 0, 'g',5).arg(ypo(y, x), 0, 'g', 5)); x += h(); y += (k1 + 2.0 * k2 + 2.0 * k3 + k4) / 6.0; z += (q1 + 2.0 * q2 + 2.0 * q3 + q4) / 6.0; } }
void FoncATrou_OPB_Comp<Type>::calc_buf ( INT ** output, INT *** input ) { for (INT d= 0; d<dim_out() ; d++) { convert ( output[d]+x0(), input[std::min(d,dim_in()-1)][0]+x0(), tx() ); } INT a0 = _cpt[ycur()]; INT a1 = _cpt[ycur()+1]; for (INT a=a0 ; a<a1 ; a++) { INT x = _tx[a]; for (INT d= 0; d<dim_out() ; d++) output[d][x] = _v[d][a]; } }
void xRungeKutta4 :: halfTest (void) { gpstk::Matrix<double> x0(2,1), truncError(2,1); x0(0,0) = 0.001; // Initial angle in radians x0(1,0) = 0.0; // Initial angular velocity in radians/second PendulumIntegrator pModel(x0,0.); double g = 9.81, L = 1.0; pModel.setPhysics(g,L); double deltaT = .00001; // Step size in seconds for integrator double time = 0; double Nper = 2.5; // number of periods double addError = 0; //Total Error for angle double addDotError = 0; //Total Error for rate of change in angle long count = 0; while (pModel.getTime() < Nper * (2*3.14159265/sqrt(g/L))) { pModel.integrateTo((count++)*deltaT,truncError); addError += fabs(truncError(0,0)); addDotError += fabs(truncError(1,0)); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(-x0(0,0),pModel.getState()(0,0),addError*2); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_DOUBLES_EQUAL(x0(1,0),pModel.getState()(1,0),addDotError*2); }
mat nnls_solver(const mat & H, mat mu, const umat & mask, int max_iter, double rel_tol, int n_threads) { /**************************************************************************************************** * Description: sequential Coordinate-wise algorithm for non-negative least square regression problem * A x = b, s.t. x[!m] >= 0, x[m] == 0 * Arguments: * H : A^T * A * mu : -A^T * b * mask : a mask matrix (m) of same dim of x * max_iter : maximum number of iterations * rel_tol : stop criterion, minimum change on x between two successive iteration * n_threads : number of threads * Return: * x : solution to argmin_{x, x>=0} ||Ax - b||_F^2 * Reference: * * Author: * Eric Xihui Lin <*****@*****.**> * Version: * 2015-11-16 ****************************************************************************************************/ mat x(H.n_cols, mu.n_cols, fill::zeros); if (n_threads < 0) n_threads = 0; bool is_masked = !mask.empty(); #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(n_threads) schedule(dynamic) for (int j = 0; j < mu.n_cols; j++) { if (is_masked && arma::all(mask.col(j))) continue; vec x0(H.n_cols); // x0.fill(-9999); double tmp; int i = 0; double err1, err2 = 9999; do { // break if all entries of col_j are masked x0 = x.col(j); err1 = err2; err2 = 0; for (int k = 0; k < H.n_cols; k++) { if (is_masked && mask(k,j) > 0) continue; tmp = x(k,j) - mu(k,j) / H(k,k); if (tmp < 0) tmp = 0; if (tmp != x(k,j)) { mu.col(j) += (tmp - x(k,j)) * H.col(k); } x(k,j) = tmp; tmp = std::abs(x(k,j) - x0(k)); if (tmp > err2) err2 = tmp; } } while(++i < max_iter && std::abs(err1 - err2) / (err1 + 1e-9) > rel_tol); } return x; }
Vector Initialize() { Vector x0(3, 0.0); x0(0) = 400; x0(1) = 798; return x0; }
void MinimizerThread::run() { boost::numeric::ublas::vector< double > x0(2); x0(0) = x0_; x0(1) = y0_; if(!solver_->isExternalSolver()) { NativeSolver *nativeSolver = dynamic_cast< NativeSolver * >(solver_); if(C_ != NULL) solver_->setup(*objFunc_, x0, Solver::DefaultSetup(), *C_); else solver_->setup(*objFunc_, x0, Solver::DefaultSetup(), NoConstraints()); results_.iterates.clear(); results_.iterates.push_back(x0); if(nativeSolver->getM() > 1) { results_.iteratePointSets.clear(); results_.iteratePointSets.push_back(nativeSolver->getXArray()); } unsigned int nIter = 0; NativeSolver::IterationStatus status = NativeSolver::ITERATION_CONTINUE; while(status == NativeSolver::ITERATION_CONTINUE && (nativeSolver->hasBuiltInStoppingCriterion() || !stopCrit_->test(*nativeSolver)) && nIter < 10000 && !terminationFlag_) { status = nativeSolver->iterate(); results_.iterates.push_back(nativeSolver->getX()); if(nativeSolver->getM() > 1) results_.iteratePointSets.push_back(nativeSolver->getXArray()); nIter++; } results_.xMin = nativeSolver->getX()[0]; results_.yMin = nativeSolver->getX()[1]; results_.fMin = nativeSolver->getFVal(); results_.numIter = nativeSolver->getNumIter(); results_.numFuncEval = nativeSolver->getNumFuncEval(); results_.numGradEval = nativeSolver->getNumGradEval(); } else { // TODO: stopping criterion for LMBM? boost::shared_ptr< Solver::Results > results = solver_->solve(*objFunc_, x0, GradNormTest(1e-8)); results_.xMin = results->xMin[0]; results_.yMin = results->xMin[1]; results_.fMin = results->fMin; results_.numIter = results->numIter; results_.numFuncEval = results->numFuncEval; results_.numGradEval = results->numGradEval; //results_.iterates = results->iterates; // TODO: iterates? } }
//.. // Our verification program simply instantiate several 'MyGenericContainer' // templates with the two test types above, and checks that the allocator // slot is as expected: //.. int usageExample() { bslma::TestAllocator ta0; bslma::TestAllocator ta1; //.. // With 'MyTestTypeWithNoBslmaAllocatorTraits', the slot should never be set. //.. MyTestTypeWithNoBslmaAllocatorTraits x; allocSlot = &ta0; MyGenericContainer<MyTestTypeWithNoBslmaAllocatorTraits> x0(x); ASSERT(&ta0 == allocSlot); allocSlot = &ta0; MyGenericContainer<MyTestTypeWithNoBslmaAllocatorTraits> x1(x, &ta1); ASSERT(&ta0 == allocSlot); //.. // With 'MyTestTypeWithBslmaAllocatorTraits', the slot should be set to the // allocator argument, or to 0 if not specified: //.. MyTestTypeWithBslmaAllocatorTraits y; allocSlot = &ta0; MyGenericContainer<MyTestTypeWithBslmaAllocatorTraits> y0(y); ASSERT(0 == allocSlot); allocSlot = &ta0; MyGenericContainer<MyTestTypeWithBslmaAllocatorTraits> y1(y, &ta1); ASSERT(&ta1 == allocSlot); return 0; }
void Bidomain::DoOdeRhs( const Array<OneD, const Array<OneD, NekDouble> >&inarray, Array<OneD, Array<OneD, NekDouble> >&outarray, const NekDouble time) { int nq = m_fields[0]->GetNpoints(); m_cell->TimeIntegrate(inarray, outarray, time); if (m_stimDuration > 0 && time < m_stimDuration) { Array<OneD,NekDouble> x0(nq); Array<OneD,NekDouble> x1(nq); Array<OneD,NekDouble> x2(nq); Array<OneD,NekDouble> result(nq); // get the coordinates m_fields[0]->GetCoords(x0,x1,x2); LibUtilities::EquationSharedPtr ifunc = m_session->GetFunction("Stimulus", "u"); ifunc->Evaluate(x0,x1,x2,time, result); Vmath::Vadd(nq, outarray[0], 1, result, 1, outarray[0], 1); } Vmath::Smul(nq, 1.0/m_capMembrane, outarray[0], 1, outarray[0], 1); }
void MainWindow::plot3(QCustomPlot *customPlot) { QVector<double> x0(pts), y0(pts); update_w(w,1.0); double y_inc = 1.0; for (int i=0; i<pts; ++i) { x0[i] = (double)0.5*i/pts; y0[i] = y_inc*(w[i]); } customPlot->graph()->setData(x0, y0); customPlot->graph()->setLineStyle(QCPGraph::lsLine); customPlot->graph()->setScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle::ssNone); // (QCP::ScatterStyle)(rand()%9+1)); QPen graphPen; graphPen.setColor(QColor(Qt::GlobalColor(5+graph_counter))); graphPen.setWidthF(2); customPlot->graph()->setPen(graphPen); customPlot->xAxis->setRange(0,0.5); customPlot->yAxis->setRange(-90,10); customPlot->legend->setVisible(true); // customPlot->setInteraction(QCustomPlot::iSelectPlottables); customPlot->graph()->setName(QString(shape.c_str())); customPlot->replot(); }
QgsLineString *QgsMapToolAddRectangle::rectangleToLinestring( const bool isOriented ) const { std::unique_ptr<QgsLineString> ext( new QgsLineString() ); if ( mRectangle.isEmpty() ) { return ext.release(); } QgsPoint x0( mRectangle.xMinimum(), mRectangle.yMinimum() ); QgsPoint x1, x2, x3; if ( isOriented ) { const double perpendicular = 90.0 * mSide; x1 = x0.project( mDistance1, mAzimuth ); x3 = x0.project( mDistance2, mAzimuth + perpendicular ); x2 = x1.project( mDistance2, mAzimuth + perpendicular ); } else { x1 = QgsPoint( mRectangle.xMinimum(), mRectangle.yMaximum() ); x2 = QgsPoint( mRectangle.xMaximum(), mRectangle.yMaximum() ); x3 = QgsPoint( mRectangle.xMaximum(), mRectangle.yMinimum() ); } ext->addVertex( x0 ); ext->addVertex( x1 ); ext->addVertex( x2 ); ext->addVertex( x3 ); ext->addVertex( x0 ); return ext.release(); }
RANDOM_HILL_CLIMBING::Parameter RANDOM_HILL_CLIMBING::move(RANDOM_HILL_CLIMBING::Parameter par) { boost::variate_generator<RNG&, boost::uniform_real<Float_t> > r(_rng, boost::uniform_real<Float_t>(-1,1)); Parameter result; Float_t factor=4; Float_t maxpos=0.1*factor; Float_t maxang=osg::PI/45*factor; do { result._pos=Vec3_t(r(), r(), r())*maxpos; } while (result._pos.length()>maxpos); result._pos=par._pos+result._pos; boost::variate_generator<RNG&, boost::uniform_real<Float_t> > rsimple(_rng, boost::uniform_real<Float_t>(0,1)); Float_t x0(rsimple()); Float_t t1(2*osg::PI*rsimple()), t2(2*osg::PI*rsimple()); Float_t s1(sin(t1)), s2(sin(t2)), c1(cos(t1)), c2(cos(t2)); Float_t r1(sqrt(1-x0)), r2(sqrt(x0)); Quat_t randomori=Quat_t(s1*r1, c1*r1, s2*r2, c2*r2); result._ori.slerp(maxang, Quat_t(), randomori); Quat_t temp=par._ori*result._ori; result._ori=temp; // bond rotatio result._bond=vector<Float_t>(_fit->RotCount()); for (unsigned int i=0; i!=_fit->RotCount(); ++i) { result._bond[i]=par._bond[i]+r()*maxang; } return result; }
int gauss(dvec& x, dvec& w) { int n = x.size(); double dist = 1; double tol = 1e-15; int iter = 0; // Use Chebyshev-Gauss nodes and initial guess initguess(x); // chebnodes(x); dvec x0(x); dvec L(n,0.0); dvec Lp(n,0.0); dvec a(n,0.0); dvec b(n,0.0); rec_legendre(a,b); // Iteratively correct nodes with Newton's method while(dist>tol) { newton_step(a,b,x,L,Lp); dist = dist_max(x,x0); ++iter; x0 = x; } // Compute Weights for(int i=0;i<n;++i){ w[i] = 2.0/((1-x[i]*x[i])*(Lp[i]*Lp[i])); } return iter; }
void MainWindow::plot2(QCustomPlot *customPlot) { QVector<double> x0(pts), y0(pts); update_w(w,1.0); double y_inc = 1.0; for (int i=0; i<pts; ++i) { x0[i] = (double)0.5*i/pts; y0[i] = y_inc*(w[i]); } order = get_order(); ui->order->setText(QApplication::translate("MainWindow", std::to_string(order).c_str(), 0)); ui->ripple->setText(QApplication::translate("MainWindow", std::to_string(ripple()).c_str(), 0)); ui->fc->setText(QApplication::translate("MainWindow", std::to_string(fc()).c_str(), 0)); customPlot->graph()->setData(x0, y0); customPlot->graph()->setLineStyle(QCPGraph::lsLine); //(QCPGraph::LineStyle)(rand()%5+1)); customPlot->graph()->setScatterStyle(QCPScatterStyle::ssNone); // (QCP::ScatterStyle)(rand()%9+1)); QPen graphPen; // graphPen.setColor(QColor(rand()%245+10, rand()%245+10, rand()%245+10)); //graphPen.setWidthF(rand()/(double)RAND_MAX*2+1); graph_counter++; graph_counter = graph_counter%9; graphPen.setColor(QColor(Qt::GlobalColor(5+graph_counter))); graphPen.setWidthF(2); customPlot->graph()->setPen(graphPen); customPlot->xAxis->setRange(0,0.5); customPlot->yAxis->setRange(-90,10); customPlot->legend->setVisible(true); // customPlot->setInteraction(QCustomPlot::iSelectPlottables); customPlot->graph()->setName(QString(shape.c_str())); customPlot->replot(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { vctr x0(2); vctr u(1);;;; double dt_max=0.1; double state_dim=2; double control_dim=1; double tspan=2.0*M_PI; RK4 sys(&flow,dt_max,state_dim,control_dim); traj sol = sys.sim(tspan,x0,u); sys.print_traj(sol); printf("cost: %f\n",cost(sol)); //Plot result vctr path(sol.time.size()); for(int i=0;i<sol.path.size();i++) {[i][0]; } plt::plot(sol.time,path); plt::xlim(0, (int) ceil(sol.time.back())); plt::show(); //plt::save("./basic.png"); return 0; }
/// Implementation of the sparsity structure void luksan_vlcek_3::set_sparsity(int &lenG, std::vector<int> &iGfun, std::vector<int> &jGvar) const { //Initial point decision_vector x0(get_dimension(),1); //Numerical procedure estimate_sparsity(x0, lenG, iGfun, jGvar); }
ApproximateES(size_t _N, double _lambda_min, double _lambda_max, EnergyMinimizer* _m , float* _x0 = NULL, size_t _max_iter = 10000, int _verbosity = 0, float* _x1 = NULL): kmc(_lambda_min, _lambda_max), lambda_min(_lambda_min), lambda_max(_lambda_max), N(_N), minimizer(_m), max_iter(_max_iter), verbosity(_verbosity) { e1 = e2 = e3 = 0; short_array x0( new float[N] ); short_array x1( new float[N] ); for(size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) // copy { if(_x0 != NULL ) x0[i] = _x0[i]; else x0[i] = 0; if(_x1 != NULL ) x1[i] = _x1[i]; else x1[i] = x0[i]; } Undefined u1(lambda_min, x0, x0); Undefined u2(lambda_max, x1, x1); Lambda.push(u1); Lambda.push(u2); labelings.push_back( x0 ); labelings.push_back( x1 ); }
Matrix dixon(Parser parser, const Matrix& x) { Matrix x0(x); Matrix x1(x); Matrix p(x); unsigned k = 0; do { k++; x0 = x1; if (k == 1) { p = -1*grad(parser, x0); } else { double beta = -pow(grad(parser,x0).norm(),2)/getScalarPr(p,-p); p = -1*grad(parser, x0) + beta*p; } double alpha = powell(parser,x0,p,swenn_1(parser, x0,p,1)); x1 = x0 + p*alpha; } while(k < 100 && grad(parser,x0).norm() > myEPS && myEPS && fabs(parser.f(x0)-parser.f(x1))>myEPS); qDebug() << "iteration = " << k; return x1; }
RANDOM_HILL_CLIMBING::Parameter RANDOM_HILL_CLIMBING::init_new_Parameter() { boost::variate_generator<RNG&, boost::uniform_real<Float_t> > r(_rng, boost::uniform_real<Float_t>(-1,1)); Parameter result; // position do { result._pos=_center+Vec3_t(r() ,r(), r())*_radius; } while ((_center-result._pos).length()>_radius); // orientation // random quaternion // Ken Shoemake // UNIFORM RANDOM ROTATIONS // In D. Kirk, editor, Graphics Gems III, pages 124-132. Academic, New York, 1992. boost::variate_generator<RNG&, boost::uniform_real<Float_t> > rsimple(_rng, boost::uniform_real<Float_t>(0,1)); Float_t x0(rsimple()); Float_t t1(2*osg::PI*rsimple()), t2(2*osg::PI*rsimple()); Float_t s1(sin(t1)), s2(sin(t2)), c1(cos(t1)), c2(cos(t2)); Float_t r1(sqrt(1-x0)), r2(sqrt(x0)); result._ori=Quat_t(s1*r1, c1*r1, s2*r2, c2*r2); // bond rotation result._bond=vector<Float_t>(_fit->RotCount()); for (unsigned int i=0; i!=_fit->RotCount(); ++i) { result._bond[i]=r()*osg::PI; } return result; }
PSO::Particle PSO::init_new_Particle() { Float_t max_v=_radius/4; Float_t max_a=osg::PI/4; boost::variate_generator<RNG&, boost::uniform_real<Float_t> > r(_rng, boost::uniform_real<Float_t>(-1,1)); Particle result; // position do { result._pos=_center+Vec3_t(r() ,r(), r())*_radius; } while ((_center-result._pos).length()>_radius); result._pb=result._pos; // position velocity do { result._pv=Vec3_t(r(), r(), r())*max_v; } while (result._pv.length()>max_v); // orientation // random quaternion // Ken Shoemake // UNIFORM RANDOM ROTATIONS // In D. Kirk, editor, Graphics Gems III, pages 124-132. Academic, New York, 1992. boost::variate_generator<RNG&, boost::uniform_real<Float_t> > rsimple(_rng, boost::uniform_real<Float_t>(0,1)); Float_t x0(rsimple()); Float_t t1(2*osg::PI*rsimple()), t2(2*osg::PI*rsimple()); Float_t s1(sin(t1)), s2(sin(t2)), c1(cos(t1)), c2(cos(t2)); Float_t r1(sqrt(1-x0)), r2(sqrt(x0)); result._ori=Quat_t(s1*r1, c1*r1, s2*r2, c2*r2); result._ob=result._ori; // orientation velocity x0=rsimple(); t1=2*osg::PI*rsimple(); t2=2*osg::PI*rsimple(); s1=sin(t1); s2=sin(t2); c1=cos(t1); c2=cos(t2); r1=sqrt(1-x0); r2=sqrt(x0); Quat_t randomori=Quat_t(s1*r1, c1*r1, s2*r2, c2*r2); // max possible orientation velocity is pi(180) // but we allow only initanglevel orientation velocity result._ov.slerp(max_a/osg::PI, Quat_t(), randomori); // bond rotation result._bond=vector<Float_t>(_fit->RotCount()); result._bv=vector<Float_t>(_fit->RotCount()); for (unsigned int i=0; i!=_fit->RotCount(); ++i) { result._bond[i]=r()*osg::PI; // scale by maximum angle step width result._bv[i]=r()*max_a; } result._bb=result._bond; return result; }
void CrankNicolsonSorUpdater::update( const std::vector<double> & uOld, std::vector<double>* uNew, const std::vector<double> & prem ) const { int N = uOld.size()-1; double c = getAlpha(); // uOld restricted in the interior region Eigen::VectorXd u = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(N-1); for (int i=0; i<N-1; i++) { u(i) = uOld[i+1]; } // Construct b-vector Eigen::VectorXd b = d_B*u; b(0) += 0.5*c*((*uNew)[0]+uOld[0]); b(N-2) += 0.5*c*((*uNew)[N]+uOld[N]); // Use the state vector at the previous time step as initial estimate Eigen::VectorXd x0 = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(N-1); for (int i=0; i<N-1; i++) { x0(i) = uOld[i+1]; } // Construct early exercise premium vector Eigen::VectorXd p = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(0); if ( prem.size()>0 ) { p = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(N-1); for (int i=0; i<N-1; i++) { p(i) = prem[i+1]; // If early exercise premium is given, the initial // estimate x0 is set to early exercise premium. // This is a reasonable choice because: // (1) At the 1st time step, i.e., m=0, // early_exercise_premium = K*exp(ax)*max(1-exp(x),0), // which is exactly the same as the terminal condition; // (2) At the successive time steps, i.e., m>0, // early_exercise_premium serves as a good approximation // of the value of state vectors. x0(i) = prem[i+1]; } } // update std::tuple<Eigen::VectorXd, int> res = sor(d_omega, d_A, b, d_tol, x0, p); Eigen::VectorXd x = std::get<0>(res); for (int i=0; i<N-1; i++) { (*uNew)[i+1] = x(i); } }
/// Implementation of the sparsity structure void snopt_toyprob::set_sparsity(int& lenG, std::vector<int>& iGfun, std::vector<int>& jGvar) const { //Initial point decision_vector x0(2); x0[0] = 1; x0[1] = 1; //Numerical procedure this->estimate_sparsity(x0, lenG, iGfun, jGvar); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // A decorated affine form yalaa::aff_e_d_dec x0(iv_t(-1.0, 2.0)); // A new affine form has the best decoration, as long as its original interval // is not empty or invalid. std::cout << "Decoration of x0: " << get_special(x0) << std::endl; // Square x0 is D5 (= 6), the best decoration std::cout << x0 << "^2 = " << sqr(x0) << " Deco: " << get_special(sqr(x0)) << " Valid: " << is_valid(sqr(x0)) << std::endl; // The natural domain of sqrt is R+. Thus the resulting decoration of sqrt(x0) // is D2 (=3) (possibly defined) std::cout << "sqrt(" << x0 << ") = " << sqrt(x0) << " Deco: " << get_special(sqrt(x0)) << " Valid: " << is_valid(sqrt(x0)) << std::endl; // The natural domain of log is R+, Thus the decoration is D2, as for lim x->0 log(x) is unbounded // the computation overflows for the natural domain resulting in Infinity as central value // Note the changed value of valid. Even if the decoration quality is the some as for sqrt(x0), // is_valid returns now false, as the form has no numerical meaningful value anymore. std::cout << "log(" << x0 << ") = " << log(x0) << " Deco: " << get_special(log(x0)) << " Valid: " << is_valid(log(x0)) << std::endl; // A form for an empty interval is created. The decoration is D0 (=1). yalaa::aff_e_d_dec empty(iv_t(1, -1)); std::cout << "Decoration of an empty affine form: " << get_special(empty) << " Valid: " << is_valid(empty) << std::endl; // If the empty is used as input argument of an operation, the result is again D0 std::cout << "cos(" << empty << ") = " << cos(empty) << " Deco: " << get_special(cos(empty)) << " Valid: " << is_valid(cos(empty)) << std::endl; // Combination of an affine form with a scalar // Normally scalars are treated like affine forms with a D5 decoration. However, if they have a // special value like NaN or infinity, the combination results in D-1 (=0) with indicates some // error. std::cout << "3.0*" << x0 << ") = " << 3*x0 << " Deco: " << get_special(3*x0) << " Valid: " << is_valid(3*x0) << std::endl; std::cout << "infinity*" << x0 << ") = " << std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()*x0 << " Deco: " << get_special(std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()*x0) << " Valid: " << is_valid(std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()*x0) << std::endl; // Decoations are propagated through inductively defined functions // Thus f = sqrt(x0) + x0 // has the decoration D2, as sqrt(x0) is D2. yalaa::aff_e_d_dec sqrtx0(sqrt(x0)); std::cout << "sqrt(" << x0 << ") + " << x0 << " = " << sqrt(x0) + x0 << " Deco: " << get_special(sqrt(x0) + x0) << " Valid: " << is_valid(sqrt(x0) + x0) << std::endl; // The natural domain of exp is not violated, but the computation overflows resulting in D4 // (defined and continuous). No statement is made about the boundness! // Commented out, as some libraries like C-XSC abort the program in case of an overflow. // yalaa::aff_e_d_dec x1(1000.0); // std::cout << "exp(" << x1 << ") = " << exp(x1) << " Deco: " << get_special(exp(x1)) << std::endl; return 0; }
void Skel_OPB_Comp::calc_buf(INT ** output,U_INT1 *** input) { if (first_line_in_pack()) { for (INT d =0; d < dim_in() ; d++) { U_INT1 ** l = input[d]; for (int y = y0Buf() ; y < y1Buf() ; y++) convert ( _im_init[y-y0Buf()], l[y]+x0Buf(), x1Buf()-x0Buf() ); Skeleton ( _skel[d], _im_init, _sz.x, _sz.y, _larg ); } } for (INT d =0; d < dim_in() ; d++) convert ( output[d]+x0(), _skel[d][y_in_pack()-dy0()]-dx0(), tx() ); if (_AvecDist) convert ( output[1]+x0(), _im_init[y_in_pack()-dy0()]-dx0(), tx() ); }
Vector Initialize() { Vector x0(8, 0.0); x0(0) = 11; x0(1) = 11; x0(2) = 0; x0(3) = 4.5165e12; x0(4) = 0; x0(5) = 4.5165e12; x0(6) = 0; x0(7) = 0; return x0; }
int main() { char user[3]; read(0, user, 3); if (x0(user) || x1(user) || x2(user) || x3(user) || x4(user)) { failure(); } else { success(); } }
// calculate distance line-point double distance2(double x,double y,double z, const double *p) { // distance line point is D= | (xp-x0) cross ux | // where ux is direction of line and x0 is a point in the line (like t = 0) ROOT::Math::XYZVector xp(x,y,z); ROOT::Math::XYZVector x0(p[0], p[2], 0. ); ROOT::Math::XYZVector x1(p[0] + p[1], p[2] + p[3], 1. ); ROOT::Math::XYZVector u = (x1-x0).Unit(); double d2 = ((xp-x0).Cross(u)) .Mag2(); return d2; }
/// Implementation of the sparsity structure: automated detection void earth_planet::set_sparsity(int &lenG, std::vector<int> &iGfun, std::vector<int> &jGvar) const { //Initial point decision_vector x0(get_dimension()); for (pagmo::decision_vector::size_type i = 0; i<x0.size(); ++i) { x0[i] = get_lb()[i] + (get_ub()[i] - get_lb()[i]) / 3.12345; } //Numerical procedure estimate_sparsity(x0, lenG, iGfun, jGvar); }