void register_MultiVector_class(){

    { //::SireMaths::MultiVector
        typedef bp::class_< SireMaths::MultiVector > MultiVector_exposer_t;
        MultiVector_exposer_t MultiVector_exposer = MultiVector_exposer_t( "MultiVector", "\nThis is a vectorised version of Vector, e.g. x, y, and z\nare held as MultiDouble objects, meaning that this is a\npacked vector of vectors\n\nAuthor: Christopher Woods\n", bp::init< >("") );
        bp::scope MultiVector_scope( MultiVector_exposer );
        MultiVector_exposer.def( bp::init< SireMaths::MultiDouble const & >(( bp::arg("value") ), "Copy constructor") );
        MultiVector_exposer.def( bp::init< SireMaths::MultiDouble const &, SireMaths::MultiDouble const &, SireMaths::MultiDouble const & >(( bp::arg("x"), bp::arg("y"), bp::arg("z") ), "") );
        MultiVector_exposer.def( bp::init< SireMaths::Vector const *, int >(( bp::arg("array"), bp::arg("size") ), "Construct from an array of Vectors. This array cannot be greater\nthan MultiDouble::size()") );
        MultiVector_exposer.def( bp::init< QVector< SireMaths::Vector > const & >(( bp::arg("array") ), "Construct from an array of Vectors. This array cannot be greater\nthan MultiDouble::size()") );
        MultiVector_exposer.def( bp::init< SireMaths::MultiVector const & >(( bp::arg("other") ), "Copy constructor") );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::angle
            typedef ::SireMaths::MultiDouble ( *angle_function_type )( ::SireMaths::MultiVector const &,::SireMaths::MultiVector const & );
            angle_function_type angle_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::angle );
                , angle_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("v0"), bp::arg("v1") )
                , "Return the angle between vectors v0 and v1 - this is the smallest\nangle, and will always lie between 0 and 180 degrees" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::angle
            typedef ::SireMaths::MultiDouble ( *angle_function_type )( ::SireMaths::MultiVector const &,::SireMaths::MultiVector const &,::SireMaths::MultiVector const & );
            angle_function_type angle_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::angle );
                , angle_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("v0"), bp::arg("v1"), bp::arg("v2") )
                , "Return the angle between v0-v1-v2 (treating the vectors as points in space)" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::at
            typedef ::SireMaths::Vector ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*at_function_type)( int ) const;
            at_function_type at_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::at );
                , at_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("i") )
                , "Access the ith vector in the MultiVector" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::b
            typedef ::SireMaths::MultiDouble ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*b_function_type)(  ) const;
            b_function_type b_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::b );
                , b_function_value
                , "Return the components via rgb (limited between 0 and 1)" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::bearing
            typedef ::SireMaths::MultiDouble ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*bearing_function_type)(  ) const;
            bearing_function_type bearing_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::bearing );
                , bearing_function_value
                , "Return the bearing of this vector against (0,1,0) (north) on the xy plane" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::bearingXY
            typedef ::SireMaths::MultiDouble ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*bearingXY_function_type)( ::SireMaths::MultiVector const & ) const;
            bearingXY_function_type bearingXY_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::bearingXY );
                , bearingXY_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("v") )
                , "Return the bearing of this vector against v on the xy plane" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::bearingXZ
            typedef ::SireMaths::MultiDouble ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*bearingXZ_function_type)( ::SireMaths::MultiVector const & ) const;
            bearingXZ_function_type bearingXZ_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::bearingXZ );
                , bearingXZ_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("v") )
                , "Return the bearing of this vector against v on the xz plane" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::bearingYZ
            typedef ::SireMaths::MultiDouble ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*bearingYZ_function_type)( ::SireMaths::MultiVector const & ) const;
            bearingYZ_function_type bearingYZ_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::bearingYZ );
                , bearingYZ_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("v") )
                , "Return the bearing of this vector against v on the yz plane" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::count
            typedef int ( *count_function_type )(  );
            count_function_type count_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::count );
                , count_function_value
                , "Return the number of vectors in this MultiVector" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::cross
            typedef ::SireMaths::MultiVector ( *cross_function_type )( ::SireMaths::MultiVector const &,::SireMaths::MultiVector const & );
            cross_function_type cross_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::cross );
                , cross_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("v0"), bp::arg("v1") )
                , "Return the cross product of v0 and v1" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::dihedral
            typedef ::SireMaths::MultiDouble ( *dihedral_function_type )( ::SireMaths::MultiVector const &,::SireMaths::MultiVector const &,::SireMaths::MultiVector const &,::SireMaths::MultiVector const & );
            dihedral_function_type dihedral_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::dihedral );
                , dihedral_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("v0"), bp::arg("v1"), bp::arg("v2"), bp::arg("v3") )
                , "Return the dihedral angle between v0-v1-v2-v3 (treating the vectors as points)" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::direction
            typedef ::SireMaths::MultiVector ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*direction_function_type)(  ) const;
            direction_function_type direction_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::direction );
                , direction_function_value
                , "Return the unit vector pointing in the direction of this vector" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::distance
            typedef ::SireMaths::MultiDouble ( *distance_function_type )( ::SireMaths::MultiVector const &,::SireMaths::MultiVector const & );
            distance_function_type distance_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::distance );
                , distance_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("v1"), bp::arg("v2") )
                , "Return the distance between two vectors" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::distance2
            typedef ::SireMaths::MultiDouble ( *distance2_function_type )( ::SireMaths::MultiVector const &,::SireMaths::MultiVector const & );
            distance2_function_type distance2_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::distance2 );
                , distance2_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("v1"), bp::arg("v2") )
                , "Return the distance squared between two vectors" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::dot
            typedef ::SireMaths::MultiDouble ( *dot_function_type )( ::SireMaths::MultiVector const &,::SireMaths::MultiVector const & );
            dot_function_type dot_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::dot );
                , dot_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("v0"), bp::arg("v1") )
                , "Return the dot product of v0 and v1" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::fromArray
            typedef ::QVector< SireMaths::MultiVector > ( *fromArray_function_type )( ::SireMaths::Vector const *,int );
            fromArray_function_type fromArray_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::fromArray );
                , fromArray_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("array"), bp::arg("size") )
                , "Convert the passed array of vectors into an array of MultiVectors" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::fromArray
            typedef ::QVector< SireMaths::MultiVector > ( *fromArray_function_type )( ::QVector< SireMaths::Vector > const & );
            fromArray_function_type fromArray_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::fromArray );
                , fromArray_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("array") )
                , "Convert the passed array of vectors into an array of MultiVectors" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::g
            typedef ::SireMaths::MultiDouble ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*g_function_type)(  ) const;
            g_function_type g_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::g );
                , g_function_value
                , "Return the components via rgb (limited between 0 and 1)" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::generate
            typedef ::SireMaths::MultiVector ( *generate_function_type )( ::SireMaths::MultiDouble const &,::SireMaths::MultiVector const &,::SireMaths::MultiDouble const &,::SireMaths::MultiVector const &,::SireMaths::MultiDouble const &,::SireMaths::MultiVector const & );
            generate_function_type generate_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::generate );
                , generate_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("dst"), bp::arg("v1"), bp::arg("ang"), bp::arg("v2"), bp::arg("dih"), bp::arg("v3") )
                , "Generate a vector, v0, that has distance dst v0-v1, angle ang v0-v1-v2,\nand dihedral dih v0-v1-v2-v3" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::getitem
            typedef ::SireMaths::Vector ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*getitem_function_type)( int ) const;
            getitem_function_type getitem_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::getitem );
                , getitem_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("i") )
                , "Access the ith vector in the MultiVector" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::invDistance
            typedef ::SireMaths::MultiDouble ( *invDistance_function_type )( ::SireMaths::MultiVector const &,::SireMaths::MultiVector const & );
            invDistance_function_type invDistance_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::invDistance );
                , invDistance_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("v1"), bp::arg("v2") )
                , "Return the 1  distance between two vectors" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::invDistance2
            typedef ::SireMaths::MultiDouble ( *invDistance2_function_type )( ::SireMaths::MultiVector const &,::SireMaths::MultiVector const & );
            invDistance2_function_type invDistance2_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::invDistance2 );
                , invDistance2_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("v1"), bp::arg("v2") )
                , "Return 1  distance2 between two vectors" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::invLength
            typedef ::SireMaths::MultiDouble ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*invLength_function_type)(  ) const;
            invLength_function_type invLength_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::invLength );
                , invLength_function_value
                , "" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::invLength2
            typedef ::SireMaths::MultiDouble ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*invLength2_function_type)(  ) const;
            invLength2_function_type invLength2_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::invLength2 );
                , invLength2_function_value
                , "Return the inverse length squared" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::length
            typedef ::SireMaths::MultiDouble ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*length_function_type)(  ) const;
            length_function_type length_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::length );
                , length_function_value
                , "" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::length2
            typedef ::SireMaths::MultiDouble ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*length2_function_type)(  ) const;
            length2_function_type length2_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::length2 );
                , length2_function_value
                , "" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::magnitude
            typedef ::SireMaths::MultiDouble ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*magnitude_function_type)(  ) const;
            magnitude_function_type magnitude_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::magnitude );
                , magnitude_function_value
                , "Return the length of this vector" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::manhattanLength
            typedef ::SireMaths::MultiDouble ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*manhattanLength_function_type)(  ) const;
            manhattanLength_function_type manhattanLength_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::manhattanLength );
                , manhattanLength_function_value
                , "Return the manhattan length of the vector" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::max
            typedef ::SireMaths::MultiVector ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*max_function_type)( ::SireMaths::MultiVector const & ) const;
            max_function_type max_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::max );
                , max_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("other") )
                , "Return a vector that has the maximum xyz components out of this\nand other" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::min
            typedef ::SireMaths::MultiVector ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*min_function_type)( ::SireMaths::MultiVector const & ) const;
            min_function_type min_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::min );
                , min_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("other") )
                , "Return a vector that has the minimum components" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::normalise
            typedef ::SireMaths::MultiVector ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*normalise_function_type)(  ) const;
            normalise_function_type normalise_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::normalise );
                , normalise_function_value
                , "Return a normalised form of the vector" );
        MultiVector_exposer.def( bp::self != bp::self );
        MultiVector_exposer.def( -bp::self );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::operator=
            typedef ::SireMaths::MultiVector & ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*assign_function_type)( ::SireMaths::MultiVector const & ) ;
            assign_function_type assign_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::operator= );
                , assign_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("other") )
                , bp::return_self< >()
                , "" );
        MultiVector_exposer.def( bp::self == bp::self );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::operator[]
            typedef ::SireMaths::Vector ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*__getitem___function_type)( int ) const;
            __getitem___function_type __getitem___function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::operator[] );
                , __getitem___function_value
                , ( bp::arg("i") )
                , "" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::quickSet
            typedef void ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*quickSet_function_type)( int,::SireMaths::Vector const & ) ;
            quickSet_function_type quickSet_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::quickSet );
                , quickSet_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("i"), bp::arg("val") )
                , "Quickly set the values of the vector, without checking the index is valid" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::r
            typedef ::SireMaths::MultiDouble ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*r_function_type)(  ) const;
            r_function_type r_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::r );
                , r_function_value
                , "Return the components via rgb (limited between 0 and 1)" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::set
            typedef void ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*set_function_type)( ::SireMaths::MultiDouble const &,::SireMaths::MultiDouble const &,::SireMaths::MultiDouble const & ) ;
            set_function_type set_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::set );
                , set_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("x"), bp::arg("y"), bp::arg("z") )
                , "Set individual values of the vector" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::set
            typedef void ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*set_function_type)( int,::SireMaths::Vector const & ) ;
            set_function_type set_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::set );
                , set_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("i"), bp::arg("val") )
                , "Set individual values of the vector" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::setB
            typedef void ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*setB_function_type)( ::SireMaths::MultiDouble const & ) ;
            setB_function_type setB_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::setB );
                , setB_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("val") )
                , "Set individual values of the vector" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::setG
            typedef void ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*setG_function_type)( ::SireMaths::MultiDouble const & ) ;
            setG_function_type setG_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::setG );
                , setG_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("val") )
                , "Set individual values of the vector" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::setMax
            typedef void ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*setMax_function_type)( ::SireMaths::MultiVector const & ) ;
            setMax_function_type setMax_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::setMax );
                , setMax_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("other") )
                , "Set this Vector so that it has the maximum xyz components out of\nthis and other (e.g. this->x = max(this->x(),other.x() etc.)" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::setMin
            typedef void ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*setMin_function_type)( ::SireMaths::MultiVector const & ) ;
            setMin_function_type setMin_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::setMin );
                , setMin_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("other") )
                , "Set this Vector so that it has the minimum xyz components" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::setR
            typedef void ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*setR_function_type)( ::SireMaths::MultiDouble const & ) ;
            setR_function_type setR_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::setR );
                , setR_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("val") )
                , "Set individual values of the vector" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::setX
            typedef void ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*setX_function_type)( ::SireMaths::MultiDouble const & ) ;
            setX_function_type setX_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::setX );
                , setX_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("val") )
                , "Set individual values of the vector" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::setY
            typedef void ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*setY_function_type)( ::SireMaths::MultiDouble const & ) ;
            setY_function_type setY_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::setY );
                , setY_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("val") )
                , "Set individual values of the vector" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::setZ
            typedef void ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*setZ_function_type)( ::SireMaths::MultiDouble const & ) ;
            setZ_function_type setZ_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::setZ );
                , setZ_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("val") )
                , "Set individual values of the vector" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::size
            typedef int ( *size_function_type )(  );
            size_function_type size_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::size );
                , size_function_value
                , "Return the number of vectors in this MultiVector" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::swap
            typedef void ( *swap_function_type )( ::SireMaths::MultiVector &,int,::SireMaths::MultiVector &,int );
            swap_function_type swap_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::swap );
                , swap_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("v0"), bp::arg("idx0"), bp::arg("v1"), bp::arg("idx1") )
                , "Swap the values of the value at index idx0 in f0 with the value at index idx in f1" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::toString
            typedef ::QString ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*toString_function_type)(  ) const;
            toString_function_type toString_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::toString );
                , toString_function_value
                , "Return a QString representation of the vector" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::typeName
            typedef char const * ( *typeName_function_type )(  );
            typeName_function_type typeName_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::typeName );
                , typeName_function_value
                , "" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::what
            typedef char const * ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*what_function_type)(  ) const;
            what_function_type what_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::what );
                , what_function_value
                , "" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::x
            typedef ::SireMaths::MultiDouble const & ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*x_function_type)(  ) const;
            x_function_type x_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::x );
                , x_function_value
                , bp::return_value_policy< bp::copy_const_reference >()
                , "" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::y
            typedef ::SireMaths::MultiDouble const & ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*y_function_type)(  ) const;
            y_function_type y_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::y );
                , y_function_value
                , bp::return_value_policy< bp::copy_const_reference >()
                , "" );
        { //::SireMaths::MultiVector::z
            typedef ::SireMaths::MultiDouble const & ( ::SireMaths::MultiVector::*z_function_type)(  ) const;
            z_function_type z_function_value( &::SireMaths::MultiVector::z );
                , z_function_value
                , bp::return_value_policy< bp::copy_const_reference >()
                , "" );
        MultiVector_exposer.staticmethod( "angle" );
        MultiVector_exposer.staticmethod( "count" );
        MultiVector_exposer.staticmethod( "cross" );
        MultiVector_exposer.staticmethod( "dihedral" );
        MultiVector_exposer.staticmethod( "distance" );
        MultiVector_exposer.staticmethod( "distance2" );
        MultiVector_exposer.staticmethod( "dot" );
        MultiVector_exposer.staticmethod( "fromArray" );
        MultiVector_exposer.staticmethod( "generate" );
        MultiVector_exposer.staticmethod( "invDistance" );
        MultiVector_exposer.staticmethod( "invDistance2" );
        MultiVector_exposer.staticmethod( "size" );
        MultiVector_exposer.staticmethod( "swap" );
        MultiVector_exposer.staticmethod( "typeName" );
        MultiVector_exposer.def( bp::self * bp::other< SireMaths::MultiDouble >() );
        MultiVector_exposer.def( bp::self * bp::other< SireMaths::MultiQuaternion >() );
        MultiVector_exposer.def( bp::self + bp::self );
        MultiVector_exposer.def( bp::self - bp::self );
        MultiVector_exposer.def( bp::self / bp::other< SireMaths::MultiDouble >() );
        MultiVector_exposer.def( "__copy__", &__copy__);
        MultiVector_exposer.def( "__deepcopy__", &__copy__);
        MultiVector_exposer.def( "clone", &__copy__);
        MultiVector_exposer.def( "__str__", &__str__< ::SireMaths::MultiVector > );
        MultiVector_exposer.def( "__repr__", &__str__< ::SireMaths::MultiVector > );
        MultiVector_exposer.def( "__len__", &__len_size< ::SireMaths::MultiVector > );
        MultiVector_exposer.def( "__getitem__", &::SireMaths::MultiVector::getitem );

void register_DataPoint_class(){

    { //::SireAnalysis::DataPoint
        typedef bp::class_< SireAnalysis::DataPoint > DataPoint_exposer_t;
        DataPoint_exposer_t DataPoint_exposer = DataPoint_exposer_t( "DataPoint", "This class represents a single datapoint on an x,y graph. The point\nhas associated errors (small and large) on both the x and y axes\n\nAuthor: Christopher Woods\n", bp::init< >("Constructor. This constructs the point (0,0) with no error") );
        bp::scope DataPoint_scope( DataPoint_exposer );
        DataPoint_exposer.def( bp::init< double, double >(( bp::arg("x"), bp::arg("y") ), "Construct the point (x,y) with no error") );
        DataPoint_exposer.def( bp::init< double, double, double, double >(( bp::arg("x"), bp::arg("y"), bp::arg("xerror"), bp::arg("yerror") ), "Construct the point (x,y) with error (xerror,yerror)") );
        DataPoint_exposer.def( bp::init< double, double, double, double, double, double >(( bp::arg("x"), bp::arg("y"), bp::arg("xminerror"), bp::arg("yminerror"), bp::arg("xmaxerror"), bp::arg("ymaxerror") ), "Construct the point (x,y) with a minimum error of (xminerror,yminerror)\nand a maximum error of (xmaxerror,ymaxerror). This is for situations where\nthere may be multiple different error measures on a point and you want\nto store the range of errors (based on a range of error estimates)") );
        DataPoint_exposer.def( bp::init< SireAnalysis::DataPoint const & >(( bp::arg("other") ), "Copy constructor") );
        { //::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::equalWithinError
            typedef bool ( ::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::*equalWithinError_function_type)( ::SireAnalysis::DataPoint const & ) const;
            equalWithinError_function_type equalWithinError_function_value( &::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::equalWithinError );
                , equalWithinError_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("other") )
                , "Return whether or not this data point is equal to the other, within\nthe error range of the two points" );
        { //::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::equalWithinMaxError
            typedef bool ( ::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::*equalWithinMaxError_function_type)( ::SireAnalysis::DataPoint const & ) const;
            equalWithinMaxError_function_type equalWithinMaxError_function_value( &::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::equalWithinMaxError );
                , equalWithinMaxError_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("other") )
                , "Return whether or not this data point in equal to the other, within\nthe maximum error range of the two points" );
        { //::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::equalWithinMinError
            typedef bool ( ::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::*equalWithinMinError_function_type)( ::SireAnalysis::DataPoint const & ) const;
            equalWithinMinError_function_type equalWithinMinError_function_value( &::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::equalWithinMinError );
                , equalWithinMinError_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("other") )
                , "Return whether or not this data point in equal to the other, within\nthe minimum error range of the two points" );
        { //::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::hasError
            typedef bool ( ::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::*hasError_function_type)(  ) const;
            hasError_function_type hasError_function_value( &::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::hasError );
                , hasError_function_value
                , "Return whether or not this data point has any error" );
        { //::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::hasErrorRange
            typedef bool ( ::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::*hasErrorRange_function_type)(  ) const;
            hasErrorRange_function_type hasErrorRange_function_value( &::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::hasErrorRange );
                , hasErrorRange_function_value
                , "Return whether or not this data point has an error range" );
        { //::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::hasXError
            typedef bool ( ::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::*hasXError_function_type)(  ) const;
            hasXError_function_type hasXError_function_value( &::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::hasXError );
                , hasXError_function_value
                , "Return whether or not there is any error in the x value" );
        { //::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::hasXErrorRange
            typedef bool ( ::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::*hasXErrorRange_function_type)(  ) const;
            hasXErrorRange_function_type hasXErrorRange_function_value( &::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::hasXErrorRange );
                , hasXErrorRange_function_value
                , "Return whether or not there is an error range on the x value" );
        { //::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::hasYError
            typedef bool ( ::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::*hasYError_function_type)(  ) const;
            hasYError_function_type hasYError_function_value( &::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::hasYError );
                , hasYError_function_value
                , "Return whether or not there is any error in the y value" );
        { //::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::hasYErrorRange
            typedef bool ( ::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::*hasYErrorRange_function_type)(  ) const;
            hasYErrorRange_function_type hasYErrorRange_function_value( &::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::hasYErrorRange );
                , hasYErrorRange_function_value
                , "Return whether or not there is an error range on the x value" );
        DataPoint_exposer.def( bp::self != bp::self );
        { //::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::operator=
            typedef ::SireAnalysis::DataPoint & ( ::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::*assign_function_type)( ::SireAnalysis::DataPoint const & ) ;
            assign_function_type assign_function_value( &::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::operator= );
                , assign_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("other") )
                , bp::return_self< >()
                , "" );
        DataPoint_exposer.def( bp::self == bp::self );
        { //::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::toString
            typedef ::QString ( ::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::*toString_function_type)(  ) const;
            toString_function_type toString_function_value( &::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::toString );
                , toString_function_value
                , "" );
        { //::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::typeName
            typedef char const * ( *typeName_function_type )(  );
            typeName_function_type typeName_function_value( &::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::typeName );
                , typeName_function_value
                , "" );
        { //::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::what
            typedef char const * ( ::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::*what_function_type)(  ) const;
            what_function_type what_function_value( &::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::what );
                , what_function_value
                , "" );
        { //::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::x
            typedef double ( ::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::*x_function_type)(  ) const;
            x_function_type x_function_value( &::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::x );
                , x_function_value
                , "Return the x value of the point" );
        { //::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::xError
            typedef double ( ::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::*xError_function_type)(  ) const;
            xError_function_type xError_function_value( &::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::xError );
                , xError_function_value
                , "Return the error on the x value. This is the average\nof the minimum and maximum error" );
        { //::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::xMaxError
            typedef double ( ::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::*xMaxError_function_type)(  ) const;
            xMaxError_function_type xMaxError_function_value( &::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::xMaxError );
                , xMaxError_function_value
                , "Return the maximum size of the error on the x value" );
        { //::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::xMinError
            typedef double ( ::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::*xMinError_function_type)(  ) const;
            xMinError_function_type xMinError_function_value( &::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::xMinError );
                , xMinError_function_value
                , "Return the minimum size of the error on the x value" );
        { //::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::y
            typedef double ( ::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::*y_function_type)(  ) const;
            y_function_type y_function_value( &::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::y );
                , y_function_value
                , "Return the y value of the point" );
        { //::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::yError
            typedef double ( ::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::*yError_function_type)(  ) const;
            yError_function_type yError_function_value( &::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::yError );
                , yError_function_value
                , "Return the error on the y value. This is the average\nof the minimum and maximum error" );
        { //::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::yMaxError
            typedef double ( ::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::*yMaxError_function_type)(  ) const;
            yMaxError_function_type yMaxError_function_value( &::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::yMaxError );
                , yMaxError_function_value
                , "Return the maximum size of the error on the y value" );
        { //::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::yMinError
            typedef double ( ::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::*yMinError_function_type)(  ) const;
            yMinError_function_type yMinError_function_value( &::SireAnalysis::DataPoint::yMinError );
                , yMinError_function_value
                , "Return the minimum size of the error on the y value" );
        DataPoint_exposer.staticmethod( "typeName" );
        DataPoint_exposer.def( "__copy__", &__copy__);
        DataPoint_exposer.def( "__deepcopy__", &__copy__);
        DataPoint_exposer.def( "clone", &__copy__);
        DataPoint_exposer.def( "__rlshift__", &__rlshift__QDataStream< ::SireAnalysis::DataPoint >,
                            bp::return_internal_reference<1, bp::with_custodian_and_ward<1,2> >() );
        DataPoint_exposer.def( "__rrshift__", &__rrshift__QDataStream< ::SireAnalysis::DataPoint >,
                            bp::return_internal_reference<1, bp::with_custodian_and_ward<1,2> >() );
        DataPoint_exposer.def( "__str__", &__str__< ::SireAnalysis::DataPoint > );
        DataPoint_exposer.def( "__repr__", &__str__< ::SireAnalysis::DataPoint > );

void register_Velocity3D_class(){

    { //::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >
        typedef bp::class_< SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > > > Velocity3D_exposer_t;
        Velocity3D_exposer_t Velocity3D_exposer = Velocity3D_exposer_t( "Velocity3D", bp::init< >() );
        bp::scope Velocity3D_scope( Velocity3D_exposer );
        Velocity3D_exposer.def( bp::init< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > const & >(( bp::arg("val") )) );
        Velocity3D_exposer.def( bp::init< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > const &, SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > const &, SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > const & >(( bp::arg("x"), bp::arg("y"), bp::arg("z") )) );
        Velocity3D_exposer.def( bp::init< SireMaths::Vector const & >(( bp::arg("v") )) );
        Velocity3D_exposer.def( bp::init< SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > > const & >(( bp::arg("other") )) );
        { //::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::at
            typedef SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > > exported_class_t;
            typedef ::SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > const & ( ::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::*at_function_type )( int ) const;
            at_function_type at_function_value( &::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::at );
                , at_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("i") )
                , bp::return_value_policy< bp::copy_const_reference >() );
        { //::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::count
            typedef SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > > exported_class_t;
            typedef int ( ::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::*count_function_type )(  ) const;
            count_function_type count_function_value( &::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::count );
                , count_function_value );
        Velocity3D_exposer.def( bp::self != bp::self );
        Velocity3D_exposer.def( bp::self * bp::other< double >() );
        Velocity3D_exposer.def( bp::self + bp::self );
        Velocity3D_exposer.def( -bp::self );
        Velocity3D_exposer.def( bp::self - bp::self );
        Velocity3D_exposer.def( bp::self / bp::other< double >() );
        { //::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::operator=
            typedef SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > > exported_class_t;
            typedef ::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > > & ( ::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::*assign_function_type )( ::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > > const & ) ;
            assign_function_type assign_function_value( &::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::operator= );
                , assign_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("other") )
                , bp::return_self< >() );
        Velocity3D_exposer.def( bp::self == bp::self );
        { //::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::operator[]
            typedef SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > > exported_class_t;
            typedef ::SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > const & ( ::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::*__getitem___function_type )( int ) const;
            __getitem___function_type __getitem___function_value( &::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::operator[] );
                , __getitem___function_value
                , ( bp::arg("i") )
                , bp::return_value_policy< bp::copy_const_reference >() );
        { //::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::set
            typedef SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > > exported_class_t;
            typedef void ( ::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::*set_function_type )( int,::SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > const & ) ;
            set_function_type set_function_value( &::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::set );
                , set_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("i"), bp::arg("value") ) );
        { //::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::toString
            typedef SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > > exported_class_t;
            typedef ::QString ( ::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::*toString_function_type )(  ) const;
            toString_function_type toString_function_value( &::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::toString );
                , toString_function_value );
        { //::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::typeName
            typedef SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > > exported_class_t;
            typedef char const * ( *typeName_function_type )(  );
            typeName_function_type typeName_function_value( &::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::typeName );
                , typeName_function_value );
        { //::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::value
            typedef SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > > exported_class_t;
            typedef ::SireMaths::Vector ( ::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::*value_function_type )(  ) const;
            value_function_type value_function_value( &::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::value );
                , value_function_value );
        { //::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::x
            typedef SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > > exported_class_t;
            typedef ::SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > const & ( ::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::*x_function_type )(  ) const;
            x_function_type x_function_value( &::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::x );
                , x_function_value
                , bp::return_value_policy< bp::copy_const_reference >() );
        { //::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::y
            typedef SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > > exported_class_t;
            typedef ::SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > const & ( ::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::*y_function_type )(  ) const;
            y_function_type y_function_value( &::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::y );
                , y_function_value
                , bp::return_value_policy< bp::copy_const_reference >() );
        { //::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::z
            typedef SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > > exported_class_t;
            typedef ::SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > const & ( ::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::*z_function_type )(  ) const;
            z_function_type z_function_value( &::SireMaths::Vector3D< SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit< 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > >::z );
                , z_function_value
                , bp::return_value_policy< bp::copy_const_reference >() );
        Velocity3D_exposer.staticmethod( "typeName" );
        Velocity3D_exposer.def( "__copy__", &__copy__);
        Velocity3D_exposer.def( "__deepcopy__", &__copy__);
        Velocity3D_exposer.def( "clone", &__copy__);
        Velocity3D_exposer.def( "__rlshift__", &__rlshift__QDataStream< ::SireMaths::Vector3D<SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit<0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0> > >,
                            bp::return_internal_reference<1, bp::with_custodian_and_ward<1,2> >() );
        Velocity3D_exposer.def( "__rrshift__", &__rrshift__QDataStream< ::SireMaths::Vector3D<SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit<0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0> > >,
                            bp::return_internal_reference<1, bp::with_custodian_and_ward<1,2> >() );
        Velocity3D_exposer.def( "__str__", &__str__< ::SireMaths::Vector3D<SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit<0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0> > > );
        Velocity3D_exposer.def( "__repr__", &__str__< ::SireMaths::Vector3D<SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit<0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0> > > );
        Velocity3D_exposer.def( "__len__", &__len_count< ::SireMaths::Vector3D<SireUnits::Dimension::PhysUnit<0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0> > > );

void register_DoubleFunc_class(){

    { //::SireCAS::DoubleFunc
        typedef bp::class_< SireCAS::DoubleFunc, bp::bases< SireCAS::ExBase >, boost::noncopyable > DoubleFunc_exposer_t;
        DoubleFunc_exposer_t DoubleFunc_exposer = DoubleFunc_exposer_t( "DoubleFunc", "Base class of all double-expression functions ( e.g. f(x(), y()) )\n\nAuthor: Christopher Woods\n", bp::no_init );
        bp::scope DoubleFunc_scope( DoubleFunc_exposer );
        { //::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::children
            typedef ::SireCAS::Expressions ( ::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::*children_function_type)(  ) const;
            children_function_type children_function_value( &::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::children );
                , children_function_value
                , "Return the child expression of this function" );
        { //::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::conjugate
            typedef ::SireCAS::Expression ( ::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::*conjugate_function_type)(  ) const;
            conjugate_function_type conjugate_function_value( &::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::conjugate );
                , conjugate_function_value
                , "Return the conjugate of this function" );
        { //::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::differentiate
            typedef ::SireCAS::Expression ( ::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::*differentiate_function_type)( ::SireCAS::Symbol const & ) const;
            differentiate_function_type differentiate_function_value( &::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::differentiate );
                , differentiate_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("symbol") )
                , "Return the differential of this function with respect to symbol" );
        { //::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::expand
            typedef ::QList< SireCAS::Factor > ( ::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::*expand_function_type)( ::SireCAS::Symbol const & ) const;
            expand_function_type expand_function_value( &::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::expand );
                , expand_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("symbol") )
                , "" );
        { //::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::functions
            typedef ::SireCAS::Functions ( ::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::*functions_function_type)(  ) const;
            functions_function_type functions_function_value( &::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::functions );
                , functions_function_value
                , "Return the functions used in this function" );
        { //::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::hash
            typedef ::uint ( ::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::*hash_function_type)(  ) const;
            hash_function_type hash_function_value( &::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::hash );
                , hash_function_value
                , "Return a has for the function" );
        { //::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::integrate
            typedef ::SireCAS::Expression ( ::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::*integrate_function_type)( ::SireCAS::Symbol const & ) const;
            integrate_function_type integrate_function_value( &::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::integrate );
                , integrate_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("symbol") )
                , "Return the integral of this function with respect to symbol" );
        { //::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::isComplex
            typedef bool ( ::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::*isComplex_function_type)(  ) const;
            isComplex_function_type isComplex_function_value( &::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::isComplex );
                , isComplex_function_value
                , "Return whether this is complex" );
        { //::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::isCompound
            typedef bool ( ::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::*isCompound_function_type)(  ) const;
            isCompound_function_type isCompound_function_value( &::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::isCompound );
                , isCompound_function_value
                , "A function is not compound" );
        { //::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::isConstant
            typedef bool ( ::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::*isConstant_function_type)(  ) const;
            isConstant_function_type isConstant_function_value( &::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::isConstant );
                , isConstant_function_value
                , "Return whether or not this is constant" );
        { //::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::isFunction
            typedef bool ( ::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::*isFunction_function_type)( ::SireCAS::Symbol const & ) const;
            isFunction_function_type isFunction_function_value( &::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::isFunction );
                , isFunction_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("symbol") )
                , "Return if this is a function of symbol" );
        { //::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::operator=
            typedef ::SireCAS::DoubleFunc & ( ::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::*assign_function_type)( ::SireCAS::DoubleFunc const & ) ;
            assign_function_type assign_function_value( &::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::operator= );
                , assign_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("other") )
                , bp::return_self< >()
                , "" );
        { //::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::substitute
            typedef ::SireCAS::Expression ( ::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::*substitute_function_type)( ::SireCAS::Identities const & ) const;
            substitute_function_type substitute_function_value( &::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::substitute );
                , substitute_function_value
                , ( bp::arg("identities") )
                , "Substitute into this expression" );
        { //::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::symbols
            typedef ::SireCAS::Symbols ( ::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::*symbols_function_type)(  ) const;
            symbols_function_type symbols_function_value( &::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::symbols );
                , symbols_function_value
                , "Return the symbols used in this function" );
        { //::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::toString
            typedef ::QString ( ::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::*toString_function_type)(  ) const;
            toString_function_type toString_function_value( &::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::toString );
                , toString_function_value
                , "Return a string representation of this function" );
        { //::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::x
            typedef ::SireCAS::Expression const & ( ::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::*x_function_type)(  ) const;
            x_function_type x_function_value( &::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::x );
                , x_function_value
                , bp::return_value_policy< bp::copy_const_reference >()
                , "" );
        { //::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::y
            typedef ::SireCAS::Expression const & ( ::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::*y_function_type)(  ) const;
            y_function_type y_function_value( &::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::y );
                , y_function_value
                , bp::return_value_policy< bp::copy_const_reference >()
                , "" );
        DoubleFunc_exposer.def( "__rlshift__", &__rlshift__QDataStream< ::SireCAS::DoubleFunc >,
                            bp::return_internal_reference<1, bp::with_custodian_and_ward<1,2> >() );
        DoubleFunc_exposer.def( "__rrshift__", &__rrshift__QDataStream< ::SireCAS::DoubleFunc >,
                            bp::return_internal_reference<1, bp::with_custodian_and_ward<1,2> >() );
        DoubleFunc_exposer.def( "__str__", &__str__< ::SireCAS::DoubleFunc > );
        DoubleFunc_exposer.def( "__repr__", &__str__< ::SireCAS::DoubleFunc > );
        DoubleFunc_exposer.def( "__hash__", &::SireCAS::DoubleFunc::hash );
