static status_e udp_local_to_remote( channel_s *chp )
   char   buf[ MAX_DATAGRAM_SIZE ] ;
   int    cc ;
   const char   *func = "udp_local_to_remote" ;

   for ( ;; )
      cc = recv( chp->ch_local_socket, buf, sizeof( buf ), 0 ) ;
      if ( cc == -1 )
         if ( errno != EINTR ) 
            msg( LOG_ERR, func, "recv from daemon: %m" ) ;
            return( FAILED ) ;
      else if ( cc == 0 )
         return( FAILED ) ;
         break ;
   if ( debug.on )
      msg( LOG_DEBUG, func, "sending %d bytes to address %s,%d",
         cc, xaddrname( &chp->ch_from ), ntohs( xaddrport(&chp->ch_from) ) ) ;

   send_data( chp->ch_remote_socket, buf, cc, &chp->ch_from ) ;
   return( OK ) ;
static status_e get_incoming_packet( struct intercept_s *ip, packet_s *pp )
   socklen_t from_len = 0;
   const char *func = "get_incoming_packet" ;

      from_len = sizeof( struct sockaddr_in );
      from_len = sizeof( struct sockaddr_in6 );

   for ( ;; )
      int cc ;

      from_len = sizeof( pp->from ) ;
      cc = recvfrom( INT_REMOTE( ip ), pp->data, pp->size,
                                    0, SA( &pp->from ), &from_len ) ;
      if ( cc == -1 )
         if ( errno != EINTR )
            msg( LOG_ERR, func, "recvfrom error: %m" ) ;
            return( FAILED ) ;
      else if ( cc == 0 )
         return( FAILED ) ;
         pp->size = cc ;
         IDP( ip->int_priv )->received_packets++ ;
         break ;

   if ( from_len == 0 )
      msg( LOG_ERR, func, "incoming packet had 0 length address" ) ;
      return( FAILED ) ;
   if ( debug.on )
      msg( LOG_DEBUG, func, "Received %d bytes from address: %s,%d",
         pp->size, xaddrname( &pp->from ), ntohs( xaddrport(&pp->from) ) );

   return( OK ) ;
文件: redirect.c 项目: aosm/xinetd
/* This function gets called from child.c after we have been forked */
void redir_handler( struct server *serp )
   struct service *sp = SERVER_SERVICE( serp );
   struct service_config *scp = SVC_CONF( sp );
   int RedirDescrip = SERVER_FD( serp );
   int maxfd, num_read, num_wrote=0, ret=0;
   unsigned int sin_len = 0;
   unsigned long bytes_in = 0, bytes_out = 0;
   int no_to_nagle = 1;
   int on = 1, v6on;
   char buff[NET_BUFFER];
   fd_set rdfd, msfd;
   struct timeval *timep = NULL;
   const char *func = "redir_handler";
   union xsockaddr serveraddr ;

   if( signal(SIGPIPE, redir_sigpipe) == SIG_ERR ) 
      msg(LOG_ERR, func, "unable to setup signal handler");


   /* If it's a tcp service we are redirecting */
   if( scp->sc_protocol.value == IPPROTO_TCP )
      memcpy(&serveraddr, scp->sc_redir_addr, sizeof(serveraddr));
      if( serveraddr.sa_in.sin_family == AF_INET ) {
         sin_len = sizeof( struct sockaddr_in );
         RedirServerFd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
       } else if( serveraddr.sa_in.sin_family == AF_INET6 ) {
         sin_len = sizeof( struct sockaddr_in6 );
         RedirServerFd = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
      } else {
         msg(LOG_ERR, func, "not a valid protocol. Use IPv4 or IPv6.");

      if( RedirServerFd < 0 )
         msg(LOG_ERR, func, "cannot create socket: %m");

      if( SC_IPV6( scp ) ) {
         if( SC_V6ONLY( scp ) ) {
            v6on = 1;
         } else {
            v6on = 0;
#ifdef IPV6_V6ONLY
         if( setsockopt(RedirServerFd, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, (char *)&v6on, sizeof(v6on)) < 0 ) { 
            msg( LOG_ERR, func, "Setting IPV6_V6ONLY option failed (%m)" );

      if( SC_KEEPALIVE( scp ) )
         if (setsockopt(RedirServerFd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, 
                        (char *)&on, sizeof( on ) ) < 0 )
            msg(LOG_ERR, func, 
                "setsockopt SO_KEEPALIVE RedirServerFd failed: %m");
      if( serveraddr.sa_in.sin_family == AF_INET )
         serveraddr.sa_in.sin_port = htons(serveraddr.sa_in.sin_port);
      if( serveraddr.sa_in.sin_family == AF_INET6 )
         serveraddr.sa_in6.sin6_port = htons(serveraddr.sa_in6.sin6_port);

      if( connect(RedirServerFd, &serveraddr.sa, sin_len) < 0 )
         msg(LOG_ERR, func, "can't connect to remote host %s: %m",
            xaddrname( &serveraddr ) );

      /* connection now established */

      if (setsockopt(RedirServerFd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, 
         (char *) &no_to_nagle, sizeof( on ) ) < 0) {

         msg(LOG_ERR, func, "setsockopt RedirServerFd failed: %m");

      if (setsockopt(RedirDescrip, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, 
         (char *) &no_to_nagle, sizeof( on ) ) < 0) {

         msg(LOG_ERR, func, "setsockopt RedirDescrip failed: %m");

      maxfd = (RedirServerFd > RedirDescrip)?RedirServerFd:RedirDescrip;
      FD_SET(RedirDescrip, &msfd);
      FD_SET(RedirServerFd, &msfd);

      while(1) {
         memcpy(&rdfd, &msfd, sizeof(rdfd));
         if (select(maxfd + 1, &rdfd, (fd_set *)0, (fd_set *)0, timep) <= 0) {
            /* place for timeout code, currently does not time out */

         if (FD_ISSET(RedirDescrip, &rdfd)) {
            do {
               num_read = read(RedirDescrip,
                  buff, sizeof(buff));
               if (num_read == -1 && errno == EINTR)
               if (num_read <= 0)
                  goto REDIROUT;
               bytes_in += num_read;
            } while (num_read < 0);

            /* Loop until we have written everything
             * that was read */
            num_wrote = 0;
            while( num_wrote < num_read ) {
               ret = write(RedirServerFd,
                  buff + num_wrote,
                  num_read - num_wrote);
               if (ret == -1 && errno == EINTR)
               if (ret <= 0)
                  goto REDIROUT;
               num_wrote += ret;

         if (FD_ISSET(RedirServerFd, &rdfd)) {
            do {
               num_read = read(RedirServerFd,
                  buff, sizeof(buff));
               if (num_read == -1 && errno == EINTR)
               if (num_read <= 0)
                  goto REDIROUT;
               bytes_out += num_read;
            } while (num_read < 0);

            /* Loop until we have written everything
             * that was read */
            num_wrote = 0;
            while( num_wrote < num_read ) {
               ret = write(RedirDescrip,
                  buff + num_wrote,
                  num_read - num_wrote);
               if (ret == -1 && errno == EINTR)
               if (ret <= 0)
                  goto REDIROUT;
               num_wrote += ret;
      if( M_IS_SET( (scp)->sc_log_on_success, LO_TRAFFIC ) ) {
         svc_logprint( SERVER_CONNSERVICE( serp ), "TRAFFIC",
                       "in=%lu(bytes) out=%lu(bytes)", bytes_in, bytes_out );


   msg(LOG_ERR, func, 
   "redirect with any protocol other than tcp is not supported at this time.");
 * This function runs in the parent context and updates the global_no_access
 * list. 
void process_sensor( const struct service *sp, const union xsockaddr *addr)
   const char *func = "process_sensor";

   if (SC_DENY_TIME(SVC_CONF(sp)) != 0)   /* 0 simply logs it   */
      if ( pset_count( global_no_access ) < MAX_GLOBAL_NO_ACCESS)
         int item_matched = addrlist_match( global_no_access, SA(addr) );

	 if ( item_matched == 0)
	 {   /* no match...adding to the list   */
            char *dup_addr = new_string(xaddrname( addr ) );

	    if (dup_addr == NULL )
               return ;

	    if (addrlist_add(global_no_access, dup_addr) == FAILED)
               msg(LOG_ERR, func,
                  "Failed adding %s to the global_no_access list", dup_addr);
               time_t nowtime;
               char time_buf[40], *tmp;

	       nowtime = time(NULL);
	       msg(LOG_CRIT, func,
	           "Adding %s to the global_no_access list for %d minutes",
	            dup_addr, SC_DENY_TIME(SVC_CONF(sp)));

	       if (SC_DENY_TIME(SVC_CONF(sp)) == -1)
                    strcpy(time_buf, "-1");
                    strx_nprint(time_buf, 38, "%ld",

	       tmp = new_string(time_buf);
               if (tmp != NULL)
                  if (pset_add(global_no_access_time, tmp) == NULL)
                     msg(LOG_ERR, func,
                         "Failed adding %s to the global_no_access_time list. "
                         "global_no_access list is broken, xinetd needs "
			 "restarting.", dup_addr);
                 /* ideally, we should rollback the previous addr addition.   */
	       if (pset_count(global_no_access) && (timer_id == 0) )
                  timer_id = xtimer_add( scrub_global_access_list, 60 );
	    /* Here again, eh?...update time stamp. */
            char *exp_time;
	    time_t stored_time;

	    item_matched--; /* Is # plus 1, to even get here must be >= 1 */
            exp_time = pset_pointer( global_no_access_time, item_matched ) ;
            if (exp_time == NULL)
               return ;

            if ( parse_base10(exp_time, (int *)&stored_time) )
            {  /* if never let them off, bypass */
               if (stored_time != -1)
                  time_t nowtime, new_time;

                  nowtime = time(NULL);
                  new_time = (time_t)nowtime+(60*SC_DENY_TIME(SVC_CONF(sp)));                     if (difftime(new_time, (time_t)stored_time) > 0.0)
	          {   /* new_time is longer save it   */
		     char time_buf[40], *new_exp_time;

		     strx_nprint(time_buf, 38, "%ld", (long)new_time);
		     new_exp_time = new_string(time_buf);
		     if ( new_exp_time )
                        (unsigned)item_matched ] = new_exp_time;
         msg(LOG_ERR, func, "Maximum global_no_access count reached.");
文件: ident.c 项目: ltworf/xinetd
 * This function always runs in a forked process.
idresult_e log_remote_user( const struct server *serp, unsigned timeout )
    static char         buf[ IBUFSIZE ] ;
    int                 cc ;
    union xsockaddr     sin_local, sin_remote, sin_contact, sin_bind;
    volatile unsigned   local_port;
    volatile unsigned   remote_port;
    int                 sd ;
    socklen_t           sin_len ;
    char               *p ;
    const char         *func = "log_remote_user" ;

    if ( timeout && signal( SIGALRM, sigalrm_handler ) == SIG_ERR )
        msg( LOG_ERR, func, "signal: %m" ) ;
        return( IDR_ERROR ) ;

     * Determine local and remote addresses
    sin_len = sizeof( sin_local ) ;
    if ( getsockname( SERVER_FD( serp ), &sin_local.sa, &sin_len ) == -1 )
        msg( LOG_ERR, func, "(%d) getsockname: %m", getpid() ) ;
        return( IDR_ERROR ) ;

         * This shouldn't happen since identification only works for
         * connection-based services.
        msg( LOG_ERR, func, "connection has no address" ) ;
        return( IDR_ERROR ) ;

    CLEAR( sin_contact );
    sin_remote = *CONN_XADDRESS( SERVER_CONNECTION( serp ) ) ;
    sin_contact = sin_remote;
    memcpy( &sin_bind, &sin_local, sizeof(sin_bind) ) ;
    local_port = 0;
    remote_port = 0;
    if( sin_remote.sa.sa_family == AF_INET ) {
        local_port = ntohs( sin_local.sa_in6.sin6_port ) ;
        remote_port = ntohs( sin_remote.sa_in6.sin6_port ) ;
        sin_contact.sa_in6.sin6_port = htons( IDENTITY_SERVICE_PORT ) ;
        sin_bind.sa_in.sin_port = 0 ;
    } else if( sin_remote.sa.sa_family == AF_INET6 ) {
        local_port = ntohs( sin_local.sa_in.sin_port ) ;
        remote_port = ntohs( sin_remote.sa_in.sin_port ) ;
        sin_contact.sa_in.sin_port = htons( IDENTITY_SERVICE_PORT ) ;
        sin_bind.sa_in6.sin6_port = 0 ;

     * Create a socket, bind it, and set the close-on-exec flag on the
     * descriptor. We set the flag in case we are called as part of a
     * successful attempt to start a server (i.e. execve will follow).
     * The socket must be bound to the receiving address or ident might
     * fail for multi-homed hosts.
    sd = socket( sin_remote.sa.sa_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ) ;
    if ( sd == -1 )
        msg( LOG_ERR, func, "socket creation: %m" ) ;
        return( IDR_ERROR ) ;
    if ( bind(sd, &sin_bind.sa, sizeof(sin_bind.sa)) == -1 )
        msg( LOG_ERR, func, "socket bind: %m" ) ;
        (void) Sclose( sd ) ;
        return( IDR_ERROR ) ;
    if ( fcntl( sd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC ) == -1 )
        msg( LOG_ERR, func, "fcntl F_SETFD: %m" ) ;
        (void) Sclose( sd ) ;
        return( IDR_ERROR ) ;

    if ( timeout ) {
        if ( sigsetjmp( env, 1 ) == 0 )
            START_TIMER( timeout ) ;
        else {
            Sclose( sd ) ;
            return( IDR_TIMEDOUT ) ;

    if ( connect( sd, &sin_contact.sa, sizeof( sin_contact ) ) == -1 )
        if ( timeout ) {
            STOP_TIMER() ;
            signal ( SIGALRM, SIG_DFL ) ;
        Sclose( sd );
        return( IDR_NOSERVER ) ;

    cc = strx_nprint( buf, sizeof( buf ),
                      "%d,%d\r\n", remote_port, local_port ) ;
    if ( write_buf( sd, buf, cc ) == FAILED )
        if ( timeout ) {
            STOP_TIMER() ;
            signal ( SIGALRM, SIG_DFL ) ;
        Sclose( sd );
        return( IDR_ERROR ) ;

    p = get_line( sd, buf, sizeof( buf ) ) ;

    if ( timeout ) {
        STOP_TIMER() ;
        signal ( SIGALRM, SIG_DFL ) ;

    if ( p == NULL ) {
        Sclose( sd );
        return( IDR_RESPERR ) ;

     * Verify that the received line is OK
    if ( ( p = verify_line( buf, local_port, remote_port ) ) == NULL )
        msg(LOG_ERR, func, "Bad line received from identity server at %s: %s",
            xaddrname( &sin_remote ), buf ) ;
        Sclose( sd );
        return( IDR_BADRESP ) ;

    svc_logprint( SERVER_CONNSERVICE( serp ), USERID_ENTRY, "%s", p ) ;
    return( IDR_OK ) ;