static void _parse_relay(xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node, ice_config_t *configuration) { char *tmp; relay_server *relay = acalloc(1, sizeof(relay_server)); relay_server *current = configuration->relay; relay_server *last=NULL; while(current) { last = current; current = current->next; } if(last) last->next = relay; else configuration->relay = relay; relay->next = NULL; relay->mp3metadata = 1; relay->on_demand = configuration->on_demand; relay->server = (char *)xmlCharStrdup (""); relay->mount = (char *)xmlCharStrdup ("/"); do { if (node == NULL) break; if (xmlIsBlankNode(node)) continue; if (xmlStrcmp (node->name, XMLSTR("server")) == 0) { if (relay->server) xmlFree (relay->server); relay->server = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString( doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); } else if (xmlStrcmp (node->name, XMLSTR("port")) == 0) { tmp = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); relay->port = atoi(tmp); if(tmp) xmlFree(tmp); } else if (xmlStrcmp (node->name, XMLSTR("mount")) == 0) { if (relay->mount) xmlFree (relay->mount); relay->mount = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString( doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); } else if (xmlStrcmp (node->name, XMLSTR("local-mount")) == 0) { if (relay->localmount) xmlFree (relay->localmount); relay->localmount = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString( doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); } else if (xmlStrcmp (node->name, XMLSTR("relay-shoutcast-metadata")) == 0) { tmp = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); relay->mp3metadata = atoi(tmp); if(tmp) xmlFree(tmp); } else if (xmlStrcmp (node->name, XMLSTR("username")) == 0) { if (relay->username) xmlFree (relay->username); relay->username = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); } else if (xmlStrcmp (node->name, XMLSTR("password")) == 0) { if (relay->password) xmlFree (relay->password); relay->password = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); } else if (xmlStrcmp (node->name, XMLSTR("on-demand")) == 0) { tmp = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString(doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); relay->on_demand = atoi(tmp); if (tmp) xmlFree(tmp); } else if (xmlStrcmp (node->name, XMLSTR("bind")) == 0) { if (relay->bind) xmlFree (relay->bind); relay->bind = (char *)xmlNodeListGetString (doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1); } } while ((node = node->next)); if (relay->localmount == NULL) relay->localmount = (char *)xmlStrdup (XMLSTR(relay->mount)); }
void Nokogiri_marshal_xpath_funcall_and_return_values(xmlXPathParserContextPtr ctx, int nargs, VALUE handler, const char* function_name) { int i; VALUE result, doc; VALUE *argv; VALUE node_set = Qnil; xmlNodeSetPtr xml_node_set = NULL; xmlXPathObjectPtr obj; assert(ctx->context->doc); assert(DOC_RUBY_OBJECT_TEST(ctx->context->doc)); argv = (VALUE *)calloc((size_t)nargs, sizeof(VALUE)); for (i = 0 ; i < nargs ; ++i) { rb_gc_register_address(&argv[i]); } doc = DOC_RUBY_OBJECT(ctx->context->doc); if (nargs > 0) { i = nargs - 1; do { obj = valuePop(ctx); switch(obj->type) { case XPATH_STRING: argv[i] = NOKOGIRI_STR_NEW2(obj->stringval); break; case XPATH_BOOLEAN: argv[i] = obj->boolval == 1 ? Qtrue : Qfalse; break; case XPATH_NUMBER: argv[i] = rb_float_new(obj->floatval); break; case XPATH_NODESET: argv[i] = Nokogiri_wrap_xml_node_set(obj->nodesetval, doc); break; default: argv[i] = NOKOGIRI_STR_NEW2(xmlXPathCastToString(obj)); } xmlXPathFreeNodeSetList(obj); } while(i-- > 0); } result = rb_funcall2(handler, rb_intern((const char*)function_name), nargs, argv); for (i = 0 ; i < nargs ; ++i) { rb_gc_unregister_address(&argv[i]); } free(argv); switch(TYPE(result)) { case T_FLOAT: case T_BIGNUM: case T_FIXNUM: xmlXPathReturnNumber(ctx, NUM2DBL(result)); break; case T_STRING: xmlXPathReturnString( ctx, xmlCharStrdup(StringValuePtr(result)) ); break; case T_TRUE: xmlXPathReturnTrue(ctx); break; case T_FALSE: xmlXPathReturnFalse(ctx); break; case T_NIL: break; case T_ARRAY: { VALUE args[2]; args[0] = doc; args[1] = result; node_set = rb_class_new_instance(2, args, cNokogiriXmlNodeSet); Data_Get_Struct(node_set, xmlNodeSet, xml_node_set); xmlXPathReturnNodeSet(ctx, xmlXPathNodeSetMerge(NULL, xml_node_set)); } break; case T_DATA: if(rb_obj_is_kind_of(result, cNokogiriXmlNodeSet)) { Data_Get_Struct(result, xmlNodeSet, xml_node_set); /* Copy the node set, otherwise it will get GC'd. */ xmlXPathReturnNodeSet(ctx, xmlXPathNodeSetMerge(NULL, xml_node_set)); break; } default: rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "Invalid return type"); } }
static GList * anjuta_profile_read_plugins_from_xml (AnjutaProfile *profile, GFile *file, GError **error) { gchar *read_buf; gsize size; xmlDocPtr xml_doc; GList *descs_list = NULL; GList *not_found_names = NULL; GList *not_found_urls = NULL; gboolean parse_error; /* Read xml file */ if (!g_file_load_contents (file, NULL, &read_buf, &size, NULL, error)) { return NULL; } /* Parse xml file */ parse_error = TRUE; xml_doc = xmlParseMemory (read_buf, size); g_free (read_buf); if (xml_doc != NULL) { xmlNodePtr xml_root; xml_root = xmlDocGetRootElement(xml_doc); if (xml_root && (xml_root->name) && xmlStrEqual(xml_root->name, (const xmlChar *)"anjuta")) { xmlNodePtr xml_node; parse_error = FALSE; for (xml_node = xml_root->xmlChildrenNode; xml_node; xml_node = xml_node->next) { GList *groups = NULL; GList *attribs = NULL; GList *values = NULL; xmlChar *name, *url, *mandatory_text; xmlNodePtr xml_require_node; gboolean mandatory; if (!xml_node->name || !xmlStrEqual (xml_node->name, (const xmlChar*)"plugin")) { continue; } name = xmlGetProp (xml_node, (const xmlChar*)"name"); url = xmlGetProp (xml_node, (const xmlChar*)"url"); /* Ensure that both name is given */ if (!name) { g_warning ("XML error: Plugin name should be present in plugin tag"); parse_error = TRUE; break; } if (!url) url = xmlCharStrdup (""); /* Check if the plugin is mandatory */ mandatory_text = xmlGetProp (xml_node, (const xmlChar*)"mandatory"); mandatory = mandatory_text && (xmlStrcasecmp (mandatory_text, (const xmlChar *)"yes") == 0); xmlFree(mandatory_text); /* For all plugin attribute conditions */ for (xml_require_node = xml_node->xmlChildrenNode; xml_require_node; xml_require_node = xml_require_node->next) { xmlChar *group; xmlChar *attrib; xmlChar *value; if (!xml_require_node->name || !xmlStrEqual (xml_require_node->name, (const xmlChar*)"require")) { continue; } group = xmlGetProp (xml_require_node, (const xmlChar *)"group"); attrib = xmlGetProp(xml_require_node, (const xmlChar *)"attribute"); value = xmlGetProp(xml_require_node, (const xmlChar *)"value"); if (group && attrib && value) { groups = g_list_prepend (groups, group); attribs = g_list_prepend (attribs, attrib); values = g_list_prepend (values, value); } else { if (group) xmlFree (group); if (attrib) xmlFree (attrib); if (value) xmlFree (value); parse_error = TRUE; g_warning ("XML parse error: group, attribute and value should be defined in require"); break; } } if (!parse_error) { if (g_list_length (groups) == 0) { parse_error = TRUE; g_warning ("XML Error: No attributes to match given"); } else { GList *plugin_descs; plugin_descs = anjuta_plugin_manager_list_query (profile->priv->plugin_manager, groups, attribs, values); if (plugin_descs) { descs_list = g_list_prepend (descs_list, plugin_descs); } else if (mandatory) { not_found_names = g_list_prepend (not_found_names, g_strdup ((const gchar *)name)); not_found_urls = g_list_prepend (not_found_urls, g_strdup ((const gchar *)url)); } } } g_list_foreach (groups, (GFunc)xmlFree, NULL); g_list_foreach (attribs, (GFunc)xmlFree, NULL); g_list_foreach (values, (GFunc)xmlFree, NULL); g_list_free (groups); g_list_free (attribs); g_list_free (values); xmlFree (name); xmlFree (url); } } xmlFreeDoc(xml_doc); } if (parse_error) { /* Error during parsing */ gchar *uri = g_file_get_uri (file); g_set_error (error, ANJUTA_PROFILE_ERROR, ANJUTA_PROFILE_ERROR_URI_READ_FAILED, _("Failed to read '%s': XML parse error. " "Invalid or corrupted Anjuta plugins profile."), uri); g_free (uri); g_list_foreach (descs_list, (GFunc)g_list_free, NULL); g_list_free (descs_list); descs_list = NULL; } else if (not_found_names) { /* * FIXME: Present a nice dialog box to promt the user to download * the plugin from corresponding URLs, install them and proceed. */ GList *node_name, *node_url; GString *mesg = g_string_new (""); gchar *uri = g_file_get_uri (file); not_found_names = g_list_reverse (not_found_names); not_found_urls = g_list_reverse (not_found_urls); node_name = not_found_names; node_url = not_found_urls; while (node_name) { /* <Pluginname>: Install it from <some location on the web> */ g_string_append_printf (mesg, _("%s: Install it from '%s'\n"), (char *)node_name->data, (char*)node_url->data); node_name = g_list_next (node_name); node_url = g_list_next (node_url); } g_set_error (error, ANJUTA_PROFILE_ERROR, ANJUTA_PROFILE_ERROR_URI_READ_FAILED, _("Failed to read '%s': Following mandatory plugins are missing:\n%s"), uri, mesg->str); g_free (uri); g_string_free (mesg, TRUE); g_list_foreach (descs_list, (GFunc)g_list_free, NULL); g_list_free (descs_list); descs_list = NULL; } g_list_foreach (not_found_names, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_list_free (not_found_names); g_list_foreach (not_found_urls, (GFunc)g_free, NULL); g_list_free (not_found_urls); return descs_list; }
static void gss_config_dump_object (GObject * object, xmlNsPtr ns, xmlNodePtr parent) { xmlNodePtr node; GParamSpec **pspecs; int n_properties; int i; char *object_name; xmlChar *name; xmlChar *content; char *s; g_return_if_fail (G_IS_OBJECT (object)); pspecs = g_object_class_list_properties (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (object), (guint *) & n_properties); s = get_xml_class_name (object); name = xmlCharStrdup (s); g_free (s); node = xmlNewChild (parent, ns, name, NULL); xmlFree (name); g_object_get (object, "name", &object_name, NULL); name = xmlCharStrdup ("name"); content = xmlCharStrdup (object_name); g_free (object_name); xmlNewTextChild (node, ns, name, content); xmlFree (name); xmlFree (content); for (i = 0; i < n_properties; i++) { const GParamSpec *pspec = pspecs[i]; char *s; if (strcmp (pspec->name, "name") == 0) continue; if (!(pspec->flags & G_PARAM_READABLE)) continue; if (!(pspec->flags & G_PARAM_WRITABLE)) continue; s = g_object_get_as_string (object, pspec); name = xmlCharStrdup (pspec->name); content = xmlCharStrdup (s); xmlNewTextChild (node, ns, name, content); xmlFree (name); xmlFree (content); g_free (s); } #if 0 if (GSS_IS_ENCODER (object)) { GssEncoder *encoder = GSS_ENCODER (object); GList *g; for (g = encoder->program.streams; g; g = g_list_next (g)) { gss_config_dump_object (g->data, ns, node); } } #endif g_free (pspecs); }
int DEFAULT_CC send_logoff(int client, int session_id) { struct session_item* sess; xmlNodePtr node, node2; xmlDocPtr doc; xmlChar* version; xmlChar* response; xmlChar* session; xmlChar* username; xmlChar* username_value; xmlChar* id; xmlChar* id_value; xmlChar* status; xmlChar* status_value; char prop[128]; int display; if (session_id == 0) { log_message(&(g_cfg->log), LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "sesman[send_logoff]: " "%i is not a valid session id", session_id); return 1; } log_message(&(g_cfg->log), LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "sesman[send_logoff]: " "request session %i logoff", session_id); lock_chain_acquire(); sess = session_get_by_display(session_id); lock_chain_release(); if( sess == NULL) { log_message(&(g_cfg->log), LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "sesman[send_logoff]: " "The session %i did not exist", session_id); xml_send_error(client, "the session id of the request did not exist"); return 1; } session_update_status_by_user(sess->name, SESMAN_SESSION_STATUS_TO_DESTROY); version = xmlCharStrdup("1.0"); doc = xmlNewDoc(version); if (doc == NULL) { log_message(&(g_cfg->log), LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "sesman[send_logoff]: " "Unable to create the document"); g_free(sess); xmlFree(version); xmlFreeDoc(doc); return 1; } doc->encoding = xmlCharStrdup("UTF-8"); response = xmlCharStrdup("response"); session = xmlCharStrdup("session"); node = xmlNewNode(NULL, response); node2 = xmlNewNode(NULL, session); sprintf(prop, "%i", display); id = xmlCharStrdup("id"); id_value = xmlCharStrdup(prop); username = xmlCharStrdup("username"); username_value = xmlCharStrdup(sess->name); status = xmlCharStrdup("status"); status_value = xmlCharStrdup("CLOSED"); xmlSetProp(node2, id, id_value); xmlSetProp(node2, username, username_value); xmlSetProp(node2, status, status_value); xmlAddChild(node, node2); xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, node); xml_send_info(client, doc); xmlFreeDoc(doc); xmlFree(version); xmlFree(response); xmlFree(session); xmlFree(username); xmlFree(username_value); xmlFree(id); xmlFree(id_value); xmlFree(status); xmlFree(status_value); g_free(sess); return 0; }
static void _set_defaults(ice_config_t *configuration) { configuration->location = (char *)xmlCharStrdup (CONFIG_DEFAULT_LOCATION); configuration->server_id = (char *)xmlCharStrdup (ICECAST_VERSION_STRING); configuration->admin = (char *)xmlCharStrdup (CONFIG_DEFAULT_ADMIN); configuration->client_limit = CONFIG_DEFAULT_CLIENT_LIMIT; configuration->source_limit = CONFIG_DEFAULT_SOURCE_LIMIT; configuration->queue_size_limit = CONFIG_DEFAULT_QUEUE_SIZE_LIMIT; configuration->workers_count = 1; configuration->client_timeout = CONFIG_DEFAULT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT; configuration->header_timeout = CONFIG_DEFAULT_HEADER_TIMEOUT; configuration->source_timeout = CONFIG_DEFAULT_SOURCE_TIMEOUT; configuration->source_password = (char *)xmlCharStrdup (CONFIG_DEFAULT_SOURCE_PASSWORD); configuration->shoutcast_mount = (char *)xmlCharStrdup (CONFIG_DEFAULT_SHOUTCAST_MOUNT); configuration->ice_login = CONFIG_DEFAULT_ICE_LOGIN; configuration->fileserve = CONFIG_DEFAULT_FILESERVE; configuration->touch_interval = CONFIG_DEFAULT_TOUCH_FREQ; configuration->on_demand = 0; configuration->dir_list = NULL; configuration->hostname = (char *)xmlCharStrdup (CONFIG_DEFAULT_HOSTNAME); configuration->port = 0; configuration->master_server = NULL; configuration->master_server_port = 0; configuration->master_update_interval = CONFIG_MASTER_UPDATE_INTERVAL; configuration->master_username = (char*)xmlCharStrdup (CONFIG_DEFAULT_MASTER_USERNAME); configuration->master_password = NULL; configuration->master_bind = NULL; configuration->master_relay_auth = 0; configuration->base_dir = (char *)xmlCharStrdup (CONFIG_DEFAULT_BASE_DIR); configuration->log_dir = (char *)xmlCharStrdup (CONFIG_DEFAULT_LOG_DIR); configuration->webroot_dir = (char *)xmlCharStrdup (CONFIG_DEFAULT_WEBROOT_DIR); configuration->adminroot_dir = (char *)xmlCharStrdup (CONFIG_DEFAULT_ADMINROOT_DIR); configuration-> = (char *)xmlCharStrdup (CONFIG_DEFAULT_PLAYLIST_LOG); configuration-> = (char *)xmlCharStrdup (CONFIG_DEFAULT_ACCESS_LOG); configuration->access_log.log_ip = 1; configuration-> = (char *)xmlCharStrdup (CONFIG_DEFAULT_ERROR_LOG); configuration->error_log.level = CONFIG_DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL; configuration->chroot = CONFIG_DEFAULT_CHROOT; configuration->chuid = CONFIG_DEFAULT_CHUID; configuration->user = NULL; configuration->group = NULL; configuration->num_yp_directories = 0; configuration->slaves_count = 0; configuration->relay_username = (char *)xmlCharStrdup (CONFIG_DEFAULT_MASTER_USERNAME); configuration->relay_password = NULL; /* default to a typical prebuffer size used by clients */ configuration->min_queue_size = 0; configuration->burst_size = CONFIG_DEFAULT_BURST_SIZE; }
place_t *parse_place_element(xmlNode *plNode) { int num = 1; int did = 0; xmlChar *numStr = xmlGetProp(plNode, xmlCharStrdup("num")); xmlChar *didStr = xmlGetProp(plNode, xmlCharStrdup("did")); xmlChar *typeStr = xmlGetProp(plNode, xmlCharStrdup("type")); xmlChar *sizeStr = xmlGetProp(plNode, xmlCharStrdup("size")); xmlChar *unitSize = xmlGetProp(plNode, xmlCharStrdup("unitSize")); xmlChar *info = xmlGetProp(plNode, xmlCharStrdup("info")); if (numStr != NULL) { num = atoi((char *)numStr); } if (didStr != NULL) { did = atoi((char *)didStr); } short type = CACHE_PLACE; if (typeStr != NULL) { if (!xmlStrcmp(typeStr, (const xmlChar *) "mem")) { type = MEM_PLACE; } else if (!xmlStrcmp(typeStr, (const xmlChar *) "cache")) { type = CACHE_PLACE; } else if (!xmlStrcmp(typeStr, (const xmlChar *) "nvgpu")) { type = NVGPU_PLACE; } else if (!xmlStrcmp(typeStr, (const xmlChar *) "amgpu")) { type = AMGPU_PLACE; } else if (!xmlStrcmp(typeStr, (const xmlChar *) "fpga")) { type = FPGA_PLACE; } else if (!xmlStrcmp(typeStr, (const xmlChar *) "pgas")) { type = PGAS_PLACE; } else { /* warning, unknown type specified */ } } else { /* default to be cache type */ type = CACHE_PLACE; } // Not supported yet HASSERT(type != AMGPU_PLACE && type != FPGA_PLACE); xmlFree(numStr); xmlFree(didStr); xmlFree(typeStr); xmlFree(sizeStr); xmlFree(unitSize); xmlFree(info); place_t *pl = (place_t *) malloc(sizeof(place_t)); HASSERT(pl); memset(pl, 0x00, sizeof(place_t)); pl->id = num; pl->did = did; pl->type = type; pl->psize = (sizeStr == NULL) ? 0 : atoi((char *)sizeStr); pl->unitSize = (unitSize == NULL) ? 0 : atoi((char *)unitSize); xmlNode *child = plNode->xmlChildrenNode; place_t *pllast = NULL; hclib_worker_state *wslast = NULL; #ifdef HC_ASSERTION_CHECK unsigned nchildren = 0; #endif while (child != NULL) { if (!xmlStrcmp(child->name, (const xmlChar *) "place")) { place_t *tmp = parse_place_element(child); tmp->parent = pl; if (pl->child == NULL) pl->child = tmp; else pllast->nnext = tmp; pllast = tmp; #ifdef HC_ASSERTION_CHECK nchildren++; #endif } else if (!xmlStrcmp(child->name, (const xmlChar *) "worker")) { hclib_worker_state *tmp = parse_worker_element(child); tmp->pl = pl; if (pl->workers == NULL) pl->workers = tmp; else wslast->next_worker = tmp; wslast = tmp; #ifdef HC_ASSERTION_CHECK nchildren++; #endif } child = child->next; } if (type == NVGPU_PLACE) HASSERT(nchildren == 0); return pl; }
int DEFAULT_CC send_sessions(int client) { struct session_item* sess; xmlNodePtr node, node2, node3; xmlDocPtr doc; int count, i; xmlChar* version; xmlChar* encoding; xmlChar* s_node; xmlChar* s_node2; log_message(&(g_cfg->log), LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_PLUS, "sesman[send_sessions]: " "request for sessions list"); lock_chain_acquire(); sess = (struct session_item*)session_list_session(&count); lock_chain_release(); log_message(&(g_cfg->log), LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_PLUS, "sesman[send_sessions]: " "%i count sessions",count); version = xmlCharStrdup("1.0"); doc = xmlNewDoc(version); if (doc ==NULL) { log_message(&(g_cfg->log), LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_PLUS, "sesman[send_sessions]: " "Unable to create the document"); return 1; } doc->encoding = xmlCharStrdup("UTF-8"); s_node = xmlCharStrdup("response"); node = xmlNewNode(NULL, s_node); s_node2 = xmlCharStrdup("sessions"); node2 = xmlNewNode(NULL, s_node2); xmlAddChild(node, node2); char prop[128]; for ( i=0 ; i<count ; i++) { g_sprintf(prop, "%i", sess[i].display); xmlChar* s_session = xmlCharStrdup("session"); xmlChar* s_id = xmlCharStrdup("id"); xmlChar* s_id_value = xmlCharStrdup(prop); xmlChar* s_username = xmlCharStrdup("username"); xmlChar* s_username_value = xmlCharStrdup(sess[i].name); xmlChar* s_status = xmlCharStrdup("status"); xmlChar* s_status_value = xmlCharStrdup(session_get_status_string(sess[i].status)); node3 = xmlNewNode(NULL, s_session); xmlSetProp(node3, s_id, s_id_value ); xmlSetProp(node3, s_username, s_username_value); xmlSetProp(node3, s_status, s_status_value ); xmlAddChild(node2, node3); xmlFree(s_session); xmlFree(s_id); xmlFree(s_id_value); xmlFree(s_username); xmlFree(s_username_value); xmlFree(s_status); xmlFree(s_status_value); } xmlAddChild(node, node2); xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, node); xml_send_info(client, doc); xmlFree(version); xmlFree(s_node); xmlFree(s_node2); g_free(sess); xmlFreeDoc(doc); return 0; }
int GetGameXML(ConfigSettings *cs, GameInfo *game, char *emulator) { int c1=0; FILE *pi; char temp[20000]={'\x00'}; char c; char *ptr; xmlDocPtr xmlbuffer = NULL; char cmd[255]; if (!strcmp(game->name, "")) return 1; /* Windows needs a kludge I guess */ if (IS_WIN) { char* argv[25]; FILE *fp = NULL; char file[255]; pid_t cpid; pid_t child_pid; sprintf(file, "%s.xml", game->name); //system(cmd); sprintf(cmd, "%s", emulator); argv[0] = emulator; argv[1] = "-listxml"; argv[2] = game->name; argv[3] = NULL; /* Fork and run mame, wait for pid to exit */ cpid = fork(); switch (cpid) { case -1: printf("Failed running %s\n", emulator); break; case 0: child_pid = getpid(); fp = freopen(file, "w", stdout); execvp(emulator, argv); { char *path = NULL; char *envp = getenv("PATH"); path = strtok(envp, ":"); while(path != NULL) { char executable[255]; sprintf(executable, "%s/%s", path, emulator); execvp(executable, argv); if (cs->verbose > 2) sr_fprintf(stderr, "Failed running %s\n", executable); path = strtok(NULL, ":"); } } sr_fprintf(stderr, "%s exited or failed running with PATH=%s\n", emulator, getenv("PATH")); exit(1); // Failed default: waitpid(cpid, NULL, 0); break; } if (fp) fclose(fp); xmlbuffer = xmlParseFile(file); unlink(file); if (xmlbuffer == NULL) return -1; ParseXML(xmlbuffer, game, cs); xmlFreeDoc(xmlbuffer); if (game->width <= 0 || game->height <= 0 || game->refresh <= 0) return -1; return 0; } else sprintf(cmd, "%s -listxml %s", emulator, game->name); pi=popen(cmd, "r"); if(pi != NULL) { int i = 0; c=fgetc(pi); while(c != '\xff' && i < 20000) { temp[c1]=c; c=fgetc(pi); c1++; } temp[c1]='\x00'; pclose(pi); if (cs->verbose > 3) sr_fprintf(stderr, "Game XML is: %s\n", temp); /* Turn into an XML buffer */ ptr = (char *) &temp; xmlbuffer = xmlParseDoc(xmlCharStrdup(ptr)); if (xmlbuffer == NULL) { sr_fprintf(stderr, "Error getting XML info for %s from %s\n", emulator, game->name); return -1; } ParseXML(xmlbuffer, game, cs); xmlFreeDoc(xmlbuffer); } if (game->width <= 0 || game->height <= 0 || game->refresh <= 0) { if (cs->verbose > 2) sr_fprintf(stderr, "Didn't get width/height/refresh from mame\n"); return -1; } return 0; }
static void addSelectionCopyMove(mdsSelectionList_t* selectionList) { gboolean found; int selIdx; int selNum = selectionList->num_selections; mdsSelection_t* selection = NULL; mdsSelectionItem_t* item = NULL; // check whether copy/move selection present found = FALSE; selection = (mdsSelection_t*) selectionList->selections; // const_cast for (selIdx = 0 ; selIdx < selNum ; selIdx++, selection++) { if (strcmp(selection->id, SELECTION_TRANSFER_MODE) == 0) { found = TRUE; } } // add copy/move selection if ( !found ) { // allocate one more selection selection = (mdsSelection_t*) selectionList->selections; // const_cast selection = g_renew(mdsSelection_t, selection, selNum + 1); selectionList->selections = selection; selectionList->num_selections++; // free up the first selection selection = (mdsSelection_t*) selectionList->selections; // const_cast selection += selNum; for (selIdx = 0 ; selIdx < selNum ; selIdx++, selection--) { *selection = *(selection - 1); } memset((void*)selection, 0x00, sizeof(*selection)); // make first selection a copy/move list selection = (mdsSelection_t*) selectionList->selections; // const_cast selection->constant = FALSE; selection->hide = FALSE; selection->display_as = xmlCharStrdup("textbutton"); selection->title = xmlCharStrdup( _("Transfer mode") ); selection->instruction = xmlCharStrdup( _("Please select how to add this document to your outbox") ); selection->min_selected = 1; selection->max_selected = 1; selection->num_items = 2; selection->items = NULL; selection->id = xmlCharStrdup(SELECTION_TRANSFER_MODE); selection->sequence = 0; // add items to this selection selection->items = g_new0(mdsSelectionItem_t, 2); // item[0] = copy item = (mdsSelectionItem_t*) selection->items; // const_cast item->name = xmlCharStrdup( _("Copy") ); item->id = xmlCharStrdup( "copy" ); item->sequence = 1; item->state = TRUE; // item[1] = move item++; item->name = xmlCharStrdup( _("Move") ); item->id = xmlCharStrdup( "move" ); item->sequence = 2; item->state = FALSE; } }
static int _parse_relay (xmlNodePtr node, void *arg) { ice_config_t *config = arg; relay_server *relay = calloc(1, sizeof(relay_server)); relay_server_host *host = calloc (1, sizeof (relay_server_host)); int on_demand = config->on_demand, icy_metadata = 1, running = 1; struct cfg_tag icecast_tags[] = { { "master", _relay_host, relay }, { "host", _relay_host, relay }, { "server", config_get_str, &host->ip }, { "ip", config_get_str, &host->ip }, { "bind", config_get_str, &host->bind }, { "port", config_get_port, &host->port }, { "mount", config_get_str, &host->mount }, { "timeout", config_get_int, &host->timeout }, { "local-mount", config_get_str, &relay->localmount }, { "on-demand", config_get_bool, &on_demand }, { "run-on", config_get_int, &relay->run_on }, { "retry-delay", config_get_int, &relay->interval }, { "relay-icy-metadata", config_get_bool, &icy_metadata }, { "relay-shoutcast-metadata", config_get_bool, &icy_metadata }, { "username", config_get_str, &relay->username }, { "password", config_get_str, &relay->password }, { "enable", config_get_bool, &running }, { NULL, NULL, NULL }, }; relay->interval = config->master_update_interval; relay->run_on = 30; relay->hosts = host; /* default settings */ host->port = config->port; host->ip = (char *)xmlCharStrdup (""); host->mount = (char*)xmlCharStrdup ("/"); host->timeout = 4; if (parse_xml_tags (node, icecast_tags)) return -1; if (on_demand) relay->flags |= RELAY_ON_DEMAND; if (icy_metadata) relay->flags |= RELAY_ICY_META; if (running) relay->flags |= RELAY_RUNNING; /* check for unspecified entries */ if (relay->localmount == NULL) relay->localmount = (char*)xmlCharStrdup (host->mount); /* if master is set then remove the default entry at the head of the list */ if (relay->hosts->next) { relay->hosts = relay->hosts->next; if (host->mount) xmlFree (host->mount); if (host->ip) xmlFree (host->ip); if (host->bind) xmlFree (host->bind); free (host); } relay->new_details = config->relays; config->relays = relay; return 0; }
int EBC_Provider_XchgHiaRequest_H003(AB_PROVIDER *pro, GWEN_HTTP_SESSION *sess, AB_USER *u) { int rv; GWEN_CRYPT_TOKEN *ct; const GWEN_CRYPT_TOKEN_CONTEXT *ctx; uint32_t kid; const GWEN_CRYPT_TOKEN_KEYINFO *cryptKeyInfo=NULL; const GWEN_CRYPT_TOKEN_KEYINFO *authKeyInfo=NULL; xmlNsPtr ns; EB_MSG *msg; const char *userId; const char *partnerId; EB_MSG *mRsp; EB_RC rc; xmlDocPtr doc; xmlNodePtr root_node = NULL; xmlNodePtr node = NULL; /*xmlNodePtr nodeX = NULL;*/ GWEN_BUFFER *mbuf; GWEN_BUFFER *tbuf; const char *s; userId=AB_User_GetUserId(u); partnerId=AB_User_GetCustomerId(u); /* get crypt token and context */ rv=EBC_Provider_MountToken(pro, u, &ct, &ctx); if (rv<0) { DBG_INFO(AQEBICS_LOGDOMAIN, "here (%d)", rv); return rv; } /* get crypt key info */ kid=GWEN_Crypt_Token_Context_GetDecipherKeyId(ctx); if (kid) { cryptKeyInfo=GWEN_Crypt_Token_GetKeyInfo(ct, kid, GWEN_CRYPT_TOKEN_KEYFLAGS_HASMODULUS | GWEN_CRYPT_TOKEN_KEYFLAGS_HASEXPONENT | GWEN_CRYPT_TOKEN_KEYFLAGS_HASKEYVERSION | GWEN_CRYPT_TOKEN_KEYFLAGS_HASKEYNUMBER, 0); if (cryptKeyInfo==NULL) { DBG_ERROR(AQEBICS_LOGDOMAIN, "Crypt key info not found on crypt token"); GWEN_Gui_ProgressLog(0, GWEN_LoggerLevel_Error, I18N("Crypt key info not found on crypt token")); return GWEN_ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } } /* get auth sign key info */ kid=GWEN_Crypt_Token_Context_GetAuthSignKeyId(ctx); if (kid) { authKeyInfo=GWEN_Crypt_Token_GetKeyInfo(ct, kid, GWEN_CRYPT_TOKEN_KEYFLAGS_HASMODULUS | GWEN_CRYPT_TOKEN_KEYFLAGS_HASEXPONENT | GWEN_CRYPT_TOKEN_KEYFLAGS_HASKEYVERSION | GWEN_CRYPT_TOKEN_KEYFLAGS_HASKEYNUMBER, 0); if (authKeyInfo==NULL) { DBG_ERROR(AQEBICS_LOGDOMAIN, "Auth key info not found on crypt token"); GWEN_Gui_ProgressLog(0, GWEN_LoggerLevel_Error, I18N("Auth key info not found on crypt token")); return GWEN_ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } } /* create HIARequestOrderData */ doc=xmlNewDoc(BAD_CAST "1.0"); doc->encoding=xmlCharStrdup("UTF-8"); root_node=xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "HIARequestOrderData"); xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, root_node); ns=xmlNewNs(root_node, BAD_CAST "", NULL); assert(ns); ns=xmlNewNs(root_node, BAD_CAST "", BAD_CAST "ds"); assert(ns); ns=xmlNewNs(root_node, BAD_CAST "", BAD_CAST "xsi"); xmlNewNsProp(root_node, ns, BAD_CAST "schemaLocation", /* xsi:schemaLocation */ BAD_CAST " " ""); /* create auth key tree */ node=xmlNewChild(root_node, NULL, BAD_CAST "AuthenticationPubKeyInfo", NULL); rv=EB_Key_Info_toXml(authKeyInfo, node); if (rv<0) { DBG_ERROR(AQEBICS_LOGDOMAIN, "Error response: (%d)", rv); xmlFreeDoc(doc); return GWEN_ERROR_INVALID; } xmlNewChild(node, NULL, BAD_CAST "AuthenticationVersion", BAD_CAST "X002"); /* create crypt key tree */ node=xmlNewChild(root_node, NULL, BAD_CAST "EncryptionPubKeyInfo", NULL); rv=EB_Key_Info_toXml(cryptKeyInfo, node); if (rv<0) { DBG_ERROR(AQEBICS_LOGDOMAIN, "Error response: (%d)", rv); xmlFreeDoc(doc); return rv; } xmlNewChild(node, NULL, BAD_CAST "EncryptionVersion", BAD_CAST "E002"); /* store partner id and user id */ node=xmlNewChild(root_node, NULL, BAD_CAST "PartnerID", BAD_CAST partnerId); node=xmlNewChild(root_node, NULL, BAD_CAST "UserID", BAD_CAST userId); /* compress and base64 doc */ mbuf=GWEN_Buffer_new(0, 512, 0, 1); rv=EB_Xml_Compress64Doc(doc, mbuf); if (rv<0) { DBG_ERROR(AQEBICS_LOGDOMAIN, "Error compressing/encoding doc (%d)", rv); xmlFreeDoc(doc); return rv; } xmlFreeDoc(doc); /* create request */ msg=EB_Msg_new(); doc=EB_Msg_GetDoc(msg); root_node=xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "ebicsUnsecuredRequest"); xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, root_node); ns=xmlNewNs(root_node, BAD_CAST "", NULL); assert(ns); ns=xmlNewNs(root_node, BAD_CAST "", BAD_CAST "ds"); assert(ns); ns=xmlNewNs(root_node, BAD_CAST "", BAD_CAST "xsi"); xmlNewNsProp(root_node, ns, BAD_CAST "schemaLocation", /* xsi:schemaLocation */ BAD_CAST " " ""); xmlNewProp(root_node, BAD_CAST "Version", BAD_CAST "H003"); xmlNewProp(root_node, BAD_CAST "Revision", BAD_CAST "1"); /* header */ node=xmlNewChild(root_node, NULL, BAD_CAST "header", NULL); xmlNewProp(node, BAD_CAST "authenticate", BAD_CAST "true"); xmlNewChild(node, NULL, BAD_CAST "static", NULL); xmlNewChild(node, NULL, BAD_CAST "mutable", NULL); /* body */ node=xmlNewChild(root_node, NULL, BAD_CAST "body", NULL); /* fill */ s=EBC_User_GetPeerId(u); if (s) EB_Msg_SetCharValue(msg, "header/static/HostID", s); s=AB_User_GetCustomerId(u); if (s) EB_Msg_SetCharValue(msg, "header/static/PartnerID", s); EB_Msg_SetCharValue(msg, "header/static/UserID", AB_User_GetUserId(u)); EB_Msg_SetCharValue(msg, "header/static/OrderDetails/OrderType", "HIA"); tbuf=GWEN_Buffer_new(0, 16, 0, 1); rv=EBC_Provider_Generate_OrderId(pro, tbuf); if (rv<0) { DBG_ERROR(AQEBICS_LOGDOMAIN, "Error exchanging messages (%d)", rv); GWEN_Buffer_free(tbuf); GWEN_Buffer_free(mbuf); EB_Msg_free(msg); return rv; } EB_Msg_SetCharValue(msg, "header/static/OrderDetails/OrderID", GWEN_Buffer_GetStart(tbuf)); GWEN_Buffer_free(tbuf); EB_Msg_SetCharValue(msg, "header/static/OrderDetails/OrderAttribute", "DZNNN"); EB_Msg_SetCharValue(msg, "header/static/SecurityMedium", "0200"); EB_Msg_SetCharValue(msg, "body/DataTransfer/OrderData", GWEN_Buffer_GetStart(mbuf)); GWEN_Buffer_free(mbuf); /* exchange requests */ rv=EBC_Dialog_ExchangeMessages(sess, msg, &mRsp); if (rv<0 || rv>=300) { DBG_ERROR(AQEBICS_LOGDOMAIN, "Error exchanging messages (%d)", rv); EB_Msg_free(msg); return rv; } EB_Msg_free(msg); /* check response */ assert(mRsp); /* log results */ EBC_Provider_LogRequestResults(pro, mRsp, NULL); rc=EB_Msg_GetResultCode(mRsp); if ((rc & 0xff0000)==0x090000 || (rc & 0xff0000)==0x060000) { DBG_ERROR(AQEBICS_LOGDOMAIN, "Error response: (%06x)", rc); EB_Msg_free(mRsp); return AB_ERROR_SECURITY; } rc=EB_Msg_GetBodyResultCode(mRsp); if (rc) { if ((rc & 0xff0000)==0x090000 || (rc & 0xff0000)==0x060000) { DBG_ERROR(AQEBICS_LOGDOMAIN, "Error response: (%06x)", rc); EB_Msg_free(mRsp); if ((rc & 0xfff00)==0x091300 || (rc & 0xfff00)==0x091200) return AB_ERROR_SECURITY; else return GWEN_ERROR_GENERIC; } } EB_Msg_free(mRsp); /* adjust user status and flags */ DBG_NOTICE(AQEBICS_LOGDOMAIN, "Adjusting user flags"); EBC_User_AddFlags(u, EBC_USER_FLAGS_HIA); if ((EBC_User_GetFlags(u) & (EBC_USER_FLAGS_INI | EBC_USER_FLAGS_HIA)) == (EBC_USER_FLAGS_INI | EBC_USER_FLAGS_HIA)) EBC_User_SetStatus(u, EBC_UserStatus_Init2); else EBC_User_SetStatus(u, EBC_UserStatus_Init1); return 0; }
SDOXMLString::SDOXMLString(const char* localString) { xmlForm = xmlCharStrdup(localString); }
static void writeDNAComponent(DNAComponent* com) { if (!com) return; xmlTextWriterStartElement(WRITER, xmlCharStrdup(NSPREFIX_SBOL ":" NODENAME_DNACOMPONENT)); if (!alreadyProcessed((void *)com)) { markProcessed((void *)com); xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(WRITER, xmlCharStrdup(NSPREFIX_RDF ":" NODENAME_ABOUT), xmlCharStrdup(getDNAComponentURI(com))); // properties char* data; data = getDNAComponentDisplayID(com); if (data) xmlTextWriterWriteElement(WRITER, xmlCharStrdup(NSPREFIX_SBOL ":" NODENAME_DISPLAYID), xmlCharStrdup(data)); data = getDNAComponentName(com); if (data) xmlTextWriterWriteElement(WRITER, xmlCharStrdup(NSPREFIX_SBOL ":" NODENAME_NAME), xmlCharStrdup(data)); data = getDNAComponentDescription(com); if (data) xmlTextWriterWriteElement(WRITER, xmlCharStrdup(NSPREFIX_SBOL ":" NODENAME_DESCRIPTION), xmlCharStrdup(data)); data = getDNAComponentType(com); if (data) { xmlTextWriterStartElement(WRITER, xmlCharStrdup(NSPREFIX_RDF ":" NODENAME_TYPE)); xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(WRITER, xmlCharStrdup(NSPREFIX_RDF ":" NODENAME_RESOURCE), xmlCharStrdup(data)); xmlTextWriterEndElement(WRITER); } // sequence if (com->dnaSequence) { xmlTextWriterStartElement(WRITER, xmlCharStrdup(NSPREFIX_SBOL ":" NODENAME_DNASEQUENCE_REF)); indentMore(); /// @todo sometimes no contents? writeDNASequence(com->dnaSequence); markProcessed(com->dnaSequence); indentLess(); xmlTextWriterEndElement(WRITER); } // annotations int n; int num = getNumSequenceAnnotationsFor(com); SequenceAnnotation* ann; indentMore(); if (num>0) { for (n=0; n<num; n++) { ann = getNthSequenceAnnotationFor(com, n); indentMore(); xmlTextWriterStartElement(WRITER, xmlCharStrdup(NSPREFIX_SBOL ":" NODENAME_ANNOTATION)); writeSequenceAnnotation(ann); xmlTextWriterEndElement(WRITER); indentLess(); } } indentLess(); } else xmlTextWriterWriteAttribute(WRITER, xmlCharStrdup(NSPREFIX_RDF ":" NODENAME_RESOURCE), xmlCharStrdup(getDNAComponentURI(com))); xmlTextWriterEndElement(WRITER); }
//----------------------------------------- void LegacyParser::processNode(xmlTextReaderPtr reader, const xmlChar* name) { //----------------------------------------- if( !isProcessableNode(reader) ) return; if( xmlStrEqual(name, xmlCharStrdup("gexf")) == 1 ) { processGEXFNode(reader); } else if( xmlStrEqual(name, xmlCharStrdup("meta")) == 1 ) { processMetaNode(reader); } else if( xmlStrEqual(name, xmlCharStrdup("creator")) == 1 ) { processCreatorNode(reader); } else if( xmlStrEqual(name, xmlCharStrdup("description")) == 1 ) { processDescriptionNode(reader); } else if( xmlStrEqual(name, xmlCharStrdup("graph")) == 1 ) { processGraphNode(reader); } else if( xmlStrEqual(name, xmlCharStrdup("node")) == 1 ) { processNodeNode(reader); } else if( xmlStrEqual(name, xmlCharStrdup("edges")) == 1 ) { processEdgesNode(reader); } else if( xmlStrEqual(name, xmlCharStrdup("edge")) == 1 ) { processEdgeNode(reader); } else if( xmlStrEqual(name, xmlCharStrdup("attributes")) == 1 ) { processAttributesNode(reader); } else if( xmlStrEqual(name, xmlCharStrdup("attribute")) == 1 ) { processAttributeNode(reader); } else if( xmlStrEqual(name, xmlCharStrdup("default")) == 1 ) { processAttributeDefaultNode(reader); } else if( xmlStrEqual(name, xmlCharStrdup("attvalue")) == 1 ) { processAttvalueNode(reader); } }
static void createSBOLWriter() { INDENT = 0; WRITER = xmlNewTextWriterDoc(&OUTPUT, 0); xmlTextWriterSetIndentString(WRITER,xmlCharStrdup("\t")); xmlTextWriterSetIndent(WRITER, INDENT); }
gchar* xhtml_extract (xmlNodePtr xml, gint xhtmlMode, const gchar *defaultBase) { xmlBufferPtr buf; xmlChar *xml_base = NULL; gchar *result = NULL; xmlNs *ns; /* Create the new document and add the div tag*/ xmlDocPtr newDoc = xmlNewDoc (BAD_CAST "1.0" ); xmlNodePtr divNode = xmlNewNode (NULL, BAD_CAST "div"); xmlDocSetRootElement (newDoc, divNode); xmlNewNs (divNode, BAD_CAST "", NULL); /* Set the xml:base of the div tag */ xml_base = xmlNodeGetBase (xml->doc, xml); if (xml_base) { xmlNodeSetBase (divNode, xml_base ); xmlFree (xml_base); } else if (defaultBase) xmlNodeSetBase (divNode, BAD_CAST defaultBase); if (xhtmlMode == 0) { /* Read escaped HTML and convert to XHTML, placing in a div tag */ xmlDocPtr oldDoc; xmlNodePtr copiedNodes = NULL; xmlChar *escapedhtml; /* Parse the HTML into oldDoc*/ escapedhtml = xmlNodeListGetString (xml->doc, xml->xmlChildrenNode, 1); if (escapedhtml) { escapedhtml = BAD_CAST g_strstrip ((gchar*) escapedhtml); /* stripping whitespaces to make empty string detection easier */ if (*escapedhtml) { /* never process empty content, xmlDocCopy() doesn't like it... */ xmlNodePtr body; oldDoc = xhtml_parse ((gchar*) escapedhtml, strlen ((gchar*) escapedhtml)); body = xhtml_find_body (oldDoc); /* Copy namespace from original documents root node. This is ro determine additional namespaces for item content. For example to handle RSS 2.0 feeds as provided by LiveJournal: <rss version='2.0' xmlns:lj=''> <channel> ... <item> ... <description>... <span class='ljuser' lj:user='someone' style='white-space: nowrap;'><a href=''><img src='' alt='[info]' width='16' height='16' style='vertical-align: bottom; border: 0; padding-right: 2px;' /></a><a href=''><b>someone</b></a></span> ...</description> ... </item> ... </channel> Then we will want to extract <description> and need to honour the xmlns:lj definition... */ ns = (xmlDocGetRootElement (xml->doc))->nsDef; while (ns) { xmlNewNs (divNode, ns->href, ns->prefix); ns = ns->next; } if (body) { /* Copy in the html tags */ copiedNodes = xmlDocCopyNodeList (newDoc, body->xmlChildrenNode); // FIXME: is the above correct? Why only operate on the first child node? // It might be unproblematic because all content is wrapped in a <div>... xmlAddChildList (divNode, copiedNodes); } xmlFreeDoc (oldDoc); xmlFree (escapedhtml); } } } else if (xhtmlMode == 1 || xhtmlMode == 2) { /* Read multiple XHTML tags and embed in div tag */ xmlNodePtr copiedNodes = xmlDocCopyNodeList (newDoc, xml->xmlChildrenNode); xmlAddChildList (divNode, copiedNodes); } buf = xmlBufferCreate (); xmlNodeDump (buf, newDoc, xmlDocGetRootElement (newDoc), 0, 0 ); if (xmlBufferLength (buf) > 0) result = (gchar*) xmlCharStrdup ((gchar*) xmlBufferContent (buf)); xmlBufferFree (buf); xmlFreeDoc (newDoc); return result; }
int DEFAULT_CC send_session(int client, int session_id, char* user) { struct session_item* sess = NULL; xmlNodePtr node, node2; xmlDocPtr doc; xmlChar* version; xmlChar* response; xmlChar* session; xmlChar* id; xmlChar* id_value; xmlChar* username; xmlChar* username_value; xmlChar* status; xmlChar* status_value; log_message(&(g_cfg->log), LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_PLUS, "sesman[send_session]: " "request for session\n"); lock_chain_acquire(); if (user == NULL || user[0] == '\0') { sess = session_get_by_display(session_id); } else { sess = session_get_bydata(user); } lock_chain_release(); if( sess == NULL && session_id != 0) { log_message(&(g_cfg->log), LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "sesman[send_session]: " "the session %i did not exist",session_id); sess = g_malloc(sizeof(struct session_item), 1); sess->display = session_id; sess->status = SESMAN_SESSION_STATUS_UNKNOWN; g_snprintf(sess->name, sizeof(sess->name), "UNKNOW"); } version = xmlCharStrdup("1.0"); doc = xmlNewDoc(version); if (doc == NULL) { log_message(&(g_cfg->log), LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_PLUS, "sesman[send_session]: " "Unable to create the document"); if (sess != NULL) { g_free(sess); } return 1; } doc->encoding = xmlCharStrdup("UTF-8"); response = xmlCharStrdup("response"); session = xmlCharStrdup("session"); node = xmlNewNode(NULL, response); node2 = xmlNewNode(NULL, session); if (sess != NULL) { char prop[128] = {0}; g_sprintf(prop, "%i", sess->display); id = xmlCharStrdup("id"); id_value = xmlCharStrdup(prop); username = xmlCharStrdup("username"); username_value = xmlCharStrdup(sess->name); status = xmlCharStrdup("status"); status_value = xmlCharStrdup(session_get_status_string(sess->status)); xmlSetProp(node2, id, id_value); xmlSetProp(node2, username, username_value); xmlSetProp(node2, status, status_value ); xmlAddChild(node, node2); } xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, node); xml_send_info(client, doc); xmlFree(response); xmlFree(session); xmlFree(version); xmlFreeDoc(doc); if (sess != NULL) { xmlFree(id); xmlFree(id_value); xmlFree(username); xmlFree(username_value); xmlFree(status); xmlFree(status_value); g_free(sess); } return 0; }
int ddcci_add_controls_to_subgroup(xmlNodePtr control, xmlNodePtr mon_control, struct subgroup_db *current_group, struct vcp_entry** vcp, char* defined, char *matchedcontrols, int faulttolerance) { xmlNodePtr cur; xmlChar *mon_ctrlid; xmlChar *options_ctrlid, *options_ctrlname; enum refresh_type options_refresh; xmlChar *tmp; char *endptr; int i; struct control_db *current_control = malloc(sizeof(struct control_db)); struct control_db **last_control_ref = ¤t_group->control_list; memset(current_control, 0, sizeof(struct control_db)); /* TODO: fix it, don't break order. */ /* This might break control order, but it is no big deal... */ while (*last_control_ref) { last_control_ref = &(*last_control_ref)->next; } /* List controls in group (options.xml) */ while (control != NULL) { if (!xmlStrcmp(control->name, (const xmlChar *) "control")) { options_ctrlid = xmlGetProp(control, BAD_CAST "id"); DDCCI_DB_RETURN_IF(options_ctrlid == NULL, 0, _("Can't find id property."), control); options_ctrlname = xmlGetProp(control, BAD_CAST "name"); DDCCI_DB_RETURN_IF(options_ctrlname == NULL, 0, _("Can't find name property."), control); tmp = xmlGetProp(control, BAD_CAST "refresh"); if (tmp) { if (!xmlStrcmp(tmp, BAD_CAST "none")) { options_refresh = none; } else if (!xmlStrcmp(tmp, BAD_CAST "all")) { options_refresh = all; } else { DDCCI_DB_RETURN_IF(1, 0, _("Invalid refresh type (!= none, != all)."), control); } xmlFree(tmp); } else { options_refresh = none; } //printf("!!control id=%s group=%s name=%s\n", options_ctrlid, options_groupname, options_ctrlname); /* Find the related control in monitor specifications */ i = 0; cur = mon_control->xmlChildrenNode; while (1) { if (cur == NULL) { /* Control not found */ /* TODO: return */ break; } if (!(xmlStrcmp(cur->name, (const xmlChar *)"control"))) { mon_ctrlid = xmlGetProp(cur, BAD_CAST "id"); if (!xmlStrcmp(mon_ctrlid, options_ctrlid)) { tmp = xmlGetProp(cur, BAD_CAST "address"); DDCCI_DB_RETURN_IF(tmp == NULL, 0, _("Can't find address property."), cur); current_control->address = strtol((char*)tmp, &endptr, 0); DDCCI_DB_RETURN_IF(*endptr != 0, 0, _("Can't convert address to int."), cur); xmlFree(tmp); matchedcontrols[i] = 1; if (vcp[current_control->address] == NULL) { if (get_verbosity()) { printf(_("Control %s has been discarded by the caps string.\n"), options_ctrlid); } memset(current_control, 0, sizeof(struct control_db)); break; } if (defined[current_control->address]) { if (get_verbosity() > 1) { printf(_("Control %s (0x%02x) has already been defined.\n"), options_ctrlid, current_control->address); } memset(current_control, 0, sizeof(struct control_db)); break; } current_control->id = xmlStrdup(options_ctrlid); current_control->name = _D((char*)options_ctrlname); current_control->refresh = options_refresh; tmp = xmlGetProp(cur, BAD_CAST "delay"); if (tmp) { current_control->delay = strtol((char*)tmp, &endptr, 10); DDCCI_DB_RETURN_IF(*endptr != 0, 0, _("Can't convert delay to int."), cur); xmlFree(tmp); } else { current_control->delay = -1; } tmp = xmlGetProp(control, BAD_CAST "type"); DDCCI_DB_RETURN_IF(tmp == NULL, 0, _("Can't find type property."), control); if (!(xmlStrcmp(tmp, (const xmlChar *)"value"))) { current_control->type = value; } else if (!(xmlStrcmp(tmp, (const xmlChar *)"command"))) { current_control->type = command; if (ddcci_get_value_list(control, cur, current_control, 1, faulttolerance) < 0) { return 0; } if (current_control->value_list == NULL) { /* No value defined, use the default 0x01 value */ struct value_db *current_value = malloc(sizeof(struct value_db)); current_value->id = xmlCharStrdup("default"); current_value->name = _D((char*)options_ctrlname); current_value->value = 0x01; current_value->next = NULL; current_control->value_list = current_value; } } else if (!(xmlStrcmp(tmp, (const xmlChar *)"list"))) { current_control->type = list; if (ddcci_get_value_list(control, cur, current_control, 0, faulttolerance) < 0) { return 0; } } else { DDCCI_DB_RETURN_IF(1, 0, _("Invalid type."), control); } xmlFree(tmp); /*printf("**control id=%s group=%s name=%s address=%s\n", options_ctrlid, options_groupname, options_ctrlname, mon_address);*/ defined[current_control->address] = 1; *last_control_ref = current_control; last_control_ref = ¤t_control->next; current_control = malloc(sizeof(struct control_db)); memset(current_control, 0, sizeof(struct control_db)); xmlFree(mon_ctrlid); break; } else { xmlFree(mon_ctrlid); } } if (cur->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) i++; cur = cur->next; } xmlFree(options_ctrlid); xmlFree(options_ctrlname); } control = control->next; } // controls loop free(current_control); return 1; }
xmlDoc *marcmap_apply(struct marcmap *marcmap, xmlDoc *xml_in) { char mergekey[1024]; char medium[32]; char *s; NMEM nmem; xmlNsPtr ns_pz; xmlDocPtr xml_out; xmlNodePtr xml_out_root; xmlNodePtr rec_node; xmlNodePtr meta_node; struct marchash *marchash; struct marcfield *field; struct marcsubfield *subfield; struct marcmap *mmcur; xml_out = xmlNewDoc(BAD_CAST "1.0"); xml_out->encoding = xmlCharStrdup("UTF-8"); xml_out_root = xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "record"); xmlDocSetRootElement(xml_out, xml_out_root); ns_pz = xmlNewNs(xml_out_root, BAD_CAST "", BAD_CAST "pz"); xmlSetNs(xml_out_root, ns_pz); nmem = nmem_create(); rec_node = xmlDocGetRootElement(xml_in); marchash = marchash_create(nmem); marchash_ingest_marcxml(marchash, rec_node); mmcur = marcmap; while (mmcur != NULL) { field = 0; while ((field = marchash_get_field(marchash, mmcur->field, field)) != 0) { // field value if ((mmcur->subfield == '$') && (s = field->val)) { meta_node = xmlNewChild(xml_out_root, ns_pz, BAD_CAST "metadata", BAD_CAST s); xmlSetProp(meta_node, BAD_CAST "type", BAD_CAST mmcur->pz); } // catenate all subfields else if ((mmcur->subfield == '*') && (s = marchash_catenate_subfields(field, " ", nmem))) { meta_node = xmlNewChild(xml_out_root, ns_pz, BAD_CAST "metadata", BAD_CAST s); xmlSetProp(meta_node, BAD_CAST "type", BAD_CAST mmcur->pz); } // subfield value else if (mmcur->subfield) { subfield = 0; while ((subfield = marchash_get_subfield(mmcur->subfield, field, subfield)) != 0) { if ((s = subfield->val) != 0) { meta_node = xmlNewChild(xml_out_root, ns_pz, BAD_CAST "metadata", BAD_CAST s); xmlSetProp(meta_node, BAD_CAST "type", BAD_CAST mmcur->pz); } } } } mmcur = mmcur->next; } // hard coded mappings // medium if ((field = marchash_get_field(marchash, "245", NULL)) && (subfield = marchash_get_subfield('h', field, NULL))) { strncpy(medium, subfield->val, 32); } else if ((field = marchash_get_field(marchash, "900", NULL)) && (subfield = marchash_get_subfield('a', field, NULL))) strcpy(medium, "electronic resource"); else if ((field = marchash_get_field(marchash, "900", NULL)) && (subfield = marchash_get_subfield('b', field, NULL))) strcpy(medium, "electronic resource"); else if ((field = marchash_get_field(marchash, "773", NULL)) && (subfield = marchash_get_subfield('t', field, NULL))) strcpy(medium, "article"); else strcpy(medium, "book"); meta_node = xmlNewChild(xml_out_root, ns_pz, BAD_CAST "metadata", BAD_CAST medium); xmlSetProp(meta_node, BAD_CAST "type", BAD_CAST "medium"); // merge key memset(mergekey, 0, 1024); strcpy(mergekey, "title "); if ((field = marchash_get_field(marchash, "245", NULL)) && (subfield = marchash_get_subfield('a', field, NULL))) strncat(mergekey, subfield->val, 1023 - strlen(mergekey)); strncat(mergekey, " author ", 1023 - strlen(mergekey)); if ((field = marchash_get_field(marchash, "100", NULL)) && (subfield = marchash_get_subfield('a', field, NULL))) strncat(mergekey, subfield->val, 1023 - strlen(mergekey)); strncat(mergekey, " medium ", 1023 - strlen(mergekey)); strncat(mergekey, medium, 1023 - strlen(mergekey)); // xmlSetProp(xml_out_root, BAD_CAST "mergekey", BAD_CAST mergekey); nmem_destroy(nmem); return xml_out; }
void xslt_transform(xmlDocPtr doc, const char *xslfilename, client_t *client) { xmlDocPtr res; xsltStylesheetPtr cur; xmlChar *string; int len, problem = 0; const char *mediatype = NULL; const char *charset = NULL; xmlSetGenericErrorFunc ("", log_parse_failure); xsltSetGenericErrorFunc ("", log_parse_failure); thread_mutex_lock(&xsltlock); cur = xslt_get_stylesheet(xslfilename); if (cur == NULL) { thread_mutex_unlock(&xsltlock); ICECAST_LOG_ERROR("problem reading stylesheet \"%s\"", xslfilename); client_send_404 (client, "Could not parse XSLT file"); return; } res = xsltApplyStylesheet(cur, doc, NULL); if (xsltSaveResultToString (&string, &len, res, cur) < 0) problem = 1; /* lets find out the content type and character encoding to use */ if (cur->encoding) charset = (char *)cur->encoding; if (cur->mediaType) mediatype = (char *)cur->mediaType; else { /* check method for the default, a missing method assumes xml */ if (cur->method && xmlStrcmp (cur->method, XMLSTR("html")) == 0) mediatype = "text/html"; else if (cur->method && xmlStrcmp (cur->method, XMLSTR("text")) == 0) mediatype = "text/plain"; else mediatype = "text/xml"; } if (problem == 0) { ssize_t ret; int failed = 0; refbuf_t *refbuf; size_t full_len = strlen (mediatype) + len + 1024; if (full_len < 4096) full_len = 4096; refbuf = refbuf_new (full_len); if (string == NULL) string = xmlCharStrdup (""); ret = util_http_build_header(refbuf->data, full_len, 0, 0, 200, NULL, mediatype, charset, NULL, NULL); if (ret == -1) { ICECAST_LOG_ERROR("Dropping client as we can not build response headers."); client_send_500(client, "Header generation failed."); } else { if ( full_len < (ret + len + 64) ) { void *new_data; full_len = ret + len + 64; new_data = realloc(refbuf->data, full_len); if (new_data) { ICECAST_LOG_DEBUG("Client buffer reallocation succeeded."); refbuf->data = new_data; refbuf->len = full_len; ret = util_http_build_header(refbuf->data, full_len, 0, 0, 200, NULL, mediatype, charset, NULL, NULL); if (ret == -1) { ICECAST_LOG_ERROR("Dropping client as we can not build response headers."); client_send_500(client, "Header generation failed."); failed = 1; } } else { ICECAST_LOG_ERROR("Client buffer reallocation failed. Dropping client."); client_send_500(client, "Buffer reallocation failed."); failed = 1; } } if (!failed) { snprintf(refbuf->data + ret, full_len - ret, "Content-Length: %d\r\n\r\n%s", len, string); client->respcode = 200; client_set_queue (client, NULL); client->refbuf = refbuf; refbuf->len = strlen (refbuf->data); fserve_add_client (client, NULL); } } xmlFree (string); } else { ICECAST_LOG_WARN("problem applying stylesheet \"%s\"", xslfilename); client_send_404 (client, "XSLT problem"); } thread_mutex_unlock (&xsltlock); xmlFreeDoc(res); }
void xslt_transform(xmlDocPtr doc, const char *xslfilename, client_t *client) { xmlDocPtr res; xsltStylesheetPtr cur; xmlChar *string; int len, problem = 0; const char *mediatype = NULL; xmlSetGenericErrorFunc ("", log_parse_failure); xsltSetGenericErrorFunc ("", log_parse_failure); thread_mutex_lock(&xsltlock); cur = xslt_get_stylesheet(xslfilename); if (cur == NULL) { thread_mutex_unlock(&xsltlock); ERROR1 ("problem reading stylesheet \"%s\"", xslfilename); client_send_404 (client, "Could not parse XSLT file"); return; } res = xsltApplyStylesheet(cur, doc, NULL); if (xsltSaveResultToString (&string, &len, res, cur) < 0) problem = 1; /* lets find out the content type to use */ if (cur->mediaType) mediatype = (char *)cur->mediaType; else { /* check method for the default, a missing method assumes xml */ if (cur->method && xmlStrcmp (cur->method, XMLSTR("html")) == 0) mediatype = "text/html"; else if (cur->method && xmlStrcmp (cur->method, XMLSTR("text")) == 0) mediatype = "text/plain"; else mediatype = "text/xml"; } if (problem == 0) { /* the 100 is to allow for the hardcoded headers */ unsigned int full_len = strlen (mediatype) + len + 256; refbuf_t *refbuf = refbuf_new (full_len); ssize_t ret; if (string == NULL) string = xmlCharStrdup (""); ret = util_http_build_header(refbuf->data, full_len, 0, 0, 200, NULL, mediatype, NULL, NULL); snprintf (refbuf->data + ret, full_len - ret, "Content-Length: %d\r\n\r\n%s", len, string); client->respcode = 200; client_set_queue (client, NULL); client->refbuf = refbuf; refbuf->len = strlen (refbuf->data); fserve_add_client (client, NULL); xmlFree (string); } else { WARN1 ("problem applying stylesheet \"%s\"", xslfilename); client_send_404 (client, "XSLT problem"); } thread_mutex_unlock (&xsltlock); xmlFreeDoc(res); }
int EBC_Provider_XchgPubRequest_H002(AB_PROVIDER *pro, GWEN_HTTP_SESSION *sess, AB_USER *u, const char *signVersion) { EBC_PROVIDER *dp; int rv; const char *userId; const char *partnerId; GWEN_BUFFER *bufKey; GWEN_CRYPT_TOKEN *ct; const GWEN_CRYPT_TOKEN_CONTEXT *ctx; uint32_t kid; const GWEN_CRYPT_TOKEN_KEYINFO *signKeyInfo=NULL; assert(pro); dp=GWEN_INHERIT_GETDATA(AB_PROVIDER, EBC_PROVIDER, pro); assert(dp); userId=AB_User_GetUserId(u); partnerId=AB_User_GetCustomerId(u); /* get crypt token and context */ rv=EBC_Provider_MountToken(pro, u, &ct, &ctx); if (rv<0) { DBG_INFO(AQEBICS_LOGDOMAIN, "here (%d)", rv); return rv; } /* get crypt key info */ kid=GWEN_Crypt_Token_Context_GetTempSignKeyId(ctx); if (kid) { signKeyInfo=GWEN_Crypt_Token_GetKeyInfo(ct, kid, GWEN_CRYPT_TOKEN_KEYFLAGS_HASMODULUS | GWEN_CRYPT_TOKEN_KEYFLAGS_HASEXPONENT | GWEN_CRYPT_TOKEN_KEYFLAGS_HASKEYVERSION | GWEN_CRYPT_TOKEN_KEYFLAGS_HASKEYNUMBER, 0); if (signKeyInfo==NULL) { DBG_ERROR(AQEBICS_LOGDOMAIN, "Sign key info not found on crypt token"); GWEN_Gui_ProgressLog(0, GWEN_LoggerLevel_Error, I18N("Sign key info not found on crypt token")); return GWEN_ERROR_NOT_FOUND; } } if (strcasecmp(signVersion, "A004")==0) { EB_RC rc; /* encode according to "DFUE-Abkommen" */ bufKey=GWEN_Buffer_new(0, 512, 0, 1); rc=EB_Key_Info_toBin(signKeyInfo, userId, "A004", 1024, bufKey); if (rc) { DBG_ERROR(AQEBICS_LOGDOMAIN, "Error writing key (rc=%06x)", rc); GWEN_Buffer_free(bufKey); return GWEN_ERROR_GENERIC; } } else { xmlDocPtr doc; xmlNodePtr root_node = NULL; xmlNodePtr node = NULL; xmlNsPtr ns; /* create INIRequestOrderData */ doc=xmlNewDoc(BAD_CAST "1.0"); doc->encoding=xmlCharStrdup("UTF-8"); root_node=xmlNewNode(NULL, BAD_CAST "PUBRequestOrderData"); xmlDocSetRootElement(doc, root_node); ns=xmlNewNs(root_node, BAD_CAST "", NULL); assert(ns); ns=xmlNewNs(root_node, BAD_CAST "", BAD_CAST "ds"); assert(ns); ns=xmlNewNs(root_node, BAD_CAST "", BAD_CAST "xsi"); xmlNewNsProp(root_node, ns, BAD_CAST "schemaLocation", /* xsi:schemaLocation */ BAD_CAST " " ""); /* create sign key tree */ node=xmlNewChild(root_node, NULL, BAD_CAST "SignaturePubKeyInfo", NULL); rv=EB_Key_Info_toXml(signKeyInfo, node); if (rv<0) { DBG_ERROR(AQEBICS_LOGDOMAIN, "Error response: (%d)", rv); xmlFreeDoc(doc); return GWEN_ERROR_INVALID; } xmlNewChild(node, NULL, BAD_CAST "SignatureVersion", BAD_CAST signVersion); /* store partner id and user id */ node=xmlNewChild(root_node, NULL, BAD_CAST "PartnerID", BAD_CAST partnerId); node=xmlNewChild(root_node, NULL, BAD_CAST "UserID", BAD_CAST userId); /* compress and base64 doc */ bufKey=GWEN_Buffer_new(0, 4096, 0, 1); rv=EB_Xml_Compress64Doc(doc, bufKey); if (rv<0) { DBG_ERROR(AQEBICS_LOGDOMAIN, "Error compressing/encoding doc (%d)", rv); xmlFreeDoc(doc); return rv; } xmlFreeDoc(doc); } rv=EBC_Provider_XchgUploadRequest(pro, sess, u, "PUB", (const uint8_t*)GWEN_Buffer_GetStart(bufKey), GWEN_Buffer_GetUsedBytes(bufKey)); if (rv<0) { DBG_INFO(AQEBICS_LOGDOMAIN, "here (%d)", rv); GWEN_Buffer_free(bufKey); return rv; } GWEN_Buffer_free(bufKey); return 0; }