char *xntimer_format_time(xnticks_t value, int periodic, char *buf, size_t bufsz)
	unsigned long ms, us, ns;
	char *p = buf;
	xnticks_t s;

	if (periodic) {
		snprintf(buf, bufsz, "%Lut", value);
		return buf;

	if (value == 0 && bufsz > 1) {
		strcpy(buf, "-");
		return buf;

	s = xnarch_divrem_billion(value, &ns);
	us = ns / 1000;
	ms = us / 1000;
	us %= 1000;

	if (s)
		p += snprintf(p, bufsz, "%Lus", s);

	if (ms || (s && us))
		p += snprintf(p, bufsz - (p - buf), "%lums", ms);

	if (us)
		p += snprintf(p, bufsz - (p - buf), "%luus", us);

	return buf;
int __wrap_clock_gettime(clockid_t clock_id, struct timespec *tp)
	int err;
	if (clock_id == CLOCK_MONOTONIC && __pse51_sysinfo.tickval == 1) {
		unsigned long long ns;
		unsigned long rem;

		ns = xnarch_tsc_to_ns(__xn_rdtsc());
		tp->tv_sec = xnarch_divrem_billion(ns, &rem);
		tp->tv_nsec = rem;
		return 0;

	err = -XENOMAI_SKINCALL2(__pse51_muxid,

	if (!err)
		return 0;

	errno = err;
	return -1;
 * Read the host-synchronised realtime clock.
 * Obtain the current time with NTP corrections from the Linux domain
 * @param tp pointer to a struct timespec
 * @retval 0 on success;
 * @retval -1 if no suitable NTP-corrected clocksource is availabel
 * @see
 * <a href="http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/000095399/functions/gettimeofday.html">
 * Specification.</a>
static int do_clock_host_realtime(struct timespec *tp)
	cycle_t now, base, mask, cycle_delta;
	unsigned long mult, shift, nsec, rem;
	struct xnvdso_hostrt_data *hostrt_data;
	unsigned int seq;

	hostrt_data = get_hostrt_data();

	if (unlikely(!hostrt_data->live))
		return -1;

	 * Note: Disabling HW interrupts around writes to hostrt_data ensures
	 * that a reader (on the Xenomai side) cannot interrupt a writer (on
	 * the Linux kernel side) on the same CPU.  The sequence counter is
	 * required when a reader is interleaved by a writer on a different
	 * CPU. This follows the approach from userland, where tasking the
	 * spinlock is not possible.
	seq = xnread_seqcount_begin(&hostrt_data->seqcount);

	now = xnarch_get_cpu_tsc();
	base = hostrt_data->cycle_last;
	mask = hostrt_data->mask;
	mult = hostrt_data->mult;
	shift = hostrt_data->shift;
	tp->tv_sec = hostrt_data->wall_time_sec;
	nsec = hostrt_data->wall_time_nsec;

	if (xnread_seqcount_retry(&hostrt_data->seqcount, seq))
		goto retry;

	 * At this point, we have a consistent copy of the fundamental
	 * data structure - calculate the interval between the current
	 * and base time stamp cycles, and convert the difference
	 * to nanoseconds.
	cycle_delta = (now - base) & mask;
	nsec += (cycle_delta * mult) >> shift;

	/* Convert to the desired sec, usec representation */
	tp->tv_sec += xnarch_divrem_billion(nsec, &rem);
	tp->tv_nsec = rem;

	return 0;
	return -EINVAL;