static void xps_load_links_in_path(fz_context *ctx, xps_document *doc, const fz_matrix *ctm, char *base_uri, xps_resource *dict, fz_xml *root, fz_link **link) { char *navigate_uri_att = fz_xml_att(root, "FixedPage.NavigateUri"); if (navigate_uri_att) { char *transform_att = fz_xml_att(root, "RenderTransform"); fz_xml *transform_tag = fz_xml_down(fz_xml_find_down(root, "Path.RenderTransform")); char *data_att = fz_xml_att(root, "Data"); fz_xml *data_tag = fz_xml_down(fz_xml_find_down(root, "Path.Data")); fz_path *path = NULL; int fill_rule; fz_matrix local_ctm; fz_rect area; xps_resolve_resource_reference(ctx, doc, dict, &data_att, &data_tag, NULL); xps_resolve_resource_reference(ctx, doc, dict, &transform_att, &transform_tag, NULL); xps_parse_transform(ctx, doc, transform_att, transform_tag, &local_ctm, ctm); if (data_att) path = xps_parse_abbreviated_geometry(ctx, doc, data_att, &fill_rule); else if (data_tag) path = xps_parse_path_geometry(ctx, doc, dict, data_tag, 0, &fill_rule); if (path) { fz_bound_path(ctx, path, NULL, &local_ctm, &area); fz_drop_path(ctx, path); xps_add_link(ctx, doc, &area, base_uri, navigate_uri_att, link); } } }
static void xps_load_links_in_glyphs(fz_context *ctx, xps_document *doc, const fz_matrix *ctm, char *base_uri, xps_resource *dict, fz_xml *root, fz_link **link) { char *navigate_uri_att = fz_xml_att(root, "FixedPage.NavigateUri"); if (navigate_uri_att) { char *transform_att = fz_xml_att(root, "RenderTransform"); fz_xml *transform_tag = fz_xml_down(fz_xml_find_down(root, "Path.RenderTransform")); char *bidi_level_att = fz_xml_att(root, "BidiLevel"); char *font_size_att = fz_xml_att(root, "FontRenderingEmSize"); char *font_uri_att = fz_xml_att(root, "FontUri"); char *origin_x_att = fz_xml_att(root, "OriginX"); char *origin_y_att = fz_xml_att(root, "OriginY"); char *is_sideways_att = fz_xml_att(root, "IsSideways"); char *indices_att = fz_xml_att(root, "Indices"); char *unicode_att = fz_xml_att(root, "UnicodeString"); char *style_att = fz_xml_att(root, "StyleSimulations"); int is_sideways = 0; int bidi_level = 0; fz_matrix local_ctm; fz_font *font; fz_text *text; fz_rect area; xps_resolve_resource_reference(ctx, doc, dict, &transform_att, &transform_tag, NULL); xps_parse_transform(ctx, doc, transform_att, transform_tag, &local_ctm, ctm); if (is_sideways_att) is_sideways = !strcmp(is_sideways_att, "true"); if (bidi_level_att) bidi_level = atoi(bidi_level_att); font = xps_lookup_font(ctx, doc, base_uri, font_uri_att, style_att); text = xps_parse_glyphs_imp(ctx, doc, &local_ctm, font, fz_atof(font_size_att), fz_atof(origin_x_att), fz_atof(origin_y_att), is_sideways, bidi_level, indices_att, unicode_att); fz_bound_text(ctx, text, NULL, &local_ctm, &area); fz_drop_text(ctx, text); fz_drop_font(ctx, font); xps_add_link(ctx, doc, &area, base_uri, navigate_uri_att, link); } }
void xps_parse_canvas(fz_context *ctx, xps_document *doc, const fz_matrix *ctm, const fz_rect *area, char *base_uri, xps_resource *dict, fz_xml *root) { fz_device *dev = doc->dev; xps_resource *new_dict = NULL; fz_xml *node; char *opacity_mask_uri; char *transform_att; char *clip_att; char *opacity_att; char *opacity_mask_att; char *navigate_uri_att; fz_xml *transform_tag = NULL; fz_xml *clip_tag = NULL; fz_xml *opacity_mask_tag = NULL; fz_matrix transform; transform_att = fz_xml_att(root, "RenderTransform"); clip_att = fz_xml_att(root, "Clip"); opacity_att = fz_xml_att(root, "Opacity"); opacity_mask_att = fz_xml_att(root, "OpacityMask"); navigate_uri_att = fz_xml_att(root, "FixedPage.NavigateUri"); for (node = fz_xml_down(root); node; node = fz_xml_next(node)) { if (fz_xml_is_tag(node, "Canvas.Resources") && fz_xml_down(node)) { if (new_dict) { fz_warn(ctx, "ignoring follow-up resource dictionaries"); } else { new_dict = xps_parse_resource_dictionary(ctx, doc, base_uri, fz_xml_down(node)); if (new_dict) { new_dict->parent = dict; dict = new_dict; } } } if (fz_xml_is_tag(node, "Canvas.RenderTransform")) transform_tag = fz_xml_down(node); if (fz_xml_is_tag(node, "Canvas.Clip")) clip_tag = fz_xml_down(node); if (fz_xml_is_tag(node, "Canvas.OpacityMask")) opacity_mask_tag = fz_xml_down(node); } opacity_mask_uri = base_uri; xps_resolve_resource_reference(ctx, doc, dict, &transform_att, &transform_tag, NULL); xps_resolve_resource_reference(ctx, doc, dict, &clip_att, &clip_tag, NULL); xps_resolve_resource_reference(ctx, doc, dict, &opacity_mask_att, &opacity_mask_tag, &opacity_mask_uri); transform = fz_identity; if (transform_att) xps_parse_render_transform(ctx, doc, transform_att, &transform); if (transform_tag) xps_parse_matrix_transform(ctx, doc, transform_tag, &transform); fz_concat(&transform, &transform, ctm); if (navigate_uri_att) xps_add_link(ctx, doc, area, base_uri, navigate_uri_att); if (clip_att || clip_tag) xps_clip(ctx, doc, &transform, dict, clip_att, clip_tag); xps_begin_opacity(ctx, doc, &transform, area, opacity_mask_uri, dict, opacity_att, opacity_mask_tag); for (node = fz_xml_down(root); node; node = fz_xml_next(node)) { xps_parse_element(ctx, doc, &transform, area, base_uri, dict, node); } xps_end_opacity(ctx, doc, opacity_mask_uri, dict, opacity_att, opacity_mask_tag); if (clip_att || clip_tag) fz_pop_clip(ctx, dev); if (new_dict) xps_drop_resource_dictionary(ctx, doc, new_dict); }
void xps_parse_path(xps_document *doc, const fz_matrix *ctm, char *base_uri, xps_resource *dict, fz_xml *root) { fz_xml *node; char *fill_uri; char *stroke_uri; char *opacity_mask_uri; char *transform_att; char *clip_att; char *data_att; char *fill_att; char *stroke_att; char *opacity_att; char *opacity_mask_att; fz_xml *transform_tag = NULL; fz_xml *clip_tag = NULL; fz_xml *data_tag = NULL; fz_xml *fill_tag = NULL; fz_xml *stroke_tag = NULL; fz_xml *opacity_mask_tag = NULL; char *fill_opacity_att = NULL; char *stroke_opacity_att = NULL; char *stroke_dash_array_att; char *stroke_dash_cap_att; char *stroke_dash_offset_att; char *stroke_end_line_cap_att; char *stroke_start_line_cap_att; char *stroke_line_join_att; char *stroke_miter_limit_att; char *stroke_thickness_att; char *navigate_uri_att; fz_stroke_state *stroke = NULL; fz_matrix transform; float samples[32]; fz_colorspace *colorspace; fz_path *path = NULL; fz_path *stroke_path = NULL; fz_rect area; int fill_rule; int dash_len = 0; fz_matrix local_ctm; /* * Extract attributes and extended attributes. */ transform_att = fz_xml_att(root, "RenderTransform"); clip_att = fz_xml_att(root, "Clip"); data_att = fz_xml_att(root, "Data"); fill_att = fz_xml_att(root, "Fill"); stroke_att = fz_xml_att(root, "Stroke"); opacity_att = fz_xml_att(root, "Opacity"); opacity_mask_att = fz_xml_att(root, "OpacityMask"); stroke_dash_array_att = fz_xml_att(root, "StrokeDashArray"); stroke_dash_cap_att = fz_xml_att(root, "StrokeDashCap"); stroke_dash_offset_att = fz_xml_att(root, "StrokeDashOffset"); stroke_end_line_cap_att = fz_xml_att(root, "StrokeEndLineCap"); stroke_start_line_cap_att = fz_xml_att(root, "StrokeStartLineCap"); stroke_line_join_att = fz_xml_att(root, "StrokeLineJoin"); stroke_miter_limit_att = fz_xml_att(root, "StrokeMiterLimit"); stroke_thickness_att = fz_xml_att(root, "StrokeThickness"); navigate_uri_att = fz_xml_att(root, "FixedPage.NavigateUri"); for (node = fz_xml_down(root); node; node = fz_xml_next(node)) { if (!strcmp(fz_xml_tag(node), "Path.RenderTransform")) transform_tag = fz_xml_down(node); if (!strcmp(fz_xml_tag(node), "Path.OpacityMask")) opacity_mask_tag = fz_xml_down(node); if (!strcmp(fz_xml_tag(node), "Path.Clip")) clip_tag = fz_xml_down(node); if (!strcmp(fz_xml_tag(node), "Path.Fill")) fill_tag = fz_xml_down(node); if (!strcmp(fz_xml_tag(node), "Path.Stroke")) stroke_tag = fz_xml_down(node); if (!strcmp(fz_xml_tag(node), "Path.Data")) data_tag = fz_xml_down(node); } fill_uri = base_uri; stroke_uri = base_uri; opacity_mask_uri = base_uri; xps_resolve_resource_reference(doc, dict, &data_att, &data_tag, NULL); xps_resolve_resource_reference(doc, dict, &clip_att, &clip_tag, NULL); xps_resolve_resource_reference(doc, dict, &transform_att, &transform_tag, NULL); xps_resolve_resource_reference(doc, dict, &fill_att, &fill_tag, &fill_uri); xps_resolve_resource_reference(doc, dict, &stroke_att, &stroke_tag, &stroke_uri); xps_resolve_resource_reference(doc, dict, &opacity_mask_att, &opacity_mask_tag, &opacity_mask_uri); /* * Act on the information we have gathered: */ if (!data_att && !data_tag) return; if (fill_tag && !strcmp(fz_xml_tag(fill_tag), "SolidColorBrush")) { fill_opacity_att = fz_xml_att(fill_tag, "Opacity"); fill_att = fz_xml_att(fill_tag, "Color"); fill_tag = NULL; } if (stroke_tag && !strcmp(fz_xml_tag(stroke_tag), "SolidColorBrush")) { stroke_opacity_att = fz_xml_att(stroke_tag, "Opacity"); stroke_att = fz_xml_att(stroke_tag, "Color"); stroke_tag = NULL; } if (stroke_att || stroke_tag) { if (stroke_dash_array_att) { char *s = stroke_dash_array_att; while (*s) { while (*s == ' ') s++; if (*s) /* needed in case of a space before the last quote */ dash_len++; while (*s && *s != ' ') s++; } } stroke = fz_new_stroke_state_with_len(doc->ctx, dash_len); stroke->start_cap = xps_parse_line_cap(stroke_start_line_cap_att); stroke->dash_cap = xps_parse_line_cap(stroke_dash_cap_att); stroke->end_cap = xps_parse_line_cap(stroke_end_line_cap_att); stroke->linejoin = FZ_LINEJOIN_MITER_XPS; if (stroke_line_join_att) { if (!strcmp(stroke_line_join_att, "Miter")) stroke->linejoin = FZ_LINEJOIN_MITER_XPS; if (!strcmp(stroke_line_join_att, "Round")) stroke->linejoin = FZ_LINEJOIN_ROUND; if (!strcmp(stroke_line_join_att, "Bevel")) stroke->linejoin = FZ_LINEJOIN_BEVEL; } stroke->miterlimit = 10; if (stroke_miter_limit_att) stroke->miterlimit = fz_atof(stroke_miter_limit_att); stroke->linewidth = 1; if (stroke_thickness_att) stroke->linewidth = fz_atof(stroke_thickness_att); stroke->dash_phase = 0; stroke->dash_len = 0; if (stroke_dash_array_att) { char *s = stroke_dash_array_att; if (stroke_dash_offset_att) stroke->dash_phase = fz_atof(stroke_dash_offset_att) * stroke->linewidth; while (*s) { while (*s == ' ') s++; if (*s) /* needed in case of a space before the last quote */ stroke->dash_list[stroke->dash_len++] = fz_atof(s) * stroke->linewidth; while (*s && *s != ' ') s++; } /* cf. */ if (dash_len > 0) { float phase_len = 0.0f; int i; for (i = 0; i < dash_len; i++) phase_len += stroke->dash_list[i]; if (phase_len == 0.0f) dash_len = 0; } stroke->dash_len = dash_len; } } transform = fz_identity; if (transform_att) xps_parse_render_transform(doc, transform_att, &transform); if (transform_tag) xps_parse_matrix_transform(doc, transform_tag, &transform); fz_concat(&local_ctm, &transform, ctm); if (clip_att || clip_tag) xps_clip(doc, &local_ctm, dict, clip_att, clip_tag); fill_rule = 0; if (data_att) path = xps_parse_abbreviated_geometry(doc, data_att, &fill_rule); else if (data_tag) { path = xps_parse_path_geometry(doc, dict, data_tag, 0, &fill_rule); if (stroke_att || stroke_tag) stroke_path = xps_parse_path_geometry(doc, dict, data_tag, 1, &fill_rule); } if (!stroke_path) stroke_path = path; if (stroke_att || stroke_tag) { fz_bound_path(doc->ctx, stroke_path, stroke, &local_ctm, &area); if (stroke_path != path && (fill_att || fill_tag)) { fz_rect bounds; fz_bound_path(doc->ctx, path, NULL, &local_ctm, &bounds); fz_union_rect(&area, &bounds); } } else fz_bound_path(doc->ctx, path, NULL, &local_ctm, &area); /* SumatraPDF: extended link support */ xps_extract_anchor_info(doc, &area, navigate_uri_att, fz_xml_att(root, "Name"), 0); navigate_uri_att = NULL; if (navigate_uri_att) xps_add_link(doc, &area, base_uri, navigate_uri_att); xps_begin_opacity(doc, &local_ctm, &area, opacity_mask_uri, dict, opacity_att, opacity_mask_tag); if (fill_att) { xps_parse_color(doc, base_uri, fill_att, &colorspace, samples); if (fill_opacity_att) samples[0] *= fz_atof(fill_opacity_att); xps_set_color(doc, colorspace, samples); fz_fill_path(doc->dev, path, fill_rule == 0, &local_ctm, doc->colorspace, doc->color, doc->alpha); } if (fill_tag) { fz_clip_path(doc->dev, path, NULL, fill_rule == 0, &local_ctm); xps_parse_brush(doc, &local_ctm, &area, fill_uri, dict, fill_tag); fz_pop_clip(doc->dev); } if (stroke_att) { xps_parse_color(doc, base_uri, stroke_att, &colorspace, samples); if (stroke_opacity_att) samples[0] *= fz_atof(stroke_opacity_att); xps_set_color(doc, colorspace, samples); fz_stroke_path(doc->dev, stroke_path, stroke, &local_ctm, doc->colorspace, doc->color, doc->alpha); } if (stroke_tag) { fz_clip_stroke_path(doc->dev, stroke_path, NULL, stroke, &local_ctm); xps_parse_brush(doc, &local_ctm, &area, stroke_uri, dict, stroke_tag); fz_pop_clip(doc->dev); } xps_end_opacity(doc, opacity_mask_uri, dict, opacity_att, opacity_mask_tag); if (stroke_path != path) fz_free_path(doc->ctx, stroke_path); fz_free_path(doc->ctx, path); path = NULL; fz_drop_stroke_state(doc->ctx, stroke); if (clip_att || clip_tag) fz_pop_clip(doc->dev); }
void xps_parse_path(xps_document *doc, fz_matrix ctm, char *base_uri, xps_resource *dict, xml_element *root) { xml_element *node; char *fill_uri; char *stroke_uri; char *opacity_mask_uri; char *transform_att; char *clip_att; char *data_att; char *fill_att; char *stroke_att; char *opacity_att; char *opacity_mask_att; xml_element *transform_tag = NULL; xml_element *clip_tag = NULL; xml_element *data_tag = NULL; xml_element *fill_tag = NULL; xml_element *stroke_tag = NULL; xml_element *opacity_mask_tag = NULL; char *fill_opacity_att = NULL; char *stroke_opacity_att = NULL; char *stroke_dash_array_att; char *stroke_dash_cap_att; char *stroke_dash_offset_att; char *stroke_end_line_cap_att; char *stroke_start_line_cap_att; char *stroke_line_join_att; char *stroke_miter_limit_att; char *stroke_thickness_att; char *navigate_uri_att; fz_stroke_state stroke; fz_matrix transform; float samples[32]; fz_colorspace *colorspace; fz_path *path; fz_rect area; int fill_rule; /* * Extract attributes and extended attributes. */ transform_att = xml_att(root, "RenderTransform"); clip_att = xml_att(root, "Clip"); data_att = xml_att(root, "Data"); fill_att = xml_att(root, "Fill"); stroke_att = xml_att(root, "Stroke"); opacity_att = xml_att(root, "Opacity"); opacity_mask_att = xml_att(root, "OpacityMask"); stroke_dash_array_att = xml_att(root, "StrokeDashArray"); stroke_dash_cap_att = xml_att(root, "StrokeDashCap"); stroke_dash_offset_att = xml_att(root, "StrokeDashOffset"); stroke_end_line_cap_att = xml_att(root, "StrokeEndLineCap"); stroke_start_line_cap_att = xml_att(root, "StrokeStartLineCap"); stroke_line_join_att = xml_att(root, "StrokeLineJoin"); stroke_miter_limit_att = xml_att(root, "StrokeMiterLimit"); stroke_thickness_att = xml_att(root, "StrokeThickness"); navigate_uri_att = xml_att(root, "FixedPage.NavigateUri"); for (node = xml_down(root); node; node = xml_next(node)) { if (!strcmp(xml_tag(node), "Path.RenderTransform")) transform_tag = xml_down(node); if (!strcmp(xml_tag(node), "Path.OpacityMask")) opacity_mask_tag = xml_down(node); if (!strcmp(xml_tag(node), "Path.Clip")) clip_tag = xml_down(node); if (!strcmp(xml_tag(node), "Path.Fill")) fill_tag = xml_down(node); if (!strcmp(xml_tag(node), "Path.Stroke")) stroke_tag = xml_down(node); if (!strcmp(xml_tag(node), "Path.Data")) data_tag = xml_down(node); } fill_uri = base_uri; stroke_uri = base_uri; opacity_mask_uri = base_uri; xps_resolve_resource_reference(doc, dict, &data_att, &data_tag, NULL); xps_resolve_resource_reference(doc, dict, &clip_att, &clip_tag, NULL); xps_resolve_resource_reference(doc, dict, &transform_att, &transform_tag, NULL); xps_resolve_resource_reference(doc, dict, &fill_att, &fill_tag, &fill_uri); xps_resolve_resource_reference(doc, dict, &stroke_att, &stroke_tag, &stroke_uri); xps_resolve_resource_reference(doc, dict, &opacity_mask_att, &opacity_mask_tag, &opacity_mask_uri); /* * Act on the information we have gathered: */ if (!data_att && !data_tag) return; if (fill_tag && !strcmp(xml_tag(fill_tag), "SolidColorBrush")) { fill_opacity_att = xml_att(fill_tag, "Opacity"); fill_att = xml_att(fill_tag, "Color"); fill_tag = NULL; } if (stroke_tag && !strcmp(xml_tag(stroke_tag), "SolidColorBrush")) { stroke_opacity_att = xml_att(stroke_tag, "Opacity"); stroke_att = xml_att(stroke_tag, "Color"); stroke_tag = NULL; } stroke.start_cap = xps_parse_line_cap(stroke_start_line_cap_att); stroke.dash_cap = xps_parse_line_cap(stroke_dash_cap_att); stroke.end_cap = xps_parse_line_cap(stroke_end_line_cap_att); stroke.linejoin = FZ_LINEJOIN_MITER_XPS; if (stroke_line_join_att) { if (!strcmp(stroke_line_join_att, "Miter")) stroke.linejoin = FZ_LINEJOIN_MITER_XPS; if (!strcmp(stroke_line_join_att, "Round")) stroke.linejoin = FZ_LINEJOIN_ROUND; if (!strcmp(stroke_line_join_att, "Bevel")) stroke.linejoin = FZ_LINEJOIN_BEVEL; } stroke.miterlimit = 10; if (stroke_miter_limit_att) stroke.miterlimit = fz_atof(stroke_miter_limit_att); stroke.linewidth = 1; if (stroke_thickness_att) stroke.linewidth = fz_atof(stroke_thickness_att); stroke.dash_phase = 0; stroke.dash_len = 0; if (stroke_dash_array_att) { char *s = stroke_dash_array_att; if (stroke_dash_offset_att) stroke.dash_phase = fz_atof(stroke_dash_offset_att) * stroke.linewidth; while (*s && stroke.dash_len < nelem(stroke.dash_list)) { while (*s == ' ') s++; if (*s) /* needed in case of a space before the last quote */ stroke.dash_list[stroke.dash_len++] = fz_atof(s) * stroke.linewidth; while (*s && *s != ' ') s++; } } transform = fz_identity; if (transform_att) xps_parse_render_transform(doc, transform_att, &transform); if (transform_tag) xps_parse_matrix_transform(doc, transform_tag, &transform); ctm = fz_concat(transform, ctm); if (clip_att || clip_tag) xps_clip(doc, ctm, dict, clip_att, clip_tag); fill_rule = 0; if (data_att) path = xps_parse_abbreviated_geometry(doc, data_att, &fill_rule); else if (data_tag) path = xps_parse_path_geometry(doc, dict, data_tag, 0, &fill_rule); if (stroke_att || stroke_tag) area = fz_bound_path(doc->ctx, path, &stroke, ctm); else area = fz_bound_path(doc->ctx, path, NULL, ctm); if (navigate_uri_att) xps_add_link(doc, area, base_uri, navigate_uri_att); xps_begin_opacity(doc, ctm, area, opacity_mask_uri, dict, opacity_att, opacity_mask_tag); if (fill_att) { xps_parse_color(doc, base_uri, fill_att, &colorspace, samples); if (fill_opacity_att) samples[0] = fz_atof(fill_opacity_att); xps_set_color(doc, colorspace, samples); fz_fill_path(doc->dev, path, fill_rule == 0, ctm, doc->colorspace, doc->color, doc->alpha); } if (fill_tag) { area = fz_bound_path(doc->ctx, path, NULL, ctm); fz_clip_path(doc->dev, path, NULL, fill_rule == 0, ctm); xps_parse_brush(doc, ctm, area, fill_uri, dict, fill_tag); fz_pop_clip(doc->dev); } if (stroke_att) { xps_parse_color(doc, base_uri, stroke_att, &colorspace, samples); if (stroke_opacity_att) samples[0] = fz_atof(stroke_opacity_att); xps_set_color(doc, colorspace, samples); fz_stroke_path(doc->dev, path, &stroke, ctm, doc->colorspace, doc->color, doc->alpha); } if (stroke_tag) { fz_clip_stroke_path(doc->dev, path, NULL, &stroke, ctm); xps_parse_brush(doc, ctm, area, stroke_uri, dict, stroke_tag); fz_pop_clip(doc->dev); } xps_end_opacity(doc, opacity_mask_uri, dict, opacity_att, opacity_mask_tag); fz_free_path(doc->ctx, path); path = NULL; if (clip_att || clip_tag) fz_pop_clip(doc->dev); }
void xps_parse_canvas(xps_document *doc, const fz_matrix *ctm, const fz_rect *area, char *base_uri, xps_resource *dict, fz_xml *root) { xps_resource *new_dict = NULL; fz_xml *node; char *opacity_mask_uri; char *transform_att; char *clip_att; char *opacity_att; char *opacity_mask_att; char *navigate_uri_att; fz_xml *transform_tag = NULL; fz_xml *clip_tag = NULL; fz_xml *opacity_mask_tag = NULL; fz_matrix transform; transform_att = fz_xml_att(root, "RenderTransform"); clip_att = fz_xml_att(root, "Clip"); opacity_att = fz_xml_att(root, "Opacity"); opacity_mask_att = fz_xml_att(root, "OpacityMask"); navigate_uri_att = fz_xml_att(root, "FixedPage.NavigateUri"); for (node = fz_xml_down(root); node; node = fz_xml_next(node)) { if (!strcmp(fz_xml_tag(node), "Canvas.Resources") && fz_xml_down(node)) { if (new_dict) { fz_warn(doc->ctx, "ignoring follow-up resource dictionaries"); } else { new_dict = xps_parse_resource_dictionary(doc, base_uri, fz_xml_down(node)); if (new_dict) { new_dict->parent = dict; dict = new_dict; } } } if (!strcmp(fz_xml_tag(node), "Canvas.RenderTransform")) transform_tag = fz_xml_down(node); if (!strcmp(fz_xml_tag(node), "Canvas.Clip")) clip_tag = fz_xml_down(node); if (!strcmp(fz_xml_tag(node), "Canvas.OpacityMask")) opacity_mask_tag = fz_xml_down(node); } opacity_mask_uri = base_uri; xps_resolve_resource_reference(doc, dict, &transform_att, &transform_tag, NULL); xps_resolve_resource_reference(doc, dict, &clip_att, &clip_tag, NULL); xps_resolve_resource_reference(doc, dict, &opacity_mask_att, &opacity_mask_tag, &opacity_mask_uri); transform = fz_identity; if (transform_att) xps_parse_render_transform(doc, transform_att, &transform); if (transform_tag) xps_parse_matrix_transform(doc, transform_tag, &transform); fz_concat(&transform, &transform, ctm); /* SumatraPDF: extended link support */ xps_extract_anchor_info(doc, &fz_empty_rect, navigate_uri_att, NULL, 1); navigate_uri_att = NULL; if (navigate_uri_att) xps_add_link(doc, area, base_uri, navigate_uri_att); if (clip_att || clip_tag) xps_clip(doc, &transform, dict, clip_att, clip_tag); xps_begin_opacity(doc, &transform, area, opacity_mask_uri, dict, opacity_att, opacity_mask_tag); for (node = fz_xml_down(root); node; node = fz_xml_next(node)) { xps_parse_element(doc, &transform, area, base_uri, dict, node); } xps_end_opacity(doc, opacity_mask_uri, dict, opacity_att, opacity_mask_tag); /* SumatraPDF: extended link support */ xps_extract_anchor_info(doc, area, NULL, fz_xml_att(root, "Name"), 2); if (clip_att || clip_tag) fz_pop_clip(doc->dev); if (new_dict) xps_free_resource_dictionary(doc, new_dict); }