hsVector3 hsMatrix44::RemoveScale()
    hsVector3 xCol(fMap[0][0], fMap[0][1], fMap[0][2]);
    float xLen = xCol.Magnitude();
    hsVector3 yCol(fMap[1][0], fMap[1][1], fMap[1][2]);
    float yLen = yCol.Magnitude();
    hsVector3 zCol(fMap[2][0], fMap[2][1], fMap[2][2]);
    float zLen = zCol.Magnitude();

    fMap[0][0] /= xLen;
    fMap[0][1] /= xLen;
    fMap[0][2] /= xLen;
    fMap[1][0] /= yLen;
    fMap[1][1] /= yLen;
    fMap[1][2] /= yLen;
    fMap[2][0] /= zLen;
    fMap[2][1] /= zLen;
    fMap[2][2] /= zLen;

    hsVector3 oldScale(xLen, yLen, zLen);
    return oldScale;
void DiscreteBoundaryOperator<ValueType>::applyImpl(
    const Thyra::EOpTransp M_trans,
    const Thyra::MultiVectorBase<ValueType> &X_in,
    const Teuchos::Ptr<Thyra::MultiVectorBase<ValueType>> &Y_inout,
    const ValueType alpha, const ValueType beta) const {
  typedef Thyra::Ordinal Ordinal;

  // Note: the name is VERY misleading: these asserts don't disappear in
  // release runs, and in case of failure throw exceptions rather than
  // abort.

  const Ordinal colCount = X_in.domain()->dim();

  // Loop over the input columns

  for (Ordinal col = 0; col < colCount; ++col) {
    // Get access the the elements of X_in's and Y_inout's column #col
    Thyra::ConstDetachedSpmdVectorView<ValueType> xVec(X_in.col(col));
    Thyra::DetachedSpmdVectorView<ValueType> yVec(Y_inout->col(col));
    const Teuchos::ArrayRCP<const ValueType> xArray(xVec.sv().values());
    const Teuchos::ArrayRCP<ValueType> yArray(yVec.sv().values());

    // Wrap the Trilinos array in an Armadillo vector. const_cast is used
    // because it's more natural to have a const arma::Col<ValueType> array
    // than an arma::Col<const ValueType> one.
    const arma::Col<ValueType> xCol(const_cast<ValueType *>(xArray.get()),
                                    xArray.size(), false /* copy_aux_mem */);
    arma::Col<ValueType> yCol(yArray.get(), yArray.size(), false);

    applyBuiltInImpl(static_cast<TranspositionMode>(M_trans), xCol, yCol, alpha,