VisiblePosition RenderReplaced::positionForCoordinates(int x, int y) { InlineBox* box = inlineBoxWrapper(); if (!box) return VisiblePosition(element(), 0, DOWNSTREAM); // FIXME: This code is buggy if the replaced element is relative positioned. RootInlineBox* root = box->root(); int top = root->topOverflow(); int bottom = root->nextRootBox() ? root->nextRootBox()->topOverflow() : root->bottomOverflow(); if (y + yPos() < top) return VisiblePosition(element(), caretMinOffset(), DOWNSTREAM); // coordinates are above if (y + yPos() >= bottom) return VisiblePosition(element(), caretMaxOffset(), DOWNSTREAM); // coordinates are below if (element()) { if (x <= width() / 2) return VisiblePosition(element(), 0, DOWNSTREAM); return VisiblePosition(element(), 1, DOWNSTREAM); } return RenderBox::positionForCoordinates(x, y); }
bool RenderFrameSet::userResize(MouseEvent* evt) { if (!m_isResizing) { if (needsLayout()) return false; if (evt->type() == eventNames().mousedownEvent && evt->button() == LeftButton) { startResizing(m_cols, evt->pageX() - xPos()); startResizing(m_rows, evt->pageY() - yPos()); if (m_cols.m_splitBeingResized != noSplit || m_rows.m_splitBeingResized != noSplit) { setIsResizing(true); return true; } } } else { if (evt->type() == eventNames().mousemoveEvent || (evt->type() == eventNames().mouseupEvent && evt->button() == LeftButton)) { continueResizing(m_cols, evt->pageX() - xPos()); continueResizing(m_rows, evt->pageY() - yPos()); if (evt->type() == eventNames().mouseupEvent && evt->button() == LeftButton) { setIsResizing(false); return true; } } } return false; }
void GameplayScreen::onEntry() { b2Vec2 gravity(0.0f, -25.0); m_world = std::make_unique<b2World>(gravity); m_debugRenderer.init(); // Make the ground b2BodyDef groundBodyDef; groundBodyDef.position.Set(0.0f, -20.0f); b2Body* groundBody = m_world->CreateBody(&groundBodyDef); // Make the ground fixture b2PolygonShape groundBox; groundBox.SetAsBox(50.0f, 10.0f); groundBody->CreateFixture(&groundBox, 0.0f); // Load the texture m_texture = Bengine::ResourceManager::getTexture("Assets/bricks_top.png"); // Make a bunch of boxes std::mt19937 randGenerator; std::uniform_real_distribution<float> xPos(-10.0, 10.0f); std::uniform_real_distribution<float> yPos(-10.0, 25.0f); std::uniform_real_distribution<float> size(0.5, 2.5f); std::uniform_int_distribution<int> color(50, 255); const int NUM_BOXES = 100; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BOXES; i++) { Bengine::ColorRGBA8 randColor; randColor.r = color(randGenerator); randColor.g = color(randGenerator); randColor.b = color(randGenerator); randColor.a = 255; Box newBox; newBox.init(m_world.get(), glm::vec2(xPos(randGenerator), yPos(randGenerator)), glm::vec2(size(randGenerator), size(randGenerator)), m_texture, randColor, false); m_boxes.push_back(newBox); } // Initialize spritebatch m_spriteBatch.init(); // Shader init // Compile our color shader m_textureProgram.compileShaders("Shaders/textureShading.vert", "Shaders/textureShading.frag"); m_textureProgram.addAttribute("vertexPosition"); m_textureProgram.addAttribute("vertexColor"); m_textureProgram.addAttribute("vertexUV"); m_textureProgram.linkShaders(); // Init camera m_camera.init(m_window->getScreenWidth(), m_window->getScreenHeight()); m_camera.setScale(32.0f); // Init player m_player.init(m_world.get(), glm::vec2(0.0f, 30.0f), glm::vec2(1.0f, 2.0f), Bengine::ColorRGBA8(255, 255, 255, 255)); }
void RootInlineBox::placeEllipsis(const AtomicString& ellipsisStr, bool ltr, int blockEdge, int ellipsisWidth, InlineBox* markupBox) { // Create an ellipsis box. EllipsisBox* ellipsisBox = new (m_object->renderArena()) EllipsisBox(m_object, ellipsisStr, this, ellipsisWidth - (markupBox ? markupBox->width() : 0), yPos(), height(), baseline(), !prevRootBox(), markupBox); if (!gEllipsisBoxMap) gEllipsisBoxMap = new EllipsisBoxMap(); gEllipsisBoxMap->add(this, ellipsisBox); m_hasEllipsisBox = true; if (ltr && (xPos() + width() + ellipsisWidth) <= blockEdge) { ellipsisBox->m_x = xPos() + width(); return; } // Now attempt to find the nearest glyph horizontally and place just to the right (or left in RTL) // of that glyph. Mark all of the objects that intersect the ellipsis box as not painting (as being // truncated). bool foundBox = false; ellipsisBox->m_x = placeEllipsisBox(ltr, blockEdge, ellipsisWidth, foundBox); }
FloatRect RenderSVGText::relativeBBox(bool includeStroke) const { FloatRect repaintRect; for (InlineRunBox* runBox = firstLineBox(); runBox; runBox = runBox->nextLineBox()) { ASSERT(runBox->isInlineFlowBox()); InlineFlowBox* flowBox = static_cast<InlineFlowBox*>(runBox); for (InlineBox* box = flowBox->firstChild(); box; box = box->nextOnLine()) repaintRect.unite(FloatRect(box->xPos(), box->yPos(), box->width(), box->height())); } // SVG needs to include the strokeWidth(), not the textStrokeWidth(). if (includeStroke && style()->svgStyle()->hasStroke()) { float strokeWidth = SVGRenderStyle::cssPrimitiveToLength(this, style()->svgStyle()->strokeWidth(), 0.0f); #if ENABLE(SVG_FONTS) const Font& font = style()->font(); if (font.primaryFont()->isSVGFont()) { float scale = font.unitsPerEm() > 0 ? font.size() / font.unitsPerEm() : 0.0f; if (scale != 0.0f) strokeWidth /= scale; } #endif repaintRect.inflate(strokeWidth); } repaintRect.move(xPos(), yPos()); return repaintRect; }
static void rectControl(FILE *fp, object ctl) { CTLTYPE_RECT_t v; char *cp, name[81]; static int id = 1; return; gGetControlParameters(ctl, &v); if (!strcmp(, "STATIC")) sprintf(name, "staticText%d", id++); else strcpy(name,; fprintf(fp, "createClassObject(mx.controls.Label, \"%s\", getNextHighestDepth(), {});\n", name); fprintf(fp, "%s.move(%d * ScalingFactor, %d * ScalingFactor);\n", name, xPos(v.xPos), yPos(v.yPos)); fprintf(fp, "%s.setSize(%d * ScalingFactor, %d * ScalingFactor);\n", name, width(v.width), height(v.height)); fprintf(fp, "box(%d, %d, %d, %d);\n", yPos(v.yPos), xPos(v.xPos), width(v.width), height(v.height)); setFont(fp, ctl, name); if (v.DT_Format & DT_CENTER) fprintf(fp, "%s.setStyle(\"textAlign\", \"%s\");\n", name, "center"); else if (v.DT_Format & DT_RIGHT) fprintf(fp, "%s.setStyle(\"textAlign\", \"%s\");\n", name, "right"); if (v.hidden == 'Y') fprintf(fp, "%s.visible = false;\n", name); /* if (v.disabled == 'Y') fprintf(fp, "%s.enabled = false;\n", name); */ cp = gStringValue(ctl); fprintf(fp, "%s.text = \"%s\";\n", name, cp?cp:""); fprintf(fp, "\n"); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Draw the axis labels //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void OverlayNavigationCube::renderAxisLabels(OpenGLContext* oglContext, bool software, const MatrixState& matrixState) { // Multiply with 1.08 will slightly pull the labels away from the corresponding arrow head Vec3f xPos(1.08f, 0, 0); Vec3f yPos(0, 1.08f, 0); Vec3f zPos(0, 0, 1.08f); DrawableText drawableText; drawableText.setFont(m_font.p()); drawableText.setCheckPosVisible(false); drawableText.setDrawBorder(false); drawableText.setDrawBackground(false); drawableText.setVerticalAlignment(TextDrawer::CENTER); drawableText.setTextColor(m_textColor); if (!m_xLabel.isEmpty()) drawableText.addText(m_xLabel, xPos); if (!m_yLabel.isEmpty()) drawableText.addText(m_yLabel, yPos); if (!m_zLabel.isEmpty()) drawableText.addText(m_zLabel, zPos); // Do the actual rendering // ----------------------------------------------- if (software) { drawableText.renderSoftware(oglContext, matrixState); } else { ref<ShaderProgram> textShader = oglContext->resourceManager()->getLinkedTextShaderProgram(oglContext); drawableText.render(oglContext, textShader.p(), matrixState); } }
IntRect RenderReplaced::selectionRect(bool clipToVisibleContent) { ASSERT(!needsLayout()); if (!isSelected()) return IntRect(); if (!m_inlineBoxWrapper) // We're a block-level replaced element. Just return our own dimensions. return absoluteBoundingBoxRect(); RenderBlock* cb = containingBlock(); if (!cb) return IntRect(); RootInlineBox* root = m_inlineBoxWrapper->root(); IntRect rect(0, root->selectionTop() - yPos(), width(), root->selectionHeight()); if (clipToVisibleContent) computeAbsoluteRepaintRect(rect); else { int absx, absy; absolutePositionForContent(absx, absy); rect.move(absx, absy); } return rect; }
void PrimitiveMeshHelper::WireAxis(float size) { DrawCmdData<Vertex> cmd; cmd.draw_mode = kDrawLines; VertexList &vert_list = cmd.vertex_list; //vertex list 생성 vec3 xPos(size, 0, 0); vec3 yPos(0, size, 0); vec3 zPos(0, 0, size); vec3 zero(0, 0, 0); sora::vec4ub red(255, 0, 0, 255); sora::vec4ub green(0, 255, 0, 255); sora::vec4ub blue(0, 0, 255, 255); { // x axis - r Vertex x_zero_vert; x_zero_vert.color = red; x_zero_vert.pos = zero; vert_list.push_back(x_zero_vert); Vertex x_one_vert; x_one_vert.color = red; x_one_vert.pos = xPos; vert_list.push_back(x_one_vert); } { //y axis - g Vertex zero_vert; zero_vert.color = green; zero_vert.pos = zero; vert_list.push_back(zero_vert); Vertex y_vert; y_vert.color = green; y_vert.pos = yPos; vert_list.push_back(y_vert); } { //z axis - b Vertex zero_vert; zero_vert.color = blue; zero_vert.pos = zero; vert_list.push_back(zero_vert); Vertex z_vert; z_vert.color = blue; z_vert.pos = zPos; vert_list.push_back(z_vert); } this->cmd_list_->push_back(cmd); }
IntRect RenderReplaced::localSelectionRect(bool checkWhetherSelected) const { if (checkWhetherSelected && !isSelected()) return IntRect(); if (!m_inlineBoxWrapper) // We're a block-level replaced element. Just return our own dimensions. return IntRect(0, 0, width(), height() + borderTopExtra() + borderBottomExtra()); RenderBlock* cb = containingBlock(); if (!cb) return IntRect(); RootInlineBox* root = m_inlineBoxWrapper->root(); return IntRect(0, root->selectionTop() - yPos(), width(), root->selectionHeight()); }
void RenderSVGTSpan::absoluteRects(Vector<IntRect>& rects, int, int, bool) { InlineRunBox* firstBox = firstLineBox(); SVGRootInlineBox* rootBox = firstBox ? static_cast<SVGInlineTextBox*>(firstBox)->svgRootInlineBox() : 0; RenderObject* object = rootBox ? rootBox->object() : 0; if (!object) return; int xRef = object->xPos() + xPos(); int yRef = object->yPos() + yPos(); for (InlineRunBox* curr = firstBox; curr; curr = curr->nextLineBox()) { FloatRect rect(xRef + curr->xPos(), yRef + curr->yPos(), curr->width(), curr->height()); rects.append(enclosingIntRect(absoluteTransform().mapRect(rect))); } }
FloatRect RenderSVGText::relativeBBox(bool includeStroke) const { FloatRect repaintRect; for (InlineRunBox* runBox = firstLineBox(); runBox; runBox = runBox->nextLineBox()) { ASSERT(runBox->isInlineFlowBox()); InlineFlowBox* flowBox = static_cast<InlineFlowBox*>(runBox); for (InlineBox* box = flowBox->firstChild(); box; box = box->nextOnLine()) repaintRect.unite(FloatRect(box->xPos(), box->yPos(), box->width(), box->height())); } // SVG needs to include the strokeWidth(), not the textStrokeWidth(). if (includeStroke && style()->svgStyle()->hasStroke()) repaintRect.inflate(narrowPrecisionToFloat(KSVGPainterFactory::cssPrimitiveToLength(this, style()->svgStyle()->strokeWidth(), 0.0))); repaintRect.move(xPos(), yPos()); return repaintRect; }
void RenderSVGTextPath::absoluteQuads(Vector<FloatQuad>& quads, bool) { InlineRunBox* firstBox = firstLineBox(); SVGRootInlineBox* rootBox = firstBox ? static_cast<SVGInlineTextBox*>(firstBox)->svgRootInlineBox() : 0; RenderObject* object = rootBox ? rootBox->object() : 0; if (!object) return; int xRef = object->xPos() + xPos(); int yRef = object->yPos() + yPos(); for (InlineRunBox* curr = firstBox; curr; curr = curr->nextLineBox()) { FloatRect rect(xRef + curr->xPos(), yRef + curr->yPos(), curr->width(), curr->height()); // FIXME: broken with CSS transforms quads.append(absoluteTransform().mapRect(rect)); } }
IntRect RenderListMarker::selectionRect(bool clipToVisibleContent) { ASSERT(!needsLayout()); if (selectionState() == SelectionNone || !inlineBoxWrapper()) return IntRect(); RootInlineBox* root = inlineBoxWrapper()->root(); IntRect rect(0, root->selectionTop() - yPos(), width(), root->selectionHeight()); if (clipToVisibleContent) computeAbsoluteRepaintRect(rect); else { int absx, absy; absolutePosition(absx, absy); rect.move(absx, absy); } return rect; }
//------------------------------ PUBLIC SLOTS ---------------------------------- void ViewPort::showPage(int p_number) { curPixmapNumber = p_number; scene->clear(); qreal xPos(5); qreal yPos(5); if (m_thumb){ // Режим наготков :) рисуем все а стр с номером p_number выделяем for (int i=0;i<m_pixmap_list.size();i++){ if (i == curPixmapNumber){ yPos = addPairItem(xPos,yPos,i,true); }else{ yPos = addPairItem(xPos,yPos,i,false); } } }else{ // Рисуем одну страницу на весь экран if (m_pixmap_list.contains(curPixmapNumber)){ yPos = addPairItem(xPos,yPos,curPixmapNumber,false); } } }
void eParentalSetup::init_eParentalSetup() { loadSettings(); parentallock=new eCheckbox(this, parentalpin_enabled, 1); parentallock->setText(_("Parental lock")); parentallock->move(ePoint(10, yPos())); parentallock->resize(eSize(200, widgetHeight())); parentallock->setHelpText(_("enable/disable parental lock")); CONNECT(parentallock->checked, eParentalSetup::plockChecked ); changeParentalPin = new eButton(this); changeParentalPin->setText(_("change PIN")); changeParentalPin->move(ePoint(230, yPos())); changeParentalPin->resize(eSize(160, widgetHeight())); changeParentalPin->setHelpText(_("change Parental PIN (ok)")); changeParentalPin->loadDeco(); CONNECT(changeParentalPin->selected_id, eParentalSetup::changePin ); if ( !parentalpin_enabled ) { changeParentalPin->hide(); } nextYPos(35); setuplock=new eCheckbox(this, setuppin_enabled, 1); setuplock->setText(_("Setup lock")); setuplock->move(ePoint(10, yPos())); setuplock->resize(eSize(200, widgetHeight())); setuplock->setHelpText(_("enable/disable setup lock")); CONNECT(setuplock->checked, eParentalSetup::slockChecked ); changeSetupPin = new eButton(this); changeSetupPin->setText(_("change PIN")); changeSetupPin->move( ePoint( 230, yPos())); changeSetupPin->resize( eSize(160, widgetHeight())); changeSetupPin->setHelpText(_("change Setup PIN (ok)")); changeSetupPin->loadDeco(); CONNECT(changeSetupPin->selected_id, eParentalSetup::changePin ); if ( !setuppin_enabled ) { changeSetupPin->hide(); } nextYPos(35); pin_timeout_label = new eLabel (this); pin_timeout_label->setText (_("Pin timeout")); pin_timeout_label->move (ePoint (10, yPos())); pin_timeout_label->resize (eSize (370, widgetHeight())); pin_timeout = new eNumber (this, 1, 0, 999, 4, &pintimeout, 0, pin_timeout_label); pin_timeout->move (ePoint (230, yPos())); pin_timeout->resize (eSize (50, widgetHeight())); pin_timeout->setHelpText (_("Number of minutes the entered pin is valid. After this timeout you need to re-enter the pin when zapping to protected service (0 to disable)")); pin_timeout->loadDeco(); nextYPos(35); maxpin_errors_label = new eLabel (this); maxpin_errors_label->setText (_("Max Pin errors")); maxpin_errors_label->move (ePoint (10, yPos())); maxpin_errors_label->resize (eSize (370, widgetHeight())); maxpin_errors = new eNumber (this, 1, 0, 999, 4, &maxpinerrors, 0, maxpin_errors_label); maxpin_errors->move (ePoint (230, yPos())); maxpin_errors->resize (eSize (50, widgetHeight())); maxpin_errors->setHelpText (_("Maximum number of chances to enter correct pin. When pin is entered wrong for x times the pin validation will be blocked temporarily (0 to disable)")); maxpin_errors->loadDeco(); nextYPos(35); pinerror_block_time_label = new eLabel (this); pinerror_block_time_label->setText (_("Pin block timeout")); pinerror_block_time_label->move (ePoint (10, yPos())); pinerror_block_time_label->resize (eSize (370, widgetHeight())); pinerror_block_time = new eNumber (this, 1, 1, 999, 4, &pinerrorblocktime, 0, pinerror_block_time_label); pinerror_block_time->move (ePoint (230, yPos())); pinerror_block_time->resize (eSize (50, widgetHeight())); pinerror_block_time->setHelpText (_("Number of minutes pincode check is disabled when pin validation has failed maximum times.")); pinerror_block_time->loadDeco(); nextYPos(35); hidelocked=new eCheckbox(this, shidelocked, 1); hidelocked->setText(_("Hide locked services")); hidelocked->move(ePoint(10, yPos())); hidelocked->resize(eSize(380, widgetHeight())); hidelocked->setHelpText(_("don't show locked services in any list")); hidelocked->loadDeco(); CONNECT(hidelocked->checked, eParentalSetup::hidelockChecked ); if ( !parentalpin_enabled ) { hidelocked->hide(); } /* help text for parental setup */ setHelpText(_("\tParental Lock\n\n>>> [MENU] >>> [6] Setup >>> [5] Parental Lock\n. . . . . . . . . .\n\n" \ "Here you can enable and setup Parental Lock. After reboot locked channels will not be available unless unlocked with your PIN code\n" \ ". . . . . . . . . .\n\nUsage:\n\n[UP]/[DOWN]\tSelect Inputfield or Button\n\nParental lock\tToggle Channel access on/off\n\n" \ "Setup lock\tToggle setup access on/off\n\nChange PIN\tEnter a new PIN code\n\n[GREEN]\tSave Settings and Close Window\n\n" \ "[EXIT]\tClose window without saving changes")); buildWindow(); CONNECT(bOK->selected, eParentalSetup::okPressed); }
VisiblePosition RenderContainer::positionForCoordinates(int x, int y) { // no children...return this render object's element, if there is one, and offset 0 if (!m_firstChild) return VisiblePosition(element(), 0, DOWNSTREAM); if (isTable() && element()) { int right = contentWidth() + borderRight() + paddingRight() + borderLeft() + paddingLeft(); int bottom = contentHeight() + borderTop() + paddingTop() + borderBottom() + paddingBottom(); if (x < 0 || x > right || y < 0 || y > bottom) { if (x <= right / 2) return VisiblePosition(Position(element(), 0)); else return VisiblePosition(Position(element(), maxDeepOffset(element()))); } } // Pass off to the closest child. int minDist = INT_MAX; RenderObject* closestRenderer = 0; int newX = x; int newY = y; if (isTableRow()) { newX += xPos(); newY += yPos(); } for (RenderObject* renderer = m_firstChild; renderer; renderer = renderer->nextSibling()) { if (!renderer->firstChild() && !renderer->isInline() && !renderer->isBlockFlow() || renderer->style()->visibility() != VISIBLE) continue; int top = borderTop() + paddingTop() + (isTableRow() ? 0 : renderer->yPos()); int bottom = top + renderer->contentHeight(); int left = borderLeft() + paddingLeft() + (isTableRow() ? 0 : renderer->xPos()); int right = left + renderer->contentWidth(); if (x <= right && x >= left && y <= top && y >= bottom) { if (renderer->isTableRow()) return renderer->positionForCoordinates(x + newX - renderer->xPos(), y + newY - renderer->yPos()); return renderer->positionForCoordinates(x - renderer->xPos(), y - renderer->yPos()); } // Find the distance from (x, y) to the box. Split the space around the box into 8 pieces // and use a different compare depending on which piece (x, y) is in. IntPoint cmp; if (x > right) { if (y < top) cmp = IntPoint(right, top); else if (y > bottom) cmp = IntPoint(right, bottom); else cmp = IntPoint(right, y); } else if (x < left) { if (y < top) cmp = IntPoint(left, top); else if (y > bottom) cmp = IntPoint(left, bottom); else cmp = IntPoint(left, y); } else { if (y < top) cmp = IntPoint(x, top); else cmp = IntPoint(x, bottom); } int x1minusx2 = cmp.x() - x; int y1minusy2 = cmp.y() - y; int dist = x1minusx2 * x1minusx2 + y1minusy2 * y1minusy2; if (dist < minDist) { closestRenderer = renderer; minDist = dist; } } if (closestRenderer) return closestRenderer->positionForCoordinates(newX - closestRenderer->xPos(), newY - closestRenderer->yPos()); return VisiblePosition(element(), 0, DOWNSTREAM); }
void VisibilityLayout::layout(GraphAttributes &GA, const UpwardPlanRep &UPROrig) { UpwardPlanRep UPR = UPROrig; //clear some data for(edge e : GA.constGraph().edges) { GA.bends(e).clear(); } int minGridDist = 1; for(node v : GA.constGraph().nodes) { if (minGridDist < max(GA.height(v), GA.width(v))) minGridDist = (int) max(GA.height(v), GA.width(v)); } minGridDist = max(minGridDist*2+1, m_grid_dist); CombinatorialEmbedding &gamma = UPR.getEmbedding(); //add edge (s,t) adjEntry adjSrc = nullptr; for(adjEntry adj : UPR.getSuperSource()->adjEntries) { if (gamma.rightFace(adj) == gamma.externalFace()) adjSrc = adj; break; } OGDF_ASSERT(adjSrc != nullptr); edge e_st = UPR.newEdge(adjSrc, UPR.getSuperSink()); // on the right gamma.computeFaces(); gamma.setExternalFace(gamma.rightFace(e_st->adjSource())); constructVisibilityRepresentation(UPR); // the preliminary postion NodeArray<int> xPos(UPR); NodeArray<int> yPos(UPR); // node Position for(node v : UPR.nodes) { NodeSegment vVis = nodeToVis[v]; int x = (int) (vVis.x_l + vVis.x_r)/2 ; // median positioning xPos[v] = x; yPos[v] = vVis.y; if (UPR.original(v) != nullptr) { node vOrig = UPR.original(v); //final position GA.x(vOrig) = x * minGridDist; GA.y(vOrig) = vVis.y * minGridDist; } } //compute bendpoints for(edge e : GA.constGraph().edges) { const List<edge> &chain = UPR.chain(e); for(edge eUPR : chain) { EdgeSegment eVis = edgeToVis[eUPR]; if (chain.size() == 1) { if ((yPos[eUPR->target()] - yPos[eUPR->source()]) > 1) { DPoint p1(eVis.x*minGridDist, (yPos[eUPR->source()]+1)*minGridDist); DPoint p2(eVis.x*minGridDist, (yPos[eUPR->target()]-1)*minGridDist); GA.bends(e).pushBack(p1); if (yPos[eUPR->source()]+1 != yPos[eUPR->target()]-1) GA.bends(e).pushBack(p2); } } else { //short edge if ((yPos[eUPR->target()] - yPos[eUPR->source()]) == 1) { if (UPR.original(eUPR->target()) == nullptr) { node tgtUPR = eUPR->target(); DPoint p(xPos[tgtUPR]*minGridDist, yPos[tgtUPR]*minGridDist); GA.bends(e).pushBack(p); } } //long edge else { DPoint p1(eVis.x*minGridDist, (yPos[eUPR->source()]+1)*minGridDist); DPoint p2(eVis.x*minGridDist, (yPos[eUPR->target()]-1)*minGridDist); GA.bends(e).pushBack(p1); if (yPos[eUPR->source()]+1 != yPos[eUPR->target()]-1) GA.bends(e).pushBack(p2); if (UPR.original(eUPR->target()) == nullptr) { node tgtUPR = eUPR->target(); DPoint p(xPos[tgtUPR]*minGridDist, yPos[tgtUPR]*minGridDist); GA.bends(e).pushBack(p); } } } } DPolyline &poly = GA.bends(e); DPoint pSrc(GA.x(e->source()), GA.y(e->source())); DPoint pTgt(GA.x(e->target()), GA.y(e->target())); poly.normalize(pSrc, pTgt); } }
IntRect RenderSVGInlineText::computeAbsoluteRectForRange(int startPos, int endPos) { IntRect rect; RenderBlock* cb = containingBlock(); if (!cb || !cb->container()) return rect; RenderSVGRoot* root = findSVGRootObject(parent()); if (!root) return rect; for (InlineTextBox* box = firstTextBox(); box; box = box->nextTextBox()) rect.unite(box->selectionRect(0, 0, startPos, endPos)); // Mimic RenderBox::computeAbsoluteRepaintRect() functionality. But only the subset needed for SVG and respecting SVG transformations. int x, y; cb->container()->absolutePosition(x, y); // Remove HTML parent translation offsets here! These need to be retrieved from the RenderSVGRoot object. // But do take the containingBlocks's container position into account, ie. SVG text in scrollable <div>. AffineTransform htmlParentCtm = root->RenderContainer::absoluteTransform(); FloatRect fixedRect(narrowPrecisionToFloat(rect.x() + x - xPos() - htmlParentCtm.e()), narrowPrecisionToFloat(rect.y() + y - yPos() - htmlParentCtm.f()), rect.width(), rect.height()); return enclosingIntRect(absoluteTransform().mapRect(fixedRect)); }
void GameplayScreen::onEntry() { b2Vec2 gravity(0.0f, -25.0); m_world = std::make_unique<b2World>(gravity); m_debugRenderer.init(); // Make the ground b2BodyDef groundBodyDef; groundBodyDef.position.Set(0.0f, -20.0f); b2Body* groundBody = m_world->CreateBody(&groundBodyDef); // Make the ground fixture b2PolygonShape groundBox; groundBox.SetAsBox(50.0f, 10.0f); groundBody->CreateFixture(&groundBox, 0.0f); // Load the texture m_texture = Bengine::ResourceManager::getTexture("Assets/bricks_top.png"); // Make a bunch of boxes std::mt19937 randGenerator; std::uniform_real_distribution<float> xPos(-10.0, 10.0f); std::uniform_real_distribution<float> yPos(-10.0, 25.0f); std::uniform_real_distribution<float> size(0.5, 2.5f); std::uniform_int_distribution<int> color(50, 255); const int NUM_BOXES = 10; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_BOXES; i++) { Bengine::ColorRGBA8 randColor; randColor.r = color(randGenerator); randColor.g = color(randGenerator); randColor.b = color(randGenerator); randColor.a = 255; Box newBox; newBox.init(m_world.get(), glm::vec2(xPos(randGenerator), yPos(randGenerator)), glm::vec2(size(randGenerator), size(randGenerator)), m_texture, randColor, false); m_boxes.push_back(newBox); } // Initialize spritebatch m_spriteBatch.init(); // Shader init // Compile our texture m_textureProgram.compileShaders("Shaders/textureShading.vert", "Shaders/textureShading.frag"); m_textureProgram.addAttribute("vertexPosition"); m_textureProgram.addAttribute("vertexColor"); m_textureProgram.addAttribute("vertexUV"); m_textureProgram.linkShaders(); // Compile our light shader m_lightProgram.compileShaders("Shaders/lightShading.vert", "Shaders/lightShading.frag"); m_lightProgram.addAttribute("vertexPosition"); m_lightProgram.addAttribute("vertexColor"); m_lightProgram.addAttribute("vertexUV"); m_lightProgram.linkShaders(); // Init camera m_camera.init(m_window->getScreenWidth(), m_window->getScreenHeight()); m_camera.setScale(32.0f); // Init player m_player.init(m_world.get(), glm::vec2(0.0f, 30.0f), glm::vec2(2.0f), glm::vec2(1.0f, 1.8f), Bengine::ColorRGBA8(255, 255, 255, 255)); // Init the UI m_gui.init("GUI"); m_gui.loadScheme("TaharezLook.scheme"); m_gui.setFont("DejaVuSans-10"); CEGUI::PushButton* testButton = static_cast<CEGUI::PushButton*>(m_gui.createWidget("TaharezLook/Button", glm::vec4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.1f, 0.05f), glm::vec4(0.0f), "TestButton")); testButton->setText("Hello World!"); CEGUI::Combobox* TestCombobox = static_cast<CEGUI::Combobox*>(m_gui.createWidget("TaharezLook/Combobox", glm::vec4(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.1f, 0.05f), glm::vec4(0.0f), "TestCombobox")); m_gui.setMouseCursor("TaharezLook/MouseArrow"); m_gui.showMouseCursor(); SDL_ShowCursor(0); }
void GameplayScreen::init() { b2Vec2 gravity(0.0f, -50.0f); //create up world mWorld = std::make_unique<b2World>(gravity); //Add Ground body b2BodyDef groundBodyDef; groundBodyDef.position.Set(0.0f, -20.0f); // units of meters b2Body* groundBody = mWorld->CreateBody(&groundBodyDef); //Shape is a polygon, fixture keeps them together b2PolygonShape groundBox; groundBox.SetAsBox(50.0f, 10.0f); groundBody->CreateFixture(&groundBox, 0.0f); //Load texture mTexture = WebEngine::ResourceManager::getTexture("Assets/bricks_top.png"); WebEngine::ColorRGBA8 color(255, 0, 0, 255); //Add a bunch of boxes std::mt19937 randGenerator(time(nullptr)); std::uniform_real_distribution<float> xPos(-10.0f, 10.0f); std::uniform_real_distribution<float> yPos(-15.0f, 15.0f); std::uniform_real_distribution<float> size(0.5f, 2.5f); std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned int> randColor(0, 255); const int numBoxes = 20; for (int i = 0; i < numBoxes; i++) { WebEngine::ColorRGBA8 color(randColor(randGenerator), randColor(randGenerator), randColor(randGenerator), 255); Box newBox; newBox.init(mWorld.get(), glm::vec2(xPos(randGenerator), yPos(randGenerator)), glm::vec2(size(randGenerator), size(randGenerator)), mTexture, color); //Box memory can be discraded because the important bits are stored in the world mBoxes.push_back(newBox); } //Initialize shaders //Compile texture shader mTextureProgram.compileShaders("Shaders/textureShading.vert", "Shaders/textureShading.frag"); mTextureProgram.addAttribute("vertexPosition"); mTextureProgram.addAttribute("vertexColor"); mTextureProgram.addAttribute("vertexUV"); mTextureProgram.linkShaders(); //Compile light shader mLightProgram.compileShaders("Shaders/lightShading.vert", "Shaders/lightShading.frag"); mLightProgram.addAttribute("vertexPosition"); mLightProgram.addAttribute("vertexColor"); mLightProgram.addAttribute("vertexUV"); mLightProgram.linkShaders(); mDebugRenderer.init(); m_CameraController.init(&mCamera, mTime); //Initialize spritebatch mSpriteBatch.init(); //Init camera mCamera.init(mWindow->getScreenWidth(), mWindow->getScreenHeight()); mCamera.setScale(32.0f); //32 pixels per meter, good scale mPlayer.init(mWorld.get(), glm::vec2(0.0f, 30.0f), glm::vec2(1.0f), glm::vec2(0.5f, 1.0f), WebEngine::ColorRGBA8(255, 255, 255, 255)); }
// initialize screen coordinates for tree void TreeModel::SetTreeCoord(long degrees) { double bufferX, bufferY; if (BufferWi < 1) return; if (BufferHt < 1) return; // June 27,2013. added check to not divide by zero double RenderHt, RenderWi; if (degrees > 0) { double angle; RenderHt=BufferHt * 3; RenderWi=((double)RenderHt)/1.8; double radians=toRadians(degrees); double radius=RenderWi/2.0; double topradius=radius/botTopRatio; double StartAngle=-radians/2.0; double AngleIncr=radians/double(BufferWi); if (degrees < 350 && BufferWi > 1) { AngleIncr=radians/double(BufferWi - 1); } //shift a tiny bit to make the strands in back not line up exactly with the strands in front StartAngle += toRadians(rotation); std::vector<float> yPos(BufferHt); std::vector<float> xInc(BufferHt); for (int x = 0; x < BufferHt; x ++) { yPos[x] = x; xInc[x] = 0; } if (spiralRotations != 0.0f) { std::vector<float> lengths(10); float rgap = (radius - topradius)/ 10.0; float total = 0; for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) { lengths[x] = 2.0*M_PI*(radius - rgap*x) - rgap/2.0; lengths[x] *= spiralRotations / 10.0; lengths[x] = sqrt(lengths[x]*lengths[x]+(float)BufferHt/10.0*(float)BufferHt/10.0); total += lengths[x]; } int lights = 0; for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) { lengths[x] /= total; lights += (int)std::round(lengths[x]*BufferHt); } int curSeg = 0; float lightsInSeg = std::round(lengths[0]*BufferHt); int curLightInSeg = 0; for (int x = 1; x < BufferHt; x++) { if (curLightInSeg >= lightsInSeg) { curSeg++; curLightInSeg = 0; lightsInSeg = std::round(lengths[curSeg]*BufferHt); } float ang = spiralRotations * 2.0 * M_PI / 10.0; ang /= (float)lightsInSeg; yPos[x] = yPos[x-1] + (BufferHt/10.0/lightsInSeg); xInc[x] = xInc[x-1] + ang; curLightInSeg++; } } double topYoffset = std::abs(perspective * topradius * cos(M_PI)); double ytop = RenderHt - topYoffset; double ybot = std::abs(perspective * radius * cos(M_PI)); size_t NodeCount=GetNodeCount(); for(size_t n=0; n<NodeCount; n++) { size_t CoordCount=GetCoordCount(n); for(size_t c=0; c < CoordCount; c++) { bufferX=Nodes[n]->Coords[c].bufX; bufferY=Nodes[n]->Coords[c].bufY; angle=StartAngle + double(bufferX) * AngleIncr + xInc[bufferY]; double xb=radius * sin(angle); double xt=topradius * sin(angle); double yb = ybot - perspective * radius * cos(angle); double yt = ytop - perspective * topradius * cos(angle); double posOnString = 0.5; if (BufferHt > 1) { posOnString = yPos[bufferY]/(double)(BufferHt-1.0); } Nodes[n]->Coords[c].screenX = xb + (xt - xb) * posOnString; Nodes[n]->Coords[c].screenY = yb + (yt - yb) * posOnString - ((double)RenderHt)/2.0; } } } else { double treeScale = degrees == -1 ? 5.0 : 4.0; double botWid = BufferWi * treeScale; RenderHt=BufferHt * 2.0; RenderWi=(botWid + 2); double offset = 0.5; size_t NodeCount=GetNodeCount(); for(size_t n=0; n<NodeCount; n++) { size_t CoordCount=GetCoordCount(n); if (degrees == -1) { for(size_t c=0; c < CoordCount; c++) { bufferX=Nodes[n]->Coords[c].bufX; bufferY=Nodes[n]->Coords[c].bufY; double xt = (bufferX + offset - BufferWi/2.0) * 0.9; double xb = (bufferX + offset - BufferWi/2.0) * treeScale; double h = std::sqrt(RenderHt * RenderHt + (xt - xb)*(xt - xb)); double posOnString = 0.5; if (BufferHt > 1) { posOnString = (bufferY/(double)(BufferHt-1.0)); } double newh = RenderHt * posOnString; Nodes[n]->Coords[c].screenX = xb + (xt - xb) * posOnString; Nodes[n]->Coords[c].screenY = RenderHt * newh / h - ((double)RenderHt)/2.0; posOnString = 0; if (BufferHt > 1) { posOnString = ((bufferY - 0.33)/(double)(BufferHt-1.0)); } newh = RenderHt * posOnString; Nodes[n]->Coords.push_back(Nodes[n]->Coords[c]); Nodes[n]->Coords.back().screenX = xb + (xt - xb) * posOnString; Nodes[n]->Coords.back().screenY = RenderHt * newh / h - ((double)RenderHt)/2.0; posOnString = 1; if (BufferHt > 1) { posOnString = ((bufferY + 0.33)/(double)(BufferHt-1.0)); } newh = RenderHt * posOnString; Nodes[n]->Coords.push_back(Nodes[n]->Coords[c]); Nodes[n]->Coords.back().screenX = xb + (xt - xb) * posOnString; Nodes[n]->Coords.back().screenY = RenderHt * newh / h - ((double)RenderHt)/2.0; } } else { for(size_t c=0; c < CoordCount; c++) { bufferX=Nodes[n]->Coords[c].bufX; bufferY=Nodes[n]->Coords[c].bufY; double xt = (bufferX + offset - BufferWi/2.0) * 0.9; double xb = (bufferX + offset - BufferWi/2.0) * treeScale; double posOnString = 0.5; if (BufferHt > 1) { posOnString = (bufferY/(double)(BufferHt-1.0)); } Nodes[n]->Coords[c].screenX = xb + (xt - xb) * posOnString; Nodes[n]->Coords[c].screenY = RenderHt * posOnString - ((double)RenderHt)/2.0; } } } } screenLocation.SetRenderSize(RenderWi, RenderHt); }
void LevelOneScreen::initLevel(){ std::mt19937 randomEngine((unsigned int)time(NULL)); std::uniform_int_distribution<int> randMonster(0, MONSTER_KIND-1); std::uniform_int_distribution<int> randomMovement(0,1000); std::uniform_int_distribution<int> randomItemNum(1, 10); std::uniform_int_distribution<int> randomItemKind(0, ITEM_KIND - 1); glm::vec4 playerArea; _level = std::make_unique<LevelManager>("Levels/Version1/level1.txt"); // Objects Creation code goes here. std::uniform_int_distribution<int> yPos(3, _level->getHeight() - 3); std::uniform_int_distribution<int> xPos(3, _level->getWidth() - 3); //Monsters int i = 0; int count = 2; int numMonster = _level->getNumMonsters(); _monsters.reserve(numMonster); while(i < numMonster){ int temp = randMonster(randomEngine); int x = xPos(randomEngine); int y = yPos(randomEngine); int movement = ((randomMovement(randomEngine) * count) % MAX_MOVEMENT + count/2); if (_level->getSymbol(x, y) == '.'){ glm::vec2 pos = glm::vec2(x * TILE_WIDTH, y * TILE_WIDTH); if (temp == 0){ _monsters.push_back(new Werewolf); _monsters.back()->init(4, 2, pos, 10); } else if (temp == 1){ _monsters.push_back(new Orga); _monsters.back()->init(3, 3, pos, 30); } else{ _monsters.push_back(new Wolf); _monsters.back()->init(2, 2, pos, movement); //std::cout << "Movement : " << movement << std::endl; } i++; } count++; } //Testing /*_monsters.push_back(new Wolf); _monsters.back()->init(3, 3, glm::vec2(500, 1000));*/ int numItem = randomItemNum(randomEngine); int j = 0; while (j < numItem) { int temp = randomItemKind(randomEngine); int x = xPos(randomEngine); int y = yPos(randomEngine); if (_level->getSymbol(x, y) == '.') { glm::vec2 pos = glm::vec2(x * TILE_WIDTH, y * TILE_WIDTH); switch (temp) { case 0: _items.push_back(new BigPotion); break; case 1: _items.push_back(new SmallPotion); break; case 2: _items.push_back(new GoodMeat); break; case 3: _items.push_back(new BadMeat); break; case 4: _items.push_back(new GoodFish); break; case 5: _items.push_back(new BadFish); } _items.back()->init(pos); j++; } } //Initialize player. _player = Player::getInstance(); _player->init(_level->getStartPlayerPosition(), PLAYER_SPEED); //Testing for weapon. _items.push_back(new Sword); _items.back()->init(glm::vec2(200, 1000)); }
void Mirror::printPos() const { post("/MirrorPos: %f, %f, %f", xPos(), yPos(), zPos()); }
void Obstacle::DrawObstacle(int x, int y, SDL_Rect camera, float deltaTime, Player &player, SDL_Renderer* renderer) { m_xPos = x; m_yPos = y; // Setting the collision box around the obstacle SDL_Rect collideRect = m_collisionRect; collideRect.x = m_collisionRect.x + x + camera.x; collideRect.y = m_collisionRect.y + y; // Setting the rect to draw the image SDL_Rect drawRect = {x-camera.x, y-camera.y, m_imgRect.w, m_imgRect.h}; // Drawing the image // Only draw it if it's present on the screen if (m_xPos + m_imgRect.w > camera.x && m_xPos < SCREEN_WIDTH+camera.x && m_yPos + m_imgRect.h > camera.y && m_yPos < SCREEN_HEIGHT + camera.y) SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, m_obstaclesSheet, &m_imgRect, &drawRect); // Finding the sides of the player int playerLeftSide = player.xPos(); int playerRightSide = player.xPos() + player.WIDTH; int playerTop = player.yPos(); int playerBottom = player.yPos() + player.HEIGHT; // Finding the sides of the obstacle int obstLeftSide = collideRect.x; int obstRightSide = collideRect.x + collideRect.w; int obstTop = collideRect.y; int obstBottom = collideRect.y + collideRect.h; // If the player collided, check where he will respawn int playerYRespawn = y+m_imgRect.h; if (m_name == "cliff" && player.yPos()+32 > y+20 && playerLeftSide < obstRightSide-3 && playerRightSide > obstLeftSide+3 && playerTop < y+114) { if (player.yVel()<= player.SPEED/3) player.forceAirborne(0.05, player.SPEED/2.5f); else player.forceAirborne(0.05, player.SPEED*1.5); } //Checking for collision (Checking if the player and the obstacle overlap) if (!player.collided() && (playerBottom-20 < obstBottom) && m_canCollide && playerRightSide > obstLeftSide && playerLeftSide < obstRightSide && playerTop < obstBottom && playerBottom > obstTop && ((m_jumpable && !player.IsInAir()) || !m_jumpable)) { player.obstCollidedWith(yPos(), m_imgRect.h); player.setCollision(true); } else if ((!player.collided() && (playerBottom-20 < obstBottom) && m_canCollide && playerRightSide > obstLeftSide && playerLeftSide < obstRightSide && playerTop < obstBottom && playerBottom > obstTop && ((m_jumpable && player.IsInAir())))) { player.adjustMultiplier(m_pointsToGive); } // Make sure if the player is trying to respawn he doesn't respawn on another object else if (player.collided() && m_canCollide && playerRightSide > obstLeftSide && playerLeftSide < obstRightSide && playerYRespawn < obstBottom && playerYRespawn+32 > obstTop) { player.obstCollidedWith(yPos(), m_imgRect.w); } }
EpgConfigDialog::EpgConfigDialog(): ePLiWindow("EPG Configuration", 400), configPath(CONFIGDIR "/dbepg"), currentCfg(0) { getConfig(); /* abort if no valid configurations were found */ if (configItems.size() == 0) { eMessageBox("No valid packages found. Please check your configuration.", "Error"); } /* Selector for configuration */ makeNewLabel(this, "Package", 10, yPos(), 130, widgetHeight()); eComboBox *cb = new eComboBox(this); setWidgetGeom( cb, 190, yPos(), 200, widgetHeight()); cb->setHelpText("Select the EPG provider"); cb->loadDeco(); cb->show(); eListBoxEntryText *first = 0; for (std::map<eString, Config>::const_iterator it=configItems.begin(); it!=configItems.end(); ++it) { eListBoxEntryText *le= new eListBoxEntryText(*cb, it->second.getName()); //weird syntax.... if (!first) { first = le; } } CONNECT(cb->selchanged, EpgConfigDialog::OnItemSelected); nextYPos(35); makeNewLabel(this, "Time offset", 10, yPos(), 130, widgetHeight()); cTimeOffset = new eComboBox(this); setWidgetGeom( cTimeOffset, 190, yPos(), 200, widgetHeight()); cTimeOffset->setHelpText("Select the time offset between EPG provider and your time zone"); cTimeOffset->loadDeco(); cTimeOffset->show(); for (int i=-12; i<=12; i++) { char buf[30]; sprintf(buf, "%2d hours", i); new eListBoxEntryText(*cTimeOffset, buf, (void*) i); //weird syntax.... } cTimeOffset->setCurrent((void*) 0); //will this work... // cTimeOffset = new eNumber(this, 1, -12, 12, 3, 0); // setWidgetGeom(cTimeOffset, 130+10+10, yPos(), 100, widgetHeight()); // cTimeOffset->loadDeco(); // cTimeOffset->setFlags(eNumber::flagPosNeg); // cTimeOffset->show(); nextYPos(35); makeNewLabel(this, "Number of days", 10, yPos(), 130, widgetHeight()); cNumOfDays = new eNumber( this, 1, 0, 365, 1, 0); setWidgetGeom( cNumOfDays, 190, yPos(), 200, widgetHeight() ); cNumOfDays->setHelpText("Select number of EPG days to retrieve"); cNumOfDays->loadDeco(); cNumOfDays->show(); nextYPos(35); makeNewLabel(this, "Cron options:", 10, yPos(), 130, widgetHeight()); // makeNewLabel(this, "Interval", 10, yPos(), 130, widgetHeight()); // cInterval = new eNumber( this, 1, 1, 6, 1, 0); // //makeNewNumber(this, 0, 130+10+10, yPos(), 100, widgetHeight(), 6, 1, 7); // cInterval->setNumber(interval); // setWidgetGeom( cInterval, 150, yPos(), 100, widgetHeight() ); // cInterval->loadDeco(); // cInterval->show(); nextYPos(); cUseCron = makeNewCheckbox(this, "Use cron", 10, yPos(), 170, widgetHeight()); cUseCron->setHelpText("Enable cron to retrieve EPG each day automatically"); makeNewLabel(this, "Update at", 190, yPos(), 130, widgetHeight()); cStartTime = new eNumber( this, 2, 0, 59, 2, 0, 0); setWidgetGeom( cStartTime , 310, yPos(), 80, widgetHeight() ); cStartTime->setHelpText("Time EPG will be retrieved"); cStartTime->loadDeco(); cStartTime->setFlags( eNumber::flagDrawPoints|eNumber::flagFillWithZeros|eNumber::flagTime ); cStartTime->show(); nextYPos(40); eButton *bt_channels = makeNewButton(this, "Channels", 10, yPos(), 120, 40, "blue"); bt_channels->setHelpText("Map channels"); CONNECT(bt_channels->selected, EpgConfigDialog::OnChannelManagerClicked); eButton *bt_retrieve = makeNewButton(this, "Retrieve", 270, yPos(), 120, 40, "yellow"); bt_retrieve->setHelpText("Retrieve EPG data"); CONNECT(bt_retrieve->selected, EpgConfigDialog::OnRetrieveClicked); /* Don't send the signal until gui is fully build....*/ if (first) { cb->setCurrent(first, true); //do send a selected message, will update view.. } buildWindow(); CONNECT(bOK->selected, EpgConfigDialog::OnOkClicked); }