int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	enum YepStatus status;
	Yep64u startTimeNaive, startTimeYeppp, endTimeNaive, endTimeYeppp, frequency;
	Yep64f entropyNaive, entropyYeppp;
	YepSize i;
	/* Allocate an array of probabilities */
	Yep64f *p = (Yep64f*)calloc(ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof(Yep64f));

	/* Initialize the Yeppp! library */
	status = yepLibrary_Init();
	assert(status == YepStatusOk);

	/* Populate the array of probabilities with random probabilities */
	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
		/* 0 < p[i] <= 1.0 */
		p[i] = ((double)(rand() + 1)) / ((double)(RAND_MAX) + 1.0);

	/* Retrieve the number of timer ticks per second */
	status = yepLibrary_GetTimerFrequency(&frequency);
	assert(status == YepStatusOk);

	/* Retrieve the number of timer ticks before calling naive entropy computation */
	status = yepLibrary_GetTimerTicks(&startTimeNaive);
	assert(status == YepStatusOk);

	/* Compute entropy using naive implementation */
	entropyNaive = compute_entropy_naive(p, ARRAY_SIZE);

	/* Retrieve the number of timer ticks after calling naive entropy computation */
	status = yepLibrary_GetTimerTicks(&endTimeNaive);
	assert(status == YepStatusOk);

	/* Retrieve the number of timer ticks before calling Yeppp!-based entropy computation */
	status = yepLibrary_GetTimerTicks(&startTimeYeppp);
	assert(status == YepStatusOk);

	/* Compute entropy using Yeppp!-based implementation */
	entropyYeppp = compute_entropy_yeppp(p, ARRAY_SIZE);

	/* Retrieve the number of timer ticks after calling Yeppp!-based entropy computation */
	status = yepLibrary_GetTimerTicks(&endTimeYeppp);
	assert(status == YepStatusOk);

	/* Report the results */
	printf("Naive implementation:\n");
	printf("\tEntropy = %lf\n", ((double)entropyNaive));
	printf("\tTime = %lf\n", ((double)(endTimeNaive - startTimeNaive)) / ((double)(frequency)));
	printf("Yeppp! implementation:\n");
	printf("\tEntropy = %lf\n", ((double)entropyYeppp));
	printf("\tTime = %lf\n", ((double)(endTimeYeppp - startTimeYeppp)) / ((double)(frequency)));
	/* Deinitialize the Yeppp! library */
	status = yepLibrary_Release();
	assert(status == YepStatusOk);

	/* Release the memory for probabilities array */

	return 0;
// Main searching function (loops inside)
void search(
	    Search_settings *sett,
	    Command_line_opts *opts,
	    Search_range *s_range,
	    FFTW_plans *plans,
	    FFTW_arrays *fftw_arr,
	    Aux_arrays *aux,
	    int *FNum ) {

  // struct stat buffer;
  struct flock lck;

  int pm, mm, nn;       // hemisphere, sky positions 
  int sgnlc=0;          // number of candidates
  FLOAT_TYPE *sgnlv;    // array with candidates data

  char outname[512];
  int fd, status;
  FILE *state;

#ifdef YEPPP
  status = yepLibrary_Init();
  assert(status == YepStatusOk);

#ifdef TIMERS
  struct timespec tstart = get_current_time(CLOCK_REALTIME), tend;
  // Allocate buffer for triggers
  sgnlv = (FLOAT_TYPE *)calloc(NPAR*2*sett->nfft, sizeof(FLOAT_TYPE));

  state = NULL;
    state = fopen (opts->qname, "w");
  /* Loop over hemispheres */ 
  for (pm=s_range->pst; pm<=s_range->pmr[1]; ++pm) {

    sprintf (outname, "%s/triggers_%03d_%04d%s_%d.bin", 
	     opts->prefix, opts->ident, opts->band, opts->label, pm);
    /* Two main loops over sky positions */ 
    for (mm=s_range->mst; mm<=s_range->mr[1]; ++mm) {	
      for (nn=s_range->nst; nn<=s_range->nr[1]; ++nn) {	
        if(opts->checkp_flag) {
          ftruncate(fileno(state), 0);  
	  fprintf(state, "%d %d %d %d %d\n", pm, mm, nn, s_range->sst, *FNum);
	  fseek(state, 0, SEEK_SET);
	/* Loop over spindowns is inside job_core() */
	status = job_core(
			  pm,           // hemisphere
			  mm,           // grid 'sky position'
			  nn,           // other grid 'sky position'
			  sett,         // search settings
			  opts,         // cmd opts
			  s_range,      // range for searching
			  plans,        // fftw plans 
			  fftw_arr,     // arrays for fftw
			  aux,          // auxiliary arrays
			  &sgnlc,       // current number of candidates
			  sgnlv,        // candidate array
			  FNum);        // candidate signal number
	// Get back to regular spin-down range
	s_range->sst = s_range->spndr[0];

	/* Add trigger parameters to a file */
	// if enough signals found (no. of signals > half length of buffer)
	if (sgnlc > sett->nfft) {
	  if((fd = open (outname, 
			 S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH)) < 0) {

	  lck.l_type = F_WRLCK;
	  lck.l_whence = 0;
	  lck.l_start = 0L;
	  lck.l_len = 0L;
          if (fcntl (fd, F_SETLKW, &lck) < 0) perror ("fcntl()");
          write(fd, (void *)(sgnlv), sgnlc*NPAR*sizeof(FLOAT_TYPE));
          if (close(fd) < 0) perror ("close()");

	} /* if sgnlc > sett-nfft */
      } // for nn
      s_range->nst = s_range->nr[0];
    } // for mm
    s_range->mst = s_range->mr[0]; 

    // Write the leftover from the last iteration of the buffer 
    if((fd = open(outname, 
		  S_IWUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH)) < 0) {

    lck.l_type = F_WRLCK;
    lck.l_whence = 0;
    lck.l_start = 0L;
    lck.l_len = 0L;
    if (fcntl (fd, F_SETLKW, &lck) < 0) perror ("fcntl()");
    write(fd, (void *)(sgnlv), sgnlc*NPAR*sizeof(FLOAT_TYPE));
    if (close(fd) < 0) perror ("close()");

  } // for pm
  //#mb state file has to be modified accordingly to the buffer

  // Free triggers buffer

#ifdef TIMERS
  tend = get_current_time(CLOCK_REALTIME);
  double time_elapsed = get_time_difference(tstart, tend);
  printf("Time elapsed: %e s\n", time_elapsed);

//mesh adaptive direct search (MADS) maximum search declaration
Yep64f* MADS(Search_settings *sett, Aux_arrays *aux, double* in, double *start, double delta, double *pc, int bins){

	int i, j, k, l, m, n, o, r, a = 0;
  	double sinalt, cosalt, sindelt, cosdelt;
	double param[4]; 			//initial size of mesh
	double smallest = 100;
        double **sigaa, **sigbb;   // aa[nifo][N]
        sigaa = matrix(sett->nifo, sett->N);
	sigbb = matrix(sett->nifo, sett->N);
	for(r = 0; r < 4;r++){
		param[r] = pc[r]/bins;
	for(r = 0; r < 4; r++){
		if(param[r] < smallest) smallest = param[r];

#ifdef YEPPP
    Yep64f *p = (Yep64f*)malloc(sizeof(Yep64f)*4);
    Yep64f *out = (Yep64f*)malloc(sizeof(Yep64f)*11);
    Yep64f *nSource = (Yep64f*)malloc(sizeof(Yep64f)*3); 
    Yep64f *extr = (Yep64f*)malloc(sizeof(Yep64f)*11); 
    Yep64f *res = (Yep64f*)malloc(sizeof(Yep64f)*11);
    enum YepStatus status;

//	puts("MADS");

	for(i = 0; i < 11; i++) extr[i] = in[i];
	while(smallest >= delta){  	//when to end computations
		k = 0;
		for(j = 0; j < 8; j++){
			for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) p[i] = in[6+i];
			if(j < 4){
				p[k] = in[6+k] - start[k]*(param[k] - delta);
			else { 
				p[k] = in[6+k] + start[k]*(param[k] - delta);
			sinalt = sin(p[3]);
			cosalt = cos(p[3]);
			sindelt = sin(p[2]);
			cosdelt = cos(p[2]);

			nSource[0] = cosalt*cosdelt;
			nSource[1] = sinalt*cosdelt;
			nSource[2] = sindelt;

			for (o = 0; o < sett->nifo; ++o){
				modvir(sinalt, cosalt, sindelt, cosdelt, 
			   		sett->N, &ifo[o], aux, sigaa[o], sigbb[o]);  
			res = Fstatnet(sett, p, nSource, sigaa, sigbb); //Fstat function for mesh points

			if (res[5] < extr[5]){
				for (l = 0; l < 11; l++){ 
					extr[l] = res[l];

		} //j
		if (extr[5] == in[5]){
			smallest = smallest - delta;
			for(r = 0; r < 4; r++){
				param[r] = param[r] - delta;
			for(m = 0; m < 4; m++) p[m] = extr[6+m];
			for(m = 0; m < 11; m++) in[m] = extr[m];
	} // while
	for (n= 0; n < 11; n++){
		out[n] = extr[n];

	free_matrix(sigaa, sett->nifo, sett->N);
	free_matrix(sigbb, sett->nifo, sett->N);
	return out;
// Main programm
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {

	Search_settings sett;	
	Command_line_opts opts;
  	Search_range s_range; 
  	Aux_arrays aux_arr;
  	double *F; 			// F-statistic array
  	int i, j, r, c, a, b, g; 	
	int d, o, m, k;
	int bins = 2, ROW, dim = 4;	// neighbourhood of point will be divide into defined number of bins
	double pc[4];			// % define neighbourhood around each parameter for initial grid
	double pc2[4];			// % define neighbourhood around each parameter for direct maximum search (MADS & Simplex)
	double tol = 1e-10;
//	double delta = 1e-5;		// initial step in MADS function
//	double *results;		// Vector with results from Fstatnet function
//	double *maximum;		// True maximum of Fstat
//	double results_max[11];	
	double s1, s2, s3, s4;
	double sgnlo[4]; 		 
	double **arr;		//  arr[ROW][COL], arrg[ROW][COL];
	double nSource[3];
  	double sinalt, cosalt, sindelt, cosdelt;
	double F_min;
	char path[512];
	double x, y;
	ROW = pow((bins+1),4);

#ifdef YEPPP
    Yep64f *results_max = (Yep64f*)malloc(sizeof(Yep64f)*11); 
    Yep64f *results_first = (Yep64f*)malloc(sizeof(Yep64f)*11);
    Yep64f *results = (Yep64f*)malloc(sizeof(Yep64f)*11);
    Yep64f *maximum = (Yep64f*)malloc(sizeof(Yep64f)*11);
//    Yep64f *sgnlo = (Yep64f*)malloc(sizeof(Yep64f)*4);  
//    Yep64f *nSource = (Yep64f*)malloc(sizeof(Yep64f)*3); 
    Yep64f *mean = (Yep64f*)malloc(sizeof(Yep64f)*4); 

    enum YepStatus status;


	pc[0] = 0.015;
	pc[1] = 0.015;
	pc[2] = 0.015;
	pc[3] = 0.015;

	for (i = 0; i < 4; i++){
		pc2[i] = 2*pc[i]/bins;
// Time tests
	double tdiff;
	clock_t tstart, tend;

// Command line options 
	handle_opts(&sett, &opts, argc, argv); 
// Output data handling
/*  struct stat buffer;

  if (stat(opts.prefix, &buffer) == -1) {
    if (errno == ENOENT) {
      // Output directory apparently does not exist, try to create one
      if(mkdir(opts.prefix, S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP 
          | S_IROTH	| S_IXOTH) == -1) {
	      perror (opts.prefix);
	      return 1;
    } else { // can't access output directory
      perror (opts.prefix);
      return 1;
	sprintf(path, "%s/candidates.coi", opts.dtaprefix);

//Glue function
	if(strlen(opts.glue)) {

		sprintf(opts.dtaprefix, "./data_total");
		sprintf(opts.dtaprefix, "%s/followup_total_data", opts.prefix); 
		opts.ident = 000;
	FILE *coi;
	int z;
	if ((coi = fopen(path, "r")) != NULL) {
//		while(!feof(coi)) {

/*			if(!fread(&w, sizeof(unsigned short int), 1, coi)) { break; } 
		  	fread(&mean, sizeof(float), 5, coi);
		  	fread(&fra, sizeof(unsigned short int), w, coi); 
		  	fread(&ops, sizeof(int), w, coi);

			if((fread(&mean, sizeof(float), 4, coi)) == 4){
			while(fscanf(coi, "%le %le %le %le", &mean[0], &mean[1], &mean[2], &mean[3]) == 4){
//Time test
//			tstart = clock();
				arr = matrix(ROW, 4);

//Function neighbourhood - generating grid around point
				arr = neigh(mean, pc, bins);
// Output data handling
/*  				struct stat buffer;

  				if (stat(opts.prefix, &buffer) == -1) {
    					if (errno == ENOENT) {
// Output directory apparently does not exist, try to create one
      						if(mkdir(opts.prefix, S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP 
          						| S_IROTH	| S_IXOTH) == -1) {
	      						perror (opts.prefix);
	      						return 1;
					else { // can't access output directory
			      			perror (opts.prefix);
			      			return 1;
// Grid data
  				if(strlen(opts.addsig)) { 

					read_grid(&sett, &opts);
// Search settings
// Detector network settings
  				detectors_settings(&sett, &opts); 

// Array initialization
  				init_arrays(&sett, &opts, &aux_arr, &F);
// Amplitude modulation functions for each detector  
				for(i=0; i<sett.nifo; i++) rogcvir(&ifo[i]); 
// Adding signal from file
  				if(strlen(opts.addsig)) { 

    					add_signal(&sett, &opts, &aux_arr, &s_range);

// Setting number of using threads (not required)

				results_max[5] = 0.;

// ifo zostaje shared
// ifo....shft i ifo....xdatm{a,b] prerobić na lokalne tablice w fstatnet
// w regionie parallel wprowadzić tablice private aa i bb ; alokować i przekazywać je jako argumenty do fstatnet i amoeba

// Main loop - over all parameters + parallelisation
#pragma omp parallel default(shared) private(d, i, sgnlo, sinalt, cosalt, sindelt, cosdelt, nSource, results, maximum)

                       		double **sigaa, **sigbb;   // aa[nifo][N]
              			sigaa = matrix(sett.nifo, sett.N);
				sigbb = matrix(sett.nifo, sett.N);

#pragma omp for  
				for (d = 0; d < ROW; ++d){

					for (i = 0; i < 4; i++){
						sgnlo[i] = arr[d][i];
//						sgnlo[i] = mean[i]; 
					sinalt = sin(sgnlo[3]);
					cosalt = cos(sgnlo[3]);
					sindelt = sin(sgnlo[2]);
					cosdelt = cos(sgnlo[2]);

					nSource[0] = cosalt*cosdelt;
					nSource[1] = sinalt*cosdelt;
					nSource[2] = sindelt;

					for (i = 0; i < sett.nifo; ++i){
						modvir(sinalt, cosalt, sindelt, cosdelt, 
					   		sett.N, &ifo[i], &aux_arr, sigaa[i], sigbb[i]);  
// F-statistic in given point

					results = Fstatnet(&sett, sgnlo, nSource, sigaa, sigbb);
//printf("Fstatnet: %le %le %le %le %le %le\n", results[6], results[7], results[8], results[9], results[5], results[4]);

#pragma omp critical
					if(results[5] < results_max[5]){
						for (i = 0; i < 11; i++){
							results_max[i] = results[i];

// Maximum search using simplex algorithm
//						puts("Simplex");

						maximum = amoeba(&sett, &aux_arr, sgnlo, nSource, results, dim, tol, pc2, sigaa, sigbb);
printf("Amoeba: %le %le %le %le %le %le\n", maximum[6], maximum[7], maximum[8], maximum[9], maximum[5], maximum[4]);
// Maximum value in points searching
#pragma omp critical
						if(maximum[5] < results_max[5]){
							for (i = 0; i < 11; i++){
								results_max[i] = maximum[i];

					} //simplex
				} // d - main outside loop
				free_matrix(sigaa, sett.nifo, sett.N);
				free_matrix(sigbb, sett.nifo, sett.N);

} //pragma

				for(g = 0; g < 11; g++) results_first[g] = results_max[g];

// Maximum search using MADS algorithm
  				if(opts.mads_flag) {
//					puts("MADS");
					maximum = MADS(&sett, &aux_arr, results_max, mean, tol, pc2, bins);


//Time test
//				tend = clock();
//				tdiff = (tend - tstart)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
				printf("%le %le %le %le %le %le\n", results_max[6], results_max[7], results_max[8], results_max[9], results_max[5], results_max[4]);

			} // while fread coi
//		}
	} //if coi
	else {
		perror (path);
		return 1;

// Output information
/*	puts("**********************************************************************");
	printf("***	Maximum value of F-statistic for grid is : (-)%.8le	***\n", -results_first[5]);
	printf("Sgnlo: %.8le %.8le %.8le %.8le\n", results_first[6], results_first[7], results_first[8], results_first[9]);
	printf("Amplitudes: %.8le %.8le %.8le %.8le\n", results_first[0], results_first[1], results_first[2], results_first[3]);
	printf("Signal-to-noise ratio: %.8le\n", results_first[4]); 
	printf("Signal-to-noise ratio from estimated amplitudes (for h0 = 1): %.8le\n", results_first[10]);
	printf("***	True maximum is : (-)%.8le				***\n", -maximum[5]);
	printf("Sgnlo for true maximum: %.8le %.8le %.8le %.8le\n", maximum[6], maximum[7], maximum[8], maximum[9]);
	printf("Amplitudes for true maximum: %.8le %.8le %.8le %.8le\n", maximum[0], maximum[1], maximum[2], maximum[3]);
	printf("Signal-to-noise ratio for true maximum: %.8le\n", maximum[4]); 
	printf("Signal-to-noise ratio from estimated amplitudes (for h0 = 1) for true maximum: %.8le\n", maximum[10]);
// Cleanup & memory free 
	free_matrix(arr, ROW, 4);
  	cleanup_followup(&sett, &opts, &s_range, &aux_arr, F);

	return 0;

// Function computes F-statistics in given point
double* Fstatnet(Search_settings *sett, double *sgnlo, double *nSource, double **sigaa, double **sigbb){

	int i = 0, n = 0; 
	double aatemp, bbtemp, aa = 0., bb = 0.;
	complex double exph, xasum, xbsum;
	double **shft; 			// old ifo[i].sig.shft[n]
	complex double **xDatma, **xDatmb;	// old ifo[n].sig.xDatma[i], ifo[n].sig.xDatmb[i]
        shft = matrix(sett->nifo, sett->N);
	xDatma = matrix_complex(sett->nifo, sett->N);
	xDatmb = matrix_complex(sett->nifo, sett->N);		

#ifdef YEPPP
	int VLEN = sett->N;
//Yep64f *x = (Yep64f*)calloc(ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof(Yep64f));
	Yep64f *_sph = (Yep64f*)malloc(sizeof(Yep64f)*VLEN);
	Yep64f *_cph = (Yep64f*)malloc(sizeof(Yep64f)*VLEN);
	Yep64f *phase = (Yep64f*)malloc(sizeof(Yep64f)*VLEN); 
	Yep64f *fstat_out = (Yep64f*)malloc(sizeof(Yep64f)*11); 
	enum YepStatus status;

//From jobcore.c, line 237 
//Loop for each detector 1

	xasum = 0 - I * 0;
	xbsum = 0 - I * 0;
  	for(n=0; n < sett->nifo; ++n) { 

// Calculate detector positions with respect to baricenter
// Copied from jobcore.c, line 248

//shft & phase loop
    		for(i=0; i < sett->N; ++i) {

      			shft[n][i] = nSource[0]*ifo[n].sig.DetSSB[i*3]
		         	+ nSource[1]*ifo[n].sig.DetSSB[i*3+1]
		         	+ nSource[2]*ifo[n].sig.DetSSB[i*3+2];
// Phase modulation function
// Copied from jobcore.c, line 265

			phase[i] = sgnlo[0]*(double)(i + shft[n][i]) 
				+ (sgnlo[1]*i*i) + ((sett->oms 
				+ 2.*sgnlo[1]*i)*shft[n][i]);
		} //shft & phase			

//Sin & Cos calculations using Yeppp!

		status = yepMath_Cos_V64f_V64f(phase, _cph, VLEN);
		assert(status == YepStatusOk);
		status = yepMath_Sin_V64f_V64f(phase, _sph, VLEN);
		assert(status == YepStatusOk);

// Matched filter 
// Copied from jobcore.c, line 276 and 337

		for (i = 0; i < sett->N; ++i){

	      		exph = _cph[i] - I * _sph[i];

	      		xDatma[n][i] = ifo[n].sig.xDat[i]*sigaa[n][i]*exph;
	      		xDatmb[n][i] = ifo[n].sig.xDat[i]*sigbb[n][i]*exph;

	} //End of detector loop 1

//Loop for each detector 2

  	for(n=0; n < sett->nifo; ++n) { 
		aatemp = 0.;
		bbtemp = 0.;
		for(i = 0; i < sett->N; i++){

			aatemp += sqr(sigaa[n][i]);
			bbtemp += sqr(sigbb[n][i]);
		for(i=0; i < sett->N; ++i) {
			xDatma[n][i] /= ifo[n].sig.sig2;
			xDatmb[n][i] /= ifo[n].sig.sig2;

			xasum += xDatma[n][i];
			xbsum += xDatmb[n][i];
		aa += aatemp/ifo[n].sig.sig2; 
		bb += bbtemp/ifo[n].sig.sig2;   

	}// End of detector loop 2

// F - statistic
	fstat_out[5] = - ((( sqr(creal(xasum)) + sqr(cimag(xasum)))/aa)
			+ ((sqr(creal(xbsum)) + sqr(cimag(xbsum)))/bb));

// Amplitude estimates
	fstat_out[0] = 2*creal(xasum)/aa;
	fstat_out[1] = 2*creal(xbsum)/bb;
	fstat_out[2] = -2*cimag(xasum)/aa;
	fstat_out[3] = -2*cimag(xbsum)/bb;

// Signal-to-noise ratio
	fstat_out[4] = sqrt(2*(-fstat_out[5]-2));

	fstat_out[6] = sgnlo[0];
	fstat_out[7] = sgnlo[1];
	fstat_out[8] = sgnlo[2];
	fstat_out[9] = sgnlo[3];

// Signal-to-noise ratio from estimated amplitudes (for h0 = 1)

	fstat_out[10] = sqrt(sqr(2*creal(xasum)) + sqr(2*creal(xbsum)) + sqr(2*cimag(xasum)) + sqr(2*cimag(xbsum))); 	
//printf("Fstatnet: %le %le %le %le %le %le\n", fstat_out[6], fstat_out[7], fstat_out[8], fstat_out[9], fstat_out[5], fstat_out[4]);

	free_matrix(shft, sett->nifo, sett->N);
	free_matrix_complex(xDatma, sett->nifo, sett->N);
	free_matrix_complex(xDatmb, sett->nifo, sett->N);

	return fstat_out;