Error EditorExportPlatformBB10::export_project(const String& p_path, bool p_debug, int p_flags) { EditorProgress ep("export","Exporting for BlackBerry 10",104); String src_template=custom_package; if (src_template=="") { String err; src_template = find_export_template("", &err); if (src_template=="") { EditorNode::add_io_error(err); return ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } } FileAccess *src_f=NULL; zlib_filefunc_def io = zipio_create_io_from_file(&src_f); ep.step("Creating FileSystem for BAR",0); unzFile pkg = unzOpen2(src_template.utf8().get_data(), &io); if (!pkg) { EditorNode::add_io_error("Could not find template zip to export:\n"+src_template); return ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } DirAccessRef da = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM); da->change_dir(EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_settings_path()); if (da->change_dir("tmp")!=OK) { da->make_dir("tmp"); if (da->change_dir("tmp")!=OK) return ERR_CANT_CREATE; } if (da->change_dir("bb10_export")!=OK) { da->make_dir("bb10_export"); if (da->change_dir("bb10_export")!=OK) { return ERR_CANT_CREATE; } } String bar_dir = da->get_current_dir(); if (bar_dir.ends_with("/")) { bar_dir=bar_dir.substr(0,bar_dir.length()-1); } //THIS IS SUPER, SUPER DANGEROUS!!!! //CAREFUL WITH THIS CODE, MIGHT DELETE USERS HARD DRIVE OR HOME DIR //EXTRA CHECKS ARE IN PLACE EVERYWERE TO MAKE SURE NOTHING BAD HAPPENS BUT STILL.... //BE SUPER CAREFUL WITH THIS PLEASE!!! //BLACKBERRY THIS IS YOUR FAULT FOR NOT MAKING A BETTER WAY!! bool berr = bar_dir.ends_with("bb10_export"); if (berr) { if (da->list_dir_begin()) { EditorNode::add_io_error("Can't ensure that dir is empty:\n"+bar_dir); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(berr,FAILED); }; String f = da->get_next(); while (f != "") { if (f == "." || f == "..") { f = da->get_next(); continue; }; Error err = da->remove(bar_dir + "/" + f); if (err != OK) { EditorNode::add_io_error("Can't ensure that dir is empty:\n"+bar_dir); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(err!=OK,err); }; f = da->get_next(); }; da->list_dir_end(); } else { print_line("ARE YOU CRAZY??? THIS IS A SERIOUS BUG HERE!!!"); ERR_FAIL_V(ERR_OMFG_THIS_IS_VERY_VERY_BAD); } ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!pkg, ERR_CANT_OPEN); int ret = unzGoToFirstFile(pkg); while(ret==UNZ_OK) { //get filename unz_file_info info; char fname[16384]; ret = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(pkg,&info,fname,16384,NULL,0,NULL,0); String file=fname; Vector<uint8_t> data; data.resize(info.uncompressed_size); //read unzOpenCurrentFile(pkg); unzReadCurrentFile(pkg,data.ptr(),data.size()); unzCloseCurrentFile(pkg); //write if (file=="bar-descriptor.xml") { _fix_descriptor(data); } if (file=="icon.png") { bool found=false; if (this->icon!="" && this->icon.ends_with(".png")) { FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(this->icon,FileAccess::READ); if (f) { data.resize(f->get_len()); f->get_buffer(data.ptr(),data.size()); memdelete(f); found=true; } } if (!found) { String appicon = GlobalConfig::get_singleton()->get("application/icon"); if (appicon!="" && appicon.ends_with(".png")) { FileAccess*f = FileAccess::open(appicon,FileAccess::READ); if (f) { data.resize(f->get_len()); f->get_buffer(data.ptr(),data.size()); memdelete(f); } } } } if (file.find("/")) { da->make_dir_recursive(file.get_base_dir()); } FileAccessRef wf = FileAccess::open(bar_dir.plus_file(file),FileAccess::WRITE); wf->store_buffer(data.ptr(),data.size()); ret = unzGoToNextFile(pkg); } ep.step("Adding Files..",2); FileAccess* dst = FileAccess::open(bar_dir+"/data.pck", FileAccess::WRITE); if (!dst) { EditorNode::add_io_error("Can't copy executable file to:\n "+p_path); return ERR_FILE_CANT_WRITE; } save_pack(dst, false, 1024); dst->close(); memdelete(dst); ep.step("Creating BAR Package..",104); String bb_packager=EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("blackberry/host_tools"); bb_packager=bb_packager.plus_file("blackberry-nativepackager"); if (OS::get_singleton()->get_name()=="Windows") bb_packager+=".bat"; if (!FileAccess::exists(bb_packager)) { EditorNode::add_io_error("Can't find packager:\n"+bb_packager); return ERR_CANT_OPEN; } List<String> args; args.push_back("-package"); args.push_back(p_path); if (p_debug) { String debug_token=EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get("blackberry/debug_token"); if (!FileAccess::exists(debug_token)) { EditorNode::add_io_error("Debug token not found!"); } else { args.push_back("-debugToken"); args.push_back(debug_token); } args.push_back("-devMode"); args.push_back("-configuration"); args.push_back("Device-Debug"); } else { args.push_back("-configuration"); args.push_back("Device-Release"); } args.push_back(bar_dir.plus_file("bar-descriptor.xml")); int ec; Error err = OS::get_singleton()->execute(bb_packager,args,true,NULL,NULL,&ec); if (err!=OK) return err; if (ec!=0) return ERR_CANT_CREATE; return OK; }
void ExportTemplateManager::_install_from_file(const String &p_file, bool p_use_progress) { FileAccess *fa = NULL; zlib_filefunc_def io = zipio_create_io_from_file(&fa); unzFile pkg = unzOpen2(p_file.utf8().get_data(), &io); if (!pkg) { EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("Can't open export templates zip.")); return; } int ret = unzGoToFirstFile(pkg); int fc = 0; //count them and find version String version; while (ret == UNZ_OK) { unz_file_info info; char fname[16384]; ret = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(pkg, &info, fname, 16384, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); String file = fname; if (file.ends_with("version.txt")) { Vector<uint8_t> data; data.resize(info.uncompressed_size); //read unzOpenCurrentFile(pkg); ret = unzReadCurrentFile(pkg, data.ptrw(), data.size()); unzCloseCurrentFile(pkg); String data_str; data_str.parse_utf8((const char *)data.ptr(), data.size()); data_str = data_str.strip_edges(); // Version number should be of the form major.minor[.patch].status[.module_config] // so it can in theory have 3 or more slices. if (data_str.get_slice_count(".") < 3) { EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(vformat(TTR("Invalid version.txt format inside templates: %s."), data_str)); unzClose(pkg); return; } version = data_str; } fc++; ret = unzGoToNextFile(pkg); } if (version == String()) { EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("No version.txt found inside templates.")); unzClose(pkg); return; } String template_path = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_templates_dir().plus_file(version); DirAccess *d = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM); Error err = d->make_dir_recursive(template_path); if (err != OK) { EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("Error creating path for templates:") + "\n" + template_path); unzClose(pkg); return; } memdelete(d); ret = unzGoToFirstFile(pkg); EditorProgress *p = NULL; if (p_use_progress) { p = memnew(EditorProgress("ltask", TTR("Extracting Export Templates"), fc)); } fc = 0; while (ret == UNZ_OK) { //get filename unz_file_info info; char fname[16384]; unzGetCurrentFileInfo(pkg, &info, fname, 16384, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); String file = String(fname).get_file(); Vector<uint8_t> data; data.resize(info.uncompressed_size); //read unzOpenCurrentFile(pkg); unzReadCurrentFile(pkg, data.ptrw(), data.size()); unzCloseCurrentFile(pkg); if (p) { p->step(TTR("Importing:") + " " + file, fc); } FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(template_path.plus_file(file), FileAccess::WRITE); if (!f) { ret = unzGoToNextFile(pkg); fc++; ERR_CONTINUE(!f); } f->store_buffer(data.ptr(), data.size()); memdelete(f); ret = unzGoToNextFile(pkg); fc++; } if (p) { memdelete(p); } unzClose(pkg); _update_template_list(); }
Error EditorExportPlatformJavaScript::export_project(const String& p_path,bool p_debug,const String& p_password) { String src_template; EditorProgress ep("export","Exporting for javascript",104); String template_path = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_settings_path()+"/templates/"; if (p_debug) { src_template=custom_debug_package!=""?custom_debug_package:template_path+""; } else { src_template=custom_release_package!=""?custom_release_package:template_path+""; } FileAccess *src_f=NULL; zlib_filefunc_def io = zipio_create_io_from_file(&src_f); ep.step("Exporting to HTML5",0); ep.step("Finding Files..",1); FileAccess *f=FileAccess::open(p_path.get_base_dir()+"/data.pck",FileAccess::WRITE); if (!f) { EditorNode::add_io_error("Could not create file for writing:\n"+p_path.basename()+"_files.js"); return ERR_FILE_CANT_WRITE; } Error err = save_pack(f); size_t len = f->get_len(); memdelete(f); if (err) return err; unzFile pkg = unzOpen2(src_template.utf8().get_data(), &io); if (!pkg) { EditorNode::add_io_error("Could not find template HTML5 to export:\n"+src_template); return ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!pkg, ERR_CANT_OPEN); int ret = unzGoToFirstFile(pkg); while(ret==UNZ_OK) { //get filename unz_file_info info; char fname[16384]; ret = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(pkg,&info,fname,16384,NULL,0,NULL,0); String file=fname; Vector<uint8_t> data; data.resize(info.uncompressed_size); //read unzOpenCurrentFile(pkg); unzReadCurrentFile(pkg,data.ptr(),data.size()); unzCloseCurrentFile(pkg); //write if (file=="godot.html") { _fix_html(data,p_path.get_file().basename(),1<<(max_memory+5)); file=p_path.get_file(); } if (file=="filesystem.js") { _fix_files(data,len); file=p_path.get_file().basename()+"_filesystem.js"; } if (file=="godot.js") { //_fix_godot(data); file=p_path.get_file().basename()+".js"; } String dst = p_path.get_base_dir().plus_file(file); FileAccess *f=FileAccess::open(dst,FileAccess::WRITE); if (!f) { EditorNode::add_io_error("Could not create file for writing:\n"+dst); unzClose(pkg); return ERR_FILE_CANT_WRITE; } f->store_buffer(data.ptr(),data.size()); memdelete(f); ret = unzGoToNextFile(pkg); } return OK; }
Error EditorExportPlatformOSX::export_project(const String& p_path, bool p_debug, bool p_dumb) { String src_pkg; EditorProgress ep("export","Exporting for OSX",104); String pkg_path = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_settings_path()+"/templates/"; if (p_debug) { src_pkg=custom_debug_package!=""?custom_debug_package:pkg_path; } else { src_pkg=custom_release_package!=""?custom_release_package:pkg_path; } FileAccess *src_f=NULL; zlib_filefunc_def io = zipio_create_io_from_file(&src_f); ep.step("Creating app",0); unzFile pkg = unzOpen2(src_pkg.utf8().get_data(), &io); if (!pkg) { EditorNode::add_io_error("Could not find template app to export:\n"+src_pkg); return ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!pkg, ERR_CANT_OPEN); int ret = unzGoToFirstFile(pkg); zlib_filefunc_def io2=io; FileAccess *dst_f=NULL; io2.opaque=&dst_f; zipFile dpkg=zipOpen2(p_path.utf8().get_data(),APPEND_STATUS_CREATE,NULL,&io2); String binary_to_use="godot_osx_"+String(p_debug?"debug":"release")+"."+String(use64?"64":"32"); print_line("binary: "+binary_to_use); String pkg_name; if (app_name!="") pkg_name=app_name; else if (String(Globals::get_singleton()->get("application/name"))!="") pkg_name=String(Globals::get_singleton()->get("application/name")); else pkg_name="Unnamed"; while(ret==UNZ_OK) { //get filename unz_file_info info; char fname[16384]; ret = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(pkg,&info,fname,16384,NULL,0,NULL,0); String file=fname; print_line("READ: "+file); Vector<uint8_t> data; data.resize(info.uncompressed_size); //read unzOpenCurrentFile(pkg); unzReadCurrentFile(pkg,data.ptr(),data.size()); unzCloseCurrentFile(pkg); //write file = file.replace_first("",""); if (file=="Contents/Info.plist") { print_line("parse plist"); _fix_plist(data,pkg_name); } if (file.begins_with("Contents/MacOS/godot_")) { if (file!="Contents/MacOS/"+binary_to_use) { ret = unzGoToNextFile(pkg); continue; //ignore! } file="Contents/MacOS/"+pkg_name; } if (file=="Contents/Resources/icon.icns") { //see if there is an icon String iconpath = Globals::get_singleton()->get("application/icon"); print_line("icon? "+iconpath); if (iconpath!="") { Image icon; icon.load(iconpath); if (!icon.empty()) { print_line("loaded?"); _make_icon(icon,data); } } //bleh? } file=pkg_name+".app/"+file; if (data.size()>0) { print_line("ADDING: "+file+" size: "+itos(data.size())); zip_fileinfo fi; fi.tmz_date.tm_hour=info.tmu_date.tm_hour; fi.tmz_date.tm_min=info.tmu_date.tm_min; fi.tmz_date.tm_sec=info.tmu_date.tm_sec; fi.tmz_date.tm_mon=info.tmu_date.tm_mon; fi.tmz_date.tm_mday=info.tmu_date.tm_mday; fi.tmz_date.tm_year=info.tmu_date.tm_year; fi.dosDate=info.dosDate; fi.internal_fa=info.internal_fa; fi.external_fa=info.external_fa; int err = zipOpenNewFileInZip(dpkg, file.utf8().get_data(), &fi, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, Z_DEFLATED, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); print_line("OPEN ERR: "+itos(err)); err = zipWriteInFileInZip(dpkg,data.ptr(),data.size()); print_line("WRITE ERR: "+itos(err)); zipCloseFileInZip(dpkg); } ret = unzGoToNextFile(pkg); } ep.step("Making PKG",1); String pack_path=EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_settings_path()+"/tmp/data.pck"; FileAccess *pfs = FileAccess::open(pack_path,FileAccess::WRITE); Error err = save_pack(pfs); memdelete(pfs); if (err) { zipClose(dpkg,NULL); unzClose(pkg); return err; } { //write datapack int err = zipOpenNewFileInZip(dpkg, (pkg_name+".app/Contents/Resources/data.pck").utf8().get_data(), NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, Z_DEFLATED, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); FileAccess *pf = FileAccess::open(pack_path,FileAccess::READ); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!pf,ERR_CANT_OPEN); const int BSIZE = 16384; uint8_t buf[BSIZE]; while(true) { int r = pf->get_buffer(buf,BSIZE); if (r<=0) break; zipWriteInFileInZip(dpkg,buf,r); } zipCloseFileInZip(dpkg); memdelete(pf); } zipClose(dpkg,NULL); unzClose(pkg); return OK; }
void ok_pressed() { if (!_test_path()) return; String dir; if (mode==MODE_IMPORT) { dir=project_path->get_text(); } else { DirAccess *d = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM); if (d->change_dir(project_path->get_text())!=OK) { error->set_text(TTR("Invalid project path (changed anything?).")); memdelete(d); return; } dir=d->get_current_dir(); memdelete(d); if (mode==MODE_NEW) { FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(dir.plus_file("/engine.cfg"),FileAccess::WRITE); if (!f) { error->set_text(TTR("Couldn't create engine.cfg in project path.")); } else { f->store_line("; Engine configuration file."); f->store_line("; It's best edited using the editor UI and not directly,"); f->store_line("; since the parameters that go here are not all obvious."); f->store_line("; "); f->store_line("; Format: "); f->store_line("; [section] ; section goes between []"); f->store_line("; param=value ; assign values to parameters"); f->store_line("\n"); f->store_line("[application]"); f->store_line("\n"); f->store_line("name=\""+project_name->get_text()+"\""); f->store_line("icon=\"res://icon.png\""); memdelete(f); ResourceSaver::save(dir.plus_file("/icon.png"),get_icon("DefaultProjectIcon","EditorIcons")); } } else if (mode==MODE_INSTALL) { FileAccess *src_f=NULL; zlib_filefunc_def io = zipio_create_io_from_file(&src_f); unzFile pkg = unzOpen2(zip_path.utf8().get_data(), &io); if (!pkg) { dialog_error->set_text("Error opening package file, not in zip format."); return; } int ret = unzGoToFirstFile(pkg); Vector<String> failed_files; int idx=0; while(ret==UNZ_OK) { //get filename unz_file_info info; char fname[16384]; ret = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(pkg,&info,fname,16384,NULL,0,NULL,0); String path=fname; int depth=1; //stuff from github comes with tag bool skip=false; while(depth>0) { int pp = path.find("/"); if (pp==-1) { skip=true; break; } path=path.substr(pp+1,path.length()); depth--; } if (skip || path==String()) { // } else if (path.ends_with("/")) { // a dir path=path.substr(0,path.length()-1); DirAccess *da = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM); da->make_dir(dir.plus_file(path)); memdelete(da); } else { Vector<uint8_t> data; data.resize(info.uncompressed_size); //read unzOpenCurrentFile(pkg); unzReadCurrentFile(pkg,data.ptr(),data.size()); unzCloseCurrentFile(pkg); FileAccess *f=FileAccess::open(dir.plus_file(path),FileAccess::WRITE); if (f) { f->store_buffer(data.ptr(),data.size()); memdelete(f); } else { failed_files.push_back(path); } } idx++; ret = unzGoToNextFile(pkg); } unzClose(pkg); if (failed_files.size()) { String msg=TTR("The following files failed extraction from package:")+"\n\n"; for(int i=0;i<failed_files.size();i++) { if (i>15) { msg+="\nAnd "+itos(failed_files.size()-i)+" more files."; break; } msg+=failed_files[i]+"\n"; } dialog_error->set_text(msg); dialog_error->popup_centered_minsize(); } else { dialog_error->set_text(TTR("Package Installed Successfully!")); dialog_error->popup_centered_minsize(); } } } dir=dir.replace("\\","/"); if (dir.ends_with("/")) dir=dir.substr(0,dir.length()-1); String proj=dir.replace("/","::"); EditorSettings::get_singleton()->set("projects/"+proj,dir); EditorSettings::get_singleton()->save(); hide(); emit_signal("project_created"); }
Error EditorExportPlatformOSX::export_project(const Ref<EditorExportPreset> &p_preset, bool p_debug, const String &p_path, int p_flags) { String src_pkg_name; EditorProgress ep("export", "Exporting for OSX", 3); if (p_debug) src_pkg_name = p_preset->get("custom_package/debug"); else src_pkg_name = p_preset->get("custom_package/release"); if (src_pkg_name == "") { String err; src_pkg_name = find_export_template("", &err); if (src_pkg_name == "") { EditorNode::add_io_error(err); return ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } } FileAccess *src_f = NULL; zlib_filefunc_def io = zipio_create_io_from_file(&src_f); ep.step("Creating app", 0); unzFile src_pkg_zip = unzOpen2(src_pkg_name.utf8().get_data(), &io); if (!src_pkg_zip) { EditorNode::add_io_error("Could not find template app to export:\n" + src_pkg_name); return ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!src_pkg_zip, ERR_CANT_OPEN); int ret = unzGoToFirstFile(src_pkg_zip); String binary_to_use = "godot_osx_" + String(p_debug ? "debug" : "release") + "."; int bits_mode = p_preset->get("application/bits_mode"); binary_to_use += String(bits_mode == 0 ? "fat" : bits_mode == 1 ? "64" : "32"); print_line("binary: " + binary_to_use); String pkg_name; if (p_preset->get("application/name") != "") pkg_name = p_preset->get("application/name"); // app_name else if (String(ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("application/config/name")) != "") pkg_name = String(ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("application/config/name")); else pkg_name = "Unnamed"; Error err = OK; String tmp_app_path_name = ""; zlib_filefunc_def io2 = io; FileAccess *dst_f = NULL; io2.opaque = &dst_f; zipFile dst_pkg_zip = NULL; if (use_dmg()) { // We're on OSX so we can export to DMG, but first we create our application bundle tmp_app_path_name = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_cache_dir().plus_file(pkg_name + ".app"); print_line("Exporting to " + tmp_app_path_name); DirAccess *tmp_app_path = DirAccess::create_for_path(tmp_app_path_name); if (!tmp_app_path) { err = ERR_CANT_CREATE; } // Create our folder structure or rely on unzip? if (err == OK) { print_line("Creating " + tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/MacOS"); err = tmp_app_path->make_dir_recursive(tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/MacOS"); } if (err == OK) { print_line("Creating " + tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/Resources"); err = tmp_app_path->make_dir_recursive(tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/Resources"); } } else { // Open our destination zip file dst_pkg_zip = zipOpen2(p_path.utf8().get_data(), APPEND_STATUS_CREATE, NULL, &io2); if (!dst_pkg_zip) { err = ERR_CANT_CREATE; } } // Now process our template bool found_binary = false; int total_size = 0; while (ret == UNZ_OK && err == OK) { bool is_execute = false; //get filename unz_file_info info; char fname[16384]; ret = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(src_pkg_zip, &info, fname, 16384, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); String file = fname; print_line("READ: " + file); Vector<uint8_t> data; data.resize(info.uncompressed_size); //read unzOpenCurrentFile(src_pkg_zip); unzReadCurrentFile(src_pkg_zip, data.ptr(), data.size()); unzCloseCurrentFile(src_pkg_zip); //write file = file.replace_first("", ""); if (file == "Contents/Info.plist") { print_line("parse plist"); _fix_plist(p_preset, data, pkg_name); } if (file.begins_with("Contents/MacOS/godot_")) { if (file != "Contents/MacOS/" + binary_to_use) { ret = unzGoToNextFile(src_pkg_zip); continue; //ignore! } found_binary = true; is_execute = true; file = "Contents/MacOS/" + pkg_name; } if (file == "Contents/Resources/icon.icns") { //see if there is an icon String iconpath; if (p_preset->get("application/icon") != "") iconpath = p_preset->get("application/icon"); else iconpath = ProjectSettings::get_singleton()->get("application/config/icon"); print_line("icon? " + iconpath); if (iconpath != "") { Ref<Image> icon; icon.instance(); icon->load(iconpath); if (!icon->empty()) { print_line("loaded?"); _make_icon(icon, data); } } //bleh? } if (data.size() > 0) { print_line("ADDING: " + file + " size: " + itos(data.size())); total_size += data.size(); if (use_dmg()) { // write it into our application bundle file = tmp_app_path_name + "/" + file; // write the file, need to add chmod FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(file, FileAccess::WRITE); if (f) { f->store_buffer(data.ptr(), data.size()); f->close(); if (is_execute) { // Chmod with 0755 if the file is executable f->_chmod(file, 0755); } memdelete(f); } else { err = ERR_CANT_CREATE; } } else { // add it to our zip file file = pkg_name + ".app/" + file; zip_fileinfo fi; fi.tmz_date.tm_hour = info.tmu_date.tm_hour; fi.tmz_date.tm_min = info.tmu_date.tm_min; fi.tmz_date.tm_sec = info.tmu_date.tm_sec; fi.tmz_date.tm_mon = info.tmu_date.tm_mon; fi.tmz_date.tm_mday = info.tmu_date.tm_mday; fi.tmz_date.tm_year = info.tmu_date.tm_year; fi.dosDate = info.dosDate; fi.internal_fa = info.internal_fa; fi.external_fa = info.external_fa; int zerr = zipOpenNewFileInZip(dst_pkg_zip, file.utf8().get_data(), &fi, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, Z_DEFLATED, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); print_line("OPEN ERR: " + itos(zerr)); zerr = zipWriteInFileInZip(dst_pkg_zip, data.ptr(), data.size()); print_line("WRITE ERR: " + itos(zerr)); zipCloseFileInZip(dst_pkg_zip); } } ret = unzGoToNextFile(src_pkg_zip); } // we're done with our source zip unzClose(src_pkg_zip); if (!found_binary) { ERR_PRINTS("Requested template binary '" + binary_to_use + "' not found. It might be missing from your template archive."); err = ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } if (err == OK) { ep.step("Making PKG", 1); if (use_dmg()) { String pack_path = tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/Resources/" + pkg_name + ".pck"; err = save_pack(p_preset, pack_path); // see if we can code sign our new package String identity = p_preset->get("codesign/identity"); if (err == OK && identity != "") { ep.step("Code signing bundle", 2); // the order in which we code sign is important, this is a bit of a shame or we could do this in our loop that extracts the files from our ZIP // start with our application err = _code_sign(p_preset, tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/MacOS/" + pkg_name); ///@TODO we should check the contents of /Contents/Frameworks for frameworks to sign } if (err == OK && identity != "") { // we should probably loop through all resources and sign them? err = _code_sign(p_preset, tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/Resources/icon.icns"); } if (err == OK && identity != "") { err = _code_sign(p_preset, pack_path); } if (err == OK && identity != "") { err = _code_sign(p_preset, tmp_app_path_name + "/Contents/Info.plist"); } // and finally create a DMG if (err == OK) { ep.step("Making DMG", 3); err = _create_dmg(p_path, pkg_name, tmp_app_path_name); } // Clean up temporary .app dir OS::get_singleton()->move_to_trash(tmp_app_path_name); } else { String pack_path = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_cache_dir().plus_file(pkg_name + ".pck"); Error err = save_pack(p_preset, pack_path); if (err == OK) { zipOpenNewFileInZip(dst_pkg_zip, (pkg_name + ".app/Contents/Resources/" + pkg_name + ".pck").utf8().get_data(), NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, Z_DEFLATED, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); FileAccess *pf = FileAccess::open(pack_path, FileAccess::READ); if (pf) { const int BSIZE = 16384; uint8_t buf[BSIZE]; while (true) { int r = pf->get_buffer(buf, BSIZE); if (r <= 0) break; zipWriteInFileInZip(dst_pkg_zip, buf, r); } zipCloseFileInZip(dst_pkg_zip); memdelete(pf); } else { err = ERR_CANT_OPEN; } } } } if (dst_pkg_zip) { zipClose(dst_pkg_zip, NULL); } return OK; }
void ExportTemplateManager::_install_from_file(const String &p_file) { FileAccess *fa = NULL; zlib_filefunc_def io = zipio_create_io_from_file(&fa); unzFile pkg = unzOpen2(p_file.utf8().get_data(), &io); if (!pkg) { EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("Can't open export templates zip.")); return; } int ret = unzGoToFirstFile(pkg); int fc = 0; //count them and find version String version; while (ret == UNZ_OK) { unz_file_info info; char fname[16384]; ret = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(pkg, &info, fname, 16384, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); String file = fname; if (file.ends_with("version.txt")) { Vector<uint8_t> data; data.resize(info.uncompressed_size); //read unzOpenCurrentFile(pkg); ret = unzReadCurrentFile(pkg, data.ptr(), data.size()); unzCloseCurrentFile(pkg); String data_str; data_str.parse_utf8((const char *)data.ptr(), data.size()); data_str = data_str.strip_edges(); if (data_str.get_slice_count("-") != 2 || data_str.get_slice_count(".") != 2) { EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("Invalid version.txt format inside templates.")); unzClose(pkg); return; } String ver = data_str.get_slice("-", 0); int major = ver.get_slice(".", 0).to_int(); int minor = ver.get_slice(".", 1).to_int(); String rev = data_str.get_slice("-", 1); if (!rev.is_valid_identifier()) { EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("Invalid version.txt format inside templates. Revision is not a valid identifier.")); unzClose(pkg); return; } version = itos(major) + "." + itos(minor) + "-" + rev; } fc++; ret = unzGoToNextFile(pkg); } if (version == String()) { EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("No version.txt found inside templates.")); unzClose(pkg); return; } String template_path = EditorSettings::get_singleton()->get_templates_dir().plus_file(version); DirAccess *d = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_FILESYSTEM); Error err = d->make_dir_recursive(template_path); if (err != OK) { EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(TTR("Error creating path for templates:\n") + template_path); unzClose(pkg); return; } memdelete(d); ret = unzGoToFirstFile(pkg); EditorProgress p("ltask", TTR("Extracting Export Templates"), fc); fc = 0; while (ret == UNZ_OK) { //get filename unz_file_info info; char fname[16384]; unzGetCurrentFileInfo(pkg, &info, fname, 16384, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); String file = fname; Vector<uint8_t> data; data.resize(info.uncompressed_size); //read unzOpenCurrentFile(pkg); unzReadCurrentFile(pkg, data.ptr(), data.size()); unzCloseCurrentFile(pkg); print_line(fname); /* for(int i=0;i<512;i++) { print_line(itos(data[i])); } */ file = file.get_file(); p.step(TTR("Importing:") + " " + file, fc); FileAccess *f = FileAccess::open(template_path.plus_file(file), FileAccess::WRITE); ERR_CONTINUE(!f); f->store_buffer(data.ptr(), data.size()); memdelete(f); ret = unzGoToNextFile(pkg); fc++; } unzClose(pkg); _update_template_list(); }
void EditorAssetInstaller::open(const String& p_path,int p_depth) { package_path=p_path; Set<String> files_sorted; FileAccess *src_f=NULL; zlib_filefunc_def io = zipio_create_io_from_file(&src_f); unzFile pkg = unzOpen2(p_path.utf8().get_data(), &io); if (!pkg) { error->set_text("Error opening package file, not in zip format."); return; } int ret = unzGoToFirstFile(pkg); while(ret==UNZ_OK) { //get filename unz_file_info info; char fname[16384]; ret = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(pkg,&info,fname,16384,NULL,0,NULL,0); String name=fname; files_sorted.insert(name); ret = unzGoToNextFile(pkg); } Map<String,Ref<Texture> > extension_guess; { extension_guess["png"]=get_icon("Texture","EditorIcons"); extension_guess["jpg"]=get_icon("Texture","EditorIcons"); extension_guess["tex"]=get_icon("Texture","EditorIcons"); extension_guess["atex"]=get_icon("Texture","EditorIcons"); extension_guess["dds"]=get_icon("Texture","EditorIcons"); extension_guess["scn"]=get_icon("PackedScene","EditorIcons"); extension_guess["tscn"]=get_icon("PackedScene","EditorIcons"); extension_guess["xml"]=get_icon("PackedScene","EditorIcons"); extension_guess["xscn"]=get_icon("PackedScene","EditorIcons"); extension_guess["mtl"]=get_icon("Material","EditorIcons"); extension_guess["shd"]=get_icon("Shader","EditorIcons"); extension_guess["gd"]=get_icon("GDScript","EditorIcons"); } Ref<Texture> generic_extension = get_icon("Object","EditorIcons"); unzClose(pkg); updating=true; tree->clear(); TreeItem *root=tree->create_item(); root->set_cell_mode(0,TreeItem::CELL_MODE_CHECK); root->set_checked(0,true); root->set_icon(0,get_icon("folder","FileDialog")); root->set_text(0,"res://"); root->set_editable(0,true); Map<String,TreeItem*> dir_map; for(Set<String>::Element *E=files_sorted.front();E;E=E->next()) { String path = E->get(); int depth=p_depth; bool skip=false; while(depth>0) { int pp = path.find("/"); if (pp==-1) { skip=true; break; } path=path.substr(pp+1,path.length()); depth--; } if (skip || path==String()) continue; bool isdir=false; if (path.ends_with("/")) { //a directory path=path.substr(0,path.length()-1); isdir=true; } int pp = path.find_last("/"); TreeItem *parent; if (pp==-1) { parent=root; } else { String ppath=path.substr(0,pp); print_line("PPATH IS: "+ppath); ERR_CONTINUE(!dir_map.has(ppath)); parent=dir_map[ppath]; } TreeItem *ti = tree->create_item(parent); ti->set_cell_mode(0,TreeItem::CELL_MODE_CHECK); ti->set_checked(0,true); ti->set_editable(0,true); if (isdir) { dir_map[path]=ti; ti->set_text(0,path.get_file()+"/"); ti->set_icon(0,get_icon("folder","FileDialog")); } else { String file = path.get_file(); String extension = file.extension().to_lower(); if (extension_guess.has(extension)) { ti->set_icon(0,extension_guess[extension]); } else { ti->set_icon(0,generic_extension); } ti->set_text(0,file); String res_path = "res://"+path; if (FileAccess::exists(res_path)) { ti->set_custom_color(0,Color(1,0.3,0.2)); ti->set_tooltip(0,res_path+" (Already Exists)"); ti->set_checked(0,false); } else { ti->set_tooltip(0,res_path); } ti->set_metadata(0,res_path); } status_map[E->get()]=ti; } popup_centered_ratio(); updating=false; }
void EditorAssetInstaller::ok_pressed() { FileAccess *src_f=NULL; zlib_filefunc_def io = zipio_create_io_from_file(&src_f); unzFile pkg = unzOpen2(package_path.utf8().get_data(), &io); if (!pkg) { error->set_text("Error opening package file, not in zip format."); return; } int ret = unzGoToFirstFile(pkg); Vector<String> failed_files; ProgressDialog::get_singleton()->add_task("uncompress","Uncompressing Assets",status_map.size()); int idx=0; while(ret==UNZ_OK) { //get filename unz_file_info info; char fname[16384]; ret = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(pkg,&info,fname,16384,NULL,0,NULL,0); String name=fname; if (status_map.has(name) && status_map[name]->is_checked(0)) { String path = status_map[name]->get_metadata(0); if (path==String()) { // a dir String dirpath; TreeItem *t = status_map[name]; while(t) { dirpath=t->get_text(0)+dirpath; t=t->get_parent(); } if (dirpath.ends_with("/")) { dirpath=dirpath.substr(0,dirpath.length()-1); } DirAccess *da = DirAccess::create(DirAccess::ACCESS_RESOURCES); da->make_dir(dirpath); memdelete(da); } else { Vector<uint8_t> data; data.resize(info.uncompressed_size); //read unzOpenCurrentFile(pkg); unzReadCurrentFile(pkg,data.ptr(),data.size()); unzCloseCurrentFile(pkg); FileAccess *f=FileAccess::open(path,FileAccess::WRITE); if (f) { f->store_buffer(data.ptr(),data.size()); memdelete(f); } else { failed_files.push_back(path); } ProgressDialog::get_singleton()->task_step("uncompress",path,idx); } } idx++; ret = unzGoToNextFile(pkg); } ProgressDialog::get_singleton()->end_task("uncompress"); unzClose(pkg); if (failed_files.size()) { String msg="The following files failed extraction from package:\n\n"; for(int i=0;i<failed_files.size();i++) { if (i>15) { msg+="\nAnd "+itos(failed_files.size()-i)+" more files."; break; } msg+=failed_files[i]; } if (EditorNode::get_singleton() != NULL) EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning(msg); } else { if (EditorNode::get_singleton() != NULL) EditorNode::get_singleton()->show_warning("Package Installed Successfully!","Success!"); } }