void zcert_apply (zcert_t *self, void *zocket) { assert (self); #if (ZMQ_VERSION_MAJOR == 4) if (zsys_has_curve ()) { zsocket_set_curve_secretkey_bin (zocket, self->secret_key); zsocket_set_curve_publickey_bin (zocket, self->public_key); } #endif }
void MessageProcessor::init(int port, zcert_t* transportKey) { if (port == 0) { OT_FAIL; } if (!zsys_has_curve()) { Log::vError("Error: libzmq has no libsodium support"); OT_FAIL; } zstr_sendx(zmqAuth_, "CURVE", CURVE_ALLOW_ANY, NULL); zsock_wait(zmqAuth_); zsock_set_zap_domain(zmqSocket_, "global"); zsock_set_curve_server(zmqSocket_, 1); zcert_apply(transportKey, zmqSocket_); zsock_bind(zmqSocket_, "tcp://*:%d", port); }
zcert_t * zcert_new (void) { byte public_key [32] = { 0 }; byte secret_key [32] = { 0 }; #if (ZMQ_VERSION_MAJOR == 4) if (zsys_has_curve ()) { char public_txt [41]; char secret_txt [41]; int rc = zmq_curve_keypair (public_txt, secret_txt); if (rc != 0) return NULL; zmq_z85_decode (public_key, public_txt); zmq_z85_decode (secret_key, secret_txt); } #endif return zcert_new_from (public_key, secret_key); }
void zauth_test (bool verbose) { printf (" * zauth: "); #if (ZMQ_VERSION_MAJOR == 4) if (verbose) printf ("\n"); // @selftest // Create temporary directory for test files # define TESTDIR ".test_zauth" zsys_dir_create (TESTDIR); // Check there's no authentication zsock_t *server = zsock_new (ZMQ_PUSH); assert (server); zsock_t *client = zsock_new (ZMQ_PULL); assert (client); bool success = s_can_connect (&server, &client); assert (success); // Install the authenticator zactor_t *auth = zactor_new (zauth, NULL); assert (auth); if (verbose) { zstr_sendx (auth, "VERBOSE", NULL); zsock_wait (auth); } // Check there's no authentication on a default NULL server success = s_can_connect (&server, &client); assert (success); // When we set a domain on the server, we switch on authentication // for NULL sockets, but with no policies, the client connection // will be allowed. zsock_set_zap_domain (server, "global"); success = s_can_connect (&server, &client); assert (success); // Blacklist, connection should fail zsock_set_zap_domain (server, "global"); zstr_sendx (auth, "DENY", "", NULL); zsock_wait (auth); success = s_can_connect (&server, &client); assert (!success); // Whitelist our address, which overrides the blacklist zsock_set_zap_domain (server, "global"); zstr_sendx (auth, "ALLOW", "", NULL); zsock_wait (auth); success = s_can_connect (&server, &client); assert (success); // Try PLAIN authentication zsock_set_plain_server (server, 1); zsock_set_plain_username (client, "admin"); zsock_set_plain_password (client, "Password"); success = s_can_connect (&server, &client); assert (!success); FILE *password = fopen (TESTDIR "/password-file", "w"); assert (password); fprintf (password, "admin=Password\n"); fclose (password); zsock_set_plain_server (server, 1); zsock_set_plain_username (client, "admin"); zsock_set_plain_password (client, "Password"); zstr_sendx (auth, "PLAIN", TESTDIR "/password-file", NULL); zsock_wait (auth); success = s_can_connect (&server, &client); assert (success); zsock_set_plain_server (server, 1); zsock_set_plain_username (client, "admin"); zsock_set_plain_password (client, "Bogus"); success = s_can_connect (&server, &client); assert (!success); if (zsys_has_curve ()) { // Try CURVE authentication // We'll create two new certificates and save the client public // certificate on disk; in a real case we'd transfer this securely // from the client machine to the server machine. zcert_t *server_cert = zcert_new (); assert (server_cert); zcert_t *client_cert = zcert_new (); assert (client_cert); char *server_key = zcert_public_txt (server_cert); // Test without setting-up any authentication zcert_apply (server_cert, server); zcert_apply (client_cert, client); zsock_set_curve_server (server, 1); zsock_set_curve_serverkey (client, server_key); success = s_can_connect (&server, &client); assert (!success); // Test CURVE_ALLOW_ANY zcert_apply (server_cert, server); zcert_apply (client_cert, client); zsock_set_curve_server (server, 1); zsock_set_curve_serverkey (client, server_key); zstr_sendx (auth, "CURVE", CURVE_ALLOW_ANY, NULL); zsock_wait (auth); success = s_can_connect (&server, &client); assert (success); // Test full client authentication using certificates zcert_apply (server_cert, server); zcert_apply (client_cert, client); zsock_set_curve_server (server, 1); zsock_set_curve_serverkey (client, server_key); zcert_save_public (client_cert, TESTDIR "/mycert.txt"); zstr_sendx (auth, "CURVE", TESTDIR, NULL); zsock_wait (auth); success = s_can_connect (&server, &client); assert (success); zcert_destroy (&server_cert); zcert_destroy (&client_cert); } // Remove the authenticator and check a normal connection works zactor_destroy (&auth); success = s_can_connect (&server, &client); assert (success); zsock_destroy (&client); zsock_destroy (&server); // Delete all test files zdir_t *dir = zdir_new (TESTDIR, NULL); assert (dir); zdir_remove (dir, true); zdir_destroy (&dir); // @end #endif printf ("OK\n"); }
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_org_zeromq_czmq_Zsys__1_1hasCurve (JNIEnv *env, jclass c) { jboolean has_curve_ = (jboolean) zsys_has_curve (); return has_curve_; }
void ZeroMQEngine::Initialize(const string endPoint, const string instanceName, const string instanceID) { zcert_t* localCertificate = nullptr; // Handle common security initialization for server and client instances if (SecurityEnabled()) { if (!zsys_has_curve()) throw runtime_error("Failed to locate needed curve security libraries, cannot initialize ZeroMQ security"); string localCertDirectory = CURVECERTLOCALDIR "/"; string publicCertFileName; string privateCertFileName; // Make sure certificate store directories exist if (zsys_dir_create(CURVECERTLOCALDIR) != 0) throw runtime_error("Failed to create local curve security store, cannot initialize ZeroMQ security"); if (zsys_dir_create(CURVECERTREMOTEDIR) != 0) throw runtime_error("Failed to create remote curve security store, cannot initialize ZeroMQ security"); // Derive certificate file names based on engine mode if (ServerMode()) { publicCertFileName = localCertDirectory + SVRPUBCERTFILENAME; privateCertFileName = localCertDirectory + SVRPVTCERTFILENAME; } else { publicCertFileName = localCertDirectory + instanceName + PUBCERTFILENAMEEXT; privateCertFileName = localCertDirectory + instanceName + PVTCERTFILENAMEEXT; } // See if private certificate already exists if (zsys_file_exists(privateCertFileName.c_str())) { // Load existing local certificate localCertificate = zcert_load(privateCertFileName.c_str()); if (localCertificate == nullptr) throw runtime_error("Failed to load local curve certificate, cannot initialize ZeroMQ security"); } else { // Create a new full certificate (public + private) localCertificate = zcert_new(); if (localCertificate == nullptr) throw runtime_error("Failed to create local curve certificate, cannot initialize ZeroMQ security"); zcert_set_meta(localCertificate, "name", instanceName.c_str()); zcert_set_meta(localCertificate, "id", instanceID.c_str()); zcert_set_meta(localCertificate, "type", ServerMode() ? "server" : "client"); // Persist certificates for future runs if (zcert_save_public(localCertificate, publicCertFileName.c_str()) != 0) throw runtime_error("Failed to save local curve public certificate, cannot initialize ZeroMQ security"); if (zcert_save_secret(localCertificate, privateCertFileName.c_str()) != 0) throw runtime_error("Failed to save local curve private certificate, cannot initialize ZeroMQ security"); } } // Create new ZeroMQ engine instance if (ServerMode()) m_instance = new ZeroMQServer(m_bufferReceivedCallback, SecurityEnabled(), InactiveClientTimeout(), VerboseOutput(), ConnectionID(), localCertificate); else m_instance = new ZeroMQClient(m_bufferReceivedCallback, SecurityEnabled(), InactiveClientTimeout(), VerboseOutput(), ConnectionID(), localCertificate); m_instance->Initialize(endPoint, instanceName, instanceID); log_info("\nEstablished ZeroMQ socket [%s]\n", ConnectionID().ToString().c_str()); }
/// // Returns true if the underlying libzmq supports CURVE security. // Uses a heuristic probe according to the version of libzmq being used. bool QmlZsysAttached::hasCurve () { return zsys_has_curve (); };
void zgossip_test (bool verbose) { printf (" * zgossip: "); if (verbose) printf ("\n"); // @selftest // Test basic client-to-server operation of the protocol zactor_t *server = zactor_new (zgossip, "server"); assert (server); if (verbose) zstr_send (server, "VERBOSE"); zstr_sendx (server, "BIND", "inproc://zgossip", NULL); zsock_t *client = zsock_new (ZMQ_DEALER); assert (client); zsock_set_rcvtimeo (client, 2000); int rc = zsock_connect (client, "inproc://zgossip"); assert (rc == 0); // Send HELLO, which gets no message zgossip_msg_t *message = zgossip_msg_new (); zgossip_msg_set_id (message, ZGOSSIP_MSG_HELLO); zgossip_msg_send (message, client); // Send PING, expect PONG back zgossip_msg_set_id (message, ZGOSSIP_MSG_PING); zgossip_msg_send (message, client); zgossip_msg_recv (message, client); assert (zgossip_msg_id (message) == ZGOSSIP_MSG_PONG); zgossip_msg_destroy (&message); zactor_destroy (&server); zsock_destroy (&client); // Test peer-to-peer operations zactor_t *base = zactor_new (zgossip, "base"); assert (base); if (verbose) zstr_send (base, "VERBOSE"); // Set a 100msec timeout on clients so we can test expiry zstr_sendx (base, "SET", "server/timeout", "100", NULL); zstr_sendx (base, "BIND", "inproc://base", NULL); zactor_t *alpha = zactor_new (zgossip, "alpha"); assert (alpha); zstr_sendx (alpha, "CONNECT", "inproc://base", NULL); zstr_sendx (alpha, "PUBLISH", "inproc://alpha-1", "service1", NULL); zstr_sendx (alpha, "PUBLISH", "inproc://alpha-2", "service2", NULL); zactor_t *beta = zactor_new (zgossip, "beta"); assert (beta); zstr_sendx (beta, "CONNECT", "inproc://base", NULL); zstr_sendx (beta, "PUBLISH", "inproc://beta-1", "service1", NULL); zstr_sendx (beta, "PUBLISH", "inproc://beta-2", "service2", NULL); // got nothing zclock_sleep (200); zstr_send (alpha, "STATUS"); char *command, *status, *key, *value; zstr_recvx (alpha, &command, &key, &value, NULL); assert (streq (command, "DELIVER")); assert (streq (key, "inproc://alpha-1")); assert (streq (value, "service1")); zstr_free (&command); zstr_free (&key); zstr_free (&value); zstr_recvx (alpha, &command, &key, &value, NULL); assert (streq (command, "DELIVER")); assert (streq (key, "inproc://alpha-2")); assert (streq (value, "service2")); zstr_free (&command); zstr_free (&key); zstr_free (&value); zstr_recvx (alpha, &command, &key, &value, NULL); assert (streq (command, "DELIVER")); assert (streq (key, "inproc://beta-1")); assert (streq (value, "service1")); zstr_free (&command); zstr_free (&key); zstr_free (&value); zstr_recvx (alpha, &command, &key, &value, NULL); assert (streq (command, "DELIVER")); assert (streq (key, "inproc://beta-2")); assert (streq (value, "service2")); zstr_free (&command); zstr_free (&key); zstr_free (&value); zstr_recvx (alpha, &command, &status, NULL); assert (streq (command, "STATUS")); assert (atoi (status) == 4); zstr_free (&command); zstr_free (&status); zactor_destroy (&base); zactor_destroy (&alpha); zactor_destroy (&beta); #ifdef CZMQ_BUILD_DRAFT_API // DRAFT-API: Security // curve if (zsys_has_curve()) { if (verbose) printf("testing CURVE support"); zclock_sleep (2000); zactor_t *auth = zactor_new(zauth, NULL); assert (auth); if (verbose) { zstr_sendx (auth, "VERBOSE", NULL); zsock_wait (auth); } zstr_sendx(auth,"ALLOW","",NULL); zsock_wait(auth); zstr_sendx (auth, "CURVE", CURVE_ALLOW_ANY, NULL); zsock_wait (auth); server = zactor_new (zgossip, "server"); if (verbose) zstr_send (server, "VERBOSE"); assert (server); zcert_t *client1_cert = zcert_new (); zcert_t *server_cert = zcert_new (); zstr_sendx (server, "SET PUBLICKEY", zcert_public_txt (server_cert), NULL); zstr_sendx (server, "SET SECRETKEY", zcert_secret_txt (server_cert), NULL); zstr_sendx (server, "ZAP DOMAIN", "TEST", NULL); zstr_sendx (server, "BIND", "tcp://*", NULL); zstr_sendx (server, "PORT", NULL); zstr_recvx (server, &command, &value, NULL); assert (streq (command, "PORT")); int port = atoi (value); zstr_free (&command); zstr_free (&value); char endpoint [32]; sprintf (endpoint, "tcp://", port); zactor_t *client1 = zactor_new (zgossip, "client"); if (verbose) zstr_send (client1, "VERBOSE"); assert (client1); zstr_sendx (client1, "SET PUBLICKEY", zcert_public_txt (client1_cert), NULL); zstr_sendx (client1, "SET SECRETKEY", zcert_secret_txt (client1_cert), NULL); zstr_sendx (client1, "ZAP DOMAIN", "TEST", NULL); const char *public_txt = zcert_public_txt (server_cert); zstr_sendx (client1, "CONNECT", endpoint, public_txt, NULL); zstr_sendx (client1, "PUBLISH", "tcp://", "service1", NULL); zclock_sleep (500); zstr_send (server, "STATUS"); zclock_sleep (500); zstr_recvx (server, &command, &key, &value, NULL); assert (streq (command, "DELIVER")); assert (streq (value, "service1")); zstr_free (&command); zstr_free (&key); zstr_free (&value); zstr_sendx (client1, "$TERM", NULL); zstr_sendx (server, "$TERM", NULL); zclock_sleep(500); zcert_destroy (&client1_cert); zcert_destroy (&server_cert); zactor_destroy (&client1); zactor_destroy (&server); zactor_destroy (&auth); } #endif #if defined (__WINDOWS__) zsys_shutdown(); #endif // @end printf ("OK\n"); }
// Authentication test procedure for zproxy sockets - matches zauth_test steps static void zproxy_test_authentication (int selected_sockets, bool verbose) { # define TESTDIR ".test_zproxy" # define TESTPWDS TESTDIR "/password-file" # define TESTCERT TESTDIR "/mycert.txt" # define TESTFRONTEND (selected_sockets & FRONTEND_SOCKET) # define TESTBACKEND (selected_sockets & BACKEND_SOCKET) // Demarcate test boundaries zsys_info ("zproxy: TEST authentication type=%s%s%s", TESTFRONTEND? "FRONTEND": "", TESTFRONTEND && TESTBACKEND? "+": "", TESTBACKEND? "BACKEND": ""); // Create temporary directory for test files zsys_dir_create (TESTDIR); // Clear out any test files from previous run if (zsys_file_exists (TESTPWDS)) zsys_file_delete (TESTPWDS); if (zsys_file_exists (TESTCERT)) zsys_file_delete (TESTCERT); zactor_t *proxy = NULL; zsock_t *faucet = NULL; zsock_t *sink = NULL; char *frontend = NULL; char *backend = NULL; // Check there's no authentication s_create_test_sockets (&proxy, &faucet, &sink, verbose); s_bind_proxy_sockets (proxy, &frontend, &backend); bool success = s_can_connect (&proxy, &faucet, &sink, frontend, backend, verbose); assert (success); // Install the authenticator zactor_t *auth = zactor_new (zauth, NULL); assert (auth); if (verbose) { zstr_sendx (auth, "VERBOSE", NULL); zsock_wait (auth); } // Check there's no authentication on a default NULL server s_bind_proxy_sockets (proxy, &frontend, &backend); success = s_can_connect (&proxy, &faucet, &sink, frontend, backend, verbose); assert (success); // When we set a domain on the server, we switch on authentication // for NULL sockets, but with no policies, the client connection // will be allowed. s_send_proxy_command (proxy, "DOMAIN", selected_sockets, "global", NULL); s_bind_proxy_sockets (proxy, &frontend, &backend); success = s_can_connect (&proxy, &faucet, &sink, frontend, backend, verbose); assert (success); // Blacklist, connection should fail s_send_proxy_command (proxy, "DOMAIN", selected_sockets, "global", NULL); s_bind_proxy_sockets (proxy, &frontend, &backend); zstr_sendx (auth, "DENY", "", NULL); zsock_wait (auth); success = s_can_connect (&proxy, &faucet, &sink, frontend, backend, verbose); assert (!success); // Whitelist our address, which overrides the blacklist s_send_proxy_command (proxy, "DOMAIN", selected_sockets, "global", NULL); s_bind_proxy_sockets (proxy, &frontend, &backend); zstr_sendx (auth, "ALLOW", "", NULL); zsock_wait (auth); success = s_can_connect (&proxy, &faucet, &sink, frontend, backend, verbose); assert (success); // Try PLAIN authentication // Test negative case (no server-side passwords defined) s_send_proxy_command (proxy, "PLAIN", selected_sockets, NULL); s_bind_proxy_sockets (proxy, &frontend, &backend); s_configure_plain_auth (faucet, sink, selected_sockets, "admin", "Password"); success = s_can_connect (&proxy, &faucet, &sink, frontend, backend, verbose); assert (!success); // Test positive case (server-side passwords defined) FILE *password = fopen (TESTPWDS, "w"); assert (password); fprintf (password, "admin=Password\n"); fclose (password); s_send_proxy_command (proxy, "PLAIN", selected_sockets, NULL); s_bind_proxy_sockets (proxy, &frontend, &backend); s_configure_plain_auth (faucet, sink, selected_sockets, "admin", "Password"); zstr_sendx (auth, "PLAIN", TESTPWDS, NULL); zsock_wait (auth); success = s_can_connect (&proxy, &faucet, &sink, frontend, backend, verbose); assert (success); // Test negative case (bad client password) s_send_proxy_command (proxy, "PLAIN", selected_sockets, NULL); s_bind_proxy_sockets (proxy, &frontend, &backend); s_configure_plain_auth (faucet, sink, selected_sockets, "admin", "Bogus"); success = s_can_connect (&proxy, &faucet, &sink, frontend, backend, verbose); assert (!success); if (zsys_has_curve ()) { // We'll create two new certificates and save the client public // certificate on disk zcert_t *server_cert = zcert_new (); assert (server_cert); zcert_t *client_cert = zcert_new (); assert (client_cert); char *public_key = zcert_public_txt (server_cert); char *secret_key = zcert_secret_txt (server_cert); // Try CURVE authentication // Test without setting-up any authentication s_send_proxy_command (proxy, "CURVE", selected_sockets, public_key, secret_key, NULL); s_bind_proxy_sockets (proxy, &frontend, &backend); s_configure_curve_auth (faucet, sink, selected_sockets, client_cert, public_key); success = s_can_connect (&proxy, &faucet, &sink, frontend, backend, verbose); assert (!success); // Test CURVE_ALLOW_ANY s_send_proxy_command (proxy, "CURVE", selected_sockets, public_key, secret_key, NULL); s_bind_proxy_sockets (proxy, &frontend, &backend); s_configure_curve_auth (faucet, sink, selected_sockets, client_cert, public_key); zstr_sendx (auth, "CURVE", CURVE_ALLOW_ANY, NULL); zsock_wait (auth); success = s_can_connect (&proxy, &faucet, &sink, frontend, backend, verbose); assert (success); // Test with client certificate file in authentication folder s_send_proxy_command (proxy, "CURVE", selected_sockets, public_key, secret_key, NULL); s_bind_proxy_sockets (proxy, &frontend, &backend); s_configure_curve_auth (faucet, sink, selected_sockets, client_cert, public_key); zcert_save_public (client_cert, TESTCERT); zstr_sendx (auth, "CURVE", TESTDIR, NULL); zsock_wait (auth); success = s_can_connect (&proxy, &faucet, &sink, frontend, backend, verbose); assert (success); zcert_destroy (&server_cert); zcert_destroy (&client_cert); } // Remove the authenticator and check a normal connection works zactor_destroy (&auth); s_bind_proxy_sockets (proxy, &frontend, &backend); success = s_can_connect (&proxy, &faucet, &sink, frontend, backend, verbose); assert (success); zsock_destroy (&faucet); zsock_destroy (&sink); zactor_destroy (&proxy); zstr_free (&frontend); zstr_free (&backend); }
void zyre_test (bool verbose) { printf (" * zyre: "); if (verbose) printf ("\n"); // @selftest // We'll use inproc gossip discovery so that this works without networking uint64_t version = zyre_version (); assert ((version / 10000) % 100 == ZYRE_VERSION_MAJOR); assert ((version / 100) % 100 == ZYRE_VERSION_MINOR); assert (version % 100 == ZYRE_VERSION_PATCH); // Create two nodes zyre_t *node1 = zyre_new ("node1"); assert (node1); assert (streq (zyre_name (node1), "node1")); zyre_set_header (node1, "X-HELLO", "World"); if (verbose) zyre_set_verbose (node1); // Set inproc endpoint for this node int rc = zyre_set_endpoint (node1, "inproc://zyre-node1"); assert (rc == 0); // Set up gossip network for this node zyre_gossip_bind (node1, "inproc://gossip-hub"); rc = zyre_start (node1); assert (rc == 0); zyre_t *node2 = zyre_new ("node2"); assert (node2); assert (streq (zyre_name (node2), "node2")); if (verbose) zyre_set_verbose (node2); // Set inproc endpoint for this node // First, try to use existing name, it'll fail rc = zyre_set_endpoint (node2, "inproc://zyre-node1"); assert (rc == -1); // Now use available name and confirm that it succeeds rc = zyre_set_endpoint (node2, "inproc://zyre-node2"); assert (rc == 0); // Set up gossip network for this node zyre_gossip_connect (node2, "inproc://gossip-hub"); rc = zyre_start (node2); assert (rc == 0); assert (strneq (zyre_uuid (node1), zyre_uuid (node2))); zyre_join (node1, "GLOBAL"); zyre_join (node2, "GLOBAL"); // Give time for them to interconnect zclock_sleep (250); if (verbose) zyre_dump (node1); zlist_t *peers = zyre_peers (node1); assert (peers); assert (zlist_size (peers) == 1); zlist_destroy (&peers); zyre_join (node1, "node1 group of one"); zyre_join (node2, "node2 group of one"); // Give them time to join their groups zclock_sleep (250); zlist_t *own_groups = zyre_own_groups (node1); assert (own_groups); assert (zlist_size (own_groups) == 2); zlist_destroy (&own_groups); zlist_t *peer_groups = zyre_peer_groups (node1); assert (peer_groups); assert (zlist_size (peer_groups) == 2); zlist_destroy (&peer_groups); char *value = zyre_peer_header_value (node2, zyre_uuid (node1), "X-HELLO"); assert (streq (value, "World")); zstr_free (&value); // One node shouts to GLOBAL zyre_shouts (node1, "GLOBAL", "Hello, World"); // Second node should receive ENTER, JOIN, and SHOUT zmsg_t *msg = zyre_recv (node2); assert (msg); char *command = zmsg_popstr (msg); assert (streq (command, "ENTER")); zstr_free (&command); assert (zmsg_size (msg) == 4); char *peerid = zmsg_popstr (msg); char *name = zmsg_popstr (msg); assert (streq (name, "node1")); zstr_free (&name); zframe_t *headers_packed = zmsg_pop (msg); char *address = zmsg_popstr (msg); char *endpoint = zyre_peer_address (node2, peerid); assert (streq (address, endpoint)); zstr_free (&peerid); zstr_free (&endpoint); zstr_free (&address); assert (headers_packed); zhash_t *headers = zhash_unpack (headers_packed); assert (headers); zframe_destroy (&headers_packed); assert (streq ((char *) zhash_lookup (headers, "X-HELLO"), "World")); zhash_destroy (&headers); zmsg_destroy (&msg); msg = zyre_recv (node2); assert (msg); command = zmsg_popstr (msg); assert (streq (command, "JOIN")); zstr_free (&command); assert (zmsg_size (msg) == 3); zmsg_destroy (&msg); msg = zyre_recv (node2); assert (msg); command = zmsg_popstr (msg); assert (streq (command, "JOIN")); zstr_free (&command); assert (zmsg_size (msg) == 3); zmsg_destroy (&msg); msg = zyre_recv (node2); assert (msg); command = zmsg_popstr (msg); assert (streq (command, "SHOUT")); zstr_free (&command); zmsg_destroy (&msg); zyre_stop (node2); msg = zyre_recv (node2); assert (msg); command = zmsg_popstr (msg); assert (streq (command, "STOP")); zstr_free (&command); zmsg_destroy (&msg); zyre_stop (node1); zyre_destroy (&node1); zyre_destroy (&node2); printf ("OK\n"); #ifdef ZYRE_BUILD_DRAFT_API if (zsys_has_curve()){ printf (" * zyre-curve: "); if (verbose) printf ("\n"); if (verbose) zsys_debug("----------------TESTING CURVE --------------"); zactor_t *speaker = zactor_new (zbeacon, NULL); assert (speaker); if (verbose) zstr_sendx (speaker, "VERBOSE", NULL); // ensuring we have a broadcast address zsock_send (speaker, "si", "CONFIGURE", 9999); char *hostname = zstr_recv (speaker); if (!*hostname) { printf ("OK (skipping test, no UDP broadcasting)\n"); zactor_destroy (&speaker); freen (hostname); return; } freen (hostname); zactor_destroy (&speaker); // zap setup zactor_t *auth = zactor_new(zauth, NULL); assert (auth); if (verbose) { zstr_sendx(auth, "VERBOSE", NULL); zsock_wait(auth); } zstr_sendx (auth, "CURVE", CURVE_ALLOW_ANY, NULL); zsock_wait (auth); zyre_t *node3 = zyre_new ("node3"); zyre_t *node4 = zyre_new ("node4"); assert (node3); assert (node4); zyre_set_verbose (node3); zyre_set_verbose (node4); zyre_set_zap_domain(node3, "TEST"); zyre_set_zap_domain(node4, "TEST"); zsock_set_rcvtimeo(node3->inbox, 10000); zsock_set_rcvtimeo(node4->inbox, 10000); zcert_t *node3_cert = zcert_new (); zcert_t *node4_cert = zcert_new (); assert (node3_cert); assert (node4_cert); zyre_set_zcert(node3, node3_cert); zyre_set_zcert(node4, node4_cert); zyre_set_header(node3, "X-PUBLICKEY", "%s", zcert_public_txt(node3_cert)); zyre_set_header(node4, "X-PUBLICKEY", "%s", zcert_public_txt(node4_cert)); // test beacon if (verbose) zsys_debug ("----------------TESTING BEACON----------------"); rc = zyre_start(node3); assert (rc == 0); rc = zyre_start(node4); assert (rc == 0); zyre_join (node3, "GLOBAL"); zyre_join (node4, "GLOBAL"); zclock_sleep (1500); if (verbose) { zyre_dump (node3); zyre_dump (node4); } zyre_shouts (node3, "GLOBAL", "Hello, World"); // Second node should receive ENTER, JOIN, and SHOUT msg = zyre_recv (node4); assert (msg); command = zmsg_popstr (msg); assert (streq (command, "ENTER")); zstr_free (&command); char *peerid = zmsg_popstr (msg); assert (peerid); name = zmsg_popstr (msg); assert (streq (name, "node3")); zmsg_destroy (&msg); msg = zyre_recv (node4); assert (msg); command = zmsg_popstr (msg); assert (streq (command, "JOIN")); zstr_free (&command); zmsg_destroy(&msg); msg = zyre_recv (node4); assert (msg); command = zmsg_popstr (msg); assert (streq (command, "SHOUT")); zstr_free (&command); zmsg_destroy(&msg); zyre_leave(node3, "GLOBAL"); zyre_leave(node4, "GLOBAL"); zstr_free (&name); zstr_free (&peerid); zstr_free (&command); zyre_stop (node3); zyre_stop (node4); // give things a chance to settle... zclock_sleep (250); zyre_destroy(&node3); zyre_destroy(&node4); zcert_destroy(&node3_cert); zcert_destroy(&node4_cert); // test gossip if (verbose) zsys_debug ("----------------TESTING GOSSIP----------------"); zyre_t *node5 = zyre_new ("node5"); zyre_t *node6 = zyre_new ("node6"); assert (node5); assert (node6); if (verbose) { zyre_set_verbose (node5); zyre_set_verbose (node6); } // if it takes more than 10s, something probably went terribly wrong zsock_set_rcvtimeo(node5->inbox, 10000); zsock_set_rcvtimeo(node6->inbox, 10000); zcert_t *node5_cert = zcert_new (); zcert_t *node6_cert = zcert_new (); assert (node5_cert); assert (node6_cert); zyre_set_zcert(node5, node5_cert); zyre_set_zcert(node6, node6_cert); zyre_set_header(node5, "X-PUBLICKEY", "%s", zcert_public_txt(node5_cert)); zyre_set_header(node6, "X-PUBLICKEY", "%s", zcert_public_txt(node6_cert)); const char *gossip_cert = zcert_public_txt (node5_cert); // TODO- need to add zyre_gossip_port functions to get port from gossip bind(?) zyre_gossip_bind(node5, "tcp://"); zyre_gossip_connect_curve(node6, gossip_cert, "tcp://"); zyre_start(node5); zsock_wait(node5); zyre_start(node6); zsock_wait(node6); zyre_join (node5, "GLOBAL"); zyre_join (node6, "GLOBAL"); // give things a chance to settle... zclock_sleep (1500); if (verbose) { zyre_dump (node5); zyre_dump (node6); } zyre_shouts (node5, "GLOBAL", "Hello, World"); // Second node should receive ENTER, JOIN, and SHOUT msg = zyre_recv (node6); assert (msg); command = zmsg_popstr (msg); zsys_info(command); assert (streq (command, "ENTER")); zstr_free (&command); peerid = zmsg_popstr (msg); assert (peerid); name = zmsg_popstr (msg); zmsg_destroy (&msg); assert (streq (name, "node5")); zstr_free (&name); zyre_leave(node5, "GLOBAL"); zyre_leave(node6, "GLOBAL"); zyre_stop (node5); zyre_stop (node6); // give things a chance to settle... zclock_sleep (250); zstr_free (&peerid); zcert_destroy (&node5_cert); zcert_destroy (&node6_cert); zyre_destroy(&node5); zyre_destroy(&node6); zactor_destroy(&auth); printf ("OK\n"); } #endif }
void zsys_test (bool verbose) { printf (" * zsys: "); if (verbose) printf ("\n"); // @selftest zsys_catch_interrupts (); // Check capabilities without using the return value int rc = zsys_has_curve (); if (verbose) { char *hostname = zsys_hostname (); zsys_info ("host name is %s", hostname); free (hostname); zsys_info ("system limit is %zd ZeroMQ sockets", zsys_socket_limit ()); } zsys_set_io_threads (1); zsys_set_max_sockets (0); zsys_set_linger (0); zsys_set_sndhwm (1000); zsys_set_rcvhwm (1000); zsys_set_pipehwm (2500); assert (zsys_pipehwm () == 2500); zsys_set_ipv6 (0); rc = zsys_file_delete ("nosuchfile"); assert (rc == -1); bool rc_bool = zsys_file_exists ("nosuchfile"); assert (rc_bool != true); rc = (int) zsys_file_size ("nosuchfile"); assert (rc == -1); time_t when = zsys_file_modified ("."); assert (when > 0); mode_t mode = zsys_file_mode ("."); assert (S_ISDIR (mode)); assert (mode & S_IRUSR); assert (mode & S_IWUSR); zsys_file_mode_private (); rc = zsys_dir_create ("%s/%s", ".", ".testsys/subdir"); assert (rc == 0); when = zsys_file_modified ("./.testsys/subdir"); assert (when > 0); assert (!zsys_file_stable ("./.testsys/subdir")); rc = zsys_dir_delete ("%s/%s", ".", ".testsys/subdir"); assert (rc == 0); rc = zsys_dir_delete ("%s/%s", ".", ".testsys"); assert (rc == 0); zsys_file_mode_default (); int major, minor, patch; zsys_version (&major, &minor, &patch); assert (major == CZMQ_VERSION_MAJOR); assert (minor == CZMQ_VERSION_MINOR); assert (patch == CZMQ_VERSION_PATCH); char *string = zsys_sprintf ("%s %02x", "Hello", 16); assert (streq (string, "Hello 10")); free (string); char *str64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890,."; int num10 = 1234567890; string = zsys_sprintf ("%s%s%s%s%d", str64, str64, str64, str64, num10); assert (strlen (string) == (4 * 64 + 10)); free (string); // Test logging system zsys_set_logident ("czmq_selftest"); zsys_set_logsender ("inproc://logging"); void *logger = zsys_socket (ZMQ_SUB, NULL, 0); assert (logger); rc = zsocket_connect (logger, "inproc://logging"); assert (rc == 0); rc = zmq_setsockopt (logger, ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE, "", 0); assert (rc == 0); if (verbose) { zsys_error ("This is an %s message", "error"); zsys_warning ("This is a %s message", "warning"); zsys_notice ("This is a %s message", "notice"); zsys_info ("This is a %s message", "info"); zsys_debug ("This is a %s message", "debug"); zsys_set_logident ("hello, world"); zsys_info ("This is a %s message", "info"); zsys_debug ("This is a %s message", "debug"); // Check that logsender functionality is working char *received = zstr_recv (logger); assert (received); zstr_free (&received); } zsys_close (logger, NULL, 0); // @end printf ("OK\n"); }
/// // Returns true if the underlying libzmq supports CURVE security. // Uses a heuristic probe according to the version of libzmq being used. bool QZsys::hasCurve () { bool rv = zsys_has_curve (); return rv; }
celix_status_t pubsubAdmin_create(bundle_context_pt context, pubsub_admin_pt *admin) { celix_status_t status = CELIX_SUCCESS; #ifdef BUILD_WITH_ZMQ_SECURITY if (!zsys_has_curve()){ printf("PSA_ZMQ: zeromq curve unsupported\n"); return CELIX_SERVICE_EXCEPTION; } #endif *admin = calloc(1, sizeof(**admin)); if (!*admin) { status = CELIX_ENOMEM; } else{ const char *ip = NULL; char *detectedIp = NULL; (*admin)->bundle_context= context; (*admin)->localPublications = hashMap_create(utils_stringHash, NULL, utils_stringEquals, NULL); (*admin)->subscriptions = hashMap_create(utils_stringHash, NULL, utils_stringEquals, NULL); (*admin)->pendingSubscriptions = hashMap_create(utils_stringHash, NULL, utils_stringEquals, NULL); (*admin)->externalPublications = hashMap_create(utils_stringHash, NULL, utils_stringEquals, NULL); (*admin)->topicSubscriptionsPerSerializer = hashMap_create(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); (*admin)->topicPublicationsPerSerializer = hashMap_create(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); arrayList_create(&((*admin)->noSerializerSubscriptions)); arrayList_create(&((*admin)->noSerializerPublications)); arrayList_create(&((*admin)->serializerList)); celixThreadMutex_create(&(*admin)->localPublicationsLock, NULL); celixThreadMutex_create(&(*admin)->subscriptionsLock, NULL); celixThreadMutex_create(&(*admin)->externalPublicationsLock, NULL); celixThreadMutex_create(&(*admin)->serializerListLock, NULL); celixThreadMutex_create(&(*admin)->usedSerializersLock, NULL); celixThreadMutexAttr_create(&(*admin)->noSerializerPendingsAttr); celixThreadMutexAttr_settype(&(*admin)->noSerializerPendingsAttr, CELIX_THREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE); celixThreadMutex_create(&(*admin)->noSerializerPendingsLock, &(*admin)->noSerializerPendingsAttr); celixThreadMutexAttr_create(&(*admin)->pendingSubscriptionsAttr); celixThreadMutexAttr_settype(&(*admin)->pendingSubscriptionsAttr, CELIX_THREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE); celixThreadMutex_create(&(*admin)->pendingSubscriptionsLock, &(*admin)->pendingSubscriptionsAttr); if (logHelper_create(context, &(*admin)->loghelper) == CELIX_SUCCESS) { logHelper_start((*admin)->loghelper); } bundleContext_getProperty(context,PSA_IP , &ip); #ifndef ANDROID if (ip == NULL) { const char *interface = NULL; bundleContext_getProperty(context, PSA_ITF, &interface); if (pubsubAdmin_getIpAdress(interface, &detectedIp) != CELIX_SUCCESS) { logHelper_log((*admin)->loghelper, OSGI_LOGSERVICE_WARNING, "PSA_ZMQ: Could not retrieve IP adress for interface %s", interface); } ip = detectedIp; } #endif if (ip != NULL) { logHelper_log((*admin)->loghelper, OSGI_LOGSERVICE_INFO, "PSA_ZMQ: Using %s for service annunciation", ip); (*admin)->ipAddress = strdup(ip); } else { logHelper_log((*admin)->loghelper, OSGI_LOGSERVICE_WARNING, "PSA_ZMQ: No IP address for service annunciation set. Using %s", DEFAULT_IP); (*admin)->ipAddress = strdup(DEFAULT_IP); } if (detectedIp != NULL) { free(detectedIp); } const char* basePortStr = NULL; const char* maxPortStr = NULL; char* endptrBase = NULL; char* endptrMax = NULL; bundleContext_getPropertyWithDefault(context, PSA_ZMQ_BASE_PORT, "PSA_ZMQ_DEFAULT_BASE_PORT", &basePortStr); bundleContext_getPropertyWithDefault(context, PSA_ZMQ_MAX_PORT, "PSA_ZMQ_DEFAULT_MAX_PORT", &maxPortStr); (*admin)->basePort = strtol(basePortStr, &endptrBase, 10); (*admin)->maxPort = strtol(maxPortStr, &endptrMax, 10); if (*endptrBase != '\0') { (*admin)->basePort = PSA_ZMQ_DEFAULT_BASE_PORT; } if (*endptrMax != '\0') { (*admin)->maxPort = PSA_ZMQ_DEFAULT_MAX_PORT; } printf("PSA Using base port %u to max port %u\n", (*admin)->basePort, (*admin)->maxPort); // Disable Signal Handling by CZMQ setenv("ZSYS_SIGHANDLER", "false", true); const char *nrZmqThreads = NULL; bundleContext_getProperty(context, "PSA_NR_ZMQ_THREADS", &nrZmqThreads); if(nrZmqThreads != NULL) { char *endPtr = NULL; unsigned int nrThreads = strtoul(nrZmqThreads, &endPtr, 10); if(endPtr != nrZmqThreads && nrThreads > 0 && nrThreads < 50) { zsys_set_io_threads(nrThreads); logHelper_log((*admin)->loghelper, OSGI_LOGSERVICE_INFO, "PSA_ZMQ: Using %d threads for ZMQ", nrThreads); printf("PSA_ZMQ: Using %d threads for ZMQ\n", nrThreads); } } #ifdef BUILD_WITH_ZMQ_SECURITY // Setup authenticator zactor_t* auth = zactor_new (zauth, NULL); zstr_sendx(auth, "VERBOSE", NULL); // Load all public keys of subscribers into the application // This step is done for authenticating subscribers char curve_folder_path[MAX_KEY_FOLDER_PATH_LENGTH]; char* keys_bundle_dir = pubsub_getKeysBundleDir(context); snprintf(curve_folder_path, MAX_KEY_FOLDER_PATH_LENGTH, "%s/META-INF/keys/subscriber/public", keys_bundle_dir); zstr_sendx (auth, "CURVE", curve_folder_path, NULL); free(keys_bundle_dir); (*admin)->zmq_auth = auth; #endif } return status; }