static void _get_result( arguments * args )
	string_t st ;

	int fd ;

	const char * device = args->opts->device ;

	if( StringPrefixEqual( device,"/dev/" ) ){

		_get_result_0( device,args ) ;
		 * zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile() is defined in create_loop_device.c
		if( zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile( device,args->opts->open_mode,&fd,&st ) ){

			_get_result_0( StringContent( st ),args ) ;

			StringDelete( &st ) ;

			close( fd ) ;
			_get_error( args ) ;
int zuluCryptOpenPlain_1( const open_struct_t * opt )
	int mode ;
	string_t st ;
	int fd ;
	int r ;

	if( StringPrefixEqual( opt->device,"/dev/" ) ){

		return _open_plain( opt->device,opt ) ;
		if( StringHasComponent( opt->m_opts,"ro" ) ){
			mode = O_RDONLY ;
			mode = O_RDWR ;
		 * zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile() is defined in ./create_loop.c
		if( zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile( opt->device,mode,&fd,&st ) ){

			r = _open_plain( StringContent( st ),opt ) ;
			StringDelete( &st ) ;
			close( fd ) ;

			return r ;
			return 2 ;
int zuluCryptOpenPlain( const char * device,const char * mapper,const char * mode,const char * pass,size_t pass_size )
	int lmode ;
	string_t st ;
	int fd ;
	int r ;
	if( StringPrefixMatch( device,"/dev/",5 ) ){
		return _open_plain( device,mapper,mode,pass,pass_size ) ;
		if( StringHasComponent( mode,"ro" ) ){
			lmode = O_RDONLY ;
			lmode = O_RDWR ;
		 * zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile() is defined in ./create_loop.c
		if( zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile( device,lmode,&fd,&st ) ){
			r = _open_plain( device,mapper,mode,pass,pass_size ) ;
			StringDelete( &st ) ;
			close( fd ) ;
			return r ;
			return 2 ;
int zuluCryptCreateTCrypt( const char * device,const char * file_system,const char * rng,
			   const char * key,size_t key_len,int key_source,
			   u_int64_t hidden_volume_size,
			   const char * file_system_h,const char * key_h,size_t key_len_h,int key_source_h )
	int fd ;
	string_t q = StringVoid ;
	int r ;
	if( StringPrefixEqual( device,"/dev/" ) ){
		r = _create_tcrypt_volume( device,file_system,rng,key,key_len,key_source,
					   hidden_volume_size,file_system_h,key_h,key_len_h,key_source_h ) ;
		 * zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile() is defined in create_loop_device.c
		if( zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile( device,O_RDWR,&fd,&q ) ){
			device = StringContent( q ) ;
			r = _create_tcrypt_volume( device,file_system,rng,key,key_len,key_source,
						   hidden_volume_size,file_system_h,key_h,key_len_h,key_source_h ) ;
			close( fd ) ;
			StringDelete( &q ) ;
			r = 3 ;

	return r ;
int zuluCryptAddKey( const char * device,const char * existingkey,size_t existingkey_size,const char * newkey,size_t newkey_size )
	string_t st ;
	int fd ;
	int r ;
	if( StringPrefixEqual( device,"/dev/" ) ){
		return _add_key( device,existingkey,existingkey_size,newkey,newkey_size ) ;
		 * zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile() is defined in ./create_loop.c
		if( zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile( device,O_RDWR,&fd,&st ) ){
			r = _add_key( StringContent( st ),existingkey,existingkey_size,newkey,newkey_size ) ;
			StringDelete( &st ) ;
			close( fd ) ;
			return r ;
			return 1 ;
int zuluCryptCreateVolume( const char * dev,const char * fs,const char * type,const char * pass,size_t pass_size,const char * rng )
	string_t st ;
	int fd ;
	int r ;
	if( StringPrefixMatch( dev,"/dev/",5 ) ){
		return _create_volume( dev,fs,type,pass,pass_size,rng ) ;
		 * zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile() is defined in ./create_loop.c
		if( zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile( dev,O_RDWR,&fd,&st ) ){
			r = _create_volume( StringContent( st ),fs,type,pass,pass_size,rng ) ;
			StringDelete( &st ) ;
			close( fd ) ;
			return r ;
			return 3 ;
int zuluCryptRemoveKey( const char * device ,const char * pass,size_t pass_size )
	string_t st ;
	int fd ;
	int r ;

	if( StringPrefixEqual( device,"/dev/" ) ){
		return _remove_key( device,pass,pass_size ) ;
		 * zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile() is defined in ./create_loop.c
		if( zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile( device,O_RDWR,&fd,&st ) ){
			r = _remove_key( StringContent( st ),pass,pass_size ) ;
			StringDelete( &st ) ;
			close( fd ) ;
			return r ;
			return 2 ;
char * zuluCryptEmptySlots( const char * device )
	string_t st ;
	int fd ;
	char * r ;
	if( StringPrefixEqual( device,"/dev/" ) ){

		return _empty_slots( device ) ;
		 * zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile() is defined in ./create_loop.c
		if( zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile( device,O_RDONLY,&fd,&st ) ){
			r = _empty_slots( StringContent( st ) ) ;
			StringDelete( &st ) ;
			close( fd ) ;
			return r ;
			return NULL ;
int zuluCryptOpenVolume( const char * dev,const char * mapper,
			 const char * m_point,uid_t id,unsigned long m_opts,
			 const char * fs_opts,const char * pass,size_t pass_size ) 
	int h ;
	string_t p = StringVoid ;
	string_t q = StringVoid ;
	int lmode ;
	int fd ;
	const char * mode ;
	const char * mapper_1 ;
	 * zuluCryptPathIsNotValid() is defined in is_path_valid.c
	if( zuluCryptPathIsNotValid( dev ) ){
		return 3 ;
	 * zuluCryptMapperPrefix() is defined in create_mapper_name.c
	p = String( zuluCryptMapperPrefix() ) ;
	mapper_1 = StringMultipleAppend( p,"/",mapper,END ) ;

	 * zuluCryptPathIsValid() is defined in is_path_valid.c
	if( zuluCryptPathIsValid( mapper_1 ) ){
		return zuluExit( 2,p ) ;
	if( m_opts & MS_RDONLY ){
		lmode = O_RDONLY ;
		mode = "ro" ;
		lmode = O_RDWR ;
		mode = "rw" ;
	if( StringPrefixMatch( dev,"/dev/",5 ) ){
		h = _open_mapper( dev,mapper,mode,pass,pass_size ) ;
		 * zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile() is defined in create_loop_device.c
		if( zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile( dev,lmode,&fd,&q ) ){
			dev = StringContent( q ) ;
			h = _open_mapper( dev,mapper,mode,pass,pass_size ) ;
			close( fd ) ;
			StringDelete( &q ) ;
			h = 1 ;

	switch( h ){
		case 1 : return zuluExit( 4,p ) ;
		case 2 : return zuluExit( 8,p ) ; 
		case 3 : return zuluExit( 3,p ) ;
	if( m_point != NULL ){
		 * zuluCryptMountVolume() is defined in mount_volume.c
		h = zuluCryptMountVolume( mapper_1,m_point,m_opts,fs_opts,id ) ;
		if( h != 0 ){
			 * zuluCryptCloseMapper() is defined in close_mapper.c
			if( zuluCryptCloseMapper( mapper_1 ) != 0 ){
				h = 15 ;
	return zuluExit( h,p ) ;
int zuluCryptMountVolume( const char * path,const char * m_point,unsigned long mount_opts,const char * fs_opts,uid_t uid )
	int h ;

	string_t opts = StringVoid ;
	string_t fs   = StringVoid ;
	string_t loop = StringVoid ;

	int fd = -1 ;

	m_struct mst ;
	mst.device = path ;
	mst.m_point = m_point ;
	mst.uid = uid ;
	mst.m_flags = mount_opts ;

	 * zuluCryptGetFileSystemFromDevice() is defined in this source file
	fs = zuluCryptGetFileSystemFromDevice( path ) ;

	if( fs == StringVoid ){
		 * failed to read file system,probably because the volume does have any or
		 * a plain volume was opened with a wrong key
		return zuluExit( 4,fd,opts,fs,loop ) ;

	if( StringStartsWith( fs,"crypto" ) ){
		 * we cant mount an encrypted volume, exiting
		return zuluExit( 4,fd,opts,fs,loop ) ;

	 * zuluCryptMountHasNotAllowedFileSystemOptions() is defined in ./mount_fs_options.c
	if( zuluCryptMountHasNotAllowedFileSystemOptions( uid,fs_opts,fs ) ){
		return zuluExit( -1,fd,opts,fs,loop ) ;

	mst.fs_flags = fs_opts ;
	mst.fs = StringContent( fs ) ;
	opts = set_mount_options( &mst ) ;

	if( StringPrefixNotEqual( path,"/dev/" ) ){
		 * zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile() is defined in ./create_loop_device.c
		if( zuluCryptAttachLoopDeviceToFile( mst.device,O_RDWR,&fd,&loop ) ){
			mst.device = StringContent( loop ) ;
			return zuluExit( -1,fd,opts,fs,loop ) ;

	if( zuluCryptFileSystemIsFUSEbased( path ) ){
		 * These file systems dont see to work with mount() command for some reason.
		 * Them being FUSE based could be a reason.
		switch( mount_FUSEfs( &mst ) ){
			case 0  : return zuluExit( 0,fd,opts,fs,loop )  ;
			case 16 : return zuluExit( 12,fd,opts,fs,loop ) ;
			default : return zuluExit( 1,fd,opts,fs,loop )  ;
		h = mount_volume( &mst ) ;

	return zuluExit( h,fd,opts,fs,loop ) ;