bool init (const ACE_TCHAR *inst)
      ACE_TString tmp (inst);

      size_t begin = 0;
      size_t pos = tmp.find (',', begin);

      if (pos != ACE_TString::npos)
        path_ = tmp.substring (begin, pos - begin);
          DANCE_ERROR (DANCE_LOG_ERROR, (LM_ERROR, DLINFO ACE_TEXT ("Options::Creation::init - ")
                      ACE_TEXT ("Creation directive missing name, base location,  and replace parameters, ")
                      ACE_TEXT ("must have form path,name,base,replace\n")));
          return false;

      begin = pos + 1;
      pos = tmp.find (',', begin);

      if (pos != ACE_TString::npos)
        name_ = tmp.substring (begin, pos - begin);
          DANCE_ERROR (DANCE_LOG_ERROR, (LM_ERROR, DLINFO ACE_TEXT ("Options::Creation::init - ")
                      ACE_TEXT ("Creation directive mssing base location and replace parameter, ")
                      ACE_TEXT ("must have form path,name,base,replace\n")));
          return false;

      begin = pos + 1;
      pos = tmp.find (',', begin);

      if (pos != ACE_TString::npos)
        base_location_ = tmp.substring (begin, pos - begin);
          DANCE_ERROR (DANCE_LOG_ERROR, (LM_ERROR, DLINFO ACE_TEXT ("Options::Creation::init - ")
                      ACE_TEXT ("Creation directive mssing replace parameter, ")
                      ACE_TEXT ("must have form path,name,base,replace\n")));
          return false;

      begin = pos + 1;

      if (tmp[begin] == '0') replace_ = false;
      else if (tmp[begin] == '1') replace_ = true;
          DANCE_ERROR (DANCE_LOG_ERROR, (LM_ERROR, DLINFO ACE_TEXT ("Options::Creation::init - ")
                      ACE_TEXT ("Replace directive muse be 1 or 0.\n")));
          return false;

      return true;