
Function:  AEEMod_CreateInstance()

   This function is invoked so as to create the individual classes belonging
   to this module. It is invoked once for each class this module contains. 
   This function invokes the AEEClsCreateInstance() function that the module
   implementer must provide.

   int AEEMod_CreateInstance(IModule *pIModule,IShell *pIShell,AEECLSID ClsId,void **ppObj)

   pIModule: [in]: Pointer to this module
   pIShell: [in]: Pointer to the AEE Shell interface
   ClsID:   [in]: ClassId of the class that needs to be created. 
   ppobj:   [out]: If ClsID points to an applet, then *ppobj must point to a 
            valid structure that implemetns the IApplet interface. If ClsID 
            points to a class that is not an applet, *ppobj must point to a 
            valid IBase*.

Return Value:
   SUCCESS: If successful
   Error code: If failed

Comments:  None

Side Effects: None

static int AEEMod_CreateInstance(IModule *pIModule,IShell *pIShell,
                                 AEECLSID ClsId,void **ppObj)
   AEEMod    *pme = (AEEMod *)pIModule;
   AEEModObj *poObj;
   int        nErr = 0;

   // See if we already have the module in memory...If yes, just increment
   // the reference count and return.
   poObj = AEEMod_FindObj(pme, ClsId, NULL);
   if (poObj) {
      IBASE_AddRef((IBase *)poObj);
      *ppObj = poObj;
      return SUCCESS;

   // For a dynamic module, they must supply the AEEClsCreateInstance() 
   //   function. Hence, invoke it. For a static app, they will have 
   //   registered the create Instance function. Invoke it.
   if (pme->pfnModCrInst) {
      nErr = pme->pfnModCrInst(ClsId, pIShell, pIModule, ppObj);
#if !defined(AEE_STATIC)
   } else {
      nErr = AEEClsCreateInstance(ClsId, pIShell, pIModule, ppObj);

   return nErr;
static int AEEMod_CreateInstance(IModule *pIModule,IShell *pIShell,
                                 AEECLSID ClsId,void **ppObj)
   AEEMod    *pme = (AEEMod *)pIModule;
   int        nErr = EFAILED;

   if (pme->pfnModCrInst) {
      nErr = pme->pfnModCrInst(ClsId, pIShell, pIModule, ppObj);
#if !defined(AEE_STATIC)
   } else {
      nErr = AEEClsCreateInstance(ClsId, pIShell, pIModule, ppObj);

   return nErr;

Function:  AEEMod_CreateInstance()

   This function is invoked so as to create the individual classes belonging
   to this module. It is invoked once for each class this module contains. 
   This function invokes the AEEClsCreateInstance() function that the module
   implementer must provide.

   int AEEMod_CreateInstance(IModule *pIModule,IShell *pIShell,AEECLSID ClsId,void **ppObj)

   pIModule: [in]: Pointer to this module
   pIShell: [in]: Pointer to the AEE Shell interface
   ClsID:   [in]: ClassId of the class that needs to be created. 
   ppobj:   [out]: If ClsID points to an applet, then *ppobj must point to a 
            valid structure that implemetns the IApplet interface. If ClsID 
            points to a class that is not an applet, *ppobj must point to a 
            valid IBase*.

Return Value:
   SUCCESS: If successful
   Error code: If failed

Comments:  None

Side Effects: None

static int AEEMod_CreateInstance(IModule *pIModule,IShell *pIShell,
                                 AEECLSID ClsId,void **ppObj)
   AEEMod    *pme = (AEEMod *)pIModule;
   int        nErr = EFAILED;

   // For a dynamic module, they must supply the AEEClsCreateInstance() 
   //   function. Hence, invoke it. For a static app, they will have 
   //   registered the create Instance function. Invoke it.
   if (pme->pfnModCrInst) {
      nErr = pme->pfnModCrInst(ClsId, pIShell, pIModule, ppObj);
#if !defined(AEE_STATIC)
   } else {
      nErr = AEEClsCreateInstance(ClsId, pIShell, pIModule, ppObj);

   return nErr;