// Purpose: Adds addRoute to the end of oldRoute
void AddWaypointLists(AI_Waypoint_t *oldRoute, AI_Waypoint_t *addRoute)
	// Add to the end of the route
	AI_Waypoint_t *waypoint = oldRoute;

	while (waypoint->GetNext()) 
		waypoint = waypoint->GetNext();

	waypoint->ModifyFlags( bits_WP_TO_GOAL, false );

	// Check for duplication, but copy the type
	if (waypoint->iNodeID != NO_NODE			&&
		waypoint->iNodeID == addRoute->iNodeID	)
//		waypoint->iWPType = addRoute->iWPType; <<TODO>> found case where this was bad
		AI_Waypoint_t *pNext = addRoute->GetNext();
		delete addRoute;

	while (waypoint->GetNext()) 
		waypoint = waypoint->GetNext();

	waypoint->ModifyFlags( bits_WP_TO_GOAL, true );

// Purpose: Given an array of parentID's and endID, contruct a linked 
//			list of waypoints through those parents
AI_Waypoint_t* CAI_Pathfinder::MakeRouteFromParents( int *parentArray, int endID ) 
	AI_Waypoint_t *pOldWaypoint = NULL;
	AI_Waypoint_t *pNewWaypoint = NULL;
	int	currentID = endID;

	CAI_Node **pAInode = GetNetwork()->AccessNodes();

	while (currentID != NO_NODE) 
		// Try to link it to the previous waypoint
		int prevID = parentArray[currentID];

		int destID; 
		if (prevID != NO_NODE)
			destID = prevID;
			// If we have no previous node, then use the next node
			if ( !pOldWaypoint )
				return NULL;
			destID = pOldWaypoint->iNodeID;

		Navigation_t waypointType = ComputeWaypointType( pAInode, currentID, destID );

		// BRJ 10/1/02
		// FIXME: It appears potentially possible for us to compute waypoints 
		// here which the NPC is not capable of traversing (because 
		// pNPC->CapabilitiesGet() in ComputeWaypointType() above filters it out). 
		// It's also possible if none of the lines have an appropriate DestNodeID.
		// Um, shouldn't such a waypoint not be allowed?!?!?
		Assert( waypointType != NAV_NONE );

		pNewWaypoint = new AI_Waypoint_t( pAInode[currentID]->GetPosition(GetHullType()),
			pAInode[currentID]->GetYaw(), waypointType, bits_WP_TO_NODE, currentID );

		// Link it up...
		pNewWaypoint->SetNext( pOldWaypoint );
		pOldWaypoint = pNewWaypoint;

		currentID = prevID;

	return pOldWaypoint;