int getAllSymbolRecordsIds(AcRxClass* pTableClass, AcDbObjectIdArray & idaAll)
	CLogger::Print(_T("*Call: getAllSymbolRecordsIds()"));
	Acad::ErrorStatus es;

	AcDbDatabase* pDb = acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase();
	AcDbSymbolTable* pSymbolTable = NULL;

	if (AcRx::kEqual == pTableClass->comparedTo(AcDbBlockTable::desc())) {
		CLogger::Print(_T("> This is BlockTable!"));
		es = pDb->getBlockTable(pSymbolTable, AcDb::kForRead);
	else if (AcRx::kEqual == pTableClass->comparedTo(AcDbLayerTable::desc())) {
		CLogger::Print(_T("> This is LayerTable!"));
		es = pDb->getLayerTable(pSymbolTable, AcDb::kForRead);
	else if (AcRx::kEqual == pTableClass->comparedTo(AcDbLinetypeTable::desc())) {
		CLogger::Print(_T("> This is LinetypeTable!"));
		es = pDb->getLinetypeTable(pSymbolTable, AcDb::kForRead);
	else if (AcRx::kEqual == pTableClass->comparedTo(AcDbTextStyleTable::desc())) {
		CLogger::Print(_T("> This is TextStyleTable!"));
		es = pDb->getTextStyleTable(pSymbolTable, AcDb::kForRead);
	else {
		CLogger::Print(_T("*Exit: getAllSymbolRecordsIds() - This kind of SymbolTable is not supported!"));
		return -1;

	if (Acad::eOk != es) {
		CLogger::Print(_T("*Exit: getAllSymbolRecordsIds() -  Fail to get SymbolTable!"));
		return -1;
	// Get the SymbolTable's iterator.
	AcDbSymbolTableIterator* pSymbolTableIter = NULL;
	es = pSymbolTable->newIterator(pSymbolTableIter);
	if (Acad::eOk != es) {
		CLogger::Print(_T("*Exit: getAllSymbolRecordsIds() - Fail to get the SymbolTable's iterator!"));
		return -1;

	// Steps through the SymbolTable's records. 
	// Then get the SymbolTableRecord's ObjectID.
	for (; !pSymbolTableIter->done(); pSymbolTableIter->step()) {
		AcDbObjectId idObj = AcDbObjectId::kNull;
		if (Acad::eOk == pSymbolTableIter->getRecordId(idObj))

	delete pSymbolTableIter;
	CLogger::Print(_T("*Exit: getAllSymbolRecordsIds() - Count: %02d"), idaAll.length());
	return idaAll.length();
//OPM calls this function for each property to obtain a list of strings and cookies if they are available.
//For our textstyle property we would like to display all the textstyles currently available in the database.
//This function is declared on the IPerPropertyBrowsing interface. Our IOPMPropertyExtensionImpl
//class implements this member by reading the values in the OPM property map. (You set this up in your
//head file when you use BEGIN_OPMPROP_MAP, OPMPROP_ENTRY, END_OPMPROP_MAP macros.)
//Since we need a dynamic list of entries in this drop down list and a static map cannot implement this, 
//we need to override this function a provide dynamic list of text styles to OPM.
STDMETHODIMP CComPolygon::GetPredefinedStrings(DISPID dispID, CALPOLESTR *pCaStringsOut, CADWORD *pCaCookiesOut)
        return  IOPMPropertyExtensionImpl<CComPolygon>::GetPredefinedStrings(dispID,pCaStringsOut,pCaCookiesOut);
    AcDbTextStyleTable* pTT;
    AcDbDatabase *pDb = m_objRef.objectId().database();
    if (NULL == pDb)
        pDb = acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase();
    if (pDb->getTextStyleTable(pTT,AcDb::kForRead)==Acad::eOk)
        AcDbTextStyleTableIterator* pIter;
        if (pTT->newIterator(pIter)==Acad::eOk)
            long size = 0;

            // Clear the array.

            for (pIter->start();!pIter->done();pIter->step())
            pCaStringsOut->pElems = (LPOLESTR *)::CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(LPOLESTR) * size);
            pCaCookiesOut->pElems = (DWORD *)::CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(DWORD) * size);
            long i=0;
            for (pIter->start();!pIter->done();pIter->step())
                AcDbTextStyleTableRecord* pTTR;
                if (pIter->getRecord(pTTR,AcDb::kForRead)!=Acad::eOk)
                const TCHAR* pName = NULL;
                if (pTTR->getName(pName)==Acad::eOk){
                    //we want to show the name of the textstyle as 
                    //it appears in the database
                    pCaStringsOut->pElems[i] = ::SysAllocString(CT2W(pName));
                    pCaCookiesOut->pElems[i] = mObjectIdArray.append(pTTR->objectId());
            pCaStringsOut->cElems = i;
            pCaCookiesOut->cElems = i;
        if (pIter)
            delete pIter;
    return S_OK;