bool ArxEntityHelper::SetEntitiesColor2( const AcDbObjectIdArray& objIds, const AcArray<Adesk::UInt16>& colors ) { AcTransaction* pTrans = actrTransactionManager->startTransaction(); if( pTrans == 0 ) return false; bool ret = true; // 默认返回true int len = objIds.length(); for( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { AcDbObject* pObj; if( Acad::eOk != pTrans->getObject( pObj, objIds[i], AcDb::kForWrite ) ) { actrTransactionManager->abortTransaction(); ret = false; break; } AcDbEntity* pEnt = AcDbEntity::cast( pObj ); if( pEnt == 0 ) { actrTransactionManager->abortTransaction(); ret = false; break; } pEnt->setColorIndex( colors[i] ); // 恢复原先的颜色 } actrTransactionManager->endTransaction(); return ret; }
bool ArxEntityHelper::SetEntitiesColor( AcDbObjectIdArray& objIds, unsigned short colorIndex ) { AcTransaction* pTrans = actrTransactionManager->startTransaction(); if( pTrans == 0 ) return false; bool ret = true; // 默认返回true int len = objIds.length(); for( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { AcDbObject* pObj; if( Acad::eOk != pTrans->getObject( pObj, objIds[i], AcDb::kForWrite ) ) { actrTransactionManager->abortTransaction(); ret = false; break; } AcDbEntity* pGE = AcDbEntity::cast( pObj ); if( pGE == 0 ) { actrTransactionManager->abortTransaction(); ret = false; break; } // 设置颜色 pGE->setColorIndex( colorIndex ); } actrTransactionManager->endTransaction(); return ret; }
bool ArxEntityHelper::SetEntityColor( const AcDbObjectId& objId, unsigned short colorIndex ) { AcTransaction* pTrans = actrTransactionManager->startTransaction(); if( pTrans == 0 ) return false; AcDbObject* pObj; if( Acad::eOk != pTrans->getObject( pObj, objId, AcDb::kForWrite ) ) { actrTransactionManager->abortTransaction(); return false; } AcDbEntity* pGE = AcDbEntity::cast( pObj ); if( pGE == 0 ) { actrTransactionManager->abortTransaction(); return false; } // 设置颜色 pGE->setColorIndex( colorIndex ); actrTransactionManager->endTransaction(); return true; }
void asdktest1 () { //----- Select the entities ads_name ss, en ; if ( acedSSGet (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ss) != RTNORM ) return ; //----- Append entity IDs to the collector long n ; AcDbObjectId id ; AsdkHlrCollector collector ; collector.setDeleteState (true) ; acedSSLength (ss, &n) ; for ( int i =0 ; i < n ; i++ ) { acedSSName (ss, i, en) ; acdbGetObjectId (id, en) ; collector.addEntity (id) ; } acedSSFree (ss) ; //----- Get current viewport settings struct resbuf rb; acedGetVar(ACRX_T(/*NOXLATE*/"viewdir"), &rb); ads_point dirPt; acdbUcs2Wcs (rb.resval.rpoint, dirPt, Adesk::kTrue) ; acedGetVar(ACRX_T(/*NOXLATE*/"target"), &rb); ads_point tarPt; acdbUcs2Wcs (rb.resval.rpoint, tarPt, Adesk::kFalse) ; //----- Ask if non-visible edges should be created int hidLines =AfxMessageBox (ACRX_T("Would you like to see hidden lines?"), MB_YESNO) ; int honorInt =AfxMessageBox (ACRX_T("Would you like to honor internal visibility of polyface meshes or ACIS objects?"), MB_YESNO) ; int meshSils =AfxMessageBox (ACRX_T("Would you like to calculate silhouettes of polyface meshes?"), MB_YESNO) ; int unit =AfxMessageBox (ACRX_T("Would you like to unit solid before processing?"), MB_YESNO) ; //----- Process hidden line removal AsdkHlrEngine hlr ( asPnt3d (tarPt), asVec3d (dirPt), kEntity | kBlock | kSubentity | kProgress | (honorInt == IDYES ? kHonorInternals : 0) | (hidLines == IDYES ? kShowAll : 0) | (meshSils == IDYES ? kMeshSilhouettes : 0) | (unit == IDYES ? kUnite : 0) ) ; hlr.setAcisConversionProgressCallBack (progress1) ; hlr.setAhlProgressCallBack (progress2) ; hlr.setAcadConversionProgressCallBack (progress3) ; acedSetStatusBarProgressMeter (ACRX_T("HLR running: "), 0, 300) ; (collector) ; acedRestoreStatusBar () ; //----- Assign color to the resulting entities //----- red for visible edges //----- blue for non-visible edges //----- yellow for internal edges n =collector.mOutputData.logicalLength () ; for (int i =0 ; i < n ; i++ ) { AsdkHlrData *p =collector.mOutputData [i] ; AcDbEntity *pEnt =p->getResultEntity () ; AsdkHlrData::Visibility vis =p->getVisibility () ; if ( vis == AsdkHlrData::kVisible ) { pEnt->setColorIndex (1) ; //----- Read } else if ( vis == AsdkHlrData::kInternallyHidden ) { if ( p->getHlrVisibility () == AsdkHlrData::kVisible ) pEnt->setColorIndex (2) ; //----- Yellow else pEnt->setColorIndex (3) ; //----- Green } else { pEnt->setColorIndex (5) ; //----- Blue } if ( postToDatabase (NULL, pEnt, id) != Acad::eOk ) { acutPrintf (_T("Failed to add entity to current space.\n")) ; break ; } if ( acdbOpenAcDbEntity (pEnt, id, AcDb::kForRead) != Acad::eOk ) { acutPrintf (_T("Failed to open last added outputed curve.\n")) ; break ; } //----- Entity originator path for block reference entities AcDbObjectIdArray ids =p->getObjectIds () ; if ( ids.logicalLength () > 0 ) { acutPrintf (ACRX_T("\n%lx, "), pEnt->objectId ().asOldId ()) ; if ( p->getSubentId ().type () != AcDb::kNullSubentType ) acutPrintf (ACRX_T("[%ld, %ld], "), p->getSubentId ().type (), p->getSubentId ().index ()) ; for ( int j =0 ; j < ids.logicalLength () ; j++ ) acutPrintf (ACRX_T("%lx, "), (j).asOldId ()) ; AcDbObjectId id =ids.last () ; if ( !id.isNull () ) { AcDbEntity *ent =NULL ; acdbOpenAcDbEntity (ent, id, AcDb::kForRead) ; id =ent->linetypeId () ; ent->close () ; if ( pEnt->upgradeOpen () == Acad::eOk ) pEnt->setLinetype (id) ; } } pEnt->close () ; } }
// This command demonstrates the use of kCleanup / kReuse flags void AddEntityToLayer (AsdkHlrCollector &collector, ACHAR *layerName) { //----- Check layer if ( layerName != NULL && *layerName != ACRX_T('\0') ) { AcDbDatabase *pDb =acdbHostApplicationServices ()->workingDatabase () ; AcDbLayerTable *pLayerTable ; pDb->getLayerTable (pLayerTable, AcDb::kForRead) ; if ( !pLayerTable->has (layerName) ) { AcDbLayerTableRecord *pLayerRecord =new AcDbLayerTableRecord ; pLayerRecord->setName (layerName) ; pLayerTable->upgradeOpen () ; pLayerTable->add (pLayerRecord) ; pLayerTable->downgradeOpen () ; pLayerRecord->close () ; pLayerTable->close () ; applyCurDwgLayerTableChanges () ; } else { pLayerTable->close () ; } } else { layerName =NULL ; } //----- Assign color to the resulting entities //----- red for visible edges //----- blue for non-visible edges //----- yellow for internal edges int n =collector.mOutputData.logicalLength () ; for ( int i =0 ; i < n ; i++ ) { AsdkHlrData *p =collector.mOutputData [i] ; AcDbEntity *pEnt =p->getResultEntity () ; AsdkHlrData::Visibility vis =p->getVisibility () ; if ( vis == AsdkHlrData::kVisible ) { pEnt->setColorIndex (1) ; //----- Read } else if ( vis == AsdkHlrData::kInternallyHidden ) { if ( p->getHlrVisibility () == AsdkHlrData::kVisible ) pEnt->setColorIndex (2) ; //----- Yellow else pEnt->setColorIndex (3) ; //----- Green } else { pEnt->setColorIndex (5) ; //----- Blue } if ( layerName != NULL ) pEnt->setLayer (layerName) ; AcDbObjectId id ; if ( postToDatabase (NULL, pEnt, id) != Acad::eOk ) { acutPrintf (_T("Failed to add entity to current space.\n")) ; break ; } //----- Entity originator path for block reference entities AcDbObjectIdArray ids =p->getObjectIds () ; if ( ids.logicalLength () > 0 ) { acutPrintf (ACRX_T("\n%ld, "), pEnt->objectId ().asOldId ()) ; for ( int j =0 ; j < ids.logicalLength () ; j++ ) { acutPrintf (ACRX_T("%ld, "), (j).asOldId ()) ; } } pEnt->close () ; } }
void refEditApiExample() { AcDbObjectId transId; AcDbDatabase* pDb; char *fname; struct resbuf *rb; // Get a dwg file from the user. // rb = acutNewRb(RTSTR); int stat = acedGetFileD("Pick a drawing", NULL, "dwg", 0, rb); if ((stat != RTNORM) || (rb == NULL)) { acutPrintf("\nYou must pick a drawing file."); return; } fname = (char*)acad_malloc(strlen(rb->resval.rstring) + 1); strcpy(fname, rb->resval.rstring); acutRelRb(rb); // Open the dwg file. // pDb = new AcDbDatabase(Adesk::kFalse); if (pDb->readDwgFile(fname) != Acad::eOk) { acutPrintf("\nSorry, that draing is probably already open."); return; } // Get the Block Table and then the model space record. // AcDbBlockTable *pBlockTable; pDb->getSymbolTable(pBlockTable, AcDb::kForRead); AcDbBlockTableRecord *pOtherMsBtr; pBlockTable->getAt(ACDB_MODEL_SPACE, pOtherMsBtr, AcDb::kForRead); pBlockTable->close(); // Create an iterator. // AcDbBlockTableRecordIterator *pIter; pOtherMsBtr->newIterator(pIter); // Set up an object ID array. // AcDbObjectIdArray objIdArray; // Iterate over the model space BTR. Look specifically // for lines and append their object ID to the array. // for (pIter->start(); !pIter->done(); pIter->step()) { AcDbEntity *pEntity; pIter->getEntity(pEntity, AcDb::kForRead); // Look for only AcDbLine objects and add them to the // object ID array. // if (pEntity->isKindOf(AcDbLine::desc())) { objIdArray.append(pEntity->objectId()); } pEntity->close(); } delete pIter; pOtherMsBtr->close(); if (objIdArray.isEmpty()) { acad_free(fname); acutPrintf("\nYou must pick a drawing file that contains lines."); return; } // Now get the current database and the object ID for the // current database's model space BTR. // AcDbBlockTable *pThisBlockTable; acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase() ->getSymbolTable(pThisBlockTable, AcDb::kForRead); AcDbBlockTableRecord *pThisMsBtr; pThisBlockTable->getAt(ACDB_MODEL_SPACE, pThisMsBtr, AcDb::kForWrite); pThisBlockTable->close(); AcDbObjectId id = pThisMsBtr->objectId(); pThisMsBtr->close(); // Create the long transaction. This will check all the entities // out of the external database. // AcDbIdMapping errorMap; acapLongTransactionManagerPtr()->checkOut(transId, objIdArray, id, errorMap); // Now modify the color of these entities. // int colorIndex; acedGetInt("\nEnter color number to change entities to: ", &colorIndex); AcDbObject* pObj; if (acdbOpenObject(pObj, transId, AcDb::kForRead) == Acad::eOk) { // Get a pointer to the transaction. // AcDbLongTransaction* pLongTrans = AcDbLongTransaction::cast(pObj); if (pLongTrans != NULL) { // Get a work set iterator. // AcDbLongTransWorkSetIterator* pWorkSetIter; pLongTrans->newWorkSetIterator(pWorkSetIter); // Iterate over the entities in the work set and change the color. // for (pWorkSetIter->start(); !pWorkSetIter->done(); pWorkSetIter->step()) { AcDbEntity *pEntity; acdbOpenAcDbEntity(pEntity, pWorkSetIter->objectId(), AcDb::kForWrite); pEntity->setColorIndex(colorIndex); pEntity->close(); } delete pWorkSetIter; } pObj->close(); } // Pause to see the change. // char str[132]; acedGetString(0, "\nSee the new colors. Press return to check the object into the original database", str); // Check the entities back in to the original database. // acapLongTransactionManagerPtr()->checkIn(transId, errorMap); // Save the original database, since we have made changes. // pDb->saveAs(fname); // Close/Delete the database // delete pDb; pDb = NULL; acad_free(fname); }
void asdktest3 () { //----- Create a line and a circle (memory only) AcDbLine *pLine =new AcDbLine (AcGePoint3d (), AcGePoint3d (100, 100, -100)) ; AcDbCircle *pCircle =new AcDbCircle (AcGePoint3d (50, 50, 0), AcGeVector3d (0, 0, 1) , 25.0) ; //----- Create a region from the circle AcDbVoidPtrArray arr1, arr2 ; arr1.append (pCircle) ; AcDbRegion::createFromCurves (arr1, arr2) ; AcDbRegion *pRegion =(AcDbRegion *) (0) ; delete pCircle ; //----- Add the line and the region objects to the collector //----- NB: Remember those object are memory objects only AsdkHlrCollector collector ; collector.setDeleteState (true) ; collector.addEntity (pLine) ; collector.addEntity (pRegion) ; //----- Process hidden line removal AsdkHlrEngine hlr (AcGePoint3d (50, 50,0), AcGeVector3d (0, 0, 1), kEntity | kBlock | kShowAll | kProject | kHonorInternals) ; (collector) ; //----- To easily see the result, we do append resulting entities to the current database //----- and use the color convention used in command 'TEST1' int n =collector.mOutputData.logicalLength () ; for ( int i =0 ; i < n ; i++ ) { AsdkHlrData *p =collector.mOutputData [i] ; AcDbEntity *pEnt =p->getResultEntity () ; AsdkHlrData::Visibility vis =p->getVisibility () ; if ( vis == AsdkHlrData::kVisible ) pEnt->setColorIndex (1) ; else pEnt->setColorIndex (5) ; AcDbObjectId id ; if ( postToDatabase (NULL, pEnt, id) != Acad::eOk ) { acutPrintf (_T("Failed to add entity to current space.\n")) ; break ; } //----- Entity originator path AcDbObjectIdArray ids =p->getObjectIds () ; if ( ids.logicalLength () > 0 ) { acutPrintf (ACRX_T("\n%ld, "), pEnt->objectId ().asOldId ()) ; for ( int j =0 ; j < ids.logicalLength () ; j++ ) { acutPrintf (ACRX_T("%ld, "), (j).asOldId ()) ; } } pEnt->close () ; } }