void rec(const char *filename="raw.root", const char* options="") { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Reconstruction script for RAW data // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// AliReconstruction rec; // Set reconstruction flags (skip detectors here if neded with -<detector name> // do we extract the TPC recpoints in advance Int_t preclustTPC = TString(gSystem->Getenv("preclusterizeTPC")).Atoi(); Bool_t noTPCLocalRec = preclustTPC==1; if (noTPCLocalRec) printf("preclustTPC = %d: TPC local reconstruction assumed to be already done\n", preclustTPC); else printf("preclustTPC = %d: TPC local reconstruction assumed to NOT be already done\n", preclustTPC); // if (noTPCLocalRec) { rec.SetRunReconstruction("ALL -HLT"); rec.SetRunLocalReconstruction("ALL -TPC -HLT"); } else { rec.SetRunLocalReconstruction("ALL"); } // Upload CDB entries from the snapshot (local root file) if snapshot exist if (gSystem->AccessPathName("OCDB.root", kFileExists)==0) { rec.SetDefaultStorage("local://"); rec.SetCDBSnapshotMode("OCDB.root"); } else { // setup ocdb by custom (if any) or default settings if (gSystem->AccessPathName("OCDBconfig.C", kFileExists)==0) { gROOT->Macro("OCDBconfig.C"); } else { // default settings AliCDBManager* man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); man->SetRaw(kTRUE); } // TString cdbMode = gSystem->Getenv("OCDB_SNAPSHOT_CREATE"); if (cdbMode == "kTRUE") { gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALIDPG_ROOT/MC/CreateSnapshot.C"); CreateSnapshot("OCDB.root",filename); return; } } // removing apparently pile-up clusters to speadup reconstruction const double kZOutSectorCut = 3.; // cut on clusters on wrong side of CE (added to extendedRoadZ) AliTPCReconstructor::SetZOutSectorCut(kZOutSectorCut); // QA options // rec.SetRunQA("Global:ESDs") ; // rec.SetRunQA(":") ; // rec.SetRunQA("ALL:ALL") ; rec.SetRunQA("Global MUON:ALL") ; rec.SetQARefDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/QAref") ; // AD stuff (see ALIROOT-6663) // rec.SetOption("AD", "+SaturationCorrection"); // --> not needed anymore, see https://alice.its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ALIROOT-6778 // AliReconstruction settings rec.SetWriteESDfriend(kTRUE); rec.SetWriteAlignmentData(); TString filenamewithopt = filename; filenamewithopt += options; rec.SetInput(filenamewithopt.Data()); rec.SetUseTrackingErrorsForAlignment("ITS"); // Specific AD storage, see https://alice.its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ALIROOT-6056 // rec.SetSpecificStorage("AD/Calib/TimeSlewing", "alien://Folder=/alice/simulation/2008/v4-15-Release/Ideal"); // switch off cleanESD rec.SetCleanESD(kFALSE); //Ignore SetStopOnError rec.SetStopOnError(kFALSE); // Delete recpoints // Remove recpoints after each event TString delRecPoints="TPC TRD"; if (noTPCLocalRec) delRecPoints.ReplaceAll("TPC",""); rec.SetDeleteRecPoints(delRecPoints.Data()); // // Set 0.7% as fraction of friends (Ruben, 2017-08-22) rec.SetFractionFriends(0.007); AliLog::Flush(); rec.Run(); }
void recCPass0(const char *filename="raw.root",Int_t nevents=-1, const char *ocdb="raw://", const char* options="?Trigger=kCalibBarrel") { if (gSystem->Getenv("ALIROOT_FORCE_COREDUMP")) { printf("ALIROOT_FORCE_COREDUMP set\n"); gSystem->ResetSignal(kSigFloatingException); gSystem->ResetSignal(kSigSegmentationViolation); } // addopt errors to account for calibration imprefection before cpass0 // 1) For TPC Double_t tpcSystematicErrors[5]={1,1.5,1./100.,1./100.,0.1}; Double_t tpcSystematicErrorClusters[2]={1.5,1.5}; Double_t tpcExtendedRoads[2]={2.5,2.5}; Double_t tpcPrimDCACuts[2] = {10.,30.}; // Y,Z TVectorD *vectpcSystematicErrors=new TVectorD(5, tpcSystematicErrors); TVectorD *vectpcSystematicErrorClusters=new TVectorD(2, tpcSystematicErrorClusters); TVectorD *vectpcExtendedRoads= new TVectorD(2, tpcExtendedRoads); TVectorD *vectpcPrimDCACuts = new TVectorD(2, tpcPrimDCACuts); const double kZOutSectorCut = 3.; // cut on clusters on wrong side of CE (added to extendedRoadZ) const double kPrimaryZ2XCut = 1.2; // cut on clusters Z/X (large eta) AliTPCReconstructor::SetSystematicError(vectpcSystematicErrors); AliTPCReconstructor::SetSystematicErrorCluster(vectpcSystematicErrorClusters); AliTPCReconstructor::SetExtendedRoads(vectpcExtendedRoads); AliTPCReconstructor::SetPrimaryDCACut(vectpcPrimDCACuts); AliTPCReconstructor::SetZOutSectorCut(kZOutSectorCut); AliTPCReconstructor::SetPrimaryZ2XCut(kPrimaryZ2XCut); // if (gSystem->Getenv("streamLevel")){ SetStreamLevel( AliTPCtracker::kStreamErrParam| AliTPCtracker::kStreamTransform); } // 2) For ITS AliITSReconstructor::SetCheckInvariant(kFALSE); // no invariant check with extended TPC errors // 3) For TOF // extra tolerance on top of default from recoparam AliTOFReconstructor::SetExtraTolerance(5.0); // 4) For TRD AliTRDReconstructor::SetExtraMaxClPerLayer(3); // to allow >6 cluster candidates per layer AliTRDReconstructor::SetExtraBoundaryTolerance(3); // relax boundary check AliTRDReconstructor::SetExtraRoadY(4); // extra road in Y AliTRDReconstructor::SetExtraRoadZ(6); // extra road in Z AliTRDReconstructor::SetExtraChi2Out(25); // extra chi2 tolerance on backpropagation // // Load some system libs for Grid and monitoring // Set the CDB storage location AliCDBManager * man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); man->SetDefaultStorage(ocdb); // Reconstruction settings AliReconstruction rec; // // do we extract the TPC recpoints in advance Int_t preclustTPC = TString(gSystem->Getenv("preclusterizeTPC")).Atoi(); Bool_t noTPCLocalRec = preclustTPC==1; if (noTPCLocalRec) printf("preclustTPC = %d: TPC local reconstruction assumed to be already done\n", preclustTPC); else printf("preclustTPC = %d: TPC local reconstruction assumed to NOT be already done\n", preclustTPC); // if (gSystem->Getenv("disableOuter")!=NULL){ TString disOuter = gSystem->Getenv("disableOuter"); TString disOuterLoc = disOuter; if (noTPCLocalRec) { disOuterLoc.ReplaceAll("TPC",""); disOuterLoc.ReplaceAll("HLT",""); } rec.SetRunReconstruction(disOuter.Data()); rec.SetRunLocalReconstruction(disOuterLoc.Data()); } else if (noTPCLocalRec) { rec.SetRunReconstruction("ALL -HLT"); rec.SetRunLocalReconstruction("ALL -TPC -HLT"); } else { rec.SetRunLocalReconstruction("ALL"); } // Upload CDB entries from the snapshot (local root file) if snapshot exist if (gSystem->AccessPathName("OCDB.root", kFileExists)==0) { rec.SetDefaultStorage("local://"); rec.SetCDBSnapshotMode("OCDB.root"); } else { // setup ocdb by custom (if any) or default settings if (gSystem->AccessPathName("localOCDBaccessConfig.C", kFileExists)==0) { gROOT->LoadMacro("localOCDBaccessConfig.C"); localOCDBaccessConfig(); }else { // default settings AliCDBManager* man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); man->SetRaw(kTRUE); } TString cdbMode = gSystem->Getenv("OCDB_SNAPSHOT_CREATE"); if (cdbMode == "kTRUE") { gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALIDPG_ROOT/MC/CreateSnapshot.C"); CreateSnapshot("OCDB.root",filename); return; } } // All friends rec.SetFractionFriends(2.0); // AliReconstruction settings - hardwired MB trigger for calibration TString newfilename = filename; newfilename += options; rec.SetInput(newfilename.Data()); // Set protection against too many events in a chunk (should not happen) if (nevents>0) rec.SetEventRange(0,nevents); // Remove recpoints after each event TString delRecPoints="TPC TRD ITS"; if (noTPCLocalRec) delRecPoints.ReplaceAll("TPC",""); rec.SetDeleteRecPoints(delRecPoints.Data()); // // Switch off the V0 finder - saves time! // rec.SetRunMultFinder(kFALSE); rec.SetRunV0Finder(kFALSE); // // QA options - all QA is off // rec.SetRunQA(":"); rec.SetRunGlobalQA(kFALSE); // AliReconstruction settings rec.SetWriteESDfriend(kTRUE); rec.SetWriteAlignmentData(); rec.SetUseTrackingErrorsForAlignment("ITS"); rec.SetCleanESD(kFALSE); // ITS options (see ALIROOT-7179) float itsErrY2[6]={0., 0., 0.1*0.1, 0.1*.1, 0.,0.}; TVectorF *vecITSErrY2 = new TVectorF(6, itsErrY2); AliITSReconstructor::SetExtraErrorY2(vecITSErrY2); //Ignore SetStopOnError rec.SetStopOnError(kFALSE); AliLog::Flush(); rec.Run(); }
void main_recCPass1_OuterDet(const char *filename="raw.root",Int_t nevents=-1, const char *ocdb="raw://", Bool_t useFullITS=kFALSE) { // Load some system libs for Grid and monitoring // Set the CDB storage location AliCDBManager * man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); man->SetDefaultStorage(ocdb); // Reconstruction settings AliReconstruction rec; // Upload CDB entries from the snapshot (local root file) if snapshot exist if (gSystem->AccessPathName("OCDB.root", kFileExists)==0) { man->SetDefaultStorage("local://"); man->SetRaw(kFALSE); man->SetSnapshotMode("OCDB.root"); } if (gSystem->AccessPathName("localOCDBaccessConfig.C", kFileExists)==0) { gInterpreter->ProcessLine("localOCDBaccessConfig();"); } if(!useFullITS){ // only SPD-trackletting will be done printf("Special ITS configuration: only SPD-trackletting will be done\n"); rec.SetRecoParam("ITS",GetSpecialITSRecoParam()); } // All friends rec.SetFractionFriends(1.0); // AliReconstruction settings - hardwired MB trigger for calibration TString newfilename = filename; newfilename += "?Trigger=kCalibOuter"; rec.SetInput(newfilename.Data()); // Set protection against too many events in a chunk (should not happen) if (nevents>0) rec.SetEventRange(0,nevents); // Remove recpoints after each event rec.SetDeleteRecPoints("ITS MUON EMCAL PHOS VZERO T0"); // Switch off the V0 finder - saves time! rec.SetRunV0Finder(kFALSE); // // QA options - all QA is off // rec.SetRunQA(":"); rec.SetRunGlobalQA(kFALSE); // AliReconstruction settings rec.SetWriteESDfriend(kFALSE); if(!useFullITS) rec.SetWriteAlignmentData(kFALSE); else rec.SetWriteAlignmentData(); rec.SetUseTrackingErrorsForAlignment("ITS"); rec.SetRunReconstruction("ITS MUON EMCAL PHOS VZERO T0"); rec.SetFillESD("ITS MUON EMCAL PHOS VZERO T0"); rec.SetCleanESD(kFALSE); // Specific reco params for ZDC (why isn't this automatic?) // rec.SetRecoParam("ZDC",AliZDCRecoParamPbPb::GetHighFluxParam(2760)); //Ignore SetStopOnError rec.SetStopOnError(kFALSE); AliLog::Flush(); rec.Run(); }