    myProcessConfigCB(this, &ConfigExample::processConfigFile)
    // The global Aria class contains an ArConfig object.  You can create
    // other instances of ArConfig, but this is how you can share one ArConfig
    // among various program modules.
    // If you want to store a config parameter in ArConfig, first you must add 
    // it to the ArConfig object.  Parameters are stored in sections, and
    // they affect a variable via a pointer provided in an ArConfigArg
    // object:
    ArConfig* config = Aria::getConfig();
    config->setSectionComment("Example Section", "Contains parameters created by the configExample");

    // Add an integer which ranges from -10 to 10:
    config->addParam( ArConfigArg("ExampleIntegerParameter", &myIntParam, "Example parameter integer.", -10, 10), "Example Section", ArPriority::NORMAL);
    // Add a floating point number which ranges from 0.0 to 1.0:
    config->addParam( ArConfigArg("ExampleDoubleParameter", &myDoubleParam, "Example double precision floating point number.", 0.0, 1.0), "Example Section", ArPriority::NORMAL);

    // Essential parameters can be placed in the "Important" priority level:
    config->addParam( ArConfigArg("ExampleBoolParameter", &myBoolParam, "Example boolean parameter."), "Example Section", ArPriority::IMPORTANT);

    // Unimportant parameters can be placed in the "Trivial" priority level:
    myStringParam[0] = '\0';  // make string empty
    config->addParam( ArConfigArg("ExampleStringParameter", myStringParam, "Example string parameter.", 256), "Example Section", ArPriority::TRIVIAL);

    // You can set a callback to be invoked when the configuration changes, in
    // case you need to respond to any changes in the parameter values:
    config->addProcessFileCB(&myProcessConfigCB, 0);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  ArServerBase server;
  ArConfig *config;
  config = Aria::getConfig();
  std::string section;
  char joy[512];
  sprintf(joy, "Joy");
  section = "section1";
  config->addParam(ArConfigArg("int", new int, "fun int", 0), section.c_str(), ArPriority::NORMAL);
  config->addParam(ArConfigArg("double", new double, "fun double", 0, 1), section.c_str(), ArPriority::NORMAL);
  config->addParam(ArConfigArg("bool", new bool, "fun bool"), section.c_str(), ArPriority::IMPORTANT);
  config->addParam(ArConfigArg("string", joy, "fun string", sizeof(joy)), section.c_str(), ArPriority::TRIVIAL);
  section = "section8";
  config->addParam(ArConfigArg("int", new int, "fun int", 0), section.c_str(), ArPriority::NORMAL);
  config->addParam(ArConfigArg("double", new double, "fun double", 0, 1), section.c_str(), ArPriority::NORMAL);
  config->addParam(ArConfigArg("doubleFOUR", (double).4, "fun double", 0.0, 1.0), section.c_str(), ArPriority::NORMAL);
  config->addParam(ArConfigArg("double three", new double, "fun double", 0, 1), section.c_str(), ArPriority::NORMAL);
  config->addParam(ArConfigArg("double two", new double, "fun double", 0, 1), section.c_str(), ArPriority::NORMAL);
  config->addParam(ArConfigArg("double one", new double, "fun double", 0, 1), section.c_str(), ArPriority::NORMAL);
  config->addParam(ArConfigArg("double", new double, "fun double", 0, 1), section.c_str(), ArPriority::NORMAL);
  config->addParam(ArConfigArg("bool", new bool, "fun bool"), section.c_str(), ArPriority::IMPORTANT);
  config->addParam(ArConfigArg("string", joy, "fun string", sizeof(joy)), section.c_str(), ArPriority::TRIVIAL);
  section = "some section";
  config->setSectionComment("some section", "this is a random section with 4 ints");
  config->addParam(ArConfigArg("int1", new int, "fun int"), section.c_str(), ArPriority::TRIVIAL);
  config->addParam(ArConfigArg("int2", new int, "fun int", -1, 1200), section.c_str(), ArPriority::NORMAL);
  config->addParam(ArConfigArg("int3", new int, "fun int"), section.c_str(), ArPriority::IMPORTANT);
  config->addParam(ArConfigArg("int4", new int, "fun int"), section.c_str(), ArPriority::NORMAL);
  config->addParam(ArConfigArg("int4", new int, "fun int"), section.c_str(), ArPriority::NORMAL);
  config->addParam(ArConfigArg("int1", new int, "fun int"), section.c_str(), ArPriority::TRIVIAL);
  section = "another section";
  config->setSectionComment("another section", "this is another section with 1 of each type");
  config->addParam(ArConfigArg("inta", new int, "fun int"), section.c_str(), ArPriority::NORMAL);
  config->addParam(ArConfigArg("doublea", new double, "fun double"), section.c_str(), ArPriority::NORMAL);
  config->addParam(ArConfigArg("boola", new bool, "fun bool"), section.c_str(), ArPriority::NORMAL);
  config->addParam(ArConfigArg("stringa", new char[512], "fun string", 512), section.c_str(), ArPriority::NORMAL);

  if (!server.open(7272))
    printf("Could not open server port\n");
  ArServerHandlerConfig configHandler(&server, Aria::getConfig(), 

  return 0;