AREXPORT ArTCMCompassDirect::ArTCMCompassDirect(const char *serialPortName) : myCreatedOwnDeviceConnection(true), myNMEAParser("ArTCMCompassDirect"), myHCHDMHandler(this, &ArTCMCompassDirect::handleHCHDM) { ArSerialConnection *newSerialCon = new ArSerialConnection(); newSerialCon->setPort(serialPortName); newSerialCon->setBaud(9600); myDeviceConnection = newSerialCon; myNMEAParser.addHandler("HCHDM", &myHCHDMHandler); }
void SetupRobot(void) { puts("attempting to connect to robot"); RobotConnectoin.setPort("COM8"); RobotConnectoin.setBaud(9600); robot.setDeviceConnection(&RobotConnectoin); if(!robot.blockingConnect()){puts("not connected to robot");Aria::shutdown();} robot.addRangeDevice(&sonarDev); robot.addRangeDevice(&bumpers); robot.enableMotors(); robot.enableSonar(); robot.requestEncoderPackets(); robot.setCycleChained(false); // robot.setRotVelMax(robot.getRotVelMax()); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { Aria::init(); ArLog::init(ArLog::StdErr, ArLog::Normal); ArArgumentParser parser(&argc, argv); parser.loadDefaultArguments(); if (!Aria::parseArgs() || !parser.checkHelpAndWarnUnparsed()) { Aria::logOptions(); Aria::exit(1); } ArSerialConnection con; con.setPort(ArUtil::COM4); con.setBaud(19200); if(!con.openSimple()) ArLog::log(ArLog::Terse, "could not open COM4"); char buf[512]; while (true) { int n =, 512, 10); if(n < 0) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Terse, "Error reading."); Aria::exit(n); } if(n == 0) continue; // log for debugging: char cmd = 0; int x = 0; int size = 0; for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if(buf[i] == 0xc1 || buf[i] == 0x5a) puts(""); printf("0x%hhX (%u) ", buf[i], buf[i]); } } Aria::exit(0); }
// Create an ArGPS object. If some options were obtained from command-line // parameters by parseArgs(), use those, otherwise get values from robot // parameters (the .p file) if we have a valid robot with valid parameters. AREXPORT ArGPS* ArGPSConnector::createGPS(ArRobot *robot) { // If we have a robot with parameters (i.e. have connected and read the .p // file), use those values unless already set by parseArgs() from command-line if(robot && robot->getRobotParams()) { if(myPort == NULL) { myPort = robot->getRobotParams()->getGPSPort(); if(strcmp(myPort, "COM1") == 0) myPort = ArUtil::COM1; if(strcmp(myPort, "COM2") == 0) myPort = ArUtil::COM2; if(strcmp(myPort, "COM3") == 0) myPort = ArUtil::COM3; if(strcmp(myPort, "COM4") == 0) myPort = ArUtil::COM4; } if(myBaud == -1) { myBaud = robot->getRobotParams()->getGPSBaud(); } if(myDeviceType == Invalid) { myDeviceType = deviceTypeFromString(robot->getRobotParams()->getGPSType()); } } else { if(myPort == NULL) myPort = ARGPS_DEFAULT_SERIAL_PORT; if(myBaud == -1) myBaud = ARGPS_DEFAULT_SERIAL_BAUD; if(myDeviceType == Invalid) myDeviceType = Standard; } // Create gps: ArGPS* newGPS = NULL; switch (myDeviceType) { case Novatel: ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "ArGPSConnector: Using Novatel GPS"); newGPS = new ArNovatelGPS; break; case Trimble: ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "ArGPSConnector: Using Trimble GPS"); newGPS = new ArTrimbleGPS; break; case NovatelSPAN: ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "ArGPSConnector: Using Novatel SPAN GPS"); newGPS = new ArNovatelSPAN; break; default: ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "ArGPSConnector: Using standard NMEA GPS"); newGPS = new ArGPS; break; } if (myTCPHost == NULL) { // Setup serial connection ArSerialConnection *serialCon = new ArSerialConnection; ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "ArGPSConnector: Connecting to GPS on port %s at %d baud...", myPort, myBaud); if (!serialCon->setBaud(myBaud)) { delete serialCon; return false; } if (serialCon->open(myPort) != 0) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Terse, "ArGPSConnector: Error: could not open GPS serial port %s.", myPort); delete serialCon; return NULL; } newGPS->setDeviceConnection(serialCon); myDeviceCon = serialCon; } else { // Setup TCP connection ArTcpConnection *tcpCon = new ArTcpConnection; ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "ArGPSConnector: Opening TCP connection to %s:%d...", myTCPHost, myTCPPort); int openState = tcpCon->open(myTCPHost, myTCPPort); if (openState != 0) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Terse, "ArGPSConnector: Error: could not open TCP connection to %s port %d: %s", tcpCon->getOpenMessage(openState)); delete tcpCon; return NULL; } newGPS->setDeviceConnection(tcpCon); myDeviceCon = tcpCon; } return newGPS; }
bool ArUrg::internalConnect(void) { bool ret = true; char buf[1024]; ArSerialConnection *serConn = NULL; serConn = dynamic_cast<ArSerialConnection *>(myConn); bool alreadyAtAutobaud = false; // empty the buffer... buf[0] = '\0'; while (readLine(buf, sizeof(buf), 1)); if (!(ret = sendCommandAndRecvStatus( "V", "version request", buf, sizeof(buf), 10000)) || strcasecmp(buf, "0") != 0) { // if we didn't get it, try it at what the autobaud rate is if (serConn != NULL) { alreadyAtAutobaud = true; serConn->setBaud(atoi(getAutoBaudChoice())); ArUtil::sleep(100); if (!(ret = sendCommandAndRecvStatus( "V", "version request after falling back to autobaudchoice", buf, sizeof(buf), 10000)) || strcasecmp(buf, "0") != 0) { if (ret && strcasecmp(buf, "0") != 0) ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%s::blockingConnect: Bad status on version response after falling back to autobaudchoice", getName()); return false; } } // if we don't have a serial port, then we can't change the baud, // so just fail else { if (ret && strcasecmp(buf, "0") != 0) ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%s::blockingConnect: Bad status on version response (%s)", getName(), buf); return false; } } if (!alreadyAtAutobaud && serConn != NULL) { // empty the buffer from the last version request while (readLine(buf, sizeof(buf), 100)); // now change the baud... sprintf(buf, "S%06d7654321", atoi(getAutoBaudChoice())); if (!writeLine(buf)) return false; ArUtil::sleep(100); //serConn->setBaud(115200); serConn->setBaud(atoi(getAutoBaudChoice())); // wait a second for the baud to change... ArUtil::sleep(100); // empty the buffer from the baud change while (readLine(buf, sizeof(buf), 100)); if (!(ret = sendCommandAndRecvStatus( "V", "version request after switching to autobaudchoice", buf, sizeof(buf), 10000)) || strcasecmp(buf, "0") != 0) { if (ret && strcasecmp(buf, "0") != 0) ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%s::blockingConnect: Bad status on version response after switching to autobaudchoice", getName()); return false; } ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%s: Switched to %s baud rate", getName(), getAutoBaudChoice()); } while (readLine(buf, sizeof(buf), 10000)) { /// MPL put this in instead of the following because of the /// behavior change of readline if (strlen(buf) == 0) break; if (strncasecmp(buf, "VEND:", strlen("VEND:")) == 0) myVendor = &buf[5]; else if (strncasecmp(buf, "PROD:", strlen("PROD:")) == 0) myProduct = &buf[5]; else if (strncasecmp(buf, "FIRM:", strlen("FIRM:")) == 0) myFirmwareVersion = &buf[5]; else if (strncasecmp(buf, "PROT:", strlen("PROT:")) == 0) myProtocolVersion = &buf[5]; else if (strncasecmp(buf, "SERI:", strlen("SERI:")) == 0) mySerialNumber = &buf[5]; else if (strncasecmp(buf, "STAT:", strlen("STAT:")) == 0) myStat = &buf[5]; } if (myVendor.empty() || myProduct.empty() || myFirmwareVersion.empty() || myProtocolVersion.empty() || mySerialNumber.empty()) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%s::blockingConnect: Missing information in version response", getName()); return false; } log(); myLogMore = true; // myLogMore = false; ArUtil::sleep(100); printf("myRequestString %s\n", myRequestString); if (!(ret = sendCommandAndRecvStatus( myRequestString, "request distance reading", buf, sizeof(buf), 10000)) || strcasecmp(buf, "0") != 0) { if (ret && strcasecmp(buf, "0") != 0) ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%s::blockingConnect: Bad status on distance reading response (%c)", getName(), buf[0]); return false; } myLogMore = false; ArTime started; started.setToNow(); while (started.secSince() < 10 && readLine(buf, sizeof(buf), 10000)) { if (strlen(buf) == 0) return true; } ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%s::blockingConnect: Did not get distance reading back", getName(), buf[0]); return false; }
AREXPORT bool ArUrg::blockingConnect(void) { if (!getRunning()) runAsync(); myConnMutex.lock(); if (myConn == NULL) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Terse, "%s: Could not connect because there is no connection defined", getName()); myConnMutex.unlock(); failedToConnect(); return false; } ArSerialConnection *serConn = NULL; serConn = dynamic_cast<ArSerialConnection *>(myConn); if (serConn != NULL) serConn->setBaud(atoi(getStartingBaudChoice())); if (myConn->getStatus() != ArDeviceConnection::STATUS_OPEN && !myConn->openSimple()) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Terse, "%s: Could not connect because the connection was not open and could not open it", getName()); myConnMutex.unlock(); failedToConnect(); return false; } myConnMutex.unlock(); lockDevice(); myTryingToConnect = true; unlockDevice(); laserPullUnsetParamsFromRobot(); laserCheckParams(); setParams(getStartDegrees(), getEndDegrees(), getIncrement(), getFlipped()); ArUtil::sleep(100); bool connected = false; if (internalConnect()) connected = true; if (connected) { lockDevice(); myIsConnected = true; myTryingToConnect = false; unlockDevice(); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%s: Connected to laser", getName()); laserConnect(); return true; } else { failedToConnect(); return false; } }
bool ArUrg_2_0::internalConnect(void) { bool ret = true; char buf[1024]; ArSerialConnection *serConn = NULL; serConn = dynamic_cast<ArSerialConnection *>(myConn); bool alreadyAtAutobaud = false; // empty the buffer... /* sendCommandAndRecvStatus( "RS", "reset", buf, sizeof(buf), 1000); readLine(buf, sizeof(buf), 1, true, false); sendCommandAndRecvStatus( "SCIP2.0", "SCIP 2.0 request", buf, sizeof(buf), 1000); */ writeLine("RS"); ArUtil::sleep(100); writeLine("SCIP2.0"); ArUtil::sleep(100); ArTime startedFlushing; while (readLine(buf, sizeof(buf), 1, true, false) || startedFlushing.mSecSince() < 1000); buf[0] = '\0'; if (!(ret = sendCommandAndRecvStatus( "VV", "version request", buf, sizeof(buf), 10000)) || strcasecmp(buf, "00") != 0) { // if we didn't get it and have an autobaud, try it at what the autobaud rate is if (serConn != NULL && atoi(getAutoBaudChoice()) > 0) { alreadyAtAutobaud = true; serConn->setBaud(atoi(getAutoBaudChoice())); ArUtil::sleep(100); writeLine("RS"); ArUtil::sleep(100); writeLine("SCIP2.0"); ArUtil::sleep(100); startedFlushing.setToNow(); while (readLine(buf, sizeof(buf), 1, true, false) || startedFlushing.mSecSince() < 1000); if (!(ret = sendCommandAndRecvStatus( "VV", "version request after falling back to autobaudchoice", buf, sizeof(buf), 10000)) || strcasecmp(buf, "00") != 0) { if (ret && strcasecmp(buf, "00") != 0) ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%s::blockingConnect: Bad status on version response after falling back to autobaudchoice", getName()); return false; } } // if we don't have a serial port or no autobaud then we can't // change the baud, so just fail else { if (ret && strcasecmp(buf, "00") != 0) ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%s::blockingConnect: Bad status on version response (%s)", getName(), buf); return false; } } // if we want to autobaud, then give it a whirl if (!alreadyAtAutobaud && serConn != NULL && atoi(getAutoBaudChoice()) > 0) { // empty the buffer from the last version request while (readLine(buf, sizeof(buf), 100, true, false)); // now change the baud... sprintf(buf, "SS%06d", atoi(getAutoBaudChoice())); if (!writeLine(buf)) return false; ArUtil::sleep(100); //serConn->setBaud(115200); serConn->setBaud(atoi(getAutoBaudChoice())); // wait a second for the baud to change... ArUtil::sleep(100); // empty the buffer from the baud change while (readLine(buf, sizeof(buf), 100, true, false)); if (!(ret = sendCommandAndRecvStatus( "VV", "version request after switching to autobaudchoice", buf, sizeof(buf), 10000)) || strcasecmp(buf, "00") != 0) { if (ret && strcasecmp(buf, "00") != 0) ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%s::blockingConnect: Bad status on version response after switching to autobaudchoice", getName()); return false; } ArLog::log(ArLog::Verbose, "%s: Switched to %s baud rate", getName(), getAutoBaudChoice()); } while (readLine(buf, sizeof(buf), 10000, false, true)) { if (strlen(buf) == 0) break; if (strncasecmp(buf, "VEND:", strlen("VEND:")) == 0) myVendor = &buf[5]; else if (strncasecmp(buf, "PROD:", strlen("PROD:")) == 0) myProduct = &buf[5]; else if (strncasecmp(buf, "FIRM:", strlen("FIRM:")) == 0) myFirmwareVersion = &buf[5]; else if (strncasecmp(buf, "PROT:", strlen("PROT:")) == 0) myProtocolVersion = &buf[5]; else if (strncasecmp(buf, "SERI:", strlen("SERI:")) == 0) mySerialNumber = &buf[5]; else if (strncasecmp(buf, "STAT:", strlen("STAT:")) == 0) myStat = &buf[5]; } if (myVendor.empty() || myProduct.empty() || myFirmwareVersion.empty() || myProtocolVersion.empty() || mySerialNumber.empty()) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%s::blockingConnect: Missing information in version response", getName()); return false; } if (!(ret = sendCommandAndRecvStatus( "PP", "parameter info request", buf, sizeof(buf), 10000)) || strcasecmp(buf, "00") != 0) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%s::blockingConnect: Bad response to parameter info request", getName()); return false; } while (readLine(buf, sizeof(buf), 10000, false, true)) { if (strlen(buf) == 0) break; if (strncasecmp(buf, "MODL:", strlen("MODL:")) == 0) myModel = &buf[5]; else if (strncasecmp(buf, "DMIN:", strlen("DMIN:")) == 0) myDMin = atoi(&buf[5]); else if (strncasecmp(buf, "DMAX:", strlen("DMAX:")) == 0) myDMax = atoi(&buf[5]); else if (strncasecmp(buf, "ARES:", strlen("ARES:")) == 0) myARes = atoi(&buf[5]); else if (strncasecmp(buf, "AMIN:", strlen("AMIN:")) == 0) myAMin = atoi(&buf[5]); else if (strncasecmp(buf, "AMAX:", strlen("AMAX:")) == 0) myAMax = atoi(&buf[5]); else if (strncasecmp(buf, "AFRT:", strlen("AFRT:")) == 0) myAFront = atoi(&buf[5]); else if (strncasecmp(buf, "SCAN:", strlen("SCAN:")) == 0) myScan = atoi(&buf[5]); } if (myModel.empty() || myDMin == 0 || myDMax == 0 || myARes == 0 || myAMin == 0 || myAMax == 0 || myAFront == 0 || myScan == 0) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%s::blockingConnect: Missing information in parameter info response", getName()); return false; } myStepSize = 360.0 / myARes; myStepFirst = myAFront * myStepSize; if (myMaxRange > myDMax) setMaxRange(myDMax); //log(); setParams(getStartDegrees(), getEndDegrees(), getIncrement(), getFlipped()); //myLogMore = true; // myLogMore = false; ArUtil::sleep(100); //printf("myRequestString %s\n", myRequestString); if (!(ret = sendCommandAndRecvStatus( myRequestString, "request distance reading", buf, sizeof(buf), 10000)) || strcasecmp(buf, "00") != 0) { if (ret && strcasecmp(buf, "00") != 0) ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%s::blockingConnect: Bad status on distance reading response (%s)", getName(), buf); return false; } //myLogMore = false; ArTime started; started.setToNow(); while (started.secSince() < 10 && readLine(buf, sizeof(buf), 10000, true, false)) { if (strlen(buf) == 0) return true; } ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%s::blockingConnect: Did not get distance reading back", getName()); return false; }
AREXPORT bool ArUrg_2_0::blockingConnect(void) { if (!getRunning()) runAsync(); myConnMutex.lock(); if (myConn == NULL) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Terse, "%s: Could not connect because there is no connection defined", getName()); myConnMutex.unlock(); failedToConnect(); return false; } ArSerialConnection *serConn = NULL; serConn = dynamic_cast<ArSerialConnection *>(myConn); // if we have a starting baud and are a serial port, then change the // baud rate... not by default this will set it to 0 baud which'll // cause the serial stuff not to touch it if (serConn != NULL) serConn->setBaud(atoi(getStartingBaudChoice())); if (myConn->getStatus() != ArDeviceConnection::STATUS_OPEN && !myConn->openSimple()) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Terse, "%s: Could not connect because the connection was not open and could not open it", getName()); myConnMutex.unlock(); failedToConnect(); return false; } myConnMutex.unlock(); lockDevice(); myTryingToConnect = true; unlockDevice(); laserPullUnsetParamsFromRobot(); laserCheckParams(); ArUtil::sleep(100); bool connected = false; if (internalConnect()) connected = true; if (connected) { lockDevice(); myIsConnected = true; myTryingToConnect = false; unlockDevice(); ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%s: Connected to laser", getName()); laserConnect(); return true; } else { failedToConnect(); return false; } }
AREXPORT bool ArSZSeries::blockingConnect(void) { if (!getRunning()) runAsync(); myConnMutex.lock(); if (myConn == NULL) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Terse, "%s: Could not connect because there is no connection defined", getName()); myConnMutex.unlock(); failedToConnect(); return false; } // myPrevSensorIntTime = myConn->getTimeRead(0); // PS 9/9/11 - moved this here to fix issue with setting baud in mt400.p laserPullUnsetParamsFromRobot(); laserCheckParams(); // PS 9/9/11 - add setting baud ArSerialConnection *serConn = NULL; serConn = dynamic_cast<ArSerialConnection *>(myConn); if (serConn != NULL) serConn->setBaud(atoi(getStartingBaudChoice())); if (myConn->getStatus() != ArDeviceConnection::STATUS_OPEN && !myConn->openSimple()) { ArLog::log( ArLog::Terse, "%s: Could not connect because the connection was not open and could not open it", getName()); myConnMutex.unlock(); failedToConnect(); return false; } // PS - set logging level and laser type in packet receiver class myReceiver.setmyInfoLogLevel(myInfoLogLevel); myReceiver.setmyName(getName()); myReceiver.setDeviceConnection(myConn); myConnMutex.unlock(); lockDevice(); myTryingToConnect = true; unlockDevice(); // PS 9/9/11 - moved up top //laserPullUnsetParamsFromRobot(); //laserCheckParams(); int size = ArMath::roundInt((270/.3) + 1); ArLog::log(myInfoLogLevel, "%s::blockingConnect() Setting current buffer size to %d", getName(), size); setCurrentBufferSize(size); ArTime timeDone; if (myPowerControlled) { if (!timeDone.addMSec(60 * 1000)) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%s::blockingConnect() error adding msecs (60 * 1000)", getName()); } } else { if (!timeDone.addMSec(30 * 1000)) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Normal, "%s::blockingConnect() error adding msecs (30 * 1000)", getName()); } } ArSZSeriesPacket *packet; ArSZSeriesPacket sendPacket; #if 0 sendPacket.empty(); sendPacket.uByteToBuf(0xA0); // stop continous sending sendPacket.uByteToBuf(0x00); sendPacket.uByteToBuf(0x1D); sendPacket.uByteToBuf(0x7E); sendPacket.finalizePacket(); if ((myConn->write(sendPacket.getBuf(), sendPacket.getLength())) == -1) { ArLog::log(ArLog::Terse, "%s::blockingConnect() Could not send Stop Continuous mode to laser", getName()); failedToConnect(); return false; } #endif // Build the Start Continuous sending packet and set it // once we get a response, then we are connected, note // the response needs to be a real reading sendPacket.empty(); // command id = 0x91 //sendPacket.uByteToBuf(145); sendPacket.uByteToBuf(0x91); // note communication ID default is 0 // this value is set via the SZ Configurator // ???? not sure what to do if it fails // and put in CRC - from manual, this is // specific to the communication ID = 0 sendPacket.uByteToBuf(0); sendPacket.uByteToBuf(43); sendPacket.uByteToBuf(218); unsigned short crc = myReceiver.CRC16((unsigned char *)sendPacket.getBuf(), 2); #if 0 // other communications IDs and CRC // communication ID =1 sendPacket.uByteToBuf(1); sendPacket.uByteToBuf(59); sendPacket.uByteToBuf(251); // communication ID =2 sendPacket.uByteToBuf(2); sendPacket.uByteToBuf(11); sendPacket.uByteToBuf(152); // communication ID =3 sendPacket.uByteToBuf(3); sendPacket.uByteToBuf(27); sendPacket.uByteToBuf(185); #endif sendPacket.finalizePacket(); IFDEBUG( int i; char x[100000]; printf("buffer with len = %d: ",sendPacket.getLength()); for (i = 0;i < sendPacket.getLength();i++) { printf("0x%x ",sendPacket.getBuf()[i] & 0xff); //sprintf(&x[i], "%2x", (char *)sendPacket.getBuf()[i]); } printf("\n"); //ArLog::log(ArLog::Terse, // "%s::blockingConnect() write Buffer = %s", getName(), x); ); // end IFDEBUG
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ret; std::string str; ArSerialConnection con; ArSickPacket sick; ArSickPacket *packet; ArSickPacketReceiver receiver(&con); ArTime start; unsigned int value; int numReadings; ArTime lastReading; ArTime packetTime; start.setToNow(); // open the connection, if it fails, exit if ((ret = != 0) { str = con.getOpenMessage(ret); printf("Open failed: %s\n", str.c_str()); Aria::shutdown(); return 1; } start.setToNow(); printf("Waiting for laser to power on\n"); sick.empty(); sick.uByteToBuf(0x10); sick.finalizePacket(); con.write(sick.getBuf(), sick.getLength()); while (start.secSince() < 70 && ((packet = receiver.receivePacket(100)) == NULL || (packet->getID() != 0x90))); if (packet != NULL) printf("Laser powered on\n"); else exit(1); printf("Changing baud\n"); sick.empty(); sick.byteToBuf(0x20); sick.byteToBuf(0x40); sick.finalizePacket(); con.write(sick.getBuf(), sick.getLength()); ArUtil::sleep(10); if (!con.setBaud(38400)) { printf("Could not set baud, exiting\n"); } /*packet = receiver.receivePacket(100); if (packet != NULL) packet->log(); */ sick.empty(); sick.uByteToBuf(0x3B); sick.uByte2ToBuf(180); sick.uByte2ToBuf(100); sick.finalizePacket(); con.write(sick.getBuf(), sick.getLength()); packet = receiver.receivePacket(100); if (packet != NULL) packet->log(); sick.empty(); sick.byteToBuf(0x20); sick.byteToBuf(0x24); sick.finalizePacket(); con.write(sick.getBuf(), sick.getLength()); packet = receiver.receivePacket(100); if (packet != NULL) packet->log(); printf("Starting to report back from port, it took %ld ms to get here:\n", start.mSecSince()); start.setToNow(); while (start.secSince() < 6) { packetTime.setToNow(); packet = receiver.receivePacket(); if (packet != NULL) printf("####### %ld ms was how long the packet took\n", packetTime.mSecSince()); if (packet != NULL) { if (packet->getLength() < 10) packet->log(); else if (packet->getID() == 0x90) { char strBuf[512]; packet->log(); //printf("%x\n", packet->bufToUByte()); packet->bufToStr(strBuf, 512); printf("0x%x %s\n", packet->getID(), strBuf); sick.empty(); sick.uByteToBuf(0x3B); sick.uByte2ToBuf(180); sick.uByte2ToBuf(100); sick.finalizePacket(); con.write(sick.getBuf(), sick.getLength()); packet = receiver.receivePacket(100); sick.empty(); sick.uByteToBuf(0x20); sick.uByteToBuf(0x24); sick.finalizePacket(); con.write(sick.getBuf(), sick.getLength()); } else { value = packet->bufToUByte2(); numReadings = value & 0x3ff; printf("%ld ms after last reading.\n", lastReading.mSecSince()); /* printf("Reading number %d, complete %d, unit: %d %d:\n", value & 0x3ff, !(bool)(value & ArUtil::BIT13), (bool)(value & ArUtil::BIT14), (bool)(value & ArUtil::BIT15)); for (i = 0; i < numReadings; i++) { value = packet->bufToUByte2(); if (value & ArUtil::BIT13) printf("D"); printf("%d ", value & 0x1fff); } printf("\n"); */ lastReading.setToNow(); } } else { //printf("No packet\n"); } } }