   Finds a node below (or at) this level in the tree with the given name
   @param name The name of the child we are interested in finding
   @return The task, if found.  If not found, NULL.
AREXPORT ArSyncTask *ArSyncTask::find(ArFunctor *functor)
  ArSyncTask *proc;
  std::multimap<int, ArSyncTask *>::iterator it;
  if (myFunctor == functor)
    return this;

  for (it = myMultiMap.begin(); it != myMultiMap.end(); ++it)
    proc = (*it).second;
    if (proc->find(functor) != NULL)
      return proc;
  return NULL;
   Finds a node below (or at) this level in the tree with the given name
   @param name The name of the child we are interested in finding
   @return The task, if found.  If not found, NULL.
AREXPORT ArSyncTask *ArSyncTask::find(const char *name)
  ArSyncTask *proc;
  std::multimap<int, ArSyncTask *>::iterator it;
  if (strcmp(myName.c_str(), name) == 0)
    return this;

  for (it = myMultiMap.begin(); it != myMultiMap.end(); ++it)
    proc = (*it).second;
    if (proc->find(name) != NULL)
      return proc;
  return NULL;