MapTextureBrowser::MapTextureBrowser(wxWindow* parent, int type, string texture) : BrowserWindow(parent)
	// Init variables
	this->type = type;

	// Set window title
	SetTitle("Browse Map Textures");

	// Textures
	if (type == 0 || theGameConfiguration->mixTexFlats())
		// No texture '-'
		addItem(new MapTexBrowserItem("-", 0, 0), "Textures");

		// Composite textures
		vector<TextureResource::tex_res_t> textures;
		theResourceManager->getAllTextures(textures, NULL);
		for (unsigned a = 0; a < textures.size(); a++)
			addItem(new MapTexBrowserItem(textures[a].tex->getName(), 0, textures[a].tex->getIndex()+1), "Textures/TEXTUREx");

		// Texture namespace patches (TX_)
		if (theGameConfiguration->txTextures())
			vector<ArchiveEntry*> patches;
			theResourceManager->getAllPatchEntries(patches, NULL);
			for (unsigned a = 0; a < patches.size(); a++)
				if (patches[a]->isInNamespace("textures"))
					// Determine texture path if it's in a pk3
					string path = patches[a]->getPath();
					if (path.StartsWith("/textures/"))
						path.Remove(0, 9);
						path = "";

					addItem(new MapTexBrowserItem(patches[a]->getName(true), 0, a), "Textures/Textures (TX)" + path);

	// Flats
	if (type == 1 || theGameConfiguration->mixTexFlats())
		vector<ArchiveEntry*> flats;
		theResourceManager->getAllFlatEntries(flats, NULL);
		for (unsigned a = 0; a < flats.size(); a++)
			ArchiveEntry* entry = flats[a];

			// Determine flat path if it's in a pk3
			string path = entry->getPath();
			if (path.StartsWith("/flats/"))
				path.Remove(0, 6);
				path = "";

			addItem(new MapTexBrowserItem(entry->getName(true), 1, entry->getParentDir()->entryIndex(entry)), "Flats" + path);


	// Select initial texture (if any)
	if (!texture.IsEmpty())
/* MapTextureManager::buildTexInfoList
 * (Re)builds lists with information about all currently available
 * resource textures and flats
void MapTextureManager::buildTexInfoList()
	// Clear

	// --- Textures ---

	// Composite textures
	vector<TextureResource::tex_res_t> textures;
	theResourceManager->getAllTextures(textures, NULL);
	for (unsigned a = 0; a < textures.size(); a++)
		CTexture * tex = textures[a].tex;
		Archive* parent = textures[a].parent;
		if (tex->isExtended())
			if (S_CMPNOCASE(tex->getType(), "texture") || S_CMPNOCASE(tex->getType(), "walltexture"))
				tex_info.push_back(map_texinfo_t(tex->getName(), TC_TEXTURES, parent));
			else if (S_CMPNOCASE(tex->getType(), "define"))
				tex_info.push_back(map_texinfo_t(tex->getName(), TC_HIRES, parent));
			else if (S_CMPNOCASE(tex->getType(), "flat"))
				flat_info.push_back(map_texinfo_t(tex->getName(), TC_TEXTURES, parent));
			// Ignore graphics, patches and sprites
			tex_info.push_back(map_texinfo_t(tex->getName(), TC_TEXTUREX, parent, "", tex->getIndex() + 1));

	// Texture namespace patches (TX_)
	if (theGameConfiguration->txTextures())
		vector<ArchiveEntry*> patches;
		theResourceManager->getAllPatchEntries(patches, NULL);
		for (unsigned a = 0; a < patches.size(); a++)
			if (patches[a]->isInNamespace("textures") || patches[a]->isInNamespace("hires"))
				// Determine texture path if it's in a pk3
				string path = patches[a]->getPath();
				if (path.StartsWith("/textures/"))
					path.Remove(0, 9);
				else if (path.StartsWith("/hires/"))
					path.Remove(0, 6);
					path = "";

				tex_info.push_back(map_texinfo_t(patches[a]->getName(true), TC_TX, patches[a]->getParent(), path));

	// Flats
	vector<ArchiveEntry*> flats;
	theResourceManager->getAllFlatEntries(flats, NULL);
	for (unsigned a = 0; a < flats.size(); a++)
		ArchiveEntry* entry = flats[a];

		// Determine flat path if it's in a pk3
		string path = entry->getPath();
		if (path.StartsWith("/flats/") || path.StartsWith("/hires/"))
			path.Remove(0, 6);
			path = "";

		flat_info.push_back(map_texinfo_t(entry->getName(true), TC_NONE, flats[a]->getParent(), path));