Scene Scene::deserialized(io::ReaderRef reader, AssetLoader<StaticMesh>& mesh_loader, const AssetPtr<Material>& default_material) { y_profile(); struct Header { u32 magic; AssetType type; u32 version; u32 statics; u32 lights; bool is_valid() const { return magic == fs::magic_number && type == AssetType::Scene && version == 2; } }; auto header = reader->read_one<Header>(); if(!header.is_valid()) { y_throw("Invalid header."); } Scene scene; scene.static_meshes().set_min_capacity(header.statics); scene.lights().set_min_capacity(header.lights); { for(u32 i = 0; i != header.statics; ++i) { auto id = reader->read_one<AssetId>(); auto transform = reader->read_one<math::Transform<>>(); if(id == AssetId::invalid_id()) { log_msg("Skipping asset with invalid id.", Log::Warning); continue; } try { auto mesh = mesh_loader.load(id); auto inst = std::make_unique<StaticMeshInstance>(mesh, default_material); inst->transform() = transform; scene.static_meshes().emplace_back(std::move(inst)); } catch(std::exception& e) { log_msg(fmt("Unable to load asset: %, Skipping.", e.what()), Log::Warning); continue; } } } { for(u32 i = 0; i != header.lights; ++i) { // load as point, then read on top. Maybe change this ? auto light = std::make_unique<Light>(Light::Point); reader->read_one(*light); scene.lights().emplace_back(std::move(light)); } } return scene; }
void addBunny( std::shared_ptr<Container> container ) { AssetLoader loader; std::string modelPath = "models"; // bunnies std::string bunnyPath = modelPath + "/stanford/bunny/reconstruction"; auto mesh = loader.load( bunnyPath + "/bun_zipper_res2.ply" ); //auto mesh = loader.load( bunnyPath + "/bun_zipper_res4.ply" ); if( !mesh ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error loading mesh\n" ); return; } //mesh->material = std::make_shared<DiffuseMaterial>( 0.0f, 0.66, 0.42f ); // emerald green mesh->material = std::make_shared<MirrorMaterial>(); printf("Building octree\n"); auto mesh_octree = new TMOctreeAccelerator( *std::dynamic_pointer_cast<TriangleMesh>(mesh) ); mesh_octree->build(); mesh->accelerator = mesh_octree; mesh->transform = std::make_shared<Transform>(); *mesh->transform = makeTranslation( Vector4( 0.0, 0.2, -0.5 ) ); container->add( mesh ); }
////////////////////////////////////////// // Standard Material Test Models ////////////////////////////////////////// std::shared_ptr<TriangleMesh> loadMaterialTestModel( AssetLoader & loader ) { std::string modelBasePath = "models"; //auto mesh = loader.load( modelBasePath + "/dacunni/material_test1.obj" ); //auto mesh = loader.load( modelBasePath + "/dacunni/material_test1.stl" ); auto mesh = loader.load( modelBasePath + "/" ); return mesh; }
////////////////////////////////////////// // Standard Material Test Models ////////////////////////////////////////// std::shared_ptr<TriangleMesh> loadMaterialTestModel( AssetLoader & loader ) { std::string modelBasePath = "models"; //auto mesh = loader.load( modelBasePath + "/dacunni/material_test1.obj" ); //auto mesh = loader.load( modelBasePath + "/dacunni/material_test1.stl" ); auto mesh = loader.load( modelBasePath + "/" ); //auto mesh = loader.load( modelBasePath + "/uvsphere.ply" ); //auto mesh = loader.loadMultiPartMerged( modelBasePath + "/test_objects/mori/testObj.obj" ); #if 0 auto mesh = loader.loadMultiPartMerged( modelBasePath + "/test_objects/mitsuba/mitsuba.obj" ); #endif #if 0 mesh->makeCanonical(); #endif #if 1 mesh->accelerator = new TMOctreeAccelerator( *mesh ); mesh->accelerator->build(); #endif return mesh; }