static void breadth_first_search(const GraphType& graph, const VertexIndexType& source, const int& k_steps, AssociativeContainer& visited_vertices) { /* CHECK: AssociativeContainer::value_type == VertexIndexType */ std::queue<VertexIndexType> even_epoch_queue; std::queue<VertexIndexType> odd_epoch_queue; std::queue<VertexIndexType>& current_queue = even_epoch_queue; std::queue<VertexIndexType>& next_queue = odd_epoch_queue; current_queue.push (source); int step_number = 0; while (step_number<k_steps) { while (!current_queue.empty ()) { const int vertex = current_queue.front (); current_queue.pop (); visited_vertices.insert (vertex); for (int target_index=graph.begin(vertex); target_index<graph.end(vertex); ++target_index) { const int target = graph.get_target (target_index); if (visited_vertices.end()==visited_vertices.find (target)) { next_queue.push (target); } } } ++step_number; current_queue = (step_number&0x10)?even_epoch_queue:odd_epoch_queue; next_queue = (step_number&0x01)?even_epoch_queue:odd_epoch_queue; } }
static void construct_adjacency_matrix (const GraphType& graph, const AssociativeContainer& vertices, __gnu_cxx::hash_map<VertexIndexType, VertexIndexType>& label_map, __gnu_cxx::hash_map<VertexIndexType, VertexIndexType>& reverse_label_map, std::vector<EdgeWeightType>& adjacency_matrix) { typedef typename AssociativeContainer::const_iterator AssociativeContainerConstIterator; /* resize the adjacency matrix to hold the adjacencies */ const int num_vertices = vertices.size (); adjacency_matrix.resize (num_vertices*num_vertices, 0.0); /* Create a map, which remaps the old vertices into new vertices */ VertexIndexType new_label=0; AssociativeContainerConstIterator iter = vertices.begin(); AssociativeContainerConstIterator end = vertices.end(); while (iter!=end) { const VertexIndexType current_vertex = *iter++; label_map [current_vertex] = new_label; reverse_label_map [new_label] = current_vertex; ++new_label; } assert (new_label==num_vertices); /* now do the adjacencies */ iter = vertices.begin(); while (iter!=end) { const VertexIndexType old_vertex = *iter++; const VertexIndexType new_vertex = label_map [old_vertex]; for (int target_index=graph.begin(old_vertex); target_index<graph.end(old_vertex); ++target_index) { const VertexIndexType adjacent_vertex=graph.get_target (target_index); /* only add the adjacency if the target is one of "vertices". */ if (vertices.end()!=vertices.find (adjacent_vertex)) { const int element_offset = (num_vertices*new_vertex) + label_map [adjacent_vertex]; adjacency_matrix [element_offset] = graph.get_weight (target_index); } } } }
void erase_if_dispatch(AssociativeContainer& c, Predicate p, associative_container_tag, stable_tag) { typename AssociativeContainer::iterator i, next; for (i = next = c.begin(); next != c.end(); i = next) { ++next; if (p(*i)) c.erase(i); } }
void remove_if(AssociativeContainer& C, Predicate p) { typedef typename AssociativeContainer::iterator iterator; iterator cur = C.begin(); const iterator last = C.end(); while ((cur = std::find_if(cur, last, p)) != last) { iterator tmp = cur++; C.erase(tmp); } }
void erase_if_dispatch(AssociativeContainer& c, Predicate p, associative_container_tag, unstable_tag) { // This method is really slow, so hopefully we won't have any // associative containers with unstable iterators! // Is there a better way to do this? typename AssociativeContainer::iterator i; typename AssociativeContainer::size_type n = c.size(); while (n--) for (i = c.begin(); i != c.end(); ++i) if (p(*i)) { c.erase(i); break; } }
void writeLatex( AssociativeContainer & p, bool draw_box = true, bool dumpcout = false, std::ostream & ostr = std::cout) { typedef typename AssociativeContainer::iterator Iterator; Iterator it; ostr << std::fixed << std::setprecision(8); int sum = 0; for(it = p.begin(); it != p.end(); it++) { sum += it->second; } // ########## // create statistics plot // a priori computation of the vertical position of the histogram bar names // long size_entries = p.size(); size_t key_size_max = 0; double text_vertical_position = 0.0; double box_vertical_size = 0.0; double box_horizontal_size = 0.0; for(it = p.begin(); it != p.end(); it++) { // determine the maximal key size of all entries if( (it->first).size() > key_size_max ) key_size_max = (it->first).size(); // the reference is: for a key of 8 characters, the vspace is 40.0 // so conclude about the actual size of the key by using this ratio. text_vertical_position = key_size_max * 40.0 / 8.0; // determine the size of the pspicture box. // use some reference ratios to derive a suitable size box_vertical_size = text_vertical_position; box_horizontal_size = size_entries * 4.0 / 3.0; } ostr << std::endl; ostr << "%-----------" << std::endl; ostr << "%%% PLOT %%%" << std::endl; ostr << "%-----------" << std::endl; ostr << "\\begin{minipage}[ht]{0.20\\textwidth}" << std::endl; if(draw_box) ostr << "\\fbox{" << std::endl; ostr << "\\setlength{\\unitlength}{1cm}" << std::endl; ostr << "\\psset{xunit=0.7cm, yunit=0.03017058cm}" << std::endl; ostr << "\\begin{pspicture}(-1.0,-" << box_vertical_size << ")("<< box_horizontal_size <<",130)" << std::endl; ostr << "\\psaxes[labels=y,Dx=1,Dy=50.](0,0)(" << size_entries << ",100)" << std::endl; ostr << "\\pspolygon[fillcolor=black, fillstyle=solid](-0.08,104.55414013)(0,109.53290870)(0.08,104.55414013)" << std::endl; int i=0; for(it = p.begin(); it != p.end(); it++) { // detect underscores in the key and prefix them with a '\' // so its latex conform std::string key = gsse::check_for_special_characters(it->first); double percentage = ( boost::lexical_cast<double>(it->second) / boost::lexical_cast<double>(sum))*100.0; #ifdef DEBUG std::cout << " key_size" << key_size << std::endl; std::cout << " text_vertical_position: " << text_vertical_position << std::endl; #endif ostr.precision(2); ostr << "\\psframe[linewidth=1pt, fillcolor=gray, fillstyle=solid] (" << i << ".30000000,0)(" << i << ".70000000," << percentage << ")" << std::endl; ostr << "\\rput[bl](" << i++ << ".35000000,-" << text_vertical_position << "){\\rotateleft{\\footnotesize " << key << "}}" << std::endl; } ostr << "\\end{pspicture}" << std::endl; if(draw_box) ostr << "}" << std::endl; ostr << "\\end{minipage}" << std::endl; ostr << std::endl; ostr << "%------------" << std::endl; ostr << "%%% TABLE %%%" << std::endl; ostr << "%------------" << std::endl; // ########## // create statistics table ostr << "\\begin{minipage}[ht]{0.20\\textwidth}" << std::endl; ostr << "\\begin{tabular}{crr}" << std::endl; if(dumpcout) { std::cout << "## mesh classification: " << std::endl; std::cout << "---------------------------------------------" << std::endl; } for(it = p.begin(); it != p.end(); it++) { double percentage = ( boost::lexical_cast<double>(it->second) / boost::lexical_cast<double>(sum))*100.0; if(dumpcout) { std::cout << " " << gsse::check_for_special_characters(it->first) << " \t" << percentage << " %" << std::endl; std::cout << "---------------------------------------------" << std::endl; } ostr << gsse::check_for_special_characters(it->first) << " & " << it->second << " & " << percentage << "\\% \\\\" << std::endl; } ostr << "\\end{tabular}" << std::endl; ostr << "\\end{minipage}" << std::endl; ostr << "%------------" << std::endl; ostr << "%------------" << std::endl; ostr << std::endl; }