	void OnConnection(const TcpConnectionPtr& conn)
		LOG_INFO << conn->localAddress().toIpPort() << " -> "
             << conn->peerAddress().toIpPort() << " is "
             << (conn->connected() ? "UP" : "DOWN");
    	m_connection = conn;
    	if(g_aliveConnections.incrementAndGet() == g_connections)
    		LOG_INFO << "all connected";
    		if(g_aliveConnections.incrementAndGet() == g_connections)
    			LOG_INFO << "all disconnected";
void WiredTigerSession::releaseCursor(uint64_t id, WT_CURSOR* cursor) {


    // Cursors are pushed to the front of the list and removed from the back
    _cursors.push_front(WiredTigerCachedCursor(id, _cursorGen++, cursor));

    // A negative value for wiredTigercursorCacheSize means to use hybrid caching.
    std::uint32_t cacheSize = abs(kWiredTigerCursorCacheSize.load());

    while (!_cursors.empty() && _cursorGen - _cursors.back()._gen > cacheSize) {
        cursor = _cursors.back()._cursor;
void App::onGraphics3D(RenderDevice* rd, Array<shared_ptr<Surface> >& allSurfaces) {

    // Bind the main framebuffer
    rd->pushState(m_framebuffer); {
        rd->setProjectionAndCameraMatrix(activeCamera()->projection(), activeCamera()->frame());

        m_gbuffer->resize(rd->width(), rd->height());
        m_gbuffer->prepare(rd, activeCamera(),  0, -(float)previousSimTimeStep(), m_settings.depthGuardBandThickness, m_settings.colorGuardBandThickness);
        // Cull and sort
        Array<shared_ptr<Surface> > sortedVisibleSurfaces;
        Surface::cull(activeCamera()->frame(), activeCamera()->projection(), rd->viewport(), allSurfaces, sortedVisibleSurfaces);
        Surface::sortBackToFront(sortedVisibleSurfaces, activeCamera()->frame().lookVector());
        // Depth pre-pass
        static const bool renderTransmissiveSurfaces = false;
        Surface::renderDepthOnly(rd, sortedVisibleSurfaces, CullFace::BACK, renderTransmissiveSurfaces);

        // Intentionally copy the lighting environment for mutation
        LightingEnvironment environment = scene()->lightingEnvironment();

        if (! m_settings.colorGuardBandThickness.isZero()) {
        // Render G-buffer if needed.  In this default implementation, it is needed if motion blur is enabled (for velocity) or
        // if face normals have been allocated and ambient occlusion is enabled.
        if (activeCamera()->motionBlurSettings().enabled() || 
            (environment.ambientOcclusionSettings.enabled && 
             notNull(m_gbuffer) && 
             notNull(m_gbuffer->texture(GBuffer::Field::CS_FACE_NORMAL)))) {

            rd->setDepthWrite(false); { 
                // We've already rendered the depth
                Surface::renderIntoGBuffer(rd, sortedVisibleSurfaces, m_gbuffer, activeCamera()->previousFrame(), activeCamera()->expressivePreviousFrame());
            } rd->setDepthWrite(true);

        // Compute AO
        environment.ambientOcclusionSettings.useDepthPeelBuffer = false;
        m_ambientOcclusion->update(rd, environment.ambientOcclusionSettings, activeCamera(), m_framebuffer->texture(Framebuffer::DEPTH), shared_ptr<Texture>(), m_gbuffer->texture(GBuffer::Field::CS_FACE_NORMAL), m_settings.depthGuardBandThickness - m_settings.colorGuardBandThickness);

        // Compute shadow maps and forward-render visible surfaces
        environment.ambientOcclusion = m_ambientOcclusion;
        Surface::render(rd, activeCamera()->frame(), activeCamera()->projection(), sortedVisibleSurfaces, allSurfaces, environment);
        // Call to make the App show the output of debugDraw(...)
        scene()->visualize(rd, shared_ptr<Entity>(), sceneVisualizationSettings());

        // Post-process special effects
        m_depthOfField->apply(rd, m_framebuffer->texture(0), m_framebuffer->texture(Framebuffer::DEPTH), activeCamera(), m_settings.depthGuardBandThickness - m_settings.colorGuardBandThickness);
        m_motionBlur->apply(rd, m_framebuffer->texture(0), m_gbuffer->texture(GBuffer::Field::SS_POSITION_CHANGE), m_framebuffer->texture(Framebuffer::DEPTH), activeCamera(), 
                            m_settings.depthGuardBandThickness - m_settings.colorGuardBandThickness);
    } rd->popState();

    // Perform gamma correction, bloom, and SSAA, and write to the native window frame buffer
    rd->push2D(m_finalFramebuffer); {
        m_film->exposeAndRender(rd, activeCamera()->filmSettings(), m_framebuffer->texture(0));
    } rd->pop2D();

    // Copy the final buffer to the server screen
    rd->push2D(); {
        Draw::rect2D(m_finalFramebuffer->texture(0)->rect2DBounds(), rd, Color3::white(), m_finalFramebuffer->texture(0));
    } rd->pop2D();

    screenPrintf("Number of clients: %d\n", clientSet.size());
    //screenPrintf("clientWantsImage: %d\n", clientWantsImage.value());

    if ((clientWantsImage.value() != 0) && (clientSet.size() > 0)) {
        // Send the image to the first client
        mg_connection* conn = *clientSet.begin();

        // JPEG encoding/decoding takes more time but substantially less bandwidth than PNG
        mg_websocket_write_image(conn, m_finalBuffer->toImage(ImageFormat::RGB8()), Image::JPEG);
        clientWantsImage = 0;

namespace mongo {

namespace {
MONGO_INITIALIZER(InitializeMultiIndexBlockFactory)(InitializerContext* const) {
        [](OperationContext* const opCtx, Collection* const collection) {
            return stdx::make_unique<MultiIndexBlockImpl>(opCtx, collection);
    return Status::OK();
}  // namespace

using std::unique_ptr;
using std::string;
using std::endl;


AtomicInt32 maxIndexBuildMemoryUsageMegabytes(500);

class ExportedMaxIndexBuildMemoryUsageParameter
    : public ExportedServerParameter<std::int32_t, ServerParameterType::kStartupAndRuntime> {
        : ExportedServerParameter<std::int32_t, ServerParameterType::kStartupAndRuntime>(
              &maxIndexBuildMemoryUsageMegabytes) {}

    virtual Status validate(const std::int32_t& potentialNewValue) {
        if (potentialNewValue < 100) {
            return Status(
                "maxIndexBuildMemoryUsageMegabytes must be greater than or equal to 100 MB");

        return Status::OK();

} exportedMaxIndexBuildMemoryUsageParameter;

 * On rollback sets MultiIndexBlockImpl::_needToCleanup to true.
class MultiIndexBlockImpl::SetNeedToCleanupOnRollback : public RecoveryUnit::Change {
    explicit SetNeedToCleanupOnRollback(MultiIndexBlockImpl* indexer) : _indexer(indexer) {}

    virtual void commit() {}
    virtual void rollback() {
        _indexer->_needToCleanup = true;

    MultiIndexBlockImpl* const _indexer;

 * On rollback in init(), cleans up _indexes so that ~MultiIndexBlock doesn't try to clean
 * up _indexes manually (since the changes were already rolled back).
 * Due to this, it is thus legal to call init() again after it fails.
class MultiIndexBlockImpl::CleanupIndexesVectorOnRollback : public RecoveryUnit::Change {
    explicit CleanupIndexesVectorOnRollback(MultiIndexBlockImpl* indexer) : _indexer(indexer) {}

    virtual void commit() {}
    virtual void rollback() {

    MultiIndexBlockImpl* const _indexer;

MultiIndexBlockImpl::MultiIndexBlockImpl(OperationContext* opCtx, Collection* collection)
    : _collection(collection),
      _needToCleanup(true) {}

MultiIndexBlockImpl::~MultiIndexBlockImpl() {
    if (!_needToCleanup || _indexes.empty())
    while (true) {
        try {
            WriteUnitOfWork wunit(_opCtx);
            // This cleans up all index builds.
            // Because that may need to write, it is done inside
            // of a WUOW. Nothing inside this block can fail, and it is made fatal if it does.
            for (size_t i = 0; i < _indexes.size(); i++) {
        } catch (const WriteConflictException&) {
        } catch (const DBException& e) {
            if (e.toStatus() == ErrorCodes::ExceededMemoryLimit)
            error() << "Caught exception while cleaning up partially built indexes: " << redact(e);
        } catch (const std::exception& e) {
            error() << "Caught exception while cleaning up partially built indexes: " << e.what();
        } catch (...) {
            error() << "Caught unknown exception while cleaning up partially built indexes.";

void MultiIndexBlockImpl::removeExistingIndexes(std::vector<BSONObj>* specs) const {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < specs->size(); i++) {
        Status status =
            _collection->getIndexCatalog()->prepareSpecForCreate(_opCtx, (*specs)[i]).getStatus();
        if (status.code() == ErrorCodes::IndexAlreadyExists) {
            specs->erase(specs->begin() + i);
        // intentionally ignoring other error codes

StatusWith<std::vector<BSONObj>> MultiIndexBlockImpl::init(const BSONObj& spec) {
    const auto indexes = std::vector<BSONObj>(1, spec);
    return init(indexes);

StatusWith<std::vector<BSONObj>> MultiIndexBlockImpl::init(const std::vector<BSONObj>& indexSpecs) {
    WriteUnitOfWork wunit(_opCtx);

    _opCtx->recoveryUnit()->registerChange(new CleanupIndexesVectorOnRollback(this));

    const string& ns = _collection->ns().ns();

    const auto idxCat = _collection->getIndexCatalog();
    Status status = idxCat->checkUnfinished();
    if (!status.isOK())
        return status;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < indexSpecs.size(); i++) {
        BSONObj info = indexSpecs[i];

        string pluginName = IndexNames::findPluginName(info["key"].Obj());
        if (pluginName.size()) {
            Status s = _collection->getIndexCatalog()->_upgradeDatabaseMinorVersionIfNeeded(
                _opCtx, pluginName);
            if (!s.isOK())
                return s;

        // Any foreground indexes make all indexes be built in the foreground.
        _buildInBackground = (_buildInBackground && info["background"].trueValue());

    std::vector<BSONObj> indexInfoObjs;
    std::size_t eachIndexBuildMaxMemoryUsageBytes = 0;
    if (!indexSpecs.empty()) {
        eachIndexBuildMaxMemoryUsageBytes =
            static_cast<std::size_t>(maxIndexBuildMemoryUsageMegabytes.load()) * 1024 * 1024 /

    for (size_t i = 0; i < indexSpecs.size(); i++) {
        BSONObj info = indexSpecs[i];
        StatusWith<BSONObj> statusWithInfo =
            _collection->getIndexCatalog()->prepareSpecForCreate(_opCtx, info);
        Status status = statusWithInfo.getStatus();
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        info = statusWithInfo.getValue();

        IndexToBuild index;
        index.block.reset(new IndexCatalogImpl::IndexBuildBlock(_opCtx, _collection, info));
        status = index.block->init();
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;

        index.real = index.block->getEntry()->accessMethod();
        status = index.real->initializeAsEmpty(_opCtx);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;

        if (!_buildInBackground) {
            // Bulk build process requires foreground building as it assumes nothing is changing
            // under it.
            index.bulk = index.real->initiateBulk(eachIndexBuildMaxMemoryUsageBytes);

        const IndexDescriptor* descriptor = index.block->getEntry()->descriptor();

        IndexCatalog::prepareInsertDeleteOptions(_opCtx, descriptor, &index.options);
        index.options.dupsAllowed = index.options.dupsAllowed || _ignoreUnique;
        if (_ignoreUnique) {
            index.options.getKeysMode = IndexAccessMethod::GetKeysMode::kRelaxConstraints;

        log() << "build index on: " << ns << " properties: " << descriptor->toString();
        if (index.bulk)
            log() << "\t building index using bulk method; build may temporarily use up to "
                  << eachIndexBuildMaxMemoryUsageBytes / 1024 / 1024 << " megabytes of RAM";

        index.filterExpression = index.block->getEntry()->getFilterExpression();

        // TODO SERVER-14888 Suppress this in cases we don't want to audit.
        audit::logCreateIndex(_opCtx->getClient(), &info, descriptor->indexName(), ns);


    if (_buildInBackground)
        _backgroundOperation.reset(new BackgroundOperation(ns));


    if (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(crashAfterStartingIndexBuild)) {
        log() << "Index build interrupted due to 'crashAfterStartingIndexBuild' failpoint. Exiting "
                 "after waiting for changes to become durable.";
        Locker::LockSnapshot lockInfo;
        if (_opCtx->recoveryUnit()->waitUntilDurable()) {

    return indexInfoObjs;

Status MultiIndexBlockImpl::insertAllDocumentsInCollection(std::set<RecordId>* dupsOut) {
    const char* curopMessage = _buildInBackground ? "Index Build (background)" : "Index Build";
    const auto numRecords = _collection->numRecords(_opCtx);
    stdx::unique_lock<Client> lk(*_opCtx->getClient());
    ProgressMeterHolder progress(
        CurOp::get(_opCtx)->setMessage_inlock(curopMessage, curopMessage, numRecords));

    Timer t;

    unsigned long long n = 0;

    PlanExecutor::YieldPolicy yieldPolicy;
    if (_buildInBackground) {
        yieldPolicy = PlanExecutor::YIELD_AUTO;
    } else {
        yieldPolicy = PlanExecutor::WRITE_CONFLICT_RETRY_ONLY;
    auto exec =
        InternalPlanner::collectionScan(_opCtx, _collection->ns().ns(), _collection, yieldPolicy);

    Snapshotted<BSONObj> objToIndex;
    RecordId loc;
    PlanExecutor::ExecState state;
    int retries = 0;  // non-zero when retrying our last document.
    while (retries ||
           (PlanExecutor::ADVANCED == (state = exec->getNextSnapshotted(&objToIndex, &loc))) ||
           MONGO_FAIL_POINT(hangAfterStartingIndexBuild)) {
        try {
            if (_allowInterruption)

            if (!(retries || (PlanExecutor::ADVANCED == state))) {
                // The only reason we are still in the loop is hangAfterStartingIndexBuild.
                log() << "Hanging index build due to 'hangAfterStartingIndexBuild' failpoint";

            // Make sure we are working with the latest version of the document.
            if (objToIndex.snapshotId() != _opCtx->recoveryUnit()->getSnapshotId() &&
                !_collection->findDoc(_opCtx, loc, &objToIndex)) {
                // doc was deleted so don't index it.
                retries = 0;

            // Done before insert so we can retry document if it WCEs.

            WriteUnitOfWork wunit(_opCtx);
            Status ret = insert(objToIndex.value(), loc);
            if (_buildInBackground)
            if (ret.isOK()) {
            } else if (dupsOut && ret.code() == ErrorCodes::DuplicateKey) {
                // If dupsOut is non-null, we should only fail the specific insert that
                // led to a DuplicateKey rather than the whole index build.
            } else {
                // Fail the index build hard.
                return ret;
            if (_buildInBackground) {
                auto restoreStatus = exec->restoreState();  // Handles any WCEs internally.
                if (!restoreStatus.isOK()) {
                    return restoreStatus;

            // Go to the next document
            retries = 0;
        } catch (const WriteConflictException&) {
            retries++;  // logAndBackoff expects this to be 1 on first call.
                retries, "index creation", _collection->ns().ns());

            // Can't use writeConflictRetry since we need to save/restore exec around call to
            // abandonSnapshot.
            auto restoreStatus = exec->restoreState();  // Handles any WCEs internally.
            if (!restoreStatus.isOK()) {
                return restoreStatus;

            "Unable to complete index build due to collection scan failure: " +
            state == PlanExecutor::IS_EOF);

    if (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(hangAfterStartingIndexBuildUnlocked)) {
        // Unlock before hanging so replication recognizes we've completed.
        Locker::LockSnapshot lockInfo;
        while (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(hangAfterStartingIndexBuildUnlocked)) {
            log() << "Hanging index build with no locks due to "
                     "'hangAfterStartingIndexBuildUnlocked' failpoint";
        // If we want to support this, we'd need to regrab the lock and be sure that all callers are
        // ok with us yielding. They should be for BG indexes, but not for foreground.
        invariant(!"the hangAfterStartingIndexBuildUnlocked failpoint can't be turned off");


    Status ret = doneInserting(dupsOut);
    if (!ret.isOK())
        return ret;

    log() << "build index done.  scanned " << n << " total records. " << t.seconds() << " secs";

    return Status::OK();

Status MultiIndexBlockImpl::insert(const BSONObj& doc, const RecordId& loc) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < _indexes.size(); i++) {
        if (_indexes[i].filterExpression && !_indexes[i].filterExpression->matchesBSON(doc)) {

        int64_t unused;
        Status idxStatus(ErrorCodes::InternalError, "");
        if (_indexes[i].bulk) {
            idxStatus = _indexes[i].bulk->insert(_opCtx, doc, loc, _indexes[i].options, &unused);
        } else {
            idxStatus = _indexes[i].real->insert(_opCtx, doc, loc, _indexes[i].options, &unused);

        if (!idxStatus.isOK())
            return idxStatus;
    return Status::OK();

Status MultiIndexBlockImpl::doneInserting(std::set<RecordId>* dupsOut) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < _indexes.size(); i++) {
        if (_indexes[i].bulk == NULL)
        LOG(1) << "\t bulk commit starting for index: "
               << _indexes[i].block->getEntry()->descriptor()->indexName();
        Status status = _indexes[i].real->commitBulk(_opCtx,
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;

    return Status::OK();

void MultiIndexBlockImpl::abortWithoutCleanup() {
    _needToCleanup = false;

void MultiIndexBlockImpl::commit() {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < _indexes.size(); i++) {

    _opCtx->recoveryUnit()->registerChange(new SetNeedToCleanupOnRollback(this));
    _needToCleanup = false;

}  // namespace mongo
StatusWith<std::vector<BSONObj>> MultiIndexBlockImpl::init(const std::vector<BSONObj>& indexSpecs) {
    WriteUnitOfWork wunit(_opCtx);

    _opCtx->recoveryUnit()->registerChange(new CleanupIndexesVectorOnRollback(this));

    const string& ns = _collection->ns().ns();

    const auto idxCat = _collection->getIndexCatalog();
    Status status = idxCat->checkUnfinished();
    if (!status.isOK())
        return status;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < indexSpecs.size(); i++) {
        BSONObj info = indexSpecs[i];

        string pluginName = IndexNames::findPluginName(info["key"].Obj());
        if (pluginName.size()) {
            Status s = _collection->getIndexCatalog()->_upgradeDatabaseMinorVersionIfNeeded(
                _opCtx, pluginName);
            if (!s.isOK())
                return s;

        // Any foreground indexes make all indexes be built in the foreground.
        _buildInBackground = (_buildInBackground && info["background"].trueValue());

    std::vector<BSONObj> indexInfoObjs;
    std::size_t eachIndexBuildMaxMemoryUsageBytes = 0;
    if (!indexSpecs.empty()) {
        eachIndexBuildMaxMemoryUsageBytes =
            static_cast<std::size_t>(maxIndexBuildMemoryUsageMegabytes.load()) * 1024 * 1024 /

    for (size_t i = 0; i < indexSpecs.size(); i++) {
        BSONObj info = indexSpecs[i];
        StatusWith<BSONObj> statusWithInfo =
            _collection->getIndexCatalog()->prepareSpecForCreate(_opCtx, info);
        Status status = statusWithInfo.getStatus();
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        info = statusWithInfo.getValue();

        IndexToBuild index;
        index.block.reset(new IndexCatalogImpl::IndexBuildBlock(_opCtx, _collection, info));
        status = index.block->init();
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;

        index.real = index.block->getEntry()->accessMethod();
        status = index.real->initializeAsEmpty(_opCtx);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;

        if (!_buildInBackground) {
            // Bulk build process requires foreground building as it assumes nothing is changing
            // under it.
            index.bulk = index.real->initiateBulk(eachIndexBuildMaxMemoryUsageBytes);

        const IndexDescriptor* descriptor = index.block->getEntry()->descriptor();

        IndexCatalog::prepareInsertDeleteOptions(_opCtx, descriptor, &index.options);
        index.options.dupsAllowed = index.options.dupsAllowed || _ignoreUnique;
        if (_ignoreUnique) {
            index.options.getKeysMode = IndexAccessMethod::GetKeysMode::kRelaxConstraints;

        log() << "build index on: " << ns << " properties: " << descriptor->toString();
        if (index.bulk)
            log() << "\t building index using bulk method; build may temporarily use up to "
                  << eachIndexBuildMaxMemoryUsageBytes / 1024 / 1024 << " megabytes of RAM";

        index.filterExpression = index.block->getEntry()->getFilterExpression();

        // TODO SERVER-14888 Suppress this in cases we don't want to audit.
        audit::logCreateIndex(_opCtx->getClient(), &info, descriptor->indexName(), ns);


    if (_buildInBackground)
        _backgroundOperation.reset(new BackgroundOperation(ns));


    if (MONGO_FAIL_POINT(crashAfterStartingIndexBuild)) {
        log() << "Index build interrupted due to 'crashAfterStartingIndexBuild' failpoint. Exiting "
                 "after waiting for changes to become durable.";
        Locker::LockSnapshot lockInfo;
        if (_opCtx->recoveryUnit()->waitUntilDurable()) {

    return indexInfoObjs;
namespace mongo {

// The "wiredTigerCursorCacheSize" parameter has the following meaning.
// wiredTigerCursorCacheSize == 0
// For this setting, cursors are only cached in the WiredTiger storage engine
// itself. Operations that need exclusive access such as drop or verify will
// not be blocked by inactive cached cursors with this setting. However, this
// setting may reduce the performance of certain workloads that normally
// benefit from cursor caching above the storage engine.
// wiredTigerCursorCacheSize > 0
// WiredTiger-level caching of cursors is disabled but cursor caching does
// occur above the storage engine. The value of this setting represents the
// maximum number of cursors that are cached. Setting the value to 10000 will
// give the old (<= 3.6) behavior. Note that cursors remain cached, even when a
// session is released back to the cache. Thus, exclusive operations may be
// blocked temporarily, and in some cases, a long time. Drops that fail because
// of exclusivity silently succeed and are queued for retries.
// wiredTigerCursorCacheSize < 0
// This is a hybrid approach of the above two, and is the default. The the
// absolute value of the setting is used as the number of cursors cached above
// the storage engine. When a session is released, all cursors are closed, and
// will be cached in WiredTiger. Exclusive operations should only be blocked
// for a short time, except if a cursor is held by a long running session. This
// is a good compromise for most workloads.
AtomicInt32 kWiredTigerCursorCacheSize(-100);

ExportedServerParameter<std::int32_t, ServerParameterType::kStartupAndRuntime>

WiredTigerSession::WiredTigerSession(WT_CONNECTION* conn, uint64_t epoch, uint64_t cursorEpoch)
    : _epoch(epoch), _cursorEpoch(cursorEpoch), _session(NULL), _cursorGen(0), _cursorsOut(0) {
    invariantWTOK(conn->open_session(conn, NULL, "isolation=snapshot", &_session));

WiredTigerSession::WiredTigerSession(WT_CONNECTION* conn,
                                     WiredTigerSessionCache* cache,
                                     uint64_t epoch,
                                     uint64_t cursorEpoch)
    : _epoch(epoch),
      _cursorsOut(0) {
    invariantWTOK(conn->open_session(conn, NULL, "isolation=snapshot", &_session));

WiredTigerSession::~WiredTigerSession() {
    if (_session) {
        invariantWTOK(_session->close(_session, NULL));

WT_CURSOR* WiredTigerSession::getCursor(const std::string& uri, uint64_t id, bool forRecordStore) {
    // Find the most recently used cursor
    for (CursorCache::iterator i = _cursors.begin(); i != _cursors.end(); ++i) {
        if (i->_id == id) {
            WT_CURSOR* c = i->_cursor;
            return c;

    WT_CURSOR* c = NULL;
    int ret = _session->open_cursor(
        _session, uri.c_str(), NULL, forRecordStore ? "" : "overwrite=false", &c);
    if (ret != ENOENT)
    if (c)
    return c;

void WiredTigerSession::releaseCursor(uint64_t id, WT_CURSOR* cursor) {


    // Cursors are pushed to the front of the list and removed from the back
    _cursors.push_front(WiredTigerCachedCursor(id, _cursorGen++, cursor));

    // A negative value for wiredTigercursorCacheSize means to use hybrid caching.
    std::uint32_t cacheSize = abs(kWiredTigerCursorCacheSize.load());

    while (!_cursors.empty() && _cursorGen - _cursors.back()._gen > cacheSize) {
        cursor = _cursors.back()._cursor;

void WiredTigerSession::closeAllCursors(const std::string& uri) {

    bool all = (uri == "");
    for (auto i = _cursors.begin(); i != _cursors.end();) {
        WT_CURSOR* cursor = i->_cursor;
        if (cursor && (all || uri == cursor->uri)) {
            i = _cursors.erase(i);
        } else

void WiredTigerSession::closeCursorsForQueuedDrops(WiredTigerKVEngine* engine) {

    _cursorEpoch = _cache->getCursorEpoch();
    auto toDrop = engine->filterCursorsWithQueuedDrops(&_cursors);

    for (auto i = toDrop.begin(); i != toDrop.end(); i++) {
        WT_CURSOR* cursor = i->_cursor;
        if (cursor) {

namespace {
AtomicUInt64 nextTableId(1);
// static
uint64_t WiredTigerSession::genTableId() {
    return nextTableId.fetchAndAdd(1);

// -----------------------

WiredTigerSessionCache::WiredTigerSessionCache(WiredTigerKVEngine* engine)
    : _engine(engine), _conn(engine->getConnection()), _shuttingDown(0) {}

WiredTigerSessionCache::WiredTigerSessionCache(WT_CONNECTION* conn)
    : _engine(NULL), _conn(conn), _shuttingDown(0) {}

WiredTigerSessionCache::~WiredTigerSessionCache() {

void WiredTigerSessionCache::shuttingDown() {
    uint32_t actual = _shuttingDown.load();
    uint32_t expected;

    // Try to atomically set _shuttingDown flag, but just return if another thread was first.
    do {
        expected = actual;
        actual = _shuttingDown.compareAndSwap(expected, expected | kShuttingDownMask);
        if (actual & kShuttingDownMask)
    } while (actual != expected);

    // Spin as long as there are threads in releaseSession
    while (_shuttingDown.load() != kShuttingDownMask) {


void WiredTigerSessionCache::waitUntilDurable(bool forceCheckpoint, bool stableCheckpoint) {
    // For inMemory storage engines, the data is "as durable as it's going to get".
    // That is, a restart is equivalent to a complete node failure.
    if (isEphemeral()) {

    const int shuttingDown = _shuttingDown.fetchAndAdd(1);
    ON_BLOCK_EXIT([this] { _shuttingDown.fetchAndSubtract(1); });

            "Cannot wait for durability because a shutdown is in progress",
            !(shuttingDown & kShuttingDownMask));

    // Stable checkpoints are only meaningful in a replica set. Replication sets the "stable
    // timestamp". If the stable timestamp is unset, WiredTiger takes a full checkpoint, which is
    // incidentally what we want. A "true" stable checkpoint (a stable timestamp was set on the
    // WT_CONNECTION, i.e: replication is on) requires `forceCheckpoint` to be true and journaling
    // to be enabled.
    if (stableCheckpoint && getGlobalReplSettings().usingReplSets()) {
        invariant(forceCheckpoint && _engine->isDurable());

    // When forcing a checkpoint with journaling enabled, don't synchronize with other
    // waiters, as a log flush is much cheaper than a full checkpoint.
    if (forceCheckpoint && _engine->isDurable()) {
        UniqueWiredTigerSession session = getSession();
        WT_SESSION* s = session->getSession();
            stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lk(_journalListenerMutex);
            JournalListener::Token token = _journalListener->getToken();
            auto config = stableCheckpoint ? "use_timestamp=true" : "use_timestamp=false";
            invariantWTOK(s->checkpoint(s, config));
        LOG(4) << "created checkpoint (forced)";

    uint32_t start = _lastSyncTime.load();
    // Do the remainder in a critical section that ensures only a single thread at a time
    // will attempt to synchronize.
    stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lk(_lastSyncMutex);
    uint32_t current = _lastSyncTime.loadRelaxed();  // synchronized with writes through mutex
    if (current != start) {
        // Someone else synced already since we read lastSyncTime, so we're done!
    _lastSyncTime.store(current + 1);

    // Nobody has synched yet, so we have to sync ourselves.

    // This gets the token (OpTime) from the last write, before flushing (either the journal, or a
    // checkpoint), and then reports that token (OpTime) as a durable write.
    stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> jlk(_journalListenerMutex);
    JournalListener::Token token = _journalListener->getToken();

    // Initialize on first use.
    if (!_waitUntilDurableSession) {
            _conn->open_session(_conn, NULL, "isolation=snapshot", &_waitUntilDurableSession));

    // Use the journal when available, or a checkpoint otherwise.
    if (_engine && _engine->isDurable()) {
        invariantWTOK(_waitUntilDurableSession->log_flush(_waitUntilDurableSession, "sync=on"));
        LOG(4) << "flushed journal";
    } else {
        invariantWTOK(_waitUntilDurableSession->checkpoint(_waitUntilDurableSession, NULL));
        LOG(4) << "created checkpoint";

void WiredTigerSessionCache::waitUntilPreparedUnitOfWorkCommitsOrAborts(OperationContext* opCtx) {
    stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lk(_prepareCommittedOrAbortedMutex);

    auto lastCounter = _lastCommitOrAbortCounter;
    opCtx->waitForConditionOrInterrupt(_prepareCommittedOrAbortedCond, lk, [&] {
        return lastCounter != _lastCommitOrAbortCounter;

void WiredTigerSessionCache::notifyPreparedUnitOfWorkHasCommittedOrAborted() {
        stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lk(_prepareCommittedOrAbortedMutex);

void WiredTigerSessionCache::closeAllCursors(const std::string& uri) {
    stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_cacheLock);
    for (SessionCache::iterator i = _sessions.begin(); i != _sessions.end(); i++) {

void WiredTigerSessionCache::closeCursorsForQueuedDrops() {
    // Increment the cursor epoch so that all cursors from this epoch are closed.

    stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_cacheLock);
    for (SessionCache::iterator i = _sessions.begin(); i != _sessions.end(); i++) {

void WiredTigerSessionCache::closeAll() {
    // Increment the epoch as we are now closing all sessions with this epoch.
    SessionCache swap;

        stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_cacheLock);

    for (SessionCache::iterator i = swap.begin(); i != swap.end(); i++) {
        delete (*i);

bool WiredTigerSessionCache::isEphemeral() {
    return _engine && _engine->isEphemeral();

UniqueWiredTigerSession WiredTigerSessionCache::getSession() {
    // We should never be able to get here after _shuttingDown is set, because no new
    // operations should be allowed to start.
    invariant(!(_shuttingDown.loadRelaxed() & kShuttingDownMask));

        stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_cacheLock);
        if (!_sessions.empty()) {
            // Get the most recently used session so that if we discard sessions, we're
            // discarding older ones
            WiredTigerSession* cachedSession = _sessions.back();
            return UniqueWiredTigerSession(cachedSession);

    // Outside of the cache partition lock, but on release will be put back on the cache
    return UniqueWiredTigerSession(
        new WiredTigerSession(_conn, this, _epoch.load(), _cursorEpoch.load()));

void WiredTigerSessionCache::releaseSession(WiredTigerSession* session) {
    invariant(session->cursorsOut() == 0);

    const int shuttingDown = _shuttingDown.fetchAndAdd(1);
    ON_BLOCK_EXIT([this] { _shuttingDown.fetchAndSubtract(1); });

    if (shuttingDown & kShuttingDownMask) {
        // There is a race condition with clean shutdown, where the storage engine is ripped from
        // underneath OperationContexts, which are not "active" (i.e., do not have any locks), but
        // are just about to delete the recovery unit. See SERVER-16031 for more information. Since
        // shutting down the WT_CONNECTION will close all WT_SESSIONS, we shouldn't also try to
        // directly close this session.
        session->_session = nullptr;  // Prevents calling _session->close() in destructor.
        delete session;

        WT_SESSION* ss = session->getSession();
        uint64_t range;
        // This checks that we are only caching idle sessions and not something which might hold
        // locks or otherwise prevent truncation.
        invariantWTOK(ss->transaction_pinned_range(ss, &range));
        invariant(range == 0);

        // Release resources in the session we're about to cache.
        // If we are using hybrid caching, then close cursors now and let them
        // be cached at the WiredTiger level.
        if (kWiredTigerCursorCacheSize.load() < 0) {

    // If the cursor epoch has moved on, close all cursors in the session.
    uint64_t cursorEpoch = _cursorEpoch.load();
    if (session->_getCursorEpoch() != cursorEpoch)

    bool returnedToCache = false;
    uint64_t currentEpoch = _epoch.load();
    bool dropQueuedIdentsAtSessionEnd = session->isDropQueuedIdentsAtSessionEndAllowed();

    // Reset this session's flag for dropping queued idents to default, before returning it to
    // session cache.

    if (session->_getEpoch() == currentEpoch) {  // check outside of lock to reduce contention
        stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_cacheLock);
        if (session->_getEpoch() == _epoch.load()) {  // recheck inside the lock for correctness
            returnedToCache = true;
    } else
        invariant(session->_getEpoch() < currentEpoch);

    if (!returnedToCache)
        delete session;

    if (dropQueuedIdentsAtSessionEnd && _engine && _engine->haveDropsQueued())

void WiredTigerSessionCache::setJournalListener(JournalListener* jl) {
    stdx::unique_lock<stdx::mutex> lk(_journalListenerMutex);
    _journalListener = jl;

bool WiredTigerSessionCache::isEngineCachingCursors() {
    return kWiredTigerCursorCacheSize.load() <= 0;

void WiredTigerSessionCache::WiredTigerSessionDeleter::operator()(
    WiredTigerSession* session) const {

}  // namespace mongo
bool WiredTigerSessionCache::isEngineCachingCursors() {
    return kWiredTigerCursorCacheSize.load() <= 0;
void WiredTigerSessionCache::releaseSession(WiredTigerSession* session) {
    invariant(session->cursorsOut() == 0);

    const int shuttingDown = _shuttingDown.fetchAndAdd(1);
    ON_BLOCK_EXIT([this] { _shuttingDown.fetchAndSubtract(1); });

    if (shuttingDown & kShuttingDownMask) {
        // There is a race condition with clean shutdown, where the storage engine is ripped from
        // underneath OperationContexts, which are not "active" (i.e., do not have any locks), but
        // are just about to delete the recovery unit. See SERVER-16031 for more information. Since
        // shutting down the WT_CONNECTION will close all WT_SESSIONS, we shouldn't also try to
        // directly close this session.
        session->_session = nullptr;  // Prevents calling _session->close() in destructor.
        delete session;

        WT_SESSION* ss = session->getSession();
        uint64_t range;
        // This checks that we are only caching idle sessions and not something which might hold
        // locks or otherwise prevent truncation.
        invariantWTOK(ss->transaction_pinned_range(ss, &range));
        invariant(range == 0);

        // Release resources in the session we're about to cache.
        // If we are using hybrid caching, then close cursors now and let them
        // be cached at the WiredTiger level.
        if (kWiredTigerCursorCacheSize.load() < 0) {

    // If the cursor epoch has moved on, close all cursors in the session.
    uint64_t cursorEpoch = _cursorEpoch.load();
    if (session->_getCursorEpoch() != cursorEpoch)

    bool returnedToCache = false;
    uint64_t currentEpoch = _epoch.load();
    bool dropQueuedIdentsAtSessionEnd = session->isDropQueuedIdentsAtSessionEndAllowed();

    // Reset this session's flag for dropping queued idents to default, before returning it to
    // session cache.

    if (session->_getEpoch() == currentEpoch) {  // check outside of lock to reduce contention
        stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lock(_cacheLock);
        if (session->_getEpoch() == _epoch.load()) {  // recheck inside the lock for correctness
            returnedToCache = true;
    } else
        invariant(session->_getEpoch() < currentEpoch);

    if (!returnedToCache)
        delete session;

    if (dropQueuedIdentsAtSessionEnd && _engine && _engine->haveDropsQueued())