void AhBot::AddAuction(int auction, Category* category, ItemPrototype const* proto) { Item* item = Item::CreateItem(proto->ItemId, 1, NULL); if (!item) return; uint32 randomPropertyId = Item::GenerateItemRandomPropertyId(proto->ItemId); if (randomPropertyId) item->SetItemRandomProperties(randomPropertyId); uint32 price = category->GetPricingStrategy()->GetSellPrice(proto, auctionIds[auction]); sLog.outDebug("AddAuction: market price adjust"); updateMarketPrice(proto->ItemId, price, auctionIds[auction]); price = category->GetPricingStrategy()->GetBuyPrice(proto, auctionIds[auction]); uint32 stackCount = category->GetStackCount(proto); if (!price || !stackCount) return; if (urand(0, 100) <= sAhBotConfig.underPriceProbability * 100) price = price * 100 / urand(150, 500); uint32 bidPrice = stackCount * price; uint32 buyoutPrice = stackCount * urand(price, 4 * price / 3); item->SetCount(stackCount); AuctionHouseEntry const* ahEntry = sAuctionHouseStore.LookupEntry(auctionIds[auction]); if(!ahEntry) return; AuctionHouseObject* auctionHouse = sAuctionMgr.GetAuctionsMap(ahEntry); AuctionEntry* auctionEntry = new AuctionEntry; auctionEntry->Id = sObjectMgr.GenerateAuctionID(); auctionEntry->itemGuidLow = item->GetGUIDLow(); auctionEntry->itemTemplate = item->GetEntry(); auctionEntry->owner = player->GetGUIDLow(); auctionEntry->startbid = bidPrice; auctionEntry->buyout = buyoutPrice; auctionEntry->bidder = 0; auctionEntry->bid = 0; auctionEntry->deposit = 0; auctionEntry->expireTime = (time_t) (urand(8, 24) * 60 * 60 + time(NULL)); auctionEntry->moneyDeliveryTime = 0; auctionEntry->auctionHouseEntry = ahEntry; item->SaveToDB(); sAuctionMgr.AddAItem(item); auctionHouse->AddAuction(auctionEntry); auctionEntry->SaveToDB(); sLog.outString("AhBot added %d of %s to auction %d for %d..%d", stackCount, proto->Name1, auctionIds[auction], bidPrice, buyoutPrice); }
//this void creates new auction and adds auction to some auctionhouse void WorldSession::HandleAuctionSellItem(WorldPacket& recvData) { ObjectGuid auctioneer; uint32 itemsCount, etime, bid, buyout; recvData >> auctioneer; recvData >> itemsCount; ObjectGuid itemGUIDs[MAX_AUCTION_ITEMS]; // 160 slot = 4x 36 slot bag + backpack 16 slot uint32 count[MAX_AUCTION_ITEMS]; memset(count, 0, sizeof(count)); if (itemsCount > MAX_AUCTION_ITEMS) { SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_DATABASE_ERROR); recvData.rfinish(); return; } for (uint32 i = 0; i < itemsCount; ++i) { recvData >> itemGUIDs[i]; recvData >> count[i]; if (!itemGUIDs[i] || !count[i] || count[i] > 1000) { recvData.rfinish(); return; } } recvData >> bid; recvData >> buyout; recvData >> etime; if (!bid || !etime) return; if (bid > MAX_MONEY_AMOUNT || buyout > MAX_MONEY_AMOUNT) { TC_LOG_DEBUG("network", "WORLD: HandleAuctionSellItem - Player %s (GUID %u) attempted to sell item with higher price than max gold amount.", _player->GetName().c_str(), _player->GetGUID().GetCounter()); SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_DATABASE_ERROR); return; } Creature* creature = GetPlayer()->GetNPCIfCanInteractWith(auctioneer, UNIT_NPC_FLAG_AUCTIONEER); if (!creature) { TC_LOG_DEBUG("network", "WORLD: HandleAuctionSellItem - Unit (%s) not found or you can't interact with him.", auctioneer.ToString().c_str()); return; } AuctionHouseEntry const* auctionHouseEntry = AuctionHouseMgr::GetAuctionHouseEntry(creature->getFaction()); if (!auctionHouseEntry) { TC_LOG_DEBUG("network", "WORLD: HandleAuctionSellItem - Unit (%s) has wrong faction.", auctioneer.ToString().c_str()); return; } etime *= MINUTE; switch (etime) { case 1*MIN_AUCTION_TIME: case 2*MIN_AUCTION_TIME: case 4*MIN_AUCTION_TIME: break; default: return; } if (GetPlayer()->HasUnitState(UNIT_STATE_DIED)) GetPlayer()->RemoveAurasByType(SPELL_AURA_FEIGN_DEATH); Item* items[MAX_AUCTION_ITEMS]; uint32 finalCount = 0; uint32 itemEntry = 0; for (uint32 i = 0; i < itemsCount; ++i) { Item* item = _player->GetItemByGuid(itemGUIDs[i]); if (!item) { SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_ITEM_NOT_FOUND); return; } if (itemEntry == 0) itemEntry = item->GetTemplate()->ItemId; if (sAuctionMgr->GetAItem(item->GetGUID().GetCounter()) || !item->CanBeTraded() || item->IsNotEmptyBag() || item->GetTemplate()->Flags & ITEM_PROTO_FLAG_CONJURED || item->GetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_DURATION) || item->GetCount() < count[i] || itemEntry != item->GetTemplate()->ItemId) { SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_DATABASE_ERROR); return; } items[i] = item; finalCount += count[i]; } if (!finalCount) { SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_DATABASE_ERROR); return; } // check if there are 2 identical guids, in this case user is most likely cheating for (uint32 i = 0; i < itemsCount - 1; ++i) { for (uint32 j = i + 1; j < itemsCount; ++j) { if (itemGUIDs[i] == itemGUIDs[j]) { SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_DATABASE_ERROR); return; } } } for (uint32 i = 0; i < itemsCount; ++i) { Item* item = items[i]; if (item->GetMaxStackCount() < finalCount) { SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_DATABASE_ERROR); return; } } Item* item = items[0]; uint32 auctionTime = uint32(etime * sWorld->getRate(RATE_AUCTION_TIME)); AuctionHouseObject* auctionHouse = sAuctionMgr->GetAuctionsMap(creature->getFaction()); uint32 deposit = sAuctionMgr->GetAuctionDeposit(auctionHouseEntry, etime, item, finalCount); if (!_player->HasEnoughMoney(deposit)) { SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_NOT_ENOUGHT_MONEY); return; } AuctionEntry* AH = new AuctionEntry(); if (sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_INTERACTION_AUCTION)) AH->houseId = AUCTIONHOUSE_NEUTRAL; else { CreatureData const* auctioneerData = sObjectMgr->GetCreatureData(creature->GetSpawnId()); if (!auctioneerData) { TC_LOG_ERROR("misc", "Data for auctioneer not found (%s)", auctioneer.ToString().c_str()); SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_DATABASE_ERROR); delete AH; return; } CreatureTemplate const* auctioneerInfo = sObjectMgr->GetCreatureTemplate(auctioneerData->id); if (!auctioneerInfo) { TC_LOG_ERROR("misc", "Non existing auctioneer (%s)", auctioneer.ToString().c_str()); SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_DATABASE_ERROR); delete AH; return; } const AuctionHouseEntry* AHEntry = sAuctionMgr->GetAuctionHouseEntry(auctioneerInfo->faction); AH->houseId = AHEntry->houseId; } // Required stack size of auction matches to current item stack size, just move item to auctionhouse if (itemsCount == 1 && item->GetCount() == count[0]) { if (HasPermission(rbac::RBAC_PERM_LOG_GM_TRADE)) { sLog->outCommand(GetAccountId(), "GM %s (Account: %u) create auction: %s (Entry: %u Count: %u)", GetPlayerName().c_str(), GetAccountId(), item->GetTemplate()->Name1.c_str(), item->GetEntry(), item->GetCount()); } AH->Id = sObjectMgr->GenerateAuctionID(); AH->itemGUIDLow = item->GetGUID().GetCounter(); AH->itemEntry = item->GetEntry(); AH->itemCount = item->GetCount(); AH->owner = _player->GetGUID().GetCounter(); AH->startbid = bid; AH->bidder = 0; AH->bid = 0; AH->buyout = buyout; AH->expire_time = time(NULL) + auctionTime; AH->deposit = deposit; AH->etime = etime; AH->auctionHouseEntry = auctionHouseEntry; TC_LOG_INFO("network", "CMSG_AUCTION_SELL_ITEM: Player %s (guid %d) is selling item %s entry %u (guid %d) with count %u with initial bid %u with buyout %u and with time %u (in sec) in auctionhouse %u", _player->GetName().c_str(), _player->GetGUID().GetCounter(), item->GetTemplate()->Name1.c_str(), item->GetEntry(), item->GetGUID().GetCounter(), item->GetCount(), bid, buyout, auctionTime, AH->GetHouseId()); sAuctionMgr->AddAItem(item); auctionHouse->AddAuction(AH); sAuctionMgr->PendingAuctionAdd(_player, AH); _player->MoveItemFromInventory(item->GetBagSlot(), item->GetSlot(), true); SQLTransaction trans = CharacterDatabase.BeginTransaction(); item->DeleteFromInventoryDB(trans); item->SaveToDB(trans); AH->SaveToDB(trans); _player->SaveInventoryAndGoldToDB(trans); CharacterDatabase.CommitTransaction(trans); SendAuctionCommandResult(AH->Id, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_OK); GetPlayer()->UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_CREATE_AUCTION, 1); } else // Required stack size of auction does not match to current item stack size, clone item and set correct stack size { Item* newItem = item->CloneItem(finalCount, _player); if (!newItem) { TC_LOG_ERROR("network", "CMSG_AUCTION_SELL_ITEM: Could not create clone of item %u", item->GetEntry()); SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_DATABASE_ERROR); delete AH; return; } if (HasPermission(rbac::RBAC_PERM_LOG_GM_TRADE)) { sLog->outCommand(GetAccountId(), "GM %s (Account: %u) create auction: %s (Entry: %u Count: %u)", GetPlayerName().c_str(), GetAccountId(), newItem->GetTemplate()->Name1.c_str(), newItem->GetEntry(), newItem->GetCount()); } AH->Id = sObjectMgr->GenerateAuctionID(); AH->itemGUIDLow = newItem->GetGUID().GetCounter(); AH->itemEntry = newItem->GetEntry(); AH->itemCount = newItem->GetCount(); AH->owner = _player->GetGUID().GetCounter(); AH->startbid = bid; AH->bidder = 0; AH->bid = 0; AH->buyout = buyout; AH->expire_time = time(NULL) + auctionTime; AH->deposit = deposit; AH->etime = etime; AH->auctionHouseEntry = auctionHouseEntry; TC_LOG_INFO("network", "CMSG_AUCTION_SELL_ITEM: Player %s (guid %d) is selling item %s entry %u (guid %d) with count %u with initial bid %u with buyout %u and with time %u (in sec) in auctionhouse %u", _player->GetName().c_str(), _player->GetGUID().GetCounter(), newItem->GetTemplate()->Name1.c_str(), newItem->GetEntry(), newItem->GetGUID().GetCounter(), newItem->GetCount(), bid, buyout, auctionTime, AH->GetHouseId()); sAuctionMgr->AddAItem(newItem); auctionHouse->AddAuction(AH); sAuctionMgr->PendingAuctionAdd(_player, AH); for (uint32 j = 0; j < itemsCount; ++j) { Item* item2 = items[j]; // Item stack count equals required count, ready to delete item - cloned item will be used for auction if (item2->GetCount() == count[j]) { _player->MoveItemFromInventory(item2->GetBagSlot(), item2->GetSlot(), true); SQLTransaction trans = CharacterDatabase.BeginTransaction(); item2->DeleteFromInventoryDB(trans); item2->DeleteFromDB(trans); CharacterDatabase.CommitTransaction(trans); delete item2; } else // Item stack count is bigger than required count, update item stack count and save to database - cloned item will be used for auction { item2->SetCount(item2->GetCount() - count[j]); item2->SetState(ITEM_CHANGED, _player); _player->ItemRemovedQuestCheck(item2->GetEntry(), count[j]); item2->SendUpdateToPlayer(_player); SQLTransaction trans = CharacterDatabase.BeginTransaction(); item2->SaveToDB(trans); CharacterDatabase.CommitTransaction(trans); } } SQLTransaction trans = CharacterDatabase.BeginTransaction(); newItem->SaveToDB(trans); AH->SaveToDB(trans); _player->SaveInventoryAndGoldToDB(trans); CharacterDatabase.CommitTransaction(trans); SendAuctionCommandResult(AH->Id, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_OK); GetPlayer()->UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_CREATE_AUCTION, 1); } }
// this void creates new auction and adds auction to some auctionhouse void WorldSession::HandleAuctionSellItem(WorldPacket & recv_data) { uint64 auctioneer, item; uint64 bid, buyout; uint32 etime, count; uint32 unk = 1; recv_data >> auctioneer; // uint64 recv_data >> unk; // 1 recv_data >> item; // uint64 recv_data >> count; // 3.2.2, number of items being auctioned recv_data >> bid; // uint64, 4.0.6 recv_data >> buyout; // uint64, 4.0.6 recv_data >> etime; // uint32 Player *pl = GetPlayer(); if (!item || !bid || !etime) return; //check for cheaters Creature *pCreature = GetPlayer()->GetNPCIfCanInteractWith(auctioneer, UNIT_NPC_FLAG_AUCTIONEER); if (!pCreature) { sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_NETWORKIO, "WORLD: HandleAuctionSellItem - Unit (GUID: %u) not found or you can't interact with him.", uint32(GUID_LOPART(auctioneer))); return; } AuctionHouseEntry const* auctionHouseEntry = AuctionHouseMgr::GetAuctionHouseEntry(pCreature->getFaction()); if (!auctionHouseEntry) { sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_NETWORKIO, "WORLD: HandleAuctionSellItem - Unit (GUID: %u) has wrong faction.", uint32(GUID_LOPART(auctioneer))); return; } sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_NETWORKIO, "WORLD: HandleAuctionSellItem - ETIME: %u", etime); // client send time in minutes, convert to common used sec time etime *= MINUTE; sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_NETWORKIO, "WORLD: HandleAuctionSellItem - ETIME: %u", etime); // client understand only 3 auction time switch(etime) { case 1*MIN_AUCTION_TIME: case 2*MIN_AUCTION_TIME: case 4*MIN_AUCTION_TIME: break; default: return; } // remove fake death if (GetPlayer()->HasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_DIED)) GetPlayer()->RemoveAurasByType(SPELL_AURA_FEIGN_DEATH); Item *it = pl->GetItemByGuid(item); //do not allow to sell already auctioned items if (sAuctionMgr->GetAItem(GUID_LOPART(item))) { sLog->outError("AuctionError, player %s is sending item id: %u, but item is already in another auction", pl->GetName(), GUID_LOPART(item)); SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, AUCTION_INTERNAL_ERROR); return; } // prevent sending bag with items (cheat: can be placed in bag after adding equiped empty bag to auction) if (!it) { SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, AUCTION_ITEM_NOT_FOUND); return; } if (!it->CanBeTraded()) { SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, AUCTION_INTERNAL_ERROR); return; } if (it->GetProto()->Flags & ITEM_PROTO_FLAG_CONJURED || it->GetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_DURATION)) { SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, AUCTION_INTERNAL_ERROR); return; } if (it->IsBag() && !((Bag*)it)->IsEmpty()) { SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, AUCTION_INTERNAL_ERROR); return; } AuctionHouseObject* auctionHouse = sAuctionMgr->GetAuctionsMap(pCreature->getFaction()); //we have to take deposit : uint32 deposit = sAuctionMgr->GetAuctionDeposit(auctionHouseEntry, etime, it, count); if (!pl->HasEnoughMoney(deposit)) { SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, AUCTION_NOT_ENOUGHT_MONEY); return; } if (GetSecurity() > SEC_PLAYER && sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_GM_LOG_TRADE)) { sLog->outCommand(GetAccountId(), "GM %s (Account: %u) create auction: %s (Entry: %u Count: %u)", GetPlayerName(), GetAccountId(), it->GetProto()->Name1, it->GetEntry(), count); } pl->ModifyMoney(-int32(deposit)); uint32 auction_time = uint32(etime * sWorld->getRate(RATE_AUCTION_TIME)); AuctionEntry *AH = new AuctionEntry; AH->Id = sObjectMgr->GenerateAuctionID(); if (sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_INTERACTION_AUCTION)) AH->auctioneer = 23442; else AH->auctioneer = GUID_LOPART(auctioneer); AH->item_guidlow = GUID_LOPART(item); AH->item_template = it->GetEntry(); AH->owner = pl->GetGUIDLow(); AH->startbid = bid; AH->bidder = 0; AH->bid = 0; AH->buyout = buyout; AH->expire_time = time(NULL) + auction_time; AH->deposit = deposit; AH->auctionHouseEntry = auctionHouseEntry; sLog->outDetail("selling item %u to auctioneer %u with initial bid %u with buyout %u and with time %u (in sec) in auctionhouse %u", GUID_LOPART(item), AH->auctioneer, bid, buyout, auction_time, AH->GetHouseId()); sAuctionMgr->AddAItem(it); auctionHouse->AddAuction(AH); pl->MoveItemFromInventory(it->GetBagSlot(), it->GetSlot(), true); SQLTransaction trans = CharacterDatabase.BeginTransaction(); it->DeleteFromInventoryDB(trans); it->SaveToDB(trans); // recursive and not have transaction guard into self, not in inventiory and can be save standalone AH->SaveToDB(trans); pl->SaveInventoryAndGoldToDB(trans); CharacterDatabase.CommitTransaction(trans); SendAuctionCommandResult(AH->Id, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, AUCTION_OK); GetPlayer()->GetAchievementMgr().UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_CREATE_AUCTION, 1); }
// this void creates new auction and adds auction to some auctionhouse void WorldSession::HandleAuctionSellItem( WorldPacket & recv_data ) { DEBUG_LOG("WORLD: HandleAuctionSellItem"); ObjectGuid auctioneerGuid; uint64 item; uint32 etime, bid, buyout; recv_data >> auctioneerGuid; recv_data.read_skip<uint32>(); // const 1? recv_data >> item; recv_data.read_skip<uint32>(); // stack size recv_data >> bid; recv_data >> buyout; recv_data >> etime; if (!item || !bid || !etime) return; // check for cheaters Player *pl = GetPlayer(); AuctionHouseEntry const* auctionHouseEntry = GetCheckedAuctionHouseForAuctioneer(auctioneerGuid); if (!auctionHouseEntry) return; // always return pointer AuctionHouseObject* auctionHouse = sAuctionMgr.GetAuctionsMap(auctionHouseEntry); // client send time in minutes, convert to common used sec time etime *= MINUTE; // client understand only 3 auction time switch(etime) { case 1*MIN_AUCTION_TIME: case 2*MIN_AUCTION_TIME: case 4*MIN_AUCTION_TIME: break; default: return; } // remove fake death if(GetPlayer()->hasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_DIED)) GetPlayer()->RemoveSpellsCausingAura(SPELL_AURA_FEIGN_DEATH); Item *it = pl->GetItemByGuid( item ); // do not allow to sell already auctioned items if(sAuctionMgr.GetAItem(GUID_LOPART(item))) { sLog.outError("AuctionError, player %s is sending item id: %u, but item is already in another auction", pl->GetName(), GUID_LOPART(item)); SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, AUCTION_INTERNAL_ERROR); return; } // prevent sending bag with items (cheat: can be placed in bag after adding equipped empty bag to auction) if(!it) { SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, AUCTION_ITEM_NOT_FOUND); return; } if(!it->CanBeTraded()) { SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, AUCTION_INTERNAL_ERROR); return; } if ((it->GetProto()->Flags & ITEM_FLAG_CONJURED) || it->GetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_DURATION)) { SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, AUCTION_INTERNAL_ERROR); return; } //we have to take deposit : uint32 deposit = AuctionHouseMgr::GetAuctionDeposit( auctionHouseEntry, etime, it ); if ( pl->GetMoney() < deposit ) { SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, AUCTION_NOT_ENOUGHT_MONEY); return; } if( GetSecurity() > SEC_PLAYER && sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_BOOL_GM_LOG_TRADE) ) { sLog.outCommand(GetAccountId(),"GM %s (Account: %u) create auction: %s (Entry: %u Count: %u)", GetPlayerName(), GetAccountId(), it->GetProto()->Name1, it->GetEntry(), it->GetCount()); } pl->ModifyMoney( -int32(deposit) ); uint32 auction_time = uint32(etime * sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_FLOAT_RATE_AUCTION_TIME)); AuctionEntry *AH = new AuctionEntry; AH->Id = sObjectMgr.GenerateAuctionID(); AH->item_guidlow = GUID_LOPART(item); AH->item_template = it->GetEntry(); AH->owner = pl->GetGUIDLow(); AH->startbid = bid; AH->bidder = 0; AH->bid = 0; AH->buyout = buyout; AH->expire_time = time(NULL) + auction_time; AH->deposit = deposit; AH->auctionHouseEntry = auctionHouseEntry; DETAIL_LOG("selling item %u to auctioneer %s with initial bid %u with buyout %u and with time %u (in sec) in auctionhouse %u", GUID_LOPART(item), auctioneerGuid.GetString().c_str(), bid, buyout, auction_time, AH->GetHouseId()); auctionHouse->AddAuction(AH); sAuctionMgr.AddAItem(it); pl->MoveItemFromInventory( it->GetBagSlot(), it->GetSlot(), true); CharacterDatabase.BeginTransaction(); it->DeleteFromInventoryDB(); it->SaveToDB(); // recursive and not have transaction guard into self, not in inventiory and can be save standalone AH->SaveToDB(); pl->SaveInventoryAndGoldToDB(); CharacterDatabase.CommitTransaction(); SendAuctionCommandResult(AH->Id, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, AUCTION_OK); GetPlayer()->GetAchievementMgr().UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_CREATE_AUCTION, 1); }
//this void creates new auction and adds auction to some auctionhouse void WorldSession::HandleAuctionSellItem( WorldPacket & recv_data ) { CHECK_PACKET_SIZE(recv_data,8+8+4+4+4); uint64 auctioneer, item; uint32 etime, bid, buyout; recv_data >> auctioneer >> item; recv_data >> bid >> buyout >> etime; Player *pl = GetPlayer(); if (!item || !bid || !etime) return; //check for cheaters Creature *pCreature = GetPlayer()->GetNPCIfCanInteractWith(auctioneer,UNIT_NPC_FLAG_AUCTIONEER); if (!pCreature) { sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: HandleAuctionSellItem - Unit (GUID: %u) not found or you can't interact with him.", uint32(GUID_LOPART(auctioneer)) ); return; } AuctionHouseEntry const* auctionHouseEntry = AuctionHouseMgr::GetAuctionHouseEntry(pCreature->getFaction()); if(!auctionHouseEntry) { sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: HandleAuctionSellItem - Unit (GUID: %u) has wrong faction.", uint32(GUID_LOPART(auctioneer)) ); return; } // client send time in minutes, convert to common used sec time etime *= MINUTE; // client understand only 3 auction time switch(etime) { case 1*MIN_AUCTION_TIME: case 2*MIN_AUCTION_TIME: case 4*MIN_AUCTION_TIME: break; default: return; } // remove fake death if(GetPlayer()->hasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_DIED)) GetPlayer()->RemoveSpellsCausingAura(SPELL_AURA_FEIGN_DEATH); Item *it = pl->GetItemByGuid( item ); //do not allow to sell already auctioned items if(auctionmgr.GetAItem(GUID_LOPART(item))) { sLog.outError("AuctionError, player %s is sending item id: %u, but item is already in another auction", pl->GetName(), GUID_LOPART(item)); SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, AUCTION_INTERNAL_ERROR); return; } // prevent sending bag with items (cheat: can be placed in bag after adding equiped empty bag to auction) if(!it) { SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, AUCTION_ITEM_NOT_FOUND); return; } if(!it->CanBeTraded()) { SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, AUCTION_INTERNAL_ERROR); return; } if (it->HasFlag(ITEM_FIELD_FLAGS, ITEM_FLAGS_CONJURED) || it->GetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_DURATION)) { SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, AUCTION_INTERNAL_ERROR); return; } AuctionHouseObject* auctionHouse = auctionmgr.GetAuctionsMap( pCreature->getFaction() ); //we have to take deposit : uint32 deposit = auctionmgr.GetAuctionDeposit( auctionHouseEntry, etime, it ); if ( pl->GetMoney() < deposit ) { SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, AUCTION_NOT_ENOUGHT_MONEY); return; } if( GetSecurity() > SEC_PLAYER && sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_GM_LOG_TRADE) ) { sLog.outCommand(GetAccountId(),"GM %s (Account: %u) create auction: %s (Entry: %u Count: %u)", GetPlayerName(),GetAccountId(),it->GetProto()->Name1,it->GetEntry(),it->GetCount()); } pl->ModifyMoney( -int32(deposit) ); uint32 auction_time = uint32(etime * sWorld.getRate(RATE_AUCTION_TIME)); AuctionEntry *AH = new AuctionEntry; AH->Id = objmgr.GenerateAuctionID(); AH->auctioneer = GUID_LOPART(auctioneer); AH->item_guidlow = GUID_LOPART(item); AH->item_template = it->GetEntry(); AH->owner = pl->GetGUIDLow(); AH->startbid = bid; AH->bidder = 0; AH->bid = 0; AH->buyout = buyout; AH->expire_time = time(NULL) + auction_time; AH->deposit = deposit; AH->auctionHouseEntry = auctionHouseEntry; sLog.outDetail("selling item %u to auctioneer %u with initial bid %u with buyout %u and with time %u (in sec) in auctionhouse %u", GUID_LOPART(item), GUID_LOPART(auctioneer), bid, buyout, auction_time, AH->GetHouseId()); auctionHouse->AddAuction(AH); auctionmgr.AddAItem(it); pl->MoveItemFromInventory( it->GetBagSlot(), it->GetSlot(), true); CharacterDatabase.BeginTransaction(); it->DeleteFromInventoryDB(); it->SaveToDB(); // recursive and not have transaction guard into self, not in inventiory and can be save standalone AH->SaveToDB(); pl->SaveInventoryAndGoldToDB(); CharacterDatabase.CommitTransaction(); SendAuctionCommandResult(AH->Id, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, AUCTION_OK); }
//this void creates new auction and adds auction to some auctionhouse void WorldSession::HandleAuctionSellItem(WorldPacket & recv_data) { uint64 auctioneer; uint32 itemsCount, etime, bid, buyout; recv_data >> auctioneer; recv_data >> itemsCount; uint64 itemGUIDs[MAX_AUCTION_ITEMS]; // 160 slot = 4x 36 slot bag + backpack 16 slot uint32 count[MAX_AUCTION_ITEMS]; for (uint32 i = 0; i < itemsCount; ++i) { recv_data >> itemGUIDs[i]; recv_data >> count[i]; if (!itemGUIDs[i] || !count[i] || count[i] > 1000 ) return; } recv_data >> bid; recv_data >> buyout; recv_data >> etime; if (!bid || !etime) return; Creature* creature = GetPlayer()->GetNPCIfCanInteractWith(auctioneer, UNIT_NPC_FLAG_AUCTIONEER); if (!creature) { sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_NETWORKIO, "WORLD: HandleAuctionSellItem - Unit (GUID: %u) not found or you can't interact with him.", GUID_LOPART(auctioneer)); return; } AuctionHouseEntry const* auctionHouseEntry = AuctionHouseMgr::GetAuctionHouseEntry(creature->getFaction()); if (!auctionHouseEntry) { sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_NETWORKIO, "WORLD: HandleAuctionSellItem - Unit (GUID: %u) has wrong faction.", GUID_LOPART(auctioneer)); return; } if (itemsCount > MAX_AUCTION_ITEMS) { SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, AUCTION_INTERNAL_ERROR); return; } etime *= MINUTE; switch(etime) { case 1*MIN_AUCTION_TIME: case 2*MIN_AUCTION_TIME: case 4*MIN_AUCTION_TIME: break; default: return; } if (GetPlayer()->HasUnitState(UNIT_STATE_DIED)) GetPlayer()->RemoveAurasByType(SPELL_AURA_FEIGN_DEATH); Item* items[MAX_AUCTION_ITEMS]; uint32 finalCount = 0; for (uint32 i = 0; i < itemsCount; ++i) { Item* item = _player->GetItemByGuid(itemGUIDs[i]); if (!item) { SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, AUCTION_ITEM_NOT_FOUND); return; } if (sAuctionMgr->GetAItem(item->GetGUIDLow()) || !item->CanBeTraded() || item->IsNotEmptyBag() || item->GetTemplate()->Flags & ITEM_PROTO_FLAG_CONJURED || item->GetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_DURATION) || item->GetCount() < count[i]) { SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, AUCTION_INTERNAL_ERROR); return; } items[i] = item; finalCount += count[i]; } if (!finalCount) { SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, AUCTION_INTERNAL_ERROR); return; } for (uint32 i = 0; i < itemsCount; ++i) { Item* item = items[i]; if (item->GetMaxStackCount() < finalCount) { SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, AUCTION_INTERNAL_ERROR); return; } } for (uint32 i = 0; i < itemsCount; ++i) { Item* item = items[i]; uint32 auctionTime = uint32(etime * sWorld->getRate(RATE_AUCTION_TIME)); AuctionHouseObject* auctionHouse = sAuctionMgr->GetAuctionsMap(creature->getFaction()); uint32 deposit = sAuctionMgr->GetAuctionDeposit(auctionHouseEntry, etime, item, finalCount); if (!_player->HasEnoughMoney(deposit)) { SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, AUCTION_NOT_ENOUGHT_MONEY); return; } _player->ModifyMoney(-int32(deposit)); AuctionEntry* AH = new AuctionEntry; AH->Id = sObjectMgr->GenerateAuctionID(); if (sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_INTERACTION_AUCTION)) AH->auctioneer = 23442; else AH->auctioneer = GUID_LOPART(auctioneer); if (itemsCount == 1 && item->GetCount() == count[i]) { if (GetSecurity() > SEC_PLAYER && sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_GM_LOG_TRADE)) { sLog->outCommand(GetAccountId(), "GM %s (Account: %u) create auction: %s (Entry: %u Count: %u)", GetPlayerName(), GetAccountId(), item->GetTemplate()->Name1.c_str(), item->GetEntry(), item->GetCount()); } AH->item_guidlow = item->GetGUIDLow(); AH->item_template = item->GetEntry(); AH->owner = _player->GetGUIDLow(); AH->startbid = bid; AH->bidder = 0; AH->bid = 0; AH->buyout = buyout; AH->expire_time = time(NULL) + auctionTime; AH->deposit = deposit; AH->auctionHouseEntry = auctionHouseEntry; sLog->outDetail("CMSG_AUCTION_SELL_ITEM: Player %s (guid %d) is selling item %s entry %u (guid %d) to auctioneer %u with count %u with initial bid %u with buyout %u and with time %u (in sec) in auctionhouse %u", _player->GetName(), _player->GetGUIDLow(), item->GetTemplate()->Name1.c_str(), item->GetEntry(), item->GetGUIDLow(), AH->auctioneer, item->GetCount(), bid, buyout, auctionTime, AH->GetHouseId()); sAuctionMgr->AddAItem(item); auctionHouse->AddAuction(AH); _player->MoveItemFromInventory(item->GetBagSlot(), item->GetSlot(), true); SQLTransaction trans = CharacterDatabase.BeginTransaction(); item->DeleteFromInventoryDB(trans); item->SaveToDB(trans); AH->SaveToDB(trans); _player->SaveInventoryAndGoldToDB(trans); CharacterDatabase.CommitTransaction(trans); SendAuctionCommandResult(AH->Id, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, AUCTION_OK); GetPlayer()->GetAchievementMgr().UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_CREATE_AUCTION, 1); return; } else { Item* newItem = item->CloneItem(finalCount, _player); if (!newItem) { sLog->outError("CMSG_AUCTION_SELL_ITEM: Could not create clone of item %u", item->GetEntry()); SendAuctionCommandResult(0, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, AUCTION_INTERNAL_ERROR); return; } if (GetSecurity() > SEC_PLAYER && sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_GM_LOG_TRADE)) { sLog->outCommand(GetAccountId(), "GM %s (Account: %u) create auction: %s (Entry: %u Count: %u)", GetPlayerName(), GetAccountId(), newItem->GetTemplate()->Name1.c_str(), newItem->GetEntry(), newItem->GetCount()); } AH->item_guidlow = newItem->GetGUIDLow(); AH->item_template = newItem->GetEntry(); AH->owner = _player->GetGUIDLow(); AH->startbid = bid; AH->bidder = 0; AH->bid = 0; AH->buyout = buyout; AH->expire_time = time(NULL) + auctionTime; AH->deposit = deposit; AH->auctionHouseEntry = auctionHouseEntry; sLog->outDetail("CMSG_AUCTION_SELL_ITEM: Player %s (guid %d) is selling item %s entry %u (guid %d) to auctioneer %u with count %u with initial bid %u with buyout %u and with time %u (in sec) in auctionhouse %u", _player->GetName(), _player->GetGUIDLow(), newItem->GetTemplate()->Name1.c_str(), newItem->GetEntry(), newItem->GetGUIDLow(), AH->auctioneer, newItem->GetCount(), bid, buyout, auctionTime, AH->GetHouseId()); sAuctionMgr->AddAItem(newItem); auctionHouse->AddAuction(AH); for (uint32 i = 0; i < itemsCount; ++i) { Item* item = items[i]; if (item->GetCount() == count[i]) { _player->MoveItemFromInventory(item->GetBagSlot(), item->GetSlot(), true); SQLTransaction trans = CharacterDatabase.BeginTransaction(); item->DeleteFromInventoryDB(trans); item->SaveToDB(trans); CharacterDatabase.CommitTransaction(trans); } else { item->SetCount(item->GetCount() - count[i]); item->SetState(ITEM_CHANGED, _player); _player->ItemRemovedQuestCheck(item->GetEntry(), count[i]); item->SendUpdateToPlayer(_player); SQLTransaction trans = CharacterDatabase.BeginTransaction(); item->SaveToDB(trans); CharacterDatabase.CommitTransaction(trans); } } SQLTransaction trans = CharacterDatabase.BeginTransaction(); AH->SaveToDB(trans); _player->SaveInventoryAndGoldToDB(trans); CharacterDatabase.CommitTransaction(trans); SendAuctionCommandResult(AH->Id, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, AUCTION_OK); GetPlayer()->GetAchievementMgr().UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_CREATE_AUCTION, 1); return; } } }
// this void creates new auction and adds auction to some auctionhouse void WorldSession::HandleAuctionSellItem(WorldPacket& recv_data) { DEBUG_LOG("WORLD: HandleAuctionSellItem"); ObjectGuid auctioneerGuid; ObjectGuid itemGuid; uint32 etime, bid, buyout; recv_data >> auctioneerGuid; recv_data >> itemGuid; recv_data >> bid; recv_data >> buyout; recv_data >> etime; if (!bid || !etime) return; // check for cheaters Player* pl = GetPlayer(); AuctionHouseEntry const* auctionHouseEntry = GetCheckedAuctionHouseForAuctioneer(auctioneerGuid); if (!auctionHouseEntry) return; // always return pointer AuctionHouseObject* auctionHouse = sAuctionMgr.GetAuctionsMap(auctionHouseEntry); // client send time in minutes, convert to common used sec time etime *= MINUTE; // client understand only 3 auction time switch (etime) { case 1*MIN_AUCTION_TIME: case 4*MIN_AUCTION_TIME: case 12*MIN_AUCTION_TIME: break; default: return; } // remove fake death if (GetPlayer()->hasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_DIED)) GetPlayer()->RemoveSpellsCausingAura(SPELL_AURA_FEIGN_DEATH); if (!itemGuid) return; Item* it = pl->GetItemByGuid(itemGuid); // do not allow to sell already auctioned items if (sAuctionMgr.GetAItem(itemGuid.GetCounter())) { sLog.outError("AuctionError, %s is sending %s, but item is already in another auction", pl->GetGuidStr().c_str(), itemGuid.GetString().c_str()); SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_STARTED, AUCTION_ERR_INVENTORY, EQUIP_ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND); return; } // prevent sending bag with items (cheat: can be placed in bag after adding equipped empty bag to auction) if (!it) { SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_STARTED, AUCTION_ERR_INVENTORY, EQUIP_ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND); return; } if (!it->CanBeTraded()) { SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_STARTED, AUCTION_ERR_INVENTORY, EQUIP_ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND); return; } if ((it->GetProto()->Flags & ITEM_FLAG_CONJURED) || it->GetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_DURATION)) { SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_STARTED, AUCTION_ERR_INVENTORY, EQUIP_ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND); return; } // check money for deposit uint32 deposit = AuctionHouseMgr::GetAuctionDeposit(auctionHouseEntry, etime, it); if (pl->GetMoney() < deposit) { SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_STARTED, AUCTION_ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY); return; } if (GetSecurity() > SEC_PLAYER && sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_BOOL_GM_LOG_TRADE)) { sLog.outCommand(GetAccountId(), "GM %s (Account: %u) create auction: %s (Entry: %u Count: %u)", GetPlayerName(), GetAccountId(), it->GetProto()->Name1, it->GetEntry(), it->GetCount()); } pl->ModifyMoney(-int32(deposit)); AuctionEntry* AH = auctionHouse->AddAuction(auctionHouseEntry, it, etime, bid, buyout, deposit, pl); DETAIL_LOG("selling %s to auctioneer %s with initial bid %u with buyout %u and with time %u (in sec) in auctionhouse %u", itemGuid.GetString().c_str(), auctioneerGuid.GetString().c_str(), bid, buyout, etime, auctionHouseEntry->houseId); SendAuctionCommandResult(AH, AUCTION_STARTED, AUCTION_OK); // used by eluna sHookMgr->OnAdd(auctionHouse); }
// this void creates new auction and adds auction to some auctionhouse void WorldSession::HandleAuctionSellItem(WorldPacket & recv_data) { DEBUG_LOG("WORLD: HandleAuctionSellItem"); ObjectGuid auctioneerGuid; uint32 etime, bid, buyout, itemCount; GuidVector guids; std::vector<uint32> stackSizes; recv_data >> auctioneerGuid; recv_data >> itemCount; if (itemCount > MAX_BAG_SIZE * 5) { recv_data.rpos(recv_data.wpos()); // should not happen return; } guids.resize(itemCount); stackSizes.resize(itemCount); for (uint32 i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i) { recv_data >> guids[i]; // item guid recv_data >> stackSizes[i]; // stack size } recv_data >> bid; recv_data >> buyout; recv_data >> etime; if (!bid || !etime) return; // check for cheaters Player *pl = GetPlayer(); AuctionHouseEntry const* auctionHouseEntry = GetCheckedAuctionHouseForAuctioneer(auctioneerGuid); if (!auctionHouseEntry) return; // always return pointer AuctionHouseObject* auctionHouse = sAuctionMgr.GetAuctionsMap(auctionHouseEntry); // client send time in minutes, convert to common used sec time etime *= MINUTE; // client understand only 3 auction time switch (etime) { case 1*MIN_AUCTION_TIME: case 2*MIN_AUCTION_TIME: case 4*MIN_AUCTION_TIME: break; default: return; } // remove fake death if (GetPlayer()->hasUnitState(UNIT_STAT_DIED)) GetPlayer()->RemoveSpellsCausingAura(SPELL_AURA_FEIGN_DEATH); for (uint32 i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i) { ObjectGuid itemGuid = guids[i]; if (!itemGuid) continue; uint32 stackSize = stackSizes[i]; Item *it = pl->GetItemByGuid(itemGuid); // do not allow to sell already auctioned items if (sAuctionMgr.GetAItem(itemGuid.GetCounter())) { sLog.outError("AuctionError, %s is sending %s, but item is already in another auction", pl->GetGuidStr().c_str(), itemGuid.GetString().c_str()); SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_STARTED, AUCTION_ERR_INVENTORY, EQUIP_ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND); continue; } // prevent sending bag with items (cheat: can be placed in bag after adding equipped empty bag to auction) if (!it) { SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_STARTED, AUCTION_ERR_INVENTORY, EQUIP_ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND); continue; } if (!it->CanBeTraded()) { SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_STARTED, AUCTION_ERR_INVENTORY, EQUIP_ERR_CANNOT_TRADE_THAT); continue; } if ((it->GetProto()->Flags & ITEM_FLAG_CONJURED) || it->GetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_DURATION)) { SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_STARTED, AUCTION_ERR_INVENTORY, EQUIP_ERR_CANNOT_TRADE_THAT); continue; } // check money for deposit uint32 deposit = AuctionHouseMgr::GetAuctionDeposit(auctionHouseEntry, etime, it); if (pl->GetMoney() < deposit) { SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_STARTED, AUCTION_ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY); continue; } if (GetSecurity() > SEC_PLAYER && sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_BOOL_GM_LOG_TRADE)) { sLog.outCommand(GetAccountId(),"GM %s (Account: %u) create auction: %s (Entry: %u Count: %u)", GetPlayerName(), GetAccountId(), it->GetProto()->Name1, it->GetEntry(), it->GetCount()); } if (stackSize == 0) stackSize = 1; if (stackSize > it->GetMaxStackCount()) // too big stack size stackSize = it->GetMaxStackCount(); if (!pl->HasItemCount(it->GetEntry(), stackSize)) // not enough items continue; Item *newItem = it->CloneItem(stackSize); pl->DestroyItemCount(it, stackSize, true); pl->ModifyMoney(-int32(deposit)); AuctionEntry* AH = auctionHouse->AddAuction(auctionHouseEntry, newItem, etime, bid, buyout, deposit, pl); DETAIL_LOG("selling %s to auctioneer %s with initial bid %u with buyout %u and with time %u (in sec) in auctionhouse %u", itemGuid.GetString().c_str(), auctioneerGuid.GetString().c_str(), bid, buyout, etime, auctionHouseEntry->houseId); SendAuctionCommandResult(AH, AUCTION_STARTED, AUCTION_OK); GetPlayer()->GetAchievementMgr().UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_CREATE_AUCTION, 1); } }
//this void creates new auction and adds auction to some auctionhouse void WorldSession::HandleAuctionSellItem(WorldPacket& recvData) { ObjectGuid auctioneer; uint64 bid, buyout; uint32 itemsCount, etime; recvData >> bid >> etime >> buyout; auctioneer[2] = recvData.ReadBit(); auctioneer[6] = recvData.ReadBit(); auctioneer[5] = recvData.ReadBit(); auctioneer[3] = recvData.ReadBit(); auctioneer[1] = recvData.ReadBit(); auctioneer[4] = recvData.ReadBit(); auctioneer[7] = recvData.ReadBit(); auctioneer[0] = recvData.ReadBit(); itemsCount = recvData.ReadBits(5); ObjectGuid itemGUIDs[MAX_AUCTION_ITEMS]; // 160 slot = 4x 36 slot bag + backpack 16 slot uint32 count[MAX_AUCTION_ITEMS]; memset(itemGUIDs, 0, sizeof(itemGUIDs)); if (itemsCount > MAX_AUCTION_ITEMS) { SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, 0, ERR_AUCTION_DATABASE_ERROR); return; } for (uint8 i = 0; i < itemsCount; i++) { itemGUIDs[i][7] = recvData.ReadBit(); itemGUIDs[i][3] = recvData.ReadBit(); itemGUIDs[i][5] = recvData.ReadBit(); itemGUIDs[i][1] = recvData.ReadBit(); itemGUIDs[i][6] = recvData.ReadBit(); itemGUIDs[i][2] = recvData.ReadBit(); itemGUIDs[i][0] = recvData.ReadBit(); itemGUIDs[i][4] = recvData.ReadBit(); } recvData.FlushBits(); for (uint8 i = 0; i < itemsCount; i++) { ObjectGuid guid = itemGUIDs[i]; recvData.ReadByteSeq(guid[0]); recvData.ReadByteSeq(guid[2]); recvData.ReadByteSeq(guid[4]); recvData.ReadByteSeq(guid[5]); recvData.ReadByteSeq(guid[7]); recvData.ReadByteSeq(guid[3]); recvData.ReadByteSeq(guid[6]); recvData.ReadByteSeq(guid[1]); recvData >> count[i]; for (uint32 j = 0; j < MAX_AUCTION_ITEMS; ++j) { if (guid != 0 && itemGUIDs[j] != 0 && guid == itemGUIDs[j]) { // duplicate guid, cheating SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, 0, ERR_AUCTION_DATABASE_ERROR); return; } } itemGUIDs[i] = guid; if (!itemGUIDs[i] || !count[i] || count[i] > 1000) return; } recvData.ReadByteSeq(auctioneer[3]); recvData.ReadByteSeq(auctioneer[5]); recvData.ReadByteSeq(auctioneer[1]); recvData.ReadByteSeq(auctioneer[2]); recvData.ReadByteSeq(auctioneer[0]); recvData.ReadByteSeq(auctioneer[7]); recvData.ReadByteSeq(auctioneer[6]); recvData.ReadByteSeq(auctioneer[4]); if (!bid || !etime) return; Creature* creature = GetPlayer()->GetNPCIfCanInteractWith(auctioneer, UNIT_NPC_FLAG_AUCTIONEER); if (!creature) return; AuctionHouseEntry const* auctionHouseEntry = AuctionHouseMgr::GetAuctionHouseEntry(creature->getFaction()); if (!auctionHouseEntry) return; etime *= MINUTE; switch (etime) { case 1 * MIN_AUCTION_TIME: case 2 * MIN_AUCTION_TIME: case 4 * MIN_AUCTION_TIME: break; default: return; } if (GetPlayer()->HasUnitState(UNIT_STATE_DIED)) GetPlayer()->RemoveAurasByType(SPELL_AURA_FEIGN_DEATH); Item* items[MAX_AUCTION_ITEMS]; uint32 finalCount = 0; uint32 true_item_entry = 0; for (uint32 i = 0; i < itemsCount; ++i) { Item* item = _player->GetItemByGuid(itemGUIDs[i]); if (!item) { SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, 0, ERR_AUCTION_ITEM_NOT_FOUND); return; } if (!true_item_entry) { true_item_entry = item->GetEntry(); } else { if (item->GetEntry() != true_item_entry) { SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, 0, ERR_AUCTION_ITEM_NOT_FOUND); return; } } if (sAuctionMgr->GetAItem(item->GetGUIDLow()) || !item->CanBeTraded() || item->IsNotEmptyBag() || item->GetTemplate()->Flags & ITEM_PROTO_FLAG_CONJURED || item->GetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_DURATION) || item->GetCount() < count[i]) { SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, 0, ERR_AUCTION_DATABASE_ERROR); return; } items[i] = item; finalCount += count[i]; } if (!finalCount) { SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, 0, ERR_AUCTION_DATABASE_ERROR); return; } if (!GetPlayer()->HasItemCount(true_item_entry, finalCount)) { SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, 0, ERR_AUCTION_ITEM_NOT_FOUND); return; } for (uint32 i = 0; i < itemsCount; ++i) { Item* item = items[i]; if (item->GetMaxStackCount() < finalCount) { SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, 0, ERR_AUCTION_DATABASE_ERROR); return; } } for (uint32 i = 0; i < itemsCount; ++i) { Item* item = items[i]; uint32 auctionTime = uint32(etime * sWorld->getRate(RATE_AUCTION_TIME)); AuctionHouseObject* auctionHouse = sAuctionMgr->GetAuctionsMap(creature->getFaction()); uint32 deposit = sAuctionMgr->GetAuctionDeposit(auctionHouseEntry, etime, item, finalCount); if (!_player->HasEnoughMoney((uint64)deposit)) { SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, 0, ERR_AUCTION_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY); return; } _player->ModifyMoney(-int32(deposit)); AuctionEntry* AH = new AuctionEntry; AH->Id = sObjectMgr->GenerateAuctionID(); if (sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_INTERACTION_AUCTION)) AH->auctioneer = 174444; else AH->auctioneer = GUID_LOPART(auctioneer); ASSERT(sObjectMgr->GetCreatureData(AH->auctioneer)); // Tentative de vendre un item a un pnj qui n'existe pas, mieux vaut crash ici sinon l'item en question risque de disparaitre tout simplement // Required stack size of auction matches to current item stack size, just move item to auctionhouse if (itemsCount == 1 && item->GetCount() == count[i]) { if (GetSecurity() > SEC_PLAYER && sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_GM_LOG_TRADE)) { sLog->outCommand(GetAccountId(), "", GetPlayer()->GetGUIDLow(), GetPlayer()->GetName(), 0, "", 0, "", "GM %s (Account: %u) create auction: %s (Entry: %u Count: %u)", GetPlayerName().c_str(), GetAccountId(), item->GetTemplate()->Name1.c_str(), item->GetEntry(), item->GetCount()); } AH->itemGUIDLow = item->GetGUIDLow(); AH->itemEntry = item->GetEntry(); AH->itemCount = item->GetCount(); AH->owner = _player->GetGUIDLow(); AH->startbid = bid; AH->bidder = 0; AH->bid = 0; AH->buyout = buyout; AH->expire_time = time(NULL) + auctionTime; AH->deposit = deposit; AH->auctionHouseEntry = auctionHouseEntry; sLog->outInfo(LOG_FILTER_NETWORKIO, "CMSG_AUCTION_SELL_ITEM: Player %s (guid %d) is selling item %s entry %u (guid %d) to auctioneer %u with count %u with initial bid %u with buyout %u and with time %u (in sec) in auctionhouse %u", _player->GetName(), _player->GetGUIDLow(), item->GetTemplate()->Name1.c_str(), item->GetEntry(), item->GetGUIDLow(), AH->auctioneer, item->GetCount(), bid, buyout, auctionTime, AH->GetHouseId()); sAuctionMgr->AddAItem(item); auctionHouse->AddAuction(AH); _player->MoveItemFromInventory(item->GetBagSlot(), item->GetSlot(), true); SQLTransaction trans = CharacterDatabase.BeginTransaction(); item->DeleteFromInventoryDB(trans); item->SaveToDB(trans); AH->SaveToDB(trans); _player->SaveInventoryAndGoldToDB(trans); CharacterDatabase.CommitTransaction(trans); SendAuctionCommandResult(AH, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_OK); WorldPacket data(SMSG_AUCTION_OWNER_LIST_RESULT); data << uint32(0); // amount place holder uint32 count = 0; uint32 totalcount = 0; auctionHouse->BuildListOwnerItems(data, _player, count, totalcount); data.put<uint32>(0, count); data << uint32(totalcount); data << uint32(0); SendPacket(&data); GetPlayer()->UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_CREATE_AUCTION, 1); return; } else // Required stack size of auction does not match to current item stack size, clone item and set correct stack size { Item* newItem = item->CloneItem(finalCount, _player); if (!newItem) { sLog->outError(LOG_FILTER_NETWORKIO, "CMSG_AUCTION_SELL_ITEM: Could not create clone of item %u", item->GetEntry()); SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, 0, ERR_AUCTION_DATABASE_ERROR); return; } if (GetSecurity() > SEC_PLAYER && sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_GM_LOG_TRADE)) { sLog->outCommand(GetAccountId(), "", GetPlayer()->GetGUIDLow(), GetPlayer()->GetName(), 0, "", 0, "", "GM %s (Account: %u) create auction: %s (Entry: %u Count: %u)", GetPlayerName().c_str(), GetAccountId(), item->GetTemplate()->Name1.c_str(), item->GetEntry(), item->GetCount()); } AH->itemGUIDLow = newItem->GetGUIDLow(); AH->itemEntry = newItem->GetEntry(); AH->itemCount = newItem->GetCount(); AH->owner = _player->GetGUIDLow(); AH->startbid = bid; AH->bidder = 0; AH->bid = 0; AH->buyout = buyout; AH->expire_time = time(NULL) + auctionTime; AH->deposit = deposit; AH->auctionHouseEntry = auctionHouseEntry; sLog->outInfo(LOG_FILTER_NETWORKIO, "CMSG_AUCTION_SELL_ITEM: Player %s (guid %d) is selling item %s entry %u (guid %d) to auctioneer %u with count %u with initial bid %u with buyout %u and with time %u (in sec) in auctionhouse %u", _player->GetName(), _player->GetGUIDLow(), newItem->GetTemplate()->Name1.c_str(), newItem->GetEntry(), newItem->GetGUIDLow(), AH->auctioneer, newItem->GetCount(), bid, buyout, auctionTime, AH->GetHouseId()); sAuctionMgr->AddAItem(newItem); auctionHouse->AddAuction(AH); for (uint32 j = 0; j < itemsCount; ++j) { Item* item2 = items[j]; // Item stack count equals required count, ready to delete item - cloned item will be used for auction if (item2->GetCount() == count[j]) { _player->MoveItemFromInventory(item2->GetBagSlot(), item2->GetSlot(), true); SQLTransaction trans = CharacterDatabase.BeginTransaction(); item2->DeleteFromInventoryDB(trans); item2->DeleteFromDB(trans); CharacterDatabase.CommitTransaction(trans); } else // Item stack count is bigger than required count, update item stack count and save to database - cloned item will be used for auction { item2->SetCount(item2->GetCount() - count[j]); item2->SetState(ITEM_CHANGED, _player); _player->ItemRemovedQuestCheck(item2->GetEntry(), count[j]); item2->SendUpdateToPlayer(_player); SQLTransaction trans = CharacterDatabase.BeginTransaction(); item2->SaveToDB(trans); CharacterDatabase.CommitTransaction(trans); } } SQLTransaction trans = CharacterDatabase.BeginTransaction(); newItem->SaveToDB(trans); AH->SaveToDB(trans); _player->SaveInventoryAndGoldToDB(trans); CharacterDatabase.CommitTransaction(trans); SendAuctionCommandResult(AH, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_OK); GetPlayer()->UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_CREATE_AUCTION, 1); return; } } }
static void addNewAuctions(Player *AHBplayer, AHBConfig *config) { if (!AHBSeller) return; AuctionHouseObject* auctionHouse = objmgr.GetAuctionsMap(config->GetAHID()); uint32 items = 0; uint32 minItems = config->GetMinItems(); uint32 maxItems = config->GetMaxItems(); uint32 auctions = auctionHouse->Getcount(); if (auctions >= minItems) return; if (auctions <= maxItems) { if ((maxItems - auctions) > ItemsPerCycle) items = ItemsPerCycle; else items = (maxItems - auctions); } uint32 wtgbin = config->GetPercents(AHB_WHITE_TG); uint32 gtgbin = config->GetPercents(AHB_GREEN_TG); uint32 btgbin = config->GetPercents(AHB_BLUE_TG); uint32 ptgbin = config->GetPercents(AHB_PURPLE_TG); uint32 wibin = config->GetPercents(AHB_WHITE_I); uint32 gibin = config->GetPercents(AHB_GREEN_I); uint32 bibin = config->GetPercents(AHB_BLUE_I); uint32 pibin = config->GetPercents(AHB_PURPLE_I); uint32 total = wtgbin + gtgbin + btgbin + ptgbin + wibin + gibin + bibin + pibin; uint32 pItems = 0; uint32 bItems = 0; uint32 gItems = 0; uint32 wItems = 0; uint32 pTGoods = 0; uint32 bTGoods = 0; uint32 gTGoods = 0; uint32 wTGoods = 0; for (AuctionHouseObject::AuctionEntryMap::iterator itr = auctionHouse->GetAuctionsBegin();itr != auctionHouse->GetAuctionsEnd();++itr) { AuctionEntry *Aentry = itr->second; Item *item = objmgr.GetAItem(Aentry->item_guidlow); if( item ) { ItemPrototype const *prototype = item->GetProto(); if( prototype ) { switch (prototype->Quality) { case 0: if (prototype->Class == ITEM_CLASS_TRADE_GOODS) wTGoods = wTGoods + 1; else wItems = wItems + 1; break; case 1: if (prototype->Class == ITEM_CLASS_TRADE_GOODS) wTGoods = wTGoods + 1; else wItems = wItems + 1; break; case 2: if (prototype->Class == ITEM_CLASS_TRADE_GOODS) gTGoods = gTGoods + 1; else gItems = gItems + 1; break; case 3: if (prototype->Class == ITEM_CLASS_TRADE_GOODS) bTGoods = bTGoods + 1; else bItems = bItems + 1; break; case 4: if (prototype->Class == ITEM_CLASS_TRADE_GOODS) pTGoods = pTGoods + 1; else pItems = pItems + 1; break; } } } } // only insert a few at a time, so as not to peg the processor for (uint32 cnt = 1;cnt <= items;cnt++) { uint32 itemID = 0; while (itemID == 0) { uint32 choice = urand(1, 8); switch (choice) { case 1: { if ((purpleItems.size() > 0) && (pItems < pibin)) { itemID = purpleItems[urand(0, purpleItems.size() - 1)]; pItems = pItems + 1; break; } } case 2: { if ((blueItems.size() > 0) && (bItems < bibin)) { itemID = blueItems[urand(0, blueItems.size() - 1)]; bItems = bItems + 1; break; } } case 3: { if ((greenItems.size() > 0) && (gItems < gibin)) { itemID = greenItems[urand(0, greenItems.size() - 1)]; gItems = gItems + 1; break; } } case 4: { if ((whiteItems.size() > 0) && (wItems < wibin)) { itemID = whiteItems[urand(0, whiteItems.size() - 1)]; wItems = wItems + 1; break; } } case 5: { if ((purpleTradeGoods.size() > 0) && (pTGoods < ptgbin)) { itemID = purpleTradeGoods[urand(0, purpleTradeGoods.size() - 1)]; pTGoods = pTGoods + 1; break; } } case 6: { if ((blueTradeGoods.size() > 0) && (bTGoods < btgbin)) { itemID = blueTradeGoods[urand(0, blueTradeGoods.size() - 1)]; bTGoods = bTGoods + 1; break; } } case 7: { if ((greenTradeGoods.size() > 0) && (gTGoods < gtgbin)) { itemID = greenTradeGoods[urand(0, greenTradeGoods.size() - 1)]; gTGoods = gTGoods + 1; break; } } case 8: { if ((whiteTradeGoods.size() > 0) && (wTGoods < wtgbin)) { itemID = whiteTradeGoods[urand(0, whiteTradeGoods.size() - 1)]; wTGoods = wTGoods + 1; break; } } default: { break; } } } ItemPrototype const* prototype = objmgr.GetItemPrototype(itemID); if (prototype == NULL) { sLog.outString("AuctionHouseBot: Huh?!?! prototype == NULL"); continue; } Item* item = Item::CreateItem(itemID, 1, AHBplayer); item->AddToUpdateQueueOf(AHBplayer); if (item == NULL) { sLog.outString("AuctionHouseBot: Item::CreateItem() returned NULL"); break; } uint32 randomPropertyId = Item::GenerateItemRandomPropertyId(itemID); if (randomPropertyId != 0) item->SetItemRandomProperties(randomPropertyId); uint32 buyoutPrice; uint32 bidPrice = 0; uint32 stackCount = urand(1, item->GetMaxStackCount()); switch (SellMethod) { case 0: buyoutPrice = prototype->SellPrice * item->GetCount(); break; case 1: buyoutPrice = prototype->BuyPrice * item->GetCount(); break; default: buyoutPrice = 0; break; } switch (prototype->Quality) { case 1: if (config->GetMaxStack(AHB_WHITE) != 0) { stackCount = urand(1, minValue(item->GetMaxStackCount(), config->GetMaxStack(AHB_WHITE))); } buyoutPrice *= urand(config->GetMinPrice(AHB_WHITE), config->GetMaxPrice(AHB_WHITE)) * stackCount; buyoutPrice /= 100; bidPrice = buyoutPrice * urand(config->GetMinBidPrice(AHB_WHITE), config->GetMaxBidPrice(AHB_WHITE)); bidPrice /= 100; break; case 2: if (config->GetMaxStack(AHB_GREEN) != 0) { stackCount = urand(1, minValue(item->GetMaxStackCount(), config->GetMaxStack(AHB_GREEN))); } buyoutPrice *= urand(config->GetMinPrice(AHB_GREEN), config->GetMaxPrice(AHB_GREEN)) * stackCount; buyoutPrice /= 100; bidPrice = buyoutPrice * urand(config->GetMinBidPrice(AHB_GREEN), config->GetMaxBidPrice(AHB_GREEN)); bidPrice /= 100; break; case 3: if (config->GetMaxStack(AHB_BLUE) != 0) { stackCount = urand(1, minValue(item->GetMaxStackCount(), config->GetMaxStack(AHB_BLUE))); } buyoutPrice *= urand(config->GetMinPrice(AHB_BLUE), config->GetMaxPrice(AHB_BLUE)) * stackCount; buyoutPrice /= 100; bidPrice = buyoutPrice * urand(config->GetMinBidPrice(AHB_BLUE), config->GetMaxBidPrice(AHB_BLUE)); bidPrice /= 100; break; case 4: if (config->GetMaxStack(AHB_PURPLE) != 0) { stackCount = urand(1, minValue(item->GetMaxStackCount(), config->GetMaxStack(AHB_PURPLE))); } buyoutPrice *= urand(config->GetMinPrice(AHB_PURPLE), config->GetMaxPrice(AHB_PURPLE)) * stackCount; buyoutPrice /= 100; bidPrice = buyoutPrice * urand(config->GetMinBidPrice(AHB_PURPLE), config->GetMaxBidPrice(AHB_PURPLE)); bidPrice /= 100; break; } item->SetCount(stackCount); AuctionEntry* auctionEntry = new AuctionEntry; auctionEntry->Id = objmgr.GenerateAuctionID(); auctionEntry->auctioneer = 0; auctionEntry->item_guidlow = item->GetGUIDLow(); auctionEntry->item_template = item->GetEntry(); auctionEntry->owner = AHBplayer->GetGUIDLow(); auctionEntry->startbid = bidPrice; auctionEntry->buyout = buyoutPrice; auctionEntry->bidder = 0; auctionEntry->bid = 0; auctionEntry->deposit = 0; auctionEntry->location = config->GetAHID(); auctionEntry->time = (time_t) (urand(config->GetMinTime(), config->GetMaxTime()) * 60 * 60 + time(NULL)); item->SaveToDB(); item->RemoveFromUpdateQueueOf(AHBplayer); objmgr.AddAItem(item); auctionHouse->AddAuction(auctionEntry); CharacterDatabase.PExecute("INSERT INTO `auctionhouse` (`id`," "`auctioneerguid`,`itemguid`,`item_template`," "`itemowner`,`buyoutprice`,`time`,`buyguid`," "`lastbid`,`startbid`,`deposit`,`location`) " "VALUES ('%u', '%u', '%u', '%u', '%u', '%u', " "'" I64FMTD "', '%u', '%u', '%u', '%u', '%u')", auctionEntry->Id, auctionEntry->auctioneer, auctionEntry->item_guidlow, auctionEntry->item_template, auctionEntry->owner, auctionEntry->buyout, (uint64) auctionEntry->time, auctionEntry->bidder, auctionEntry->bid, auctionEntry->startbid, auctionEntry->deposit, auctionEntry->location); } }
//this void creates new auction and adds auction to some auctionhouse void WorldSession::HandleAuctionSellItem(WorldPacket& recvData) { ObjectGuid auctioneer; uint64 bid, buyout; uint32 etime; uint8 itemCount; // 32 slots, value sent as 5 bits ObjectGuid itemGuids[MAX_AUCTION_ITEMS]; uint32 count[MAX_AUCTION_ITEMS]; recvData >> auctioneer; // auctioneer GUID recvData >> bid; recvData >> buyout; recvData >> etime; if (!bid || !etime) { recvData.rfinish(); return; } if (bid > MAX_MONEY_AMOUNT || buyout > MAX_MONEY_AMOUNT) { TC_LOG_DEBUG("network", "WORLD: HandleAuctionSellItem - Player %s (GUID %u) attempted to sell item with higher price than max gold amount.", _player->GetName().c_str(), _player->GetGUIDLow()); SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_DATABASE_ERROR); recvData.rfinish(); return; } itemCount = recvData.ReadBits(5); // Item Counts recvData.FlushBits(); if (itemCount > MAX_AUCTION_ITEMS) { SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_DATABASE_ERROR); recvData.rfinish(); return; } for (uint8 i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { recvData >> itemGuids[i]; // Item GUID recvData >> count[i]; // Count of Item if (!itemGuids[i] || !count[i] || count[i] > 1000) { recvData.rfinish(); return; } } Creature* creature = GetPlayer()->GetNPCIfCanInteractWith(auctioneer, UNIT_NPC_FLAG_AUCTIONEER); if (!creature) { TC_LOG_DEBUG("network", "WORLD: HandleAuctionSellItem - Unit (GUID: %u) not found or you can't interact with him.", GUID_LOPART(auctioneer)); return; } AuctionHouseEntry const* auctionHouseEntry = AuctionHouseMgr::GetAuctionHouseEntry(creature->getFaction()); if (!auctionHouseEntry) { TC_LOG_DEBUG("network", "WORLD: HandleAuctionSellItem - Unit (GUID: %u) has wrong faction.", GUID_LOPART(auctioneer)); return; } etime *= MINUTE; switch (etime) { case 1 * MIN_AUCTION_TIME: case 2 * MIN_AUCTION_TIME: case 4 * MIN_AUCTION_TIME: break; default: return; } if (GetPlayer()->HasUnitState(UNIT_STATE_DIED)) GetPlayer()->RemoveAurasByType(SPELL_AURA_FEIGN_DEATH); Item* items[MAX_AUCTION_ITEMS]; uint32 finalCount = 0; for (uint32 i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i) { Item* item = _player->GetItemByGuid(itemGuids[i]); if (!item) { SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_ITEM_NOT_FOUND); return; } if (sAuctionMgr->GetAItem(item->GetGUIDLow()) || !item->CanBeTraded() || item->IsNotEmptyBag() || item->GetTemplate()->Flags & ITEM_PROTO_FLAG_CONJURED || item->GetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_EXPIRATION) || item->GetCount() < count[i]) { SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_DATABASE_ERROR); return; } items[i] = item; finalCount += count[i]; } if (!finalCount) { SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_DATABASE_ERROR); return; } for (uint32 i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i) { Item* item = items[i]; if (item->GetMaxStackCount() < finalCount) { SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_DATABASE_ERROR); return; } } Item* item = items[0]; uint32 auctionTime = uint32(etime * sWorld->getRate(RATE_AUCTION_TIME)); AuctionHouseObject* auctionHouse = sAuctionMgr->GetAuctionsMap(creature->getFaction()); uint32 deposit = sAuctionMgr->GetAuctionDeposit(auctionHouseEntry, etime, item, finalCount); if (!_player->HasEnoughMoney((uint64)deposit)) { SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_NOT_ENOUGHT_MONEY); return; } AuctionEntry* AH = new AuctionEntry(); if (sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_INTERACTION_AUCTION)) AH->auctioneer = 23442; ///@TODO - HARDCODED DB GUID, BAD BAD BAD else AH->auctioneer = GUID_LOPART(auctioneer); // Required stack size of auction matches to current item stack size, just move item to auctionhouse if (itemCount == 1 && item->GetCount() == count[0]) { if (HasPermission(rbac::RBAC_PERM_LOG_GM_TRADE)) { sLog->outCommand(GetAccountId(), "GM %s (Account: %u) create auction: %s (Entry: %u Count: %u)", GetPlayerName().c_str(), GetAccountId(), item->GetTemplate()->Name1.c_str(), item->GetEntry(), item->GetCount()); } AH->autcionId = sObjectMgr->GenerateAuctionID(); AH->itemGUIDLow = item->GetGUIDLow(); AH->itemEntry = item->GetEntry(); AH->itemCount = item->GetCount(); AH->owner = _player->GetGUIDLow(); AH->startbid = bid; AH->bidder = 0; AH->bid = 0; AH->buyout = buyout; AH->expire_time = time(NULL) + auctionTime; AH->deposit = deposit; AH->auctionHouseEntry = auctionHouseEntry; TC_LOG_INFO("network", "CMSG_AUCTION_SELL_ITEM: Player %s (guid %d) is selling item %s entry %u (guid %d) " "to auctioneer %u with count %u with initial bid " UI64FMTD " with buyout " UI64FMTD " and with time %u (in sec) in auctionhouse %u", _player->GetName().c_str(), _player->GetGUIDLow(), item->GetTemplate()->Name1.c_str(), item->GetEntry(), item->GetGUIDLow(), AH->auctioneer, item->GetCount(), bid, buyout, auctionTime, AH->GetHouseId()); sAuctionMgr->AddAItem(item); auctionHouse->AddAuction(AH); _player->MoveItemFromInventory(item->GetBagSlot(), item->GetSlot(), true); SQLTransaction trans = CharacterDatabase.BeginTransaction(); item->DeleteFromInventoryDB(trans); item->SaveToDB(trans); AH->SaveToDB(trans); _player->SaveInventoryAndGoldToDB(trans); CharacterDatabase.CommitTransaction(trans); SendAuctionCommandResult(AH, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_OK); GetPlayer()->UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_CREATE_AUCTION, 1); } else // Required stack size of auction does not match to current item stack size, clone item and set correct stack size { Item* newItem = item->CloneItem(finalCount, _player); if (!newItem) { TC_LOG_ERROR("network", "CMSG_AUCTION_SELL_ITEM: Could not create clone of item %u", item->GetEntry()); SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_DATABASE_ERROR); delete AH; return; } if (HasPermission(rbac::RBAC_PERM_LOG_GM_TRADE)) { sLog->outCommand(GetAccountId(), "GM %s (Account: %u) create auction: %s (Entry: %u Count: %u)", GetPlayerName().c_str(), GetAccountId(), newItem->GetTemplate()->Name1.c_str(), newItem->GetEntry(), newItem->GetCount()); } AH->autcionId = sObjectMgr->GenerateAuctionID(); AH->itemGUIDLow = newItem->GetGUIDLow(); AH->itemEntry = newItem->GetEntry(); AH->itemCount = newItem->GetCount(); AH->owner = _player->GetGUIDLow(); AH->startbid = bid; AH->bidder = 0; AH->bid = 0; AH->buyout = buyout; AH->expire_time = time(NULL) + auctionTime; AH->deposit = deposit; AH->auctionHouseEntry = auctionHouseEntry; TC_LOG_INFO("network", "CMSG_AUCTION_SELL_ITEM: Player %s (guid %d) is selling item %s entry %u (guid %d) to " "auctioneer %u with count %u with initial bid " UI64FMTD " with buyout " UI64FMTD " and with time %u (in sec) in auctionhouse %u", _player->GetName().c_str(), _player->GetGUIDLow(), newItem->GetTemplate()->Name1.c_str(), newItem->GetEntry(), newItem->GetGUIDLow(), AH->auctioneer, newItem->GetCount(), bid, buyout, auctionTime, AH->GetHouseId()); sAuctionMgr->AddAItem(newItem); auctionHouse->AddAuction(AH); for (uint32 j = 0; j < itemCount; ++j) { Item* item2 = items[j]; // Item stack count equals required count, ready to delete item - cloned item will be used for auction if (item2->GetCount() == count[j]) { _player->MoveItemFromInventory(item2->GetBagSlot(), item2->GetSlot(), true); SQLTransaction trans = CharacterDatabase.BeginTransaction(); item2->DeleteFromInventoryDB(trans); item2->DeleteFromDB(trans); CharacterDatabase.CommitTransaction(trans); } else // Item stack count is bigger than required count, update item stack count and save to database - cloned item will be used for auction { item2->SetCount(item2->GetCount() - count[j]); item2->SetState(ITEM_CHANGED, _player); _player->ItemRemovedQuestCheck(item2->GetEntry(), count[j]); item2->SendUpdateToPlayer(_player); SQLTransaction trans = CharacterDatabase.BeginTransaction(); item2->SaveToDB(trans); CharacterDatabase.CommitTransaction(trans); } } SQLTransaction trans = CharacterDatabase.BeginTransaction(); newItem->SaveToDB(trans); AH->SaveToDB(trans); _player->SaveInventoryAndGoldToDB(trans); CharacterDatabase.CommitTransaction(trans); SendAuctionCommandResult(AH, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_OK); GetPlayer()->UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_CREATE_AUCTION, 1); } _player->ModifyMoney(-int32(deposit)); }
//this void creates new auction and adds auction to some auctionhouse void WorldSession::HandleAuctionSellItem(WorldPackets::AuctionHouse::AuctionSellItem& packet) { if (packet.Items.size() > MAX_AUCTION_ITEMS) { SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_DATABASE_ERROR); return; } for (auto const& item : packet.Items) if (!item.Guid || !item.UseCount || item.UseCount > 1000) return; if (!packet.MinBid || !packet.RunTime) return; if (packet.MinBid > MAX_MONEY_AMOUNT || packet.BuyoutPrice > MAX_MONEY_AMOUNT) { TC_LOG_DEBUG("network", "WORLD: HandleAuctionSellItem - Player %s (%s) attempted to sell item with higher price than max gold amount.", _player->GetName().c_str(), _player->GetGUID().ToString().c_str()); SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_DATABASE_ERROR); return; } Creature* creature = GetPlayer()->GetNPCIfCanInteractWith(packet.Auctioneer, UNIT_NPC_FLAG_AUCTIONEER); if (!creature) { TC_LOG_DEBUG("network", "WORLD: HandleAuctionSellItem - Unit (%s) not found or you can't interact with him.", packet.Auctioneer.ToString().c_str()); return; } AuctionHouseEntry const* auctionHouseEntry = AuctionHouseMgr::GetAuctionHouseEntry(creature->getFaction()); if (!auctionHouseEntry) { TC_LOG_DEBUG("network", "WORLD: HandleAuctionSellItem - Unit (%s) has wrong faction.", packet.Auctioneer.ToString().c_str()); return; } packet.RunTime *= MINUTE; switch (packet.RunTime) { case 1 * MIN_AUCTION_TIME: case 2 * MIN_AUCTION_TIME: case 4 * MIN_AUCTION_TIME: break; default: return; } if (GetPlayer()->HasUnitState(UNIT_STATE_DIED)) GetPlayer()->RemoveAurasByType(SPELL_AURA_FEIGN_DEATH); uint32 finalCount = 0; for (auto const& packetItem : packet.Items) { Item* item = _player->GetItemByGuid(packetItem.Guid); if (!item) { SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_ITEM_NOT_FOUND); return; } if (sAuctionMgr->GetAItem(item->GetGUID().GetCounter()) || !item->CanBeTraded() || item->IsNotEmptyBag() || item->GetTemplate()->GetFlags() & ITEM_FLAG_CONJURED || item->GetUInt32Value(ITEM_FIELD_DURATION) || item->GetCount() < packetItem.UseCount) { SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_DATABASE_ERROR); return; } finalCount += packetItem.UseCount; } if (packet.Items.empty()) { SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_DATABASE_ERROR); return; } if (!finalCount) { SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_DATABASE_ERROR); return; } // check if there are 2 identical guids, in this case user is most likely cheating for (uint32 i = 0; i < packet.Items.size() - 1; ++i) { for (uint32 j = i + 1; j < packet.Items.size(); ++j) { if (packet.Items[i].Guid == packet.Items[j].Guid) { SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_DATABASE_ERROR); return; } } } for (auto const& packetItem : packet.Items) { Item* item = _player->GetItemByGuid(packetItem.Guid); if (item->GetMaxStackCount() < finalCount) { SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_DATABASE_ERROR); return; } } Item* item = _player->GetItemByGuid(packet.Items[0].Guid); uint32 auctionTime = uint32(packet.RunTime * sWorld->getRate(RATE_AUCTION_TIME)); AuctionHouseObject* auctionHouse = sAuctionMgr->GetAuctionsMap(creature->getFaction()); uint32 deposit = sAuctionMgr->GetAuctionDeposit(auctionHouseEntry, packet.RunTime, item, finalCount); if (!_player->HasEnoughMoney((uint64)deposit)) { SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_NOT_ENOUGHT_MONEY); return; } AuctionEntry* AH = new AuctionEntry(); if (sWorld->getBoolConfig(CONFIG_ALLOW_TWO_SIDE_INTERACTION_AUCTION)) AH->auctioneer = UI64LIT(23442); ///@TODO - HARDCODED DB GUID, BAD BAD BAD else AH->auctioneer = packet.Auctioneer.GetCounter(); // Required stack size of auction matches to current item stack size, just move item to auctionhouse if (packet.Items.size() == 1 && item->GetCount() == packet.Items[0].UseCount) { if (HasPermission(rbac::RBAC_PERM_LOG_GM_TRADE)) { sLog->outCommand(GetAccountId(), "GM %s (Account: %u) create auction: %s (Entry: %u Count: %u)", GetPlayerName().c_str(), GetAccountId(), item->GetTemplate()->GetDefaultLocaleName(), item->GetEntry(), item->GetCount()); } AH->Id = sObjectMgr->GenerateAuctionID(); AH->itemGUIDLow = item->GetGUID().GetCounter(); AH->itemEntry = item->GetEntry(); AH->itemCount = item->GetCount(); AH->owner = _player->GetGUID().GetCounter(); AH->startbid = packet.MinBid; AH->bidder = UI64LIT(0); AH->bid = 0; AH->buyout = packet.BuyoutPrice; AH->expire_time = time(NULL) + auctionTime; AH->deposit = deposit; AH->auctionHouseEntry = auctionHouseEntry; TC_LOG_INFO("network", "CMSG_AUCTION_SELL_ITEM: %s %s is selling item %s %s to auctioneer " UI64FMTD " with count %u with initial bid " UI64FMTD " with buyout " UI64FMTD " and with time %u (in sec) in auctionhouse %u", _player->GetGUID().ToString().c_str(), _player->GetName().c_str(), item->GetGUID().ToString().c_str(), item->GetTemplate()->GetDefaultLocaleName(), AH->auctioneer, item->GetCount(), packet.MinBid, packet.BuyoutPrice, auctionTime, AH->GetHouseId()); sAuctionMgr->AddAItem(item); auctionHouse->AddAuction(AH); _player->MoveItemFromInventory(item->GetBagSlot(), item->GetSlot(), true); SQLTransaction trans = CharacterDatabase.BeginTransaction(); item->DeleteFromInventoryDB(trans); item->SaveToDB(trans); AH->SaveToDB(trans); _player->SaveInventoryAndGoldToDB(trans); CharacterDatabase.CommitTransaction(trans); SendAuctionCommandResult(AH, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_OK); GetPlayer()->UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_CREATE_AUCTION, 1); } else // Required stack size of auction does not match to current item stack size, clone item and set correct stack size { Item* newItem = item->CloneItem(finalCount, _player); if (!newItem) { TC_LOG_ERROR("network", "CMSG_AUCTION_SELL_ITEM: Could not create clone of item %u", item->GetEntry()); SendAuctionCommandResult(NULL, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_DATABASE_ERROR); delete AH; return; } if (HasPermission(rbac::RBAC_PERM_LOG_GM_TRADE)) { sLog->outCommand(GetAccountId(), "GM %s (Account: %u) create auction: %s (Entry: %u Count: %u)", GetPlayerName().c_str(), GetAccountId(), newItem->GetTemplate()->GetDefaultLocaleName(), newItem->GetEntry(), newItem->GetCount()); } AH->Id = sObjectMgr->GenerateAuctionID(); AH->itemGUIDLow = newItem->GetGUID().GetCounter(); AH->itemEntry = newItem->GetEntry(); AH->itemCount = newItem->GetCount(); AH->owner = _player->GetGUID().GetCounter(); AH->startbid = packet.MinBid; AH->bidder = UI64LIT(0); AH->bid = 0; AH->buyout = packet.BuyoutPrice; AH->expire_time = time(NULL) + auctionTime; AH->deposit = deposit; AH->auctionHouseEntry = auctionHouseEntry; TC_LOG_INFO("network", "CMSG_AUCTION_SELL_ITEM: %s %s is selling %s %s to auctioneer " UI64FMTD " with count %u with initial bid " UI64FMTD " with buyout " UI64FMTD " and with time %u (in sec) in auctionhouse %u", _player->GetGUID().ToString().c_str(), _player->GetName().c_str(), newItem->GetGUID().ToString().c_str(), newItem->GetTemplate()->GetDefaultLocaleName(), AH->auctioneer, newItem->GetCount(), packet.MinBid, packet.BuyoutPrice, auctionTime, AH->GetHouseId()); sAuctionMgr->AddAItem(newItem); auctionHouse->AddAuction(AH); for (auto const& packetItem : packet.Items) { Item* item2 = _player->GetItemByGuid(packetItem.Guid); // Item stack count equals required count, ready to delete item - cloned item will be used for auction if (item2->GetCount() == packetItem.UseCount) { _player->MoveItemFromInventory(item2->GetBagSlot(), item2->GetSlot(), true); SQLTransaction trans = CharacterDatabase.BeginTransaction(); item2->DeleteFromInventoryDB(trans); item2->DeleteFromDB(trans); CharacterDatabase.CommitTransaction(trans); delete item2; } else // Item stack count is bigger than required count, update item stack count and save to database - cloned item will be used for auction { item2->SetCount(item2->GetCount() - packetItem.UseCount); item2->SetState(ITEM_CHANGED, _player); _player->ItemRemovedQuestCheck(item2->GetEntry(), packetItem.UseCount); item2->SendUpdateToPlayer(_player); SQLTransaction trans = CharacterDatabase.BeginTransaction(); item2->SaveToDB(trans); CharacterDatabase.CommitTransaction(trans); } } SQLTransaction trans = CharacterDatabase.BeginTransaction(); newItem->SaveToDB(trans); AH->SaveToDB(trans); _player->SaveInventoryAndGoldToDB(trans); CharacterDatabase.CommitTransaction(trans); SendAuctionCommandResult(AH, AUCTION_SELL_ITEM, ERR_AUCTION_OK); GetPlayer()->UpdateAchievementCriteria(ACHIEVEMENT_CRITERIA_TYPE_CREATE_AUCTION, 1); } _player->ModifyMoney(-int32(deposit)); }