void RenderUntextured(unsigned int offset, unsigned char *data, vector3d obj_center) { BSP_BlockHeader blkhdr; unsigned char *curpos = data + offset; blkhdr.Read((char *) curpos); #if defined(__BSP_DEBUG_DRAWNORMS_) BSP_FlatPoly fpoly; fpoly.Read((char *) curpos + blkhdr.MySize(), blkhdr); // just rendering a point a line along the norm for now - just need center and normal glColor3f(0.5, 0.5, 1.0); vector3d point = POFTranslate(fpoly.center); vector3d norm = point+(POFTranslate(fpoly.normal)*5); glBegin(GL_POINTS); glVertex3fv((float *)&point); glEnd(); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); glVertex3fv((float *)&point); glVertex3fv((float *)&norm); glEnd(); // tail recurse fpoly.Destroy(); #endif RenderBSP(offset + blkhdr.size, data, obj_center); }
void MakeFlatPoly(BSP_FlatPoly &dst, pcs_polygon &src, std::unordered_map<vector3d, int> &norms, std::unordered_map<vector3d, int> &verts, BSP_DefPoints &dpnts) { dst.head.id = 2; dst.normal = src.norm; dst.nverts = src.verts.size(); dst.green = dst.blue = dst.pad = 0; dst.red = 0xFF; dst.verts.resize(dst.nverts); std::vector<vector3d> vertices; vertices.reserve(dst.nverts); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned)dst.nverts; i++) { vertices.push_back(src.verts[i].point); dst.verts[i].vertnum = verts[src.verts[i].point]; dst.verts[i].normnum = norms[src.verts[i].norm]; } dst.center = src.centeroid; // recalculate these just for accracy dst.center = dst.MyCenter(vertices); dst.radius = dst.MyRadius(dst.center, vertices); // last thing dst.head.size = dst.MySize(); }
void TranslateFPoly(unsigned int offset, unsigned char *data, BSP_DefPoints &points, std::vector<pcs_polygon> &polygons, unsigned int &upolys) { BSP_BlockHeader blkhdr; unsigned char *curpos = data + offset; blkhdr.Read((char *) curpos); vector3d point, norm; pcs_polygon temp_poly; BSP_FlatPoly fpoly; fpoly.Read((char *) curpos + blkhdr.MySize(), blkhdr); temp_poly.norm = POFTranslate(fpoly.normal); temp_poly.texture_id = -1; temp_poly.verts.resize(fpoly.nverts); for (int i = 0; i < fpoly.nverts; i++) { temp_poly.verts[i].point = POFTranslate(points.vertex_data[fpoly.verts[i].vertnum].vertex); temp_poly.verts[i].norm = POFTranslate(points.normals[fpoly.verts[i].normnum]); temp_poly.verts[i].u = 0; temp_poly.verts[i].v = 0; } if (upolys >= polygons.size()) { polygons.resize(polygons.size() * 2); } polygons[upolys] = temp_poly; upolys++; BSPTransPMF(offset + blkhdr.size, data, points, polygons, upolys); // continue traversal }
int PackTreeInBSP(bsp_tree_node* root, int offset, char *buffer, std::vector<pcs_polygon> &polygons, std::unordered_map<vector3d, int> &norms, std::unordered_map<vector3d, int> &verts, BSP_DefPoints &dpnts, vector3d geo_center, int buffsize, int &error_flags) { // ----------- error detection --------------- // abort if error detected if (error_flags != BSP_NOERRORS) return 0; // we're going to write off the end of the buffer gauranteed (smallest element is EOF - 8 bytes if (offset >= buffsize-7) { error_flags |= BSP_PACK_PREOVERFLOW; return 0; } // either we're written this node already, or it didn't get counted in size calculation.. this is bad, skip if (root != NULL && root->used == true) { error_flags |= BSP_PACK_DOUBLEUSE; return 0; } if (root != NULL && root->counted == false) { error_flags |= BSP_PACK_UNCOUNTED; return 0; } // ----------- finish error detection --------------- int size = 0; BSP_BlockHeader EndOfFile; EndOfFile.id = 0; EndOfFile.size = 0; BSP_BoundBox Bounding; Bounding.head.id = 5; Bounding.head.size = Bounding.MySize(); BSP_TmapPoly tpoly; BSP_FlatPoly fpoly; BSP_SortNorm snorm; if (root == NULL) { EndOfFile.Write(buffer+offset); return 8; } switch(root->Type) { case POLY: // write BBOX Bounding.max_point = root->bound_max; Bounding.min_point = root->bound_min; Bounding.Write(buffer+offset+size); size += Bounding.MySize(); if (offset+CalculateTreeSize(root, polygons) > buffsize) { error_flags |= BSP_PACK_PREPOLYOVERFLOW; return 0; } // Size is BBOX (32 bytes) + Poly (variable on type and count) + EOF ( 8 bytes) // write POLY for(unsigned int i = 0; i<root->poly_num.size(); i++){ if (polygons[root->poly_num[i]].texture_id == -1) { MakeFlatPoly(fpoly, polygons[root->poly_num[i]], norms, verts, dpnts); fpoly.Write(buffer+offset+size); size += fpoly.MySize(); } else { MakeTmapPoly(tpoly, polygons[root->poly_num[i]], norms, verts, dpnts); tpoly.Write(buffer+offset+size); size += tpoly.MySize(); } } // write EOF EndOfFile.Write(buffer+offset+size); size += EndOfFile.MySize(); root->used = true; if (offset+size > buffsize) { error_flags |= BSP_PACK_POLYOVERFLOW; } return size; default: //SPLIT size = 80; memset((char*)&snorm, 0, sizeof(BSP_SortNorm)); snorm.head.id = 4; snorm.head.size = snorm.MySize(); snorm.plane_point = root->point; snorm.plane_normal = root->normal; snorm.max_bounding_box_point = root->bound_max; snorm.min_bounding_box_point = root->bound_min; if (offset+CalculateTreeSize(root, polygons) > buffsize) { error_flags |= BSP_PACK_PRESPLITOVERFLOW; return 0; } snorm.prelist_offset = size; size += PackTreeInBSP(NULL, offset+size, buffer, polygons, norms, verts, dpnts, geo_center, buffsize, error_flags); snorm.postlist_offset = size; size += PackTreeInBSP(NULL, offset + size, buffer, polygons, norms, verts, dpnts, geo_center, buffsize, error_flags); snorm.online_offset = size; size += PackTreeInBSP(NULL, offset + size, buffer, polygons, norms, verts, dpnts, geo_center, buffsize, error_flags); snorm.front_offset = size; size += PackTreeInBSP(root->front.get(), offset+size, buffer, polygons, norms, verts, dpnts, geo_center, buffsize, error_flags); snorm.back_offset = size; size += PackTreeInBSP(root->back.get(), offset+size, buffer, polygons, norms, verts, dpnts, geo_center, buffsize, error_flags); snorm.Write(buffer+offset); // write a trailing BSP::EOF to make ourselves safe //EndOfFile.Write(buffer+offset+size); //size += EndOfFile.MySize(); root->used = true; if (offset+size > buffsize) { error_flags |= BSP_PACK_SPLITOVERFLOW; } return size; } return 0; }
std::string BSP::DataIn(char *buffer, int size) { std::string stats; char *localptr = buffer; char cstemp[64]; bool go = true; BSP_BoundBox bnd; BSP_DefPoints pnt; BSP_FlatPoly fpol; BSP_SortNorm snrm; BSP_TmapPoly tpol; BSP_BlockHeader head; stats = ""; //0 - EOF, 1 - DEFPOINTS, 2 - FLATPOLY, 3 - IMAPPOLY, 4- SHORNORM, 5- BOUNDBOX while (go) { head.Read(localptr); localptr += 8; if (localptr - buffer >= size) { go = false; break; } switch (head.id) { case 0: //stats += "EOF\n"; //stats += "\n"; //go = false; break; case 1: memset(cstemp, 0, 64); sprintf(cstemp, "[%d bytes (%d bytes unused)]", head.size, head.size - pnt.Read(localptr, head)); localptr += (head.size - 8);//8 for the already added header //stats += "DEFPOINTS "; //stats += cstemp; //stats += "\n"; /* memset(cstemp, 0, 64); sprintf(cstemp, "%d", pnt.n_norms); stats += " +n_norms: "; stats += cstemp; stats += "\n"; memset(cstemp, 0, 64); sprintf(cstemp, "%d", pnt.n_verts); stats += " +n_verts: "; stats += cstemp; stats += "\n"; memset(cstemp, 0, 64); sprintf(cstemp, "%d", pnt.offset); stats += " +offset: +"; stats += cstemp; stats += "\n"; Collector = 0; for (i = 0; i < pnt.n_verts; i++) { if (i < pnt.n_norms) Collector += int(unsigned char(pnt.norm_counts[i])); } memset(cstemp, 0, 64); sprintf(cstemp, "%d bytes", sizeof(vector) * (Collector + pnt.n_verts)); stats += " +vertex data size: "; stats += cstemp; stats += "\n";*/ //stats += "\n"; Add_DefPoints(pnt); break; case 2: //stats += "FLATPOLY "; memset(cstemp, 0, 64); sprintf(cstemp, "[%d bytes (%d bytes unused)]", head.size, head.size - fpol.Read(localptr, head)); localptr += (head.size - 8);//8 for the already added header /*memset(cstemp, 0, 64); sprintf(cstemp, " @+ Red: %d, Green: %d, Blue: %d, Pad: %d", fpol.red, fpol.green, fpol.blue, fpol.pad); stats += cstemp; stats += "\n"; memset(cstemp, 0, 64); sprintf(cstemp, " @+ Normal: (%f, %f, %f), Radius %f", fpol.normal.x, fpol.normal.y, fpol.normal.z, fpol.radius); stats += cstemp; stats += "\n"; for (i = 0; i < fpol.nverts; i++) { memset(cstemp, 0, 64); sprintf(cstemp, " @+ Point: (%f, %f, %f),", points[0].vertex_data[fpol.verts[i].vertnum].vertex.x, points[0].vertex_data[fpol.verts[i].vertnum].vertex.y, points[0].vertex_data[fpol.verts[i].vertnum].vertex.z); stats += cstemp; memset(cstemp, 0, 64); sprintf(cstemp, " Normal: (%f, %f, %f),", points[0].vertex_data[fpol.verts[i].vertnum].norms[fpol.verts[i].normnum].x, points[0].vertex_data[fpol.verts[i].vertnum].norms[fpol.verts[i].normnum].y, points[0].vertex_data[fpol.verts[i].vertnum].norms[fpol.verts[i].normnum].z); stats += cstemp; stats += "\n"; }*/ //stats += "\n"; Add_FlatPoly(fpol); break; case 3: // stats += "IMAPPOLY "; memset(cstemp, 0, 64); sprintf(cstemp, "[%d bytes (%d bytes unused)]", head.size, head.size - tpol.Read(localptr, head)); localptr += (head.size - 8);//8 for the already added header //stats += cstemp; //stats += "\n"; /*memset(cstemp, 0, 64); sprintf(cstemp, " @+ Normal: (%f, %f, %f), Radius %f", tpol.normal.x, tpol.normal.y, tpol.normal.z, tpol.radius); stats += cstemp; stats += "\n"; for (i = 0; i < tpol.nverts; i++) { memset(cstemp, 0, 64); sprintf(cstemp, " @+ Point: (%f, %f, %f),", points[0].vertex_data[tpol.verts[i].vertnum].vertex.x, points[0].vertex_data[tpol.verts[i].vertnum].vertex.y, points[0].vertex_data[tpol.verts[i].vertnum].vertex.z); stats += cstemp; memset(cstemp, 0, 64); sprintf(cstemp, " Normal: (%f, %f, %f),", points[0].vertex_data[tpol.verts[i].vertnum].norms[tpol.verts[i].normnum].x, points[0].vertex_data[tpol.verts[i].vertnum].norms[tpol.verts[i].normnum].y, points[0].vertex_data[tpol.verts[i].vertnum].norms[tpol.verts[i].normnum].z); stats += cstemp; stats += "\n"; }*/ //stats += "\n"; Add_TmapPoly(tpol); break; case 4: stats += "SORTNORM "; memset(cstemp, 0, 64); sprintf(cstemp, "[%d bytes (%d bytes unused)] ", head.size, head.size - snrm.Read(localptr, head)); localptr += (head.size - 8);//8 for the already added header //stats += cstemp; //stats += "\n"; /*memset(cstemp, 0, 64); sprintf(cstemp, " @+ BackOffset: %d, FrontOffset: %d, OnlineOffset: %d, ", snrm.back_offset, snrm.front_offset, snrm.online_offset); stats += cstemp; stats += "\n"; memset(cstemp, 0, 64); sprintf(cstemp, " @+ PostListOffset: %d, PreListOffset: %d, ", snrm.back_offset, snrm.front_offset, snrm.online_offset); stats += cstemp; stats += "\n"; memset(cstemp, 0, 64); sprintf(cstemp, " @+ Plane_Normal: (%f, %f, %f)", snrm.plane_normal.x, snrm.plane_normal.y, snrm.plane_normal.z); stats += cstemp; stats += "\n"; memset(cstemp, 0, 64); sprintf(cstemp, " @+ Plane_Point: (%f, %f, %f)", snrm.plane_point.x, snrm.plane_point.y, snrm.plane_point.z); stats += cstemp; stats += "\n"; memset(cstemp, 0, 64); sprintf(cstemp, " @+ BoundBoxMin: (%f, %f, %f)", snrm.min_bounding_box_point.x, snrm.min_bounding_box_point.y, snrm.min_bounding_box_point.z); stats += cstemp; stats += "\n"; memset(cstemp, 0, 64); sprintf(cstemp, " @+ BoundBoxMax: (%f, %f, %f)", snrm.max_bounding_box_point.x, snrm.max_bounding_box_point.y, snrm.max_bounding_box_point.z); stats += cstemp; stats += "\n"; stats += "\n";*/ Add_SortNorm(snrm); break; case 5: //stats += "BOUNDBOX "; memset(cstemp, 0, 64); sprintf(cstemp, "[%d bytes (%d bytes unused)]", head.size, head.size - bnd.Read(localptr, head)); localptr += (head.size - 8);//8 for the already added header /*stats += cstemp; stats += "\n"; memset(cstemp, 0, 64); sprintf(cstemp, " @+ BoundBoxMin: (%f, %f, %f)", bnd.min_point.x, bnd.min_point.y, bnd.min_point.z); stats += cstemp; stats += "\n"; memset(cstemp, 0, 64); sprintf(cstemp, " @+ BoundBoxMax: (%f, %f, %f)", bnd.max_point.x, bnd.max_point.y, bnd.max_point.z); stats += cstemp; stats += "\n"; stats += "\n";*/ Add_BoundBox(bnd); break; default: stats += "WARNING: Encountered UNKNOWN: Check data format and/or pointer alignment!\n"; go = false; break; } } return stats; }