status_t GlutGameMode::Enter() { display_mode* mode = _FindMatchingMode(); if (!mode) return B_BAD_VALUE; BScreen screen; if (!fActive) { // First enter: remember this workspace original mode... fGameModeWorkspace = current_workspace(); screen.GetMode(fGameModeWorkspace, &fOriginalMode); } // Don't make it new default mode for this workspace... status_t status = screen.SetMode(fGameModeWorkspace, mode, false); if (status != B_OK) return status; // Retrieve the new active display mode, which could be // a sligth different than the one we asked for... screen.GetMode(fGameModeWorkspace, &fCurrentMode); if (!fGameModeWindow) { // create a new window fPreviousWindow = glutGetWindow(); fGameModeWindow = glutCreateWindow("glutGameMode"); if (!fGameModeWindow) return Leave(); } else // make sure it's the current window glutSetWindow(fGameModeWindow); BDirectWindow *directWindow = dynamic_cast<BDirectWindow*>(gState.currentWindow->Window()); if (directWindow == NULL) // Hum?! return B_ERROR; // Give it some useless title, except for debugging (thread name). BString name; name << "Game Mode " << fCurrentMode.virtual_width << "x" << fCurrentMode.virtual_height << ":" << _GetModePixelDepth(&fCurrentMode) << "@" << _GetModeRefreshRate(&fCurrentMode); // force the game mode window to fullscreen directWindow->Lock(); directWindow->SetTitle(name.String()); directWindow->SetFullScreen(true); directWindow->Unlock(); fDisplayChanged = true; fActive = true; return B_OK; }
void restoreWorkspaceResolution() { BScreen screen; display_mode displayMode; if (screen.GetMode(&displayMode) == B_OK && memcmp(&displayMode,&gDisplayMode,sizeof(display_mode))) screen.SetMode(&gDisplayMode); }
void set_display(Display* dpy) { static Depth dlist[1]; static Visual vlist[1]; static Screen slist[1]; static char vstring[] = "libB11"; Colormap cmap = 0; BRect rect; display_mode mode; BScreen screen; screen.GetMode(&mode); memset(slist, 0, sizeof(Screen)); dlist[0].depth =; dlist[0].nvisuals = 1; dlist[0].visuals = vlist; vlist[0].ext_data = NULL; vlist[0].visualid = 0; vlist[0].c_class = TrueColor; vlist[0].bits_per_rgb = 24; vlist[0].map_entries = 256; vlist[0].red_mask = 255; vlist[0].green_mask = 255 << 8; vlist[0].blue_mask = 255 << 16; rect = screen.Frame(); slist[0].width = static_cast<int>(rect.right - rect.left); slist[0].height = static_cast<int>(rect.bottom -; slist[0].mwidth = 260; slist[0].mheight = 190; slist[0].ndepths = 1; slist[0].depths = dlist; slist[0].root_depth =; slist[0].root_visual = vlist; slist[0].default_gc = NULL; slist[0].cmap = cmap; slist[0].white_pixel = 0xFFFFFF; slist[0].black_pixel = 0; slist[0].display = dpy; dpy->ext_data = NULL; dpy->fd = 0; dpy->proto_major_version = 11; dpy->proto_minor_version = 4; dpy->vendor = vstring; dpy->display_name = vstring; dpy->nscreens = 1; dpy->screens = slist; dpy->max_keycode = 255; dpy->qlen = 0; dpy->head = dpy->tail = NULL; dpy->qfree = NULL; dpy->free_funcs = (_XFreeFuncRec *)Xcalloc(1, sizeof(_XFreeFuncRec)); }
void UAE::ReadyToRun(void) { { BScreen screen; screen.GetMode(&gDisplayMode); } // Start the emulation thread fEmulationThread = spawn_thread(EmulationThreadFunc, "UAE 68k", B_NORMAL_PRIORITY, this); resume_thread(fEmulationThread); }
void AboutWindow::Show() { BScreen *screen = new BScreen( this ); display_mode mode; screen->GetMode( &mode ); /* we center a window */ int32 width = (int32)( ABOUTWINDOW_RECT.right - ABOUTWINDOW_RECT.left ); int32 height = (int32)( ABOUTWINDOW_RECT.bottom - ); /* calculating center of a screen /2 - 1/2 of window width */ int32 x_wind = mode.timing.h_display/2 - ( width/2 ); /* calculating center of a screen /2 - 1/2 of window height */ int32 y_wind = mode.timing.v_display/2 - ( height/2 ); MoveTo( x_wind, y_wind ); BWindow::Show(); }
/*! \function ColorUpdateWindow::ColorUpdateWindow * \brief Constructor. * \param[in] corner One of the corners of the window IN SCREEN COORDINATES! * \param[in] label Label of the color. (Usually name of the category). * \param[in] enableEditingLabel If "true", label can be edited. If "false", it's constant. * \param[in] title Title of the window * \param[in] defaultColor Original color. Defaults to black. * \param[in] targetLooper The target which receives message with the results. * \param[in] currentScreen Defines the screen the program runs in. Usually it's * B_MAIN_SCREEN_ID. * \param[in] message The template message to be used. If this parameter is NULL, * a new message is constructed. */ ColorUpdateWindow::ColorUpdateWindow( BPoint corner, BString& label, rgb_color &defaultColor, bool enableEditingLabel, BString title, BHandler *targetHandler, screen_id currentScreen, BMessage* message ) : BWindow( BRect( 100, 100, 300, 500 ), title.String(), B_MODAL_WINDOW, B_NOT_CLOSABLE | B_NOT_ZOOMABLE | B_NOT_RESIZABLE | B_NOT_MINIMIZABLE | B_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONTROLS | B_WILL_ACCEPT_FIRST_CLICK ), originalString( label ), originalColor( defaultColor), labelView( NULL ), okButton( NULL ), revertButton( NULL ), messageToSend( NULL ), target( targetHandler ), dirty( false ) { BSize layoutSize; BLayoutItem* item = NULL; float width, height, dontCare; BView* background = new BView( this->Bounds(), "Background", B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_TOP, B_FRAME_EVENTS | B_WILL_DRAW ); if ( !background ) { /* Panic! */ exit(1); } background->SetViewColor( ui_color( B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR ) ); this->enableEditingLabel = enableEditingLabel; /* There are three parts in the interface of the control. * Upmost is the label, which, according to the user's settings, * can be editable or not. * Next is the color control. * Last is the row of two buttons, Revert and Ok. */ // Debugging printf( "Color Selected = %u, Color Reverted = %u.\n", kColorSelected, kColorReverted ); // Construct background view and layout BGridLayout* layout = new BGridLayout( B_VERTICAL ); if ( !layout ) { /* Panic! */ exit(1); } layout->SetInsets( 5, 5, 5, 5 ); background->SetLayout( layout ); this->AddChild( background ); // Constructing the name label, editable or not. if ( enableEditingLabel ) { labelView = new BTextControl( BRect(0, 0, 1, 1), "Label", NULL, label.String(), NULL ); } else { labelView = new BStringView( BRect (0, 0, 1, 1), "Label", label.String() ); } if ( !labelView ) { /* Panic! */ exit(1); } labelView->ResizeToPreferred(); item = layout->AddView( labelView, 0, 0, 3, 1 ); if ( !item ) { /* Panic! */ exit(1); } item->SetExplicitAlignment( BAlignment( B_ALIGN_USE_FULL_WIDTH, B_ALIGN_VERTICAL_CENTER ) ); // item->SetExplicitMinSize( BSize( width, height ) ); // Construct color control BMessage* toSend = new BMessage( kColorChanged ); if ( !toSend ) { /* Panic! */ exit(1); } colorControl = new BColorControl( BPoint( 0, 0 ), B_CELLS_32x8, 4.0, "Color Control", toSend ); if ( !colorControl ) { /* Panic! */ exit(1); } colorControl->GetPreferredSize( &width, &height ); colorControl->ResizeTo( width, height ); colorControl->SetTarget( this ); item = layout->AddView( colorControl, 0, 1, 3, 1 ); if ( !item ) { /* Panic! */ exit(1); } item->SetExplicitAlignment( BAlignment( B_ALIGN_USE_FULL_WIDTH, B_ALIGN_TOP ) ); // Construct last two buttons // Revert button toSend = new BMessage( kColorReverted ); if ( !toSend ) { /* Panic! */ exit(1); } revertButton = new BButton( BRect( 0, 0, 1, 1), "Revert button", "Revert", toSend ); if ( !revertButton ) { /* Panic! */ exit(1); } revertButton->ResizeToPreferred(); // Ok button toSend = new BMessage( kColorSelected ); if ( !toSend ) { /* Panic! */ exit(1); } okButton = new BButton( BRect( 0, 0, 1, 1), "Ok button", "Ok", toSend, B_FOLLOW_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP ); if ( !okButton ) { /* Panic! */ exit(1); } okButton->ResizeToPreferred(); // Attach the buttons to current layout item = layout->AddView( revertButton, 0, 2 ); if ( ! item ) { /* Panic! */ exit(1); } item->SetExplicitAlignment( BAlignment( B_ALIGN_LEFT, B_ALIGN_MIDDLE ) ); // Note I'm skipping one cell - this is for showing current color! item = layout->AddView( okButton, 2, 2 ); if ( ! item ) { /* Panic! */ exit(1); } item->SetExplicitAlignment( BAlignment( B_ALIGN_RIGHT, B_ALIGN_MIDDLE ) ); // Make "Ok" button the default okButton->MakeDefault( true ); // Now, find the correct place for this window. // We have one of the corners from constructor, we need to position the window // in such manner that it will be fully visible and keep one of the corners in // the specified point. layout->Relayout( true ); layoutSize = layout->PreferredSize(); this->ResizeTo( layoutSize.width, layoutSize.height ); background->ResizeTo( layoutSize.width, layoutSize.height ); float windowWidth = layoutSize.width, windowHeight = layoutSize.height; BScreen* mainScreen = new BScreen( currentScreen ); // Get access to current screen display_mode currentDisplayMode; mainScreen->GetMode( ¤tDisplayMode ); // Obtain the width and height of screen // The following booleans uniquely define where the window be located regarding // given corner. bool leftFromCorner = false, upFromCorner = false; // Check where the window should span regarding to the corner if ( corner.x + windowWidth >= currentDisplayMode.virtual_width ) { if ( corner.x - windowWidth < 0 ) { corner.x = 0; leftFromCorner = false; } else { leftFromCorner = true; } } if ( corner.y + windowHeight >= currentDisplayMode.virtual_height ) { if ( corner.y - windowHeight < 0 ) { corner.y = 0; upFromCorner = false; } else { upFromCorner = true; } } // Calculate new top-left corner of the window if ( leftFromCorner ) { corner.x -= windowWidth; } if ( upFromCorner ) { corner.y -= windowHeight; } // Move the window to calculated position this->MoveTo( corner ); // Show the window this->Show(); colorControl->Invoke(); } // <-- end of constructor for ColorUpdateWindow
void BeGadu::MessageReceived( BMessage *aMessage ) { switch( aMessage->what ) { /* sending mesgs from libgadu to network */ case GOT_MESSAGE: case ADD_HANDLER: case DEL_HANDLER: BMessenger( iWindow->GetNetwork() ).SendMessage( aMessage ); break; case ADD_MESSENGER: DEBUG_TRACE( "BeGadu::MessageReceived( ADD_MESSENGER )\n" ); aMessage->FindMessenger( "messenger", &iMessenger ); if( iWindow ) { iWindow->SetMessenger( iMessenger ); BMessenger( iMessenger ).SendMessage( PROFILE_SELECTED ); } break; case SET_AVAIL: case SET_BRB: case SET_INVIS: case SET_NOT_AVAIL: case SET_DESCRIPTION: case BEGG_ABOUT: case SHOW_MAIN_WINDOW: case CHANGE_DESCRIPTION: case PREFERENCES_SWITCH: if( iWindow ) BMessenger( iWindow ).SendMessage( aMessage ); break; case OPEN_PROFILE_WIZARD: { DEBUG_TRACE( "BeGadu::MessageReceived( OPEN_PROFILE_WIZARD )\n" ); // if( iProfileSelector ) // iProfileSelector = NULL; if( iWindow ) { BMessenger( iWindow ).SendMessage( new BMessage( CLOSE_MAIN_WINDOW ) ); if( iWindow->Lock() ) iWindow->Quit(); iWindow = NULL; } ProfileWizard *pw = new ProfileWizard(); pw->Show(); break; } case CONFIG_OK: { DEBUG_TRACE( "BeGadu::MessageReceived( CONFIG_OK )\n" ); iReadyToRun = true; AddDeskbarIcon(); Profile *profile = new Profile(); int ret = profile->Load( iLastProfile ); if( ret != 0 ) { delete profile; BMessenger( be_app ).SendMessage( new BMessage( PROFILE_SELECT ) ); break; } if( strcmp( profile->GetProfilePassword(), "" ) != 0 ) { BResources res; BRoster roster; entry_ref ref; BFile resfile; roster.FindApp( APP_MIME, &ref ); resfile.SetTo( &ref, B_READ_ONLY ); res.SetTo( &resfile ); BScreen *screen = new BScreen( B_MAIN_SCREEN_ID ); display_mode mode; screen->GetMode( &mode ); // int32 width = 250; // int32 height = 110; // 70 // int32 x_wind = mode.timing.h_display / 2 - ( width / 2); // int32 y_wind = mode.timing.v_display / 2 - ( height / 2 ); // int32 new_width = x_wind + width; // x 2 // int32 new_height = y_wind + height; // x 2 BMessenger( iMessenger ).SendMessage( new BMessage( PROFILE_NOT_SELECTED ) ); // iProfileSelector = new ProfileSelector( iLastProfile, BRect( x_wind, y_wind, new_width, new_height ), &res ); // if( iProfileSelector->LockLooper() ) { // iProfileSelector->Show(); // iProfileSelector->UnlockLooper(); // } } else { BMessenger( iMessenger ).SendMessage( new BMessage( PROFILE_SELECTED ) ); iWindow = new MainWindow( iLastProfile ); if( !iHideAtStart ) { if( iWindow->LockLooper() ) { iWindow->Show(); iWindow->UnlockLooper(); } } else { if( iWindow->LockLooper() ) { iWindow->Show(); iWindow->Hide(); iWindow->UnlockLooper(); } } } break; } case PROFILE_CREATED: DEBUG_TRACE( "BeGadu::MessageReceived( PROFILE_CREATED )\n" ); iReadyToRun = true; AddDeskbarIcon(); aMessage->FindString( "ProfileName", iLastProfile ); fprintf( stderr, _T("Setting last profile to %s\n"), iLastProfile->String() ); iFirstRun = false; BMessenger( iMessenger ).SendMessage( new BMessage( PROFILE_SELECTED ) ); iWindow = new MainWindow( iLastProfile ); if( iWindow->LockLooper() ) { if( iWindow->IsHidden() ) iWindow->Show(); else iWindow->Activate(); iWindow->UnlockLooper(); } break; case PROFILE_SELECT: DEBUG_TRACE( "BeGadu::MessageReceived( PROFILE_SELECT )\n" ); // if( iProfileSelector ) // iProfileSelector->Activate(); // else { BResources res; BRoster roster; entry_ref ref; BFile resfile; roster.FindApp( APP_MIME, &ref ); resfile.SetTo( &ref, B_READ_ONLY ); res.SetTo( &resfile ); BScreen *screen = new BScreen( B_MAIN_SCREEN_ID ); display_mode mode; screen->GetMode( &mode ); // int32 width = 250; // int32 height = 110; // 70 // int32 x_wind = mode.timing.h_display / 2 - ( width / 2); // int32 y_wind = mode.timing.v_display / 2 - ( height / 2 ); // int32 new_width = x_wind + width; // x 2 // int32 new_height = y_wind + height; // x 2 BMessenger( iMessenger ).SendMessage( new BMessage( PROFILE_NOT_SELECTED ) ); // iProfileSelector = new ProfileSelector( iLastProfile, BRect( x_wind, y_wind, new_width, new_height ), &res ); // if( iProfileSelector->LockLooper() ) { // iProfileSelector->Show(); // iProfileSelector->UnlockLooper(); // } } break; case PROFILE_SWITCH: { DEBUG_TRACE( "BeGadu::MessageReceived( PROFILE_SWITCH )\n" ); if( iWindow ) { BMessenger( iWindow ).SendMessage( new BMessage( CLOSE_MAIN_WINDOW ) ); if( iWindow->Lock() ) iWindow->Quit(); iWindow = NULL; } Profile* profile = new Profile(); BString* name = new BString( "" ); aMessage->FindString( "iProfileName", name ); int ret = profile->Load( name ); if( ret != 0 ) { delete profile; BMessenger( this ).SendMessage( new BMessage( PROFILE_SELECT ) ); break; } // XXX loaded profile password empty? if( strcmp( profile->GetProfilePassword(), "" ) == 0 ) { BMessenger( iMessenger ).SendMessage( new BMessage( PROFILE_SELECTED ) ); iWindow = new MainWindow( iLastProfile ); // iWindow = new MainWindow( name ); if( iWindow->LockLooper() ) { iWindow->Show(); iWindow->UnlockLooper(); } } else { // XXX what's that for? BResources res; BRoster roster; entry_ref ref; BFile resfile; roster.FindApp( APP_MIME, &ref ); resfile.SetTo( &ref, B_READ_ONLY ); res.SetTo( &resfile ); BScreen *screen = new BScreen( B_MAIN_SCREEN_ID ); display_mode mode; screen->GetMode( &mode ); // int32 width = 250; // int32 height = 110; // 70 // int32 x_wind = mode.timing.h_display / 2 - ( width / 2); // int32 y_wind = mode.timing.v_display / 2 - ( height / 2 ); // int32 new_width = x_wind + width; // x 2 // int32 new_height = y_wind + height; // x 2 BMessenger( iMessenger ).SendMessage( new BMessage( PROFILE_NOT_SELECTED ) ); // iProfileSelector = new ProfileSelector( name, BRect( x_wind, y_wind, new_width, new_height ), &res ); // if( iProfileSelector->LockLooper() ) { // iProfileSelector->Show(); // iProfileSelector->UnlockLooper(); // } } break; } case PROFILE_SELECTED: { DEBUG_TRACE( "BeGadu::MessageReceived( PROFILE_SELECTED )\n" ); // if( iProfileSelector ) // iProfileSelector = NULL; BString *profile = new BString( "" ); aMessage->FindString( "iProfileName", profile ); BMessenger( iMessenger ).SendMessage( new BMessage( PROFILE_SELECTED ) ); iWindow = new MainWindow( profile ); if( !iHideAtStart ) { if( iWindow->LockLooper() ) { iWindow->Show(); iWindow->UnlockLooper(); } } else { if( iWindow->LockLooper() ) { iWindow->Show(); iWindow->Hide(); iWindow->UnlockLooper(); } } break; } case PROFILE_NOT_SELECTED: DEBUG_TRACE( "BeGadu::MessageReceived( PROFILE_NOT_SELECTED )\n" ); // if( iProfileSelector ) // iProfileSelector = NULL; BMessenger( iMessenger ).SendMessage( new BMessage( PROFILE_NOT_SELECTED ) ); break; case BEGG_QUIT: DEBUG_TRACE( "BeGadu::MessageReceived( BEGG_QUIT )\n" ); if( iWindow ) BMessenger( iWindow ).SendMessage( aMessage ); else BMessenger( be_app ).SendMessage( B_QUIT_REQUESTED ); break; default: BApplication::MessageReceived( aMessage ); break; } }
Preferences::Preferences( Profile* aProfile, MainWindow* aWindow, BRect aRect, BResources* aRes ) : BWindow( aRect, PREFERENCES_NAME, B_FLOATING_WINDOW, B_NOT_RESIZABLE | B_NOT_ZOOMABLE | B_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONTROLS ) { BScreen *screen = new BScreen( this ); display_mode mode; screen->GetMode( &mode ); int32 width = 500; int32 height = 420; int32 x_wind = mode.timing.h_display / 2 - ( width / 2); int32 y_wind = mode.timing.v_display / 2 - ( height / 2 ); delete screen; MoveTo(x_wind,y_wind); ResizeTo(width,height); SetTitle(_T(PREFERENCES_NAME)); iProfile = aProfile; iWindow = aWindow; iResources = aRes; BRect r = Bounds(); iLogoView = new BitmapView( BRect( r.left ,, r.left + 600, + 150 ), "logo", aRes ); AddChild( iLogoView ); r.left = 20; = 100; r.right = r.left + 250; r.bottom = + 25; iNumberControl = new BTextControl( r, "iNumberControl", "Numer GG:", "0", NULL, B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_TOP, B_WILL_DRAW | B_NAVIGABLE ); AddChild( iNumberControl ); r.left = 20; r.right = r.left + 250; = 130; r.bottom = + 25; iPasswordControl = new BTextControl( r, "iPasswordControl", "Haslo:", "", NULL, B_FOLLOW_LEFT | B_FOLLOW_TOP, B_WILL_DRAW | B_NAVIGABLE ); AddChild( iPasswordControl ); r = Bounds(); BButton *przycisk; przycisk = new BButton( BRect( r.left + 360, r.bottom - 30, r.left + 440, r.bottom - 5), "przycisk ok", "Ok", new BMessage( PREFERENCES_OK ) ); przycisk->MakeDefault(true); AddChild(przycisk); przycisk = new BButton( BRect( r.left + 270, r.bottom - 30, r.left + 350, r.bottom - 5), "przycisk anuluj", "Anuluj", new BMessage( PREFERENCES_CANCEL ) ); AddChild(przycisk); /* pobieramy aktualna konfiguracje */ if( iNumberControl->LockLooper() ) { BString a; a << (int32) iProfile->GetUIN(); iNumberControl->SetText( a.String() ); iPasswordControl->SetText( iProfile->GetPassword() ); fprintf( stderr, "numer: %s\nhaslo: %s\n", a.String(), iProfile->GetPassword() ); iNumberControl->UnlockLooper(); } }
Description::Description( MainWindow* aWindow, BRect aRect, BResources* aRes ) : BWindow( aRect, "", B_FLOATING_WINDOW, B_NOT_RESIZABLE | B_NOT_ZOOMABLE | B_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONTROLS ) { BScreen *screen = new BScreen( this ); display_mode mode; screen->GetMode( &mode ); delete screen; int32 width = 250; int32 height = 140; int32 x_wind = mode.timing.h_display / 2 - ( width / 2); int32 y_wind = mode.timing.v_display / 2 - ( height / 2 ); MoveTo(x_wind,y_wind); ResizeTo(width,height); SetTitle( _T( DESCRIPTION_NAME ) ); iWindow = aWindow; iResources = aRes; BRect r = Bounds(); r.left = 5; r.right = r.right - 5; = 5; r.bottom = r.bottom - 40; iBox = new BBox( r, "Description box" ); r = iBox->Bounds(); r.left = 3; r.right = r.left + 25; = 3; r.bottom = r.bottom - 3; iIconsView = new IconsView( r, iResources ); iBox->AddChild( iIconsView ); AddChild( iBox ); r = iBox->Bounds(); r.left = r.left + 30; r.right = r.left + 15; = 7; r.bottom = + 12; iAvail = new BRadioButton( r, "AvailDesc", "", new BMessage( SET_AVAIL ) ); iBox->AddChild( iAvail ); r = iBox->Bounds(); r.left = r.left + 30; r.right = r.left + 15; = 27; r.bottom = + 12; iBusy = new BRadioButton( r, "BusyDesc", "", new BMessage( SET_BRB ) ); iBox->AddChild( iBusy ); r = iBox->Bounds(); r.left = r.left + 30; r.right = r.left + 15; = 47; r.bottom = + 12; iInvisible = new BRadioButton( r, "InvisibleDesc", "", new BMessage( SET_INVIS ) ); iBox->AddChild( iInvisible ); r = iBox->Bounds(); r.left = r.left + 30; r.right = r.left + 15; = 67; r.bottom = + 12; iNotAvail = new BRadioButton( r, "NotAvailDesc", "", new BMessage( SET_NOT_AVAIL ) ); iBox->AddChild( iNotAvail ); r = iBox->Bounds(); r.left = r.left + 50; r.right = r.right - 3; = + 3; r.bottom = r.bottom - 3; BRect t = iBox->Bounds(); t.right = t.right - 60; iDescription = new BTextView( r, "DescriptionTextView", t, B_FOLLOW_ALL, B_WILL_DRAW ); iDescription->SetMaxBytes( 160 ); iBox->AddChild( iDescription ); r = Bounds(); r.left = r.right - 140; r.right = r.right - 75; = r.bottom - 30; r.bottom = -5; BButton *button; button = new BButton( r, "change button", _T("Change"), new BMessage( DESCRIPTION_OK ) ); button->MakeDefault( true ); AddChild( button ); r = Bounds(); r.left = r.right - 65; r.right = r.right -5; = r.bottom - 30; r.bottom = -5; button = new BButton( r, "cancel button", _T("Cancel"), new BMessage( DESCRIPTION_CANCEL ) ); AddChild( button ); /* setting current settings */ int status = iWindow->GetNetwork()->Status(); if( status == GG_STATUS_AVAIL || status == GG_STATUS_AVAIL_DESCR ) { iStatus = GG_STATUS_AVAIL_DESCR; iAvail->SetValue( B_CONTROL_ON ); } else if( status == GG_STATUS_BUSY || status == GG_STATUS_BUSY_DESCR ) { iStatus = GG_STATUS_BUSY_DESCR; iBusy->SetValue( B_CONTROL_ON ); } else if( status == GG_STATUS_INVISIBLE || status == GG_STATUS_INVISIBLE_DESCR ) { iStatus = GG_STATUS_INVISIBLE_DESCR; iInvisible->SetValue( B_CONTROL_ON ); } else if( status == GG_STATUS_NOT_AVAIL || status == GG_STATUS_NOT_AVAIL_DESCR ) { iStatus = GG_STATUS_NOT_AVAIL_DESCR; iNotAvail->SetValue( B_CONTROL_ON ); } BString *description = fromISO2(iWindow->GetNetwork()->iDescription->String()); iDescription->SetText( description->String(), description->Length() ); delete description; }