BVHNode* BVHBuild::run() { BVHRange root; /* add references */ add_references(root); if(progress.get_cancel()) return NULL; /* init spatial splits */ if(params.top_level) /* todo: get rid of this */ params.use_spatial_split = false; spatial_min_overlap = root.bounds().safe_area() * params.spatial_split_alpha; spatial_right_bounds.clear(); spatial_right_bounds.resize(max(root.size(), (int)BVHParams::NUM_SPATIAL_BINS) - 1); /* init progress updates */ progress_start_time = time_dt(); progress_count = 0; progress_total = references.size(); progress_original_total = progress_total; prim_segment.resize(references.size()); prim_index.resize(references.size()); prim_object.resize(references.size()); /* build recursively */ BVHNode *rootnode; if(params.use_spatial_split) { /* singlethreaded spatial split build */ rootnode = build_node(root, 0); } else { /* multithreaded binning build */ BVHObjectBinning rootbin(root, (references.size())? &references[0]: NULL); rootnode = build_node(rootbin, 0); task_pool.wait_work(); } /* delete if we canceled */ if(rootnode) { if(progress.get_cancel()) { rootnode->deleteSubtree(); rootnode = NULL; } else if(!params.use_spatial_split) { /*rotate(rootnode, 4, 5);*/ rootnode->update_visibility(); } } return rootnode; }
void BVHObjectSplit::split(BVHBuild *builder, BVHRange& left, BVHRange& right, const BVHRange& range) { /* sort references according to split */ bvh_reference_sort(range.start(), range.end(), &builder->references[0], this->dim); /* split node ranges */ left = BVHRange(this->left_bounds, range.start(), this->num_left); right = BVHRange(this->right_bounds, left.end(), range.size() - this->num_left); }
CCL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /* Object Split */ BVHObjectSplit::BVHObjectSplit(BVHBuild *builder, BVHSpatialStorage *storage, const BVHRange& range, vector<BVHReference> *references, float nodeSAH) : sah(FLT_MAX), dim(0), num_left(0), left_bounds(BoundBox::empty), right_bounds(BoundBox::empty), storage_(storage), references_(references) { const BVHReference *ref_ptr = &references_->at(range.start()); float min_sah = FLT_MAX; for(int dim = 0; dim < 3; dim++) { /* Sort references. */ bvh_reference_sort(range.start(), range.end(), &references_->at(0), dim); /* sweep right to left and determine bounds. */ BoundBox right_bounds = BoundBox::empty; storage_->right_bounds.resize(range.size()); for(int i = range.size() - 1; i > 0; i--) { right_bounds.grow(ref_ptr[i].bounds()); storage_->right_bounds[i - 1] = right_bounds; } /* sweep left to right and select lowest SAH. */ BoundBox left_bounds = BoundBox::empty; for(int i = 1; i < range.size(); i++) { left_bounds.grow(ref_ptr[i - 1].bounds()); right_bounds = storage_->right_bounds[i - 1]; float sah = nodeSAH + left_bounds.safe_area() * builder->params.primitive_cost(i) + right_bounds.safe_area() * builder->params.primitive_cost(range.size() - i); if(sah < min_sah) { min_sah = sah; this->sah = sah; this->dim = dim; this->num_left = i; this->left_bounds = left_bounds; this->right_bounds = right_bounds; } } } }
BVHSpatialSplitBuildTask(BVHBuild *build, InnerNode *node, int child, const BVHRange& range, const vector<BVHReference>& references, int level) : range_(range), references_(references.begin() + range.start(), references.begin() + range.end()) { range_.set_start(0); run = function_bind(&BVHBuild::thread_build_spatial_split_node, build, node, child, &range_, &references_, level, _1); }
bool BVHBuild::range_within_max_leaf_size(const BVHRange& range) { size_t size = range.size(); size_t max_leaf_size = max(params.max_triangle_leaf_size, params.max_curve_leaf_size); if(size > max_leaf_size) return false; size_t num_triangles = 0; size_t num_curves = 0; for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) { BVHReference& ref = references[range.start() + i]; if(ref.prim_type() & PRIMITIVE_ALL_CURVE) num_curves++; else if(ref.prim_type() & PRIMITIVE_ALL_TRIANGLE) num_triangles++; } return (num_triangles < params.max_triangle_leaf_size) && (num_curves < params.max_curve_leaf_size); }
BVHNode* BVHBuild::run() { BVHRange root; /* add references */ add_references(root); if(progress.get_cancel()) return NULL; /* init spatial splits */ if(params.top_level) { /* NOTE: Technically it is supported by the builder but it's not really * optimized for speed yet and not really clear yet if it has measurable * improvement on render time. Needs some extra investigation before * enabling spatial split for top level BVH. */ params.use_spatial_split = false; } spatial_min_overlap = root.bounds().safe_area() * params.spatial_split_alpha; if(params.use_spatial_split) { /* NOTE: The API here tries to be as much ready for multi-threaded build * as possible, but at the same time it tries not to introduce any * changes in behavior for until all refactoring needed for threading is * finished. * * So we currently allocate single storage for now, which is only used by * the only thread working on the spatial BVH build. */ spatial_storage.resize(TaskScheduler::num_threads() + 1); size_t num_bins = max(root.size(), (int)BVHParams::NUM_SPATIAL_BINS) - 1; foreach(BVHSpatialStorage &storage, spatial_storage) { storage.right_bounds.clear(); } spatial_storage[0].right_bounds.resize(num_bins); }
void BVHSpatialSplit::split(BVHBuild *builder, BVHRange& left, BVHRange& right, const BVHRange& range) { /* Categorize references and compute bounds. * * Left-hand side: [left_start, left_end[ * Uncategorized/split: [left_end, right_start[ * Right-hand side: [right_start, refs.size()[ */ vector<BVHReference>& refs = *references_; int left_start = range.start(); int left_end = left_start; int right_start = range.end(); int right_end = range.end(); BoundBox left_bounds = BoundBox::empty; BoundBox right_bounds = BoundBox::empty; for(int i = left_end; i < right_start; i++) { if(refs[i].bounds().max[this->dim] <= this->pos) { /* entirely on the left-hand side */ left_bounds.grow(refs[i].bounds()); swap(refs[i], refs[left_end++]); } else if(refs[i].bounds().min[this->dim] >= this->pos) { /* entirely on the right-hand side */ right_bounds.grow(refs[i].bounds()); swap(refs[i--], refs[--right_start]); } } /* Duplicate or unsplit references intersecting both sides. * * Duplication happens into a temporary pre-allocated vector in order to * reduce number of memmove() calls happening in vector.insert(). */ vector<BVHReference>& new_refs = storage_->new_references; new_refs.clear(); new_refs.reserve(right_start - left_end); while(left_end < right_start) { /* split reference. */ BVHReference lref, rref; split_reference(*builder, lref, rref, refs[left_end], this->dim, this->pos); /* compute SAH for duplicate/unsplit candidates. */ BoundBox lub = left_bounds; // Unsplit to left: new left-hand bounds. BoundBox rub = right_bounds; // Unsplit to right: new right-hand bounds. BoundBox ldb = left_bounds; // Duplicate: new left-hand bounds. BoundBox rdb = right_bounds; // Duplicate: new right-hand bounds. lub.grow(refs[left_end].bounds()); rub.grow(refs[left_end].bounds()); ldb.grow(lref.bounds()); rdb.grow(rref.bounds()); float lac = builder->params.primitive_cost(left_end - left_start); float rac = builder->params.primitive_cost(right_end - right_start); float lbc = builder->params.primitive_cost(left_end - left_start + 1); float rbc = builder->params.primitive_cost(right_end - right_start + 1); float unsplitLeftSAH = lub.safe_area() * lbc + right_bounds.safe_area() * rac; float unsplitRightSAH = left_bounds.safe_area() * lac + rub.safe_area() * rbc; float duplicateSAH = ldb.safe_area() * lbc + rdb.safe_area() * rbc; float minSAH = min(min(unsplitLeftSAH, unsplitRightSAH), duplicateSAH); if(minSAH == unsplitLeftSAH) { /* unsplit to left */ left_bounds = lub; left_end++; } else if(minSAH == unsplitRightSAH) { /* unsplit to right */ right_bounds = rub; swap(refs[left_end], refs[--right_start]); } else { /* duplicate */ left_bounds = ldb; right_bounds = rdb; refs[left_end++] = lref; new_refs.push_back(rref); right_end++; } } /* Insert duplicated references into actual array in one go. */ if(new_refs.size() != 0) { refs.insert(refs.begin() + (right_end - new_refs.size()), new_refs.begin(), new_refs.end()); } left = BVHRange(left_bounds, left_start, left_end - left_start); right = BVHRange(right_bounds, right_start, right_end - right_start); }
BVHSpatialSplit::BVHSpatialSplit(const BVHBuild& builder, BVHSpatialStorage *storage, const BVHRange& range, vector<BVHReference> *references, float nodeSAH) : sah(FLT_MAX), dim(0), pos(0.0f), storage_(storage), references_(references) { /* initialize bins. */ float3 origin = range.bounds().min; float3 binSize = (range.bounds().max - origin) * (1.0f / (float)BVHParams::NUM_SPATIAL_BINS); float3 invBinSize = 1.0f / binSize; for(int dim = 0; dim < 3; dim++) { for(int i = 0; i < BVHParams::NUM_SPATIAL_BINS; i++) { BVHSpatialBin& bin = storage_->bins[dim][i]; bin.bounds = BoundBox::empty; bin.enter = 0; bin.exit = 0; } } /* chop references into bins. */ for(unsigned int refIdx = range.start(); refIdx < range.end(); refIdx++) { const BVHReference& ref = references_->at(refIdx); float3 firstBinf = (ref.bounds().min - origin) * invBinSize; float3 lastBinf = (ref.bounds().max - origin) * invBinSize; int3 firstBin = make_int3((int)firstBinf.x, (int)firstBinf.y, (int)firstBinf.z); int3 lastBin = make_int3((int)lastBinf.x, (int)lastBinf.y, (int)lastBinf.z); firstBin = clamp(firstBin, 0, BVHParams::NUM_SPATIAL_BINS - 1); lastBin = clamp(lastBin, firstBin, BVHParams::NUM_SPATIAL_BINS - 1); for(int dim = 0; dim < 3; dim++) { BVHReference currRef = ref; for(int i = firstBin[dim]; i < lastBin[dim]; i++) { BVHReference leftRef, rightRef; split_reference(builder, leftRef, rightRef, currRef, dim, origin[dim] + binSize[dim] * (float)(i + 1)); storage_->bins[dim][i].bounds.grow(leftRef.bounds()); currRef = rightRef; } storage_->bins[dim][lastBin[dim]].bounds.grow(currRef.bounds()); storage_->bins[dim][firstBin[dim]].enter++; storage_->bins[dim][lastBin[dim]].exit++; } } /* select best split plane. */ for(int dim = 0; dim < 3; dim++) { /* sweep right to left and determine bounds. */ BoundBox right_bounds = BoundBox::empty; storage_->right_bounds.resize(BVHParams::NUM_SPATIAL_BINS); for(int i = BVHParams::NUM_SPATIAL_BINS - 1; i > 0; i--) { right_bounds.grow(storage_->bins[dim][i].bounds); storage_->right_bounds[i - 1] = right_bounds; } /* sweep left to right and select lowest SAH. */ BoundBox left_bounds = BoundBox::empty; int leftNum = 0; int rightNum = range.size(); for(int i = 1; i < BVHParams::NUM_SPATIAL_BINS; i++) { left_bounds.grow(storage_->bins[dim][i - 1].bounds); leftNum += storage_->bins[dim][i - 1].enter; rightNum -= storage_->bins[dim][i - 1].exit; float sah = nodeSAH + left_bounds.safe_area() * builder.params.primitive_cost(leftNum) + storage_->right_bounds[i - 1].safe_area() * builder.params.primitive_cost(rightNum); if(sah < this->sah) { this->sah = sah; this->dim = dim; this->pos = origin[dim] + binSize[dim] * (float)i; } } } }