void DiagramSettings::refreshSettings() { if ( d->m_chart && d->m_chart->coordinatePlane() && d->m_chart->coordinatePlane()->diagram() ) { BarDiagram *bars = qobject_cast< BarDiagram* >( d->m_chart->coordinatePlane()->diagram() ); LineDiagram *lines = qobject_cast< LineDiagram* >( d->m_chart->coordinatePlane()->diagram() ); PieDiagram *pie = qobject_cast< PieDiagram* >( d->m_chart->coordinatePlane()->diagram() ); if ( bars ) { const AbstractThreeDAttributes &td = bars->threeDBarAttributes(); d->setThreeDData( td ); } else if ( lines ) { const AbstractThreeDAttributes &td = lines->threeDLineAttributes(); d->setThreeDData( td ); } else if ( pie ) { const AbstractThreeDAttributes &td = pie->threeDPieAttributes(); d->setThreeDData( td ); } BackgroundAttributes bat = d->m_chart->coordinatePlane()->backgroundAttributes(); QBrush setBrush = bat.brush(); QPalette palette = d->ui->diagramBackground->palette(); if ( bat.isVisible() ) palette.setBrush( QPalette::Button, setBrush ); else palette.setBrush( QPalette::Button, this->palette().brush( QPalette::Button ) ); d->ui->diagramBackground->setPalette( palette ); } }
void DiagramSettings::Private::changeBackgroundVisibility() { if ( m_chart && m_chart->coordinatePlane() && m_chart->coordinatePlane()->diagram() ) { BackgroundAttributes bat = m_chart->coordinatePlane()->backgroundAttributes(); bat.setVisible( ui->visibleBtn->checkState() == Qt::Checked ); m_chart->coordinatePlane()->setBackgroundAttributes( bat ); m_chart->update(); } }
bool BackgroundAttributes::isEqualTo( const BackgroundAttributes& other, bool ignorePixmap ) const { /* qDebug() << "BackgroundAttributes::operator=="; qDebug() << "isVisible" << (isVisible() == other.isVisible()); qDebug() << "brush" << (brush() == other.brush()); qDebug() << "pixmapMode"<< (pixmapMode() == other.pixmapMode()); qDebug() << "pixmap" << (pixmap().serialNumber() == other.pixmap().serialNumber()); */ return ( isVisible() == other.isVisible() && brush() == other.brush() && pixmapMode() == other.pixmapMode() && (ignorePixmap || pixmap().cacheKey() == other.pixmap().cacheKey()) ); }
void DiagramSettings::Private::changeBackgroundColor() { if ( m_chart && m_chart->coordinatePlane() && m_chart->coordinatePlane()->diagram() ) { BackgroundAttributes bat = m_chart->coordinatePlane()->backgroundAttributes(); bat.setVisible( true ); ui->visibleBtn->setChecked( true ); if ( ui->color->isChecked() ) { QBrush setBrush = bat.brush(); const QColor color = QColorDialog::getColor( setBrush.color(), qq, tr( "Choose new color" ) ); if ( !color.isValid() ) return; bat.setBrush( color ); QPalette palette = ui->diagramBackground->palette(); palette.setBrush( QPalette::Button, color ); ui->diagramBackground->setPalette( palette ); } else if ( ui->textureBtn->isChecked() ) { //QBrush setBrush = m_chart->coordinatePlane()->diagram()->brush( index ); QImage texture; const QString filename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( qq, tr( "Choose Texture" ), QString(), tr( "Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg)" ) ); if ( filename.isEmpty() ) return; texture = QImage( filename ); bat.setBrush( texture ); QPalette palette = ui->diagramBackground->palette(); palette.setBrush( QPalette::Button, QBrush( texture ) ); ui->diagramBackground->setPalette( palette ); } else { QBrush setBrush = bat.brush(); QGradient grad; QLinearGradient lGrad; lGrad.setColorAt( 0, Qt::black ); lGrad.setColorAt( 1, setBrush.color() ); grad = lGrad; if ( setBrush.gradient() ) grad = *setBrush.gradient(); const QGradient &color = GradientDialog::getGradient( grad, qq, tr( "Choose new color" ) ); bat.setBrush( color ); QPalette palette = ui->diagramBackground->palette(); palette.setBrush( QPalette::Button, QBrush( color ) ); ui->diagramBackground->setPalette( palette ); } bat.setVisible( true ); m_chart->coordinatePlane()->setBackgroundAttributes( bat ); qq->update(); } }
void markPeak(Plotter* p, const QModelIndex& peak, quint64 cost, const KColorScheme& scheme) { QBrush brush = p->model()->data(peak, DatasetBrushRole).value<QBrush>(); QColor outline = brush.color(); QColor foreground = scheme.foreground().color(); QBrush background = scheme.background(); DataValueAttributes dataAttributes = p->dataValueAttributes(peak); dataAttributes.setDataLabel(prettyCost(cost)); dataAttributes.setVisible(true); dataAttributes.setShowRepetitiveDataLabels(true); dataAttributes.setShowOverlappingDataLabels(false); FrameAttributes frameAttrs = dataAttributes.frameAttributes(); QPen framePen(outline); framePen.setWidth(2); frameAttrs.setPen(framePen); frameAttrs.setVisible(true); dataAttributes.setFrameAttributes(frameAttrs); MarkerAttributes a = dataAttributes.markerAttributes(); a.setMarkerSize(QSizeF(7, 7)); a.setPen(outline); a.setMarkerStyle(KChart::MarkerAttributes::MarkerDiamond); a.setVisible(true); dataAttributes.setMarkerAttributes(a); TextAttributes txtAttrs = dataAttributes.textAttributes(); txtAttrs.setPen(foreground); txtAttrs.setFontSize(Measure(12)); dataAttributes.setTextAttributes(txtAttrs); BackgroundAttributes bkgAtt = dataAttributes.backgroundAttributes(); bkgAtt.setBrush(background); bkgAtt.setVisible(true); dataAttributes.setBackgroundAttributes(bkgAtt); p->setDataValueAttributes(peak, dataAttributes); }
MainWindow::MainWindow( QWidget* parent ) : QWidget( parent ) { setupUi( this ); QHBoxLayout* chartLayout = new QHBoxLayout( chartFrame ); m_chart = new Chart(); chartLayout->addWidget( m_chart ); m_model.loadFromCSV( ":/data" ); // Set up the diagram m_bars = new BarDiagram(); m_bars->setModel( &m_model ); // define custom color for the borders of the bars QPen pen( m_bars->pen() ); pen.setColor( Qt::black ); pen.setWidth( 0 ); m_bars->setPen( pen ); m_chart->coordinatePlane()->replaceDiagram( m_bars ); // define custom colours for the bars QList<QColor> bcolor; bcolor.append(Qt::darkGreen); bcolor.append(Qt::green); bcolor.append(Qt::darkRed); bcolor.append(Qt::red); for (int row=0; row < m_model.columnCount(); ++row) { m_bars->setBrush(row, QBrush(bcolor[row])); } // Configure the plane's Background BackgroundAttributes pba; //pba.setBrush( QBrush(QColor(0x20,0x20,0x60)) ); pba.setVisible( true ); m_chart->coordinatePlane()->setBackgroundAttributes( pba ); m_chart->setGlobalLeadingTop( 20 ); }