//---------------------- ObstacleAvoidance -------------------------------
//  Given a vector of CObstacles, this method returns a steering force
//  that will prevent the agent colliding with the closest obstacle
Vector2D SteeringBehavior::ObstacleAvoidance()
	//the detection box length is proportional to the agent's velocity
	float realBoxLength = m_dDBoxLength /* + 
										(m_pMovingEntity->Speed()) * m_dDBoxLength */;

	//this will keep track of the closest intersecting obstacle (CIB)
	BaseGameEntity* ClosestIntersectingObstacle = NULL;

	//this will be used to track the distance to the CIB
	double DistToClosestIP = MaxDouble;

	//this will record the transformed local coordinates of the CIB
	Vector2D LocalPosOfClosestObstacle;

	std::set<Obstacle*>::const_iterator curOb = Obstacle::getAll().begin(),
		endOb = Obstacle::getAll().end();

	while(curOb != endOb)

		Obstacle* obst = (*curOb);

		Vector2D to = obst->Pos() - m_pMovingEntity->Pos();

		//the bounding radius of the other is taken into account by adding it 
		//to the range
		double range = realBoxLength + obst->BRadius();

		//if entity within range, tag for further consideration. (working in
		//distance-squared space to avoid sqrts)
		if ((to.LengthSq() < range*range))

			//calculate this obstacle's position in local space
			Vector2D LocalPos = PointToLocalSpace(obst->Pos(),

			//if the local position has a negative x value then it must lay
			//behind the agent. (in which case it can be ignored)
			if (LocalPos.x >= 0)
				//if the distance from the x axis to the object's position is less
				//than its radius + half the width of the detection box then there
				//is a potential intersection.
				double ExpandedRadius = obst->BRadius() + m_pMovingEntity->BRadius();

				/*if (fabs(LocalPos.y) < ExpandedRadius)
				//now to do a line/circle intersection test. The center of the 
				//circle is represented by (cX, cY). The intersection points are 
				//given by the formula x = cX +/-sqrt(r^2-cY^2) for y=0. 
				//We only need to look at the smallest positive value of x because
				//that will be the closest point of intersection.
				double cX = LocalPos.x;
				double cY = LocalPos.y;

				//we only need to calculate the sqrt part of the above equation once
				double SqrtPart = sqrt(ExpandedRadius*ExpandedRadius - cY*cY);

				double ip = cX - SqrtPart;

				if (ip <= 0.0)
					ip = cX + SqrtPart;

				//test to see if this is the closest so far. If it is keep a
				//record of the obstacle and its local coordinates
				if (ip < DistToClosestIP)
					DistToClosestIP = ip;

					ClosestIntersectingObstacle = obst;

					LocalPosOfClosestObstacle = LocalPos;


	//if we have found an intersecting obstacle, calculate a steering 
	//force away from it
	Vector2D SteeringForce;

	if (ClosestIntersectingObstacle)
		//the closer the agent is to an object, the stronger the 
		//steering force should be
		float multiplier = 1.0 + (m_dDBoxLength - LocalPosOfClosestObstacle.x) /

		//calculate the lateral force
		SteeringForce.y = (ClosestIntersectingObstacle->BRadius()-
			LocalPosOfClosestObstacle.y)  * multiplier;   

		//apply a braking force proportional to the obstacles distance from
		//the MovingEntity. 
		const float BrakingWeight = 0.2f;

		SteeringForce.x = (ClosestIntersectingObstacle->BRadius() - 
			LocalPosOfClosestObstacle.x) * 

	//finally, convert the steering vector from local to world space
	return VectorToWorldSpace(SteeringForce,
//---------------------- ObstacleAvoidance -------------------------------
//  Given a vector of CObstacles, this method returns a steering force
//  that will prevent the agent colliding with the closest obstacle
Vector2D SteeringBehavior::ObstacleAvoidance(const std::vector<BaseGameEntity*>& obstacles)
	//the detection box length is proportional to the agent's velocity
	m_dDBoxLength = Prm.MinDetectionBoxLength +
		(m_pVehicle->Speed() / m_pVehicle->MaxSpeed()) *

	//tag all obstacles within range of the box for processing
	m_pVehicle->World()->TagObstaclesWithinViewRange(m_pVehicle, m_dDBoxLength);

	//this will keep track of the closest intersecting obstacle (CIB)
	BaseGameEntity* ClosestIntersectingObstacle = NULL;

	//this will be used to track the distance to the CIB
	double DistToClosestIP = MaxDouble;

	//this will record the transformed local coordinates of the CIB
	Vector2D LocalPosOfClosestObstacle;

	std::vector<BaseGameEntity*>::const_iterator curOb = obstacles.begin();

	while (curOb != obstacles.end())
		//if the obstacle has been tagged within range proceed
		if ((*curOb)->IsTagged())
			//calculate this obstacle's position in local space
			Vector2D LocalPos = PointToLocalSpace((*curOb)->Pos(),

			//if the local position has a negative x value then it must lay
			//behind the agent. (in which case it can be ignored)
			if (LocalPos.x >= 0)
				//if the distance from the x axis to the object's position is less
				//than its radius + half the width of the detection box then there
				//is a potential intersection.
				double ExpandedRadius = (*curOb)->BRadius() + m_pVehicle->BRadius();

				if (fabs(LocalPos.y) < ExpandedRadius)
					//now to do a line/circle intersection test. The center of the 
					//circle is represented by (cX, cY). The intersection points are 
					//given by the formula x = cX +/-sqrt(r^2-cY^2) for y=0. 
					//We only need to look at the smallest positive value of x because
					//that will be the closest point of intersection.
					double cX = LocalPos.x;
					double cY = LocalPos.y;

					//we only need to calculate the sqrt part of the above equation once
					double SqrtPart = sqrt(ExpandedRadius*ExpandedRadius - cY*cY);

					double ip = cX - SqrtPart;

					if (ip <= 0.0)
						ip = cX + SqrtPart;

					//test to see if this is the closest so far. If it is keep a
					//record of the obstacle and its local coordinates
					if (ip < DistToClosestIP)
						DistToClosestIP = ip;

						ClosestIntersectingObstacle = *curOb;

						LocalPosOfClosestObstacle = LocalPos;


	//if we have found an intersecting obstacle, calculate a steering 
	//force away from it
	Vector2D SteeringForce;

	if (ClosestIntersectingObstacle)
		//the closer the agent is to an object, the stronger the 
		//steering force should be
		double multiplier = 1.0 + (m_dDBoxLength - LocalPosOfClosestObstacle.x) /

		//calculate the lateral force
		SteeringForce.y = (ClosestIntersectingObstacle->BRadius() -
			LocalPosOfClosestObstacle.y)  * multiplier;

		//apply a braking force proportional to the obstacles distance from
		//the vehicle. 
		const double BrakingWeight = 0.2;

		SteeringForce.x = (ClosestIntersectingObstacle->BRadius() -
			LocalPosOfClosestObstacle.x) *

	//finally, convert the steering vector from local to world space
	return VectorToWorldSpace(SteeringForce,
//------------------------------ Render ----------------------------------
void GameWorld::Render()

	//render any walls
	for (unsigned int w = 0; w < m_Walls.size(); ++w)
		m_Walls[w].Render(true);  //true flag shows normals

	//render any obstacles

	for (unsigned int ob = 0; ob < m_Obstacles.size(); ++ob)
		gdi->Circle(m_Obstacles[ob]->Pos(), m_Obstacles[ob]->BRadius());

	//render the agents
	for (unsigned int a = 0; a < m_Vehicles.size(); ++a)

		//render cell partitioning stuff
		if (m_bShowCellSpaceInfo && a == 0)
			InvertedAABBox2D box(m_Vehicles[a]->Pos() - Vector2D(Prm.ViewDistance, Prm.ViewDistance),
				m_Vehicles[a]->Pos() + Vector2D(Prm.ViewDistance, Prm.ViewDistance));

			CellSpace()->CalculateNeighbors(m_Vehicles[a]->Pos(), Prm.ViewDistance);
			for (BaseGameEntity* pV = CellSpace()->begin(); !CellSpace()->end(); pV = CellSpace()->next())
				gdi->Circle(pV->Pos(), pV->BRadius());

			gdi->Circle(m_Vehicles[a]->Pos(), Prm.ViewDistance);

	//#define CROSSHAIR
	//and finally the crosshair
	gdi->Circle(m_vCrosshair, 4);
	gdi->Line(m_vCrosshair.x - 8, m_vCrosshair.y, m_vCrosshair.x + 8, m_vCrosshair.y);
	gdi->Line(m_vCrosshair.x, m_vCrosshair.y - 8, m_vCrosshair.x, m_vCrosshair.y + 8);
	gdi->TextAtPos(5, cyClient() - 20, "Click to move crosshair");

	//gdi->TextAtPos(cxClient() -120, cyClient() - 20, "Press R to reset");

	if (RenderPath())
		gdi->TextAtPos((int)(cxClient() / 2.0f - 80), cyClient() - 20, "Press 'U' for random path");


	if (RenderFPS())
		gdi->TextAtPos(5, cyClient() - 20, ttos(1.0 / m_dAvFrameTime));

	if (m_bShowCellSpaceInfo)
