void ImposterCaptureMaterialHook::init( BaseMatInstance *inMat )
   // We cannot capture impostors on custom materials
   // as we don't know how to get just diffuse and just
   // normals rendering.
   if ( dynamic_cast<CustomMaterial*>( inMat->getMaterial() ) )

   // Tweak the feature data to include just what we need.
   FeatureSet features;
   features.addFeature( MFT_VertTransform );
   features.addFeature( MFT_DiffuseMap );
   features.addFeature( MFT_OverlayMap );
   features.addFeature( MFT_DetailMap );
   features.addFeature( MFT_DiffuseColor );
   features.addFeature( MFT_AlphaTest );
   features.addFeature( MFT_IsTranslucent );

   const String &matName = inMat->getMaterial()->getName();

   mDiffuseMatInst = MATMGR->createMatInstance( matName );
   mDiffuseMatInst->getFeaturesDelegate().bind( &ImposterCaptureMaterialHook::_overrideFeatures );
   mDiffuseMatInst->init( features, inMat->getVertexFormat() );
   features.addFeature( MFT_IsDXTnm );
   features.addFeature( MFT_NormalMap );
   features.addFeature( MFT_NormalsOut );
   mNormalsMatInst = MATMGR->createMatInstance( matName );
   mNormalsMatInst->getFeaturesDelegate().bind( &ImposterCaptureMaterialHook::_overrideFeatures );
   mNormalsMatInst->init( features, inMat->getVertexFormat() );
BaseMatInstance* InstancingMaterialHook::getInstancingMat( BaseMatInstance *matInst )
   PROFILE_SCOPE( InstancingMaterialHook_GetInstancingMat );

   if ( matInst == NULL )
      return NULL;

   InstancingMaterialHook *hook = matInst->getHook<InstancingMaterialHook>();
   if ( hook == NULL )
      hook = new InstancingMaterialHook();
      matInst->addHook( hook );

      BaseMatInstance *instMat = matInst->getMaterial()->createMatInstance();
      FeatureSet features( matInst->getRequestedFeatures() );
      features.addFeature( MFT_UseInstancing ); 

      if ( !instMat->init( features, matInst->getVertexFormat() ) )
         SAFE_DELETE( instMat );

      hook->mMatInst = instMat;

   return hook->mMatInst;
BaseMatInstance * MaterialManager::createMeshDebugMatInstance(const ColorF &meshColor)
   String  meshDebugStr = String::ToString( "Torque_MeshDebug_%d", meshColor.getRGBAPack() );

   Material *debugMat;
   if (!Sim::findObject(meshDebugStr,debugMat))
      debugMat = allocateAndRegister( meshDebugStr );

      debugMat->mDiffuse[0] = meshColor;
      debugMat->mEmissive[0] = true;

   BaseMatInstance   *debugMatInstance = NULL;

   if( debugMat != NULL )
      debugMatInstance = debugMat->createMatInstance();

      GFXStateBlockDesc desc;
      desc.fillMode = GFXFillWireframe;

      // Disable fog and other stuff.
      FeatureSet debugFeatures;
      debugFeatures.addFeature( MFT_DiffuseColor );
      debugMatInstance->init( debugFeatures, getGFXVertexFormat<GFXVertexPCN>() );

   return debugMatInstance;
BaseMatInstance* MaterialManager::createMatInstance(  const String &matName, 
                                                      const FeatureSet& features, 
                                                      const GFXVertexFormat *vertexFormat )
   BaseMatInstance* mat = createMatInstance(matName);
   if (mat)
      mat->init( features, vertexFormat );
      return mat;

   return NULL;
void MaterialList::initMatInstances(   const FeatureSet &features, 
                                       const GFXVertexFormat *vertexFormat )
   for( U32 i=0; i < mMatInstList.size(); i++ )
      BaseMatInstance *matInst = mMatInstList[i];
      if ( !matInst )

      if ( !matInst->init( features, vertexFormat ) )
         Con::errorf( "MaterialList::initMatInstances - failed to initialize material instance for '%s'",
            matInst->getMaterial()->getName() );

         // Fall back to warning material.

         SAFE_DELETE( matInst );
         matInst = MATMGR->createMatInstance( "WarningMaterial" );
         matInst->init( MATMGR->getDefaultFeatures(), vertexFormat );
         mMatInstList[ i ] = matInst;

BaseMatInstance* TerrainCellMaterial::getShadowMat()
   // Find our material which has some settings
   // defined on it in script.
   Material *mat = MATMGR->getMaterialDefinitionByName( "AL_DefaultShadowMaterial" );

   // Create the material instance adding the feature which
   // handles rendering terrain cut outs.
   FeatureSet features = MATMGR->getDefaultFeatures();
   BaseMatInstance *matInst = mat->createMatInstance();
   if ( !matInst->init( features, getGFXVertexFormat<TerrVertex>() ) )
      delete matInst;
      matInst = NULL;

   return matInst;
bool WaterObject::initMaterial( S32 idx )
   // We must return false for any case which it is NOT safe for the caller
   // to use the indexed material.
   if ( idx < 0 || idx > NumMatTypes )
      return false;

   BaseMatInstance *mat = mMatInstances[idx];
   WaterMatParams &matParams = mMatParamHandles[idx];
   // Is it already initialized?

   if ( mat && mat->isValid() )
      return true;

   // Do we need to allocate anything?

   if ( mSurfMatName[idx].isNotEmpty() )
      if ( mat )
         SAFE_DELETE( mat );

      CustomMaterial *custMat;
      if ( Sim::findObject( mSurfMatName[idx], custMat ) && custMat->mShaderData )
         mat = custMat->createMatInstance();
         mat = MATMGR->createMatInstance( mSurfMatName[idx] );

      const GFXVertexFormat *flags = getGFXVertexFormat<GFXVertexPC>();

      if ( mat && mat->init( MATMGR->getDefaultFeatures(), flags ) )
         mMatInstances[idx] = mat;
         matParams.init( mat );         
         return true;
      SAFE_DELETE( mat );      

   return false;
BaseMatInstance  * MaterialManager::createWarningMatInstance()
   Material *warnMat = static_cast<Material*>(Sim::findObject("WarningMaterial"));

   BaseMatInstance   *warnMatInstance = NULL;

   if( warnMat != NULL )
      warnMatInstance = warnMat->createMatInstance();

      GFXStateBlockDesc desc;

      warnMatInstance->init(  getDefaultFeatures(), 
                              getGFXVertexFormat<GFXVertexPNTTB>() );

   return warnMatInstance;
void ShadowMaterialHook::init( BaseMatInstance *inMat )
   if( !inMat->isValid() )

   // Tweak the feature data to include just what we need.
   FeatureSet features;
   features.addFeature( MFT_VertTransform );
   features.addFeature( MFT_DiffuseMap );
   features.addFeature( MFT_TexAnim );
   features.addFeature( MFT_AlphaTest );
   features.addFeature( MFT_Visibility );

   // Actually we want to include features from the inMat
   // if they operate on the preTransform verts so things
   // like wind/deformation effects will also affect the shadow.
   const FeatureSet &inFeatures = inMat->getFeatures();
   for ( U32 i = 0; i < inFeatures.getCount(); i++ )
      const FeatureType& ft = inFeatures.getAt(i);
      if ( ft.getGroup() == MFG_PreTransform )
         features.addFeature( ft );

   // Do instancing in shadows if we can.
   if ( inFeatures.hasFeature( MFT_UseInstancing ) )
      features.addFeature( MFT_UseInstancing );

   Material *shadowMat = (Material*)inMat->getMaterial();
   if ( dynamic_cast<CustomMaterial*>( shadowMat ) )
      // This is a custom material... who knows what it really does, but
      // if it wasn't already filtered out of the shadow render then just
      // give it some default depth out material.
      shadowMat = MATMGR->getMaterialDefinitionByName( "AL_DefaultShadowMaterial" );

   // By default we want to disable some states
   // that the material might enable for us.
   GFXStateBlockDesc forced;
   forced.setBlend( false );
   forced.setAlphaTest( false );

   // We should force on zwrite as the prepass
   // will disable it by default.
   forced.setZReadWrite( true, true );
   // TODO: Should we render backfaces for 
   // shadows or does the ESM take care of 
   // all our acne issues?
   //forced.setCullMode( GFXCullCW );

   // Vector, and spotlights use the same shadow material.
   BaseMatInstance *newMat = new ShadowMatInstance( shadowMat );
   newMat->setUserObject( inMat->getUserObject() );
   newMat->getFeaturesDelegate().bind( &ShadowMaterialHook::_overrideFeatures );
   newMat->addStateBlockDesc( forced );
   if( !newMat->init( features, inMat->getVertexFormat() ) )
      SAFE_DELETE( newMat );
      newMat = MATMGR->createWarningMatInstance();
   mShadowMat[ShadowType_Spot] = newMat;

   newMat = new ShadowMatInstance( shadowMat );
   newMat->setUserObject( inMat->getUserObject() );
   newMat->getFeaturesDelegate().bind( &ShadowMaterialHook::_overrideFeatures );
   forced.setCullMode( GFXCullCW );   
   newMat->addStateBlockDesc( forced );
   forced.cullDefined = false;
   newMat->addShaderMacro( "CUBE_SHADOW_MAP", "" );
   newMat->init( features, inMat->getVertexFormat() );
   mShadowMat[ShadowType_CubeMap] = newMat;
   // A dual paraboloid shadow rendered in a single draw call.
   features.addFeature( MFT_ParaboloidVertTransform );
   features.addFeature( MFT_IsSinglePassParaboloid );
   features.removeFeature( MFT_VertTransform );
   newMat = new ShadowMatInstance( shadowMat );
   newMat->setUserObject( inMat->getUserObject() );
   GFXStateBlockDesc noCull( forced );
   noCull.setCullMode( GFXCullNone );
   newMat->addStateBlockDesc( noCull );
   newMat->getFeaturesDelegate().bind( &ShadowMaterialHook::_overrideFeatures );
   newMat->init( features, inMat->getVertexFormat() );
   mShadowMat[ShadowType_DualParaboloidSinglePass] = newMat;

   // Regular dual paraboloid shadow.
   features.addFeature( MFT_ParaboloidVertTransform );
   features.removeFeature( MFT_IsSinglePassParaboloid );
   features.removeFeature( MFT_VertTransform );
   newMat = new ShadowMatInstance( shadowMat );
   newMat->setUserObject( inMat->getUserObject() );
   newMat->addStateBlockDesc( forced );
   newMat->getFeaturesDelegate().bind( &ShadowMaterialHook::_overrideFeatures );
   newMat->init( features, inMat->getVertexFormat() );
   mShadowMat[ShadowType_DualParaboloid] = newMat;

   // A single paraboloid shadow.
   newMat = new ShadowMatInstance( startMatInstance );
   GFXStateBlockDesc noCull;
   noCull.setCullMode( GFXCullNone );
   newMat->addStateBlockDesc( noCull );
   newMat->getFeaturesDelegate().bind( &ShadowMaterialHook::_overrideFeatures );
   newMat->init( features, globalFeatures, inMat->getVertexFormat() );
   mShadowMat[ShadowType_DualParaboloidSinglePass] = newMat;