void JSONCPGControl::onStep(BaseSpineModelLearning& subject, double dt)
    m_updateTime += dt;
    if (m_updateTime >= m_config.controlTime)
        std::size_t numControllers = subject.getNumberofMuslces();
        double descendingCommand = 2.0;
        std::vector<double> desComs (numControllers, descendingCommand);
        m_pCPGSys->update(desComs, m_updateTime);
#ifdef LOGGING // Conditional compile for data logging        
        m_dataObserver.onStep(subject, m_updateTime);
        m_updateTime = 0;
    double currentHeight = subject.getSegmentCOM(m_config.segmentNumber)[1];
    /// @todo add to config
    if (currentHeight > 25 || currentHeight < 1.0)
		/// @todo if bogus, stop trial (reset simulation)
		bogus = true;
void JSONQuadFeedbackControl::onSetup(BaseSpineModelLearning& subject)
	m_pCPGSys = new CPGEquationsFB(100);

    Json::Value root; // will contains the root value after parsing.
    Json::Reader reader;

    bool parsingSuccessful = reader.parse( FileHelpers::getFileString(controlFilename.c_str()), root );
    if ( !parsingSuccessful )
        // report to the user the failure and their locations in the document.
        std::cout << "Failed to parse configuration\n"
            << reader.getFormattedErrorMessages();
        throw std::invalid_argument("Bad filename for JSON");
    // Get the value of the member of root named 'encoding', return 'UTF-8' if there is no
    // such member.
    Json::Value nodeVals = root.get("nodeVals", "UTF-8");
    Json::Value edgeVals = root.get("edgeVals", "UTF-8");
    std::cout << nodeVals << std::endl;
    nodeVals = nodeVals.get("params", "UTF-8");
    edgeVals = edgeVals.get("params", "UTF-8");
    array_4D edgeParams = scaleEdgeActions(edgeVals);
    array_2D nodeParams = scaleNodeActions(nodeVals);

    setupCPGs(subject, nodeParams, edgeParams);
    Json::Value feedbackParams = root.get("feedbackVals", "UTF-8");
    feedbackParams = feedbackParams.get("params", "UTF-8");
    // Setup neural network
    m_config.numStates = feedbackParams.get("numStates", "UTF-8").asInt();
    m_config.numActions = feedbackParams.get("numActions", "UTF-8").asInt();
    //m_config.numHidden = feedbackParams.get("numHidden", "UTF-8").asInt();
    std::string nnFile = controlFilePath + feedbackParams.get("neuralFilename", "UTF-8").asString();
    nn = new neuralNetwork(m_config.numStates, m_config.numStates*2, m_config.numActions);
    initConditions = subject.getSegmentCOM(m_config.segmentNumber);
    for (int i = 0; i < initConditions.size(); i++)
        std::cout << initConditions[i] << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;
#ifdef LOGGING // Conditional compile for data logging    
#if (0) // Conditional Compile for debug info
    std::cout << *m_pCPGSys << std::endl;
    m_updateTime = 0.0;
    bogus = false;
void BaseSpineCPGControl::onSetup(BaseSpineModelLearning& subject)
    // Maximum number of sub-steps allowed by CPG
	m_pCPGSys = new CPGEquations(200);
    //Initialize the Learning Adapters
    /* Empty vector signifying no state information
     * All parameters are stateless parameters, so we can get away with
     * only doing this once
    std::vector<double> state;
    double dt = 0;
    array_4D edgeParams = scaleEdgeActions(edgeAdapter.step(dt, state));
    array_2D nodeParams = scaleNodeActions(nodeAdapter.step(dt, state));
    setupCPGs(subject, nodeParams, edgeParams);
    initConditions = subject.getSegmentCOM(m_config.segmentNumber);
#ifdef LOGGING // Conditional compile for data logging    
#if (0) // Conditional Compile for debug info
    std::cout << *m_pCPGSys << std::endl;
    m_updateTime = 0.0;
    bogus = false;
void JSONGoalTensionNNW::onStep(BaseSpineModelLearning& subject, double dt)
    m_updateTime += dt;
    m_totalTime += dt;
    double currentHeight = subject.getSegmentCOM(m_config.segmentNumber)[1];
    if (m_updateTime >= m_config.controlTime)
#if (1) // Goal and cable

    std::vector<double> desComs = getFeedback(subject);
    const BaseSpineModelGoal* goalSubject = tgCast::cast<BaseSpineModelLearning, BaseSpineModelGoal>(subject);
#else // Just goal
    std::size_t numControllers = subject.getNumberofMuslces() * 3;
    double descendingCommand = 0.0;
    std::vector<double> desComs (numControllers, descendingCommand);
    const BaseSpineModelGoal* goalSubject = tgCast::cast<BaseSpineModelLearning, BaseSpineModelGoal>(subject);
            m_pCPGSys->update(desComs, m_updateTime);
        catch (std::runtime_error& e)
            //  Stops the trial immediately,  lets teardown know it broke
            bogus = true;
            throw (e);
#ifdef LOGGING // Conditional compile for data logging        
        m_dataObserver.onStep(subject, m_updateTime);
        m_updateTime = 0;
        //std::cout << m_totalTime << " " << currentHeight<< std::endl;
#if (0)

    /// @todo add to config
    if (currentHeight > 25 || currentHeight < 1.0)
		/// @todo if bogus, stop trial (reset simulation)
		bogus = true;
		throw std::runtime_error("Height out of range");
void LearningSpineSine::onSetup(BaseSpineModelLearning& subject)
    //Initialize the Learning Adapters
    /* Empty vector signifying no state information
     * All parameters are stateless parameters, so we can get away with
     * only doing this once
    std::vector<double> state;
    double dt = 0;
    array_2D edgeParams = scalePhaseActions(edgeAdapter.step(dt, state));
    array_2D nodeParams = scaleNodeActions(nodeAdapter.step(dt, state));
    setupWaves(subject, nodeParams, edgeParams);
    initConditions = subject.getSegmentCOM(m_config.segmentNumber);
#if (0) // Conditional compile for data logging    
    m_updateTime = 0.0;
void LearningSpineSine::onTeardown(BaseSpineModelLearning& subject)
    std::vector<double> scores;
    // @todo - check to make sure we ran for the right amount of time
    std::vector<double> finalConditions = subject.getSegmentCOM(m_config.segmentNumber);
    const double newX = finalConditions[0];
    const double newZ = finalConditions[2];
    const double oldX = initConditions[0];
    const double oldZ = initConditions[2];
    const double distanceMoved = sqrt((newX-oldX) * (newX-oldX) + 
                                        (newZ-oldZ) * (newZ-oldZ));
    /// @todo - consolidate with other controller classes. 
    /// @todo - return length scale as a parameter
    double totalEnergySpent=0;
    vector<tgSpringCableActuator* > tmpSCAs = subject.getAllMuscles();
    vector<tgBasicActuator* > tmpStrings = tgCast::filter<tgSpringCableActuator, tgBasicActuator>(tmpSCAs);
    for(int i=0; i<tmpStrings.size(); i++)
        tgSpringCableActuator::SpringCableActuatorHistory stringHist = tmpStrings[i]->getHistory();
        for(int j=1; j<stringHist.tensionHistory.size(); j++)
            const double previousTension = stringHist.tensionHistory[j-1];
            const double previousLength = stringHist.restLengths[j-1];
            const double currentLength = stringHist.restLengths[j];
            //TODO: examine this assumption - free spinning motor may require more power
            double motorSpeed = (currentLength-previousLength);
            if(motorSpeed > 0) // Vestigial code
                motorSpeed = 0;
            const double workDone = previousTension * motorSpeed;
            totalEnergySpent += workDone;

    for(size_t i = 0; i < m_sineControllers.size(); i++)
		delete m_sineControllers[i];
void JSONQuadFeedbackControl::onStep(BaseSpineModelLearning& subject, double dt)
    m_updateTime += dt;
    if (m_updateTime >= m_config.controlTime)
#if (1)
        std::vector<double> desComs = getFeedback(subject);

        std::size_t numControllers = subject.getNumberofMuslces() * 3;
        double descendingCommand = 0.0;
        std::vector<double> desComs (numControllers, descendingCommand);
            m_pCPGSys->update(desComs, m_updateTime);
        catch (std::runtime_error& e)
            //  Stops the trial immediately,  lets teardown know it broke
            bogus = true;
            throw (e);
#ifdef LOGGING // Conditional compile for data logging        
        m_dataObserver.onStep(subject, m_updateTime);
        m_updateTime = 0;
    double currentHeight = subject.getSegmentCOM(m_config.segmentNumber)[1];
    /// Max and min heights added to config
    if (currentHeight > m_config.maxHeight || currentHeight < m_config.minHeight)
		/// @todo if bogus, stop trial (reset simulation)
		bogus = true;
		throw std::runtime_error("Height out of range");
void JSONCPGControl::onSetup(BaseSpineModelLearning& subject)
    // Maximum number of sub-steps allowed by CPG
	m_pCPGSys = new CPGEquations(200);
    //Initialize the Learning Adapters

    Json::Value root; // will contains the root value after parsing.
    Json::Reader reader;

    bool parsingSuccessful = reader.parse( FileHelpers::getFileString(controlFilename.c_str()), root );
    if ( !parsingSuccessful )
        // report to the user the failure and their locations in the document.
        std::cout << "Failed to parse configuration\n"
            << reader.getFormattedErrorMessages();
        throw std::invalid_argument("Bad filename for JSON");
    // Get the value of the member of root named 'encoding', return 'UTF-8' if there is no
    // such member.
    Json::Value nodeVals = root.get("nodeVals", "UTF-8");
    Json::Value edgeVals = root.get("edgeVals", "UTF-8");
    nodeVals = nodeVals.get("params", "UTF-8");
    edgeVals = edgeVals.get("params", "UTF-8");
    array_4D edgeParams = scaleEdgeActions(edgeVals);
    array_2D nodeParams = scaleNodeActions(nodeVals);
    setupCPGs(subject, nodeParams, edgeParams);
    initConditions = subject.getSegmentCOM(m_config.segmentNumber);
#ifdef LOGGING // Conditional compile for data logging    
#if (0) // Conditional Compile for debug info
    std::cout << *m_pCPGSys << std::endl;
    m_updateTime = 0.0;
    bogus = false;
void JSONCPGControl::onTeardown(BaseSpineModelLearning& subject)
    // @todo - check to make sure we ran for the right amount of time
    std::vector<double> finalConditions = subject.getSegmentCOM(m_config.segmentNumber);
    const double newX = finalConditions[0];
    const double newZ = finalConditions[2];
    const double oldX = initConditions[0];
    const double oldZ = initConditions[2];
    const double distanceMoved = sqrt((newX-oldX) * (newX-oldX) + 
                                        (newZ-oldZ) * (newZ-oldZ));
    if (bogus)
    /// @todo - consolidate with other controller classes. 
    /// @todo - return length scale as a parameter
    double totalEnergySpent=0;
    std::vector<tgSpringCableActuator* > tmpStrings = subject.getAllMuscles();
    for(std::size_t  i=0; i<tmpStrings.size(); i++)
        tgSpringCableActuator::SpringCableActuatorHistory stringHist = tmpStrings[i]->getHistory();
        for(std::size_t j=1; j<stringHist.tensionHistory.size(); j++)
            const double previousTension = stringHist.tensionHistory[j-1];
            const double previousLength = stringHist.restLengths[j-1];
            const double currentLength = stringHist.restLengths[j];
            //TODO: examine this assumption - free spinning motor may require more power
            double motorSpeed = (currentLength-previousLength);
            if(motorSpeed > 0) // Vestigial code
                motorSpeed = 0;
            const double workDone = previousTension * motorSpeed;
            totalEnergySpent += workDone;
        std::cout << "Dist travelled " << scores[0] << std::endl;
    Json::Value root; // will contains the root value after parsing.
    Json::Reader reader;

    bool parsingSuccessful = reader.parse( FileHelpers::getFileString(controlFilename.c_str()), root );
    if ( !parsingSuccessful )
        // report to the user the failure and their locations in the document.
        std::cout << "Failed to parse configuration\n"
            << reader.getFormattedErrorMessages();
        throw std::invalid_argument("Bad filename for JSON");
    Json::Value prevScores = root.get("scores", Json::nullValue);
    Json::Value subScores;
    subScores["distance"] = scores[0];
    subScores["energy"] = totalEnergySpent;
    root["scores"] = prevScores;
    ofstream payloadLog;
    payloadLog << root << std::endl;
    delete m_pCPGSys;
    m_pCPGSys = NULL;
    for(size_t i = 0; i < m_allControllers.size(); i++)
		delete m_allControllers[i];