 * Calculates the effects of the explosion.
void ExplosionBState::explode()
	bool terrainExplosion = false;
	SavedBattleGame *save = _parent->getSave();
	// after the animation is done, the real explosion/hit takes place
	if (_item)
		if (!_unit && _item->getPreviousOwner())
			_unit = _item->getPreviousOwner();

		if (_areaOfEffect)
			save->getTileEngine()->explode(_center, _power, _item->getRules()->getDamageType(), _item->getRules()->getExplosionRadius(), _unit);
			BattleUnit *victim = save->getTileEngine()->hit(_center, _power, _item->getRules()->getDamageType(), _unit);
			// check if this unit turns others into zombies
			if (!_unit->getZombieUnit().empty()
				&& victim
				&& victim->getArmor()->getSize() == 1
				&& victim->getSpawnUnit().empty()
				&& victim->getOriginalFaction() != FACTION_HOSTILE)
				// converts the victim to a zombie on death
	if (_tile)
		save->getTileEngine()->explode(_center, _power, DT_HE, _power/10);
		terrainExplosion = true;
	if (!_tile && !_item)
		// explosion not caused by terrain or an item, must be by a unit (cyberdisc)
		save->getTileEngine()->explode(_center, _power, DT_HE, 6);
		terrainExplosion = true;

	// now check for new casualties
	_parent->checkForCasualties(_item, _unit, false, terrainExplosion);

	// if this explosion was caused by a unit shooting, now it's the time to put the gun down
	if (_unit && !_unit->isOut() && _lowerWeapon)

	// check for terrain explosions
	Tile *t = save->getTileEngine()->checkForTerrainExplosions();
	if (t)
		Position p = Position(t->getPosition().x * 16, t->getPosition().y * 16, t->getPosition().z * 24);
		_parent->statePushFront(new ExplosionBState(_parent, p, 0, _unit, t));

	if (_item && (_item->getRules()->getBattleType() == BT_GRENADE || _item->getRules()->getBattleType() == BT_PROXIMITYGRENADE))
		for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::iterator j = _parent->getSave()->getItems()->begin(); j != _parent->getSave()->getItems()->end(); ++j)
			if (_item->getId() == (*j)->getId())
				delete *j;
 * Calculates the effects of the explosion.
void ExplosionBState::explode()
	bool terrainExplosion = false;
	SavedBattleGame *save = _parent->getSave();
	// last minute adjustment: determine if we actually 
	if (_hit)
		save->getBattleGame()->getCurrentAction()->type = BA_NONE;
		BattleUnit *targetUnit = save->getTile(_center / Position(16, 16, 24))->getUnit();
		if (_unit && !_unit->isOut())
		if (!RNG::percent(_unit->getFiringAccuracy(BA_HIT, _item)))
		else if (targetUnit && targetUnit->getOriginalFaction() == FACTION_HOSTILE &&
				_unit->getOriginalFaction() == FACTION_PLAYER)
		if (_item->getRules()->getMeleeHitSound() != -1)
			_parent->getResourcePack()->getSoundByDepth(_parent->getDepth(), _item->getRules()->getMeleeHitSound())->play();
	// after the animation is done, the real explosion/hit takes place
	if (_item)
		if (!_unit && _item->getPreviousOwner())
			_unit = _item->getPreviousOwner();

		if (_areaOfEffect)
			save->getTileEngine()->explode(_center, _power, _item->getRules()->getDamageType(), _item->getRules()->getExplosionRadius(), _unit);
			ItemDamageType type = _item->getRules()->getDamageType();
			if (_pistolWhip)
				type = DT_STUN;
			BattleUnit *victim = save->getTileEngine()->hit(_center, _power, type, _unit);
			// check if this unit turns others into zombies
			if (!_item->getRules()->getZombieUnit().empty()
				&& victim
				&& victim->getArmor()->getSize() == 1
				&& victim->getSpawnUnit().empty()
				&& victim->getOriginalFaction() != FACTION_HOSTILE)
				// converts the victim to a zombie on death
	if (_tile)
		save->getTileEngine()->explode(_center, _power, DT_HE, _power/10);
		terrainExplosion = true;
	if (!_tile && !_item)
		int radius = 6;
		// explosion not caused by terrain or an item, must be by a unit (cyberdisc)
		if (_unit && _unit->getSpecialAbility() == SPECAB_EXPLODEONDEATH)
			radius = _parent->getRuleset()->getItem(_unit->getArmor()->getCorpseGeoscape())->getExplosionRadius();
		save->getTileEngine()->explode(_center, _power, DT_HE, radius);
		terrainExplosion = true;

	// now check for new casualties
	_parent->checkForCasualties(_item, _unit, false, terrainExplosion);

	// if this explosion was caused by a unit shooting, now it's the time to put the gun down
	if (_unit && !_unit->isOut() && _lowerWeapon)

	// check for terrain explosions
	Tile *t = save->getTileEngine()->checkForTerrainExplosions();
	if (t)
		Position p = Position(t->getPosition().x * 16, t->getPosition().y * 16, t->getPosition().z * 24);
		p += Position(8,8,0);
		_parent->statePushFront(new ExplosionBState(_parent, p, 0, _unit, t));

	if (_item && (_item->getRules()->getBattleType() == BT_GRENADE || _item->getRules()->getBattleType() == BT_PROXIMITYGRENADE))
		for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::iterator j = _parent->getSave()->getItems()->begin(); j != _parent->getSave()->getItems()->end(); ++j)
			if (_item->getId() == (*j)->getId())
				delete *j;