/* Creates an odd BigInt with the specified number of digits. 
 * Returns it by reference in the "number" parameter. */
void PrimeGenerator::makePrimeCandidate(BigInt &number,
										unsigned long int digitCount)
	PrimeGenerator::MakeRandom(number, digitCount);
	//make the number odd
	if (!number.IsOdd())
		number.SetDigit(0, number.GetDigit(0) + 1);
	//make sure the leading digit is not a zero
	if (number.GetDigit(number.Length() - 1) == 0)
		number.SetDigit(number.Length() - 1, (std::rand() % 9) + 1);
/* Generates a random number such as 1 <= number < 'top'.
 * Returns it by reference in the 'number' parameter. */
void PrimeGenerator::makeRandom(BigInt &number, const BigInt &top)
	//randomly select the number of digits for the random number
	unsigned long int newDigitCount = (rand() % top.Length()) + 1;
	MakeRandom(number, newDigitCount);
	//make sure number < top
	while (number >= top)
		MakeRandom(number, newDigitCount);
/* Transforms a BigInt cyphertext into a std::string cyphertext. */
string RSA::decode(const BigInt &message)
	string decoded;
	// The special symbol '1' we added to the beginning of the encoded message 
	// will now be positioned at message[message.Length() - 1], and 
	// message.Length() -1 must be divisible by 3 without remainder. Thus we 
	// can ignore the special symbol by only using digits in the range 
	// from message[0] to message[message.Length() - 2]. 
	for (unsigned long int i(0); i < message.Length() / 3; i++)
		// Decode the characters using the ASCII values in the BigInt digits. 
		char ASCII = 100 * char(message.GetDigit(i * 3));
		ASCII += 10 * char(message.GetDigit(i * 3 + 1));
		decoded.push_back(ASCII + char(message.GetDigit(i * 3 + 2)));
	return decoded;
/* Returns a probable prime number "digitCount" digits long, 
 * with a probability of at least 1 - 4^(-k) that it is prime. */
BigInt PrimeGenerator::Generate(unsigned long int digitCount, 
								unsigned long int k)
	if (digitCount < 3)
		throw "Error PRIMEGENERATOR00: Primes less than 3 digits long "
				"not supported.";
	BigInt primeCandidate;
	PrimeGenerator::makePrimeCandidate(primeCandidate, digitCount);
	while (!isProbablePrime(primeCandidate, k))
		//select the next odd number and try again
		primeCandidate = primeCandidate + 2;
		if (primeCandidate.Length() != digitCount)
		PrimeGenerator::makePrimeCandidate(primeCandidate, digitCount);
	return primeCandidate;