    /// Compute the output.
    void CompressibleTpfa::computeResults(BlackoilState& state,
                                          WellState& well_state) const
        UnstructuredGrid* gg = const_cast<UnstructuredGrid*>(&grid_);
        CompletionData completion_data;
        completion_data.wdp = ! wellperf_wdp_.empty() ? const_cast<double*>(&wellperf_wdp_[0]) : 0;
        completion_data.A = ! wellperf_A_.empty() ? const_cast<double*>(&wellperf_A_[0]) : 0;
        completion_data.phasemob = ! wellperf_phasemob_.empty() ? const_cast<double*>(&wellperf_phasemob_[0]) : 0;
        cfs_tpfa_res_wells wells_tmp;
        wells_tmp.W = const_cast<Wells*>(wells_);
        wells_tmp.data = &completion_data;
        cfs_tpfa_res_forces forces;
        forces.wells = &wells_tmp;
        forces.src = NULL;

        double* wpress = ! well_state.bhp      ().empty() ? & well_state.bhp      ()[0] : 0;
        double* wflux  = ! well_state.perfRates().empty() ? & well_state.perfRates()[0] : 0;


        // Compute well perforation pressures (not done by the C code).
        if (wells_ != 0) {
            const int nw = wells_->number_of_wells;
            for (int w = 0; w < nw; ++w) {
                for (int j = wells_->well_connpos[w]; j < wells_->well_connpos[w+1]; ++j) {
                    const double bhp = well_state.bhp()[w];
                    well_state.perfPress()[j] = bhp + wellperf_wdp_[j];
        bool equals(const BlackoilState& other, double epsilon = 1e-8) const {
            bool equal = (numPhases() == other.numPhases());

            for (int phaseIdx = 0; phaseIdx < BlackoilPhases::MaxNumPhases; ++ phaseIdx) {
                equal = equal && (usedPhases_.phase_used[phaseIdx] == other.usedPhases_.phase_used[phaseIdx]);
                if (usedPhases_.phase_used[phaseIdx])
                    equal = equal && (usedPhases_.phase_pos[phaseIdx] == other.usedPhases_.phase_pos[phaseIdx]);

            equal = equal && (vectorApproxEqual( pressure() , other.pressure() , epsilon));
            equal = equal && (vectorApproxEqual( facepressure() , other.facepressure() , epsilon));
            equal = equal && (vectorApproxEqual( faceflux() , other.faceflux() , epsilon));
            equal = equal && (vectorApproxEqual( surfacevol() , other.surfacevol() , epsilon));
            equal = equal && (vectorApproxEqual( saturation() , other.saturation() , epsilon));
            equal = equal && (vectorApproxEqual( gasoilratio() , other.gasoilratio() , epsilon));

            return equal;
    SimulatorReport SimulatorCompressibleTwophase::Impl::run(SimulatorTimer& timer,
                                                             BlackoilState& state,
                                                             WellState& well_state)
        std::vector<double> transport_src;

        // Initialisation.
        std::vector<double> porevol;
        if (rock_comp_props_ && rock_comp_props_->isActive()) {
            computePorevolume(grid_, props_.porosity(), *rock_comp_props_, state.pressure(), porevol);
        } else {
            computePorevolume(grid_, props_.porosity(), porevol);
        const double tot_porevol_init = std::accumulate(porevol.begin(), porevol.end(), 0.0);
        std::vector<double> initial_porevol = porevol;

        // Main simulation loop.
        Opm::time::StopWatch pressure_timer;
        double ptime = 0.0;
        Opm::time::StopWatch transport_timer;
        double ttime = 0.0;
        Opm::time::StopWatch step_timer;
        Opm::time::StopWatch total_timer;
        double init_surfvol[2] = { 0.0 };
        double inplace_surfvol[2] = { 0.0 };
        double tot_injected[2] = { 0.0 };
        double tot_produced[2] = { 0.0 };
        Opm::computeSaturatedVol(porevol, state.surfacevol(), init_surfvol);
        Opm::Watercut watercut;
        watercut.push(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        Opm::WellReport wellreport;
        std::vector<double> fractional_flows;
        std::vector<double> well_resflows_phase;
        if (wells_) {
            well_resflows_phase.resize((wells_->number_of_phases)*(wells_->number_of_wells), 0.0);
            wellreport.push(props_, *wells_,
                            state.pressure(), state.surfacevol(), state.saturation(),
                            0.0, well_state.bhp(), well_state.perfRates());
        std::fstream tstep_os;
        if (output_) {
            std::string filename = output_dir_ + "/step_timing.param";
            tstep_os.open(filename.c_str(), std::fstream::out | std::fstream::app);
        for (; !timer.done(); ++timer) {
            // Report timestep and (optionally) write state to disk.
            if (output_ && (timer.currentStepNum() % output_interval_ == 0)) {
                if (output_vtk_) {
                    outputStateVtk(grid_, state, timer.currentStepNum(), output_dir_);
                outputStateMatlab(grid_, state, timer.currentStepNum(), output_dir_);

            SimulatorReport sreport;

            // Solve pressure equation.
            if (check_well_controls_) {
                computeFractionalFlow(props_, allcells_,
                                      state.pressure(), state.temperature(), state.surfacevol(), state.saturation(),
                wells_manager_.applyExplicitReinjectionControls(well_resflows_phase, well_resflows_phase);
            bool well_control_passed = !check_well_controls_;
            int well_control_iteration = 0;
            do {
                // Run solver.
                std::vector<double> initial_pressure = state.pressure();
                psolver_.solve(timer.currentStepLength(), state, well_state);

                // Renormalize pressure if both fluids and rock are
                // incompressible, and there are no pressure
                // conditions (bcs or wells).  It is deemed sufficient
                // for now to renormalize using geometric volume
                // instead of pore volume.
                if (psolver_.singularPressure()) {
                    // Compute average pressures of previous and last
                    // step, and total volume.
                    double av_prev_press = 0.0;
                    double av_press = 0.0;
                    double tot_vol = 0.0;
                    const int num_cells = grid_.number_of_cells;
                    for (int cell = 0; cell < num_cells; ++cell) {
                        av_prev_press += initial_pressure[cell]*grid_.cell_volumes[cell];
                        av_press      += state.pressure()[cell]*grid_.cell_volumes[cell];
                        tot_vol       += grid_.cell_volumes[cell];
                    // Renormalization constant
                    const double ren_const = (av_prev_press - av_press)/tot_vol;
                    for (int cell = 0; cell < num_cells; ++cell) {
                        state.pressure()[cell] += ren_const;
                    const int num_wells = (wells_ == NULL) ? 0 : wells_->number_of_wells;
                    for (int well = 0; well < num_wells; ++well) {
                        well_state.bhp()[well] += ren_const;

                // Stop timer and report.
                double pt = pressure_timer.secsSinceStart();
                std::cout << "Pressure solver took:  " << pt << " seconds." << std::endl;
                ptime += pt;
                sreport.pressure_time = pt;

                // Optionally, check if well controls are satisfied.
                if (check_well_controls_) {
                    std::cout << "Checking well conditions." << std::endl;
                    // For testing we set surface := reservoir
                    well_control_passed = wells_manager_.conditionsMet(well_state.bhp(), well_resflows_phase, well_resflows_phase);
                    if (!well_control_passed && well_control_iteration > max_well_control_iterations_) {
                        OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Could not satisfy well conditions in " << max_well_control_iterations_ << " tries.");
                    if (!well_control_passed) {
                        std::cout << "Well controls not passed, solving again." << std::endl;
                    } else {
                        std::cout << "Well conditions met." << std::endl;
            } while (!well_control_passed);

            // Update pore volumes if rock is compressible.
            if (rock_comp_props_ && rock_comp_props_->isActive()) {
                initial_porevol = porevol;
                computePorevolume(grid_, props_.porosity(), *rock_comp_props_, state.pressure(), porevol);

            // Process transport sources from well flows.
            Opm::computeTransportSource(props_, wells_, well_state, transport_src);

            // Solve transport.
            double stepsize = timer.currentStepLength();
            if (num_transport_substeps_ != 1) {
                stepsize /= double(num_transport_substeps_);
                std::cout << "Making " << num_transport_substeps_ << " transport substeps." << std::endl;
            double injected[2] = { 0.0 };
            double produced[2] = { 0.0 };
            for (int tr_substep = 0; tr_substep < num_transport_substeps_; ++tr_substep) {
                tsolver_.solve(&state.faceflux()[0], &state.pressure()[0], &state.temperature()[0],
                               &initial_porevol[0], &porevol[0], &transport_src[0], stepsize,
                               state.saturation(), state.surfacevol());
                double substep_injected[2] = { 0.0 };
                double substep_produced[2] = { 0.0 };
                Opm::computeInjectedProduced(props_, state, transport_src, stepsize,
                                             substep_injected, substep_produced);
                injected[0] += substep_injected[0];
                injected[1] += substep_injected[1];
                produced[0] += substep_produced[0];
                produced[1] += substep_produced[1];
                if (gravity_ != 0 && use_segregation_split_) {
                    tsolver_.solveGravity(columns_, stepsize, state.saturation(), state.surfacevol());
            double tt = transport_timer.secsSinceStart();
            sreport.transport_time = tt;
            std::cout << "Transport solver took: " << tt << " seconds." << std::endl;
            ttime += tt;
            // Report volume balances.
            Opm::computeSaturatedVol(porevol, state.surfacevol(), inplace_surfvol);
            tot_injected[0] += injected[0];
            tot_injected[1] += injected[1];
            tot_produced[0] += produced[0];
            tot_produced[1] += produced[1];
            const int width = 18;
            std::cout << "\nMass balance report.\n";
            std::cout << "    Injected surface volumes:      "
                      << std::setw(width) << injected[0]
                      << std::setw(width) << injected[1] << std::endl;
            std::cout << "    Produced surface volumes:      "
                      << std::setw(width) << produced[0]
                      << std::setw(width) << produced[1] << std::endl;
            std::cout << "    Total inj surface volumes:     "
                      << std::setw(width) << tot_injected[0]
                      << std::setw(width) << tot_injected[1] << std::endl;
            std::cout << "    Total prod surface volumes:    "
                      << std::setw(width) << tot_produced[0]
                      << std::setw(width) << tot_produced[1] << std::endl;
            const double balance[2] = { init_surfvol[0] - inplace_surfvol[0] - tot_produced[0] + tot_injected[0],
                                        init_surfvol[1] - inplace_surfvol[1] - tot_produced[1] + tot_injected[1] };
            std::cout << "    Initial - inplace + inj - prod: "
                      << std::setw(width) << balance[0]
                      << std::setw(width) << balance[1]
                      << std::endl;
            std::cout << "    Relative mass error:            "
                      << std::setw(width) << balance[0]/(init_surfvol[0] + tot_injected[0])
                      << std::setw(width) << balance[1]/(init_surfvol[1] + tot_injected[1])
                      << std::endl;

            watercut.push(timer.simulationTimeElapsed() + timer.currentStepLength(),
                          produced[0]/(produced[0] + produced[1]),
            if (wells_) {
                wellreport.push(props_, *wells_,
                                state.pressure(), state.surfacevol(), state.saturation(),
                                timer.simulationTimeElapsed() + timer.currentStepLength(),
                                well_state.bhp(), well_state.perfRates());
            sreport.total_time =  step_timer.secsSinceStart();
            if (output_) {

        if (output_) {
            if (output_vtk_) {
                outputStateVtk(grid_, state, timer.currentStepNum(), output_dir_);
            outputStateMatlab(grid_, state, timer.currentStepNum(), output_dir_);
            outputWaterCut(watercut, output_dir_);
            if (wells_) {
                outputWellReport(wellreport, output_dir_);


        SimulatorReport report;
        report.pressure_time = ptime;
        report.transport_time = ttime;
        report.total_time = total_timer.secsSinceStart();
        return report;