Standard_Boolean Reject(const Bnd_Box& bb) const
   const bool result =
       bb.IsOpenXmin() == Standard_True
       || bb.IsOpenXmax() == Standard_True
       || bb.IsOpenYmin() == Standard_True
       || bb.IsOpenYmax() == Standard_True
       || bb.IsOpenZmin() == Standard_True
       || bb.IsOpenZmax() == Standard_True
       || bb.IsWhole() == Standard_True
       || bb.IsVoid() == Standard_True;
   return result ? Standard_True : Standard_False;
Base::BoundBox3d GeometryObject::calcBoundingBox() const
    Bnd_Box testBox;
    for (std::vector<BaseGeom *>::const_iterator it( edgeGeom.begin() );
            it != edgeGeom.end(); ++it) {
         BRepBndLib::Add((*it)->occEdge, testBox);
    if (testBox.IsVoid()) {
        Base::Console().Log("INFO - GO::calcBoundingBox - testBox is void\n");
    double xMin,xMax,yMin,yMax,zMin,zMax;

    Base::BoundBox3d bbox(xMin,yMin,zMin,xMax,yMax,zMax);
    return bbox;
//this routine is the big time consumer.  gets called many times (and is slow?))
//note param gets modified here
bool DrawProjectSplit::isOnEdge(TopoDS_Edge e, TopoDS_Vertex v, double& param, bool allowEnds)
    bool result = false;
    bool outOfBox = false;
    param = -2;

    //eliminate obvious cases
    Bnd_Box sBox;
    BRepBndLib::Add(e, sBox);
    if (sBox.IsVoid()) {
        Base::Console().Message("DPS::isOnEdge - Bnd_Box is void\n");
    } else {
        gp_Pnt pt = BRep_Tool::Pnt(v);
        if (sBox.IsOut(pt)) {
            outOfBox = true;
    if (!outOfBox) {
            double dist = DrawUtil::simpleMinDist(v,e);
            if (dist < 0.0) {
                Base::Console().Error("DPS::isOnEdge - simpleMinDist failed: %.3f\n",dist);
                result = false;
            } else if (dist < Precision::Confusion()) {
                const gp_Pnt pt = BRep_Tool::Pnt(v);                         //have to duplicate method 3 to get param
                BRepAdaptor_Curve adapt(e);
                const Handle_Geom_Curve c = adapt.Curve().Curve();
                double maxDist = 0.000001;     //magic number.  less than this gives false positives.
                //bool found =
                (void) GeomLib_Tool::Parameter(c,pt,maxDist,param);  //already know point it on curve
                result = true;
            if (result) {
                TopoDS_Vertex v1 = TopExp::FirstVertex(e);
                TopoDS_Vertex v2 = TopExp::LastVertex(e);
                if (DrawUtil::isSamePoint(v,v1) || DrawUtil::isSamePoint(v,v2)) {
                    if (!allowEnds) {
                        result = false;
    } //!outofbox
    return result;
App::DocumentObjectExecReturn *DrawViewSection::execute(void)
    App::DocumentObject* link = Source.getValue();
    App::DocumentObject* base = BaseView.getValue();
    if (!link || !base)  {
        Base::Console().Log("INFO - DVS::execute - No Source or Link - creation?\n");
        return DrawView::execute();

    if (!link->getTypeId().isDerivedFrom(Part::Feature::getClassTypeId()))
        return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn("Source object is not a Part object");
    if (!base->getTypeId().isDerivedFrom(TechDraw::DrawViewPart::getClassTypeId()))
        return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn("BaseView object is not a DrawViewPart object");

    //Base::Console().Message("TRACE - DVS::execute() - %s/%s\n",getNameInDocument(),Label.getValue());

    const Part::TopoShape &partTopo = static_cast<Part::Feature*>(link)->Shape.getShape();

    if (partTopo.getShape().IsNull())
        return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn("Linked shape object is empty");

    (void) DrawView::execute();          //make sure Scale is up to date

    gp_Pln pln = getSectionPlane();
    gp_Dir gpNormal = pln.Axis().Direction();
    Base::Vector3d orgPnt = SectionOrigin.getValue();

    Base::BoundBox3d bb = partTopo.getBoundBox();
    if(!isReallyInBox(orgPnt, bb)) {
        Base::Console().Warning("DVS: Section Plane doesn't intersect part in %s\n",getNameInDocument());
        Base::Console().Warning("DVS: Using center of bounding box.\n");
        orgPnt = bb.GetCenter();

    // Make the extrusion face
    double dMax = bb.CalcDiagonalLength();
    BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace mkFace(pln, -dMax,dMax,-dMax,dMax);
    TopoDS_Face aProjFace = mkFace.Face();
        return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn("DrawViewSection - Projected face is NULL");
    gp_Vec extrudeDir = dMax * gp_Vec(gpNormal);
    TopoDS_Shape prism = BRepPrimAPI_MakePrism(aProjFace, extrudeDir, false, true).Shape();

    // We need to copy the shape to not modify the BRepstructure
    BRepBuilderAPI_Copy BuilderCopy(partTopo.getShape());
    TopoDS_Shape myShape = BuilderCopy.Shape();

    BRepAlgoAPI_Cut mkCut(myShape, prism);
    if (!mkCut.IsDone())
        return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn("Section cut has failed");

    TopoDS_Shape rawShape = mkCut.Shape();
    Bnd_Box testBox;
    BRepBndLib::Add(rawShape, testBox);
    if (testBox.IsVoid()) {                        //prism & input don't intersect.  rawShape is garbage, don't bother.
        Base::Console().Log("INFO - DVS::execute - prism & input don't intersect\n");
        return DrawView::execute();

    gp_Pnt inputCenter;
    try {
        inputCenter = TechDrawGeometry::findCentroid(rawShape,
        TopoDS_Shape mirroredShape = TechDrawGeometry::mirrorShape(rawShape,
        geometryObject = buildGeometryObject(mirroredShape,inputCenter);   //this is original shape after cut by section prism

    catch (Standard_Failure) {
        Handle_Standard_Failure e1 = Standard_Failure::Caught();
        Base::Console().Log("LOG - DVS::execute - base shape failed for %s - %s **\n",getNameInDocument(),e1->GetMessageString());
        return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn(e1->GetMessageString());

    try {
        TopoDS_Compound sectionCompound = findSectionPlaneIntersections(rawShape);
        TopoDS_Shape mirroredSection = TechDrawGeometry::mirrorShape(sectionCompound,

        TopoDS_Compound newFaces;
        BRep_Builder builder;
        TopExp_Explorer expl(mirroredSection, TopAbs_FACE);
        for (; expl.More(); expl.Next()) {
            const TopoDS_Face& face = TopoDS::Face(expl.Current());
            TopoDS_Face pFace = projectFace(face,
             if (!pFace.IsNull()) {

        sectionFaces = newFaces;
    catch (Standard_Failure) {
        Handle_Standard_Failure e2 = Standard_Failure::Caught();
        Base::Console().Log("LOG - DVS::execute - failed building section faces for %s - %s **\n",getNameInDocument(),e2->GetMessageString());
        return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn(e2->GetMessageString());

    return App::DocumentObject::StdReturn;
//! get the projected edges with all their new intersections.
std::vector<TopoDS_Edge> DrawProjectSplit::getEdges(TechDrawGeometry::GeometryObject* geometryObject)
    const std::vector<TechDrawGeometry::BaseGeom*>& goEdges = geometryObject->getVisibleFaceEdges(true,true);
    std::vector<TechDrawGeometry::BaseGeom*>::const_iterator itEdge = goEdges.begin();
    std::vector<TopoDS_Edge> origEdges;
    for (;itEdge != goEdges.end(); itEdge++) {

    std::vector<TopoDS_Edge> faceEdges;
    std::vector<TopoDS_Edge> nonZero;
    for (auto& e:origEdges) {                            //drop any zero edges (shouldn't be any by now!!!)
        if (!DrawUtil::isZeroEdge(e)) {
        } else {
            Base::Console().Message("INFO - DPS::getEdges found ZeroEdge!\n");
    faceEdges = nonZero;
    origEdges = nonZero;

    //HLR algo does not provide all edge intersections for edge endpoints.
    //need to split long edges touched by Vertex of another edge
    std::vector<splitPoint> splits;
    std::vector<TopoDS_Edge>::iterator itOuter = origEdges.begin();
    int iOuter = 0;
    for (; itOuter != origEdges.end(); ++itOuter, iOuter++) {
        TopoDS_Vertex v1 = TopExp::FirstVertex((*itOuter));
        TopoDS_Vertex v2 = TopExp::LastVertex((*itOuter));
        Bnd_Box sOuter;
        BRepBndLib::Add(*itOuter, sOuter);
        if (sOuter.IsVoid()) {
            Base::Console().Message("DPS::Extract Faces - outer Bnd_Box is void\n");
        if (DrawUtil::isZeroEdge(*itOuter)) {
            Base::Console().Message("DPS::extractFaces - outerEdge: %d is ZeroEdge\n",iOuter);   //this is not finding ZeroEdges
            continue;  //skip zero length edges. shouldn't happen ;)
        int iInner = 0;
        std::vector<TopoDS_Edge>::iterator itInner = faceEdges.begin();
        for (; itInner != faceEdges.end(); ++itInner,iInner++) {
            if (iInner == iOuter) {
            if (DrawUtil::isZeroEdge((*itInner))) {
                continue;  //skip zero length edges. shouldn't happen ;)

            Bnd_Box sInner;
            BRepBndLib::Add(*itInner, sInner);
            if (sInner.IsVoid()) {
                Base::Console().Log("INFO - DPS::Extract Faces - inner Bnd_Box is void\n");
            if (sOuter.IsOut(sInner)) {      //bboxes of edges don't intersect, don't bother

            double param = -1;
            if (isOnEdge((*itInner),v1,param,false)) {
                gp_Pnt pnt1 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(v1);
                splitPoint s1;
                s1.i = iInner;
                s1.v = Base::Vector3d(pnt1.X(),pnt1.Y(),pnt1.Z());
                s1.param = param;
            if (isOnEdge((*itInner),v2,param,false)) {
                gp_Pnt pnt2 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(v2);
                splitPoint s2;
                s2.i = iInner;
                s2.v = Base::Vector3d(pnt2.X(),pnt2.Y(),pnt2.Z());
                s2.param = param;
        } //inner loop
    }   //outer loop

    std::vector<splitPoint> sorted = sortSplits(splits,true);
    auto last = std::unique(sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), DrawProjectSplit::splitEqual);  //duplicates to back
    sorted.erase(last, sorted.end());                         //remove dupls
    std::vector<TopoDS_Edge> newEdges = splitEdges(faceEdges,sorted);

    if (newEdges.empty()) {
        Base::Console().Log("LOG - DPS::extractFaces - no newEdges\n");
    newEdges = removeDuplicateEdges(newEdges);
    return newEdges;
//function : PreciseBoundingBox
//purpose  : 
Standard_Boolean GEOMUtils::PreciseBoundingBox
                          (const TopoDS_Shape &theShape, Bnd_Box &theBox)
  if ( theBox.IsVoid() ) BRepBndLib::Add( theShape, theBox );
  if ( theBox.IsVoid() ) return Standard_False;

  Standard_Real aBound[6];
  theBox.Get(aBound[0], aBound[2], aBound[4], aBound[1], aBound[3], aBound[5]);

  Standard_Integer i;
  const gp_Pnt aMid(0.5*(aBound[1] + aBound[0]),  // XMid
                    0.5*(aBound[3] + aBound[2]),  // YMid
                    0.5*(aBound[5] + aBound[4])); // ZMid
  const gp_XYZ aSize(aBound[1] - aBound[0],       // DX
                     aBound[3] - aBound[2],       // DY
                     aBound[5] - aBound[4]);      // DZ
  const gp_Pnt aPnt[6] =
      gp_Pnt(aBound[0] - (aBound[1] - aBound[0]), aMid.Y(), aMid.Z()), // XMin
      gp_Pnt(aBound[1] + (aBound[1] - aBound[0]), aMid.Y(), aMid.Z()), // XMax
      gp_Pnt(aMid.X(), aBound[2] - (aBound[3] - aBound[2]), aMid.Z()), // YMin
      gp_Pnt(aMid.X(), aBound[3] + (aBound[3] - aBound[2]), aMid.Z()), // YMax
      gp_Pnt(aMid.X(), aMid.Y(), aBound[4] - (aBound[5] - aBound[4])), // ZMin
      gp_Pnt(aMid.X(), aMid.Y(), aBound[5] + (aBound[5] - aBound[4]))  // ZMax
  const gp_Dir aDir[3] = { gp::DX(), gp::DY(), gp::DZ() };
  const Standard_Real aPlnSize[3] =
      0.5*Max(aSize.Y(), aSize.Z()), // XMin, XMax planes
      0.5*Max(aSize.X(), aSize.Z()), // YMin, YMax planes
      0.5*Max(aSize.X(), aSize.Y())  // ZMin, ZMax planes
  gp_Pnt aPMin[2];

  for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
    const Standard_Integer iHalf = i/2;
    const gp_Pln aPln(aPnt[i], aDir[iHalf]);
    BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace aMkFace(aPln, -aPlnSize[iHalf], aPlnSize[iHalf],
                                    -aPlnSize[iHalf], aPlnSize[iHalf]);

    if (!aMkFace.IsDone()) {
      return Standard_False;

    TopoDS_Shape aFace = aMkFace.Shape();

    // Get minimal distance between planar face and shape.
    Standard_Real aMinDist =
      GEOMUtils::GetMinDistance(aFace, theShape, aPMin[0], aPMin[1]);

    if (aMinDist < 0.) {
      return Standard_False;

    aBound[i] = aPMin[1].Coord(iHalf + 1);

  // Update Bounding box with the new values.
  theBox.Update(aBound[0], aBound[2], aBound[4], aBound[1], aBound[3], aBound[5]);

  return Standard_True;
//! make faces from the existing edge geometry
void DrawViewPart::extractFaces()
    const std::vector<TechDrawGeometry::BaseGeom*>& goEdges =
    std::vector<TechDrawGeometry::BaseGeom*>::const_iterator itEdge = goEdges.begin();
    std::vector<TopoDS_Edge> origEdges;
    for (;itEdge != goEdges.end(); itEdge++) {

    std::vector<TopoDS_Edge> faceEdges;
    std::vector<TopoDS_Edge> nonZero;
    for (auto& e:origEdges) {                            //drop any zero edges (shouldn't be any by now!!!)
        if (!DrawUtil::isZeroEdge(e)) {
        } else {
            Base::Console().Message("INFO - DVP::extractFaces for %s found ZeroEdge!\n",getNameInDocument());
    faceEdges = nonZero;
    origEdges = nonZero;

    //HLR algo does not provide all edge intersections for edge endpoints.
    //need to split long edges touched by Vertex of another edge
    std::vector<splitPoint> splits;
    std::vector<TopoDS_Edge>::iterator itOuter = origEdges.begin();
    int iOuter = 0;
    for (; itOuter != origEdges.end(); ++itOuter, iOuter++) {
        TopoDS_Vertex v1 = TopExp::FirstVertex((*itOuter));
        TopoDS_Vertex v2 = TopExp::LastVertex((*itOuter));
        Bnd_Box sOuter;
        BRepBndLib::Add(*itOuter, sOuter);
        if (sOuter.IsVoid()) {
            Base::Console().Message("DVP::Extract Faces - outer Bnd_Box is void for %s\n",getNameInDocument());
        if (DrawUtil::isZeroEdge(*itOuter)) {
            Base::Console().Message("DVP::extractFaces - outerEdge: %d is ZeroEdge\n",iOuter);   //this is not finding ZeroEdges
            continue;  //skip zero length edges. shouldn't happen ;)
        int iInner = 0;
        std::vector<TopoDS_Edge>::iterator itInner = faceEdges.begin();
        for (; itInner != faceEdges.end(); ++itInner,iInner++) {
            if (iInner == iOuter) {
            if (DrawUtil::isZeroEdge((*itInner))) {
                continue;  //skip zero length edges. shouldn't happen ;)

            Bnd_Box sInner;
            BRepBndLib::Add(*itInner, sInner);
            if (sInner.IsVoid()) {
                Base::Console().Log("INFO - DVP::Extract Faces - inner Bnd_Box is void for %s\n",getNameInDocument());
            if (sOuter.IsOut(sInner)) {      //bboxes of edges don't intersect, don't bother

            double param = -1;
            if (DrawProjectSplit::isOnEdge((*itInner),v1,param,false)) {
                gp_Pnt pnt1 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(v1);
                splitPoint s1;
                s1.i = iInner;
                s1.v = Base::Vector3d(pnt1.X(),pnt1.Y(),pnt1.Z());
                s1.param = param;
            if (DrawProjectSplit::isOnEdge((*itInner),v2,param,false)) {
                gp_Pnt pnt2 = BRep_Tool::Pnt(v2);
                splitPoint s2;
                s2.i = iInner;
                s2.v = Base::Vector3d(pnt2.X(),pnt2.Y(),pnt2.Z());
                s2.param = param;
        } //inner loop
    }   //outer loop

    std::vector<splitPoint> sorted = DrawProjectSplit::sortSplits(splits,true);
    auto last = std::unique(sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), DrawProjectSplit::splitEqual);  //duplicates to back
    sorted.erase(last, sorted.end());                         //remove dupl splits
    std::vector<TopoDS_Edge> newEdges = DrawProjectSplit::splitEdges(faceEdges,sorted);

    if (newEdges.empty()) {
        Base::Console().Log("LOG - DVP::extractFaces - no newEdges\n");

    newEdges = DrawProjectSplit::removeDuplicateEdges(newEdges);

//find all the wires in the pile of faceEdges
    EdgeWalker ew;
    bool success = ew.perform();
    if (!success) {
        Base::Console().Warning("DVP::extractFaces - input is not planar graph. No face detection\n");
    std::vector<TopoDS_Wire> fw = ew.getResultNoDups();

    std::vector<TopoDS_Wire> sortedWires = ew.sortStrip(fw,true);

    std::vector<TopoDS_Wire>::iterator itWire = sortedWires.begin();
    for (; itWire != sortedWires.end(); itWire++) {
        //version 1: 1 wire/face - no voids in face
        TechDrawGeometry::Face* f = new TechDrawGeometry::Face();
        const TopoDS_Wire& wire = (*itWire);
        TechDrawGeometry::Wire* w = new TechDrawGeometry::Wire(wire);
App::DocumentObjectExecReturn *DrawViewDetail::execute(void)
    if (!keepUpdated()) {
        return App::DocumentObject::StdReturn;

    App::DocumentObject* baseObj = BaseView.getValue();
    if (!baseObj)  {
        Base::Console().Log("INFO - DVD::execute - No BaseView - creation?\n");
        return DrawView::execute();

    DrawViewPart* dvp = nullptr;
    if (!baseObj->getTypeId().isDerivedFrom(TechDraw::DrawViewPart::getClassTypeId())) {
        return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn("BaseView object is not a DrawViewPart object");
    } else {
        dvp = static_cast<DrawViewPart*>(baseObj);

    TopoDS_Shape shape = dvp->getSourceShapeFused();
    if (shape.IsNull()) {
        return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn("DVD - Linked shape object is invalid");

    Base::Vector3d anchor = AnchorPoint.getValue();    //this is a 2D point (in unrotated coords)
    Base::Vector3d dirDetail = dvp->Direction.getValue();

    double shapeRotate = dvp->Rotation.getValue();                      //degrees CW?
    if (dvp->isDerivedFrom(TechDraw::DrawProjGroupItem::getClassTypeId())) {
        DrawProjGroupItem* dpgi= static_cast<TechDraw::DrawProjGroupItem*>(dvp);
        shapeRotate += dpgi->getRotateAngle() * 180.0/M_PI;            // to degrees from radians
    double radius = getFudgeRadius();
    double scale = getScale();

    BRepBuilderAPI_Copy BuilderCopy(shape);
    TopoDS_Shape myShape = BuilderCopy.Shape();

    //rotate the copied shape to match orientation of BaseView and center it on origin
    gp_Pnt gpCenter = TechDrawGeometry::findCentroid(myShape,           //centre of unrotated shape
    Base::Vector3d shapeCenter = Base::Vector3d(gpCenter.X(),gpCenter.Y(),gpCenter.Z());
    gp_Ax2 viewAxis = getViewAxis(shapeCenter, dirDetail, false);
    myShape = TechDrawGeometry::rotateShape(myShape,                    //rotate to match Base shape
    myShape = TechDrawGeometry::moveShape(myShape,                     //centre on origin
//    shapeCenter = Base::Vector3d(0.0,0.0,0.0);
    gpCenter = TechDrawGeometry::findCentroid(myShape,
    shapeCenter = Base::Vector3d(gpCenter.X(),gpCenter.Y(),gpCenter.Z());
    Bnd_Box bbxSource;
    BRepBndLib::Add(myShape, bbxSource);
    double diag = sqrt(bbxSource.SquareExtent());

    Base::Vector3d extentFar,extentNear;
    extentFar = shapeCenter + dirDetail * diag;
    extentNear = shapeCenter + dirDetail * diag * -1.0;

    anchor = Base::Vector3d(anchor.x,anchor.y, 0.0);
    viewAxis = getViewAxis(shapeCenter, dirDetail, false);                //change view axis to (0,0,0)
    Base::Vector3d offsetCenter3D = DrawUtil::toR3(viewAxis, anchor);     //displacement in R3
    Base::Vector3d stdZ(0.0,0.0,1.0);
    if (DrawUtil::checkParallel(dirDetail,stdZ)) {
        extentNear = extentNear + offsetCenter3D;
    } else {
        extentNear = extentNear - offsetCenter3D;

    gp_Dir cylDir(dirDetail.x,dirDetail.y,dirDetail.z);
    gp_Pnt cylPoint(extentNear.x,extentNear.y,extentNear.z);
    gp_Ax2 cylAxis(cylPoint,cylDir);

    BRepPrimAPI_MakeCylinder mkCyl(cylAxis, radius, (extentFar-extentNear).Length());
    TopoDS_Shell sh = mkCyl.Cylinder().Shell();
    BRepBuilderAPI_MakeSolid mkSol(sh);
    TopoDS_Solid tool = mkSol.Solid();

    BRepAlgoAPI_Common mkCommon(myShape,tool);
    if (!mkCommon.IsDone()) {
        Base::Console().Log("DVD::execute - mkCommon not done\n");
        return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn("DVD::execute - mkCommon not done");
    if (mkCommon.Shape().IsNull()) {
        Base::Console().Log("DVD::execute - mkCommon.Shape is Null\n");
        return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn("DVD::execute - mkCommon.Shape is Null");

    //Did we get a solid?
    TopExp_Explorer xp;
    if (!(xp.More() == Standard_True)) {
        Base::Console().Message("DVD::execute - mkCommon.Shape is not a solid!\n");
    TopoDS_Shape detail = mkCommon.Shape();
    Bnd_Box testBox;
    BRepBndLib::Add(detail, testBox);
    if (testBox.IsVoid()) {
        Base::Console().Message("DrawViewDetail - detail area contains no geometry\n");
        return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn("DVDetail - detail area contains no geometry");

//for debugging show compound instead of common
//    BRep_Builder builder;
//    TopoDS_Compound Comp;
//    builder.MakeCompound(Comp);
//    builder.Add(Comp, tool);
//    builder.Add(Comp, myShape);

    gp_Pnt inputCenter;
    try {
        inputCenter = TechDrawGeometry::findCentroid(tool,
        TopoDS_Shape mirroredShape = TechDrawGeometry::mirrorShape(detail,
        viewAxis = getViewAxis(Base::Vector3d(inputCenter.X(),inputCenter.Y(),inputCenter.Z()),Direction.getValue());
        if (!DrawUtil::fpCompare(Rotation.getValue(),0.0)) {
            mirroredShape = TechDrawGeometry::rotateShape(mirroredShape,
                                                          Rotation.getValue());         //degrees cw?
        geometryObject = buildGeometryObject(mirroredShape,viewAxis);
        geometryObject->pruneVertexGeom(Base::Vector3d(0.0,0.0,0.0),Radius.getValue() * scale);      //remove vertices beyond clipradius

    if (handleFaces()) {
        try {
        catch (Standard_Failure& e4) {
            Base::Console().Log("LOG - DVD::execute - extractFaces failed for %s - %s **\n",getNameInDocument(),e4.GetMessageString());
            return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn(e4.GetMessageString());

    catch (Standard_Failure& e1) {
        Base::Console().Log("LOG - DVD::execute - base shape failed for %s - %s **\n",getNameInDocument(),e1.GetMessageString());
        return new App::DocumentObjectExecReturn(e1.GetMessageString());


    return App::DocumentObject::StdReturn;
//this routine is the big time consumer.  gets called many times (and is slow?))
//note param gets modified here
bool DrawViewPart::isOnEdge(TopoDS_Edge e, TopoDS_Vertex v, double& param, bool allowEnds)
    bool result = false;
    bool outOfBox = false;
    param = -2;

    //eliminate obvious cases
    Bnd_Box sBox;
    BRepBndLib::Add(e, sBox);
    if (sBox.IsVoid()) {
        Base::Console().Message("DVP::isOnEdge - Bnd_Box is void for %s\n",getNameInDocument());
    } else {
        gp_Pnt pt = BRep_Tool::Pnt(v);
        if (sBox.IsOut(pt)) {
            outOfBox = true;
    if (!outOfBox) {
        if (m_interAlgo == 1) {
            //1) using projPointOnCurve.  roughly similar to dist to shape w/ bndbox.  hangs(?) w/o bndbox
            try {
                gp_Pnt pt = BRep_Tool::Pnt(v);
                BRepAdaptor_Curve adapt(e);
                Handle_Geom_Curve c = adapt.Curve().Curve();
                GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve proj(pt,c);
                int n = proj.NbPoints();
                if (n > 0) {
                    if (proj.LowerDistance() < Precision::Confusion()) {
                        param = proj.LowerDistanceParameter();
                        result = true;
                    if (result) {
                        TopoDS_Vertex v1 = TopExp::FirstVertex(e);
                        TopoDS_Vertex v2 = TopExp::LastVertex(e);
                        if (DrawUtil::isSamePoint(v,v1) || DrawUtil::isSamePoint(v,v2)) {
                            if (!allowEnds) {
                                result = false;
            catch (Standard_Failure) {
                Handle_Standard_Failure e = Standard_Failure::Caught();     //no perp projection
        } else if (m_interAlgo == 2) {                                      //can't provide param as is
            double dist = simpleMinDist(v,e);
            if (dist < 0.0) {
                Base::Console().Error("DVP::isOnEdge - simpleMinDist failed: %.3f\n",dist);
                result = false;
            } else if (dist < Precision::Confusion()) {
                const gp_Pnt pt = BRep_Tool::Pnt(v);                         //have to duplicate method 3 to get param
                BRepAdaptor_Curve adapt(e);
                const Handle_Geom_Curve c = adapt.Curve().Curve();
                double maxDist = 0.000001;     //magic number.  less than this gives false positives.
                //bool found =
                (void) GeomLib_Tool::Parameter(c,pt,maxDist,param);  //already know point it on curve
                result = true;
            if (result) {
                TopoDS_Vertex v1 = TopExp::FirstVertex(e);
                TopoDS_Vertex v2 = TopExp::LastVertex(e);
                if (DrawUtil::isSamePoint(v,v1) || DrawUtil::isSamePoint(v,v2)) {
                    if (!allowEnds) {
                        result = false;
        } else if (m_interAlgo == 3) {
            const gp_Pnt pt = BRep_Tool::Pnt(v);
            BRepAdaptor_Curve adapt(e);
            const Handle_Geom_Curve c = adapt.Curve().Curve();
            double par = -1;
            double maxDist = 0.000001;     //magic number.  less than this gives false positives.
            bool found = GeomLib_Tool::Parameter(c,pt,maxDist,par);
            if (found) {
                result = true;
                param = par;
                TopoDS_Vertex v1 = TopExp::FirstVertex(e);
                TopoDS_Vertex v2 = TopExp::LastVertex(e);
                if (DrawUtil::isSamePoint(v,v1) || DrawUtil::isSamePoint(v,v2)) {
                    if (!allowEnds) {
                        result = false;
    } //!outofbox
    return result;