文件: main.cpp 项目: dartsim/dart
SkeletonPtr createFloor()
  SkeletonPtr floor = Skeleton::create("floor");

  // Give the floor a body
  BodyNodePtr body
      = floor->createJointAndBodyNodePair<WeldJoint>(nullptr).second;

  // Give the body a shape
  double floor_width = 10.0;
  double floor_height = 0.01;
  std::shared_ptr<BoxShape> box(
      new BoxShape(Eigen::Vector3d(floor_width, floor_height, floor_width)));
  auto shapeNode = body->createShapeNodeWith<

  // Put the body into position
  Eigen::Isometry3d tf(Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity());
  tf.translation() = Eigen::Vector3d(0.0, -1.0, 0.0);

  return floor;
// Solve for a balanced pose using IK (Lesson 7 Answer)
Eigen::VectorXd solveIK(SkeletonPtr biped)
  // Modify the intial pose to one-foot stance before IK 
                     getIndexInSkeleton(), -1.4);
                     getIndexInSkeleton(), 0.8);
                     getIndexInSkeleton(), -0.8);

  Eigen::VectorXd newPose = biped->getPositions();
  BodyNodePtr leftHeel = biped->getBodyNode("h_heel_left");
  BodyNodePtr leftToe = biped->getBodyNode("h_toe_left");
  double initialHeight = -0.8;

  for(std::size_t i = 0; i < default_ik_iterations; ++i)
    Eigen::Vector3d deviation = biped->getCOM() - leftHeel->getCOM();
    Eigen::Vector3d localCOM = leftHeel->getCOM(leftHeel);
    LinearJacobian jacobian = biped->getCOMLinearJacobian() -
        biped->getLinearJacobian(leftHeel, localCOM);
    // Sagittal deviation
    double error = deviation[0];
    Eigen::VectorXd gradient = jacobian.row(0);
    Eigen::VectorXd newDirection = -0.2 * error * gradient;
    // Lateral deviation
    error = deviation[2];
    gradient = jacobian.row(2);
    newDirection += -0.2 * error * gradient;
    // Position constraint on four (approximated) corners of the left foot
    Eigen::Vector3d offset(0.0, -0.04, -0.03);
    error = (leftHeel->getTransform() * offset)[1] - initialHeight;
    gradient = biped->getLinearJacobian(leftHeel, offset).row(1);
    newDirection += -0.2 * error * gradient;
    offset[2] = 0.03;
    error = (leftHeel->getTransform() * offset)[1] - initialHeight;
    gradient = biped->getLinearJacobian(leftHeel, offset).row(1);
    newDirection += -0.2 * error * gradient;
    offset[0] = 0.04;
    error = (leftToe->getTransform() * offset)[1] - initialHeight;
    gradient = biped->getLinearJacobian(leftToe, offset).row(1);
    newDirection += -0.2 * error * gradient;
    offset[2] = -0.03;
    error = (leftToe->getTransform() * offset)[1] - initialHeight;
    gradient = biped->getLinearJacobian(leftToe, offset).row(1);
    newDirection += -0.2 * error * gradient;
    newPose += newDirection;
    biped->computeForwardKinematics(true, false, false);
  return newPose;
void setGeometry(const BodyNodePtr& bn)
  // Create a BoxShape to be used for both visualization and collision checking
  std::shared_ptr<BoxShape> box(new BoxShape(
      Eigen::Vector3d(default_width, default_depth, default_height)));

  // Set the location of the Box
  Eigen::Isometry3d box_tf(Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity());
  Eigen::Vector3d center = Eigen::Vector3d(0, 0, default_height / 2.0);
  box_tf.translation() = center;

  // Add it as a visualization and collision shape

  // Move the center of mass to the center of the object
TEST(SdfParser, SDFSingleBodyWithoutJoint)
  // Regression test for #444
  WorldPtr world
      = SdfParser::readSdfFile(
  EXPECT_TRUE(world != nullptr);

  SkeletonPtr skel = world->getSkeleton(0);
  EXPECT_TRUE(skel != nullptr);
  EXPECT_EQ(skel->getNumBodyNodes(), 1u);
  EXPECT_EQ(skel->getNumJoints(), 1u);

  BodyNodePtr bodyNode = skel->getBodyNode(0);
  EXPECT_TRUE(bodyNode != nullptr);
  EXPECT_EQ(bodyNode->getNumVisualizationShapes(), 1u);
  EXPECT_EQ(bodyNode->getNumCollisionShapes(), 1u);

  JointPtr joint = skel->getJoint(0);
  EXPECT_TRUE(joint != nullptr);
  EXPECT_EQ(joint->getType(), FreeJoint::getStaticType());
BodyNode* makeRootBody(const SkeletonPtr& pendulum, const std::string& name)
  BallJoint::Properties properties;
  properties.mName = name + "_joint";
  properties.mRestPositions = Eigen::Vector3d::Constant(default_rest_position);
  properties.mSpringStiffnesses = Eigen::Vector3d::Constant(default_stiffness);
  properties.mDampingCoefficients = Eigen::Vector3d::Constant(default_damping);

  BodyNodePtr bn = pendulum->createJointAndBodyNodePair<BallJoint>(
        nullptr, properties, BodyNode::Properties(name)).second;

  // Make a shape for the Joint
  const double& R = default_width;
  std::shared_ptr<EllipsoidShape> ball(
        new EllipsoidShape(sqrt(2) * Eigen::Vector3d(R, R, R)));

  // Set the geometry of the Body

  return bn;
BodyNode* addBody(const SkeletonPtr& pendulum, BodyNode* parent,
                  const std::string& name)
  // Set up the properties for the Joint
  RevoluteJoint::Properties properties;
  properties.mName = name + "_joint";
  properties.mAxis = Eigen::Vector3d::UnitY();
  properties.mT_ParentBodyToJoint.translation() =
      Eigen::Vector3d(0, 0, default_height);
  properties.mRestPosition = default_rest_position;
  properties.mSpringStiffness = default_stiffness;
  properties.mDampingCoefficient = default_damping;

  // Create a new BodyNode, attached to its parent by a RevoluteJoint
  BodyNodePtr bn = pendulum->createJointAndBodyNodePair<RevoluteJoint>(
        parent, properties, BodyNode::Properties(name)).second;

  // Make a shape for the Joint
  const double R = default_width / 2.0;
  const double h = default_depth;
  std::shared_ptr<CylinderShape> cyl(
        new CylinderShape(R, h));

  // Line up the cylinder with the Joint axis
  Eigen::Isometry3d tf(Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity());
  tf.linear() = dart::math::eulerXYZToMatrix(
        Eigen::Vector3d(90.0 * M_PI / 180.0, 0, 0));


  // Set the geometry of the Body

  return bn;
void setGeometry(const BodyNodePtr& bn)
  // Create a BoxShape to be used for both visualization and collision checking
  std::shared_ptr<BoxShape> box(new BoxShape(
      Eigen::Vector3d(default_width, default_depth, default_height)));

  // Create a shpae node for visualization and collision checking
  auto shapeNode
      = bn->createShapeNodeWith<VisualAspect, CollisionAspect, DynamicsAspect>(box);

  // Set the location of the shape node
  Eigen::Isometry3d box_tf(Eigen::Isometry3d::Identity());
  Eigen::Vector3d center = Eigen::Vector3d(0, 0, default_height / 2.0);
  box_tf.translation() = center;

  // Move the center of mass to the center of the object
TEST(Skeleton, Persistence)
  WeakBodyNodePtr weakBnPtr;
  SoftBodyNodePtr softBnPtr;
  WeakSoftBodyNodePtr weakSoftBnPtr;
  WeakSkeletonPtr weakSkelPtr;
    BodyNodePtr strongPtr;
        SkeletonPtr skeleton = createThreeLinkRobot(
              Eigen::Vector3d(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), DOF_X,
              Eigen::Vector3d(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), DOF_Y,
              Eigen::Vector3d(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), DOF_Z);
        weakSkelPtr = skeleton;

        // Test usability of the BodyNodePtr
        strongPtr = skeleton->getBodyNode(0);
        weakBnPtr = strongPtr;
        ConstBodyNodePtr constPtr = strongPtr;

        EXPECT_FALSE( strongPtr == nullptr );
        EXPECT_FALSE( nullptr == strongPtr );

        EXPECT_TRUE( strongPtr == skeleton->getBodyNode(0) );
        EXPECT_TRUE( skeleton->getBodyNode(0) == strongPtr );
        EXPECT_TRUE( constPtr == strongPtr );
        EXPECT_TRUE( weakBnPtr.lock() == strongPtr );

        EXPECT_FALSE( strongPtr < constPtr );
        EXPECT_FALSE( strongPtr < skeleton->getBodyNode(0) );
        EXPECT_FALSE( strongPtr < weakBnPtr.lock() );
        EXPECT_FALSE( skeleton->getBodyNode(0) < strongPtr );
        EXPECT_FALSE( weakBnPtr.lock() < strongPtr);

        EXPECT_FALSE( strongPtr > constPtr );
        EXPECT_FALSE( strongPtr > skeleton->getBodyNode(0) );
        EXPECT_FALSE( strongPtr > weakBnPtr.lock() );
        EXPECT_FALSE( skeleton->getBodyNode(0) > strongPtr );
        EXPECT_FALSE( weakBnPtr.lock() > strongPtr );

        BodyNodePtr tail = skeleton->getBodyNode(skeleton->getNumBodyNodes()-1);
        std::pair<Joint*, SoftBodyNode*> pair =
            skeleton->createJointAndBodyNodePair<RevoluteJoint, SoftBodyNode>(

        softBnPtr = pair.second;
        weakSoftBnPtr = softBnPtr;
        WeakBodyNodePtr otherWeakPtr = weakSoftBnPtr; // Test convertability

        // Test usability of the DegreeOfFreedomPtr
        DegreeOfFreedomPtr dof = skeleton->getDof(1);
        WeakDegreeOfFreedomPtr weakdof = dof;
        ConstDegreeOfFreedomPtr const_dof = dof;
        WeakConstDegreeOfFreedomPtr const_weakdof = weakdof;
        const_weakdof = const_dof;

        EXPECT_TRUE( dof == skeleton->getDof(1) );
        EXPECT_TRUE( dof == const_dof );
        EXPECT_TRUE( weakdof.lock() == const_weakdof.lock() );
        EXPECT_TRUE( const_weakdof.lock() == skeleton->getDof(1) );
        EXPECT_TRUE( skeleton->getDof(1) == const_weakdof.lock() );

        EXPECT_FALSE( dof < const_dof );
        EXPECT_FALSE( dof < skeleton->getDof(1) );
        EXPECT_FALSE( dof < weakdof.lock() );
        EXPECT_FALSE( skeleton->getDof(1) < dof );
        EXPECT_FALSE( weakdof.lock() < dof );

        EXPECT_FALSE( dof > const_dof );
        EXPECT_FALSE( dof > skeleton->getDof(1) );
        EXPECT_FALSE( dof > weakdof.lock() );
        EXPECT_FALSE( skeleton->getDof(1) > dof );
        EXPECT_FALSE( weakdof.lock() > dof );

        dof = nullptr;
        weakdof = nullptr;
        const_dof = nullptr;
        const_weakdof = nullptr;

        EXPECT_TRUE( dof == nullptr );
        EXPECT_TRUE( nullptr == dof );
        EXPECT_TRUE( weakdof.lock() == nullptr );
        EXPECT_TRUE( nullptr == weakdof.lock() );
        EXPECT_TRUE( const_dof == nullptr );
        EXPECT_TRUE( const_weakdof.lock() == nullptr );

        EXPECT_FALSE( dof < const_dof );

        // Test usability of the JointPtr
        JointPtr joint = skeleton->getJoint(1);
        WeakJointPtr weakjoint = joint;
        ConstJointPtr const_joint = joint;
        WeakConstJointPtr const_weakjoint = const_joint;

        EXPECT_TRUE( joint == skeleton->getJoint(1) );
        EXPECT_TRUE( joint == const_joint );
        EXPECT_TRUE( weakjoint.lock() == const_weakjoint.lock() );
        EXPECT_TRUE( const_weakjoint.lock() == skeleton->getJoint(1) );

        EXPECT_FALSE( joint < const_joint );
        EXPECT_FALSE( joint < skeleton->getJoint(1) );
        EXPECT_FALSE( joint < weakjoint.lock() );
        EXPECT_FALSE( skeleton->getJoint(1) < joint );
        EXPECT_FALSE( weakjoint.lock() < joint );

        EXPECT_FALSE( joint > const_joint );
        EXPECT_FALSE( joint > skeleton->getJoint(1) );
        EXPECT_FALSE( joint > weakjoint.lock() );
        EXPECT_FALSE( skeleton->getJoint(1) > joint );
        EXPECT_FALSE( weakjoint.lock() > joint );

        joint = nullptr;
        weakjoint = nullptr;
        const_joint = nullptr;
        const_weakjoint = nullptr;

        EXPECT_TRUE( joint == nullptr );
        EXPECT_TRUE( weakjoint.lock() == nullptr );
        EXPECT_TRUE( const_joint == nullptr );
        EXPECT_TRUE( const_weakjoint.lock() == nullptr );

      // The BodyNode should still be alive, because a BodyNodePtr still
      // references it

      // The Skeleton should still be alive, because a BodyNodePtr still
      // references one of its BodyNodes
      EXPECT_FALSE(weakSkelPtr.lock() == nullptr);

      // Take the BodyNode out of its Skeleton and put it into a temporary one

      // The BodyNode should still be alive, because a BodyNodePtr still
      // references it

      // The Skeleton should be destroyed, because it lost the only BodyNode
      // that still had a reference
      EXPECT_TRUE(weakSkelPtr.lock() == nullptr);

      // Update the weakSkelPtr so it references the Skeleton that still exists
      weakSkelPtr = strongPtr->getSkeleton();
      EXPECT_FALSE(weakSkelPtr.lock() == nullptr);

      // Change the BodyNode that this BodyNodePtr is referencing
      strongPtr = strongPtr->getChildBodyNode(0);

      // Make sure the Skeleton is still alive. If the SkeletonPtr being used
      // by the BodyNodePtr is not swapped atomically, then this will fail,
      // which means we cannot rely on BodyNodePtr to keep BodyNodes alive.
      EXPECT_FALSE(weakSkelPtr.lock() == nullptr);

    SkeletonPtr other_skeleton = createThreeLinkRobot(
          Eigen::Vector3d(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), DOF_X,
          Eigen::Vector3d(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), DOF_Y,
          Eigen::Vector3d(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), DOF_Z);
    BodyNode* tail = other_skeleton->getBodyNode(

    WeakConstBodyNodePtr weakParentPtr;
      ConstBodyNodePtr parent = strongPtr;
      parent = parent->getParentBodyNode();
      weakParentPtr = parent;

      // The Skeleton should still be alive because 'parent' exists
      EXPECT_FALSE(weakSkelPtr.lock() == nullptr);

    // Now that 'parent' is out of scope, the Skeleton should be gone
    EXPECT_TRUE(weakSkelPtr.lock() == nullptr);
    EXPECT_TRUE(weakParentPtr.lock() == nullptr);

    weakBnPtr = strongPtr;
    weakSkelPtr = strongPtr->getSkeleton();

  // softBnPtr still exists, so it should be keeping the Skeleton active

  std::weak_ptr<Skeleton> weakSkel = softBnPtr->remove();

  // Now that the SoftBodyNode which is holding the reference has been moved to
  // another Skeleton, the weakBnPtr and weakSkelPtr should disappear

  // The WeakSoftBodyNodePtr should not have expired yet, because a strong
  // reference to its SoftBodyNode still exists

  // Test the user-defined copy constructor
  SoftBodyNodePtr otherSoftBnPtr = softBnPtr;

  softBnPtr = nullptr;

  EXPECT_FALSE(weakSkel.lock() == nullptr);
  EXPECT_FALSE(weakSoftBnPtr.lock() == nullptr);

  BodyNodePtr strongPtr = otherSoftBnPtr;

  otherSoftBnPtr = nullptr;

  BodyNodePtr otherStrongPtr = strongPtr;

  strongPtr = nullptr;

  EXPECT_FALSE(weakSkel.lock() == nullptr);
  EXPECT_FALSE(weakSoftBnPtr.lock() == nullptr);

  otherStrongPtr = nullptr;

  // Now that all the strong BodyNodePtrs have been cleared, the
  // WeakSoftBodyNodePtr should also be cleared
  EXPECT_TRUE(weakSoftBnPtr.lock() == nullptr);
  EXPECT_TRUE(weakSkel.lock() == nullptr);