文件: BoxList.cpp 项目: huahbo/BoxLib
BoxList::contains (const BoxList&  bl) const
    if (isEmpty() || bl.isEmpty()) return false;

    BL_ASSERT(ixType() == bl.ixType());

    if (!minimalBox().contains(bl.minimalBox())) return false;

    BoxArray ba(*this);

    for (const_iterator bli = bl.begin(), End = bl.end(); bli != End; ++bli)
        if (!ba.contains(*bli))
            return false;

    return true;
AuxBoundaryData::initialize (const BoxArray& ba,
			     int             n_grow,
			     int             n_comp,
                             const Geometry& geom)

    const bool verbose   = false;
    const int  NProcs    = ParallelDescriptor::NProcs();
    const Real strt_time = ParallelDescriptor::second();

    m_ngrow = n_grow;

    BoxList gcells = BoxLib::GetBndryCells(ba,n_grow);
    // Remove any intersections with periodically shifted valid region.
    if (geom.isAnyPeriodic())
        Box dmn = geom.Domain();

        for (int d = 0; d < BL_SPACEDIM; d++)
            if (!geom.isPeriodic(d)) 

        for (BoxList::iterator it = gcells.begin(); it != gcells.end(); )
            const Box& isect = *it & dmn;

            if (isect.ok())
                *it++ = isect;


    if (gcells.size() < NProcs)
        gcells.maxSize(BL_SPACEDIM == 3 ? 64 : 128);

    BoxArray nba(gcells);


    if (nba.size() > 0)
        m_fabs.define(nba, n_comp, 0, Fab_allocate);
        m_empty = true;

    if (verbose)
        const int IOProc   = ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessorNumber();
        Real      run_time = ParallelDescriptor::second() - strt_time;
	const int sz       = nba.size();

#ifdef BL_LAZY
	Lazy::QueueReduction( [=] () mutable {
        if (ParallelDescriptor::IOProcessor()) 
            std::cout << "AuxBoundaryData::initialize() size = " << sz << ", time = " << run_time << '\n';
#ifdef BL_LAZY

    m_initialized = true;
FabArrayBase::TheFB (bool                cross,
                     const FabArrayBase& mf)

    BL_ASSERT(mf.size() > 0);

    const FabArrayBase::SI si(mf.boxArray(), mf.DistributionMap(), mf.nGrow(), cross);

    const IntVect& Typ   = mf.boxArray()[0].type();
    const int      Scale = D_TERM(Typ[0],+3*Typ[1],+5*Typ[2]) + 11;
    const int      Key   = mf.size() + mf.boxArray()[0].numPts() + mf.nGrow() + Scale + cross;

    std::pair<FBCacheIter,FBCacheIter> er_it = m_TheFBCache.equal_range(Key);

    for (FBCacheIter it = er_it.first; it != er_it.second; ++it)
        if (it->second == si)
            return it;

    if (m_TheFBCache.size() >= fb_cache_max_size)
        // Don't let the size of the cache get too big.
        // Get rid of entries with the biggest largest key that haven't been reused.
        // Otherwise just remove the entry with the largest key.
        FBCacheIter End      = m_TheFBCache.end();
        FBCacheIter last_it  = End;
        FBCacheIter erase_it = End;

        for (FBCacheIter it = m_TheFBCache.begin(); it != End; ++it)
            last_it = it;

            if (it->second.m_nuse <= 1)
                erase_it = it;

        if (erase_it != End)
        else if (last_it != End)
    // Got to insert one & then build it.
    FBCacheIter                cache_it = m_TheFBCache.insert(FBCache::value_type(Key,si));
    SI&                        TheFB    = cache_it->second;
    const int                  MyProc   = ParallelDescriptor::MyProc();
    const BoxArray&            ba       = mf.boxArray();
    const DistributionMapping& dm       = mf.DistributionMap();
    const Array<int>&          imap     = mf.IndexMap();
    // Here's where we allocate memory for the cache innards.
    // We do this so we don't have to build objects of these types
    // each time we search the cache.  Otherwise we'd be constructing
    // and destroying said objects quite frequently.
    TheFB.m_LocTags = new CopyComTag::CopyComTagsContainer;
    TheFB.m_SndTags = new CopyComTag::MapOfCopyComTagContainers;
    TheFB.m_RcvTags = new CopyComTag::MapOfCopyComTagContainers;
    TheFB.m_SndVols = new std::map<int,int>;
    TheFB.m_RcvVols = new std::map<int,int>;

    TheFB.m_nuse = 1;


    if (imap.empty())
        // We don't own any of the relevant FABs so can't possibly have any work to do.
        return cache_it;

    const int nlocal = imap.size();
    const int ng = si.m_ngrow;
    std::vector< std::pair<int,Box> > isects;

    CopyComTag::MapOfCopyComTagContainers send_tags; // temp copy

    for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; ++i)
	const int ksnd = imap[i];
	const Box& vbx = ba[ksnd];

	ba.intersections(vbx, isects, ng);

	for (int j = 0, M = isects.size(); j < M; ++j)
	    const int krcv      = isects[j].first;
	    const Box& bx       = isects[j].second;
	    const int dst_owner = dm[krcv];

	    if (krcv == ksnd) continue;  // same box

	    if (dst_owner == MyProc) continue;  // local copy will be dealt with later

	    send_tags[dst_owner].push_back(CopyComTag(bx, krcv, ksnd));

    CopyComTag::MapOfCopyComTagContainers recv_tags; // temp copy

    BaseFab<int> localtouch, remotetouch;
    bool check_local = false, check_remote = false;
#ifdef _OPENMP
    if (omp_get_max_threads() > 1) {
        check_local = true;
        check_remote = true;

    if (ba.ixType().cellCentered()) {
	TheFB.m_threadsafe_loc = true;
	TheFB.m_threadsafe_rcv = true;
        check_local = false;
        check_remote = false;

    for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; ++i)
	const int   krcv = imap[i];
	const Box& bxrcv = BoxLib::grow(ba[krcv], ng);

	if (check_local) {

	if (check_remote) {

	ba.intersections(bxrcv, isects);

	for (int j = 0, M = isects.size(); j < M; ++j)
	    const int ksnd      = isects[j].first;
	    const Box& bx       = isects[j].second;
	    const int src_owner = dm[ksnd];

	    if (krcv == ksnd) continue;  // same box

	    if (src_owner == MyProc) { // local copy
		const BoxList tilelist(bx, FabArrayBase::comm_tile_size);
		for (BoxList::const_iterator
			 it_tile  = tilelist.begin(),
			 End_tile = tilelist.end();   it_tile != End_tile; ++it_tile)
		    TheFB.m_LocTags->push_back(CopyComTag(*it_tile, krcv, ksnd));
		if (check_local) {
		    localtouch.plus(1, bx);
	    } else {
		recv_tags[src_owner].push_back(CopyComTag(bx, krcv, ksnd));
		if (check_remote) {
		    remotetouch.plus(1, bx);

	if (check_local) {  
	    // safe if a cell is touched no more than once 
	    // keep checking thread safety if it is safe so far
            check_local = TheFB.m_threadsafe_loc = localtouch.max() <= 1;

	if (check_remote) {
            check_remote = TheFB.m_threadsafe_rcv = remotetouch.max() <= 1;

//    ba.clear_hash_bin();

    for (int ipass = 0; ipass < 2; ++ipass) // pass 0: send; pass 1: recv
	CopyComTag::MapOfCopyComTagContainers & Tags
	    = (ipass == 0) ? *TheFB.m_SndTags : *TheFB.m_RcvTags;
	CopyComTag::MapOfCopyComTagContainers & tmpTags
	    = (ipass == 0) ?        send_tags :        recv_tags;
	std::map<int,int> & Vols
	    = (ipass == 0) ? *TheFB.m_SndVols : *TheFB.m_RcvVols;

	for (CopyComTag::MapOfCopyComTagContainers::iterator 
		 it  = tmpTags.begin(), 
		 End = tmpTags.end();   it != End; ++it)
	    const int key = it->first;
	    std::vector<CopyComTag>& cctv = it->second;

	    // We need to fix the order so that the send and recv processes match.
	    std::sort(cctv.begin(), cctv.end());

	    std::vector<CopyComTag> new_cctv;

	    for (std::vector<CopyComTag>::const_iterator 
		     it2  = cctv.begin(),
		     End2 = cctv.end();   it2 != End2; ++it2)
		const Box& bx = it2->box;

		std::vector<Box> boxes;
		int vol = 0;

		if (si.m_cross) {
		    const Box& dstfabbx = ba[it2->fabIndex];
		    for (int dir = 0; dir < BL_SPACEDIM; dir++)
			Box lo = dstfabbx;
			lo.setSmall(dir, dstfabbx.smallEnd(dir) - ng);
			lo.setBig  (dir, dstfabbx.smallEnd(dir) - 1);
			lo &= bx;
			if (lo.ok()) {
			    vol += lo.numPts();

			Box hi = dstfabbx;
			hi.setSmall(dir, dstfabbx.bigEnd(dir) + 1);
			hi.setBig  (dir, dstfabbx.bigEnd(dir) + ng);
			hi &= bx;
			if (hi.ok()) {
			    vol += hi.numPts();
		} else {
		    vol += bx.numPts();

		Vols[key] += vol;

		for (std::vector<Box>::const_iterator 
			 it_bx  = boxes.begin(),
			 End_bx = boxes.end();    it_bx != End_bx; ++it_bx)
		    const BoxList tilelist(*it_bx, FabArrayBase::comm_tile_size);
		    for (BoxList::const_iterator 
			     it_tile  = tilelist.begin(), 
			     End_tile = tilelist.end();   it_tile != End_tile; ++it_tile)
			new_cctv.push_back(CopyComTag(*it_tile, it2->fabIndex, it2->srcIndex));


    return cache_it;