void repro_source_after_append_code()
    Branch branch;

    Term* target = branch.compile("target = {}");

    branch.eval("bm = branch_ref(target)");

    branch.eval("bm.append_code({ 1  +  1 })");

    test_equals(get_branch_source_text(nested_contents(target)), " 1  +  1 ");
void test_if_joining_on_bool()
    // The following code once had a bug where cond wouldn't work
    // if one of its inputs was missing value.
    Branch branch;
    caValue* s = branch.eval("hey = true");

    test_assert(s->value_data.ptr != NULL);

    branch.eval("if false { hey = false }");


    test_assert(branch["hey"]->asBool() == true);
void test_if_joining()
    Branch branch;

    // Test that a name defined in one branch is not rebound in outer scope
    branch.eval("if true { apple = 5 }");

    // Test that a name which exists in the outer scope is rebound
    Term* original_banana = create_int(&branch, 10, "banana");
    branch.eval("if true { banana = 15 }");
    test_assert(branch["banana"] != original_banana);

    // Test that if a name is defined in both 'if' and 'else' branches, that it gets
    // defined in the outer scope.
    branch.eval("if true { Cardiff = 5 } else { Cardiff = 11 }");

    // Test that the type of the joined name is correct
    branch.compile("if true { a = 4 } else { a = 5 }; a = a");
    test_equals(get_output_type(branch["a"])->name, "int");