bool VertexBufferInterface::directStoragePossible(const gl::VertexAttribute &attrib,
                                                  const gl::VertexAttribCurrentValueData &currentValue) const
    gl::Buffer *buffer = attrib.mBoundBuffer.get();
    BufferStorage *storage = buffer ? buffer->getStorage() : NULL;

    if (!storage || !storage->supportsDirectBinding())
        return false;

    // Alignment restrictions: In D3D, vertex data must be aligned to
    //  the format stride, or to a 4-byte boundary, whichever is smaller.
    //  (Undocumented, and experimentally confirmed)
    size_t alignment = 4;
    bool requiresConversion = false;

    if (attrib.mType != GL_FLOAT)
        gl::VertexFormat vertexFormat(attrib, currentValue.Type);

        unsigned int outputElementSize;
        getVertexBuffer()->getSpaceRequired(attrib, 1, 0, &outputElementSize);
        alignment = std::min<size_t>(outputElementSize, 4);

        requiresConversion = (mRenderer->getVertexConversionType(vertexFormat) & VERTEX_CONVERT_CPU) != 0;

    bool isAligned = (static_cast<size_t>(attrib.stride()) % alignment == 0) &&
                     (static_cast<size_t>(attrib.mOffset) % alignment == 0);

    return !requiresConversion && isAligned;
static bool directStoragePossible(VertexBufferInterface* vb, const gl::VertexAttribute& attrib)
    gl::Buffer *buffer = attrib.mBoundBuffer.get();
    BufferStorage *storage = buffer ? buffer->getStorage() : NULL;

    const bool isAligned = (attrib.stride() % 4 == 0) && (attrib.mOffset % 4 == 0);

    return storage && storage->supportsDirectBinding() && !vb->getVertexBuffer()->requiresConversion(attrib) && isAligned;
void Buffer11::markTransformFeedbackUsage()
    BufferStorage *transformFeedbackStorage = getBufferStorage(BUFFER_USAGE_VERTEX_OR_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK);

    if (transformFeedbackStorage)
        transformFeedbackStorage->setDataRevision(transformFeedbackStorage->getDataRevision() + 1);

gl::Error Buffer11::copySubData(BufferImpl* source, GLintptr sourceOffset, GLintptr destOffset, GLsizeiptr size)
    Buffer11 *sourceBuffer = makeBuffer11(source);
    ASSERT(sourceBuffer != NULL);

    BufferStorage *copyDest = getLatestBufferStorage();
    if (!copyDest)
        copyDest = getStagingStorage();

    BufferStorage *copySource = sourceBuffer->getLatestBufferStorage();

    if (!copySource || !copyDest)
        return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to allocate internal staging buffer.");

    // If copying to/from a pixel pack buffer, we must have a staging or
    // pack buffer partner, because other native buffers can't be mapped
    if (copyDest->getUsage() == BUFFER_USAGE_PIXEL_PACK && !copySource->isMappable())
        copySource = sourceBuffer->getStagingStorage();
    else if (copySource->getUsage() == BUFFER_USAGE_PIXEL_PACK && !copyDest->isMappable())
        copyDest = getStagingStorage();

    // D3D11 does not allow overlapped copies until 11.1, and only if the
    // device supports D3D11_FEATURE_DATA_D3D11_OPTIONS::CopyWithOverlap
    // Get around this via a different source buffer
    if (copySource == copyDest)
        if (copySource->getUsage() == BUFFER_USAGE_STAGING)
            copySource = getBufferStorage(BUFFER_USAGE_VERTEX_OR_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK);
            copySource = getStagingStorage();

    copyDest->copyFromStorage(copySource, sourceOffset, size, destOffset);
    copyDest->setDataRevision(copyDest->getDataRevision() + 1);

    mSize = std::max<size_t>(mSize, destOffset + size);

    return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR);
bool VertexBuffer11::storeVertexAttributes(const gl::VertexAttribute &attrib, GLint start, GLsizei count,
                                           GLsizei instances, unsigned int offset)
    if (mBuffer)
        gl::Buffer *buffer = attrib.mBoundBuffer.get();

        int inputStride = attrib.stride();
        const VertexConverter &converter = getVertexConversion(attrib);

        ID3D11DeviceContext *dxContext = mRenderer->getDeviceContext();

        D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE mappedResource;
        HRESULT result = dxContext->Map(mBuffer, 0, D3D11_MAP_WRITE_NO_OVERWRITE, 0, &mappedResource);
        if (FAILED(result))
            ERR("Vertex buffer map failed with error 0x%08x", result);
            return false;

        char* output = reinterpret_cast<char*>(mappedResource.pData) + offset;

        const char *input = NULL;
        if (buffer)
            BufferStorage *storage = buffer->getStorage();
            input = static_cast<const char*>(storage->getData()) + static_cast<int>(attrib.mOffset);
            input = static_cast<const char*>(attrib.mPointer);

        if (instances == 0 || attrib.mDivisor == 0)
            input += inputStride * start;

        converter.conversionFunc(input, inputStride, count, output);

        dxContext->Unmap(mBuffer, 0);

        return true;
        ERR("Vertex buffer not initialized.");
        return false;
int MicroDisplayControler::FreeRunning(MicroDisplayInit& mdi, BufferStorage& s)
	if (MicroDisplayControler::StartGrabbing(mdi) < 0)
		return -1;
	frameindex_t lastPicNr = 0;
	cv::Mat OriginalImage;
		lastPicNr = Fg_getLastPicNumberBlockingEx(mdi.fg, lastPicNr + 1, mdi.nCamPort, 100, mdi.pMem0);
		if (lastPicNr < 0){
			int status = 0;
			Fg_stopAcquireEx(mdi.fg, mdi.nCamPort, mdi.pMem0, 0);
			Fg_FreeMemEx(mdi.fg, mdi.pMem0);
			return -1;
		unsigned char *bytePtr = (unsigned char*)Fg_getImagePtrEx(mdi.fg, lastPicNr, 0, mdi.pMem0);
		if (mdi.nId != -1)
			::DrawBuffer(mdi.nId, Fg_getImagePtrEx(mdi.fg, lastPicNr, 0, mdi.pMem0), (int)lastPicNr, "");
		if (mdi.colorType == mdi.GRAY)
			OriginalImage = cv::Mat(mdi.height, mdi.width, CV_8U, bytePtr);
			OriginalImage = cv::Mat(mdi.height, mdi.width, CV_8UC3, bytePtr);
	} while (!s.AddFrame(OriginalImage));
	return 0;
gl::Error Buffer11::packPixels(ID3D11Texture2D *srcTexture, UINT srcSubresource, const PackPixelsParams &params)
    PackStorage *packStorage = getPackStorage();
    BufferStorage *latestStorage = getLatestBufferStorage();

    if (packStorage)
        gl::Error error = packStorage->packPixels(srcTexture, srcSubresource, params);
        if (error.isError())
            return error;
        packStorage->setDataRevision(latestStorage ? latestStorage->getDataRevision() + 1 : 1);

    return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR);
int VirtualCamera::FreeRunning(MicroDisplayInit& mdi, BufferStorage& s)
	EndFlag = false;
	BufferIndex = 0;
	cv::Mat OriginalImage;
	} while (!s.AddFrame(GetNext()));
	return 0;
Buffer11::BufferStorage *Buffer11::getLatestBufferStorage() const
    // Even though we iterate over all the direct buffers, it is expected that only
    // 1 or 2 will be present.
    BufferStorage *latestStorage = NULL;
    DataRevision latestRevision = 0;
    for (auto it = mBufferStorages.begin(); it != mBufferStorages.end(); it++)
        BufferStorage *storage = it->second;
        if (!latestStorage || storage->getDataRevision() > latestRevision)
            latestStorage = storage;
            latestRevision = storage->getDataRevision();

    // resize buffer
    if (latestStorage && latestStorage->getSize() < mSize)
        if (latestStorage->resize(mSize, true).isError())
            // Out of memory error
            return NULL;

    return latestStorage;
gl::Error Buffer11::map(size_t offset, size_t length, GLbitfield access, GLvoid **mapPtr)

    BufferStorage *latestStorage = getLatestBufferStorage();
    if (latestStorage &&
        (latestStorage->getUsage() == BUFFER_USAGE_PIXEL_PACK ||
         latestStorage->getUsage() == BUFFER_USAGE_STAGING))
        // Latest storage is mappable.
        mMappedStorage = latestStorage;
        // Fall back to using the staging buffer if the latest storage does
        // not exist or is not CPU-accessible.
        mMappedStorage = getStagingStorage();

    if (!mMappedStorage)
        return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to allocate mappable internal buffer.");

    if ((access & GL_MAP_WRITE_BIT) > 0)
        // Update the data revision immediately, since the data might be changed at any time
        mMappedStorage->setDataRevision(mMappedStorage->getDataRevision() + 1);

    uint8_t *mappedBuffer = mMappedStorage->map(offset, length, access);
    if (!mappedBuffer)
        return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to map internal buffer.");

    *mapPtr = static_cast<GLvoid *>(mappedBuffer);
    return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR);
gl::Error Buffer11::setSubData(const void *data, size_t size, size_t offset)
    size_t requiredSize = size + offset;

    if (data && size > 0)
        // Use system memory storage for dynamic buffers.

        BufferStorage *writeBuffer = nullptr;
        if (supportsDirectBinding())
            writeBuffer = getStagingStorage();

            if (!writeBuffer)
                return gl::Error(GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Failed to allocate internal buffer.");
            SystemMemoryStorage *systemMemoryStorage = nullptr;
            gl::Error error = getSystemMemoryStorage(&systemMemoryStorage);
            if (error.isError())
                return error;

            writeBuffer = systemMemoryStorage;


        // Explicitly resize the staging buffer, preserving data if the new data will not
        // completely fill the buffer
        if (writeBuffer->getSize() < requiredSize)
            bool preserveData = (offset > 0);
            gl::Error error = writeBuffer->resize(requiredSize, preserveData);
            if (error.isError())
                return error;

        writeBuffer->setData(static_cast<const uint8_t *>(data), offset, size);
        writeBuffer->setDataRevision(writeBuffer->getDataRevision() + 1);

    mSize = std::max(mSize, requiredSize);

    return gl::Error(GL_NO_ERROR);
GLenum VertexDataManager::prepareVertexData(const gl::VertexAttribute attribs[], gl::ProgramBinary *programBinary, GLint start, GLsizei count, TranslatedAttribute *translated, GLsizei instances)
    if (!mStreamingBuffer)
        return GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    for (int attributeIndex = 0; attributeIndex < gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; attributeIndex++)
        translated[attributeIndex].active = (programBinary->getSemanticIndex(attributeIndex) != -1);

    // Invalidate static buffers that don't contain matching attributes
    for (int i = 0; i < gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; i++)
        if (translated[i].active && attribs[i].mArrayEnabled)
            gl::Buffer *buffer = attribs[i].mBoundBuffer.get();
            StaticVertexBufferInterface *staticBuffer = buffer ? buffer->getStaticVertexBuffer() : NULL;

            if (staticBuffer && staticBuffer->getBufferSize() > 0 && staticBuffer->lookupAttribute(attribs[i]) == -1 &&
                !directStoragePossible(staticBuffer, attribs[i]))

    // Reserve the required space in the buffers
    for (int i = 0; i < gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; i++)
        if (translated[i].active && attribs[i].mArrayEnabled)
            gl::Buffer *buffer = attribs[i].mBoundBuffer.get();
            StaticVertexBufferInterface *staticBuffer = buffer ? buffer->getStaticVertexBuffer() : NULL;
            VertexBufferInterface *vertexBuffer = staticBuffer ? staticBuffer : static_cast<VertexBufferInterface*>(mStreamingBuffer);

            if (!directStoragePossible(vertexBuffer, attribs[i]))
                if (staticBuffer)
                    if (staticBuffer->getBufferSize() == 0)
                        int totalCount = elementsInBuffer(attribs[i], buffer->size());
                        if (!staticBuffer->reserveVertexSpace(attribs[i], totalCount, 0))
                            return GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
                    if (!mStreamingBuffer->reserveVertexSpace(attribs[i], count, instances))
                        return GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    // Perform the vertex data translations
    for (int i = 0; i < gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; i++)
        if (translated[i].active)
            if (attribs[i].mArrayEnabled)
                gl::Buffer *buffer = attribs[i].mBoundBuffer.get();

                if (!buffer && attribs[i].mPointer == NULL)
                    // This is an application error that would normally result in a crash, but we catch it and return an error
                    ERR("An enabled vertex array has no buffer and no pointer.");
                    return GL_INVALID_OPERATION;

                StaticVertexBufferInterface *staticBuffer = buffer ? buffer->getStaticVertexBuffer() : NULL;
                VertexBufferInterface *vertexBuffer = staticBuffer ? staticBuffer : static_cast<VertexBufferInterface*>(mStreamingBuffer);

                BufferStorage *storage = buffer ? buffer->getStorage() : NULL;
                bool directStorage = directStoragePossible(vertexBuffer, attribs[i]);

                std::size_t streamOffset = -1;
                unsigned int outputElementSize = 0;

                if (directStorage)
                    outputElementSize = attribs[i].stride();
                    streamOffset = attribs[i].mOffset + outputElementSize * start;
                else if (staticBuffer)
                    streamOffset = staticBuffer->lookupAttribute(attribs[i]);
                    outputElementSize = staticBuffer->getVertexBuffer()->getSpaceRequired(attribs[i], 1, 0);

                    if (streamOffset == -1)
                        // Convert the entire buffer
                        int totalCount = elementsInBuffer(attribs[i], storage->getSize());
                        int startIndex = attribs[i].mOffset / attribs[i].stride();

                        streamOffset = staticBuffer->storeVertexAttributes(attribs[i], -startIndex, totalCount, 0);

                    if (streamOffset != -1)
                        streamOffset += (attribs[i].mOffset / attribs[i].stride()) * outputElementSize;

                        if (instances == 0 || attribs[i].mDivisor == 0)
                            streamOffset += start * outputElementSize;
                    outputElementSize = mStreamingBuffer->getVertexBuffer()->getSpaceRequired(attribs[i], 1, 0);
                    streamOffset = mStreamingBuffer->storeVertexAttributes(attribs[i], start, count, instances);

                if (streamOffset == -1)
                    return GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

                translated[i].storage = directStorage ? storage : NULL;
                translated[i].vertexBuffer = vertexBuffer->getVertexBuffer();
                translated[i].serial = directStorage ? storage->getSerial() : vertexBuffer->getSerial();
                translated[i].divisor = attribs[i].mDivisor;

                translated[i].attribute = &attribs[i];
                translated[i].stride = outputElementSize;
                translated[i].offset = streamOffset;
                if (!mCurrentValueBuffer[i])
                    mCurrentValueBuffer[i] = new StreamingVertexBufferInterface(mRenderer, CONSTANT_VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE);

                StreamingVertexBufferInterface *buffer = mCurrentValueBuffer[i];

                if (mCurrentValue[i][0] != attribs[i].mCurrentValue[0] ||
                    mCurrentValue[i][1] != attribs[i].mCurrentValue[1] ||
                    mCurrentValue[i][2] != attribs[i].mCurrentValue[2] ||
                    mCurrentValue[i][3] != attribs[i].mCurrentValue[3])
                    unsigned int requiredSpace = sizeof(float) * 4;
                    if (!buffer->reserveRawDataSpace(requiredSpace))
                        return GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
                    int streamOffset = buffer->storeRawData(attribs[i].mCurrentValue, requiredSpace);
                    if (streamOffset == -1)
                        return GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

                    mCurrentValueOffsets[i] = streamOffset;

                translated[i].storage = NULL;
                translated[i].vertexBuffer = mCurrentValueBuffer[i]->getVertexBuffer();
                translated[i].serial = mCurrentValueBuffer[i]->getSerial();
                translated[i].divisor = 0;

                translated[i].attribute = &attribs[i];
                translated[i].stride = 0;
                translated[i].offset = mCurrentValueOffsets[i];

    for (int i = 0; i < gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; i++)
        if (translated[i].active && attribs[i].mArrayEnabled)
            gl::Buffer *buffer = attribs[i].mBoundBuffer.get();

            if (buffer)
                buffer->promoteStaticUsage(count * attribs[i].typeSize());

    return GL_NO_ERROR;
Buffer11::BufferStorage *Buffer11::getBufferStorage(BufferUsage usage)
    BufferStorage *newStorage = NULL;
    auto directBufferIt = mBufferStorages.find(usage);
    if (directBufferIt != mBufferStorages.end())
        newStorage = directBufferIt->second;

    if (!newStorage)
        if (usage == BUFFER_USAGE_PIXEL_PACK)
            newStorage = new PackStorage(mRenderer);
        else if (usage == BUFFER_USAGE_SYSTEM_MEMORY)
            newStorage = new SystemMemoryStorage(mRenderer);
            mHasSystemMemoryStorage = true;
            // buffer is not allocated, create it
            newStorage = new NativeStorage(mRenderer, usage);

        mBufferStorages.insert(std::make_pair(usage, newStorage));

    // resize buffer
    if (newStorage->getSize() < mSize)
        if (newStorage->resize(mSize, true).isError())
            // Out of memory error
            return NULL;

    BufferStorage *latestBuffer = getLatestBufferStorage();
    if (latestBuffer && latestBuffer->getDataRevision() > newStorage->getDataRevision())
        // Copy through a staging buffer if we're copying from or to a non-staging, mappable
        // buffer storage. This is because we can't map a GPU buffer, and copy CPU
        // data directly. If we're already using a staging buffer we're fine.
        if (latestBuffer->getUsage() != BUFFER_USAGE_STAGING &&
            newStorage->getUsage() != BUFFER_USAGE_STAGING &&
            (!latestBuffer->isMappable() || !newStorage->isMappable()))
            NativeStorage *stagingBuffer = getStagingStorage();

            stagingBuffer->copyFromStorage(latestBuffer, 0, latestBuffer->getSize(), 0);

            latestBuffer = stagingBuffer;

        // if copyFromStorage returns true, the D3D buffer has been recreated
        // and we should update our serial
        if (newStorage->copyFromStorage(latestBuffer, 0, latestBuffer->getSize(), 0))

    return newStorage;
GLenum VertexDataManager::prepareVertexData(const gl::VertexAttribute attribs[], const gl::VertexAttribCurrentValueData currentValues[],
                                            gl::ProgramBinary *programBinary, GLint start, GLsizei count, TranslatedAttribute *translated, GLsizei instances)
    if (!mStreamingBuffer)
        return GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    for (int attributeIndex = 0; attributeIndex < gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; attributeIndex++)
        translated[attributeIndex].active = (programBinary->getSemanticIndex(attributeIndex) != -1);

    // Invalidate static buffers that don't contain matching attributes
    for (int i = 0; i < gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; i++)
        if (translated[i].active && attribs[i].mArrayEnabled)
            gl::Buffer *buffer = attribs[i].mBoundBuffer.get();
            StaticVertexBufferInterface *staticBuffer = buffer ? buffer->getStaticVertexBuffer() : NULL;

            if (staticBuffer && staticBuffer->getBufferSize() > 0 && !staticBuffer->lookupAttribute(attribs[i], NULL) &&
                !staticBuffer->directStoragePossible(attribs[i], currentValues[i]))

    // Reserve the required space in the buffers
    for (int i = 0; i < gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; i++)
        if (translated[i].active && attribs[i].mArrayEnabled)
            gl::Buffer *buffer = attribs[i].mBoundBuffer.get();
            StaticVertexBufferInterface *staticBuffer = buffer ? buffer->getStaticVertexBuffer() : NULL;
            VertexBufferInterface *vertexBuffer = staticBuffer ? staticBuffer : static_cast<VertexBufferInterface*>(mStreamingBuffer);

            if (!vertexBuffer->directStoragePossible(attribs[i], currentValues[i]))
                if (staticBuffer)
                    if (staticBuffer->getBufferSize() == 0)
                        int totalCount = ElementsInBuffer(attribs[i], buffer->size());
                        if (!staticBuffer->reserveVertexSpace(attribs[i], totalCount, 0))
                            return GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
                    int totalCount = StreamingBufferElementCount(attribs[i], count, instances);

                    // [OpenGL ES 3.0.2] section 2.9.4 page 40:
                    // We can return INVALID_OPERATION if our vertex attribute does not have enough backing data.
                    if (buffer && ElementsInBuffer(attribs[i], buffer->size()) < totalCount)
                        return GL_INVALID_OPERATION;

                    if (!mStreamingBuffer->reserveVertexSpace(attribs[i], totalCount, instances))
                        return GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    // Perform the vertex data translations
    for (int i = 0; i < gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; i++)
        if (translated[i].active)
            if (attribs[i].mArrayEnabled)
                gl::Buffer *buffer = attribs[i].mBoundBuffer.get();

                if (!buffer && attribs[i].mPointer == NULL)
                    // This is an application error that would normally result in a crash, but we catch it and return an error
                    ERR("An enabled vertex array has no buffer and no pointer.");
                    return GL_INVALID_OPERATION;

                StaticVertexBufferInterface *staticBuffer = buffer ? buffer->getStaticVertexBuffer() : NULL;
                VertexBufferInterface *vertexBuffer = staticBuffer ? staticBuffer : static_cast<VertexBufferInterface*>(mStreamingBuffer);

                BufferStorage *storage = buffer ? buffer->getStorage() : NULL;
                bool directStorage = vertexBuffer->directStoragePossible(attribs[i], currentValues[i]);

                unsigned int streamOffset = 0;
                unsigned int outputElementSize = 0;

                if (directStorage)
                    outputElementSize = attribs[i].stride();
                    streamOffset = attribs[i].mOffset + outputElementSize * start;
                else if (staticBuffer)
                    if (!staticBuffer->getVertexBuffer()->getSpaceRequired(attribs[i], 1, 0, &outputElementSize))
                        return GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

                    if (!staticBuffer->lookupAttribute(attribs[i], &streamOffset))
                        // Convert the entire buffer
                        int totalCount = ElementsInBuffer(attribs[i], storage->getSize());
                        int startIndex = attribs[i].mOffset / attribs[i].stride();

                        if (!staticBuffer->storeVertexAttributes(attribs[i], currentValues[i], -startIndex, totalCount,
                                                                 0, &streamOffset))
                            return GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

                    unsigned int firstElementOffset = (attribs[i].mOffset / attribs[i].stride()) * outputElementSize;
                    unsigned int startOffset = (instances == 0 || attribs[i].mDivisor == 0) ? start * outputElementSize : 0;
                    if (streamOffset + firstElementOffset + startOffset < streamOffset)
                        return GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

                    streamOffset += firstElementOffset + startOffset;
                    int totalCount = StreamingBufferElementCount(attribs[i], count, instances);
                    if (!mStreamingBuffer->getVertexBuffer()->getSpaceRequired(attribs[i], 1, 0, &outputElementSize) ||
                        !mStreamingBuffer->storeVertexAttributes(attribs[i], currentValues[i], start, totalCount, instances,
                        return GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

                translated[i].storage = directStorage ? storage : NULL;
                translated[i].vertexBuffer = vertexBuffer->getVertexBuffer();
                translated[i].serial = directStorage ? storage->getSerial() : vertexBuffer->getSerial();
                translated[i].divisor = attribs[i].mDivisor;

                translated[i].attribute = &attribs[i];
                translated[i].currentValueType = currentValues[i].Type;
                translated[i].stride = outputElementSize;
                translated[i].offset = streamOffset;
                if (!mCurrentValueBuffer[i])
                    mCurrentValueBuffer[i] = new StreamingVertexBufferInterface(mRenderer, CONSTANT_VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE);

                StreamingVertexBufferInterface *buffer = mCurrentValueBuffer[i];

                if (mCurrentValue[i] != currentValues[i])
                    if (!buffer->reserveVertexSpace(attribs[i], 1, 0))
                        return GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

                    unsigned int streamOffset;
                    if (!buffer->storeVertexAttributes(attribs[i], currentValues[i], 0, 1, 0, &streamOffset))
                        return GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

                    mCurrentValue[i] = currentValues[i];
                    mCurrentValueOffsets[i] = streamOffset;

                translated[i].storage = NULL;
                translated[i].vertexBuffer = mCurrentValueBuffer[i]->getVertexBuffer();
                translated[i].serial = mCurrentValueBuffer[i]->getSerial();
                translated[i].divisor = 0;

                translated[i].attribute = &attribs[i];
                translated[i].currentValueType = currentValues[i].Type;
                translated[i].stride = 0;
                translated[i].offset = mCurrentValueOffsets[i];

    for (int i = 0; i < gl::MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS; i++)
        if (translated[i].active && attribs[i].mArrayEnabled)
            gl::Buffer *buffer = attribs[i].mBoundBuffer.get();

            if (buffer)
                buffer->promoteStaticUsage(count * attribs[i].typeSize());

    return GL_NO_ERROR;
GLenum IndexDataManager::prepareIndexData(GLenum type, GLsizei count, gl::Buffer *buffer, const GLvoid *indices, TranslatedIndexData *translated)
    if (!mStreamingBufferShort)
        return GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

    GLenum destinationIndexType = (type == GL_UNSIGNED_INT) ? GL_UNSIGNED_INT : GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT;
    unsigned int offset = 0;
    bool alignedOffset = false;

    BufferStorage *storage = NULL;

    if (buffer != NULL)
        if (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(indices) > std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max())
            return GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
        offset = static_cast<unsigned int>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(indices));

        storage = buffer->getStorage();

        switch (type)
          case GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE:  alignedOffset = (offset % sizeof(GLubyte) == 0);  break;
          case GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: alignedOffset = (offset % sizeof(GLushort) == 0); break;
          case GL_UNSIGNED_INT:   alignedOffset = (offset % sizeof(GLuint) == 0);   break;
          default: UNREACHABLE(); alignedOffset = false;

        unsigned int typeSize = gl::GetTypeBytes(type);

        // check for integer overflows
        if (static_cast<unsigned int>(count) > (std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max() / typeSize) ||
            typeSize * static_cast<unsigned int>(count) + offset < offset)
            return GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

        if (typeSize * static_cast<unsigned int>(count) + offset > storage->getSize())
            return GL_INVALID_OPERATION;

        indices = static_cast<const GLubyte*>(storage->getData()) + offset;

    StreamingIndexBufferInterface *streamingBuffer = (type == GL_UNSIGNED_INT) ? mStreamingBufferInt : mStreamingBufferShort;

    StaticIndexBufferInterface *staticBuffer = buffer ? buffer->getStaticIndexBuffer() : NULL;
    IndexBufferInterface *indexBuffer = streamingBuffer;
    bool directStorage = alignedOffset && storage && storage->supportsDirectBinding() &&
                         destinationIndexType == type;
    unsigned int streamOffset = 0;

    if (directStorage)
        indexBuffer = streamingBuffer;
        streamOffset = offset;

        if (!buffer->getIndexRangeCache()->findRange(type, offset, count, &translated->minIndex,
                                                     &translated->maxIndex, NULL))
            computeRange(type, indices, count, &translated->minIndex, &translated->maxIndex);
            buffer->getIndexRangeCache()->addRange(type, offset, count, translated->minIndex,
                                                   translated->maxIndex, offset);
    else if (staticBuffer && staticBuffer->getBufferSize() != 0 && staticBuffer->getIndexType() == type && alignedOffset)
        indexBuffer = staticBuffer;

        if (!staticBuffer->getIndexRangeCache()->findRange(type, offset, count, &translated->minIndex,
                                                           &translated->maxIndex, &streamOffset))
            streamOffset = (offset / gl::GetTypeBytes(type)) * gl::GetTypeBytes(destinationIndexType);
            computeRange(type, indices, count, &translated->minIndex, &translated->maxIndex);
            staticBuffer->getIndexRangeCache()->addRange(type, offset, count, translated->minIndex,
                                                         translated->maxIndex, streamOffset);
        unsigned int convertCount = count;

        if (staticBuffer)
            if (staticBuffer->getBufferSize() == 0 && alignedOffset)
                indexBuffer = staticBuffer;
                convertCount = storage->getSize() / gl::GetTypeBytes(type);
                staticBuffer = NULL;

        if (!indexBuffer)
            ERR("No valid index buffer.");
            return GL_INVALID_OPERATION;

        unsigned int indexTypeSize = gl::GetTypeBytes(destinationIndexType);
        if (convertCount > std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max() / indexTypeSize)
            ERR("Reserving %u indicies of %u bytes each exceeds the maximum buffer size.", convertCount, indexTypeSize);
            return GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

        unsigned int bufferSizeRequired = convertCount * indexTypeSize;
        if (!indexBuffer->reserveBufferSpace(bufferSizeRequired, type))
            ERR("Failed to reserve %u bytes in an index buffer.", bufferSizeRequired);
            return GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

        void* output = NULL;
        if (!indexBuffer->mapBuffer(bufferSizeRequired, &output, &streamOffset))
            ERR("Failed to map index buffer.");
            return GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

        convertIndices(type, staticBuffer ? storage->getData() : indices, convertCount, output);

        if (!indexBuffer->unmapBuffer())
            ERR("Failed to unmap index buffer.");
            return GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY;

        computeRange(type, indices, count, &translated->minIndex, &translated->maxIndex);

        if (staticBuffer)
            streamOffset = (offset / gl::GetTypeBytes(type)) * gl::GetTypeBytes(destinationIndexType);
            staticBuffer->getIndexRangeCache()->addRange(type, offset, count, translated->minIndex,
                                                         translated->maxIndex, streamOffset);

    translated->storage = directStorage ? storage : NULL;
    translated->indexBuffer = indexBuffer->getIndexBuffer();
    translated->serial = directStorage ? storage->getSerial() : indexBuffer->getSerial();
    translated->startIndex = streamOffset / gl::GetTypeBytes(destinationIndexType);
    translated->startOffset = streamOffset;

    if (buffer)
        buffer->promoteStaticUsage(count * gl::GetTypeBytes(type));

    return GL_NO_ERROR;