void clang::bugreporter::registerTrackNullOrUndefValue(BugReporterContext& BRC,
        const void *data,
        const ExplodedNode* N) {

    const Stmt *S = static_cast<const Stmt*>(data);

    if (!S)

    GRStateManager &StateMgr = BRC.getStateManager();
    const GRState *state = N->getState();

    if (const DeclRefExpr *DR = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(S)) {
        if (const VarDecl *VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(DR->getDecl())) {
            const VarRegion *R =
                StateMgr.getRegionManager().getVarRegion(VD, N->getLocationContext());

            // What did we load?
            SVal V = state->getSVal(S);

            if (isa<loc::ConcreteInt>(V) || isa<nonloc::ConcreteInt>(V)
                    || V.isUndef()) {
                ::registerFindLastStore(BRC, R, V);

    SVal V = state->getSValAsScalarOrLoc(S);

    // Uncomment this to find cases where we aren't properly getting the
    // base value that was dereferenced.
    // assert(!V.isUnknownOrUndef());

    // Is it a symbolic value?
    if (loc::MemRegionVal *L = dyn_cast<loc::MemRegionVal>(&V)) {
        const SubRegion *R = cast<SubRegion>(L->getRegion());
        while (R && !isa<SymbolicRegion>(R)) {
            R = dyn_cast<SubRegion>(R->getSuperRegion());

        if (R) {
            registerTrackConstraint(BRC, loc::MemRegionVal(R), false);
RefLeakReportVisitor::getEndPath(BugReporterContext &BRC,
                                   const ExplodedNode *EndN, BugReport &BR) {

  // Tell the BugReporterContext to report cases when the tracked symbol is
  // assigned to different variables, etc.

  // We are reporting a leak.  Walk up the graph to get to the first node where
  // the symbol appeared, and also get the first VarDecl that tracked object
  // is stored to.
  AllocationInfo AllocI = GetAllocationSite(BRC.getStateManager(), EndN, Sym);

  const MemRegion* FirstBinding = AllocI.R;

  SourceManager& SM = BRC.getSourceManager();

  // Compute an actual location for the leak.  Sometimes a leak doesn't
  // occur at an actual statement (e.g., transition between blocks; end
  // of function) so we need to walk the graph and compute a real location.
  const ExplodedNode *LeakN = EndN;
  PathDiagnosticLocation L = PathDiagnosticLocation::createEndOfPath(LeakN, SM);

  std::string sbuf;
  llvm::raw_string_ostream os(sbuf);

  os << "Object leaked: ";

  Optional<std::string> RegionDescription = describeRegion(FirstBinding);
  if (RegionDescription) {
    os << "object allocated and stored into '" << *RegionDescription << '\'';
  } else {
    os << "allocated object of type '" << getPrettyTypeName(Sym->getType())
       << "'";

  // Get the retain count.
  const RefVal* RV = getRefBinding(EndN->getState(), Sym);

  if (RV->getKind() == RefVal::ErrorLeakReturned) {
    // FIXME: Per comments in rdar://6320065, "create" only applies to CF
    // objects.  Only "copy", "alloc", "retain" and "new" transfer ownership
    // to the caller for NS objects.
    const Decl *D = &EndN->getCodeDecl();

    os << (isa<ObjCMethodDecl>(D) ? " is returned from a method "
                                  : " is returned from a function ");

    if (D->hasAttr<CFReturnsNotRetainedAttr>()) {
      os << "that is annotated as CF_RETURNS_NOT_RETAINED";
    } else if (D->hasAttr<NSReturnsNotRetainedAttr>()) {
      os << "that is annotated as NS_RETURNS_NOT_RETAINED";
    } else if (D->hasAttr<OSReturnsNotRetainedAttr>()) {
      os << "that is annotated as OS_RETURNS_NOT_RETAINED";
    } else {
      if (const ObjCMethodDecl *MD = dyn_cast<ObjCMethodDecl>(D)) {
        if (BRC.getASTContext().getLangOpts().ObjCAutoRefCount) {
          os << "managed by Automatic Reference Counting";
        } else {
          os << "whose name ('" << MD->getSelector().getAsString()
             << "') does not start with "
                "'copy', 'mutableCopy', 'alloc' or 'new'."
                "  This violates the naming convention rules"
                " given in the Memory Management Guide for Cocoa";
      } else {
        const FunctionDecl *FD = cast<FunctionDecl>(D);
        os << "whose name ('" << *FD
           << "') does not contain 'Copy' or 'Create'.  This violates the naming"
              " convention rules given in the Memory Management Guide for Core"
              " Foundation";
  } else {
    os << " is not referenced later in this execution path and has a retain "
          "count of +" << RV->getCount();

  return std::make_shared<PathDiagnosticEventPiece>(L, os.str());
RefCountReportVisitor::VisitNode(const ExplodedNode *N,
                              BugReporterContext &BRC, BugReport &BR) {

  const SourceManager &SM = BRC.getSourceManager();
  CallEventManager &CEMgr = BRC.getStateManager().getCallEventManager();
  if (auto CE = N->getLocationAs<CallExitBegin>())
    if (auto PD = annotateConsumedSummaryMismatch(N, *CE, SM, CEMgr))
      return PD;

  // FIXME: We will eventually need to handle non-statement-based events
  // (__attribute__((cleanup))).
  if (!N->getLocation().getAs<StmtPoint>())
    return nullptr;

  // Check if the type state has changed.
  const ExplodedNode *PrevNode = N->getFirstPred();
  ProgramStateRef PrevSt = PrevNode->getState();
  ProgramStateRef CurrSt = N->getState();
  const LocationContext *LCtx = N->getLocationContext();

  const RefVal* CurrT = getRefBinding(CurrSt, Sym);
  if (!CurrT) return nullptr;

  const RefVal &CurrV = *CurrT;
  const RefVal *PrevT = getRefBinding(PrevSt, Sym);

  // Create a string buffer to constain all the useful things we want
  // to tell the user.
  std::string sbuf;
  llvm::raw_string_ostream os(sbuf);

  // This is the allocation site since the previous node had no bindings
  // for this symbol.
  if (!PrevT) {
    const Stmt *S = N->getLocation().castAs<StmtPoint>().getStmt();

    if (isa<ObjCIvarRefExpr>(S) &&
        isSynthesizedAccessor(LCtx->getStackFrame())) {
      S = LCtx->getStackFrame()->getCallSite();

    if (isa<ObjCArrayLiteral>(S)) {
      os << "NSArray literal is an object with a +0 retain count";
    } else if (isa<ObjCDictionaryLiteral>(S)) {
      os << "NSDictionary literal is an object with a +0 retain count";
    } else if (const ObjCBoxedExpr *BL = dyn_cast<ObjCBoxedExpr>(S)) {
      if (isNumericLiteralExpression(BL->getSubExpr()))
        os << "NSNumber literal is an object with a +0 retain count";
      else {
        const ObjCInterfaceDecl *BoxClass = nullptr;
        if (const ObjCMethodDecl *Method = BL->getBoxingMethod())
          BoxClass = Method->getClassInterface();

        // We should always be able to find the boxing class interface,
        // but consider this future-proofing.
        if (BoxClass) {
          os << *BoxClass << " b";
        } else {
          os << "B";

        os << "oxed expression produces an object with a +0 retain count";
    } else if (isa<ObjCIvarRefExpr>(S)) {
      os << "Object loaded from instance variable";
    } else {
      generateDiagnosticsForCallLike(CurrSt, LCtx, CurrV, Sym, S, os);

    PathDiagnosticLocation Pos(S, SM, N->getLocationContext());
    return std::make_shared<PathDiagnosticEventPiece>(Pos, os.str());

  // Gather up the effects that were performed on the object at this
  // program point
  bool DeallocSent = false;

  if (N->getLocation().getTag() &&
          RetainCountChecker::DeallocTagDescription)) {
    // We only have summaries attached to nodes after evaluating CallExpr and
    // ObjCMessageExprs.
    const Stmt *S = N->getLocation().castAs<StmtPoint>().getStmt();

    if (const CallExpr *CE = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(S)) {
      // Iterate through the parameter expressions and see if the symbol
      // was ever passed as an argument.
      unsigned i = 0;

      for (auto AI=CE->arg_begin(), AE=CE->arg_end(); AI!=AE; ++AI, ++i) {

        // Retrieve the value of the argument.  Is it the symbol
        // we are interested in?
        if (CurrSt->getSValAsScalarOrLoc(*AI, LCtx).getAsLocSymbol() != Sym)

        // We have an argument.  Get the effect!
        DeallocSent = true;
    } else if (const ObjCMessageExpr *ME = dyn_cast<ObjCMessageExpr>(S)) {
      if (const Expr *receiver = ME->getInstanceReceiver()) {
        if (CurrSt->getSValAsScalarOrLoc(receiver, LCtx)
              .getAsLocSymbol() == Sym) {
          // The symbol we are tracking is the receiver.
          DeallocSent = true;

  if (!shouldGenerateNote(os, PrevT, CurrV, DeallocSent))
    return nullptr;

  if (os.str().empty())
    return nullptr; // We have nothing to say!

  const Stmt *S = N->getLocation().castAs<StmtPoint>().getStmt();
  PathDiagnosticLocation Pos(S, BRC.getSourceManager(),
  auto P = std::make_shared<PathDiagnosticEventPiece>(Pos, os.str());

  // Add the range by scanning the children of the statement for any bindings
  // to Sym.
  for (const Stmt *Child : S->children())
    if (const Expr *Exp = dyn_cast_or_null<Expr>(Child))
      if (CurrSt->getSValAsScalarOrLoc(Exp, LCtx).getAsLocSymbol() == Sym) {

  return std::move(P);