CameraInfo* CMUCamera::getCameraInfos(int deviceNumber) { #ifdef AVG_ENABLE_CMU1394 C1394Camera* pCamera = new C1394Camera(); int err = pCamera->RefreshCameraList(); if (err <= 0) { return 0; } err = pCamera->SelectCamera(deviceNumber); if (err != CAM_SUCCESS) { AVG_ASSERT(false); } pCamera->InitCamera(true); long long uniqueID; pCamera->GetCameraUniqueID((PLARGE_INTEGER)&uniqueID); stringstream deviceID; deviceID << uniqueID; CameraInfo* pCamInfo = new CameraInfo("Firewire", deviceID.str()); getCameraImageFormats(pCamera, pCamInfo); getCameraControls(pCamera, pCamInfo); delete pCamera; return pCamInfo; #endif return NULL; }
bool Sync1394Camera::InitCamera(int cameraID, SyncCamParams m_config, float x_offset, float y_offset, float yaw_offset, float fudge) { C1394Camera* camptr; isRunning = false; Sync1394Camera::config = m_config; int effWidth = config.partialWidth; int effHeight = config.partialHeight; camptr = &camera; if (config.isColor) size = effWidth * effHeight * 3; else size = effWidth * effHeight; if (config.BitDepth16) size *= 2; buf = new unsigned char[size]; if(camptr->RefreshCameraList() == 0 ) { printf("RefreshCameraList failed.\n"); return false; } if (cameraID == 0) { start_tick = clock(); } //artagLoc->initARtagPose(640, 480, 200.0, x_offset, y_offset, yaw_offset, fudge); artagLoc->initARtagPose(640, 480, 180.0, x_offset, y_offset, yaw_offset, fudge); //artagLoc->initARtagPose(640, 480, 160.0, x_offset, y_offset, yaw_offset, fudge); if(camptr->SelectCamera(cameraID)!=CAM_SUCCESS) { printf("Could not select camera\n" ); return false; } camId = cameraID; if(camptr->InitCamera(true)!=CAM_SUCCESS) { printf("Could not init camera\n" ); return false; } if(camptr->SetVideoFormat(config.videoFormat)!=CAM_SUCCESS) { printf("Could not SetVideoFormat on camera\n" ); } if(camptr->SetVideoMode(config.videoMode)!=CAM_SUCCESS) { printf("Could not SetVideoMode on camera\n"); } if (config.usePartialScan == false) { if(camptr->SetVideoFrameRate(config.videoFrameRate)!=CAM_SUCCESS) { printf("Could not set video frame rate!"); return false; } //30 fps } else if (config.usePartialScan) { unsigned short w, h; C1394CameraControlSize* p_size_control = camptr->GetCameraControlSize(); p_size_control->GetSizeLimits(&w, &h); if ((w>effWidth) || (h>effHeight)) { printf("FATAL: Bad Partial Scan Size Specified! Specified w:%d h:%d, Max: w:%d h:%d",effWidth,effHeight,w,h); return false; } if (config.isColor) { if( p_size_control->SetColorCode(COLOR_CODE_YUV422) != CAM_SUCCESS ) { printf("SetColorCode failed.\n"); return false; } } else { if( p_size_control->SetColorCode(config.BitDepth16?COLOR_CODE_Y16:COLOR_CODE_Y8) != CAM_SUCCESS ) { printf("SetColorCode failed (BW).\n"); return false; } } if( p_size_control->SetSize(effWidth,effHeight) != CAM_SUCCESS ) { printf("SetSize failed.\n"); return false; } if( p_size_control->SetPos(config.partialLeft,config.partialTop) != CAM_SUCCESS ) { printf("SetPos failed.\n"); return false; } if (p_size_control->SetBytesPerPacket (config.bytesPerPacket) != CAM_SUCCESS) { printf("SetBytesPerPacket failed.\n"); return false; } float interval=0.0; p_size_control->GetFrameInterval (&interval); if (((float)config.syncFPS) > (1.0f/interval)) { printf("WARNING: SyncFPS (%f) is greater than the actual camera FPS (%f)\n",(float)config.syncFPS,(1.0f/interval)); } printf("Frame Interval is: %f",interval); } if (config.isSlave) { printf("Using SLAVE configuration.\n"); } if (!config.AutoGain) { C1394CameraControl* ctrl = camptr->GetCameraControl (FEATURE_GAIN); if (ctrl->SetAutoMode(false) != CAM_SUCCESS) { printf("Gain SetManualMode failed.\n"); } ctrl->SetValue(GAINVAL); if (ctrl->StatusAutoMode() == true) { printf("I HAVE AUTOGAIN ASSHOLE"); } unsigned short gainval = 0; ctrl->GetValue(&gainval); if (DEBUG_SYNC1394) printf("gain: %d\n",gainval); } else { C1394CameraControl* ctrl = camptr->GetCameraControl (FEATURE_GAIN); ctrl->SetValue(GAINVAL); if (ctrl->SetAutoMode(true) != CAM_SUCCESS) { printf("Gain SetAutoMode failed.\n"); } if (ctrl->StatusAutoMode() == true) { if (DEBUG_SYNC1394) printf("AutoGain successfully set!\n"); } } minGain=0; maxGain=0; GetGainMinMax( camptr, &minGain, &maxGain); if (DEBUG_SYNC1394) printf("Min gain: %d, Max gain: %d\n",minGain,maxGain); if (!config.AutoShutter) { C1394CameraControl* ctrl = camptr->GetCameraControl (FEATURE_SHUTTER); if (ctrl->SetAutoMode(false) != CAM_SUCCESS) { printf("Shutter SetManualMode failed.\n"); } ctrl->SetValue(SHUTTERVAL); /*if (ctrl->SetValue(530) != CAM_SUCCESS) { printf("Shutter SetValue failed.\n"); }*/ if (ctrl->StatusAutoMode() == true) { printf("I HAVE AUTOSHUTTER ASSHOLE"); } } else { C1394CameraControl* ctrl = camptr->GetCameraControl (FEATURE_SHUTTER); ctrl->SetValue(SHUTTERVAL); if (ctrl->SetAutoMode(true) != CAM_SUCCESS) { printf("Shutter SetAutoMode failed.\n"); } if (ctrl->StatusAutoMode() == true) { if (DEBUG_SYNC1394) printf("AutoShutter successfully set!\n"); } } if (!config.AutoBrightness) { C1394CameraControl* ctrl = camptr->GetCameraControl (FEATURE_BRIGHTNESS); if (ctrl->SetAutoMode(false) != CAM_SUCCESS) { printf("Brightness SetManualMode failed.\n"); } ctrl->SetValue(154); if (ctrl->StatusAutoMode() == true) { printf("I HAVE AUTOBRIGHTNESS ASSHOLE"); } unsigned short bval = 0; ctrl->GetValue(&bval); if (DEBUG_SYNC1394) printf("brightness: %d\n",bval); } else { C1394CameraControl* ctrl = camptr->GetCameraControl (FEATURE_BRIGHTNESS); ctrl->SetValue(154); if (ctrl->SetAutoMode(true) != CAM_SUCCESS) { printf("Brightness SetAutoMode failed.\n"); } if (ctrl->StatusAutoMode() == true) { if (DEBUG_SYNC1394) printf("AutoBrightness successfully set!\n"); } } if (config.gammaEnable) { C1394CameraControl* ctrl = camptr->GetCameraControl (FEATURE_GAMMA); if (ctrl->SetOnOff(true) != CAM_SUCCESS) { printf("Gamma SetOnOff failed.\n"); } if (ctrl->SetValue(1) != CAM_SUCCESS) { printf("Gamma SetValue failed.\n"); } } minShutter=0; maxShutter=0; GetShutterMinMax(camptr, &minShutter, &maxShutter); if (DEBUG_SYNC1394) printf("Min shutter: %d, Max shutter: %d\n",minShutter,maxShutter); if (config.adjWB) { C1394CameraControl* ctrl = camptr->GetCameraControl (FEATURE_WHITE_BALANCE); if (ctrl->SetValue(WHITEBALANCE_VALUE1,WHITEBALANCE_VALUE2) != CAM_SUCCESS) { printf("WhiteBalance SetValue failed.\n"); } } printf("Completed Init of Camera %d\n", camId); if (config.eTrigEnabled) { C1394CameraControlTrigger* trig = camptr->GetCameraControlTrigger(); if (trig->SetTriggerSource (config.syncCamInput)!=CAM_SUCCESS) printf("Could Not Set Trigger Source!\n"); else { if (trig->SetMode (0)) printf("Could Not Set Trigger Mode!\n"); else { if (trig->SetOnOff (true)) printf("Could Not Set Trigger ON!\n"); else { trig->Status(); printf("External Trigger Initialized.\n"); } } } } else { if (config.syncEnabled) { udp_params paramsRX = udp_params(); paramsRX.remote_ip = inet_addr(UDP_BROADCAST_IP); paramsRX.local_port = UDP_BROADCAST_PORT; paramsRX.reuse_addr = 1; try { udpRX = new udp_connection(paramsRX); } catch (exception) { printf("Couldn't init UDP RX on %s:%d \n",UDP_BROADCAST_IP,paramsRX.local_port); return false; } udpRX->set_callback(MakeDelegate(this,&Sync1394Camera::UDPCallback), udpRX); udp_params paramsTX = udp_params(); try { udpTX = new udp_connection(paramsTX); } catch (exception) { printf("Couldn't init UDP TX on port %d\n",paramsTX.local_port); return false; } if (config.isSlave == false) { char regmsg[] = {CAMERA_MSG_REGISTER, config.syncID & 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,(paramsRX.local_port>>8)&0xff, paramsRX.local_port&0xff}; //register message udpTX->send_message (regmsg,8,UDP_CONTROL_IP,UDP_CONTROL_PORT); Sleep(100); char fpsmsg[] = {CAMERA_MSG_SETFPS, config.syncID & 0xff, config.syncFPS &0xff}; udpTX->send_message (fpsmsg,3,UDP_CONTROL_IP,UDP_CONTROL_PORT); Sleep(100); char initmsg[] = {CAMERA_START, config.syncID & 0xFF}; //start message udpTX->send_message (initmsg,2,UDP_CONTROL_IP,UDP_CONTROL_PORT); if (config.ghettoSync == false) { C1394CameraControlTrigger* trig = camptr->GetCameraControlTrigger (); unsigned short modein=0; unsigned short modeparam =0; unsigned short trigsrc=0; if (trig->SetTriggerSource (config.syncCamInput)!=CAM_SUCCESS) printf("Could Not Set Trigger Source!\n"); if (trig->SetMode (0)) printf("Could Not Set Trigger Mode!\n"); if (trig->SetOnOff (true)) printf("Could Not Set Trigger ON!\n"); } } if (DEBUG_SYNC1394) printf("Timing Initialized.\n"); }
int main() { unsigned int totalSent = 0, totalReceived = 0, totalNonMatching = 0; C1394Camera theCamera; theCamera.CheckLink(); theCamera.SelectCamera(0); theCamera.InitCamera(1); theCamera.SIOConfigPort(300,8,1,0); theCamera.SIOEnable(1,1); unsigned char ibuf[64],obuf[64]; for(int ii = 0; ii < 26; ++ii) { obuf[ii] = 'a' + ii; obuf[ii+26] = 'A' + ii; if(ii < 10) { obuf[ii+52] = '0' + ii; } } obuf[62]='+'; obuf[63]='-'; for(int rounds=0; rounds<2; rounds++) { for(int ii = 0; ii<64; ++ii) { int ret = theCamera.SIOWriteBytes(obuf,ii+1); printf("Wrote %d of %d bytes\n",ret,ii+1); totalSent += ret; bool mustReset = false; for(int jj=0; jj <ii+1; ) { Sleep(10); ret = theCamera.SIOReadBytes(ibuf+jj,64-jj); totalReceived += ret; StatusByte statusByte; theCamera.GetSIOStatusByte((unsigned char *)&statusByte); //printf(" -> Read back %d bytes (status = %s):\n",ret,FormatStatusString(statusByte)); for(int kk = 0; kk < ret; ++kk) { if(ibuf[jj+kk] != obuf[jj+kk]) { printf(" -> Match Fail: (%02x != %02x) : %s\n",(unsigned int)ibuf[jj+kk],(unsigned int)obuf[jj+kk],FormatStatusString(statusByte)); ++totalNonMatching; mustReset = true; } } jj += ret; } if(mustReset) { theCamera.SIOEnable(1,1); } } } printf("Loopback Tests Complete: Sent %d, Received %d, Errors = %d (%.1f%%)\n", totalSent,totalReceived,totalNonMatching,100.0 * (double)(totalNonMatching) / (double)(totalReceived)); unsigned long ulConfigRegister; theCamera.GetSIOConfig(&ulConfigRegister); printf(" - Config register = %08x -\n",ulConfigRegister); return 0; }