void	CAABBox::computeIntersection(const CAABBox &b1, const CAABBox &b2)
	CVector	min1 = b1.getMin(), max1 = b1.getMax(),
			min2 = b2.getMin(), max2 = b2.getMax();
	CVector	minr, maxr;

	// don't test if intersect or not.
	maxr.minof(max1, max2);
	minr.maxof(min1, min2);

	setMinMax(minr, maxr);
CAABBox CAABBox::computeAABBoxUnion(const CAABBox &b1, const CAABBox &b2)
	CAABBox result;
	CVector min, max;
	CVector min1 = b1.getMin()
		    ,max1 = b1.getMax()
			,min2 = b2.getMin()
		    ,max2 = b2.getMax();
	max.maxof(max1, max2);
	min.minof(min1, min2);
	result.setMinMax(min, max);
	return result;
 *		render()
void	CPrimChecker::render(CPrimZone *zone, uint8 bits)
	if (zone->VPoints.size() < 3)

	string	name;
	if (zone->getPropertyByName("name", name) && Verbose)
		nlinfo("Rendering CPrimZone '%s'", name.c_str());

	// get the bouding box of the CPrimZone
	CAABBox	box;


	uint	i;
	for (i=1; i<zone->VPoints.size(); ++i)

	sint32	xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;

	xmin = (sint32)(floor(box.getMin().x));
	ymin = (sint32)(floor(box.getMin().y));

	xmax = (sint32)(ceil(box.getMax().x));
	ymax = (sint32)(ceil(box.getMax().y));

	// Fill grid with points that belong to the CPrimZone
	sint32	x, y;
	for (y=ymin; y<=ymax; ++y)
		for (x=xmin; x<=xmax; ++x)
			if (zone->contains(CVector((float)x, (float)y, 0.0f)))
				_Grid.set(x, y, bits);
CAABBox CAABBox::transformAABBox(const CMatrix &mat, const CAABBox &box)
	// TODO : optimize this a bit if possible...
	CAABBox result;

	/* OMG. Old code was false!!
		if we have ht= M * h
		then CVector(-ht.x, ht.y, ht.z) != M * CVector(-h.x, h.y, h.z) !!!!
	// compute corners.
	CVector	p[8];
	CVector	min= box.getMin();
	CVector	max= box.getMax();
	p[0].set(min.x, min.y, min.z);
	p[1].set(max.x, min.y, min.z);
	p[2].set(min.x, max.y, min.z);
	p[3].set(max.x, max.y, min.z);
	p[4].set(min.x, min.y, max.z);
	p[5].set(max.x, min.y, max.z);
	p[6].set(min.x, max.y, max.z);
	p[7].set(max.x, max.y, max.z);
	CVector tmp;
	min = max = mat * p[0];
	// transform corners.
	for(uint i=1;i<8;i++)
		tmp= mat * p[i];
		min.minof(min, tmp);
		max.maxof(max, tmp);

	result.setMinMax(min, max);

	return result;
// ***************************************************************************
bool			CAABBox::intersect(const CAABBox &box) const
	CVector	mina = getMin(), maxa = getMax(),
			minb = box.getMin(), maxb = box.getMax();

	return ! ( mina.x > maxb.x ||
			   mina.y > maxb.y ||
			   mina.z > maxb.z ||
			   minb.x > maxa.x ||
			   minb.y > maxa.y ||
			   minb.z > maxa.z);
文件: main.cpp 项目: mixxit/solinia
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	// Filter addSearchPath
	InfoLog->addNegativeFilter("adding the path");


		// Init

		uint	i, j, k;

		for (i=0; i<IGs.size(); ++i)
			// load ig associated to the zone
			string			igName = IGs[i]+".ig";
			CIFile			igStream(CPath::lookup(igName));
			CInstanceGroup	ig;

			CAABBox			igBBox;
			bool			boxSet = false;

			nlinfo("Generating BBOX for %s", igName.c_str());

			// search in group for water instance
			for (j=0; j<ig._InstancesInfos.size(); ++j)
				   Ben: c'est degueulasse, mais c'est les coders a la 3D, y savent pas coder
				   Hld: ouai, mais ca marche pas ton truc, alors p'tet qu'on sait pas coder mais toi non plus :p Special Dedicace to SupaGreg!
				string	shapeName = ig._InstancesInfos[j].Name+".shape";
				string	shapeName = ig._InstancesInfos[j].Name;
				if (CFile::getExtension (shapeName) == "")
					shapeName += ".shape";

				if (NonWaterShapes.find(shapeName) != NonWaterShapes.end())

				string	shapeNameLookup = CPath::lookup (shapeName, false, false);
				if (!shapeNameLookup.empty())
					CIFile			f;
					if (f.open (shapeNameLookup))
						CShapeStream	shape;

						CWaterShape	*wshape = dynamic_cast<CWaterShape *>(shape.getShapePointer());
						if (wshape == NULL)

						CMatrix	matrix;
						ig.getInstanceMatrix(j, matrix);

						CPolygon			wpoly;

						for (k=0; k<wpoly.Vertices.size(); ++k)
							if (boxSet)
								igBBox.extend(matrix * wpoly.Vertices[k]);
								igBBox.setCenter(matrix * wpoly.Vertices[k]);
								boxSet = true;
						nlwarning ("Can't load shape %s", shapeNameLookup.c_str());

			if (boxSet)
				Boxes.push_back(CIGBox(igName, igBBox));
				nlinfo("Bbox: (%.1f,%.1f)-(%.1f,%.1f)", igBBox.getMin().x, igBBox.getMin().y, igBBox.getMax().x, igBBox.getMax().y);

		COFile	output(Output);
	catch (Exception &e)
		fprintf (stderr,"main trapped an exception: '%s'\n", e.what ());
#ifndef NL_DEBUG
	catch (...)
		fprintf(stderr,"main trapped an unknown exception\n");
#endif // NL_DEBUG

	return 0;
/**  Check a zone and report the total number of errors
static uint CheckZone(std::string middleZoneFile, float weldThreshold, float middleEdgeWeldThreshold)
	uint numErrors = 0;
	uint k, l, m, n, p, q;	// some loop counters	
	// This avoid reporting errors twice (for readability)
	std::set<CPatchIdentPair> errorPairs;

	// Load the zones around  //

		std::auto_ptr<CZone>		zones[9];
		std::string					zoneNames[9];
		CZoneInfo					zoneInfos[9];				
		uint16  xPos, yPos;
		const sint16 posOffs[][2] = { {0, 0}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}, {0, 1}, {-1, 1}, {-1, 0}, {-1, -1}, {0, -1}, {1, -1} };

		std::string middleZoneName = CFile::getFilenameWithoutExtension(middleZoneFile);
		::getZoneCoordByName(middleZoneName.c_str(), xPos, yPos);
			std::string ext = CFile::getExtension(middleZoneFile);
			zones[0].reset(::LoadZone(xPos, yPos, ext.empty() ? "" : "." + ext));
			if (zones[0].get() == NULL)
				nlwarning("Can't load zone  %s", middleZoneName.c_str());
				return 0;
			for (uint k = 1; k < 9; ++k)
				zones[k].reset(::LoadZone(xPos + posOffs[k][0], yPos + posOffs[k][1], ext.empty() ? "" : "." + ext));
		catch (NLMISC::Exception &e)
			nlinfo("Zones loading failed : %d", e.what());
			return 0;
	// retrieve datas from zones //

		for (k = 0; k < 9; ++k)
			::getZoneNameByCoord(xPos + posOffs[k][0], yPos + posOffs[k][1], zoneNames[k]);			
			if (zones[k].get() != NULL) zones[k]->retrieve(zoneInfos[k]);

		// fill the quad grid
		CAABBox zoneBBox = zones[0]->getZoneBB().getAABBox();
		float zoneSize = 2.f * weldThreshold + std::max(zoneBBox.getMax().x - zoneBBox.getMin().x,
														 zoneBBox.getMax().y - zoneBBox.getMin().y);
		TPVQuadGrid qg;
		const uint numQGElt = 128;
		qg.create(numQGElt, zoneSize / numQGElt);

		// insert vertices in quadgrid
		for (k = 0; k < 9; ++k)
			for (l = 0; l < zoneInfos[k].Patchs.size(); ++l)
				CPatchInfo &patch = zoneInfos[k].Patchs[l];
				// for each base vertex of the patch
				for (m = 0; m < 4; ++m)
					CVector &pos = patch.Patch.Vertices[m];
					CBSphere s(pos, weldThreshold);
					if (zoneBBox.intersect(s)) // does this vertex and its zone of influence intersect the bbox ?
						CVector half(weldThreshold, weldThreshold, weldThreshold);
						// yes, insert it in the tree
						qg.insert(pos - half, pos + half, CPatchVertexInfo(k, l, m, pos));

	// check wether each patch is correctly bound //

	for (l = 0; l < zoneInfos[0].Patchs.size(); ++l)
		CPatchInfo &patch = zoneInfos[0].Patchs[l];
		// deals with each border
		for (m = 0; m < 4; ++m)
			// if this border is said to be bound, no need to test..
			if (patch.BindEdges[m].NPatchs == 0)
				// maps from an index to  a (s, t) couple
				static const float indexToST[][2] = {{0, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 0}};

				// index of this border vertices
				const uint vIndex[]  = { m, (m + 1) & 0x03 };

				bool errorFound = false;

				static TPVVect verts[2];

				// Get vertices from other patch that could be welded with this patch boder's vertices.
				for (q = 0; q < 2; ++q)
					//nlinfo("pos = %f, %f, %f", patch.Patch.Vertices[vIndex[q]].x, patch.Patch.Vertices[vIndex[q]].y, patch.Patch.Vertices[vIndex[q]].z);
					::GetCandidateVertices(patch.Patch.Vertices[vIndex[q]], qg, verts[q], l, 0, weldThreshold);

				// 1 - 1 connectivity ?  //
				// If there is a patch that is present in the 2 lists, then this is a 1-1 error
				for (n = 0; n < verts[0].size() && !errorFound; ++n)
					for (p = 0; p < verts[1].size() && !errorFound; ++p)
						if (verts[0][n]->ZoneIndex == verts[1][p]->ZoneIndex
							&& verts[0][n]->PatchIndex == verts[1][p]->PatchIndex)
							CPatchIdent pi1(0, l);
							CPatchIdent pi2(verts[0][n]->ZoneIndex, verts[0][n]->PatchIndex);
							CPatchIdentPair errPair = std::make_pair(pi1, pi2);
							if (std::find(errorPairs.begin(), errorPairs.end(), errPair) == errorPairs.end()) // error already displayed ?
								nlinfo("**** Patch %d of zone %s has 1 - 1 connectivity error, try binding it with patch %d of zone %s",
										l + 1, middleZoneName.c_str(), verts[0][n]->PatchIndex + 1, zoneNames[verts[0][n]->ZoneIndex].c_str());										
								errorPairs.insert(std::make_pair(pi2, pi1));
							errorFound = true;
				if (errorFound) continue;

				// 1 - 2 connectivity ? //
				// get the position at the middle of that border
				CVector middlePos = patch.Patch.eval( 0.5f * (indexToST[vIndex[0]][0] + indexToST[vIndex[1]][0]),
													  0.5f * (indexToST[vIndex[0]][1] + indexToST[vIndex[1]][1]) );						

				// for each vertex of this border
				for (q = 0; q < 2 && !errorFound; ++q)
					for (n = 0; n < verts[q].size() && !errorFound; ++n)
						const CPatchVertexInfo &pv = *(verts[q][n]);
						// ref to the patch that share a vertex with this one
						const CBezierPatch &bPatch = zoneInfos[pv.ZoneIndex].Patchs[pv.PatchIndex].Patch;
						sint vertIndex = ::GetWeldableVertex(bPatch, pv.Pos, weldThreshold);
						nlassert(vertIndex != -1); // should found one..
						// Follow this patch edge and see if the next / previous vertex could be welded with the middle
						const CVector &nextVertPos = bPatch.Vertices[(vertIndex +  1) & 0x03];
						const CVector &prevVertPos = bPatch.Vertices[(vertIndex -  1) & 0x03];
						if (::CanWeld(nextVertPos, middlePos, middleEdgeWeldThreshold)
							|| ::CanWeld(prevVertPos, middlePos, middleEdgeWeldThreshold)
							CPatchIdent pi1(0, l);
							CPatchIdent pi2(pv.ZoneIndex, pv.PatchIndex);
							CPatchIdentPair errPair = std::make_pair(pi1, pi2);
							if (std::find(errorPairs.begin(), errorPairs.end(), errPair) == errorPairs.end()) // error already displayed ?
								nlinfo("**** Patch %d of zone %s has 1 - 2 connectivity error, try binding it with patch %d of zone %s",
										l + 1, middleZoneName.c_str(), pv.PatchIndex + 1, zoneNames[pv.ZoneIndex].c_str());										
								errorPairs.insert(std::make_pair(pi2, pi1));

							errorFound = true;
				if (errorFound) continue;						
				// 1 - 4 connectivity ? //
				// compute points along the border.
				CVector borderPos[5];
				float lambda = 0.f;
				for (n = 0; n < 5; ++n)
					borderPos[n] = patch.Patch.eval((1.f - lambda) * indexToST[vIndex[0]][0] + lambda * indexToST[vIndex[1]][0],
													(1.f - lambda) * indexToST[vIndex[0]][1] + lambda * indexToST[vIndex[1]][1]);
					lambda += 0.25f;
				// Try to find a patch that shares 2 consecutives vertices
				for (k = 0; k < 4 && !errorFound; ++k)
					::GetCandidateVertices(borderPos[k], qg, verts[0], l, 0, middleEdgeWeldThreshold); 
					for (p = 0; p < verts[0].size() && !errorFound; ++p)
						const CPatchVertexInfo &pv = *(verts[0][p]);
						// ref to the patch that share a vertex with this one
						const CBezierPatch &bPatch = zoneInfos[pv.ZoneIndex].Patchs[pv.PatchIndex].Patch;
						sint vertIndex = ::GetWeldableVertex(bPatch, pv.Pos, weldThreshold);
						nlassert(vertIndex != -1); // should found one..
						// Follow this patch edge and see if the next/ previous  vertex could be welded with the next point
						const CVector &nextVertPos = bPatch.Vertices[(vertIndex +  1) & 0x03];
						const CVector &prevVertPos = bPatch.Vertices[(vertIndex -  1) & 0x03];

						if (::CanWeld(nextVertPos, borderPos[k + 1], middleEdgeWeldThreshold)
							|| 	::CanWeld(prevVertPos, borderPos[k + 1], middleEdgeWeldThreshold)
							CPatchIdent pi1(0, l);
							CPatchIdent pi2(pv.ZoneIndex, pv.PatchIndex);
							CPatchIdentPair errPair = std::make_pair(pi1, pi2);
							if (std::find(errorPairs.begin(), errorPairs.end(), errPair) == errorPairs.end()) // error already displayed ?
								nlinfo("**** Patch %d of zone %s has 1 - 4 connectivity error, try binding it with patch %d of zone %s",
									   l + 1, middleZoneName.c_str(), pv.PatchIndex + 1, zoneNames[pv.ZoneIndex].c_str());										
								errorPairs.insert(std::make_pair(pi2, pi1));
							errorFound = true;
	if (numErrors != 0)
		nlinfo("%d errors found", numErrors);
	return numErrors;
void UpdatePrimitives ()
	// Get the tools window
	CMainFrame *mainWnd = getMainFrame ();
	if (mainWnd)
		CToolsLogic *toolWnd = dynamic_cast<CToolsLogic*>(getMainFrame ()->m_wndSplitter.GetPane(0,1));

		// Sort the list
		static vector<CDatabaseLocatorPointer>	toSort;
		toSort.clear ();

		CWorldEditorDoc *doc = getDocument ();
		std::list<NLLIGO::IPrimitive*>::iterator ite = ModifiedPrimitive.begin ();
		while (ite != ModifiedPrimitive.end ())
			CDatabaseLocatorPointer locator;
			doc->getLocator (locator, *ite);
			toSort.push_back (locator);
		sort (toSort.begin (), toSort.end ());

		// For each modified primitive 
		sint i;
		sint count = (sint)toSort.size ();
		for (i=count-1; i>=0; i--)
			CDatabaseLocatorPointer locator;
			doc->getLocator (locator, toSort[i].Primitive);
			IPrimitiveEditor *primitiveEditor = getPrimitiveEditor (const_cast<IPrimitive*>(toSort[i].Primitive));

			// Logic tree structure modified ?
			if (primitiveEditor->_Channels & LogicTreeStruct)
				// Remove from the tree
				primitiveEditor->removeFromLogicTree ();

		// Selection is changed ?
		bool selectionChanged = false;

		// For each modified primitive 
		for (i=0; i<count; i++)
			const IPrimitive *primitive = toSort[i].Primitive;
			CDatabaseLocatorPointer locator;
			doc->getLocator (locator, primitive);
			IPrimitiveEditor *primitiveEditor = getPrimitiveEditor (const_cast<IPrimitive*>(primitive));

			// Quad grid ?
			if (primitiveEditor->_Channels & QuadTree)
				// Remove from the container
				primitiveEditor->removeFromQuadGrid ();

				// Num points
				uint pointCount = (primitive)->getNumVector ();
				if (pointCount > 0)
					// Point pointer
					const CPrimVector *points = (primitive)->getPrimVector ();

					// BBox
					CAABBox	bbox;
					bbox.setCenter (points[0]);

					// Extend the bbox
					uint j;
					for (j=1; j<pointCount; j++)
						bbox.extend (points[j]);

					// Insert in the quadtree
					primitiveEditor->_QuadIterator = PrimitiveQuadGrid.insert (bbox.getMin (), bbox.getMax (), const_cast<IPrimitive*> (primitive));

					// Get the linked primitives
					const IPrimitive* linkedPrimitive = theApp.Config.getLinkedPrimitive (*primitive);

					// Is this primitive linked with another one ?
					if (linkedPrimitive)
						IPrimitiveEditor *primitiveEditorLinked = getPrimitiveEditor (const_cast<IPrimitive*>(linkedPrimitive));
						if (linkedPrimitive->getNumVector () > 0)
							bbox.setCenter (points[0]);
							bbox.extend (linkedPrimitive->getPrimVector ()[0]);

							// Insert in the quadtree
							primitiveEditor->_QuadIteratorLink = PrimitiveQuadGrid.insert (bbox.getMin (), bbox.getMax (), CQuadGridEntry 
								(const_cast<IPrimitive*> (primitive), const_cast<IPrimitive*> (linkedPrimitive)));

				// Validate
				primitiveEditor->_Channels &= ~QuadTree;

			// Logic tree structure ?
			if (primitiveEditor->_Channels & LogicTreeStruct)
				// Add the primitive
				AddPrimitivesLogicTree (locator, primitiveEditor, toolWnd);

				// The flag is validated by AddPrimitivesLogicTree

			// Logic tree parameters ?
			if (primitiveEditor->_Channels & LogicTreeParam)
				// Update tree item parameters
				if (toolWnd)
					toolWnd->updatePrimitive (primitiveEditor->_TreeItem, locator);

				// Validate
				primitiveEditor->_Channels &= ~LogicTreeParam;

			// Selection ?
			if (primitiveEditor->_Channels & _SelectionSelectState)
				// Update the selection
				UpdatePrimitiveSelection (primitiveEditor, locator, selectionChanged);

				// Validate
				primitiveEditor->_Channels &= ~_SelectionSelectState;

			// Remove from the modified list
			nlassert (primitiveEditor->_Channels == 0);
			ModifiedPrimitive.erase (primitiveEditor->_ModifiedIterator);
			primitiveEditor->_ModifiedIterator = ModifiedPrimitive.end ();

		/*// Change dialog selection ?
		if (selectionChanged)
			if ( pDlg )
				pDlg->changeSelection (Selection);
		nlassert (ModifiedPrimitive.size ()==0);
bool CExportNel::mirrorPhysiqueSelection(INode &node, TimeValue tvTime, const std::vector<uint> &vertIn, 
		float threshold)
	bool	ok;
	uint	i;

	// no vertices selected?
		return true;

	// **** Get all the skeleton node 
	std::vector<INode*>		skeletonNodes;
	INode	*skelRoot= getSkeletonRootBone(node);
		return false;
	getObjectNodes(skeletonNodes, tvTime, skelRoot);

	// **** Build the Vector (world) part
	std::vector<CTempSkinVertex>	tempVertex;
	uint	vertCount;

	// Get a pointer on the object's node.
    ObjectState os = node.EvalWorldState(tvTime);
    Object *obj = os.obj;

	// Check if there is an object
	ok= false;
	if (obj)

		// Object can be converted in triObject ?
		if (obj->CanConvertToType(Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0))) 
			// Get a triobject from the node
			TriObject *tri = (TriObject*)obj->ConvertToType(tvTime, Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0));
			if (tri)
				// Note that the TriObject should only be deleted
				// if the pointer to it is not equal to the object
				// pointer that called ConvertToType()
				bool deleteIt=false;
				if (obj != tri) 
					deleteIt = true;

				// Get the node matrix. TODO: Matrix headhache?
				/*Matrix3 nodeMatrixMax;
				CMatrix nodeMatrix;
				getLocalMatrix (nodeMatrixMax, node, tvTime);
				convertMatrix (nodeMatrix, nodeMatrixMax);*/

				// retrive Position geometry
				vertCount= tri->NumPoints();
				for(uint i=0;i<vertCount;i++)
					Point3 v= tri->GetPoint(i);
					tempVertex[i].Pos.set(v.x, v.y, v.z);

				// Delete the triObject if we should...
				if (deleteIt)
				tri = NULL;

				// ok!
				ok= true;
		return false;

	// no vertices? abort
		return true;

	// **** Mark all Input vertices
		tempVertex[vertIn[i]].Input= true;

	// **** Build the output vertices
	std::vector<uint>	vertOut;

	// Build the in bbox
	CAABBox		bbox;
	bbox.setHalfSize(bbox.getHalfSize()+CVector(threshold, threshold, threshold));

	// mirror in X
	CVector		vMin= bbox.getMin();
	CVector		vMax= bbox.getMax();
	vMin.x= -vMin.x;
	vMax.x= -vMax.x;
	std::swap(vMin.x, vMax.x);
	bbox.setMinMax(vMin, vMax);

	// get all out vertices in the mirrored bbox.

	// **** Build the skin information
	// Get the skin modifier
	Modifier* skin=getModifier (&node, PHYSIQUE_CLASS_ID);

	// Found it ?
	ok= false;
	if (skin)
		// Get a com_skin2 interface
		IPhysiqueExport *physiqueInterface=(IPhysiqueExport *)skin->GetInterface (I_PHYINTERFACE);

		// Found com_skin2 ?
		if (physiqueInterface)
			// Get local data
			IPhyContextExport *localData= physiqueInterface->GetContextInterface(&node);

			// Found ?
			if (localData)
				// Use rigid export
				localData->ConvertToRigid (TRUE);

				// Allow blending
				localData->AllowBlending (TRUE);

				// Skinned

				// TODO?

				// For each vertex
				for (uint vert=0; vert<vertCount; vert++)
					// Get a vertex interface
					IPhyVertexExport *vertexInterface= localData->GetVertexInterface (vert);

					// Check if it is a rigid vertex or a blended vertex
					IPhyRigidVertex			*rigidInterface=NULL;
					IPhyBlendedRigidVertex	*blendedInterface=NULL;
					int type=vertexInterface->GetVertexType ();
					if (type==RIGID_TYPE)
						// this is a rigid vertex
						// It must be a blendable vertex
						nlassert (type==RIGID_BLENDED_TYPE);

					// Get bones count for this vertex
					uint boneCount;
					if (blendedInterface)
						// If blenvertex, only one bone
						// If rigid vertex, only one bone
						boneCount= TEMP_MAX_WEIGHT;

					// NB: if input 0, won't be mirrored
					tempVertex[vert].NumWeight= boneCount;
					for(uint bone=0;bone<boneCount;bone++)
						if (blendedInterface)
							tempVertex[vert].Bone[bone]= blendedInterface->GetNode(bone);
							tempVertex[vert].Weight[bone]= blendedInterface->GetWeight(bone);
							tempVertex[vert].Bone[bone]= rigidInterface->GetNode();
							tempVertex[vert].Weight[bone]= 1;

					// Release vertex interfaces
					localData->ReleaseVertexInterface (vertexInterface);


			// release context interface

		// Release the interface
		skin->ReleaseInterface (I_PHYINTERFACE, physiqueInterface);
		return false;

	// **** Real Algo stuff:
	// For all vertices wanted to be mirrored
	std::vector<CSortVertex>	sortVert;
		CTempSkinVertex		&svIn= tempVertex[vertIn[i]];
		// if it still has no bones set, skip

		// mirror vert to test
		CVector		vertTest= svIn.Pos;
		vertTest.x*= -1;

		// get the best vertex

		// Search for all output vertices if ones match
		for(uint j=0;j<vertOut.size();j++)
			uint	dstIdx= vertOut[j];
			CTempSkinVertex	&skinv= tempVertex[dstIdx];
			// take only if not an input, and if not already mirrored
			if(!skinv.Input && !skinv.Mirrored)
				CSortVertex		sortv;
				sortv.Index= dstIdx;
				sortv.SqrDist= (skinv.Pos - vertTest).sqrnorm();
				// Finally, take it only if sufficiently near
				if(sortv.SqrDist <= threshold*threshold)

		// if some found.
			// sort array.
			std::sort(sortVert.begin(), sortVert.end());

			// take the first, mirror setup
			uint	dstIdx= sortVert[0].Index;
			tempVertex[dstIdx].NumWeight= svIn.NumWeight;
			for(uint k=0;k<svIn.NumWeight;k++)
				tempVertex[dstIdx].Weight[k]= svIn.Weight[k];
				tempVertex[dstIdx].Bone[k]= getMirrorBone( skeletonNodes, svIn.Bone[k] );

			// mark as mirrored!
			tempVertex[dstIdx].Mirrored= true;

	// **** Write the result to the skin.
	ok= false;
	if (skin)
		// Get a com_skin2 interface
		IPhysiqueImport *physiqueInterface=(IPhysiqueImport *)skin->GetInterface (I_PHYIMPORT);

		// Found com_skin2 ?
		if (physiqueInterface)
			// Get local data
			IPhyContextImport *localData= physiqueInterface->GetContextInterface(&node);

			// TODO?

			// Found ?
			if (localData)
				// Skinned
				for(uint i=0;i<tempVertex.size();i++)
					CTempSkinVertex		&sv= tempVertex[i];

					// if its a mirrored output vertex
						IPhyBlendedRigidVertexImport	*blendedInterface= NULL;
						blendedInterface= (IPhyBlendedRigidVertexImport*)localData->SetVertexInterface(i, RIGID_BLENDED_TYPE);

							// set the vertex data
							for(uint bone=0;bone<sv.NumWeight;bone++)
								blendedInterface->SetWeightedNode(sv.Bone[bone], sv.Weight[bone], bone==0);

							// UI bonus: lock it

							// release

			// release

		// release
		skin->ReleaseInterface(I_PHYIMPORT, physiqueInterface);

	return ok;