void CEnvelopeWizard::InitGraphics(CAGDoc* pPrevDoc) { for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < MAX_NUM_PICTURES; nIndex++) m_pGraphics[nIndex] = NULL; if (!pPrevDoc) return; int nGraphicItem = 0; for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < MAX_PAGES_TO_CHECK; nIndex++) { CAGPage* pPage = pPrevDoc->GetPage(nIndex); if (!pPage) continue; int nLayers = pPage->GetNumLayers(); for (int l = 0; l < nLayers; l++) { CAGLayer* pLayer = pPage->GetLayer(l); if (!pLayer) continue; int nSymbols = pLayer->GetNumSymbols(); for (int i = 0; i < nSymbols; i++) { CAGSym* pSym = (CAGSym*)pLayer->GetSymbol(i); if (!pSym) continue; if (!pSym->IsImage()) continue; CAGSymImage* pImage = (CAGSymImage*)pSym; if (pImage->IsLocked() || pImage->IsDeleted()) continue; CAGSymImage* pNewImage = (CAGSymImage*)pImage->Duplicate(); if (!pNewImage) return; // Add a copy of the image symbol to the list // Be sure to set its location to (0,0) to make it easier to add to the envelope CRect DestRect = pNewImage->GetDestRectTransformed(); DestRect.MoveToXY(0,0); pNewImage->SetDestRect(DestRect); pNewImage->SetMatrix(CAGMatrix()); pNewImage->SetHidden(false); m_pGraphics[nGraphicItem] = pNewImage; nGraphicItem++; } } } }
void CToolsPanelImage2::UpdateControls() { CDocWindow* pDocWindow = m_pCtp->GetDocWindow(); CAGDoc* pAGDoc = (!pDocWindow ? NULL : pDocWindow->GetDoc()); CAGSym* pSym = pDocWindow->GetSelectedItem(); if (!pSym) return; m_ButtonColor.ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); m_ButtonRedeye.ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); if (pDocWindow->GetSelect().SymIsClipArt()) { m_ButtonColor.EnableWindow(true); m_ButtonRedeye.EnableWindow(false); } else { m_ButtonColor.EnableWindow(false); m_ButtonRedeye.EnableWindow(true); } m_ButtonColor.ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); m_ButtonRedeye.ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); if (pSym->IsImage()) { CAGSymImage* pImageSym = (CAGSymImage*)pSym; COLORREF Color = pImageSym->GetLastHitColor(); if (Color == CLR_NONE) return; //Get the text panel and set the color CToolsPanelContainer* pCtlPanel = m_pCtp->GetCtlPanel(TEXT_PANEL); if (pCtlPanel) { CToolsPanelText2* pBotTxtToolsPanel = (CToolsPanelText2*)pCtlPanel->GetBotToolPanel(); if (pBotTxtToolsPanel) pBotTxtToolsPanel->SetFillColor(Color); } } }
bool CFYSPrintDoc::CreateXmlDoc(CString& strOrderId, CString& strCorrId, CString& strFYSInfo, bool bUnpackFiles) { if (!m_pAGDoc) return false; CWaitCursor Wait; Initialize(); if (!CreateDirAndSubDirs()) return false; // Documents element CString strDocFileName; { // strip the last "\" int nLen = m_strFYSTempPath.GetLength(); CString strTempPath = m_strFYSTempPath.Left(nLen-1); strDocFileName = TempFileName(strTempPath, "4YS", "txt"); strDocFileName = m_strFYSTempPath + strDocFileName; FILE* docout = NULL; errno_t err = fopen_s(&docout, strDocFileName, "wb"); if (!docout || err != 0) { SetError(String("Failed to open %s", strDocFileName)); return false; } SIZE PageSize = {0,0}; m_pAGDoc->GetPageSize(PageSize); double dx = DINCHES(PageSize.cx); double dy = DINCHES(PageSize.cy); fprintf(docout, " <Documents Count='1'>\r\n"); fprintf(docout, " <Document CLT_CorrelationID='%s' FYS_CorrelationID='%s'>\r\n", strOrderId, strCorrId); fprintf(docout, " <GreetingCard PageWidth='%0.5G' PageHeight='%0.5G' />\r\n", dx, dy); int nPages = m_pAGDoc->GetNumPages(); for (int nPage = 0; nPage < nPages; nPage++) { CAGPage* pPage = m_pAGDoc->GetPage(nPage); if (!pPage) continue; if (!PageHasSymbols(pPage)) continue; fprintf(docout, "\t\t\t<Page PageNumber='%d'>\r\n", nPage+1); int nLayers = pPage->GetNumLayers(); for (int nLayer = 0; nLayer < nLayers; nLayer++) { CAGLayer* pLayer = pPage->GetLayer(nLayer); if (!pLayer) continue; int nSymbols = pLayer->GetNumSymbols(); for (int nSymbol = nSymbols - 1; nSymbol >= 0; nSymbol--) { bool bRetVal = true; CAGSym* pSym = pLayer->GetSymbol(nSymbol); if (!pSym || pSym->IsHidden()) continue; pSym->RegisterFileSpecsCallback(fnFileSpecs, (LPARAM)this); int idSym = pSym->GetID(); bool bReposition = (idSym == IDR_AGLOGO || idSym == IDR_CARDBACK_COPYRIGHT); if (bReposition) { // Move these symbols up to make room for the FYS logo CAGMatrix Matrix = pSym->GetMatrix(); Matrix.Translate(0, -(INCHES(0.5))); pSym->SetMatrix(Matrix); } pSym->WriteFYSXml(docout, 4); if (bReposition) { CAGMatrix Matrix = pSym->GetMatrix(); Matrix.Translate(0, INCHES(0.5)); pSym->SetMatrix(Matrix); } if (pSym->IsImage()) { CAGSymImage* pSymImage = (CAGSymImage*)pSym; CString strSep("\\"); CString strImagePath = m_strFYSTempPath + IMAGES_PATH + strSep; bRetVal = DumpImageFile(pSymImage, strImagePath); if (bRetVal) { SIZE PageSize; pPage->GetPageSize(PageSize); if (pSymImage->DoCoverDraw() && pSymImage->IsCoverAllowed()) pSymImage->WriteXmlRects(docout, PageSize, 4); } } pSym->UnregisterFileSpecsCallback(); if (!bRetVal) return false; } } fprintf(docout, "\t\t\t</Page>\r\n"); } fprintf(docout, " </Document>\r\n"); fprintf(docout, " </Documents>\r\n"); fclose(docout); } CString strSep("\\"); CString strFontsPath = m_strFYSTempPath + FONTS_PATH + strSep; DumpFontFiles(strFontsPath); // Get Configuration element if (!GetConfigurationElement(strFYSInfo)) { CleanUpEx(strDocFileName); return false; } // Get Resources element if (!GetResourcesElement()) { CleanUpEx(strDocFileName); return false; } // Write CreateAndPrint.xml file CString strXmlPath = m_strFYSTempPath + XML_PATH + strSep; if (!WriteCreatePrintXml(strDocFileName, strXmlPath)) { CleanUpEx(strDocFileName); return false; } // Write StreamHdr.xml file if (!WriteXmlStreamHeader(strXmlPath)) { CleanUp(); return false; } // Write 4YourSoul.txt file if (!CreateSendFile()) { CleanUp(); return false; } if (bUnpackFiles) UnpackFiles(); CleanUp(); return true; }